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International Journal of Pharmaceutics: Review

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International Journal of Pharmaceutics 587 (2020) 119702

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International Journal of Pharmaceutics

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The silent development of counterfeit medications in developing countries – T

A systematic review of detection technologies

Anmole S. Bolla, Ashwani R. Patel, Ronny Priefer
Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences University, Boston 02115, USA


Keywords: Drug counterfeiting detection is very important for the safety of patients around the world. Counterfeit phar-
Counterfeit detection maceutical products can be referred to the production and distribution of mislabeled medications in which the
Pharmaceutical medications identity, authenticity, and/or effectiveness is altered. Drugs are often counterfeited to reduce manufacture costs,
Technologies while still marketing it at as an authentic product. Increased incidence of drug counterfeiting is most noticeable
Developing countries
in developing countries, which may not have the resources to supply counterfeit detection devices at a large
scale. It is important to consider the direct problems that it may cause and to propose options for controlling and
reducing the prevalence of counterfeit medications. Certain counterfeit detection devices have been successfully
used for qualitative and quantitative assessment to differentiate counterfeit medications from the reference
product. Different technologies are needed to identify the chemical properties of a questioned drug product,
which can then be used to determine its authenticity. This review examines the implications of counterfeit
medications and the current technological approaches that are able to detect counterfeited pharmaceuticals.

1. Introduction Retired Persons (AARP) claims, a major concern elderly have is whether
they would be able to afford their prescriptions (Nsimba, 2009). Al-
In the past decade there has been an increase in incidence of though this is seen as an issue in the United States, this is an even
counterfeit medications in the market. Counterfeit pharmaceutical greater concern in developing countries. This may be due to the in-
products can be referred to as the production and distribution of frau- creased poverty rates in these countries and the inability of the popu-
dulent mislabeled medications in relation to the products identity, au- lation to afford more than the necessities. Therefore, there are in-
thenticity, and/or effectiveness (Swaminath, 2008). This issue is rarely centives for purchasing medications at discounted rates, which have not
seen in developed countries but has become especially concerning in had proper inspections on the authenticity of these pharmaceutical
developing nations. This prevalence is due to a lack of law enforcement products.
as well as inadequate regulations of pharmaceuticals and the facilities Organizations such as World Health Organization (WHO) have been
in which the medications are made. In the developing nations, the working on this issue for decades and in 2006 launched the
overall prevalence of falsified medication is estimated to be approxi- International Medical Products Anti-Counterfeiting Taskforce
mately 14%, with antimalarial and antibiotics being mainly affected. In (IMPACT). Members of international organizations, enforcement
Africa almost 60% of the medications are substandard, which can lead agencies, industry, and nongovernmental organizations all work to-
to patients having subtherapeutic effects, indicative of the weighted gether in combatting the pharmaceutical counterfeit problem in dif-
morbidity and mortality rates that these countries currently have ferent countries (World Health Organization, 2011). This work entails
(Torloni et al., 2016). Overall, this has a global cost of an estimated $32 tackling the increased criminal networks and internet sources in which
billion annually (Ozawa et al., 2018). counterfeit medications are gaining popularity. The worldwide sales of
The numerous falsified medications have led to life-threatening illegal medications are estimated to reach $75 billion in 2020, a 90%
implications among populations including increased risk of prolonged increase in the past 5 years (World Health Organization, 2011). Due to
illness, poor outcomes to treatment, adverse drug reactions, and mor- the different regulations and laws of different countries, IMPACT has
tality. An incentive for the counterfeit producers may be that they can not been able to stop the counterfeit pharmaceutics from entering the
supply pharmaceuticals at a reduced cost. As American Association of market.

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: ronny.priefer@mcphs.edu (R. Priefer).

Received 16 June 2020; Received in revised form 23 July 2020; Accepted 24 July 2020
Available online 28 July 2020
0378-5173/ © 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A.S. Bolla, et al. International Journal of Pharmaceutics 587 (2020) 119702

As this issue is a major public health concern, countries such as USA international trade of the counterfeit drugs.
have increased its surveillance of pharmaceuticals and created stan- Counterfeit anti-malarial, antibiotics, and antivirals have a con-
dards such as Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) requirements to sequential cost to public health as they can lead to resistance to med-
ensure the pharmaceuticals arriving from other countries are authentic. ications that are needed to mitigate diseases that would otherwise be
In some developing countries the emergence of counterfeit medications fatal to the population. Recently, treatment failure of infectious diseases
is not well publicized. There is a sense that this information is being has been one of the major healthcare issues, especially in developing
kept quiet to avoid defaming a company’s products as well as to countries, where respiratory tract infections have a mortality of 4 to 5
minimize public fear (Cockburn et al., 2005). If the general population million people a year (Izadi et al.,). The most common respiratory tract
was made aware of the severity of the issue, they may distrust all infection seen is pneumonia. Levofloxacin, because of its high oral
medications and not adhere to their current medication therapies that bioavailability and fast bactericidal activity, is the treatment of choice
are not compromised (Cockburn et al., 2005). This may also lead to for severe pneumonia (Izadi et al., 2019). Due to the poor quality that
other implications such as patient’s overall distrust in the health care has been seen of levofloxacin, the minimum required inhibitory con-
system and therefore, they may try to self-treat instead of seeking centration may not be achieved, thus leading to resistance. Likewise, in
treatment in well-established hospitals in their local area. This would recent years, drug resistance to HIV regimens is now being seen in
thus lead to a greater probability that patients turn to the internet to developing countries. Again, the resistance in part is due to inadequate
attain medications. quality of the antivirals that are given to patients in these countries
According to a Pfizer sponsored study based on European countries, (Suthar et al., 2019). Overall, resistance in medications such antivirals
getting a medication from an illicit source leads to a greater risk of and antibiotics can lead to increased mortality rates as well as limiting
attaining a counterfeit rather than the intended medication (Porter, treatment options.
2008). Many of the drugs sold through illicit sources are “lifestyle” Another problem in developing nations is postpartum hemorrhage
drugs such as for hypertension or ones that patients may be too em- (PPH), known to be the leading cause of maternal mortality, represents
barrassed to see a doctor, such as for erectile dysfunction (Porter, around 27% of all maternal deaths worldwide (Torloni et al., 2016).
2008). Another publication in the New England Journal of Medicine Although oxytocin is the drug of choice in preventing PPH, in devel-
reported that in Singapore many non-diabetic patients were hospita- oping countries it is thought to be compromised due to poor manu-
lized with symptoms of severe hypoglycemia as a result of counterfeit facturing quality as well as inadequate transport, and storage (Torloni
sexual enhancement drugs (Jackson et al., 2010). These patients were et al., 2016).
receiving a drug laced with glyburide, a diabetic medication, and in- The worldwide concern of counterfeit drugs has however resulted in
cluded “inconsistent doses of active pharmaceutical ingredients (from a rise of different methods in attempting to minimize the amount
0% to > 200% of labelled dose), contaminants (including talcum reaching the market. These techniques range from spectroscopic and
powder, commercial paint, and printer ink), and alternative ingredients chromatography approaches, to better tracking and labeling. Each have
that are potentially hazardous” (Jackson et al., 2010). These medica- their inherent strengths and weaknesses, in particular their practicality,
tions were mixed with numerous other active ingredients ranging from reliability, and cost. Some of the technologies that have been explored
amphetamine to metronidazole, leaving uncertainty of possible drug- are gas chromatography – mass spectrometry, high performance liquid
drug interactions. These medications were obtained by individuals in chromatography, liquid chromatography - mass spectrometry, etc. with
developed as well as developing nations by means other than the tra- some showing promising results for monitoring counterfeit medica-
ditional clinic visit due to the cost of the medication and social stigma. tions. Herein, is a report of approaches that are being explored to assist
In a study, when more than 100 online pharmacies were identified and in halting this significant healthcare risk by focusing on the identifi-
assessed, approximately 94% had no verifiable pharmacist, 90% did not cation of the active agent.
require a prescription for prescription-only medications, 85% didn’t
have a physical location, and 79% had a website that violated in-
tellectual property (Jackson et al., 2010). This is seen as just one set of 2. Chromatography
cases in which patients have been hospitalized and possibly died due to
spurious medications, which the implications are far worse in the de- Chromatography involves the use of separating the active in-
veloping countries due to the limited resources they have. gredients from drug samples in order to quantify the amount of drug in
In 2009, China was reported to counterfeit 600,000 antimalarial each sample (Deconinck et al., 2013). Chromatography separates a
tablets, which were intercepted by the Nigerian government (Lewis, given sample by applying the differences between the mobile and sta-
2009). These tablets, although they were produced and shipped from tionary phase. Initially, a sample of the questioned substance is dis-
China, were incorrectly labelled “Made in India”. When the residents of solved in a fluid, often referred to as the mobile phase. The components
China were themselves asked about their views of pharmaceuticals, of the sample separate based on how the drug sample dissolves in the
they were unsure whether what they were acquiring was fake or not. A mobile phase and the stationary phase (Chromatography, 2020). The
23-year-old inhabitant expressed his fears when he was prescribed stationary phase can be divided into column, paper, and thin layer
antibiotics for his kidney infection. As days went by his kidney infection chromatography. The higher the adsorption of a molecule to the sta-
seemed to be progressively worsening. After 9 days he was called back tionary phase, the slower the drug components will move through the
to his doctor, who informed him that his antibiotics could be fake column or along the TLC (Coskun, 2016). Conversely, the more soluble
(Lewis, 2009). Another more recent study evaluated that around 28% of a drug is in the mobile phase, the faster the molecule will move through
the counterfeit medications are coming from China, with most of the a column. Both factors will affect the adsorption rate of a drug and thus
medications being adulterated are anti-infectives (Mackey et al., 2015). the separation of the drug components. The different subsets of chro-
It is now recognized as a danger globally to public health as seen in matography differ mainly in the mobile and stationary phases that is
reports compiled by public and private stakeholders that show the ex- used. For example, one subset of chromatography may use a normal-
tent of production, distribution, and sales of substandard counterfeit phase chromatography where the mobile phase is non-polar, and the
medications that continue to increase (Mackey et al., 2015). Further- stationary phase is polar. In contrast, some methods of chromatography
more, the Pharmaceutical Security Institute noted from 2005 to 2010 also use reverse-phase, where the mobile phase is polar, and the sta-
the diversion/theft of pharmaceuticals increased by 66% (Mackey et al., tionary phase is non-polar. Such changes in the phases allow for dif-
2015). However, during that same time, there was a 122% increase in ferent drug affinity to the stationary phase, leading to different ad-
incidence of drug counterfeiting (Mackey et al., 2015). This indicates sorption rates (HPLC Separation Modes, 2020).
that the theft of drugs is no longer as prevalent of an issue as is the

A.S. Bolla, et al. International Journal of Pharmaceutics 587 (2020) 119702

2.1. Thin layer chromatography (TLC) 2.2. High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)

One of the most common devices that are used to detect counterfeit High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) is a versatile tool
drugs is through the use of thin layer chromatography (TLC) by German for the detection of counterfeit medications, while maintaining high
Pharma Health Fund (GPHF) Minilab (The GPHF-Minilab™, 2020). levels of specificity and sensitivity. Due to these features, HPLC has
There are four processes that are utilized within the device in order to been utilized in testing for a wide variety of drugs. For example, one
test the quality of a drug. These processes include a physical inspection study utilized HPLC for the determination of the five most commonly
of solid dosage forms and packages, a sample tablet and capsule dis- used antimalarial agents: amodiaquine, proguanil, mefloquine, arte-
integration test to verify modified-release dosage forms, a quick check mether, and lumefantrine (Hoellein and Holzgrabe, 2014). Although
of the fill and total weight, and a semiquantitative TLC chemical test in expensive, certain readily available and cheap chemicals, solvents, and
order to check for the quantities of the active principal ingredient (API) standard C-18 reversed-phase (RP) columns can be used. This would
(The GPHF-Minilab™, 2020). This kit is advantageous to developing reduce the costs of producing this tool in countries that lack the means
countries since electricity supplementation is not mandatory as the and resources (Hoellein and Holzgrabe, 2014) (Fig. 1).
device is battery powered and can be operated with minimal amounts Additionally, HPLC has been used in research studies to distinguish
of training. The portable device provides a versatile means of drug whether a sample was amiodarone or dronedarone (El-Bagary et al.,
analysis, particularly in antimalarial, antituberculotic, antiretroviral, 2015). Historically, amiodarone has been used as a counterfeit in place
and antibiotic medications (Jähnke, 2004). Furthermore, this device of dronedarone due to its inexpensive manufacturing costs when com-
has the means of screening various medications that are on the World pared to dronedarone (El-Bagary et al., 2015; Khaykin and Shamiss,
Health Organization’s essential medication list (Kenyon et al., 1995). 2012). Although amiodarone is considered more efficacious than dro-
As mentioned above, one of the main uses for the Minilab includes nedarone, it also has a larger adverse effect profile, which is often at-
the detection of antimalarial medications. Subsequently, the Tanzania tributed to increased treatment discontinuations and rates of mortality
Food and Drugs Authority (TFDA) has implemented the use of the (Kim et al., 2014). Although no HPLC methods are acknowledged in
MiniLab kits. The supplementation of this device in their counterfeit major pharmacopeias for the qualitative and quantitative estimation of
detection programs was utilized to improve the capacity of the TFDA to dronedarone in pharmaceutical dosage forms, certain studies further
monitor the medications that was currently in the distribution chain prove the robustness that is offered by HPLC (El-Bagary et al., 2015;
(Risha et al., 2008). Testing procedures were not labor intensive, as one Tondepu et al., 2012). The HPLC methods for determining the quantity
manufacturer sample test screening took less than two hours. This ra- of dronedarone and amiodarone in pharmaceutical products was
ther quick screening allowed the TFSA to increase the number of proven to be precise, accurate, and specific to favor its utilization in
questionable samples to be analyzed in a timely manner. drug concentration ranges of 5–80 μg/mL for both amiodarone and
Another TLC that has seen use is the paper analytical device (PAD). dronedarone (El-Bagary et al., 2015).
This was originally developed to help monitor Kenya’s pharmaceuticals Furthermore, the use of isocratic reverse-phase HPLC has also been
for the detection of spurious medications commonly seen in this de- tested to separate and determine numerous anti-diabetic medications:
veloping nation (Paper Analytical Device Project, 2020). The PAD glipizide, gliclazide, repaglinide, glimepiride, and glibenclamide (also
contains a yeast-based biosensor to test for possible counterfeit medi- known as glyburide). This process utilizes an Alltima C18 column with
cations. Special training is not required, as the user does not need an isocratic mobile phase of a methanol-phosphate buffer (Yao et al.,
anything more than the drug sample and water. The drug is placed on 2007). The stock solutions of these medications were prepared by dis-
the PAD with the addition of a drop of water and the sample is ran solving the appropriate amounts of the sample in methanol to accu-
along the lanes. The lanes test for different chemical and functional rately measure the comparison between the test and the reference
groups that produce a unique chemical fingerprint based on the che- sample. The study concluded that HPLC was a valid tool to accurately
mical structure of the medication (Paper Analytical Device Project, detect counterfeit medications in anti-diabetic medications.
2020). PAD testing was attempted to screen the authenticity of many Although there are countless examples in which HPLC can be used,
first line anti-tuberculosis medications in low resource settings where there are many limitations that prohibits its use in developing coun-
high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) may be too costly. tries. Although there are variations of solvents and columns that can
This test was also shown to detect unwanted binders and fillers, which make the technology more affordable, HPLC is a premium tool, which
the more traditional chromatographic methods could not detect may not be financially feasible for developing countries to sustain.
(Weaver et al., 2013). The color barcode the PAD produced was easily Table 2 below acknowledges the advantages and limitations that must
compared to an authentic sample and it was found that the sensitivity be considered before utilizing HPLC devices.
and selectivity of the analysis was also adequate to identify counterfeit
drugs from their counterpart (Weaver et al., 2013) (Table 1).
The use of the Minilab and PAD has demonstrated to be an in- 2.3. Liquid chromatography – mass spectrometry
expensive and allow for rapid testing. However, the main shortcoming
is that they can only provide an estimate of the drug content, of which Liquid Chromatography – Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS) is a combi-
the reliability of detection depends on the personnel’s visual cap- nation of the ability to separate molecules through liquid chromato-
abilities (Risha et al., 2008). Low concentration formulations and graphy and then identifying the compound through mass spectrometry
compounds with structural similarities to authenticate cannot be cer- (Pitt, 2009). This is widely accepted as these two approaches comple-
tain. ment each other when used concomitantly. The introduction of MS after
chromatographic separation provides for its high sensitivity and se-
lectivity (Pang et al., 2016). MS compliments the qualitative LC by

Table 1
Advantages/Disadvantages of Thin Layer Chromatography.
Advantages Disadvantages

• Inexpensive • TLC solvent toxicities

• Disposable TLC plates • Accuracy is dependent on operator visual abilities
• Minimal training required due to ease of use • Similar chemical structures can lead to similar distance inaccuracies
A.S. Bolla, et al. International Journal of Pharmaceutics 587 (2020) 119702

Fig. 1. Schematic Representation of High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (Center and Properly Select Components, 2020).

Table 2 Table 3
Advantages/Disadvantages of High-Performance Liquid Chromatography. Advantages/Disadvantages of Liquid Chromatography – Mass Spectrometry.
Advantages Disadvantages Advantages Disadvantages

• High sensitivity allows for accurate • Expensive • High efficiency of LC separations • Development of
results • Requires higher level training • High sensitivity and selectivity to provide ionization suppression
• Fast results are good for large product
• Requires
high power source to information about the structural
characteristics of a drug sample
• Portability
• Versatility allows nearly any drug can be
tested and identified
• Cost effective
LC with MS in metabolic profiling studies is the occurrence of ionization
providing the structural characteristics of an unknown sample, while suppression. This can occur when two or more chemical compounds
also satisfying the insufficiencies of the quantitative factor of LC elute from a chromatographic column concurrently. During this un-
(Venhuis et al., 2011). fortunate process, there is identification insufficiencies, of which may
Phosphodiesterase (PDE) Inhibitors are examples where LC-MS was prove difficult to resolve.
utilized for the detection of impurities. One example of this was with
Aildenafil, an analog of sildenafil. It was discovered the Aildenafil was
detected in capsules of a dietary supplement product that was ad- 2.4. Gas chromatography – mass spectrometry (GC–MS)
vertised as a libido enhancing agent (Zou et al., 2006). LC-MS was in-
cluded in a combination with other counterfeit detection devices such Gas Chromatography - Mass Spectrometry (GC–MS) is an analytical
as IR and NMR in order to adequately determine the contents of Ail- tool that has been used to detect and characterize counterfeit medica-
denafil in each supplement sample. The ability to couple LC-MS with tions. This method is a special form of chromatography in which the
other detection techniques is important since the companies that pro- mobile phase is a gas (Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry, 2020).
duce these counterfeit medications could alter the chemical structures Gas Chromatography is widely known as the method of choice for
of their products. This would allow manufacturers to match the regis- measuring steroid samples (Deisingh, 2005). This is primarily because
tered active ingredients based on a specific testing device. However, this technique is useful for detecting low concentration of analytes,
with the use of multiple detection techniques, it becomes more difficult such as estradiol or testosterone.
to evade the detection when such techniques are coupled (Pitt, 2009). Furthermore, GC–MS was recently utilized to detect counterfeit
In fact, it becomes quite disturbing when we realized exactly how Viagra tablets in Hungary (Committee on Understanding the Global
many different supplements include PDE inhibitors in order to make Public Health Implications of Substandard, 2013). These counterfeit
their marketing claims more believable. One study used liquid chro- tablets contained amphetamine, rather than the active ingredient of
matography-electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry, a tool sildenafil citrate. Besides a tainted pink hue to the tablets, there was no
with a selective mass analysis capability of triple quadruple mass other physical difference that was noticeable (Committee on
spectrometry, to detect for synthetic phosphodiesterase inhibitors and Understanding the Global Public Health Implications of Substandard,
their analogs in pre-market samples. These samples were submitted to 2013). Additionally, methylphenidate has historically been detected by
the Health Sciences Authority of Singapore (HSA) for screening, which GC – flame-ionized detection (FID) and GC–MS at the California Bureau
multiple samples were positive for containing a form of a PDE inhibitor of Forensic Services Laboratory (Committee on Understanding the
within the dietary supplement (Gratz et al., 2004). Another research Global Public Health Implications of Substandard, Falsified, 2013).
study screened for PDE inhibitors from samples of different manu- Doing so allowed technicians to find traces of oxycodone and dihy-
facturers that claimed their herbal product to have sexual enhancement drocodeinone in methylphenidate tablets (Table 4).
properties. LC-MS was used to determine that approximately 50% of the One of the main advantages of GC–MS is the ability to detect vo-
herbal samples contained a PDE-5 inhibitor (JoVE Science Education latile impurities (Soltaninejad et al., 2007). In Tehran, Iran, GC–MS was
Database, 2020) (Table 3). coupled with HPLC in order to detect altered buprenorphine vials.
One of the leading disadvantages of implementing the coupling of Temgesic and Bungesic were considered some of the most illicit medi-
cations of abuse by opioid addicts in Tehran’s black market

A.S. Bolla, et al. International Journal of Pharmaceutics 587 (2020) 119702

Table 4 Table 5
Advantages/Disadvantages of Gas Chromatography – Mass Spectrometry. Advantages/Disadvantages of Ultraviolet Spectrophotometry.
Advantages Disadvantages Advantages Disadvantages

• Helpful for detecting inadequate • Expensive • Inexpensive • Low Sensitivity/Specificity

amounts of organic solvents when • Requires trained chemists • Simple, rapid testing • Requires more research
used with FID • Not readily portable • Sample preparation is required prior to drug
• Accurate • Requires high power source analysis leading to variable measures of absorbance
• High sensitivity for nonpolar
molecules such as steroid samples
• Not capable of directly analyzing
drugs that are nonvolatile, polar, or
thermally labile
the interference that uncertainty produces in UV can allow for further
confidence in the approach, thus allowing a potential increase in the
use of UV spectrophotometry (Table 5).
(Sciencedirect.com., 2020). With the help of GC–MS along with HPLC,
researchers were able to detect acetyl codeine, pheniramine, and dia-
cetylmorphine, which are responsible for the euphoria that is attributed 3.2. Raman spectroscopy
to the opioid addicts' dependency (Sciencedirect.com., 2020).
Raman Spectroscopy is a non-destructive approach that can accu-
3. Spectrophotometry rately analyze medication samples. When combined with chemometric
techniques, it is a feasible tool for characterizing and distinguishing
Spectrophotometry is a tool that measures the intensity of a light counterfeit medications (Pool, 2020). Handheld Raman spectrometers
source when it passes through a given sample solution. This is based off have been developed that directs a light source at the actual drug
the principle that each sample solution absorbs a portion of the light sample. The light source is normally provided through a laser, however,
source, of which can be determined through a certain range of wave- near infrared and ultraviolet can be used as well. The light interacts
lengths (HunterLab Horizons Blog, 2020). This allows the wavelength with the vibrations that are released from the molecule, which will
measurement to serve as a means of determining how much of a che- result in a shift in energy of the photons (ThermoFisher., 2020). The
mical substance is in each sample (HunterLab Horizons Blog, 2020). shift in energy is important because it provides the information about
Quantitative analysis also provides a reliable pharmaceutical finger- the vibrational modes that are detected, of which is used to distinguish
print of the dosage. Additionally, spectrophotometry does not need the characteristics of the drug sample. The inelastic light scattering is
extensive sample preparation, which allows for consistent and accurate detected, which will display a specific spectrum that is attributed only
spectra measurements without the need to destroy the drug sample to a certain molecule, making it helpful to identify counterfeit drug
(Sensing, 2020). The spectrophotometer will analyze the color and re- molecules (ThermoFisher., 2020).
flectance patterns of a drug sample and will compare the results to a One example of a Raman analyzer device is the Thermo Scientific™
reference product (Sciencedirect.com., 2020). The most common TruScan™ RM Handheld Raman Analyzer, which is advertised to deliver
spectrophotometry technologies for pharmaceutical counterfeit detec- reliable identity of the drug through sealed packaged materials (Lawson
tion are Ultraviolet, Raman spectroscopy, Nuclear magnetic resonance, and Rodriguez, 2016). Additionally, there are Raman barcode devices
and Infrared. for counterfeit drug detection (Neuberger and Neusüß, 2015). This
approach is advantageous since it does not need to include every pos-
sible drug product in the spectral library prior to testing the questioned
3.1. Ultraviolet spectrophotometry
drug sample. Comparing a pharmaceutical product spectrum from one
manufacturer may not display similar analytical outcomes when com-
Ultraviolet–visible spectroscopy (UV–Vis) is a simple, rapid, and
pared to other manufacturers of the same drug product. This may be
low-cost method for analyzing counterfeit drug products (Lawson
due to different coatings and inactive excipients that different manu-
et al.,). However, its lack of specificity and sensitivity due to its poor
facturers may use. This is especially important for generic medications,
resolution limits the amount of information that can be obtained,
which may have multiple different manufacturers for the same drug
making this approach not ideal (Lawson et al.,). Despite this hurdle, UV
product. The study concluded with being able to predict the active
has been utilized in various tests to detect counterfeit drug samples
pharmaceutical ingredient in 18 different samples of the 9 counterfeit
when referred to the reference product. For example, conventional
drug samples (Neuberger and Neusüß, 2015). Another study utilized
solvent extraction through UV analysis, similar to the approach in the
the change in Raman signals of acetylsalicylic acid tablets placed in five
British Pharmacopoeia, was conducted to validate the authenticity of
different environments to detect chemical changes due to inadequate
paracetamol tablets (Figueroa et al., 2014). The paracetamol tablets
storage conditions (Putzig et al., 1994).
were analyzed from various country sources, including Europe, Africa,
There are challenges in Raman spectroscopy that occur mainly in
Asian, and the Caribbean Islands. It was shown that in certain countries
the analysis of the spectra. Multiple spectra may be available due to the
the paracetamol tablets contained insufficient levels of the active
multiple manufacturing sites of generic formulations of medications
pharmaceutical ingredient (Figueroa et al., 2014).
(Pool, 2020). Additionally, portable Raman spectrometers are not
Another study analyzed the levels of Tylenol through UV spectro-
adapted for quantitative measurements of low-dose medications (Pool,
photometry by separating the ingredient’s UV peaks from the mixture of
2020). This may be of concern for high potency medications, as its
peaks that are generated from the excipients or inactive ingredients of
sensitivity is lower when compared to other analytical tools. In those
the tablet (Salmon and Priefer, 2018). Initially, samples were crushed,
cases, a more sensitive tool such as infrared spectroscopy should be
and the powder was dissolved in multiple solvents in order to be
used along with Raman spectroscopy (Pool, 2020) (Table 6).
measured. Although somewhat burdensome, UV analysis preparation
only requires solvent extraction, dilution, and filtration (Figueroa et al.,
2014). 3.3. Infrared
Due to the hurdles mentioned previously, UV-analysis has produced
very few real-world successes. However, a recent patent describes the Infrared (IR) Spectroscopy is the analysis of the absorption, emis-
incorporation of an ELECTRE TRI process to offset the uncertainty. sion, or reflection of infrared light by a molecule to identify a sample. In
Sorting boundary conditions are determined by the ELECTRE TRI pro- this technique, the vibrational transitions of molecules are analyzed and
cess into the most relevant categories (Dégardin et al., 2017). Limiting the molecular structure liquid, solid, or gas phases can be determined

A.S. Bolla, et al. International Journal of Pharmaceutics 587 (2020) 119702

Table 6
Advantages/Disadvantages of Raman Spectroscopy.
Advantages Disadvantages

• Portable • Multiple spectra must be implemented for each reference drug

• High specificity and sensitivity alone without other technological add-ons • Raman spectrometers are not well adapted for quantitative measurement of low-dose
• Special training to use device is not required medications

(Wang et al., 2020). For example, it is seen that stronger bonds and magnetic field, which decreases the sensitivity. In developing nations
lighter atoms within infrared allow the molecules to vibrate at higher where resources are scarce, a benchtop NMR spectrometer may be more
stretching frequencies. This technique can be used to detect counterfeit beneficial than its analogue in detecting spurious drugs due to the
medications by identifying the functional group of the components simplicity and cost of the device.
from the samples. The most popular IR approaches are the dispersive Currently, there are very little studies in the use of NMR for testing
infrared spectrometer and the Fourier infrared spectrometer. falsified medications in developing nations. From a study on benchtop
Infrared spectroscopy has been used for detecting counterfeit med- NMR used for detecting counterfeit erectile dysfunction and anti-
ications in developing nations. Near infrared spectroscopy (NIR) is malarial medications, it successfully detected the falsified medications
being used in the pharmaceutical industry for quantifying active within 5 min (McEwen et al., 2012). Another example included a more
pharmaceutical ingredients within a margin of 2.5% (Chen et al., advanced NMR technique to test the authenticity of anabolic steroids.
2019). Some cases that have been evaluated include efavirenz and The findings indicated three types of adulterations: absence of active
isoniazid tablets, of which NIR was used for quality assurance testing. ingredient, adulteration with other substance, and concentrations
Although NIR devices are historically known for their steep price, over below the indicated value [61]. NMR is also used with liquid for-
time the approach has become more affordable and may be suitable for mulations, as was tested with counterfeit corticosteroid creams and
routine counterfeit drug testing in developing countries (Chen et al., ointments. In some formulations, water made it difficult to identify the
2019). One study used a relatively inexpensive NIR device that was able corticosteroid. Although the results included numerous large-sized
to adequately measure a prediction error of approximately 10%. signals due to water interference, it was possible to determine the au-
Another example of how NIR spectroscopy can be used is in de- thenticity through longer processing (Wang et al., 2020). These studies
termining expired medications. In China, samples of Levofloxacin found prove the advantages that NMR spectroscopy offers in the detection of
in local drug stores were tested using NIR for quality assurance. It was counterfeit medications for various formulations (Table 8).
found that NIR had a 97% sensitivity and 100% specificity of the 34
unexpired and 128 expired medications discovered
(Www2.chemistry.msu.edu, 2020). Expired medications are harmful to 4. Conclusion
patients. When a medication is dispensed beyond the expiration date,
the potency of the medication is diminished and can lead to sub- Various pharmaceutical counterfeit detecting technologies are ei-
therapeutic effects of the medication. The testing with NIR suggests that ther being developed or are already on the market. These approaches
along with determining the authenticity of the medication, it can also utilize different technologies based on factors such as cost, resource
provide additional information about expired medications. This can utilization, sensitivity, specificity, and the ability to detect a medication
help individuals of developing nations in adequately identifying the based on its chemical characteristics. While accuracy is a standard that
quality of medications they purchase from pharmaceutical companies must be upheld, it is important to consider the resources that may be
prior to dispensing (Table 7). needed in the application of these approaches. A costly, high powered
tool that requires highly trained technicians may be too burdensome for
developing countries. Resource scarcity and cost is a shared challenge
3.4. Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy for most counterfeit technologies. Further advancements in counterfeit
technologies could potentially address the needs of developing coun-
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (NMR) is another ana- tries. This will ultimately lead to a larger decline in counterfeit pro-
lytical technique to identify molecular structures and has found uses for duction.
quality control of pharmaceuticals. In this method, the protons of the Additional research is required to overcome the current challenges.
nucleus generate a magnetic field and leads to resonance (Avomeen, It is essential for these devices to be accurate enough to adequately
2020). The sample is placed in an external magnetic field and an screen for counterfeit medications. Using a medication with insufficient
electromagnetic wave excites the nucleus of the atom. Each nucleus has quantities of the active ingredient can lead to disease progression and
a characteristic spin that will generate its own magnetic field, which therapeutic inadequacy. In contrast, a medication with a larger quantity
produces a resonance signal (Assemat et al., 2019). Laboratories can of the active pharmaceutical ingredient than advertised can lead to
utilize NMR to test the purity of samples. toxicities. Furthermore, the wrong active ingredient can lead to un-
NMR is often done in a laboratory, which is costly and requires known implications to the patient. Tailoring devices based on countries’
cumbersome equipment (Ribeiro et al., 2018). There are benchtop needs also includes the medications that have a high incidence of
nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometers, which is more compact, counterfeiting. For example, antimalarials are a large target for coun-
portable, and cheaper than its equivalent. However, they are of a lower terfeiting in Tanzania, of which a device that is highly selective and

Table 7
Advantages/Disadvantages of Infrared spectroscopy.
Advantages Disadvantages

• Sample preparation is not required • Multiple spectra must be implemented for each reference drug
• Portable • Spectrometers are not well adapted for quantitative measurement of low-dose medications
• Minimal training required • Does not provide relative location of the functional group on molecule in a sample
• Rapid results
• Newer devices more affordable
A.S. Bolla, et al. International Journal of Pharmaceutics 587 (2020) 119702

Table 8
Advantages/Disadvantages of Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy.
Advantages Disadvantages

• Definite method in analyzing the identify, structure, concentration, and behavior of molecules • Ingredients must be dissolved into a solvent
• Study of molecular interactions • Expensive
• Benchtop is compact • Need high strength magnetic fields to see peaks clearly
• Can be used for various analysis other than pharmaceutical such as diagnostic • Requires high concentrations
• Can create a library of data collected • Not the best for high molecular mass
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