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Phylum Cnidaria and Porifera Group 1

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Cnidaria and Porifera

Group 1
A phylum of the kingdom Animalia that includes more
than 11,000 species of aquatic creatures, the majority of
which are marine in origin.
Cnidocytes, specialized cells that they primarily
employ for prey capture, are what makes them
distinctive. Mesoglea, a non-living jelly-like
substance, is sandwiched between two layers of
epithelium, each of which is typically one cell thick.
Wikimedia Foundation. (2022, December 16).
Cnidaria. Wikipedia. Retrieved January 15, 2023,
from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cnidaria
Animalia - It is the most extensive
Kingdom among the others and is
characterized as Heterotroph which
means they live by means of eating other
Cnidaria - composed of thousands of
Species that can be found in
freshwater and marine

Anthozoa - marine invertebrates

which include sea anemones, stony
corals, and soft corals

Actiniaria - (Subclass Hexacorallia)

Sea anemones are brightly colored
They are usually about 2.5–10 cm
across, but a few grow up to 1.8 m
Stichodactylidae - sea anemones
exclusively reside within the shallow
waters of the tropical Indo-Pacific area
and are in the main family of sea
anemones that hosts several varieties of

Heteractis - composed of Aurora,

Crispa, Magnifica, Malu Speces

Heteractis malu - (malu anemone)

This anemone has stout, sparse
tentacles, almost always under
40mm in length, usually tipped with
magenta coloration.
Animalia - It is the most extensive
Kingdom among the others and is
characterized as Heterotroph which
means they live by means of eating other
Cnidaria - composed of thousands of
Species that can be found in
freshwater and marine

Anthozoa - marine invertebrates

which include sea anemones, stony
corals, and soft corals

Actiniaria - (Subclass Hexacorallia)

Sea anemones are brightly colored
They are usually about 2.5–10 cm
across, but a few grow up to 1.8 m
Actiniidae - Actiniidae is the largest
family of sea anemones, to which most
common, temperate, shore species
belong. Most members of this family do
not participate in symbioses with fish.

Anthopleura - Anthopleura is Greek;

anthōs, flowers, and pleura, ribs.a giant
millipede that lived during the

Anthopleura xanthogrammica -(giant

green anemone) These anemones tend
to live a solitary life, but can be
occasionally seen as groups with no
more than 14 individuals per square
meter. They can move slowly using
their basal disks but usually stay sessile.
Animalia - It is the most extensive
Kingdom among the others and is
characterized as Heterotroph which
means they live by means of eating other
Cnidaria - composed of thousands of
Species that can be found in
freshwater and marine

Anthozoa - marine invertebrates

which include sea anemones, stony
corals, and soft corals

Pennatulacea -Sea pens are actually

colonies of polyps, as are all octocorals.
Polyp dimorphism is what sets sea pens
apart. One polyp becomes very big, loses
its tentacles, and forms the central axis of
the structure
Renillidae - a family of colonial
alcyonaria (order Pennatulacea) having
a circular or reniform rachis with the
polyps dorsal.

Renilla - a genus of sea pen. It is the

only genus within the monotypic
family Renillidae.

Renilla reniformis - is a collection of

polyps with different forms and
functions. is a collection of polyps
with various shapes and functions.
To deflate the colony, a group of
tentacle polyps creates an outlet
valve and releases water.
Animalia - It is the most extensive
Kingdom among the others and is
characterized as Heterotroph which
means they live by means of eating other
Cnidaria - composed of thousands of
Species that can be found in
freshwater and marine

Anthozoa - marine invertebrates

which include sea anemones, stony
corals, and soft corals

Zoantharia - Sand and other substrate

are incorporated into Zoanthid colonies
for structure, in contrast to stony and
soft corals. They can exist either as
solitary polyps or in colonies.
Sphenopidae - A family composed of
Palythoa Lamouroux and Sphenopus
Steenstrup genus.

Palythoa -The individual polyps have

flattened oral discs surrounded by a
fringe of tentacles. The tentacles' shape
and size can vary considerably between
species, and even between colonies of
the same species.

Palythoa Mutuki - A common

zoanthid species called Palythoa
mutuki can also be found off the west
coast of South America. It is often
found in the Indo-Pacific. It can be
found in both marine and intertidal
zones and occurs at depths ranging
from 0 to 28 meters.
Animalia - It is the most extensive
Kingdom among the others and is
characterized as Heterotroph which
means they live by means of eating other
Cnidaria - composed of thousands of
Species that can be found in
freshwater and marine

Hydrozoa -few genera within this class

live in freshwater habitats. Hydrozoans
are related to jellyfish and corals and
belong to the phylum Cnidaria.

Leptothecata - Leptothecata obtains radial

symmetry, in which their gonads can be
found in their radial canals. Their
morphological characters normally have
ranged from benthic to planktonic stages.
Aequoreidae - sometimes called the
many-ribbed jellies or many-ribbed
jellyfish. There are approximately 30
known species found in temperate and
tropical marine coastal environments.

Aequorea - genus of pelagic

hydrozoans in the family
Aequoreidae which is comprised of
various species
Aequorea victoria - also sometimes
called the crystal jelly, The species is
best known as the source of
aequorin (a photoprotein), and green
fluorescent protein (GFP); two
proteins involved in
5000 species of sponges known to exist in the globe,
making them a diverse group of occasionally common
forms. Though most species of sponges are marine,
there are 150 that dwell in freshwater. Sponges have
cellular-level organization, which means that their
cells are specialized so that distinct cells carry out
different jobs. However, comparable cells are not
organized into tissues, and their bodies are a loose
collection of many cell types.

Myers, P. (n.d.). Porifera (sponges). Animal Diversity Web.

Retrieved January 16, 2023, from
Animalia - It is the most extensive
Kingdom among the others and is
characterized as Heterotroph which
means they live by means of eating other
Porifera- The word “Porifera” mainly
refers to the pore bearers or pore
bearing species. Based on the
embryological studies, sponges are
proved as animals and are classified into
a separate Phylum in animals.
Calcarea -only class with asconoid
and syconoid constructions, all others
have leuconoid construction
Clathrinida - spicules are made up of
calcium carbonate; they are simple in
structure or may have up to four rays.
Members of the Class Calcarea are
small. All species are marine.
Clathrinidae - family of sponges. They
are omnivores. They have asexual and
sexual reproduction.

Clathrina -a shallow-water species

found in the Mediterranean and on
Atlantic coasts of Europe as far north
as the British Isles.
usually appears cushion -shaped at a

Clathrina heronensis - a small, flatly

encrusting loosely open network of
thin tubes. Water-collecting tubes or
oscules are not apparent.
Consistency in preserved state, stiff,
Animalia - It is the most extensive
Kingdom among the others and is
characterized as Heterotroph which
means they live by means of eating other
Porifera- The word “Porifera” mainly
refers to the pore bearers or pore
bearing species. Based on the
embryological studies, sponges are
proved as animals and are classified into
a separate Phylum in animals.
Calcarea -only class with asconoid
and syconoid constructions, all others
have leuconoid construction

Leucosolenida - sponges of a simple

sycettid organization and leading to
sponges with a complex aquiferous
system and skeleton.
Sycettidae - a large family of calcareous
sycon sponges.

Sycon - Typically, it is found attached to

shells, and rocks and is sedentary,
growing up to 7.5 cm and having a
length from 2.5 to 7.5, and are tube-
shaped and often white to cream in

Sycon ciliatum - bodies are arranged in

the asconoid system, which is a simple
tube with no folding of the outer body
wall. Sycon ciliatum live in shallow
marine waters from the intertidal zone
out into sublittoral depths.
Animalia - It is the most extensive
Kingdom among the others and is
characterized as Heterotroph which
means they live by means of eating other

Porifera- The word “Porifera” mainly

refers to the pore bearers or pore bearing
species. Based on the embryological
studies, sponges are proved as animals
and are classified into a separate Phylum
in animals.
Demospongiae - comprising the majority
of living sponges and being characterized
by complex structure with a skeleton of
tetraxial or simple siliceous spicules or of
fibers of spongin or of both.

Agelasida - a small order characterized

by the possession of verticillately spined
styles (occasionally with oxeote
Agelasidae - a family of sponges under
the order agelasida.

Agelas - genus of sea sponge in the

class Demospongiae. Members of
this genus are filter feeders.

Agelas cerebrum - a small, flatly

encrusting loosely thick tube, usually
with two that are fused or partly
fused. Surface with round oscules
surrounded by convoluted deep
Animalia - It is the most extensive
Kingdom among the others and is
characterized as Heterotroph which
means they live by means of eating other

Porifera- The word “Porifera” mainly

refers to the pore bearers or pore bearing
species. Based on the embryological
studies, sponges are proved as animals
and are classified into a separate Phylum
in animals.
Demospongiae - comprising the majority
of living sponges and being characterized
by complex structure with a skeleton of
tetraxial or simple siliceous spicules or of
fibers of spongin or of both.
Dictyoceratida - - is composed of the
families Dysideidae, Irciniidae,
Thorectidae, and Spongiidae. An order of
sponges in the subclass Ceractinomorpha
contains five families.
Irciniidae -Irciniidae possess pitched
and concentrically laminated, primary
and secondary fibres

Ircinia -it is a sea sponge under the

family of Irciniidae.

Ircinia campana - an inverted cone

with relatively thin walls.
Sometimes as thicker vases or as fans
(incomplete fans), or as masses with
an upper depression. External
surface with low conules.
Animalia - It is the most extensive
Kingdom among the others and is
characterized as Heterotroph which
means they live by means of eating other

Porifera- The word “Porifera” mainly

refers to the pore bearers or pore bearing
species. Based on the embryological
studies, sponges are proved as animals
and are classified into a separate Phylum
in animals.
Demospongiae - comprising the majority
of living sponges and being characterized
by complex structure with a skeleton of
tetraxial or simple siliceous spicules or of
fibers of spongin or of both.

Verongida - Verongiida (also known as

Verongida) is an order of sea sponges
within the phylum Porifera.
Aplysinidae -a family of sea sponges in
the order Verongiida. Its growths are
either shaped like a fan or a club.
Contained within the family are three
recognized genera and six unrecognized
Aplysina - a sea sponge under the
family of aplysinidae.

Aplysina archeri - also known as a

stove-pipe sponge because of its
shape. A species of tube sponge that
has long tube-like structures of
cylindrical shape
Animalia - It is the most extensive
Kingdom among the others and is
characterized as Heterotroph which
means they live by means of eating other

Porifera- The word “Porifera” mainly

refers to the pore bearers or pore bearing
species. Based on the embryological
studies, sponges are proved as animals
and are classified into a separate Phylum
in animals.
Hexactinellida - in the class Hexactinellida
are animals commonly found in the deep
ocean. Their tissues contain glass-like
structural particles, called spicules, that
are made of silica (hence their name).
Amphidiscosida - is an order of
hexactinellid sponges characterized by
amphidisc spicules, that is, spicules having
a stellate disk at each end.
Pheronematidae - is a family of sponges
belonging to the order Amphidiscosida.

Pheronema - is a genus of sponges in the

family Pheronematidae. They are

Pheronema carpenteri - (Thomson, 1869),

known as the “Bird's nest sponge” is a
globular to subcylindrical sponge
possessing a wide and deep atrial cavity
with a large apical oscule. It inhabits
sedimentary bottoms, anchoring itself to
soft substrate by means of a basal tuft of
Animalia - It is the most extensive
Kingdom among the others and is
characterized as Heterotroph which
means they live by means of eating other

Porifera- The word “Porifera” mainly

refers to the pore bearers or pore bearing
species. Based on the embryological
studies, sponges are proved as animals
and are classified into a separate Phylum
in animals.
Hexactinellida - in the class Hexactinellida
are animals commonly found in the deep
ocean. Their tissues contain glass-like
structural particles, called spicules, that
are made of silica (hence their name).
Aulocalycoida - order of spongeand also
move short distances by means of their
flagella. As cells come into contact with one
another, they.
Ulocalycidae - is a family of sponges
belonging to the order Lyssacinosida.

Aulocalyx - hexactinellid
Aulocalyx irregularis, lithistid
demosponge. the Eocene:
palaeobiogeographical, ecological
and taxonomic significance.

Aulocalyx serialis - is a sponge

species in the taxonomic
classification of the glass sponges
Animalia - It is the most extensive
Kingdom among the others and is
characterized as Heterotroph which
means they live by means of eating other

Porifera- The word “Porifera” mainly

refers to the pore bearers or pore bearing
species. Based on the embryological
studies, sponges are proved as animals
and are classified into a separate Phylum
in animals.
Hexactinellida - in the class Hexactinellida
are animals commonly found in the deep
ocean. Their tissues contain glass-like
structural particles, called spicules, that
are made of silica (hence their name).

Aulocalyx serialis - is a sponge species in

the taxonomic classification of the glass
sponges (Hexactinellida).
Uncinateridae - of unknown (plate
fragments) or blade-like body form,
body wall thin to moderately thick

Tretopleura - is a genus of
sponges in the family
Uncinateridae. They are
omnivores Definition:
Component found in mineralized
skeletal tissue
Tretopleura candelabrum - is a
species of sponges in the family
Uncinateridae. They are

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