Bangladesh Cost Accounting Standards (BCAS)
Bangladesh Cost Accounting Standards (BCAS)
Bangladesh Cost Accounting Standards (BCAS)
Lecture Sheet # 02
Subject: Cost Accounting (COA)_CM121
Topic: BCAS, Cost Concepts & Classifications
Cost Classification:
Cost Classification is the process of segregating the company’s costs into different categories that
gives a fair idea to the decision-maker about the spending pattern. This segregation allows teams
to efficiently use the data for accounting purposes and financial modeling, leading the management
to decide which cost is more important than others.
As per BCAS-1, the Classification of Costs is the process of grouping costs according to their
common characteristics. However, cost classification should be guided by the specific
requirements and nature of the firm. Direct and indirect classification of cost is important for easy
and accurate tracing of cost with cost object.
Cost may be classified from different perspectives under consideration. Some important cost
classifications are mentioned below: