The World With Us Explore: What Is Volcano?
The World With Us Explore: What Is Volcano?
The World With Us Explore: What Is Volcano?
well as PHIVOLCS updates. to avoid flying debris, hot gases, lateral blast
Do not travel unless you have to. Driving in ash • Take note of hotlines and emergency and lava flow.
is hazardous to your health and your car. numbers to call for help.
Driving will stir up more ash that can clog Be aware of mudflows. The danger from a mudflow
• Prepare an emergency supply kit increases near stream channels and with
engines and stall vehicles.
Replace disposable furnace filters or clean
consisting of food, water, clothing, first prolonged heavy rains. Mudflows can move faster
permanent furnace filters frequently. aid supplies, mobile phone, whistle, than you can walk or run. Look upstream before
If your drinking water has ash in it, use another flashlight, & extra batteries. crossing a bridge and do not cross the bridge if a
source of drinking water, such as purchased • Have enough face masks for your mudflow is approaching.
bottled water, until your water can be tested. Avoid river valleys and low-lying areas.
household, as well as medicines for
Clear roofs of ash. Ash is very heavy and can Remember to help your neighbours who may
cause buildings to collapse. Be very cautious those who need them. require special assistance - infants, elderly
when working on a roof. Ash can be slippery and people and people with access and functional
make it easy to fall. needs.