biological contamination in fast food manufacturing industries ,one major impact in fast food
manufacturing industries of food safety is environment pollution which may bring the possibility
of accelerating global warming and causing plastic pollution .The fast food emissions
contamination could have contributed to the environment pollution in India.As staded by
Timperley (2019) , the fast food sector in India is one of the country’s largest factors to HFC
emissions which is a new cryogen with global warming potential higher than carbon dioxide . Just
the eight fast food chains covered in this report(Timperley,2019) could add about a million tonne
of carbon dioxide equivalent emissions of HFC by 2020.Meanwhile,plastic for fast food may give
rise to environment pollution ,because the plastic waste is difficult to degrade,which is harmful to
the environment.There are such a great deal of fast food boxes discarded on the ground,which
may exist for thousands of years.Even more,