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Introduction To Laser and Light Therapy: Mohammed TA Omar Ph.D. PT

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Introduction to Laser

and Light therapy

Mohammed TA Omar Ph.D. PT
Objectives of lecture
 Define laser and explain its physical principle of laser.
 Explain the physical characteristics of laser.
 Describe the classifications of laser.
 Contrast the characteristics of helium neon and gallium
arsenide low power laser.
 Analysis the therapeutic application of laser in different
 Demonstrate the application techniques of low power
 Describe the precautions and contraindications for low
power laser.
What Is Laser Therapy?
Light is electromagnetic energy and polychromatic
LASER is acronym of
 Light : an electromagnetic radiation
 Amplification by
 Stimulated
 Emission of
 Radiation

Laser light differs from other forms of light in that it is

monochromatic, coherent, and directional
Characteristics of Laser Radiation

Coherence: Monochromaticity:
Wavelengths are in-phase
Single wavelength, color, & frequency

Collimation (directional):
All laser lights have minimal degree
of divergence over distance. (380)
There are 4 main components to a laser
Principle of laser production

various wavelengths are emitted same wavelength are emitted.

LASER Classification (Safety)
Class Power Example Effect

1 < 0.5mW Laser printer, CD players Eye-safe under all operating

Supermarket reader conditions

2 < 1mW Laser pointer Safe to skin

Safe for momentary viewing(blink
3A <5mW Laser pointer, Safe to skin
low LLLT Eye hazard for prolonged exposure
3B < 500 mW Low level laser Used for therapy
High intensity laser Can cause permanent eye injury with
brief exposure
Can cause minor skin burns with
prolonged exposure
4 >500 mW Surgical and industrial Can cause permanent eye injury
cutting lasers before you can react
Can cause serious skin burns
Can burn clothing
Use with extreme caution.
LASER Classification :(lasing media)
Laser type Lasing Wavelength Safety
Media (nm)
Gas He-Ne 633 3a-3b

CO2 10.600 3b-IV

Argon 488-514 IV
Diode/ AlGaAs 600-1000 3b
semiconductors GaAs

Excimer Dimer 351 IV

Solid –state Ruby 694 IV
Nd :YAG 1060 IV
Characteristics of LASER, LED, & SLDs


Power High Medium Low
Focus of light beam Very focus Moderately focus Scattered
(Small area) (wider area)

Penetration deep Up to 5cm intermediate superficial

Characteristics Monochromatic Monochromatic Monochromatic

Coherence Non-Coherence Non-Coherence
Collimated Less Divergent Divergent

Uses Small area/deep area Intermediate moderately Larger area//superficial

High vs. Low Level Lasers
• High (500-10000mW)  Low (1-500mW)
◦ Surgical Lasers ◦ Medical Lasers
◦ Hard Lasers ◦ Soft/ cold Lasers
◦ Thermal ◦ Sub-thermal
Used for Used for;
-Dermatology  Pain relieve
-Oncology  Wound healing
-Vascular  Anti/ or pro-inflammatory

Maximum output of (90mW or less)

Wavelength (600-1000nm )
Penetration of (3-4mm).
What’s in a Name?
Historically referred to as:
• LLLT (low level laser therapy)
• LILT (low intensity laser therapy)
• Laser Biostimulation
• Low power laser therapy
• Cold laser therapy
• Note: LLLT best term for searching PubMed, the
Nat’l Institutes of Health Public database
• Search: “ PubMed “
LLLT Treatment Parameters
Medical history and diagnosis
Vascularity of target tissues
Stage of injury (acute/chronic)
Skin type and pigmentation Laser Parameters
Patients Parameters Wavelength (nm)
Power (mw)
Mode of laser
Treatment duration
Treatment frequency
Applications Techniques
Contact (direct/indirect)
Laser Parameters: Wavelength
Longer wavelength penetrates deeper than shorter wavelength

Red visible laser (600-700nm):

Superficial conditions < 2cm
He-Ne (wavelength=632nm)
Used for Superficial wound, ulcer
Superficial trigger point

Near IR Laser (700-2200nm):

Deep conditions (3-4cm)
Ga-As (wavelength=904nm)
(Ga-Al-As (wavelength =780-890nm)
Use for
Deep wound, edema (acute &chronic),
Deep trigger point, & scar tissue
Laser Parameters: Power and Power density

Laser light applicator power is measured in mill watts

(1mW=1/1000 watt).
Power is rate of energy production and measured in watts (mW)

Lasers used for therapy are generally power class 3B,with the power
(5mW -500mW)

Power Density (PD) is the amount of power per unit area of the
beam (spot size), and measured by W/cm2 or mW/cm2.

( )
= = mW/cm2
( )
Laser Parameters: Energy& energy density

Energy (joules): Energy is the power multiplied by the treatment

time, and is measured by Joule (J or mJ)
Energy (J) =Power output (W) X Treatment Time (s)

Energy Density is the amount of energy per unit of area, and is

measured in Joules/cm2 .
Also known as “fluency or dosage ”

( )
= = J/cm2
( )
Laser Parameters: Energy& energy
Recommended Dosage Range
Therapeutic response = 0.01-20 J/cm2 (average 6J/cm2)
Too much – suppressive effect >20 J/cm2

Conditions Suggested Energy dosage J/cm2

Soft tissue/ fracture healing 5-16
Arthritic acute 2-4
Arthritic chronic 4-8
Lymphedema 1.5-2.5
Acute soft tissue inflammation 2-8
Chronic soft tissue inflammation 10-20
Neuropathy 10-12
Laser Parameters: Mode
The power on most LLLT devices can be periodically
interrupted for a very brief period on time. This is called

When pulsed mode is used the average power delivered will

decrease proportional to the pulse frequency that is selected.

In continuous mode: Average power= Peak power

In pulsed mode the Average power calculated as:

Average power = Pulse rate X Peak power X Pulse width

=100Hz X 2WX (2x10-7 seconds)=0.04mW
Laser Parameters: Treatment frequency

Evidence Recommended the followings;

– Treatment should be individualized
– Daily treatment for 2 weeks or treatment
– Every other day for 3-4 weeks
– Multiple repetitive low dosage is recommended and more
effective than higher dose for one time per week
– Acute conditions should be treated more frequently than chronic
– Reduce dosage by 30% when inflammation is under control
– Laser therapy has accumulative effect
Helium Neon Lasers versus Gallium Arsenide

 Parameters  Helium Neon Lasers  Gallium Arsenide

 Laser type Gas Semiconductor

 Emitting radiation Red (visible) light IR (invisible) laser
 Wavelength 632.8 nm 910 nm
 Pulse rate continuous 1-1000Hz
 Pulse width continuous 200nsec
 Peak power 1-2mW (25mW) 1-5mW
 Average power 1.0mW 0.04-0.4mW
 Beam area 0.01cm 0.07cm
 Depth of penetration 0.5-1 cm 2cm up to 5 cm
 Used Superficial wound Deeper tissue
Physiological effects of LASER

Low level laser-tissue interaction is essentially


The main type of reaction with tissue during laser therapy

would appear to be PHOTOCHEMICAL.

So, Laser light absorbed by irradiated tissue produce

chemical reaction rather than thermal reaction and energy.
Physiological effects of LLLT

Chromophores is a light absorbing part of the

molecules that gives it color and stimulated by light
energy and produce chemical reaction
These chromophores may be:
 Enzymes
 Membrane molecule
 Cellular or extracellular substances,
What LASER do?
Tissue & Cellular Response
Physiological effects of Laser

Stimulate ATP and RNA production within cells.

Stimulate production of DNA and mRNA
Enhance collagen/ procollagen production , so increase tensile strength
Increases in vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)
Increase fibroblast growth factor (FGF-2)
Stimulate release of Nos, so enhance angiogenesis
Stimulate multiple cell proliferation (e.g. fibroblast, endothelial cells,
and keratinocytes cells)
Activates T and B lymphocytes, enhancing their ability to bind bacteria
Enhance Mast cell degranulation
Inhabit bacterial growth
Modulate inflammation through
 Increase PGF2α , interleukin-Iα (IL-1α)/interleukin-8 (IL-8)
 Decrease level of PGE2 and tumors necrosis factors-alpha (TNF-α)
LASER for Pain Reduction
 Increase nerve conduction velocity
 Decrease latency of sensory nerve
 Decrease activity of C-fibers , blocking pain gate
 Increase in b-Endorphins
 Increase frequency of nerve action potential/increase acetylcholine
 Axonal sprouting and nerve cell regeneration
 Increase level of serotine
 Decrease level of bradykinin
Physiological Response

Magnitude of tissue’s reaction are based on physical

characteristics of:
Output wavelength/frequency
Energy density
Duration of treatment
Vascularity of target tissues

• Direct effect - occurs from absorption of photons

• Indirect effect – produced by chemical events caused by
interaction of photons emitted from laser & the tissues
 Pain secondary to soft tissue injuries ( sprain. Strain,
Pain bursitis)
 Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, & low back pain
 Neurogenic Pain (trigeminal , post-herpetic, neuralgia)
 Acupuncture & trigger point pain application.

 Pressure Ulcers, Diabetic foot

Wound  Burn wound Postoperative wound care.
Healing  Fracture healing

 Post traumatic, peripheral nerve injury.

Inflammation  Edema /lymphedema reduction
Contraindications & Precautions

 Application over eyes  Over cardiac region
 Over or around Cancer  Vogues nerve
 Over pregnant uterus  Growth plates in children
 Over & around thyroid gland &  Confused/disoriented patients
endocrine glands  Photosensitive area
 Within 4 to 6 months after  Lower back/abdomen in
radiotherapy pregnancy
 Direct irradiation of the eyes
Application Techniques

This technique is used in

treatment of open wounds.

The distance between the

laser probe and wound bed
should be 0.5-1 cm.

The probe also should be held

perpendicular to the site of
Application Techniques

Clean area prior to treatment

The tip of the probe is held perpendicular in contact with skin.

Allow deeper penetration and maximize the power density on

the target tissues as reflection is minimized
Application Techniques Gridding

◦ Divide treatment areas into

grids of square centimeters

◦ Hand held applicator in light

contact with treatment area.

◦ Each square is stimulated for

specific period of time
Application Techniques
◦ Scanning or back and forth movement for the duration of the treatment
◦ No contact between laser tip and skin.
◦ Tip is held at variable distance 10-50 cm from treatment area
◦ As distance from target increases amount of energy decreases
Application Techniques
It is used to irradiate localized painful spot.

Using hand held probe, one can use contact and non-contact technique.

It is commonly used in treatment of localized painful site, trigger

points, and acupuncture points.
Treatment consideration
 Better to underexpose than to overexpose
 Begin treatment with minimal and gradually increase
 Avoid direct exposure into eyes (If lasing for extended periods
of time, safety glasses are recommended)

 If icing – use BEFORE phototherapy • Enhances light penetration

 If heating – use AFTER phototherapy • Decreases light penetration

 Not recommended to combined US and LASER in the same


 Medication should be considered e.g. photosensitizers

Patients Parameters of laser therapy

Need medical history & proper diagnosis

– Diabetes – may alter clinical efficacy
– Photosensitivity (antibiotics)
– Dark skin absorbs light energy better
Clean skin surface
Wearing goggles

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