Sentence Improvement: Prepared by Neetu Singh
Sentence Improvement: Prepared by Neetu Singh
Sentence Improvement: Prepared by Neetu Singh
Prepared by Neetu Singh
(Previous Year Questions)
1. (4) ‘gaint’ means ‘a very powerful 'Room' means 'space that is used
organisation’. for something'.
2. (2) ‘Components’ – ‘a part of 'No room' means 'no space'.
machine or vehicle’. 10. (2) ‘Co-operation’ means ‘the process
3. (2) Replace ‘Mathematics teacher’s’ of working together’.
with ‘Mathematics teachers’. 11. (2) ‘Succour’ means ‘assistance and
support in times of hardship and
Plural of ‘teacher’ is ‘teachers’.
4. (2) Replace ‘a three-years degree
12. (3) ‘Breeze’ (Noun) means ‘a light
course’ with ‘a three-year degree
13. (4) 'Foot' means the lowest part of
• Hyphenated noun is never used something.
in Plural form.
14. (2) ‘Likelihood’ means ‘the fact of
Ex. He stays in five-star hotels. something’s being likely’.
5. (3) ‘Momentum’ means ‘driving force ‘Probability’ means ‘the extent to
gained by the development of a which something is likely to
process’. happen’. The most common word
6. (3) ‘Affection’ means ‘a gentle is possibility.
feeling of fondness or liking’. 15. (2) Replace ‘an old scissor’ with ‘a
‘Affliction’ means ‘something that pair of old scissors’.
causes pain or suffering’ 16. (2) ‘Shadow’ (noun) means ‘a dark
shape produced by a body. ‘Shade
‘Affectation’ means ‘behaviour,
(noun) means ‘an area that is
speech or writing that is artificial
dark and cool under something’.
and designed to impress’.
17. (1) Replace ‘kind’ with ‘kindness’.
7. (4) No Improvement
Here we need a noun ‘kindness’
8. (1) ‘Euphemisms’ means ‘a pleasant (n;k) and not an adjective ‘kind’
word that is used instead of that
is unpleasant’.
18. (3) Replace ‘mother-in-law’ with
9. (4) No Improvement. ‘mothers-in-law’.
19. (1) ‘Traffic congestion’ is the correct on which a building is
phrase. constructed'.
20. (4) No Improvement. 33. (2) 'Viva Voce' means '(especially of
'Index' means 'something that an examination) oral'.
leads one to a particular fact or For 'exams' 'Viva voce' is used.
conclusion'. 34. (3) Replace ‘spectacles’ with ‘a pair
21. (1) ‘At someone behest’ means ‘At of spectacles’.
someone’s order or command’. ‘A pair of spectacles’ – (Singular
22. (3) ‘Prerequisite’ means ‘Pre- form) which precisely shows the
condition’. number.
23. (3) ‘Motive’ means ‘intention’ or 'a 35. (2) 'Deadline' means 'the last time
reason for doing something' by which something should be
(bjknk). complete' (fdlh dke dks [kRe djus dh
24. (3) ‘Upbringing’ means ‘the vafre frfFk)
treatment received by a child 36. (3) 'Familiarity with' is correct .
from its parent throughout its 37. (3) Replace ‘group of fish’ with ‘school
childhood’. of fish’. Group of fish is known as
25. (4) 'Tribulation' (Noun) means ‘school’ or shoal’.
'unhappiness, pain or suffering'. 38. (1) 'Session' means 'A period of time
(ihM+k&Dys'k) devoted to specific activity'.
26. (2) 'Deadline' means 'the last time 'Parliament' has 'sessions'.
by which something should be 39. (3) 'Caddy' (Noun) is a small
completed'. (dksbZ dke [kRe djus dk container especially used to keep
vafre le;) tea in.
27. (4) No Improvement. 40. (1) 'Dictator' means 'a despot'
'To garner new experiences'
means 'to gain new experiences'. 41. (3) Replace ‘arms’ with ‘tentacles’.
28. (4) 'Intricacy' means 'the quality of Octopus ‘arms’ are called
being complex' (tfVyrk). It means
the same as ‘difficulty’. 42. (1) 'Predict' means 'say that (a
specified thing) will happen in the
29. (3) 'Alternate' means 'occuring by
turns' (,d NksM+ dj ,d). 'Choice'
'Portend' means 'to give an omen
means 'an act of choosing
or anticipatory sign of'.
between two or more
43. (3) Replace ‘part’ with ‘aspect’.
Here ‘aspect’ is the right word.
30. (1) Outlet is the 'hole' through which
‘Aspect’ means ‘a particular
the water flows out.
feature of something’. (igyq)
31. (1) 'Alma Mater' means 'a school,
college or university which one 44. (3) ‘Kept in Jail’ is more precise as
has attended. far as a prisoner is concerned.
32. (1) 'Site' means 'an area of ground 45. (1)