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Instructions: The group will create a video talk show following the GRASPS Assessment. The group has
four(4) to five(5) members. The instructor will assign the groupings that to be posted in FBGroup.
• Choose a leader in your group.
• Leader will be given an evaluation form to evaluate their members task participation.
• The leader’s grade will be based on their presentation.
• The group can create a video talk show even if the member is not around. The leader will not force
you to participate. Communicate to your leader.
• Students without participation will receive failing grade for the task.
• No Google Form Preliminary Examination.
For MWF students
• Preparation dates: February 23 – March 4, 2022
• Submission date: March 7, 2022
For TTHS students
• Preparation dates: February 24 – March 5, 2022
• Submission date: March 8, 2022

GOAL: Your goal is to create a 7–10-minute video talk show tackling the impact and ethical issues of ICT.
Observe all forms of literacy, media, information, technology, and digital literacies.
ROLE: Talk show host, video editor, guest.
AUDIENCE: Your target audience are the college students.
SITUATION: Impact and ethical issues of ICT and how to overcome some issues. Give examples
PRODUCT: Video talk show tackling the impact and ethical issues of ICT.
STANDARD: You will be graded/evaluated based on the following criteria/rubrics.

Criteria Excellent Good Needs Practice

10 6 3
Opening & intro Clearly, quickly Established focus by the Audience had an idea of
established the focus of end of the intro, but what was coming, but
the presentation, gained went off on a tangent or the intro did not clarify
audience attention two. Gained attention. the main focus
Content Student presented new Student has good data Students gave very little
and competent data and but analysis is lacking. good data, which limited
was able to intelligently Or the analysis is good to capability to make a
analyze the data. but it lacks sufficient competent analysis.
Research Student dug deeper into Student showed capacity Student did not cite
the topics by citing to discuss a topic further sources to support their
various credible sources but not enough arguments.
that include scholarly scholarly works and
works and interviews interviews were cited.
Grammar Ideas are presented Good ideas are evident Report is hard to
clearly, with no glaring but are not conveyed understand due to poor
grammar errors well. Crucial grammars grammar errors.
were made.
Creativity Work is engaging and There is an effort to No effort was made in
neat. Effort was made to make the talk show making the talk show
make the talk show engaging but executing more engaging. Output
entertaining without is lacking. seems haphazardly done.
sacrificing content.
Summary Conclusions clearly Conclusions stated. Summary shown but
stated. Summary Summary perhaps not poorly explained by
integrated main points quite fully supported by speaker. Audience has to
and brought the evidence shown, but summarize for
presentation to a logical main points clear. themselves.
& effective closure

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