a LR_T C7 08222000000376P
Issued to:
M/s. Varahi Polymers pvt. Ltd.,
Plot No, 30-31, Vishwakarma Industrial Estate,
Dated |
B/h. Chitra c.I.D.C.,
Bhavnagar-364004 (Gujarat).
Kererence to sampling procedure NIL :
Supporting documents for the measurement
taken and result derived : NIL
Deviation from th€ test method as prescribed
in relevant work instruction ifany : NIL
Page I of4
d.q , qEqcnre.3rlirqr.'ri_{r-rd. srrFT ,rl a-at'r a.r(6.4 lr, n -Tg ?F'r(r ,Idr6ra.
fld1{ rqgt 6ri 't6rrrq 'Erfu{{.
ierrqr" Efcsqr EEEre 6i..q_ aE-;r+ rrqgr dil {arlrrc. am.r$ G h.sqErcr
C..rE3 | Ahnodabad, Amdrsar, AuEngabad, &anah, 8addi, Batasore, Be.gatoru, E 6r, Chandapur, Chennai, Dehradun, Guwahali, cutug6h,
Gwalior SvdeEbad, HaiiDUr Haldia.lmDhal. Jaiour Kochi Kolba lu&n.w Mre!tu Rri.xr Rin.hi v.l.d
..rra qilr{rur
DeDanme.r of Chomi@ts A PetDchehi6ts
\a fun'T
{grlrl \.c v+{6 irrfq qr{d Er6r{
\'q.A. ir$. SflT{r 3lHFr6 +e,
Z&\ Ministry ol Chemicals & Fe ilize6, Go!,i oftndia
SPl298, Silapura tndustriat tuea.
+6 rr. dl6 +s. crrg{-302 022 Phaslll, TonN Road, JaDUr302 022
sF : +s1 141-217026/ / 65 / 66, 2710334
frq : +gr t,lt-zllougo €@i Ph. : + 9 - 1 4 -27 7 0264 t65 66, 27 7 0O64
1 1 1
Fax: +91-141-2770736
{ ia, jarpur@oper.sd.in:ciporiaipu@smait.om E-mail : jaipur@cip€a.govinr cipetjaipur@smil.com
dirqr{A r *wcip€( s6yin Website : ww.cipol.9ov.h
I@wq : fiqtre. FrqA. ffi 600 032 TC-7082 Head Offce:ClPEl Guindy, Chennai-600 032
A conduit consisting
IS: ofseveralwalls
't6205 The conduit have
01. 3.0 Visual which may be a two walls intrerwall
(Part- combination ofplain is plain and outer
24)-20t7 and /or corrugated wall is corrugat€d.
Conduit shall be
marked in such a way Conduit is marked
that it can be with name &
02. 7.0 Marking 16205
identified in the trademark of
manufactureB or manufacturer.
responsible vendors Marking is durable
literature. and easily legible.
Dimension IS:
(a) Outside diameter 16205
03. 8.0 mm 63.0
(b) Tolerances 63.24
(Part- mm +1.2, -0
(c) Inside diameter (min.) +0.24
24)-20t7 mm 47 49.70
Within the conduit Within the conduit
system, there shall be system there is no
IS: no sharp edges, bum, sharp edges, burrs, a
t620s a surface projection surface proiection
04. 9.0 Construction
(Part- which are likely to which are likely to
24)-20t'7 damage insulated damage insulated
conductors or cables cotrductor or cables
or inflict injury to the or inflict injury to
installer or user. the installer or user.
Applied force shall be
at least 750 N @ 5%
IS: deflection &After the There is no crack
05. 10.2 Compression 16205 test there shall be no observed up to the
(Part- N Ioad 810 N at 5%
crack allowing the
24)-20t7 ingress of light or deflection during the
water between the test.
&l*h.and the outside
'^r-#,(.";b\ --P"se'?or?
dr<. t1n*/ er/rrrr( ]{{.c <qr irer6rr. q-* , qfa\qn€idr '68I. q_-Ts <EnRn uIflEI?l
15rrq qrar{.
drrq.< Fril, Flle{l. s,srd ..q5? 6_i+ +t?c' c€Ir s r{.:?sr-a_rl rPlrqq" liii { cre Em!I{] \E futrqdr€r
c.nrF. : Ahm6dabad,Amnlsr,AuEng.brd, Aqrri.ra, saddi, BatasoB, B€ns.lu, /rch.nd.apur. Chennal. Dehddun GuEh€li. curuoEm,
fisi-z -dgrfiqqa-+-ffi CIPET - CENTRE FOR SKILLING AND
-ar{r (q fll.,qrrr ffi Dep3nh€nt ot Ch.m'ats & petDchemrBts
{gr{r \.{ r&o tdrdq, \.rad rr6R Mrnistry ot Chamicals & Fenitiz€rs, Govt. ot tndia
r€ff-12es 6' w otHFI6 +, SP-1298, Sitapu6 tndusriat ABa,
$_q fi. zt6 ?Tg. qqg{-302 022 Phas€.lll, Tont Road. Japu/-302 022
If,rl +sl w
ti6q +er 1a1 27707$ /
2no2ee / 65 66, Ph : +91 -1 4 1 -27 7 026/165166. 277 O6U
Far: +91-141 2770736
! ia p,ou6oeer eo. .per,.,pur@sma, @m E mail : jaipur@dp6t.sovin; cipoljaipur@9mair.@m
4{qr{e wdp€t@n W€bsite : M.cipel.gov in
1wm rftk, ffi. fir{+oo o:z TC-7082 Head Ofiice : CIPET, Guindv. Chennai-600 032
Spread of fire
Sample of non-metallic -
IS: 16205 composite after the test
(Resistance to flame (Part-1)- Sample hss IIot
samples shall not ignired by ignited alter the
propagation) 2017 the flame it shalldeem€d to
08. 13. L3
luve passed the test.
The sample is deemed t- There is no visible
IS: I6205 have passed this test if there
Glow Wire Test at flame or sustai[ed
0C (Part- l )- is no visible flame or
750 glowing after 30
glowing extinguish within
30 second ofthe removalof seconds ofremoval
the glow wire. ofth€ glow wire.
Extemal influences;
Degree of protection The assembly tested for
provided by numeral 6, shall be deemed
enclosures (fP-67) IS:16205 to have passed the test if No dust penetrated
(Part- I )-
a) Degree of there is no ingress ofdust inside the sample
Protection ingress of 2017 visible to normal or after the test.
foreign solid objects corrected vision without
0P 6X) magnification.
09 11.0
The assembly tested for
numeral 7 shall be deemed
b) Degree of IS:16205 to have passed the test if
Protection ingress there is not suflicient No ingress of water
(Part- l )-
of water 0P X7) ingress of water to form a observed after the
drop visible to normal or test.
conected vision without
Carbon Black
10. Content (as asked by
the party)
IS:2530 o/o
d-t , l,6q?-{rq sI r{ ql??rr{re s'r{frd_ <tl. Erar"tr. ql6 . .fiqrgl
B?rird Fr-figr Eli?zt. E$rr 7qq? 6.r+ 6'ra, tso. q {lr-
r'4. {dFr<.
r drrqf
Ea rdf,qc tffi6
-r Fa-aqar3'
C.nlrr: Ahm€dab6d,AmiEarAlEno6b5d A...i.ra Ea.rdi tYN.11rl.CZt'
frte-ctvraqe1?r*-ffi CIPET , CENTRE FOR SKILLING AND
vurrat*11$.qs.A.q€1 TECH]{ICAL SUPPORT (CSTS)
Tflrq? G i-f{sr.F fafi'r, D6parlrnent of Chomicats & potrochsfticts
a{lrfi G v6a6 (Trdq qr{d sa6rr Minisiry of Ch€mi@ts & FsrtitizoB, Govt. of hdia
w0.-12es, +drgn iiHFrf , t crPEr fr i z SP-1296, Siliapura tndlsfi at Ar€a,
+q-lll eY6 {ls cqg{-302 022 pha.s-llt, Tonk Road, Jaipur_3o2
dtq . *T u't-zttozu / a5 / 66 277ffi4 Ph. : +91 -'l 41 -277026.{,165t66. 277 0e64
qifi , +gr-r.tt-zu lozgg Fax : +91-141-2770736
{-+d :
Jarpur@c1p€t.govin; c,lp6q.ipur@gma[.c.m E-mail I jaipur@opol.gov.in; cipetlaipur@gmail.com
ifirae ; wwwctpot.gov.in
W6bs 6 . ww crp€l gov
SEqrinl ; tuie, ilEdl, +d-€oo 032 H6ad ofiics i CIPEI Guindy, Ch6nnai-600 032
REMARKS : All the above test has been conducted after conditioning as per
clause 5.
l. This Test Report / Ce(ificate is issued only for the samples submifted to CIPET.
2. The results stated above related only to the items tested.
3. The qxality ofthe subsequent production lot has to be ensured
by rhe purchaser.
4. Any discrepancy in this report shalt be brought to the notice
iifs_iatpur wittrin:o aays
from the date ofissue.
i=< , i[6c cr{. efl1ffir. 3llr.nsr<. srrRirdr. q{1, q]drsll. Aa{6, qiqrd. tEii4r, q(gl. --i{. ?E{r(r, Iar6rA. 1wrr, ,sreom.
lsar<r<. <rdigr. E'l'"qar. Errl;rd. vqgr. 6litr1, 6irqr. aGro, rgt. g-roro. iqr.irlg. ii{t. -j";"i ulrr.rs"ss fsqq4gr '
c.nlr.. : Ahmedabed, AmrIGar, auEngabad, ,€aiala, saddi, Bdaee, B6n$ruru, Bhopal, Bhuban$war, chsndEpur, chennai D€hradun,
GMhati, GurugEm,
Gwalior, Hvde.abad, Hejipur, Haldia, lmph.l, Jaipur, K@h| Kolba, Luckn@, Medu6i, Mu.f|at, Mv.uru. RaiDUr. Ranchi. vatsd vaEnasis Mi,viw,;,