Water in The Life
Water in The Life
Water in The Life
Effects of water
Most countries don't have enough water for
drinking, washing and cleaning the particularly this
country (African )cause of pollution of water on the
surface from a lot of factories animals and humans
waste so that we find three problems that results from
water is kills first when it is unsafe and shortages life
for livestock and all living things in addition the main
cause of desertification in Africa; poor farming
practices, as well as cutting down too many trees,
drinking surface underground water for industrial use.
In the other hands ,the lack of drinking water and its
loss from the body cause a condition known, the
symptoms are as follows: feeling very thirsty; the body
depends on the water to survive, therefore the organs
need it in order to function properly although lost of
water can cause dry mouth and others troubles
Final part
We have discussed here though this article
everything related to water and its many benefits
and blessings , not only for humans but for all living
creatures , we also
said the impact of water and finally , not wait until you
are thirsty to drink water but make it your mate O
Written by: ABASS NDIAYE