Tema 1
Tema 1
Tema 1
Have you ever imagined a world without communication? a world where people
could not communicate each other? The whole world is in contact with
communication, when you turn on the tv, when you go to the supermarket to buy
some bread, when you are explaining an activity to a kid, whatever, all of these
actions have in common the communication. Through the education, and
specially to the English subject, teachers can improve the communication in
Nowadays, our society gives a great importance to the children’s education,
because it is the main way to build their personality, develop their abilities and
encourage their autonomy. For the last two decades, our society has been
changing the way of the education till today, we have had several laws of
education, the most recent one, is the Organic Law 8/2013 of 9th of December
for the Educative Quality Improvement. We have to take into account, that
this year has been the first one that LOMCE has regulated all of the courses in
Primary Education. In fact, the new law of Education, has changed the English
language subject, because, today, English is a core subject in primary
education. That is perfect, English is a core subject in Primary but...if our
pupils are not motivated, it is useless, so, what can we do to create in our pupils
the curiosity to learn English? What can we do to create a splendid climate in
our class? If our pupils do not respect to their classmates, we cannot do group
activities, or role-plays, definitely they cannot learn how to communicate in
English. According to the objective F of the Royal Decree 126/2014, the
students have to achieve, in at least one foreign language, the communicative
competence. As Nelson Mandela says, tell me something, and I will forget it,
show me and I will remember, but involve me and I will learn, that is the main
objective of teachers, involve to our students in their own learning to achieve
the communicative competence.
Therefore, as you can see in the figure, communication takes place when the
message transmitted can be located in the medium zone left in the space
between novelty and confirmation, which correspond to the right and left
extremes of the horizontal axis of figure 1.
That means that when we teach .
Once the definition of language has been presented, I am going to develop the
concept of Communicative Competence which is related to the concept of
communication. As Dell Hymes says in his book ‘’On Communicative
Competence’’, written in 1971 and published by Penguin, in order to learn a
language, a native speaker does not only need to utter grammatically correct
forms (as Chomsky thought), he also have to know the rules of use, that is,
where and when to use a sentence, and to whom. Thus, Hymes replaced
Chomsky´s notion of Linguistic Competence by his own concept of
Communicative Competence.
The D108/2014, 4th July, which establishes the teaching requirements for
primary education in the Valencian Government, bases the development of the
students’ communicative competence in the foreign language on the Canale
and Swain’s classification of the communicative sub-competences. Then, we
can constitute just a different way of explaining Hyme’s sub-competences
that implies:
The functional aspects of oral language constitute a fourth reason for its pre-
eminence: we use oral language for a much wider range of tasks, and the
written language is usually used in substitution for the oral form, due to
different reasons, (such as that the receiver is not physically present).
Despite these differences, there are many aspects in which the written and
spoken language have mutually interacted and nowadays, their dependence
has been proved to be reciprocal.
Also I adapt the activities depending on the students’ needs following the
order of 16th July of 2001 by which the education to students with special need
is regulated in Infant and Primary Education. In this regard, the Communicative
Approach fosters the creation of varied interactions: teacher-student(s),
student-teacher, student-student(s).
Also, we can communicate for different purposes, and they have been called
language functions. According to Roman Jackobson, the main functions of
language are:
1) Referential function: Language is used to communicate ideas or facts. E.g.
Water boils at one hundred degrees.
2) Expressive function: Language is also used to express emotions, such as
expressions of fear or affection. E.g. Oh, my God!
3) Phatic function: It refers to the social function of language, for instance,
saying Hello, we keep the channel open
4) Poetic function: It´s based on the phonetic function of language, for
instance, the persuasive rhythm of political´s speech.
5) Conative function: Occurs when the sender tries to attract the receiver’s
attention to get a certain reaction. E.g. a baby cries because he is hungry.
6) Metalinguistic function: is developed when we use language to talk about
language itself. E.g. What does language mean?
7) Representational function: when language is used to refer to reality, to
transmit contents.
But it is important to highlight that the different functions do not occur
independently. Several functions can appear at the same time and in the
same message.
Regarding context, not everybody who comes from the same place speak in
the same way. Every individual employs a linguistic variety, which is marked
by geographical or social factors. In this sense, the characteristics of the
communicative context determine the level of language employed.
For instance, we can show our pupils how people from a country use language
in a different ways depending on the context, For instance, people do not
speak in the same way in Scotland than in Wales, and in Wales, people also
use different ways of speaking, depending on the place. In this way ss
develop as well the intercultural education as it is established in the cross-
curricular contents established by the Order of 20 th of December 1994 of
Conselleria of education of the Valencian Government. Realising, for instance,
that there are different ways of using the language in the different English
speaking countries
In this topic, I have studied the definition and the main properties of language
as well as the concept of Communicative Competence. Then I have compared
spoken and written language, dealing first with the historical attitudes and then
outstanding the main differences between writing and speech. Finally I have dealt
with the communication theory, the key factors that affect any communicative
interaction and the main functions of language according to Jackobson.
In order to develop this topic, the following bibliography has been used:
Burcet, Josep (1997): Ingeniería de intangibles. Germania
’Shannon, Claude &Weaver, Warren (1963): The Mathematical Theory of
Communication. Univ. Of Illinois Press.
Harmer,J (1991): ‘’The Practice of English Language’’. Longman
Hymes, Dell (1971): On Communicative Competence. Penguin
Read Carol (2007): 500 Activities for the Primary Classroom. Macmillan
Crystal, David (1987). The Cambridge Encyclopaedia of Language. CUP
Organic law 8/2013, 9th December, for the improvement of educational
quality (LOMCE)
RD 126/2014 of 28th February.
D 108/2014 of 4th July
Order of 20th of December of 1994 about Cross Curricular Contents.
Order 16th July of 2001, about educative attention to the students with
special educative needs
Recommendation 2006/962 of the European Parliament and the Council of
18 December 2006 on key competences for lifelong learning.
RC 7/2014 of 15th of July which implies the instructions for the
organization of the schools of Primary Education during the 2014-2015
school year.
ELP which is a project launched in 2001 by the Council of Europe in an
effort to support learner autonomy and plurilingualism
Other main concepts