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Employability of BS Customs Administration Graduates of Lyceum of The Philippines University-Batangas

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Employability of BS Customs Administration Asia Pacific Journal of

Academic Research in
Graduates of Lyceum of the Philippines Business Administration
University-Batangas Vol. 8 No. 1, pp 105-118
Keith Ann M. Casa, Mark Jaylord S. Gutierrez, Vanessa April 2022
Mae A. Magtibay, James Homer M. Mendoza, Jasmin C. P-ISSN: 2467-6691
Mendoza, Hadge E. Encio E-ISSN: 2467-5148
College of Business Administration
Lyceum of the Philippines University, Batangas City, Philippines Date Received: March 17, 2022
Date Revised: April 4, 2022
casakeithann@gmail.com, hadgeencio@gmail.com, Date Accepted: April 27, 2022
mjaylordgutierrez@gmail.com, vmagtibay7@gmail.com,
jameshomermendoza@lpubatangas.edu.ph, jasminmendoza0001@gmail.com

Abstract –The study aimed to determine the employability of Bachelor of Science in Customs Administration
graduates from 2018-2020. This study utilized the descriptive method of research with total of one hundred
fourteen graduates participated. Data were gathered using the institutional instrument for tracer study.
Findings revealed that majority of the graduates secured a job within 1 to 6 months, with regular status and
presently employed as professionals in transport storage and communication companies. Communication
and human relations skills, values such as perseverance and hard work, and faculty and instruction
contributed very much to their job placement. The researchers recommended the improvement in various
areas and the conduct of further studies.

Keywords – BSCA graduates, employability, school-related factors, tracer study, work-related values

Cite as: Case, K.A.M., Gutierrez, M.J.S., Magtibay, V.M.A., Mendoza, J.H.M., Mendoza, J.C., Encio, H.E., (2022).
Employability of BS Customs Administration Graduates of Lyceum of the Philippines University-Batangas, Asia
Pacific Journal of Academic Research in Business Administration, 8(1), 105-118

INTRODUCTION graduates’ forms part of the education process. It begins

Graduates are faced with the challenge of seeking from imparting the knowledge and theoretical ideas to
for employment after graduation. They desire for the best honing the skills and expertise of a student. Having
job offer available in the job market. However, competition employability skills creates an impression to the employers
in the job market is intense and it hinders graduates from which will further result to job selection and hiring.
being hired due to lack of employability skills. As reported In line with that, the results of the recent tracer
by The Philippine Star [1], only one (1) out of three (3) study conducted by Mendoza and Macalalad [2] provided
Filipino college graduates is employed which means about a desirable employment rate of over 90%. Love for God
65 percent of graduates are denied by employers. This calls and perseverance are the work values that contributed to the
for the development and intervention of college curriculum employment of graduates. It also appeared that professional
to enhance the skills and to increase the employability rate subjects influenced employability. However, with the
of Filipino graduates in the country. advent of the pandemic, many industries are affected
Lyceum of the Philippines University-Batangas including the employment in the country. The Philippine
(LPU-B) is one of the well-known universities in the Statistics Authority has reported an unemployment rate of
Philippines which offers BS Customs Administration 8.7% in October which is approximately 3.8 million
(BSCA) program. The institution has provided numbers of Filipinos who are jobless amidst the health crisis [3].
board topnotchers and has shown impressive performance Given the status quo, the researchers wanted to
in the Customs Broker Licensure Examination (CBLE) conduct this study to determine the current employment
over the years. The capability to produce employable status of BSCA graduates. Additionally, the researchers
Cassa, et al., Employability of BS Customs Administration Graduates…
wanted to validate the results of the previous tracer study if Ethical Consideration
such is still relevant to the employability of the graduates Before the administration of the questionnaire, the
given the current situation affecting everyone in the world. names and contact details of BSCA graduates from 2018-
This study is deemed relevant to the researchers, who are 2020 were obtained from the College of Business
in the same program as the respondents, to obtain data Administration of LPU-B. Consent was sought from these
regarding their future employability. graduates for them to be part of the study.
The data that were gathered from the respondents were
OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY treated with utmost confidentiality. The response of the
The study aimed to determine the employability of participants was voluntary, and no force or intimidation
Bachelor of Science in Customs Administration graduates was involved in obtaining the relevant data for this study.
covering three (3) years (2018-2020). Data Analysis
Specifically, it aimed to present the profile of the The data were tallied, encoded, and interpreted using
respondents in terms of gender, year of graduation, and different statistical tools. Frequency and Percentage were
their employment status; to describe the influence of work- used to determine the profile of the respondents and their
related values and school-related factors provided by LPU employment data. Weighted Mean and Rank were used to
in their employability; and to propose an action plan to determine the work-related values and school-related
improve the employability of BSCA graduates in the factors that influenced their employability.
university based on the results of the study.
METHODS Table 1. General Information
Research Design Profile Variables Frequency Percentage
The study employed the descriptive method to Gender
determine the employability of BSCA graduates of LPU- Male 30 30.6
Batangas. According to Kowalczyk [4] descriptive research Female 68 69.4
is a study designed to illustrate the participants in a precise Year Graduated
way. This method is relatively suitable on the study because Year 2018 46 46.9
it describes the present status of the alumni. Year 2019 49 50
Participants Year 2020 3 3.1
The respondents of the study were graduates of the
BSCA program of LPU-Batangas from the year 2018-
2020. Total population sampling was used where the total Table 1 shows the percentage distribution of the
number of graduates were 114 from three academic years: respondents’ profile. It was found out that there are 68
2017-2018 (59 graduates), 2018-2019 (51 graduates), and female respondents with a percentage of 69.4 and 30 male
2019-2020 (4 graduates). The researchers used 85.96% of graduates with a percentage of 30.6. It shows that females
the total number of graduates given that their response was are more interested in taking the program rather than male
voluntary and only those data provided by the respondents students. It is broadly acknowledged that in the Philippines,
were utilized. women are more inclined to attend to college than men. In
Instrument the study of Francis [5] they had found that women in the
The study utilized a standard questionnaire to Philippines tend to receive more schooling than men, yet
determine the employability of BSCA graduates. It used when they enter the labor market, they still receive lower
the standard tracer study instrument provided by the wages as compared to men.
Center for Research and Innovation of the University In terms of graduates’ educational background, 49
which composed of two parts. Part, one presents the respondents have graduated from year 2019 with a
general information while part two composed of percentage of 50; 46 respondents have graduated from year
employment data. 2018 with a percentage of 46.9; and three (3) respondents
Procedure have graduated from year 2020 with a percentage of 3.1.
The data were gathered through a research This indicates that majority of the respondents are from
questionnaire which was administered upon obtaining the year 2019 because students in this batch tend to become
names and contact details of the respondents using Google more interested in taking the BSCA program. It can be
Forms which spanned for a month wherein the necessary inferred that there may be increasingly number of enrollees
data that the respondents supplied were considered true in Customs Administration Program because of the
based on the best of their knowledge. commonly growing numbers of first-time examinees
through the years [6].
Asia Pacific Journal of Academic Research in Business Administration
Volume 8, No. 1, April 2022
P-ISSN: 2467-6691 | E-ISSN: 2467-5148
Cassa, et al., Employability of BS Customs Administration Graduates…
Table 2.1. Presently Employed or Not Table 2.2 shows the reasons for graduates’
Indicators Frequency Percentage unemployment. Eleven (11) respondents have other
Yes 75 76.50 reasons with a percentage of 47.83. Majority of the
No 19 19.40 respondents have personal and exclusive reasons for their
Never Employed 4 4.10 unemployment.
This indicates that their individual concerns and
Table 2.1 presents the employment rate of the perspective are their top priorities during this time.
respondents. It shows that 75 of the respondents are As influenced by diverse external environmental
presently employed with a percentage of 76.50. It implies factors the graduates find themselves in a complicated
that most of the graduates have found employment that decision-making process. It includes the factors of market
would fit their skills and educational qualifications. In line conditions, individual perspectives and employable skills
with this, the Philippine Statistics Authority [7] showed and abilities. As they prepare for graduation, they were
that the country still managed to pick up an employment affected by these components while making plans for their
rate of 91.3% despite the advent of COVID-19 pandemic career, networking and collecting beneficial information
with the largest proportion of workers employed in the about the employment market [10].
services sector, followed by the agriculture and industry Six (6) respondents did not look for a job with a
sector. In view of this, logistics businesses were able to percentage of 26.09. This implies that graduates chose not
continue their operations amid the closing of many to secure a job during this time. It is a reality that the health
businesses caused by the pandemic since movement of crisis brought a major impact to the graduates in the job
goods is critical to deliver them to their destination. market. As mentioned in the study of Henseke et al. [11], it
Without logistics, no movement of goods would occur and can be viewed that most graduates leaving higher education
essential goods such as PPEs and face masks would not be in 2020 and 2021 will be troubled in finding a graduate
transported. level employment, or any job at all. It is proven that in such
Nineteen (19) respondents are not presently employed time like this, graduates who attempt to be on the job
with a percentage of 19.40. When it comes to finding a job, market will only encounter difficulties.
one of the main reasons of not getting their job easily is Further, five (5) respondents have family concern and
because of lack of work experience as it is a strong decided not to find a job with a percentage of 21.74
requirement in the country. The region is faced with large followed by lack of work experience and no job
capabilities and labor marketplace challenges. Job opportunity with similar percentage of 17.39. Advanced or
requirements are demanding more complex and state of the further study got the least percentage having 4.34, and no
art capabilities as the industry is becoming more diversified respondent answered health-related reasons. This means
and to remain competitive and to achieve their growth that graduates’ health has nothing to do with their
objectives, a highly skilled labor force is increasingly unemployment. It still proves that despite of economic
becoming important for the economy [8]. growth, the employment increase is not sufficient to lessen
Four (4) respondents have never been employed with a unemployment due to the fact of rapid population growth
percentage of 4.10. It can be indicated that the reasons were and rise in the labor force participation and slow job
personal decisions and health concerns due to COVID-19 creation [12].
pandemic. According to Williams [9], the tensions have
come to be heightened and displays of emotions within the Table 2.3. Present Employment Status
workplace have increased as society struggles to adjust to Indicators Frequency Percentage
the global pandemic. Regular or Permanent 45 60.00
Temporary 0 0.00
Table 2.2 Reasons for Unemployment Casual 2 2.67
Indicators f % Contractual 21 28.00
Advance or further study 1 4.34 Self-employed 7 9.33
Family concern and decided not to find a job 5 21.74
Health-related reason(s) 0 0.00 In terms of the respondents’ present employment status,
Lack of work experience 4 17.39 Table 2.3 shows that majority are regular or permanently
No job opportunity 4 17.39 employed having a frequency of 45 with a percentage of
Did not look for a job 6 26.09 60. It can be observed that most of the graduates are
Other reason(s) 11 47.83 working as regular/permanent employees since this is the
common practice in the country. This sustained the result
Asia Pacific Journal of Academic Research in Business Administration
Volume 8, No. 1, April 2022
P-ISSN: 2467-6691 | E-ISSN: 2467-5148
Cassa, et al., Employability of BS Customs Administration Graduates…
of the previous study of Macalalad and Mendoza [2] which According to Abel and Deitz [17], some of the fresh
also found out that most of the graduates are permanently graduates are not looking for job appropriate to their
employed. finished program and underemployment continues to rise
Twenty-one (21) respondents are contractual with a because there are jobs that do not require college degree
percentage of 28. It can be observed that this is one of the that causes share working and puts graduates into a
relevant employment statuses of fresh graduates since most disadvantage.
companies cannot afford to give permanent position to its
employees. Employers and employees will certainly deal Table 2.5. Present Occupation
with this extraordinary situation by embracing the new Indicators f %
Officials of Government and Special-Interest 12 16.00
ways of meeting their obligations under their employment
Organizations, Corporate Executives, Managers,
contracts [13]. Seven (7) respondents are self-employed Managing Proprietors and Supervisors
with a percentage of 9.33; two (2) respondents are casually Professionals 29 38.67
Technicians and Associate Professionals 2 2.67
employed with a percentage of 2.67; and no respondent is Clerks 12 16.00
temporarily employed. It can be viewed that graduates do Service Workers and Shop and Market Sales Workers 6 8.00
not land on temporary employment status because Farmers, Forestry Workers and Fishermen 1 1.33
Trades and Related Workers 10 13.33
employers want them to work full-time in the daily Plant and machine Operators and Assemblers 0 0.00
operations of the business. For graduates, it is not Laborers and Unskilled Workers 0 0.00
surprising to take note that there are some who will set up Special Occupation 3 4.00
their own business as competitions in looking for
employment is high due to job mismatch and competitive Table 2.5 presents the graduates’ present occupation.
business graduates [14]. 29 respondents are employed as professionals (38.67%).
This denotes that customs’ graduates most likely became
Table 2.4. Nature of Employment professionals on their field of work because of their
Indicators Frequency Percentage expertise and knowhows learned in college. It was
Gainfully employed 62 82.67 mentioned in a study that to become a full-pledged
Self-employed 9 12.00 professional, one of the essential factors is a year
Underemployed 4 5.33 experience and a minimum of one year to four years of
experience to attain a managerial position [18].
It was followed by Clerks and Officials of Government
In terms of the respondents’ nature of employment,
and Special-Interest Organizations, Corporate Executives,
Table 2.4 provides that 62 respondents are gainfully
Managers, Managing Proprietors and Supervisors which
employed with a percentage of 82.67. This shows that most
both garnered a frequency of 12 (16%). According to
of the graduates’ work in an environment related to their
Commission on Higher Education, Customs
expertise or the course they completed. They have steady
Administration’s line of work is primarily on international
job and receive wages or salaries from employers. The
trade, logistics, shipping and supply chain. It is also
result conforms with the study of Refozar et al. [15] which
associated in fields of business, public administration,
provided that graduates counted themselves as gainfully
finance, educational management and in any realm that
employed if they were able to cover all their needs with
incorporates business and management.
their salaries as a single individual and that SMEs can
Ten (10) respondents work as Trades and Related
effectively mentor employees although they were not able
Workers (13.33%), while six (6) respondents work as
to meet the expected amount of pay from the graduates.
Service Workers and Shop and Market Sales Workers
Meanwhile, nine (9) respondents are self-employed
(8%). It can be seen that only a portion has a Special
with a percentage of 12. Impliedly, some graduates are
Occupation, work as Technicians and Associate
satisfied and trust themselves much to work as an employer
Professionals and as Farmers, Forestry Workers and
and employee at the same time. Although self-employment
Fishermen which have a frequency of 3 (4%), 2 (2.67%)
has positive impacts to self-employed individual in terms
and 1 (1.33%), respectively.
of job satisfaction, apart from financial facet, overall life
Out of 98 respondents, none of them worked as Plant
fulfillment is foregone [16].
and Machine Operators and Assemblers and Laborers and
On the other hand, 5.33 percent or four (4) from all
Unskilled Workers. Occupations afar from the degree
respondents are underemployed. There is a minimal
merited are not much recognized since it requires unalike
percentage of underemployed graduates for the reason that
skills and knowledge. To be hired and to perform a job,
they tend to do a job that does not use all their skills and
qualifications of an applicant looking for a job should
education and does not meet their financial needs.
match the qualifications required in the workplace [19].
Asia Pacific Journal of Academic Research in Business Administration
Volume 8, No. 1, April 2022
P-ISSN: 2467-6691 | E-ISSN: 2467-5148
Cassa, et al., Employability of BS Customs Administration Graduates…
Intermediation, Real Estate, Renting and Business
Table 2.6. Major Line of Business of the Company Activities, Other Community, Social and Personal Service
Indicators f % Activities and Private Households with Employed Persons
Agriculture, Hunting and Forestry 3 4.00 all got a percentage of 5.33 which account to 4 respondents
Fishing 0 0.00 each. There are 3 or 4.00 percent in Agriculture, Hunting
Mining and Quarrying 0 0.00 and Forestry, 2 or 2.67 percent in Health and Social Work
Manufacturing 8 10.67 and 1 or 1.33 percent in Construction.
Electricity, Gas and Water Supply 4 5.33 It also appears that there are no respondents who are
Construction 1 1.33 presently employed in Fishing, Mining and Quarrying,
Wholesale and Retail Trade, repair of motor 6 8.00 Hotels and Restaurants, Education and Extra-territorial
vehicles, motorcycles and personal Organizations and Bodies. This connotes that these lines of
and household goods business are far from the skills and knowledge they learned
Hotels and Restaurants 0 0.00 in their academic program. In the study of Velciu [19], it is
Transport Storage and Communication 24 32.00
stated that being employed in a job that does not match
Financial Intermediation 4 5.33
educational attainment affects worker’s performance, job
Real Estate, Renting and Business
Activities 4 5.33 satisfaction and any other possible results of labor market.
Public Administration and Defense; 11 14.67
Compulsory Social Security Table 2.7. Place of Work
Education 0 0.00 Indicators Frequency Percentage
Health and Social Work 2 2.67 Local 73 97.33
Other Community, Social and Personal 4 5.33 Abroad 2 2.67
Service Activities
Private Households with Employed Persons 4 5.33 Table 2.7 indicates the graduates’ place of work.
Extra-territorial Organizations and Bodies 0 0.00 Seventy-three (73) respondents work locally with a
percentage of 97.33. This implies that working in the
In terms of the major line of business of the company country is more in-demand for customs graduates since the
the respondents are presently employed in, Table 2.6 applicable customs and tariff laws in each country are
displays those 24 respondents are in the Transport Storage different. Graduates tend to work locally where their
and Communication which accounts with a percentage of knowledge and trainings on customs administration are
32. It infers that most of the graduates tend to work in a line highly applied. Similarly, the study of Maderazo [20]
of business related to the degree they earned. They make mentioned that most of the graduates choose to stay in the
use of the skills and education they obtained from college country to practice their profession and be paid to a certain
to their current job. To get rid of job mismatch to the skills extent generously.
and expertise of employees, it is necessary that human On the other hand, two (2) respondents work abroad
resource management take into consideration the relevance with a percentage of 2.67. This shows that there are lot of
of the job to the applicants’ educational qualification. This opportunities for customs administration graduates even
knowledge and expertise may bring success to the business overseas. Nevertheless, Camello et al. [18] stated that local
employed to wherein graduates put into practice what they businesses are still prevalent on the employment of
have learned [14]. graduates although there are also opportunities across the
Second to the highest frequency is Public borders.
Administration and Defense; Compulsory Social Security
which has 11 respondents or 14.67 percent. This denotes Table 2.9. Reasons for Staying on the Job
that some graduates prefer to work in a public service or in Indicators Frequency Percentage
a government sector. As stated by Commission on Higher Yes 55 73.33
Education, Customs Administration graduates may pursue No 20 26.67
career both on government and private enterprises in any
More so, it can be viewed that majority of the
level of positions.
respondents’ current employment is their first job after
Eight (8) respondents are in Manufacturing with a
graduation as manifested by a frequency of 55 (73.33%).
percentage of 10.67. Six (6) respondents are in Wholesale
This entails that most of them are inclined to their first job
and Retail Trade, repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles,
and chose to stay. This result is supported by the study of
and personal and household goods with a percentage of
Chavez et al. [21] which mentioned that difficulty in
8.00. Electricity, Gas and Water Supply, Financial
finding another job caused by extreme competition brought
Asia Pacific Journal of Academic Research in Business Administration
Volume 8, No. 1, April 2022
P-ISSN: 2467-6691 | E-ISSN: 2467-5148
Cassa, et al., Employability of BS Customs Administration Graduates…
graduates to stay for a longer time in their first job to gain It can be gleaned from the table that majority of the
more experience. respondents’ first job is related to the course they took up
Those that present career is not their first job after in college having a frequency of 42 or a percentage of 75.
college is represented by a frequency of 20 (26.67%). This This depicts that most of the respondents were able to land
indicates that graduates can still manage to be employed in a job that is close to their degree. Graduates find it easier
even they leave their first job because of opportunities to seek for employment that is aligned with their finished
offered accompanied by their competencies. This result program. This is conceded by another study of Chavez et
accords the previous study of Macalalad and Mendoza [2] al. [21] which also gathered a result that most of the
which also shows that there are more graduates which job graduates’ first job is related to their program of study.
is their first after getting a degree. In the contrary, those that are not related to the course
they took up in college garnered a frequency of 14 or a
Table 2.9. Reasons for Staying on the Job percentage of 25. This portrays that most graduates do not
Indicators f % desire to work where they have no knowledge or idea on
Salaries and benefits 33 44.00 what their tasks will be. The same result was gained in the
Career challenge 28 37.33 study of Reyes and Salas [23], where lesser number of
Related to special skill 14 18.67
Related to course or program of study 38 50.67
graduates are employed in a job not related to their
Proximity to residence 9 12.00 proficiencies acquired in college.
Peer influence 0 0.00
Family influence 5 6.67 Table 2.11. Length of Time to Find the First Job
Other reason(s), 2 2.67 Indicators Frequency Percentage
Less than a month 12 28.57
Table 2.9 presents the reasons for staying on the job. 1 to 6 months 17 40.48
Thirty-eight (38) respondents answered Related to course 7 to 11 months 3 7.14
or program of study. This only shows that relativity of the 1 year to less than 2 years 8 19.05
job to their course or program of study in their employment. 2 years to less than 3 years 2 4.76
Refozar et al. [15] acknowledged that majority of the job of 3 years to less than 4 years 0 0.00
graduates is suitable with their educational attainment.
Thirty-three (33) respondents answered Salaries and Table 2.11 exhibits that 17 respondents took 1 to 6
benefits (44%). This implies that practicality is still months (40.48%) to land to their first job. This indicates
prevalent in deciding and choosing where to employ. that graduates are able to find first job in just a short span
Salaries and benefits are some of the motivating factors for of time. It does not take them several years before finding
an employee to stay in a job, particularly those who are just their first job for the reason that before they leave college,
starting out in the domain of corporate world [22]. they are well-trained that gives them the edge to secure a
Further, 28 respondents answered Career challenge job after graduation. It is stated in the study of Refozar et
(37.33%); 14 respondents or 18.67 percent said that related al. [15] that in a short period of time within six months to
to special skill is their reason; nine (9) respondents one year in average, graduates are able to acquire job. To
responded Proximity to residence; five (5) responded this extent, they have time to seek better chances of
Family influence (6.67%); and two (2) respondents employment and decide on the location, what company or
answered other reasons (2.67%). what position to apply which depends on the urgency and
Morevoer, it can be viewed that no respondent needs of companies.
answered Peer influence. This is because they have Moreover, 12 respondents’ length of time to land on
distinctive views in their career decisions. This result first job is less than a month (28.57%). This denotes that
validates the result of the previous tracer study of some graduates are being employed even within the
Macalalad and Mendoza [2] which shows that peer shortest period because of their competitive personality and
influence is one of the least reasons why employees keep knowhows as a graduate of a four-year college degree. In a
on staying on their present place of work. study of Cabigas et al. [24], scarce in number of
professionals in a vicinity is one of the possible reasons
Table 2.10. First Job Related to Course Taken in College why there are job aspirants hired within a short period of
Indicators Frequency Percentage time.
Yes 42 75.00 Additionally, 8 respondents took 1 year to less than 2
No 14 25.00 years (19.05%); 3 respondents took 7 to 11 months
(7.14%); and 2 respondents took 2 years to less than 3 years

Asia Pacific Journal of Academic Research in Business Administration
Volume 8, No. 1, April 2022
P-ISSN: 2467-6691 | E-ISSN: 2467-5148
Cassa, et al., Employability of BS Customs Administration Graduates…
(4.76%). As presented, no respondent answered 3 years to change their job. In the study of Camello, et al. [21], it is
less than 4 years. This indicates that graduates did not wait said that having a low salary is common for an entry level
for too long to get a job after graduation since their positions as a result of their qualification. Most companies
capabilities and aptitudes are perceptible. This result is in based their salary on the employees’ skills and experience
congruent with the findings of the study of Albina and in which graduates lack since they are beginners in the
Sumagaysay [25] where the least portion of respondents’ field.
length of time on looking for a job is three to four years. 12 respondents answered Career challenge (57.14%).
Being second factor to be considered, it explains that the
Table 2.12. Reasons for Accepting the Job job to be changed was not able to challenge them in terms
Indicators Frequency Percentage of their career. According to Baugh and Sullivan [26],
Salaries & benefits 38 67.86 challenge in career would heighten their engagement in
Career challenge 34 60.71 work and will help individual to develop and grow as an
Related to special skills 27 48.21 employee. Only 5 respondents answered Related to special
Proximity to residence 9 16.07 skills (23.81%); 4 respondents answered Proximity to
residence (19.05%); and 1 respondent answered Other
Table 2.12 indicates the reasons for graduates to accept reasons (4.76%). This only shows that the given indicators
the job. 38 respondents answered Salaries and benefits with are the common reasons for the graduates to change their
a percentage of 67.86. This implies that graduates consider jobs. This result is similar to the study of Macalalad and
good salaries and benefits that will reflect their financial Mendoza [2] which garnered the same order of frequency
needs. It is reflected that higher salaries and numerous from the respondents.
benefits motivate the employees as a member of one
organization especially when they are aware of all the Table 2.14. Length of Stay in the First Job
opportunities that will lead them to professional growth Indicators Frequency Percentage
[14]. Furthermore, 34 respondents answered Career 1 to 6 months 11 55.00
challenge with a percentage of 60.71. This shows that 7 to 11 months 1 5.00
graduates are ready to face and conquer the challenge of 1 year to less than 2 years 8 40.00
corporate world to them. According to the study of
Camello, et al. [21], graduates are seeking for a more Table 2.14 provides the graduates’ length of stay in
challenging and interesting job that would show off their their first job. 11 respondents answered 1 to 6 months with
abilities. Moreover, 27 respondents answered Related to a percentage of 55. This indicates that graduates stay for a
special skills with a percentage of 48.21; and 9 respondents short period in their first job. They tend to gain experience
answered Proximity to residence with a percentage of from their first job in a short time and look for another. The
16.07. They less likely consider the proximity of the job to result is alike with the findings of the previous tracer study
their residence because they tend to go where there would of Buenviaje et al. [14] wherein graduates of stayed on their
be an offer for them. This confirms the result of the study first job within one to six months.
of Macalalad and Mendoza [2] which also gathered that Additionally, 8 respondents answered 1 year to less
proximity to residence is the least considered reason. than 2 years with a percentage of 40; and 1 respondent
answered 7 to 11 months with a percentage of 5. This
Table 2.13. Reasons for Changing Job implies that after their stay in the job for half of a year, they
Indicators Frequency Percentage tend to leave the job or stay for another half. More so, this
Salaries & benefits 13 61.90 is quite a common period in the work field where
Career challenge 12 57.14 employees choose to leave after 6 months or after a year,
Related to special skills 5 23.81 not in between such time. In the study of Macalalad and
Proximity to residence 4 19.05 Mendoza [2], it showed that more graduates tend to stay in
Other reason(s) 1 4.76 a year than to stay within 7 to 11 months before they leave.

In terms of the reasons for changing job, Table 2.13 Table 2.15. Finding First Job
shows that 13 respondents answered Salaries and benefits Indicators f %
(61.90%). This indicates that the graduates consider most Response to an advertisement 8 10.67
the salaries and benefits when changing a job to match with As walk-in applicant 16 21.33
their needs and interests. When they do not feel satisfied Recommended by someone 40 53.33
with the salaries and benefits, they receive, they opt to Arranged by school’s job placement officer 0 0.00
Family business 2 2.67
Asia Pacific Journal of Academic Research in Business Administration
Volume 8, No. 1, April 2022
P-ISSN: 2467-6691 | E-ISSN: 2467-5148
Cassa, et al., Employability of BS Customs Administration Graduates…
Job Fair or Public Employment Service Office 0 0.00 enough and that they possess the qualities necessary for
Information from friends 4 5.33 employment.
Others 5 6.67
Hence, 22 respondents answered 1 to 6 months with a
percentage of 29.73. This is because graduates tend to
It can be gleaned that 40 respondents found their first undergo various stages of interview and others prefer to
job through recommendation. Recommendations tend to wait confirmation of their qualification through a job call.
lead graduates in finding a job, rather than relying solely on This is very common as conformed with the study of
personal ideas. There is a greater probability of securing a Navida [27] which garnered that majority of the graduates
job from a recommendation. At present, job market is far found their first job within 1 to 6 months.
different from the years that had passed. Applicants relying 6 respondents answered 7 to 11 months and 1 year to
on their resume to have a career is not that relevant these less than 2 years with the same percentage of 8.11. Further,
days, rather they have to work at getting personal contacts, 2 respondents answered 2 years to less than 3 years with a
introductions and recommendations that will lead to getting percentage of 2.70; and 1 respondent answered Others with
a job. Recommended job seekers have higher chances of a percentage of 1.35.
being hired [2]. Further, no respondent answered 3 years to less than 4
While 16 respondents answered as walk-in applicant years. This indicates that graduates do not take a long time
(21.33%). Graduates have been known to possess the before they secure a job after graduation. They can find a
qualities needed by the employers such as being determined job immediately because they possess the necessary skills
and hardworking. They tend to find a job through walk-in to become employable. Similar result is garnered in the
applications because this is their first time and their study of Camello et al. [18] in which no graduates took over
determination is certain to aim their goal. In the study of 3 years to find their first job.
Navida [27], it was revealed that large number of
respondents found their first job as walk-in applicants. Table 2.17. Job Level Position
While 8 respondents answered Response to an
Indicators f %
advertisement (10.67%). 5 respondents answered Others
Rank or Clerical 42 56.00
(6.67%); 4 respondents answered Information from friends
Professional, Technical or Supervisory 19 25.33
(5.33%); and 2 respondents answered Family business
Managerial or Executive 3 4.00
(2.67%). Moreover, no respondent answered Arranged by
Self-employed 11 14.67
school’s job placement officer and Job Fair or Public
Employment Service Office (PESO). This contradicts the
result of the study of Buenviaje et al. [14], which disclosed Table 2.17 shows the graduates’ job level position. 42
that majority of the graduates found their first job due to respondents are in rank or clerical position with a
job fair or Public Employment Service Office. percentage of 56. It implies that after graduation, they tend
to work in a lower-level position for the reason that they are
Table 2.16. Length of Time in Finding the Current/Present Job inexperienced and in need of various trainings to attain a
Indicators Frequency Percentage higher-level position. Basically, they begin from small and
Less than a month 37 50.00 develop until they are capable to hold higher position.
1 to 6 months 22 29.73 Based on the study of Refozar et al. [15], graduates hold
7 to 11 months 6 8.11 clerical positions for the mean time and pursue master’s
1 year to less than 2 years 6 8.11 degree longing for a promotion into a higher position after
2 years to less than 3 years 2 2.70 going through relevant experiences.
3 years to less than 4 years 0 0.00 19 respondents are in professional, technical or
Others 1 1.35 supervisory position with a percentage of 25.33. This
means that with their knowledge and expertise, they are
much ready to provide technical and administrative
Table 2.16 presents the graduates’ length of time to find
supervision to a group of employees where they belong.
their current job. 37 respondents found their present job in
According to the study of Maderazo [20], graduates get
less than a month with a percentage of 50. It signifies that
hold of this position because they are already holding a
majority of the graduates can secure a job immediately after
license and professionally qualified for such position.
graduation since they are well-trained and well-equipped to
Moreover, 11 respondents are self-employed with a
face the work environment. According to Macalalad and
percentage of 14.67. Lastly, 3 respondents are in
Mendoza [2], the reason for being able to find a job in a
managerial or executive position with a percentage of 4.
shorter period of time is that the graduates are competent
This shows that although graduates are just starting out
Asia Pacific Journal of Academic Research in Business Administration
Volume 8, No. 1, April 2022
P-ISSN: 2467-6691 | E-ISSN: 2467-5148
Cassa, et al., Employability of BS Customs Administration Graduates…
working in the business world, it is possible that they Table 2.19. Skills or Competencies Found Very
acquire high position readily. According to Buenviaje et al. Useful in the First Job
[14], most of the graduates with master’s degree have an Indicators f %
easier way to step up in the ranking of corporate world from Communication skills 61 81.33
rank or clerical to technical or supervisory until they attain Human Relations skills 51 68.00
the managerial position. Besides attitude towards work, Entrepreneurial skills 27 36.00
knowledge and skills gained from advanced studies can Information Technology skills 31 41.33
contribute to reach a higher position. Problem-solving skills 46 61.33
Critical Thinking skills 50 66.67
Table 2.18. Initial Gross Monthly Earning Other skills 2 2.67
Indicators f % Communication skill is elemental in seeking job
Below P5,000.00 1 1.37 placement, most importantly during the interview in the
P5,000.00 to less than P10,000.00 5 6.85 hiring process. Employers must be impressed considering
P10,000.00 to less than P15,000.00 22 30.14 the skills and knowledge that the applicant possessed [21].
P15,000.00 to less than P20,000.00 36 49.32 It is followed by Human Relation skills (68%). This
P 20,000.00 to less than P25,000.00 5 6.85 shows that building relationships with co-workers can help
P 25,000.00 and above 4 5.48 one individual to get hold of job. According to the study of
Gonzales [26], human relation skill is so much beneficial
In terms of their initial gross monthly earning, the table in acquiring employment. Other skills are answered by 2
provides that 36 respondents answered P15,000.00 to less respondents with a percentage of 2.67. This denotes that
than P20,000.00 having a percentage of 49.32. It indicates there are other skills that the graduates possessed that
that most of the graduates receive an average initial gross helped them in their present job. This result is the same with
monthly earning since related jobs in Customs the findings of the study of Mendoza and Macalalad [2]
administration have good pay to employees. Based on the having other skills with the least response.
study of Angeles et al. [28], employees with stable jobs and
placed in middle positions receive wages depending on Table 3. Work-related Values
their standing with regards to their profession. It reflects Indicators WM VI Rank
those higher positions have a larger salary compared to Love for God 1.33 Very Much 5
other positions. Honesty and love for truth 1.36 Very Much 8
Moreover, 22 respondents provided P10,000.00 to less Punctuality 1.51 Much 14
Obedience to superior 1.40 Very Much 9.5
than P15,000.00 having a percentage of 30.14. This entails Perseverance and hard work 1.11 Very Much 1
that this amount can already cover the needs of the Creativity and innovativeness 1.33 Very Much 5
graduates. According to the study of Maderazo [20], Courage 1.29 Very Much 3
graduates are satisfied with the stability in terms of finance Professional Integrity 1.24 Very Much 2
and the pecuniary benefits they are receiving from their job. Love for co-workers and others 1.57 Much 15
Unity 1.45 Very Much 13
Additionally, 5 respondents answered P5,000.00 to less Fairness and Justice 1.44 Very Much 12
than P10,000.00 and P20,000.00 to less than P25,000.00 Leadership 1.41 Very Much 11
with the same percentage of 6.85. Also, 4 respondents Tolerance 1.67 Much 17
provided P25,000.00 and above with a percentage of 5.48. Efficiency 1.40 Very Much 9.5
Only 1 respondent answered Below P5,000.00 with a Supportiveness 1.33 Very Much 5
percentage of 1.37. This implies that only a little portion of Perseverance 1.35 Very Much 7
Nationalism 1.64 Much 16
the population decides to work in a job where salary is not Composite Mean 1.40 Very Much
that sufficient. This result is contrary with the study of Legend: 1.00 - 1.49 = Very Much; 1.50 - 2.49 = Much; 2.50 -
Sagarino, et al. [24] which gathered the highest response of 3.49 = Little; 3.50 - 4.49 = Very Little; 4.50 - 5.00 = Not at all
a salary amounting to P10,000 and below. Table 2.19
shows the skills or competencies found very useful in the Table 3 shows work-related values that contributed to
first job. Majority of the respondents answered the job placement of BSCA graduates. It can be gleaned
Communication skills (81.33%). %). It means that from the table that work-related values are very much
communication skills are essential in the work environment related to the job placement of graduates having a
because it allows individuals to exchange ideas and composite mean of 1.40. Perseverance and hard work
information. Proper communication is needed to perform ranked first with a weighted mean of 1.11 and verbally
job efficiently. interpreted as very much related. Employers value
Asia Pacific Journal of Academic Research in Business Administration
Volume 8, No. 1, April 2022
P-ISSN: 2467-6691 | E-ISSN: 2467-5148
Cassa, et al., Employability of BS Customs Administration Graduates…
employees who demonstrate love for their work and strive Table 4.1 presents school related factors to job
to perform well in their respective jobs. Showing placement in terms of curriculum and instruction. It
dedication and hard work is vital in the work environment garnered an over-all composite mean of 1.82 and verbally
to impress employers that graduates are deserving in the interpreted as relevant. The efforts of the school in
position. As presented in the study of Buenviaje, et al. [14], instructing students affect the employability of its
perseverance and hard work was one of the values that was graduates. For general education subjects, it has a
very much related because it reflects that employees’ composite mean of 1.99 and interpreted as relevant.
values in life affect their values in work. Languages (1.47) ranked first and is very relevant. It
It was followed by Professional Integrity (1.24) and signifies that language is essential particularly in their daily
Courage (1.29) which were verbally interpreted as very transactions which involve the use of communication. It
much work-related values. These are critical values that an enables them to communicate well and make an impression
individual should possess. The value of integrity is highly with employers. Communication establishes good
observed in whatever field of work because it reflects how interpersonal relationships which results in the
well a person performs a job with honesty. More so, development of teamwork and increased productivity of an
courage is considered very much related because organization [29].
employers often look for employees who are ready to face Mathematics (1.93) and Natural Sciences (2.56) ranked
different situations without fear, or much better, despite second and third and verbally interpreted as relevant and
fear. Graduates see the truth and justice in the performance slightly relevant, respectively. This is because this line of
of their jobs with professional integrity and respect to career does not involve much application of such subjects.
authorities in the organization [22]. In this field, it involves more of communication in
Rank sixteenth and seventeenth were Nationalism and transacting with various kinds of people. It garnered the
Tolerance having a verbal interpretation of much with a same result from the previous study of Macalalad and
weighted mean of 1.64 and 1.67, respectively. This shows Mendoza [2] in which Mathematics and Natural Sciences
that it has no direct relation with the career path of the were the least in rank.
graduates. It conforms with the result from the tracer study Further, professional subjects have a composite mean
of Macalalad and Mendoza [2] in which nationalism and of 1.64 and verbally interpreted as relevant. Customs Laws,
tolerance ranked lowest among the work-related values. Rules, and Regulations and Its IRR ranked first with a
Furthermore, the same study of Macalalad and Mendoza composite mean of 1.55 and verbally interpreted as
[2] provided that all these work-related values are very relevant. This signifies that this subject is relevant to the
much related to the job placement of the graduates. employment of the graduates. The knowledge on various
Customs laws is vital to the application in the work
Table 4.1. School Related Factors to Job Placement in environment. However, in the tracer study conducted by
Terms of Curriculum and Instruction Macalalad and Mendoza [2], this subject is very relevant to
Indicators WM VI R job placement.
1.1 General Education Subjects It was followed by Tariff Laws and International Trade
Mathematics 1.93 R 2 Agreements with a composite mean of 1.59, Practical
Languages 1.47 VR 1 Computation and Classification (1.71), and Warehousing
Natural Sciences 2.56 SR 3 (1.72) which were all verbally interpreted as relevant. It
Composite Mean 1.99 Relevant means that the inclusion of professional subjects in the
1.2 Professional Subjects curriculum contributes to the employment of graduates.
Customs Laws, Rules, and 1.55 R 1 The knowledge obtained from professional subjects tend to
Regulations and Its IRR affect the employment of the graduates because these are
Warehousing 1.72 R 4 needed in their field of work. This result is similar to the
Tariff Laws and International Trade 1.59 R 2 study of Albina and Sumagaysay [25] which stated that the
curriculum the students took in college is relevant to their
Practical Computation and
Classification 1.71 R 3 job placement.
Composite Mean 1.64 Relevant Table 4.2 provides school related factors to job
Over-all Composite Mean 1.82 Relevant placement in terms of faculty and instruction with a
Legend: 1.00 - 1.49 = Very Relevant (VR); 1.50 - 2.49 = Relevant (R); composite mean of 1.49 and verbally interpreted as very
2.50 - 3.49 = Slightly Relevant (SR); 3.50 - 4.00 = Not Relevant (NR) relevant. It can be gleaned from the table that the indicator
“has good communication skills” ranked first garnering a
mean of 1.36 and verbally interpreted as very relevant.

Asia Pacific Journal of Academic Research in Business Administration
Volume 8, No. 1, April 2022
P-ISSN: 2467-6691 | E-ISSN: 2467-5148
Cassa, et al., Employability of BS Customs Administration Graduates…
Table 4.2. School Related Factors to Job Placement in Table 4.3 presents school related factors to job
Terms of Faculty and Instruction placement in terms of student services with a composite
Indicators WM VI Rank mean of 1.91 and is relevant. Library services ranked first
1. Conducts himself in a dignified & 1.51 R 4 having a mean of 1.84. This indicates that school services
professional manner contribute to make the students employable, particularly
2. Has good communication skills 1.36 VR 1 services offered by the library. The assistance that the
3. Teacher has mastery of the subject 1.37 VR 2 library provides is useful to the graduates as they seek for a
4. Makes use of various teaching aids 1.60 R 6.5 job after graduation.
5. Relates subjects to other fields & 1.53 R 5 This is closely similar to the result of the previous tracer
other life situation study conducted by Macalalad and Mendoza [2] which
6. Conducts accurate & objective 1.60 R 6.5 presented those services of college dean’s office was the
evaluation of student performance most relevant followed by library services. The study also
7. Quality of instruction is relevant to 1.49 VR 3 mentioned that students value the services being offered to
the course
them by the institution as part of their preparation in the
Composite Mean 1.49 Very Relevant
work environment.
Legend: 1.00 - 1.49 = Very Relevant (VR); 1.50 - 2.49 = Relevant (R);
2.50 - 3.49 = Slightly Relevant (SR); 3.50 - 4.00 = Not Relevant (NR) Laboratories is the least relevant since Customs
administration graduates do not make use of much
This indicates that the quality and delivery of laboratories because they are more inclined to use books
information by the instructors is vital to the graduates. It is and calculator. It conforms with the result yielded from the
important that instructors can clearly explain the subject study of Buenviaje et al. [14] which provided that
matter for the full understanding of the students. As laboratory is also deemed relevant to job placement.
mentioned in the study of Nobahar and Salami [30],
effective teaching and learning depends on the proper use Table 4.4. School Related Factors to Job Placement in
of communication skills. Thus, if the instructor fails to Terms of Organization and Administration
communicate the subject matter well, the students might Indicators WMVI R
not grasp the ideas properly. The indicators “makes use of 1. The school officers & heads include within 1.81 R 6
various teaching aids” (1.60) and “conducts accurate & their spheres of responsibility, all the vital
objective evaluation of student performance” (1.60) tied as activities of the institution and colleges
the least relevant. This is because teaching aids are often 2. The organization & administrative set-up of 1.76 R 5
overlooked by students and the evaluation of student the institution and colleges are well
integrated & function efficiently
performance does not tend to dictate the employment status 3. Department heads are effective in guiding 1.69 R 3
after graduation because performance in school is different training & development of students to
from the work field. Chavez et al. [21] mentioned that improve their performance
teaching aids were perceived as indirectly relevant because 4. Department heads possess positive attitude 1.67 R 2
these are just the materials used in teaching but students did towards work, staff and students
5. The administration ensures that training 1.61 R 1
not realize that these are the media used by instructors to programs for students are adequate and
deliver the lessons. well-organized
6. The administration adheres to its vision- 1.75 R 4
Table 4.3. School Related Factors to Job Placement in mission and institutional values
Terms of Student Services Composite Mean 1.72 R
Indicators WM VI R Legend: 1.00 - 1.49 = Very Relevant (VR); 1.50 - 2.49 = Relevant (R);
2.50 - 3.49 = Slightly Relevant (SR); 3.50 - 4.00 = Not Relevant (NR)
1. Library services 1.84 R 1
2. Registrar’s Office services 1.93 R 6
Table 4.4 provides school related factors to job placement
3. College Dean’s Office services 1.87 R 2
in terms of organization and administration having a
4. Office of Student Affairs services 1.93 R 6 composite mean of 1.72 and verbally interpreted as relevant.
5. Health services 1.89 R 3.5 The indicator “The administration ensures that training
6. Counseling and Testing Center 1.93 R 6 programs for students are adequate and well organized” ranked
7. Physical Plant and Facilities 1.89 R 3.5 first with a weighted mean of 1.61 because students are well-
8. Laboratories (Computer, Science, 1.97 R 8 trained by their instructors and those training programs tend to
HRM Laboratories, etc. boost their employability skills that lead them to job
Composite Mean 1.91 Relevant placement. This provides that various training programs are
Legend: 1.00 - 1.49 = Very Relevant (VR); 1.50 - 2.49 = Relevant (R); critical to students because the skills they gain from such
2.50 - 3.49 = Slightly Relevant (SR); 3.50 - 4.00 = Not Relevant (NR) trainings can be useful in their work. In a similar study of El-
Asia Pacific Journal of Academic Research in Business Administration
Volume 8, No. 1, April 2022
P-ISSN: 2467-6691 | E-ISSN: 2467-5148
Cassa, et al., Employability of BS Customs Administration Graduates…
Temtamy et al. [31], participation of students in a university- Table 4.5. School Related Factors to Job Placement in
sponsored employment skills development program are more Terms of Community Extension, Linkages & Research
likely to secure employment after graduation. Indicators WM VI R
The indicator “Department heads possess positive attitude
1. Community Extension services of the college 1.83 R 3
towards work, staff and students” ranked second with a
2. Linkages with Other Institutions and OJT 1.52 R 1
weighted mean of 1.67 and verbally interpreted as relevant.
This indicates that the attitude of department heads influences 3. Development of research activities in the college 1.67 R 2
job placement of graduates because they are the ones whom Composite Mean 1.67 R
students look up to. Positive outlook from their superiors Legend: 1.00 - 1.49 = Very Relevant (VR); 1.50 - 2.49 = Relevant (R);
radiates to the ability of students to be employed. A person 2.50 - 3.49 = Slightly Relevant (SR); 3.50 - 4.00 = Not Relevant (NR)
with the right attitude and positive behavior towards work and
would contribute to the efficiency and productivity of the The indicator “Linkages with Other Institutions and OJT”
organization [22]. ranked first with a weighted mean of 1.52 and verbally
It was followed by items 3, 6 and 2 having a weighted interpreted as relevant. This means that experience in other
mean of 1.69, 1.75 and 1.76, respectively. The lowest in rank institutions and during on-the-job trainings mold the graduates
was item 1 with a weighted mean of 1.81. All of which were to become employable and to possess the qualities needed in
verbally interpreted as relevant. This means that the inclusion the work environment. Students who attend internship
of vital activities of the institution and colleges by school programs or on-the-job trainings obtain work readiness due to
officers and heads within their spheres of responsibility did not the fact that they become aware of what employers would
affect much to the employability of graduates because only expect from them at work by applying basic academic and
those related to their program are taken more consideration. professional skills [32].
The results affirmed the previous tracer study of Macalalad It was followed by “Development of research activities in
and Mendoza [2] which obtained that the inclusion of all vital the college” (1.67) and “Community Extension services of the
activities of the institution and colleges by school officers and college (1.83) which were verbally interpreted as relevant.
heads within their spheres of responsibility as the last in rank This is because the tasks that students do in these areas do not
to be relevant. The study also suggested that school officers absolutely relate to the tasks that they perform in the work
and heads should review the efficiency of their performance. field. Community extension focuses on strengthening the
Table 4.5 shows school related factors to job placement in values of the students. It helps students to develop their sense
terms of community extension, linkages and research with a of leadership and responsibility to the society [14].
composite mean of 1.67 and verbally interpreted as relevant.

Table 5. Action Plan to Improve the Employability of BSCA Graduates in the University
➢ Focus on the ➢ Improved hiring of ➢ Hire professors who are competent not ➢ CBA Department
effectiveness of instructors only in instructional skills, but also in ➢ Human Resource
instructors in providing management, technical and human skills Department
knowledge to students
➢ Employee training ➢ Enhance human skills of instructors to ➢ CBA Department
courses provide motivation and encouragement for ➢ Human Resource
the students to strive harder Department
➢ Hone the employability ➢ Webinar Entitled: ➢ Gather all the BSCA students virtually and ➢ CBA Department
skills of students “Employable ka ba?” discuss matters about work etiquette and ➢ CBA Faculty
how to become employable; an assessment ➢ Students
will be conducted by a credible speaker

➢ Writing and speaking ➢ Offer different writing and speaking

workshops workshops such as curriculum vitae ➢ CBA Department
writing, letter writing and oral presentation ➢ CBA Faculty
that will contribute to the development of ➢ Students
communication skills

➢ Drive the students to ➢ Comprehensive ➢ Provide an assessment to incoming 4th year ➢ CBA Department
excel in the board examination students to determine the knowledge they ➢ CBA Faculty
gained from 1st year to 3rd year which will ➢ Students
Asia Pacific Journal of Academic Research in Business Administration
Volume 8, No. 1, April 2022
P-ISSN: 2467-6691 | E-ISSN: 2467-5148
Cassa, et al., Employability of BS Customs Administration Graduates…
examination and in the give them the experience of being in an
work field actual board examination. BSCA
professors will prepare board exam-type
➢ CBA Department
➢ Link with Value- ➢ Provide the students with an actual ➢ CBA Faculty
Added Service experience on how to use the BOC’s e2m ➢ Students
Providers (VASPs) system and how to lodge properly
Work-Related Values ➢ Students’ behavior ➢ Have continuous students’ assessment ➢ CBA Department
➢ Develop and enhance assessment taking into consideration factors such as ➢ Counseling and
the values instilled in their motivation, will, or their mental state Testing Center
the students towards their program of study

➢ Peer tutorials ➢ Conduct peer tutorials and stimulate group ➢ CBA Department
discussions related to Customs and Tariff ➢ PSCAS Officers
courses ➢ Students

➢ Team building ➢ Begin the activity with an informative ➢ PSCAS Officers

➢ Promote collaboration webinar by a CBLE topnotcher of LPU-B ➢ Students
among students to discuss his/her experience from being a
normal college student to becoming a
licensed professional. After such webinar,
students will then be divided into groups
for the virtual team building that is full of
challenges. This is to develop values such
as perseverance, leadership and unity
which are deemed needed in the work field

➢ Port bazaar ➢ Students will be divided into groups and ➢ CBA Department
will virtually showcase a port of their ➢ CBA Faculty
choice by discussing relevant information
about such port in a creative way

CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS are feeling demotivated towards their program by means of
Based on the findings, majority of the respondents are students’ assessment.
female and graduated in 2019. 60% of them are employed with Further studies may be conducted to determine the
regular status in transport storage and communication necessary changes that contribute to the employability of
companies. Communication and human relations skills are graduates. The proposed action plan may be implemented and
very useful to their job and the values of perseverance and hard evaluated for its effectiveness.
work contributed very much to their job placement followed
by professional integrity, courage, love for God, creativity and REFERENCES
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Asia Pacific Journal of Academic Research in Business Administration
Volume 8, No. 1, April 2022
P-ISSN: 2467-6691 | E-ISSN: 2467-5148

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