Raceway & Box Calculation
Raceway & Box Calculation
Raceway & Box Calculation
Raceway and Box
5 Calculations
Anyone who’s ever pulled wire into a conduit understands the reason for maximum limits on the wire fill for raceways. Trying to pull too
many conductors into a raceway can damage the conductor insulation due to the friction and mechanical abuse. We’ve all heard a joke
about tying a wire-pulling rope onto the hitch of the service truck and “locking in the hubs.” At least, we hope this is a joke and not an accu-
rate recounting of an installation.
Chapter 9, Table 1 provides the maximum limits the Code recognizes for wire fill in terms of a percentage of the raceway’s interior cross-
sectional area. This unit explains those limits and provides instruction regarding the use of the associated tables in Chapter 9 to calcu-
late conductor fill. How to use the tables in Annex C when all of the conductors in the raceway are the same size (total cross-sectional area
including insulation) is also covered.
Wireway abuse results from disregarding the limits on the radius of bends required for making transitions into and out of the wireway, and
the number of conductors and splices allowed. There are specific rules in the NEC to help plan wireway installations that are in compliance
and much easier to work with.
The Code provides a limit to the number of conductors allowed in outlet boxes, based on Table 314.16(A). This limit is often joked about as
being the “maximum number of conductors that can be installed in the outlet box while using the persuasion of your hammer handle.” This
method doesn’t follow the NEC’s guidance set forth in 314.16(B). In this unit, you’ll learn how to properly calculate the maximum number of
conductors and “conductor equivalents” to be installed in an outlet box. Be sure to read this material carefully so you’ll understand what the
Code means by “conductor equivalents.”
An explanation of the sizing requirements of 314.28(A)(1) and (2) for larger pull boxes, junction boxes, and conduit bodies which enclose
conductors 4 AWG and larger, rounds out the information provided here in Unit 5.
PART A—RACEWAY FILL Author’s Comment: This unit is based on the use of solidly
grounded ac systems, 600V or less, using 90ºC insulated copper
conductors sized to 75ºC terminals unless otherwise specified.
Raceways must be large enough to avoid damaging the insulation
when conductors are pulled into the raceway. Chapter 9 and Annex C
of the NEC are the primary references for determining allowable con-
5.1 Understanding the NEC, Chapter 9 Tables
ductor fill in raceways. For the most common condition, where multi-
ple conductors of the same size are installed together in a raceway, the Table 1—Conductor Percent Fill
maximum number of conductors permitted can be determined from
The maximum percentage of allowable conductor fill is listed in
the tables in Annex C. For situations where conductors of different
Chapter 9, Table 1. It’s based on common conditions where the length
sizes are mixed together in a raceway, Chapter 9 contains the infor-
of the conductor and number of raceway bends are within reasonable
mation necessary to calculate the required raceway size. Because dif-
limits [Chapter 9, Table 1, Note 1]. Figure 5–1
ferent conductor types (THW, TW, THHN, and so forth) have different
thicknesses of insulation, the number and size of conductors permitted
in a given raceway often depend on the conductor type used.
122 Mike Holt’s Illustrated Guide to Electrical Exam Preparation 2011 Edition
Raceway and Box Calculations Unit 5
Figure 5–2
Figure 5–4
Answer: (a) 1 THHN [Annex C, Table C.3] Answer: (d) 39 conductors [Annex C, Table C.7]
It’s common to see conductors with a dual insulation rating,
such as THHN/THWN. This type of conductor can be used in
a dry location at the THHN 90°C ampacity, or if used in a wet
location, the THWN ampacity rating of the 75°C column of Table
310.15(B)(16) for THWN insulation types must be adhered to.
Figure 5–6
124 Mike Holt’s Illustrated Guide to Electrical Exam Preparation 2011 Edition
Raceway and Box Calculations Unit 5
Figure 5–7 The percentages listed in Table 1 apply only to complete raceway sys-
tems and aren’t intended to apply to sections of raceways used to
protect wiring from physical damage. Figure 5–9
Figure 5–9
Figure 5–10 Figure 5–12
Notes to Tables, Note 4—Raceways Question: What Is the total are occupied in a raceway for the
not Exceeding 24 Inches following cables?
When a raceway doesn’t exceed 24 in. in length, it’s permitted to be 4 Category 5 plenum cables, dia = 0.167 in.
filled to 60 percent of its total cross-sectional area as identified in 2 fiber cables, 24 strand, dia = 0.438 in.
Table 4 of Chapter 9. Figure 5–11 3 fiber cables, 12 strand, dia = 0.25 in.
126 Mike Holt’s Illustrated Guide to Electrical Exam Preparation 2011 Edition
Raceway and Box Calculations Unit 5
Figure 5–14
Figure 5–13
Figure 5–17
The sixth column of this table (Total Area 100%) gives the total cross-
sectional area in square inches of the raceway. There are also 31% (2
wires), 40% (3 or more wires), 53% (1 wire), and 60% (nipple) cross-
sectional area columns based on the number of conductors in accor-
dance with Chapter 9, Table 1.
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c Table 5—THHN
Question: What’s the cross-sectional area for one 10 THHN
conductor? Figure 5–19
Answer: (b) Trade size 1 Question: What’s the cross-sectional area for one 10 RHW con-
ductor with an outer cover?
c Raceway Cross-Sectional Area Example 5 (a) 0.0172 sq in. (b) 0.0206 sq in.
(c) 0.0278 sq in. (d) 0.0437 sq in.
Question: What’s the minimum size Schedule 80 PVC raceway
required for three conductors with a wire fill of 0.35 sq in.? Answer: (d) 0.0437 sq in.
c Table 5—RHH Without an Outer Cover Table 5A—Dimensions of Compact Insulated Conductors
Question: What’s the cross-sectional area for one 10 RHH with- Chapter 9, Table 5A, lists the cross-sectional areas for compact
out an outer cover? copper and aluminum building wires. These conductors use specially
shaped strands so that the overall size of the conductor is more com-
(a) 0.0117 sq in. (b) 0.0252 sq in.
pact. The outer covering is marked as a compact conductor.
(c) 0.0278 sq in. (d) 0.0333 sq in.
130 Mike Holt’s Illustrated Guide to Electrical Exam Preparation 2011 Edition
Raceway and Box Calculations Unit 5
Question: What’s the cross-sectional area for one 4/0 XHHW Annex C—Tables 1 through 12 can’t be used to determine raceway
compact conductor? sizing when conductors of different sizes are installed in the same
raceway. When this situation is encountered, use the following steps
(a) 0.0117 sq in. (b) 0.1352 sq in. to determine the raceway size and nipple size:
(c) 0.2733 sq in. (d) 0.5216 sq in.
Step 1: Determine the cross-sectional area (in square inches) for
Answer: (c) 0.2733 sq in. each conductor from Chapter 9, Table 5 for insulated con-
ductors and from Chapter 9, Table 8 for bare conductors.
Table 8—Conductor Properties
Step 2: Determine the total cross-sectional area for all conductors.
Chapter 9, Table 8 contains conductor properties such as the cross-
Step 3: Size the raceway according to the percent fill as listed in
sectional area in circular mils, the number of strands per conductor,
Chapter 9, Table 1. Chapter 9, Table 4 includes the various
the cross-sectional area in square inches for bare conductors, and
types of raceways with columns representing the allow-
the direct-current resistance at 75ºC for both copper and aluminum
able percentage fills; such as 40 percent for three or more
conductors, and 60 percent for raceways 24 in. or less in
length. Be careful when selecting the raceway from Chapter
c Bare Conductor—Cross-Sectional Area 9, Table 4 as this table is divided up into numerous tables
for each raceway type, and you must choose the correct
Question: What’s the cross-sectional area for one 10 AWG bare section of the table for the type of raceway for which you’re
stranded conductor? Figure 5–20 performing the calculations.
(a) 0.008 sq in. (b) 0.011 sq in.
(c) 0.038 sq in. (d) a or b
c Raceway Size
Answer: (b) 0.011 sq in. [Chapter 9, Table 8]
Question: What’s the minimum size Schedule 40 PVC raceway
required for three 500 kcmil THHN conductors, one 250 kcmil
THHN conductor, and one 3 THHN conductor. Figure 5–21
(a) Trade size 2 (b) Trade size 2½
(c) Trade size 3 (d) Trade size 3½
Answer: (c) Trade size 3
Step 1: Determine the cross-sectional area of the conductors
[Chapter 9, Table 5].
500 THHN 0.7073 sq in. x 3 wires = 2.1219 sq in.
250 THHN 0.3970 sq in. x 1 wire = 0.3970 sq in.
3 THHN 0.0973 sq in. x 1 wire = 0.0973 sq in.
Step 2: Total cross-sectional area of all conductors = 2.6162
sq in.
Step 3: Size the conduit at 40 percent fill [Chapter 9, Table 1]
using Chapter 9, Table 4 (be sure to select the table for
Figure 5–20
PVC Schedule 40). Trade size 3 Schedule 40 PVC has
an allowable cross-sectional area of 2.907 sq in. for
over two conductors in the 40 percent column.
Figure 5–21 Figure 5–22
Question: What size RMC 24 in. or less in length is required for Wireways are commonly used where access to the conductors within
three 3/0 THHN conductors, one 1 THHN conductor, and one 6 the raceway is required to make terminations, splices, or taps to sev-
THHN conductor? Figure 5–22 eral devices at a single location. Their high cost precludes their use
for other than short distances, except in some commercial or indus-
(a) Trade size ½ (b) Trade size 1 trial occupancies where the wiring is frequently revised.
(c) Trade size 1½ (d) Trade size 2
Answer: (c) Trade size 1½ Author’s Comment: Both metal wireways [376] and nonme-
tallic wireways [378] are often called “troughs” or “gutters” in
Step 1: Determine the cross-sectional area of the conductors the field. Gutters are not really the same thing as a wireway, and
[Chapter 9, Table 5]. are covered by Article 366. Gutters are typically part of a factory
3/0 THHN 0.2679 sq in. x 3 wires = 0.8037 sq in. fabricated switchgear, and the product installed in the field is a
1 THHN 0.1562 sq in. x 1 wire = 0.1562 sq in. wireway.
6 THHN 0.0507 sq in. x 1 wire = 0.0507 sq in.
Step 2: Total cross-sectional area of the conductors = 1.0106
Definition—Metal Wireway [376.2]
sq in.
A sheet metal raceway with hinged or removable covers for housing
Step 3: Size the conduit at 60 percent fill [Chapter 9, Table 1,
and protecting electric conductors and cable, and in which conduc-
Note 4] using Chapter 9, Table 4.
tors are placed after the wireway has been installed. Figure 5–23
Trade size 1¼ nipple = 0.0916 sq in., too small
Trade size 1½ nipple = 1.243 sq in., just right
Conductors—Maximum Size [376.21]
Trade size 2 nipple = 2.045 sq in., larger than required
The maximum size conductor permitted in a wireway must not be
larger than that for which the wireway is designed.
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Answer: (c) 10
36 sq in. x 0.20 = 7.20 sq in. [376.22(A)]
500 kcmil THHN = 0.7073 sq in. [Chapter 9, Table 5]
Maximum Allowable Area/Area per Conductor =
Number of Conductors
7.20 sq in./0.7073 sq in. = 10.17 conductors
10 conductors can be installed.
Note: Conductor ampacity adjustment for bundling isn’t required
because there are fewer than 30 current-carrying conductors
Figure 5–24
Figure 5–25 Figure 5–26
Wireway Splices and Taps. Splices and taps must not fill more
than 75 percent of the wiring space at any cross section [376.56].
Figure 5–26 and 5–27
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Raceway and Box Calculations Unit 5
Figure 5–29
Figure 5–28
Figure 5–30 Figure 5–31
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Raceway and Box Calculations Unit 5
(2) Cable Clamp Volume. One or more internal cable clamps count
as a single conductor volume in accordance with Table 314.16(B),
based on the largest conductor that enters the box. Cable connectors
that have their clamping mechanism outside the box aren’t counted.
Figure 5–35
Figure 5–33
Figure 5–34
Figure 5–36
(4) Device Yoke Volume. Each single gang device yoke (regard-
less of the ampere rating of the device) counts as two conductor vol-
umes based on the largest conductor that terminates on the device in
accordance with Table 314.16(B). Figure 5–37
Figure 5–38
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Raceway and Box Calculations Unit 5
Figure 5–41
Step 1: Determine the number and size of conductors within (a) 4 conductors (b) 5 conductors
the box. (c) 6 conductors (d) 7 conductors
Fixture wires, including the fixture equipment grounding Answer: (b) 5 conductors
conductor aren’t counted when the fixture has a domed
Step 1: Determine the number and size of the existing
14/2 NM 2 – 14 AWG
Two Receptacles 4 – 12 AWG conductors
Cable clamps 1 – 14 AWG
(2 yokes x 2 conductors)
Ground wire + 1 – 14 AWG
Five 12 AWG 5 – 12 AWG conductors
Total 4 – 14 AWG conductors
One equipment
Step 2: Determine the volume of the conductors [Table grounding conductor + 1 – 12 AWG conductors
314.16(B)]. Total 10 – 12 AWG conductors
14 AWG = 2 cu in.
Four 14 AWG conductors = 4 wires x 2 cu in. = 8 cu in.
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Raceway and Box Calculations Unit 5
Step 2: Determine the volume of the existing conductors Tips for Outlet Box Sizing
[Table 314.16(B)].
Tip 1: If conductors are the same size, add them together and size
12 AWG conductor = 2.25 cu in. the box using the AWG size columns of Table 314.16(A).
10 wires x 2.25 cu in. = 22.50 cu in.
Tip 2: If the box contains different sizes of conductors, use Table
Step 3: Determine the space remaining for the additional 14 314.16(B) to find the area of each conductor, add them
AWG conductors. up, and size the box from Table 314.16(A) using the cu in.
Remaining space = Total space less the area required column.
for existing conductors
Tip 3: Practice sizing boxes on the jobsite or in your own home, or
Total space = 30.30 cu in. (box) [Table 314.16(A)] by drawing out a picture problem to solve.
+ 3.60 cu in. (ring) = 33.90 cu in.
Remaining space = 33.90 cu in. – 22.50 cu in.
Remaining space = 11.40 cu in. CONDUIT BODIES
Step 4: Determine the number of 14 AWG conductors permitted Introduction
in the spare space. Pull boxes, junction boxes, and conduit bodies must be sized to permit
Conductors added = Remaining space/added conductors to be installed so that the conductor insulation isn’t dam-
conductors’ volume aged. For conductors 4 AWG and larger, pull boxes, junction boxes,
Conductors added = 11.40 cu in./2 cu in. = 5.70 and conduit bodies must be sized in accordance with 314.28 of the
[Table 314.16(B)] NEC. Figure 5–44
Conductors added = 5
(Rounding up doesn’t apply to box fill.)
Figure 5–44
Figure 5–43
(1) Straight Pulls. The minimum distance from where the conductors
enter to the opposite wall must not be less than eight times the trade
size of the largest raceway. Figure 5–45
Figure 5–46
Figure 5–45
142 Mike Holt’s Illustrated Guide to Electrical Exam Preparation 2011 Edition
Raceway and Box Calculations Unit 5
• Splices. When conductors are spliced, the distance from • Distance Between Raceways. The distance between
where the raceways enter to the opposite wall must not raceways enclosing the same conductor must not be less
be less than six times the trade size of the largest race- than six times the trade size of the largest raceway, mea-
way, plus the sum of the trade sizes of the remaining sured from the raceways’ nearest edge-to-nearest edge.
raceways on the same wall and row. Figure 5–48 Figure 5–50
Figure 5–48
Figure 5–50
• Rows. Where there are multiple rows of raceway entries, Exception: When conductors enter an enclosure with a removable
each row is calculated individually and the row with the cover, such as a conduit body or wireway, the distance from where
largest distance must be used. Figure 5–49 the conductors enter to the removable cover must not be less than
the bending distance as listed in Table 312.6(A) for one conductor per
terminal. Figure 5–51
Figure 5–49
Figure 5–51
5.10 Pull Box Examples (a) 18 in. (b) 21 in. (c) 24 in. (d) 30 in.
c Horizontal Dimension
Question: What’s the horizontal dimension of this box?
Figure 5–52
Figure 5–53
144 Mike Holt’s Illustrated Guide to Electrical Exam Preparation 2011 Edition
Raceway and Box Calculations Unit 5
Figure 5–55
c Vertical Dimension
Question: What’s the vertical dimension of the box? Figure 5–56
c Horizontal Dimension
Question: What’s the horizontal dimension of the box?
Figure 5–55
3. Box calculations become more familiar with more practice. Use Junction box and pull box calculations only come into play when the
practical field examples to practice calculations. conductors are 4 AWG and larger. Straight pulls, angle pulls, and U
pulls were all covered in this unit, as well as an often forgotten
4. Draw up some sample pull boxes and calculate them for practice. requirement that applies to two raceways that contain the same con-
ductors. Always draw out a problem involving junction or pull boxes
so that you’ll be able to visualize it and properly apply the calculations
you’ve learned.
146 Mike Holt’s Illustrated Guide to Electrical Exam Preparation 2011 Edition
5 Practice Questions
Please use the 2011 Code book to answer the 4. How many 16 TFFN conductors can be installed in trade size ¾
following questions, which are based on the electrical metallic tubing?
2011 NEC. (a) 26
(b) 29
(c) 30
9. The actual area of conductor fill is dependent on the raceway 14. What’s the cross-sectional area in square inches for an 8 AWG
size and the number of conductors installed. If there are three bare solid conductor?
or more conductors installed in a raceway, the total area of
(a) 0.013 sq in.
conductor fill is limited to _____ percent.
(b) 0.027 sq in.
(a) 31 (c) 0.038 sq in.
(b) 40 (d) 0.045 sq in.
(c) 53
(d) 60
5.2 Raceway Calculations
10. What’s the cross-sectional area in square inches for a 10 THW 15. The number of conductors permitted in a raceway is dependent
conductor? on the _____.
11. What’s the cross-sectional area in square inches for a 14 RHW 16. A 200A feeder installed in Schedule 80 PVC has three 3/0 THHN
conductor (without an outer cover)? conductors, one 2 THHN conductor, and one 6 THHN conductor.
What size raceway is required?
(a) 0.0172 sq in.
(b) 0.0209 sq in. (a) A trade size 2 raceway.
(c) 0.0252 sq in. (b) A trade size 2½ raceway.
(d) 0.0278 sq in. (c) A trade size 3 raceway.
(d) A trade size 3½ raceway.
148 Mike Holt’s Illustrated Guide to Electrical Exam Preparation 2011 Edition
Raceway and Box Calculations Practice Questions Unit 5
19. What’s the cross-sectional area of a 4 in. x 4 in. wireway? 24. Table 314.16(A) doesn’t take into consideration the volume of
(a) 6 sq in.
(b) 16 sq in. (a) switches and receptacles
(c) 36 sq in. (b) luminaire studs and hickeys
(d) 66 sq in. (c) internal cable clamps
(d) all of these
20. What’s the maximum allowable sq in. of conductor fill for a 4 in.
x 4 in. wireway? 25. When determining the number of conductors for box fill calcu-
lations, which of the following statements is(are) true?
(a) 2.40 sq in.
(b) 3.20 sq in. (a) A luminaire stud or hickey is considered as one conductor
(c) 5.30 sq in. for each type, based on the largest conductor that enters
(d) 12 sq in. the outlet box.
(b) Internal factory cable clamps are considered as one
conductor for one or more cable clamps, based on the
21. What’s the maximum number of 400 kcmil THHN conductors largest conductor that enters the outlet box.
that can be installed in a 6 in. x 6 in. wireway? (c) The single gang device yoke is considered as two conduc-
(a) 4 tors, based on the largest conductor that terminates on the
(b) 6 strap (device mounting fitting).
(c) 10 (d) all of these
(d) 12
26. When determining the number of conductors for box fill calcu-
PART B—OUTLET BOX FILL CALCULATIONS [314.16] lations, which of the following statements is(are) true?
(a) Each conductor that runs through the box without a splice
5.5 Sizing Box—Conductors All the or leaving a loop long enough to splice is considered as one
Same Size [Table 314.16(A)] conductor.
(b) Each conductor that originates outside the box and termi-
22. What size box is the minimum required for six 14 THHN
nates in the box is considered as one conductor.
conductors and three 14 THW conductors?
(c) Wirenuts, cable connectors, raceway fittings, and conduc-
(a) A 4 x 1¼ square box. tors that originate and terminate within the outlet box
(b) A 4 x 1½ round box. (equipment bonding jumpers and pigtails) aren’t counted for
(c) A 4 x 1¼ round box. box fill calculations.
(d) A 4 x 21⁄8 square box. (d) all of these
23. How many 10 AWG conductors are permitted in a 4 x 1½ 27. It’s permitted to omit one equipment grounding conductor and
square box? not more than _____ that enter a box from a luminaire canopy.
(a) 8 conductors (a) five fixture wires
(b) 9 conductors (b) four 16 AWG fixture wires
(c) 10 conductors (c) four 18 AWG fixture wires
(d) 11 conductors (d) b and c
28. Can a round 4 x ½ in. box marked as 8 cu in. with manufac- (c) The distance between raceways enclosing the same
tured cable clamps supplied with 14/2 W/G NM be used with a conductor(s) must not be less than six times the trade size
luminaire that has two 18 TFN conductors and a canopy cover? diameter of the largest raceway.
(d) all of these
(a) Yes
(b) No
32. When conductors enter an enclosure opposite a removable
cover, the distance from where the conductors enter to the
5.7 Outlet Box Sizing [314.16(B)]
removable cover must not be less than _____.
29. What size outlet box is required for one 12/2 W/G NM cable that (a) six times the largest raceway
terminates on a switch, one 12/3 W/G NM cable that terminates (b) eight times the largest raceway
on a receptacle, and the box has manufactured cable clamps? (c) a or b
(a) A 4 x 1¼ square box. (d) none of these
(b) A 4 x 1½ square box.
(c) A 4 x 21⁄8 square box. The following information applies to the next three questions.
(d) A 3 x 2 x 3½ device box
A junction box contains two trade size 2½ raceways on the left side
and one trade size 2½ raceway on the right side. The conductors from
30. How many 14 AWG conductors can be pulled through a 4 x 1½ one trade size 2½ raceway (on the left wall) are pulled through the
square box with a plaster ring marked 3.60 cu in.? The box raceway on the right wall. The other trade size 2½ raceway conduc-
already contains two duplex receptacles, five 14 AWG conduc- tors (on the left wall) are pulled through a trade size 2½ raceway at
tors, and two grounding conductors. the bottom of the pull box.
(a) one conductor 33. What’s the minimum distance from the left wall to the right
(b) two conductors wall?
(c) three conductors
(a) 18 in.
(d) four conductors
(b) 20 in.
(c) 21 in.
34. What’s the minimum distance from the bottom wall to the top
5.8 Pull/Junction Box Sizing Requirements
31. When conductors 4 AWG and larger are installed in boxes and (a) 15 in.
conduit bodies, the enclosure must be sized according to which (b) 18 in.
of the following requirements? (c) 21 in.
(a) The minimum distance for straight pull calculations from (d) 24 in.
where the conductors enter to the opposite wall must not be
less than eight times the trade size of the largest raceway.
35. What’s the minimum distance between the raceways that
(b) The distance for angle pull calculations from the raceway
contain the same conductors?
entry to the opposite wall must not be less than six times the
trade size diameter of the largest raceway, plus the sum of (a) 15 in.
the diameters of the remaining raceways on the same wall (b) 18 in.
and row. (c) 21 in.
(d) 24 in.
150 Mike Holt’s Illustrated Guide to Electrical Exam Preparation 2011 Edition
Raceway and Box Calculations Practice Questions Unit 5
The following information applies to the next three questions. 38. What’s the minimum distance between the trade size 2 race-
ways that contain the same conductors?
A junction box contains two trade size 2 raceways on the left side,
and two trade size 2 raceways on the top. (a) 12 in.
(b) 18 in.
36. What’s the minimum distance from the left wall to the right (c) 21 in.
wall? (d) 24 in.
(a) 14 in.
(b) 21 in.
(c) 24 in.
(d) 28 in.
37. What’s the minimum distance from the bottom wall to the top
(a) 14 in.
(b) 18 in.
(c) 21 in.
(d) 24 in.