Are Real
Are Real
Are Real
Solve the equations for v and w, giving your answers in the form x + iy, where x and y are real.
(b)(i) On an Argand diagram, sketch the locus of points representing complex numbers z satisfying
(ii) Calculate the least value of arg z for points on this locus.
2. The complex number u is defined by u = , where a is real.
3. (a) Solve the equation (1 + 2i)w + iw = 3 + 5i. Give your answer in the form x + iy, where x and y are real.
(b) (i) On a sketch of an Argand diagram, shade the region whose points represent complex numbers z
satisfying the inequalities
(ii) Find the least value of Im z for points in this region, giving your answer in an exact form.
4. (a) The complex number u and w are such that
Find u and w, giving your answers in the form x + iy, where x and y are real and exact.
(b) On a sketch of an Argand diagram, shade the region whose points represent complex numbers z
satisfying the inequalities