Chemical (Non-Biological) Contaminants in Food and Their Movements in Food Chain
Chemical (Non-Biological) Contaminants in Food and Their Movements in Food Chain
Chemical (Non-Biological) Contaminants in Food and Their Movements in Food Chain
10(08), 967-972
had problems providing enough food in 2017 [4]. When excess food at any stage of the food system can’t be
diverted to people in need, the following most suitable choice is to feed it to animals. Even with the
simplest systems in situ to develop an efficient food system, there'll always be some
fraction that's not acceptable consumption. This material should be recycled and reused to reduce the environmental
burden and permit for recovery of a part of the resources initially utilized in its production, processing and transport
[5], creating a more circular food system.
There are three differing types of food contamination - chemical, physical and biological. All foods are in danger of
becoming contaminated, which increases the prospect of the food making someone sick. Chemical contamination
includes inorganic and organic substances and should originate from a large range of sources (Figure 1 shows the
pathway of contaminants through the environment).
Chemical contamination
Chemical contamination refers to food that has been contaminated by some kind of chemical substance. Because
chemicals may be very useful when cleaning within the kitchen or for other purposes, they will easily contaminate
food. There are chemicals that occur naturally in foods, like toxins in some fish, and in some cases, minimal
chemical contamination may not actually result in illness. However, the food handler should always remember of
the presence of chemicals in food and take all reasonable precautions to create sure that chemical contamination
doesn’t happen. Figure 2 shows Food system with possible sources of chemical contamination within the food
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Fig. 2:- Food system with possible sources of chemical contamination in the food chain.
Chemical Contamination of Food: - There are following sorts of chemical contamination in food.
Industrial chemicals
Industrial chemicals and cleaning products include detergents, sanitizers and other chemical products that use for
analysis or other purpose. Some industrial chemicals like Acrylamide, Benzene, Chloropropanols, Ethanol, Ethyl
carbamate, Furan, Heterocyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, Nitrosamines, Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
(PAH's),Semicarbazide are use for food processing.
ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 10(08), 967-972
Agricultural chemicals
Agricultural chemicals include herbicides, pesticides and fertilizers that will be present on fruit and vegetables.
Always wash fruit and vegetables – whether or not the item contains a cutis or rind, we are still at risk of transferring
chemicals from the skin to the within once we take the merchandise. Chemical contaminants within the agricultural
industry include a spread of compounds. they will be found in fertilisers applied to crops, pesticides and herbicides
used for weed and pest control, and antibiotics and steroid hormones for animal health and growth.
Chemical contaminants may eventually make their way into an adjacent waterway through direct application, by
spray drift, or via wastewater discharges from effluent ponds and surface runoff from the land. the utilization of
chemicals can have long run effects on water quality. Decreased dissolved oxygen (DO) levels.
Preservatives are ingredients added to food to form it last longer or taste better. Example preservatives include
sulphites in wine and nitrates utilized in meat. Adding an excessive amount of preservative to a food may be harmful
to human health. High concentration of chemicals present within the edibles poses serious health risks.
Present toxins
Naturally occurring chemical toxins are chemicals that are produced or contained naturally within shellfish, seafood
or plants. These toxins might not cause any harm to the organism that produces them but will be harmful to humans.
Naturally occurring chemical toxins are chemicals that are produced or contained naturally within shellfish, seafood
or plants. These toxins might not cause any harm to the organism that produces them but may be harmful to humans.
Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning is an example of an illness caused by consuming a present toxin.
Heavy metals
Heavy metals are conductive elements having a density greater than, 4.5 g/cm3 [6]. Some heavy metals are essential
micronutrients with beneficial impacts on growth as long as their con- centrations remain low, however at high
concentrations, heavy metals are toXic to plants, animals and humans [7].In aquatic systems, heavy metals are
redistributed throughout the water column and sediment, and should accumulate in fish and other edible aquatic
biota [8]. Likewise, in terrestrial systems, contaminants may be absorbed and accumulate in edible and non-edible
plant tissues during growth. Cadmium (Cd) is very mobile, poorly adsorbed to soil and phytoavailable. Baked cod,
pan cooked boeuf, pan cooked liver (beef/calf), and canned tuna were the foods with the very best heavy metal
Halogenated compounds
Organohalogenated contaminants are usually synthetic organic chemicals with one or more halogens (chlorine,
bromine, iodine and fluorine) substituted for hydrogens within the molecule. Many halogenated compounds are
classified as persistent organic pollutants or POPs. POPs are immune to environmental degradation (chemical,
biological and photolytic) and thus have a protracted half-life [9]. samples of POPs include
esticides like organochlorine pesticides (OCPs), industrial chemicals like poly- brominated diphenyl ethers
(PBDEs), and hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD), and by-products of business processes, like dioXins and furans.
These contaminants are persistent and ubiquitously present within the environment [10], and plenty of are related
to endocrine disruption, cancer and other toXic impacts [11].
Pesticides are chemicals that prevent insects, weeds, and fungi from damaging crops. Farmers use them to
extend the quantity of crops they're ready to produce. Exposure to large quantities of a pesticide may cause
poisoning. Symptoms of poisoning may appear immediately or after some hours [12]. There are quite 1000
pesticides used round the world to confirm food isn't damaged or destroyed by pests. Each pesticide has different
properties and toxicological effects. Many of the older, cheaper (off-patent)
pesticides, like dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) and lindane can remain for years in soil and water. These
chemicals are banned by countries who signed the 2001 Stockholm Convention – a global treaty that aims to
eliminate or restrict the assembly and use of persistent organic pollutants [13]. The toxicity of a pesticide depends on
its function and other factors. for instance, insecticides tend to be more toxic to humans than herbicides. the
identical chemical can have different effects at different doses (how much of the chemical someone is exposed to)
[14]. Adverse effects from these pesticides occur only above a specific safe level of exposure. When
people get contact with large quantities of pesticide, this could cause acute poisoning or long-term health effects,
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including cancer and adverse effects on reproduction. Pesticides are among the leading causes of death by self-
poisoning, specifically in low- and middle-income countries [15].
The above review presents the sources of several classes of contaminants that can enter our food system. Each stage
of the food system has unique contamination sources and mechanisms. Our review of the available literature
produced the following insights:
1. Heavy metals were largely introduced at the production stage, although processing and packaging were also
significant sources of some metals for some foods. Metals can persist and increase in concentration in the final
products from treatment systems, while their mobility decreases.
2. For halogenated organics, the production stage produced the highest level of contamination for PCBs, PBDEs,
DDT, PFOA and PFOS. Some may also be introduced in packaging and from food contact papers. Many persist
in the final products of the treatment system. While the diversity of this class of contaminants and differences in
chemical properties prevent broad generalizations about their fate during processing and treatment, the potential
for many of these compounds to persist and bioaccumulate inherently represents a risk to any food system.
3. Pathogens are largely introduced during the processing stage for meat products, and the production stage for
vegetables. Handling at retail and consumer sites can also introduce pathogens. Thermo-philic temperatures
effectively kill pathogens during treatment. However, high temperatures must be reached throughout the
compost pile, and operation of AD systems in this temperature range can be unstable.
4. Consumers can further limit their intake of pesticide residues by peeling or washing fruit and vegetables, which
also reduces other foodborne hazards, such as harmful bacteria.
Repeated land application of treated food waste residuals can result in accumulation of contaminants if they are
present in the feedstocks. Contaminants can be taken up by plants and accumulate in a circular food system,
jeopardizing its safety. Thus, contamination at any stage represents a threat to the system as a whole. To maintain a
sustainable circular food system, careful management of the system is needed to reduce the level and frequency of
contamination of food, and research into the fate of contaminants during treatment, methods for simple, inexpensive
and accurate monitoring, and policy options to protect the system are needed.
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