A. Conventional Automotive Market
A. Conventional Automotive Market
A. Conventional Automotive Market
The automotive industry is currently in the mature phase of its life cycle. In this
phase, the industry has reached a high level of saturation and the market is relatively
stable. The competition is intense, and companies are focusing on maintaining
market share and profitability.
Q3) What can you infer about the market potential for Carcierge based on
the postal code level sales data provided with the case?
Based on the postal code level sales data provided with the case, the total annual
sales of all Audi vehicles sold are 470. From this, we can infer that the market
potential for Carcierge is huge. According to the HD, the number of households with
an income higher than US 148,000 plays an important role in sales of Carcierge.
Q4) Who are MMC’s main stakeholders, and what kind of value does
Carcierge generate for each? How should Carcierge approach its diverse
and conflicted stakeholder base?
The Employees: Employees play an important role in selling cars. In lieu of vehicles
on disp[lay, Carcierge featured 58-inch monitors for use by consumers and sales
representatives, which reduce the pressure of employees.
The Manufacturers: Carcierge engaged in a conventional sales model but it didn’t
sell just a single brand, it paid on time and produce value for the manufacturers.
The Customers: At Carcierge, the customers can get professional advice on any
vehicle, rather than one single brand, they could also arrange for delivery of the
vehicle at any location and choose to have the vehicle serviced at their preferred
service center, which can make customers feel more comfortable and satisfied.
The Government: The government is very important in the automotive retail
industry. the operation and development of company should respect regulations.
It should cooperate with manufacturers, governments, and customers…
With the technological advances in the past twenty years, this age group is as
adapted to doing things online as anybody. Whether it be shopping for clothes or
working remotely during the recent Covid-19 outbreak, online has become a way of
life. This relates to the business that Carcierge conducts because in studies
conducted by Jerry Miller, owner of Carcierge, about car buyers and their relation to
online research he found: "71 percent of them had researched prices: 68 percent
had found the vehicle they believed they wanted to buy: 63 percent had established
the value of the car they would be trading in; 46 percent had narrowed down which
dealership they wanted to buy from" (p4). This is important because it proves how
important online shopping and resources mean for car dealerships. In addition to
doing all this research online before buying cars, young adults are also using online
resources to purchase items without ever seeing the real thing in person, Online
shopping for clothing has become a regular thing in today's society, and for people
between the ages of 30-40, these customers would be the perfect age to be adults to
young children so would have immense practice making purchases online,
Numerous car dealerships like Tesla and Volkswagen have begun leaning into new
ways to view and customize their cars online and even purchase them online without
ever seeing the real thing so the practice of maneuvering and purchasing products
online is perfect. The final reason that young adults are optimal is because of the
location of Carcierge and the impact that makes on the population within. Being
located in the metro market area of Pennsylvania means that they are close to major
cities with large possibilities for economic growth and jobs. This means that people
entering the workforce are very likely to lease cars.
Value proposition -Carcierge should provide in-depth information about what they
have to offer in addition to their expansion of services. Carceige offers customer
experience directed towards finding one's most suitable car. The expansion of
services that Carcierge has to offer include chauffeur services and car rentals which
can be bundled with other services such as body works and personal customizations
Market orientation - Proactive market orientation as it is based on entirely latent
needs which was based on Miller’s empathetic research which indicated that vehicle
buyers researched 3-5 months online prior to buying cars.
Q6) What could be a general question about the case or industry that
may generate in-class discussion?
Feel free to change just adding it for now-
If concierge were to expand it's product or service line, what would you recommend?