Fire Alarm Sys Nec 760
Fire Alarm Sys Nec 760
Fire Alarm Sys Nec 760
NFPA 72, National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code, provides the require-
ments for the selection, installation, performance, use, testing, and
maintenance of fire alarm systems.
Author’s Comment:
n Building control circuits associated with the fire alarm
system, such as elevator capture and fan shutdown, must
comply with Article 725 [760.3(E)]. Article 760 applies if
these components are powered and directly controlled by the
fire alarm system.
n NFPA 101—Life Safety Code or the local building code spec-
Figure 760–1 ifies when and where a fire alarm system is required.
760.2 Definitions
Author’s Comment:
n Section 760.25 requires the accessible portion of abandoned
cables to be removed.
Fire Alarm Circuit. The portion of the wiring system and connected
equipment powered and controlled by the fire alarm system. Fire alarm
circuits are classified as either nonpower-limited or power-limited.
Author’s Comment:
n Inherently limited power supplies are designed to burn out if
(F) Optical Fiber Cables. Optical fiber cables utilized for fire alarm cir-
cuits must be installed in accordance with Article 770.
Author’s Comment:
n When all conductors in a raceway are the same size and (K) Bushing. When a raceway is used for the support or protection of
insulation, the number of conductors permitted can be found cables, a bushing to reduce the potential for abrasion must be placed
in Annex C for the raceway type. at the location where the cables enter the raceway in accordance with
300.15(C). Figure 760–7
Author’s Comment:
n Cables must be located so that the suspended-ceiling panels
can be moved to provide access to electrical equipment.
Author’s Comment:
n Raceways and cables above a suspended ceiling must be
supported by independent support wires attached to the sus-
pended ceiling [300.11(A), 760.46, and 760.130]. Figure
Author’s Comment:
760.25 Abandoned Cable n Cables installed in concealed raceways aren’t considered
“accessible”; therefore, they’re not required to be removed.
To limit the spread of fire or products of combustion within a build-
ing, the accessible portion of cable that isn’t terminated at equipment
and not identified for future use with a tag must be removed [760.2]. 760.30 Fire Alarm Circuit Identification
Figure 760–11
Figure 760–11
Cables identified for future use must be with a tag that can withstand
the environment involved. Figure 760–12
Figure 760–13
If fire alarm circuit conductors extend beyond a building and run out-
doors, they must be installed in accordance with Parts II, III, and IV of
Article 800, and they must also be installed in accordance with Part I
of Article 300.
(PLFA) Circuits
The branch-circuit overcurrent device must be identified in red, acces-
760.121 Power Sources for sible only to qualified personnel, and identified as “FIRE ALARM
Power-Limited Fire Alarm Circuits CIRCUIT.” The red identification must not damage the overcurrent pro-
tective device or obscure any manufacturer’s markings. Figure 760–16
(B) Branch Circuit. Power-limited fire alarm equipment must be sup-
plied by a branch circuit that supplies no other load and isn’t GFCI or
AFCI protected. Figure 760–14
Figure 760–16
Figure 760–14
Author’s Comment:
760.124 Equipment Marking
n Exposed cables must be supported by the structural com-
ponents of the building so the cable won’t be damaged by
Fire alarm equipment supplying power-limited fire alarm cable circuits
normal building use. Cables must be secured by straps, sta-
must be durably marked to indicate each circuit that’s a power-limited
ples, hangers, or similar fittings designed and installed in
fire alarm circuit.
a manner that won’t damage the cable. Cables installed
through or parallel to framing members or furring strips must
Author’s Comment:
be protected where they’re likely to be penetrated by nails or
n Fire alarm circuits must be marked at terminal and junction screws, by installing the wiring method so it isn’t less than
locations [760.30]. 1¼ in. from the nearest edge of the framing member or fur-
ring strips, or it must be protected by a 1⁄16 in. thick steel
plate or the equivalent [760.24(A)].
760.130 Wiring Methods on Load Side of
Power-Limited Fire Alarm Power Source
760.135 Installation of PLFA
(B) PLFA Wiring Methods and Materials. Power-limited fire alarm Cables in Buildings
conductors and cables described in 760.179 must be installed as
detailed in (1), (2), or (3) of this section and 300.7. Installation of power-limited fire alarm cables in buildings must comply
(1) Exposed or Fished in Concealed Spaces. Cable splices or termi- with 760.135(A) through (J).
nations must be made in listed fittings, boxes, enclosures, fire alarm (A) Listing. PLFA cables installed in buildings must be listed.
devices, or utilization equipment. Figure 760–17
(C) Plenum Spaces. Plenum rated FPLP cables are permitted in
plenum spaces as described in 300.22(C). Figure 760–18
Figure 760–17
Figure 760–18
Power-limited fire alarm cable installed exposed must be adequately
supported and protected against physical damage.
(H) Other Building Locations. The following cables are permitted to
be installed in building locations other than the locations covered in
770.113(B) through (H):
(3) Types FPLP, FPLR, and FPL cables installed in a raceway of a type
recognized in Chapter 3
Figure 760–19
(B) PLFA and Class 2 Circuits. Class 2 circuits can be within the
same cable, cable routing assembly, enclosure, cable tray, or race-
way as conductors of power-limited fire alarm circuits provided the
Class 2 circuit conductor insulation isn’t less than that required for the
power-limited fire alarm circuits.
Author’s Comment:
n Listed Class 2 cables have an insulation voltage rating of at
least 150V [725.179(G)], whereas listed power-limited fire
alarm cables have a voltage rating of not less than 300V
Author’s Comment:
n The concern is that a fault from audio amplifier circuits to
fire alarm circuits has the potential to create a hazard by dis-
rupting the operation of fire alarm systems. However, this
restriction doesn’t apply to the voice annunciation audio
circuits supplied and controlled from a fire alarm panel
and commonly required in high-rise buildings and similar
760.143 Support
Figure 760–22
Power-limited fire alarm cables aren’t permitted to be strapped, taped,
or attached to the exterior of any raceway as a means of support.
Figure 760–21
PLFA cables must meet the requirements of Table 760.154, or the sub-
stitutions allowed in 760.154(A). Figure 760–22
(C) Ratings. Fire Alarm cable must have a voltage rating of not less
than 300 volts. Figure 760–23
(D) Type FPLP. Type FPLP plenum cable is listed as being suitable for
use in plenum space. Figure 760–24
Note: Voltage markings on cables may suggest that the cables are suit-
able for Class 1 or electric power and light applications, which they are
Figure 760–24