The Veldt Theme Rubric
The Veldt Theme Rubric
The Veldt Theme Rubric
Sentence Sentences are effectively Sentence structure is Sentence structure is Sentence structure often lacks
Structure and consistently consistent. generally controlled, but control and this impedes
controlled. lapses sometimes meaning.
impede meaning.
Vocabulary Words and expressions Words and expressions are Words and expressions Words and expressions are
are used accurately and often used accurately. are generally used used inexactly. Imprecise
deliberately. Precise Specific words show some appropriately; General words and expressions are
words are used to enrich evidence of careful words and expressions improperly used.
details. selection. are used adequately to
clarify meaning.
Overall writing mark:
4 3 2 1
Name: ______________________________
Theme Statement Paragraph
Writing for 4 3 2 1
Content Exploration of theme in Exploration of theme in Exploration of theme in Exploration of theme in The
The Veldt is insightful. I The Veldt is intentional. The Veldt is clear and Veldt is minimal. Supporting
have added details that Supporting details are logical. Supporting details are imprecise and ideas
are precise and original. specific. details are relevant but are vague.
Organization My theme statement My theme statement My theme statement is My theme statement lacks
skillfully and provides purposeful functional, my evidence purpose and provides little
intentionally provides direction, my evidence and and explanation have an direction, my evidence and
direction, my evidence explanation have a sensible order but sometimes explanation are not clear, and
and explanation are order, and my connection is falter, and my my connection is abrupt
coherent and have a appropriate and related to connection is simplistic and/or unrelated to the topic.
seamless and sequential the overall topic. but relates somewhat to
order, and my the topic
connection is effective
and related to the
overall topic.
Conventions I used language I used language I used language There are many convention
conventions (spelling, conventions (spelling, conventions (spelling, (spelling, grammar, sentence
grammar, sentence grammar, sentence grammar, sentence structure) errors in my work.
structure) with a high structure) with some structure) with limited
degree of accuracy. degree of accuracy. degree of accuracy.
Sentence Sentences are effectively Sentence structure is Sentence structure is Sentence structure often lacks
Structure and consistently consistent. generally controlled, but control and this impedes
controlled. lapses sometimes meaning.
impede meaning.
Vocabulary Words and expressions Words and expressions are Words and expressions Words and expressions are
are used accurately and often used accurately. are generally used used inexactly. Imprecise
deliberately. Precise Specific words show some appropriately; General words and expressions are
words are used to enrich evidence of careful words and expressions improperly used.
details. selection. are used adequately to
clarify meaning.
Overall writing mark:
4 3 2 1