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Indian Standard
[P: l/SECTION 1]
. ..-.
ICS 75.080
0 BIS 2002
This Indian Standard (Second Revision) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft finalized
by the Methods of Measurement and Test for Petroleum, Petroleum Products and Lubricants Sectional Committee
had been approved by the Petroleum, Coal and Related Products Division Council.
First revision of this standard was published in 1971 covering the determination of acidic or basic constituents
in petroleum products and lubricants. This standard was based on joint publication of ASTM-1P Standard
No. ASTM D 664/1958-IP 177/1964. Since ASTM D 664 has subsequently been revised in 1989 covering only
determination of acid number and a separate standard has been published for determination of base number.
namely, ASTM D 4739 : 1992. Base number portion was deleted from ASTM D 664-1989 due to poor precision
caused mainly by the following:
Keeping above in view, Committee has decided to revise this standard into two Sections, namely, Section 1 to
In this version (second revision) of Section 1, following changes have been made:
a) Title has been modified as ‘Determination of acid number of petroleum products by potentiometric
b) Test method prescribes for determination of base number has been deleted and will be published as
Section 2 under Part 1 of 1S 1448.
c) Aligned it with ASTM D 664. While the earlier joint ASTM-1P Standard had covered the test procedures
to determine both acid number and base number.
The composition of the Committee responsible for formulation of this standard is given in Annex B.
In reporting the result of the test made in accordance with this standard, if the final value, observed or calculated,
is to be rounded off, it shall be done in accordance with IS 2 : 1960 ‘Rules for rounding off numerical values
IS 1448 [P: 1 /See I ] :2002
(Second Revision)
1 SCOPE possibility of applying the most recent edition of the
standard indicated below:
1.1 This standard covers procedures for the
determination of acidic constituents in petroleum IS No. Title
products and lubricants (see Note below). The test 1070:1992 Reagent grade water (third revision)
method resolves these constituents into groups having 3 DEFINITIONS
weak-acid and strong-acid, ionization properties,
provided the dissociation constants of the more For the purpose of this method, the following
strongly acidic compounds are at least 1 000 times definitions shall apply.
that of the next weaker groups.
3.1 Total Acid Number
NOTE — In new and used oils, the constituents that may be
considered to have acidic characteristics include organic and in- The quantity of base, expressed in milligrams of
of the resulting oil (see Note below). Although the The quantity of base, expressed as milligrams of
titration is made under definite equilibrium conditions, potassium hydroxide per gram of sample, required to
the method is not intended to measure an absolute titrate a sample in the solvent from its initial meter
acidic property that can be used to predict performance
reading to meter reading corresponding to a freshly
of an oil under service conditions. No general
prepared non-aqueous acidic buffer solution or a well
relationship between bearing corrosion and acid
defined inflection point as specified in the test method.
number is known.
NOTE — A separate Indian Standard is being prepared to 4 OUTLINE OF THE TEST METHOD
determine base number of petroleum products by potentiometric
titration after aligning with ASTM D4739. The sample is dissolved in a mixture of toluene and
isopropyl alcohol containing a small amount of water
1.3 This standard may involve hazardous materials, and titrated potentiometrically with alcoholic
operations and equipments. This standard does not potassium hydroxide using a glass indicating electrode
purport to address all of the safety problems associated and a calomel reference electrode. The meter readings
with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this are plotted manually or automatically against the
standard to establish appropriate safety and health respective volumes of titrating solution and the end
practices and determine the applicability of regulatory points are taken only at well defined inflections in the
limitations prior to use. resulting curve. When no definite inflections are
obtained, end points are taken at meter readings
corresponding to those found for freshly prepared non-
The following Indian Standard contains provision aqueous acidic and basic buffer solutions.
which, through reference in this text, constitutes
provision of this standard. At the time of publication 5 SIGNIFICANCE AND USE
the edition indicated was valid. All standards are 5.1 New and used petroleum products may contain
subject to revision, and parties to agreements based acidic constituents that are present as additives or as
on this standard are encouraged to investigate the degradation products formed during service, such as
IS 1448 [P :1 /See 1] :2002
oxidation products. The relative amount of these type (see Note under 6.4).
materials can be determined by titrating with bases.
6.4 Stirrer, Burette, Stand, Titration Vessel, as
The acid number is a measure of this amount of acidic
specified in Annex A are required. A typical cell
substance, in the oil-always under the conditions of
assembly is shown in Fig. 1.
the test. The acid number is used as a guide in the
quality control of lubricating oil formulations. It is NOTE —Combination electrodes,becauseoftheir slow response,
have been found unsuitable for this method.
also sometimes used as a measure of lubricant
degradation in service. Any condemning limits must 7 REAGENTS
be empirically established.
7.1 Purity of Reagents
5.2 Since a variety of oxidation products contribute to
the acid number and the organic acids vary widely in Reagent grade chemicals shall be used in all tests.
corrosion properties, the test cannot be used to predict Unless otherwise indicated, it is intended that all
corrosiveness of an oil under service conditions. No reagents shall conform to the specifications of the
general correlation is known between acid number and committee on Analytical Reagents of the American
the corrosive tendency of oils toward metals. Chemical Society, where such specifications are
available, Other grades may be used, provided it is
6 APPARATUS first ascertained that the reagent is of sufficiently high
6.1 Potentiometric Titrimeter — automatic recording purity to permit its use without lessening the accuracy
or manual as given in Annex A. of the determination.
6.3 Calomel Reference Electrode — inverted sleeve Unless otherwise indicated, references to water shall
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HPCL, VISAKH Refinery.
Date 24-09-2009 Time 09:19:35
b.b. ●
ELECTRODE II . ●.* ...--
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IS 1448 [P: 1 /See II :2002
be understood to mean reagent water (see IS 1070). molecular sieves such as Linde type 4A, by passing
the solvent upward through a molecular sieve column
7.3 Non-Aqueous Acidic Buffer Solution using 1 part of molecular sieve per 10 parts of solvent.
Add 10 ml of buffer stock solution A to 100 ml of NOTE— Warning– Flammable.
titration solvent. Use within 1 h.
7.10 2,4,6 Trimethyl Pyridine (y-Colliding),
7.4 Non-Aqueous Basic Buffer Solution (CH,),C,H2N) (Molarity Weight 121.18)
Add 10 ml of buffer stock solution B to 100 ml of Conforming to the following requirements (Warning
titration solvent. Use within 1 h. – see Note below):
Boiling range : 168 to 170”C
7.5 Buffer Stock Solution A
Refractive index ND20 : 1.4982 + 0.0005
Accurately weigh 24.2 * O.lg of 2,4,6 trimethyl
Colour : Colorless
pyridine (y-colliding), and transfer to a l-litre
volumetric flask containing 100 ml of isopropyl NOTE — 2,4,6 Trimethyl Pyridine (y-collidine): Warning is haz-
ardous if swallowed, breathed, or spilled on skin or eyes.
alcohol. Using a 1-Iitre graduated cylinder, add to the
flask, while continuously stirring its contents, 150/ Precaution — Wear chemical safety goggles, neoprene
N ~cl + 5 ml of 0.2 N alcoholic HCI solution (N~cl or rubber gloves and apron. Use only in a well-
being the exact molarity of the HC1 solution found by ventilated hood; or wear an approved respirator for
standardization). Dilute to the 1 000 ml mark with organic vapour or a supplied-air respirator. Do not
isopropyl alcohol, and mix thoroughly. Use within take internally.
2 weeks.
7,10.1 Store the reagent over activated alumina and
7.6 Buffer Stock Solution B keep in a brown glass bottle.
Mix 9 ml of hydrochloric (HC1, sp. gr. 1.19) acid with 7.11.1 Store the reagent in a brown glass bottle.
1 Iitre of anhydrous isopropyl alcohol. Standardize
7.12 Potassium Chloride Electrolyte
frequently enough to detect normality changes of
0.0005 by potentiometric titration of approximately Prepare a saturated solution of Potassium Chloride
8 ml (accurately measured) of the 0.1 N alcoholic KOH (KC]) in water.
solution diluted with 125 ml of C02 free water.
7.13 Potassium Hydroxide Solution, Standard
7.8 Hydrochloric Acid Solution, Standard Alcoholic Alcoholic (0.1 N)
(0.2 N)
Add 6 g of potassiumhydroxide (KOH) to approximately
Prepare and standardize as directed in 7.7 but use 1 Iitre ofanhydrous isopropyl alcohol. Boil gently for
18 ml of HCI (sp. gr. 1.19). 10 min to effect solution. Allow the solution to stand
for 2 days and then filter the supernatant liquid
7.9 Isopropyl Alcohol, Anhydrous (Less than through a fine sintered glass funnel. Store the solution
0.1 Percent H20) (flee Note) in a chemically resistant bottle. Dispense in a manner
If adequately dry reagent cannot be procured, it can such that the solution is protected from atmospheric
be dried by distillation through a multiple plate carbon dioxide (COJ by means of a guard tube
column, discarding the first 5 percent of material containing soda lime or soda non-fibrous silicate
distilling overhead and using the 95 percent absorbants and such that it does not come into contact
remaining. Also drying may be accomplished using with cork, rubber or saponifiable stopcock grease.
Standardize frequently enough to detect normality
. A
. .—
1S 1448 1P :1 /See 1] :2002
changes of 0.0005 by potentiometric titration of Wet the ground surfaces thoroughly with electrolyte.
weighed quantities of potassium acid phthalate set the sleeve firmly in place and rinse the electrode
dissolved in COZ free water. with water. Prior to each titration, soak the prepared
electrodes in water for at least 5 min immediately
7.14 Potassium Hydroxide Solution, Standard before use, and touch the tips of the electrodes w ith a
Alcoholic (0.2 N) dry cloth or tissue to remove the excess of water.
Prepare, store, and standardize as directed in 7.13, 8.3 Testing of Electrodes
but use 12 to 13 g of KOH to approximately 1 litre of
isopropyl alcohol. Test the meter-electrode combination when first put
into use, or when new electrodes are installed, and
7.15 Titration Solvent retest at intervals thereatler by dipping the electrodes
into a well-stirred mixture of 100 ml of the titration
Add 500 ml of toh.rene (Warning – see Note below) solvent (see Note under 7.15) and 1.0 to 1.5 ml of
and 5 ml of water to 495 ml of anhydrous isopropyl 0.1 N alcoholic KOH solution. For the meter-electrode
alcohol. The titration solvent should be made up in combination to be suitable for use, the potential
large quantities, and its blank value determined daily between the electrodes should change by more than
by titration prior to use. 480 mV from the potential between the same electrodes
NOTE — Warning- Flammable. when dipped in the non-aqueous acidic buffer solution
(see Note below).
NOTE — Considerably more sensitive electrodes are now avail-
8.1 Maintenance of Electrodes able that will show a potential change of at least 590 mV under
these conditions and their use is recommended.
Clean the glass electrode (see Note 1) at frequent
intervals (not less than once every week during 9 STANDARDIZATION OF APPARATUS
continual use) by immersing in cold chromic acid
9.1 Determination of Meter Readings for the Non-
1S 1448 [P :1 /See 1] :2002
all the sediment is homogeneously suspended in the Table 1 Size of Sample ---’tz
1S 1448 [P :1 /See II :2002
12.1 For manual titration, plot the volumes of the acid Acid number, mg KOH/g = (A – B) x N x 56.1/JV
used against the corresponding meter readings Strong acid number, mg KOH/g = (CN + Drr) x 56. l/W
(see Fig. 2). Mark as an end point, only well-defined
inflection point (see Note below) being the closest to where
the cell voltages representing the freshly prepared non- A= alcoholic KOH solution used to titrate
aqueous acidic and basic buffers. If inflections are ill sample to end point that occurs at the
defined or no inflection appears, mark the end points meter reading of the inflection point clos-
at those meter readings corresponding to the freshly est to the meter reading corresponding to
prepared two non-aqueous buffers. basic non-aqueous buffer, or in case of ill-
NOTE — One inflection point is generally recognizable by defined or no inflection point, to meter
inspection whenever several successive 0.05 ml increments each reading corresponding to the basic non-
produce a cell potential change greater than 15 mV (correspond- aqueous buffer, ml;
ing to 0.25 pH scale units) at least 30 percent greater than those
produced by previous or subsequent increments of the same size. B= volume corresponding to A for blank ti-
Generally, detinite inflection points may be discerned only in tration, ml;
regions where increments of the same size are used.
N= normality of alcoholic KOH solution;
ZRfTl 12
10 .- -
.8 Cl
6 1
I — —— .0
ti — blank on 125ml of titration solvent.
B — 10.00g ofuscd crankcase oil plos 125ml of titration solvent. Since no sharp inflections are apparent the end points are chosen at tbe meter
readings which were obtained with the two non-aqueousbuffers.
C — 10,00 g of oil containing a weak acid PIUS125ml of titration solvent. The end point is chosen at the most vertical portion of the inflection.
D — 10.00 g ofoil containing weak and strong acids plus 125ml of titration solvent. The end points are chosen at the most vertical portions of
the two inflections.
.. A
IS 1448 1P: I /See II :2002
J’J7. mass of sample, g; 14 PRECIS1ON AND BIAS
c= alcoholic KOH solution used to titrate the .~
14.1 Acid Number
sample to end point that occurs at a meter f
14.1.2 Reproducibility
E (rev)
E The difference between two single and independent
results obtained by different operators working in
different laboratories on identical test material would,
IS 1448 [P :1 /See 1] :2002
-: =4
(Clauses 6.1 and 6.4)
A-1 THE APPARATUS FOR MANUAL is greater than 50000 Mf2.
A-1.3 Calomel Electrode
It shall consist of the following.
A pencil type calomel electrode (Reference electrode),
A-1.l Meter B (see Fig.1) 125 to 180 mm in length and 8 to 14
mm in diameter. This electrode shall be made of glass
A voltmeter or potentiometer that will operate with
and shall be provided with an external, removable
an accuracy of + 0.005 V and sensitivity ofk 0.002 V,
glass sleeve on the sealed end that is dipped into the
over a range of at least % 0.5 V, when the meter is
titration solution. The glass sleeve shall be 8 to 25
used with the electrodes specified in A-1.2
mm in length, shall be slightly tapered, and shall be
and A-1.3, and when the resistance between the
ground to fit the electrode so that the sealed end of
electrodes falls within the range from 0.2 to 20 MQ,
the electrode protrudes 2 to 20 mm beyond the sleeve.
The meter shall be protected from stray electrostatic
The ground surface shall be continuous and free of
fields so that no permanent change in the meter
smooth spots. At a point midway between the
readings over the entire operating range is produced
extremities of the ground surface, the electrode tube
by touching with a grounded lead, any part of the
shall be pierced by a hole or holes 1 mm in diameter.
exposed surface of the glass electrode, the glass
The electrode shall contain the necessary mercury,
electrode lead, the titration stand, or the meter. A
calomel, and electrical connection to the mercury, all
desirable apparatus may consist of a continuous-
arranged in a permanent manner. The electrode shai I
1S 1448 [P: 1 /See 1] :2002
that allows the removal of the beaker or titration vessel titration curve with the capability of complying with
without disturbing the electrodes, burette, and stirrer the potential equilibrium specified and providing
is desirable. titration rates of less than 0.2 ml/min during titration
and preferably 0.05 ml/min at inflections and at non-
A-2 APPARATUS FOR AUTOMATIC aqueous acidic and basic end points.
A-2.2 Interchangeable precision motor-driven burettes
It shall be generally in accordance with A-1 and with a volume dispensing accuracy of +0.01 ml.
provide the following technical performance charac-
teristics or features: A-2.3 A record of the complete course of a titration
by continuously printing out the relative potential
A-2.1 Automatic adaption of the titration speed in the versus volume of titrant added.
continuous titrant delivery mode to the slope of the
Methods for Measurement and Test for Petroleum,
Petroleum Products and Lubricants Sectional Committee, PCD 1
Organization Representative(s)
IS 1448 [P: 1 /See 1] :2002
(Confirruedfiompage 10)
Organization Representative(s)
Joint Dkector (PCD), BIS
BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986 to promote
harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods
und attending to connected matters in the country.
F31Shas the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form
without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of
implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations.
Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director (Publications), BIS.
Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also
reviewed periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that
no changes are needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision. Users
of Indian Standards should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by
referring to the latest issue of ‘BIS Catalogue’ and ‘Standards: Monthly Additions’,
This Indian Standard has been developed from Doc : No. PCD 1(1593).
Mmmk Bhavan, 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi 110002 Telegrams : Manaksanstha
Telephones :3230131, 3233375, 3239402 (Common to all offices)