Instructions: The group will create a video talk show following the GRASPS Assessment. The group has
four(4) to five(5) members. The instructor will assign the groupings that to be posted in FBGroup.
• Choose a leader in your group.
• Leader will be given an evaluation form to evaluate their members task participation.
• The leader’s grade will be based on their presentation.
• The group can create a video talk show even if the member is not around. The leader will not force
you to participate. Communicate to your leader.
• Students without participation will receive failing grade for the task.
• No Google Form Preliminary Examination.
For MWF students
• Preparation dates: February 23 – March 4, 2022
• Submission date: March 7, 2022
For TTHS students
• Preparation dates: February 24 – March 5, 2022
• Submission date: March 8, 2022
GOAL: Your goal is to create a 7–10-minute video talk show tackling the impact and ethical issues of ICT.
Observe all forms of literacy, media, information, technology, and digital literacies.
ROLE: Talk show host, video editor, guest.
AUDIENCE: Your target audience are the college students.
SITUATION: Impact and ethical issues of ICT and how to overcome some issues. Give examples
PRODUCT: Video talk show tackling the impact and ethical issues of ICT.
STANDARD: You will be graded/evaluated based on the following criteria/rubrics.