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Grace Notes: Sunday, September 11, 2011

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Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church

Grace Notes
Volume 41, Issue 9

September 2011

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Continental Breakfast at 9:30 a.m.
Light the Fire to your Spiritual Growth Turn your Spark into a Flame Feel the Electricity of the Holy Spirit Respond to Gods Call to follow Jesus! Turn your Spark into a Flame by choosing from the many opportunities for Bible Study, Growth and Christian Living, Fellowship, and Service offered at Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church:
Worship- begins at 10:55 a.m. on Sunday mornings Adult Sunday School Classes- begin at 9:30 a.m. and include: Learning and Care for Infants, Toddlers, Preschool, Elementary Age, and Youth Grace Bible Class, Forum, Vanguard Bible Study, and Connections In addition to new studies on the horizon Wednesday Night Live- Dinner and Program Chancel Choir, Carol Choir (age 3-5), Junior Choir (grades 1-5), and Handbells Presbyterian Women Groups Fellowship Groups- PEOPLE Group and Breadbreakers Presbyterian Mens Group, Guys Group, and Community Group Radio Room Ministry Mothers Together Child Development Center- volunteers Committees, special activities, and new member classes

Let Your Light Shine for All to See!!

Volume 41, Issue 9

Page 2

Twenty-Three Years of Music Ministry (Part 3 of 6)

In August 1992 I left Richmond to attend graduate school at Boston Universitys School of Theology in Massachusetts. My field of study in the seminary was the Master of Sacred Music program, which attracted several church musicians from around the world. Boston is a city with a rich heritage of sacred music and diverse musical culture...I could not have been in a better setting for church leadership training. At Boston University I was privileged to have studied organ and choral conducting with two distinguished musicians: Max Miller (organ) and Ann Howard Jones (choral conducting). Studying with seminarians and Boston Universitys Marsh Chapel attending the same divinity school where Martin Luther King, Jr., pursued his doctoral studies in systematic theology was inspiring. My church job was in Needham, about fifteen miles west of Boston. I was the organist at Carter Memorial United Methodist Church, where I played weekly services and accompanied the chancel choir. The choir was, and still is, under the leadership of Dr. Millie Beane, who has been at the church for over thirty years. Millie is one of New Englands foremost choral conductors, and under her leadership Carters choir produced two CDs. How fortunate I was to have worked weekly with such a gifted musician who was as equally spiritual in her leadership. One of my fondest memories with the choir was performing Menottis Amahl and the Night Visitors, an orchestral score that I transcribed for the organ. Carter Memorial United In addition to my church job I was the organist for Methodist Church, Needham the Seminary Singers at Boston University. This was an ensemble of seminarians who sang for weekly chapel during the academic year. The conductor of the Seminary Singers was a Mennonite Casavant Organ in Marsh Chapel who at every rehearsal never hesitated sharing his faith with the choir. He truly made the choir sing with an understanding of the sacred texts before them. The Casavant organ in BUs Marsh Chapel is considered to be one of the finest French Romantic-style organs in New England. My experience working in the United Methodist Church and attending a United Methodist seminary helped broaden my perspective on religious music and Christian thought. Every time I sit down at the organ or conduct the choir, I always think back to those who mentored me along my journey as a church musician. I loved everything about Boston. I wanted to remain in the city or somewhere in New England after graduating in May 1995, but an opportunity too good to pass up presented itself to me in St. Petersburg, Florida. More next month! Chris Martin Director of Music

Volume 41, Issue 9

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Presbyterian Women
FALL KICK OFF EVENT Salad Supper Tuesday, September 13, 2011 6:00 p.m.
Speaker: Bill Young History in Person Performing his newest character John Paul Jones

All are invited! Bring a salad and join the PW for this event. The Coordinating Team will meet at 5:00 p.m. in the Vanguard Room prior to the supper.
*Remember - Circles resume meeting on Tuesday, September 20th. See Circle information for time and place. The study for the year is Confessing the Beatitudes by Reverend Margaret Aymer.

All Circle Groups Meet on Tuesday, September 20

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PW Circle 3 9:30 a.m. Social Room Hostess: Lynne Norris

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Stewardship Corner and Financial Update

Page 4

July's contributions of $32,500 were down 14.5% from June's total, which had been up an even larger percentage from those of May. Total income for the month was $42,900, which benefited from recording two months rental income. While it exceeded General Fund expenses by $1,300, a number of outstanding bills were on hand at the end of the month. For the first seven months of the year contributions of $224,600 are running about 4.5% below the total of the same period last year. For the same year-to-date period our operating deficit amounts to about $51,500, compared with $110,000 at this time last year. This year's total doesn't include repayments from the Child Development Center and an advance from the Radio Fund. Our Five Cents Per Meal offering in July was only $101, down from a relatively low amount of $135 in June.

Honduras -Yard Sale Results and Upcoming Event

Thank you to all those who donated items for the Yard Sale to benefit Honduras Missions. The yard sale netted about $1000. Good work, everyone! The Honduras mission is truly an ecumenical effort. Susan Pillsbury David

THE MISSIONS COMMITTEE is sponsoring an event on Thursday, September 8, highlighting Grace Covenant's mission in Honduras. We plan to hold the event on the terrace fronting Monument Avenue from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. The gathering will have an ongoing slide show and dessert of cake and ice cream. We will also have a short and informal presentation by our guests involved in this mission. Please plan to attend you wont want to miss this exciting event!

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Grace Notes

Sunday School Classes begin at 9:30 a.m.

-beginning Sunday, September 18, 2011-

Forum Class will be taught by Tom Miller on Revelation continued... Grace Bible Class leaders are, Jack Corley, John Nevin, and Billy Stuart. Vanguard Class is led by Matt Johnson and visitors Connections is Christof Meyer, Brian Baird, and also Visiting teachers.

Stay tuned for upcoming topics which will be listed in our weekly bulletin.

Itunu Adekoya
Itunu is a member of Grace Covenant and a full time teacher at the Grace Covenants Child Development Center. Itunu has worked at the CDC for almost 2 years. Itunu is from Nigeria, Africa and has lived in the States for 2 and a half years. She and her husband have been married for 8 years. In addition to English, Itunu speaks her native language, Yoruba. Itunu was recently featured (left) in Richmond Magazine representing Ten Thousand Villages, a store located in Carytown.

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Grace Notes

That ministry was kicked up a notch when the Evangelism Committee instituted the Communication Cards, which allowed for worshipers to submit their prayer requests. The Care Team also began following up with a number of members who had fallen away from our fellowship, renewing contacts and learning of people who were in need of care. We had record turnouts for the Easter Egg Hunt and the Church Cleaning Day, and (Im told) a record number of officer nominations for the class of 2014, plus quite a few attendees for our VBS. Weve navigated the passage of Amendment 10-A and the departure of our Christian Educator. The CDC has been through a crucible of testing and has emerged at the end of this summer with promise and hope for the future. And at its August meeting, the Session appointed seven members to serve on the Mission Study Team, which will begin its work shortly after the Labor Day holiday. Of course, the life and ministry of GCPC extends far beyond what I can limn in a newsletter, but these are just a few highlights. Id like to share more, and give people the opportunity to ask questions. To that end, we will hold two gatherings in September (one at Westminster Canterbury, one at the church building) to discuss these and other matters, including 1) the plan for the Mission Study, 2) GCPCs current financial situation and short-term outlook, and 3) the process for developing a new Church Information Form (CIF) and calling a new pastor, among other concerns. Details of these gatherings will be published soon, and I hope that as many members as possible can attend. For everything there is a season Such seasons are often easier to discern in hindsight than in the moment. That said, as we near the end of a season of recovery and stabilization, the season that stretches before us is one of both promise and challenge, of questioning and discovery, of prayerful discernment and faithful obedience, and of Gods call and our response. Im deeply grateful for the prayers, support and devotion of so many over the past months, and I look forward to seeking and obeying Gods call together in the months ahead. Yours together in Christs service,

Openers/Closers September 4 September 11 September 18 September 25 Nursery Volunteers September 4 September 11 September 18 September 25 Greeters September 4

Rick Nochta Whit Whitley Hank Downing Jake Savage

Childrens Worship Kits Lisa Cardwell Grace Notes Deadline: Tuesday, September 20 is the deadline for submissions for our October edition. Volunteers for Grace Notes are needed to help prepare our monthly newsletter for bulk mail from 9:00 a.m.12 noon on Wednesday, September 28. If you would like to help for part, or all, of that time frame, simply come to the church library and enjoy some fellowship with other members as you volunteer in this ministry. Flowers: If you are interested in donating flowers for the sanctuary for Sunday mornings, please contact Lisa Gray at 673-0587. We have 3 dates available for flowers at this time: September 4 October 9 October 23


Leslie Hartman Cherry Corley Carrie Rose Bob Copeland TBD TBD

September 11 September 18 September 25

Host/Hostess for the Fellowship Time Volunteers host our Fellowship Time in the Social Room after Worship on Sundays. If you would like to volunteer to host the Fellowship Hour one Sunday, please sign up on the calendar in the Glass Office.

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Grace Notes

Grace Covenant Child Development Center

It's a very exciting time for children and teachers alike here at Grace Covenant Child Development Center! As we wrap up the end of August, we start to look forward to fall and the beginning of a new year of learning. With themes like "Family and Friends," Back to School," and "Me Myself and I," we get to know a little bit more about not only our new friends, but ourselves! This also gives us a chance to welcome back our friends who had to leave us for the summer. We'll continue with water- play for the rest of August, with just a few more Summer themes such as "All Creatures Great and Small," during which we will incorporate many mathematical concepts such as big and small, more and less, heavier and lighter, using the fun theme of animals! Next week we will say goodbye to summer with an end of the summer picnic for each class. We look forward to meeting new friends and seeing new faces as we say goodbye to hot weather and water-play! Nicole Williams, Interim Director

Martins A+ School Rewards Program October 9, 2011 March 31, 2012

Last year, the CDC earned $324 from the Martins A+ School Reward Program. The proceeds go to increase our Scholarship Fund so that we can help families with the cost of child care at the CDC. This program will begin October 9 and end March 31, 2012. Registration of your Martins Reward card will begin on September 11. At that time you are encouraged to go to the Martins website (Martinsfood.com/aplus) and register your Martins card. Each dollar spent will earn one point. Next spring the CDC will receive a check based on the number of points earned. Please watch the Sunday bulletin for further information on registering your card. If you have any questions, please contact Cherry Corley 515-7330 or cherrycorley47@gmail.com.

Pianos to a good home

Between the church and the CDC we have 3 three pianos we are getting rid of. They all are in need of some work and repair. If interested or know a party interested please contact the church office and speak with Vanessa Strait. (804)359-2463

PRESBYTERIAN OLDER ADULT MINISTRY -Reverend Charles E. SuttonAre you a Boomer? If so you are part of a special generation. You are part of the population celebrating their 47th through 65th birthdays this year. There are 77 million of you. Life-Care Retirement: The Right Choice For You? This, and other important concerns, will be our topic for a presentation and discussion at Wednesday Night Live, on September 21 when we meet for our fellowship dinner. Our guest presenters will be Mr. Hal King, member of the Older Adult Purpose Group of the Presbytery of the James, and resident at Westminster Canterbury and Mr. Bill King, Vice President of Sales and Marketing of Westminster Canterbury, Richmond. Bill will explain the details of life care retirement. Hal will encourage our considering Westminster Canterbury as a life care facility. Mr. Sutton will offer suggestions for our ministry with seniors at Grace Covenant. Some simple truths on Aging: One reaches the age when the happy hour is the hour one gets to take a nap. Going out is good. Coming home is better. You forget names, but that is okay because your peers forgot they ever knew you. Plan ahead now. Seniors of every race and creed now face the dwindling of financial assets in todays economy. How do we plan ahead? Its not what you gather, but what you scatter that tells what kind of life you have lived. I would rather be over he the hill than under the hill. Even though our outer nature is wasting away, our inner nature is being renewed day by day. 2 Corinthians 4:16 This year we have post-card size registration cards for the October 13th Camp Hanover Retreat. They will be available on the information table in the Narthex.

September Birthdays
1- Grace Brooks 1- Lisa Gray 1- Dana McKnight 1- Justin Sanford 2- Harry Foster 3- Wade Kennedy 3- Diane Noll 3- Finch Pritchard 6- John Davis 7- John Lootens 7- Josh Zobule 8- Catherine Kerns 8- Virginia Nelson 8- David Williams 9- Virginia Hudson 9- Stella Schlieser 12- Matt Hartman 13- Gloria Gregory 16- Farrar Pace 16- Caroline Parrott 17- Jennifer Hackett 17- Joseph Hazlegrove 18- Bill Kerns 18- Sarah Nelson 19- Henry Hazlegrove 19- Frances Mack 21- Nancy Plunkett 23- Samuel Weddington 24- John Roberts 25- Elizabeth Ramsey 26- Jim Appich 27- James Lasher 27- Alexander Wilson 28- Christopher Tetzlaff 29- David Holt 30- Judy Motley 30- Vanessa Strait

Sunday Monday Tuesday 4 Prayer ministry 9:15 am Sunday School 9:45 am Worship 10:55 am Fellowship Hour 12 noon Fellowship Lunch 12:30 pm 5 LABOR DAY!!! Church Office and CDC Closed! 6 Staff Meeting 10:00 am Care Team 2:00 pm Administration Committee Meeting 6:00 pm 13 Staff Meeting 10:00 am Care Team 2:00 pm PW Salad Supper 6:00 pm Christian Education and Property Committee 20 Staff Meeting 9:30 am PW Circles Meet (see page 3) Care Team 2:00 pm 27 Staff Meeting 10:00 am Care Team 2:00 pm

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7 Chancel Choir 7:00 pm

11 RALLY DAY! 12 Mens Lunch 12 noon Handbell Choir 8:30 am Sunday School 9:30 am Worship Committee Worship 10:55 am Meeting 7:00 pm Fellowship Hour 12 noon New Members Class 12:30pm 18 Handbell Choir 8:30 am 19 Mens Lunch 12 noon Sunday School 9:30 am Worship 10:55 am Conrad Center Outreach Fellowship Hour 12 noon 5:15 pm Deacons Meeting 12:30 pm New Members Class 12:30pm 25 Handbell Choir 8:30 am 26 Mens Lunch 12 noon Prayer ministry 9:15 am Sunday School 9:30 am Worship 10:55 am Fellowship Hour 12 noon New Members Class 12:30pm

14 Carol Choir 4:30 pm Junior Choir 5:00 pm Wednesday Night Live 6:00 pm Chancel Choir 7:15 pm
21 Carol Choir 4:30 pm

Junior Choir 5:00 pm CDC Board Meeting 5:00 Wednesday Night Live 6:00 pm Chancel Choir 7:15 pm 28 Carol Choir 4:30 pm Junior Choir 5:00 pm Wednesday Night Live 6:00 pm Chancel Choir 7:15 pm

Thursday 1 2


Saturday 3

Childrens Chapel 10:30 am Community Group 5:45 pm


Childrens Chapel 10:30 am Community Group 5:45 pm Honduran Mission Festival on the Terrace 6:30 pm 15 16 17

Childrens Chapel 10:30 am Community Group 5:45 pm Evangelism Committee Meeting 6:30 pm 22 23 Childrens Chapel 10:30 am Mothers Together 9:30 am Community Group 5:45 pm




Childrens Chapel 10:30 am Community Group 5:45 pm Mothers Together 9:30 am

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Grace Notes

Rehearsals for All Choirs Resume This Month

Chris Martin, Director of Music As another summer comes to an end and we get back into our routines, think about the possibility of joining one of the choirs that make up the music ministry of Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church. Why Sing in the Chancel Choir? Throughout the history of Christianity, music has always played a vital role in worship and in personal growth. The beauty of a melody adds meaning to an inspirational text, and the singing on that text helps us to come to a better understanding of what we believe. Choir members are active leaders in worship, praising God through their music and learning, at every age, how to become more actively involved in their faith. We invite everyone of all ages to join a choirregardless of previous experience. This year we particularly need basses in the Chancel Choir. Our music ministry has room for new members and each choir will welcome you with open arms. FIRST REHEARSALS Chancel Choir. To allow choir members more transition time between the WNL program and choir rehearsal, we will hold rehearsals on Wednesdays from 7:15-9:00 p.m. However, our first rehearsal this season will be at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, September 7, since WNL programs begin the following week. We will have refreshments and fellowship as part of our first rehearsal. New members are always welcome (no auditions!!!). The Handbell Choir will have its first rehearsal on Rally Day, Sunday, September 11, 8:30-9:30 a.m., in the Handbell Room (third floor). Our Carol Choir (ages 3-K) will hold its first rehearsal on Wednesday, September 14, 4:30-5:00 p.m. in the Choir Room. Junior Choir (grades 1-5) begins rehearsals on Wednesday, September 14, 5:00 p.m. in the Choir Room. Remember, no auditions are necessary to participate in our music ministry. Just come to one or two rehearsals to see if serving the church through music is right for you. I hope to see you in September!

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Grace Notes

Christian Education
Dinner is served from 6:00 - 6:30 p.m.
September 14: Grilled Hamburgers and hotdogs, baked beans, coleslaw and Nells Famous Assorted Pies. September 21: Baked chicken and rice, brocThe first Wednesday Night Live is Wednesday, coli, rolls, salad bar, and pineapple upsidedown cake. September 14! Join us at 6:00 p.m. to open the 2011-2012 season. Our host will be Jim McCullough who will have Bible/Grace September 28: Roast beef and gravy, mashed Covenant Trivia for all ages! Please bring potatoes, green beans, salad bar, rolls, and fruit your family and friends This should be and cookies for dessert. a great year! We have lots of guests and wonderful programs lined up throughout the coming year...See You there. Meals are: $5.00 per adult $2.00 children and students Wednesday Night programs are from 6:30 7:00 p.m. every week in the Fellowship Hall. $12.00 maximum per family Programs include special guest speakers or people in our own congregation, sharing variEvery Wednesday Night the children who do ous topics. not want to eat from the adult menu will be offered a choice of grilled cheese sandwiches or Wednesday Night Programs for September peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with either September 14: Bible/Grace Covenant Trivia applesauce or a fruit cocktail cup. September 21: Charles Sutton Senior Adult Ministry topic September 28: TBA

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Grace Notes



GCPC has been giving non-perishable foods items to the William Byrd Community House for several years to help assist their food pantry. The William Byrd Community House maintains a food closet that serves Richmond City and the adjacent counties. When available, their food pantry also provides individuals with the basic household items and toiletries to maintain themselves and their families. These are everyday items that Food Stamp dollars will not cover and may be very costly to a low-income family. We GC have partnered with this ministry by giving non perishable food items. In the past GC has collected food one Sunday a month but this is a collection we openly take every week. Items can be placed in the grocery cart out side of the Social Room. YOU CAN HELP in the simplest ways!

October 29, 2010 - SAVE THE DATE - PEOPLE Group The PEOPLE Group is made up of members, visitors and guests who enjoy fun, fellowship and good food! Everyone brings a covered dish and a wonderful time is enjoyed. Please put the date on your calendar so you can come and enjoy the fellowship when we gather at Dottie-Ray Koch's home

Lets Be Good Neighbors!

Did you know that some of our neighbors on the south side of our parking lot are unable to maneuver their cars out of their own garages? We would like to ask you to make a special effort to park your cars as close to the center of the lot as possible to help them out. Thanks for being a good neighbor!

Fellowship Hour - Sunday, September 18

Each Sunday we have a Fellowship Hour after the Worship Service in the Social Room. Make sure to come to our Fellowship Hour on Sunday, September 18, which will be held next door at our Child Development Center! Meet our Interim Director, Nicole Williams, and take a tour. As always light refreshments will be served. Hosted by the CDC Board.

The Staff
Brint Keyes

2011 Officers
Our Elders serve the church as leaders; our Deacons lead the church in service. Please feel free to approach them with any questions or feedback about GCPC's ministries.
CLERK OF SESSION: Everett Reveley ELDERS: Jean Appich (11) - Christian Education Brian Baird (11) - Evangelism (M) Maurice Bell (13) - Finance/Stewardship Kent Cardwell (12) - Missions (M) Cal Gray (11) - Property (M) Matt Hartman (13) - Worship; Evangelism Cheryl Jacobs (12) - Worship (M); Administration Catherine Kerns (13) - Christian Education; Evangelism Caroline Leith (11) - Worship David Martin (13) - Administration (Co-M); Property Katie McCullough (13) - Administration (Co-M); Mission Dana McKnight (11) - Finance/Stewardship (M) Tom Miller (12) - Christian Education (M) Everett Reveley (12) - Finance/Stewardship

Interim Pastor
Revbrint@verizon.net Chris Martin

Director of Music and Organist

martin@grace-covenant.org Vanessa Strait

Administrative Assistant
strait@grace-covenant.org Martha Rubin


bookkeeper@grace-covenant.org Willie Alford


Church Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Phone: (804) 359-2463 Fax: (804) 278-6298 www.grace-covenant.org Sundays: 9:30 a.m.

DEACONS: Sunday School for all ages in the Pat Aldridge (11) - Cards and Prayer Ministry Education Building Betty Appich (11) - Deacon Support 10:55 a.m. Worship Service in the Pat Ball (12) - Flower Deliveries Sanctuary Cherry Corley (12) - (Moderator) 12:00 noon Congregational Fellowship in the Susan Farrell (12) - Visitation, Transportation Social Room Jim McCullough (13) - Deacons Fund Nikki Hazlegrove (13) - Meal Deliveries Grace Covenant Child Development Center Julia Poppell (11) - (secretary) Visitation Frances Mathews Carrie Rose (13) - Visitation and Card Ministry Acting Director director.gccdc@verizon.net Dawson Watkins (11) - (Vice-Moderator) Visitor follow up Carol Wood (13) - Visitation and Prayer Ministry Nicole Williams Sid Yates (12) - Ushers

Interim Director director.gccdc@verizon.net



Address Service Requested

September September September September September September September September September

For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven -- Ecclesiastes 3:1 Fellow saints As I take a look back before we head off on our summer vacation, I find it hard to wrap my mind around everything that has happened here at Grace Covenant in the past few months. It would not be overstating the case to say that, at the beginning of 2011, this congregation was administratively, operationally, and financially at loose ends. Since then, the session, the deacons, the staff, and numerous laypeople have met together, prayed together, worshiped together, and have worked with one another and with me to help re-establish a more solid footing for this congregation. At the same time that we were ordaining and installing a new class of officers, John Nevin, John Lampe, Lloyd Bostian and Martha Rubin were well into a comprehensive review of our books, with the aim of an accurate understanding of, and accounting for, all of our operating and restricted funds. I am glad to be able to say that they have quite nearly achieved their objective. While the Christian Education Committee was putting together a schedule for the Spring Wednesday Night Alive programming, the Diaconates newly-formed Care Team assembled a system to coordinate visits, keep abreast of members and friends who were ill or absent, and pray for those in need of intercession.
-continued on page 6-

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