Article+0102 99 104
Article+0102 99 104
Article+0102 99 104
ISSN Media Elektronik 2828-4100
Vol. 1 No. 2 (Mei 2022) 99-104
DOI: 10.55123/toba.v1i2.603
Tour guides are one of the key players in the tourism industry as intermediaries between travel agents and tourists. They
have a responsibility to explain the culture and all information involving the destination. This research aims to study the
service quality of tour guides on tourist satisfaction. Empirical data were gathered from a large-scale online survey with 58
national and international tourists from Malaysia and Indonesia. The result shows that tour guides’ service quality has a
positive relationship with tourist satisfaction.
Keywords : Tour guides, Service Quality, Tourist Satisfaction, Tourism Industry, Malaysia
party and locals, places, institutions and tourist Indeed, more research is being conducted on
facilities (Huang et al., 2010). the service quality aspect of the tour guiding
profession. For instance, (Zhang & Chow, 2004)
Service Quality of Tour Guides identified, twenty tour guide service quality attributes
Service is defined as "an action or activity that relevant to mainland Chinese tourists were identified.
can be offered by one party to another, which is The six most important attributes perceived by
essentially intangible and has no bearing on Chinese tourists were: (1) punctuality, (2) ability to
ownership." Service can be related to either a tangible solve problems, (3) knowledge of the destination, (4)
or intangible product.' Service quality denotes the honesty and trustworthiness, (5) inform safety
degree of disparity between the service provider's regulations, and (6) deliver service promised in the
expectations prior to accessing the service and the itinerary.
level of service quality (Ninpradith et al., 2018). The Likewise, (Mak et al., 2010) suggest that the
quality of the services provided by tour guides tour guide's attitude toward service (particularly in
includes their customer service approach, terms of how money-oriented or customer service-
friendliness, efficiency, and the quality of the oriented the guide is), product knowledge, and
memories tourists take away with them (Chand, 2010; communication skills are important factors in
Chen et al., 2016). Tour guides' service delivery and determining the guide's perceived service
service outcomes (e.g., friendliness, courtesy, professionalism.
efficiency, reliability, staff competency) create
service quality in the tourism industry. Travel agents Tourist Satisfaction
and the local environment of tourist attractions can Tourist satisfaction can be measured in terms
benefit from having a tour guide as a sort of neutral of expectations about the destination and the
third party. One of the most important factors in the experience, motivations or desires, activities or
tourism industry is the quality of service provided by experiences, perceptions, preferences, and
tour guides. psychological outcomes, among other things (e.g.,
A knowledgeable tour guide can help visitors Dann 1981; Iso-Ahola 1980; Lounsbury and Polik
get a better understanding of the culture and customs 1992; Manning 1986; Van Raaij 1986, 1987; Weber
of the country they're visiting. In the context of tour 1997; Williams 1988). Satisfaction with the guide
guiding, a tour guide's perceived service quality can service can be defined as “tour- ists’ overall
be assessed using three major constructs: (1) core evaluation of various services provided by tour guides
service delivery, (2) customer orientation, and (3) in a destination”(J. Huang & Hsu, 2010). Tour
effective communication (Heung, 2008). satisfaction is defined as "tour services as tourists'
Furthermore, (Heung, 2008) explains that core service affective response resulting from a cognitive appraisal
refers to the essence of a tour guide's service (e.g., of the tour operator's services"(Hwang & Lee, 2019).
follows the agreed itinerary, provides commentary, Furthermore, satisfaction with the guide service is
and ensures customer satisfaction during the tour) that directly linked to the post-consumption evaluation of
the guide must consistently deliver. Customer a service (Heung, 2008).
orientation, on the other hand , denotes the extent the
guide puts tourists’ needs and interests ahead of Tourist satisfaction is the ratio of tourists'
his/her own in providing superior value to tourists actual feelings after travelling to their expectations
(e.g. not to be focused on short-term self-interest and before travelling. Satisfaction is defined as anything
not to adopt a ‘hard’ selling approach to tourists). that can reduce human tensions, which are caused by
Communication involves the exchange of information human needs. Because satisfaction is crucial in
(e.g. communicates the itinerary/arrangement to predicting future behavioural intentions (Ninpradith
et al., 2018). Customers, according to the theory, have
tourists and handles tourists’ inquiries) and is
regarded as a crucial function of the tour guide. some level of expectation when purchasing products.
That expectation plays a significant role in
IV DV determining satisfaction and dissatisfaction. For
Service Quality of H1 Tourist example, dissatisfaction arises when service provider
Tour Guiding Satisfaction
performance falls short of expectations (also known
as negative confirmation). Unlike dissatisfaction,
Figure 1: The proposed Framework satisfaction can occur in two ways. That is,
Hypothesis 1: Tour guides’ service quality has satisfaction occurs when service provider
positive relationship with tourist satisfaction. performance meets or exceeds customers'
In this study adapt the framework of Tour expectations (also known as confirmation) (also
Guides’ Professional Competencies Influence on known as positive disconfirmation) (Hwang & Lee,
Service Quality of Tour Guiding and Tourist 2019).
Satisfaction source from Lin et, al, 2017. Figure 1 Consumers' repurchase intentions and how
show the proposed framework of the study where it they represent their purchase experience to others
relates to the aim. (word-of-mouth intentions) are all influenced by their
level of satisfaction with their purchase experience. example, if a model has seven independent variables,
Most travel operators must make concerted efforts to a regression analysis requires 50+(8)(7), or 116
improve their staff competencies and establish samples. This study only has one independent
positive relationships with their customers in order to variable so N ≥ 50+(8)(1) = 58. The respondents are
ensure tourist satisfaction (Syakier & Hanafiah, 58 people from Malaysia and Indonesia tourists.
2021). Additionally, Tourist satisfaction will be
Before answering the questionnaire,
achieved automatically once travel companies
respondents answer the screening question as follow”
provide good packages and knowledgeable tourist
Have you experienced a tour in Malaysia using tour
guides. However, the results of numerous studies
guide?”. If the respondents answered no, the survey
support the notion that consumers' level of
was terminated.
satisfaction and complaints influence their repurchase
intentions and how they represent their purchase
Analysis Methods
experience to others (word-of-mouth intentions) (Yun
et al., 2016). This study examines the service quality of tour
guides on tourist’s satisfaction in Malaysia tourism
industry. The data obtained in this study analysed
using the Statistical Package for the Social Science
The primary data were collected through an (SPSS) software. Quantitative data analysis is used to
online survey using google form and distributed to analyse data obtained from numbers because data
social media such as WhatsApp, Facebook, processing uses statistics, then the data must be
Instagram, etc. To empirically test the constructs in classified in certain categories to make it easier to
the proposed model, measurement items were analyse.
developed based on multi-item measurement scales Table 1: Respondents Profile
that had previously been used and validated. Service Variable N Percentage
quality was measured using 5 items cited from (Lin et Gender:
al., 2017). Tourist satisfaction was measured using 7 Male 34 58.6%
items cited from (Syakier & Hanafiah, 2021). Female 24 41.4%
Most people agree that closed questions on a Less than 20 2 3.4%
numerical Likert scale are easier for respondents to 21-30 43 74.1%
31-40 10 17.2%
answer, this study employs them. In this study, a 5- 41-50 3 5.2%
point Likert scale was used; additionally, the 5-point Above 50 - -
Likert scale offers 5 different answer options related Nationality:
to an agreement that are distinct enough for the Malaysia 26 44.8%
Indonesia 32 55.2%
respondents without confusing them. Education:
Primary/Junior High School -
The study's questionnaire had two parts: one Secondary/Senior High School 3 5.2%
with participants' demographic information and the Diploma 8 13.8%
other with their responses to the scale items of the Bachelor degree 28 48.3%
major constructs. Gender, age, marital status, Postgraduate 19 32.8%
Marital Status:
education, monthly income, and experiences on Single 33 56.9%
participate tours with tour guides. Then the scale Marriage 25 43.1%
items for the major constructs of the proposed Widowed - -
research model were included in the second section. Divorced - -
Monthly Income:
Less Than RM 1,500 / IDR 5.000.000 22 37.9%
RM 1,500 – RM 3,000 / IDR 5.000.000- 26 44.8%
Sample and Data Collection IDR 10.500.000
RM 3,100- RM 4,000 / IDR 10.500.000- 7 12.1%
After obtaining informed consent, the IDR 14.000.000
proposed research model was tested using data from a RM 4,100- RM 5,000 / IDR 14.350.000- 1 1.7%
large-scale survey collected using a convenience IDR 17.500.000
sampling procedure. Consumers and tourists who Above RM 5,000 / IDR 17.500.000 2 3.4%
Experience on Participate Tours with
have participated in tours with tour guides were Tour Guides
cordially invited to participate in this survey. Green Once 26 44.8%
(1991) proposed many approaches for determining Twice 20 34.5%
how many respondents are required for a study. Thrice 9 15.5%
Four Times - -
This study uses a quantitative method by using Above Five Times 3 5.2%
Green (1991) method in determining the sample size.
It proposed the sample size for the coefficient of
determination (R2) to be N ≥ 50+8m (where m refers
to the number of predictors in the model). For