Electrochemistry: For: KCET
Electrochemistry: For: KCET
Electrochemistry: For: KCET
(Average Marks:3)
0 a) 0.3 V b) 0.1 V
1. Given 𝐸𝐹𝑒 +3 /𝐹𝑒 +2 = +0.76𝑉 and
𝐸𝐼2 /𝑟 = +0.55V. The equilibrium constant
for the reaction taking place in galvanic c) 1.7 V d) 2.1 V
cell consisting of above two electrodes is 8. The charge required for the reduction of 1
2.303𝑅𝑇 mole of MnO4- to MnO2 is (2018)
[ 𝐹 = 0.06] (2020)
7 9
a) 1 F b) 3 F
a) 1x10 b) 1x10 c) 5 F d) 7 F
c) 3x108 d) 5x1012
9. At a particular temperature, the ratio of
2. If an aqueous solution of NaF is
molar conductance to specific conductance
electrolyzed between inert electrodes, the
product obtained at anode is (2020) of 0.01 M NaCl solution is (2018)
5 3 -1
a) F2 b) H2 c) Na d) O2 a) 10 cm mol b) 10 cm mol-1
3 3
3. In which of the following cases a chemical c) 10 cm3 mol-1 d) 105 cm2 mol-1
reaction is possible? (2020) 10. For a cell involving two electron changes,
a) ZnSO4(aq) is placed in a copper vessel 𝐸𝑐𝑒𝑙𝑙 = 0.3 V at 250C. The equilibrium
b) AgNO3 solution is stirred with constant of the reaction is (2018)
copper spoon a) 10 -10
b) 3 × 10 -2
c) Conc. HNO3 is stored in a platinum c) 10 d) 1010
vessel 11. By passing electric current, NaClO3 is
d) gold ornaments are washed with converted into NaClO3 is converted into
dil HCl
NaClO4 according to the following
4. The pair of electrolytes that posses same
value for the constant (A) in the Debye – equation:
Huckel – Onsagar equation, NaClO3 + H2O → NaClO4 + H2
𝜆m = λ𝑒𝑚 − 𝐴√𝐶 is (2020) How many moles of NaClO4 will be
a) MgSO4, NaSO4 b) NH4Cl, NaBr formed when three faradays of charge is
c) NaBr, MgSO4 d) NaCl, CaCl2 passed through NaClO3? (2017)
5. One liter solution of MgCl2 is electrolyzed a) 0.75 b) 3.0
completely by passing a current of 1 A for c) 1.5 d) 1.0
16 min 5 sec. The original concentration of 12. In the electrolysis of aqueous sodium
MgCl2 solution was (2019) chloride solution, which of the half cell
(Atomic mass of Mg = 24) reaction will occur at anode? (2017)
a) 5 × 10-3 M b) 5 × 10-2 M a) Cl-(aq) → ½ Cl2 + e-; 𝐸𝑐𝑒𝑙𝑙 = 1.36 volts
c) 0.5 × 10-3 M d) 1.0 × 10-2 M b) 2H2O(l) → O2 + 4H+ + 4e-;
6. An aqueous solution of CuSO4 is subjected 𝐸𝑐𝑒𝑙𝑙 = 1.23 volts
to electrolysis using inert electrodes. The c) Na+(aq) + e- → Na(s); 𝐸𝑐𝑒𝑙𝑙 = -2.71 volts
+ - 0
pH of the solution will (2019) d) H (aq) + e → ½ H2; 𝐸𝑐𝑒𝑙𝑙 = 0.00 volts
a) increase 13. Which of the following is incorrect in a
b)remains unchanged galvanic cell? (2016)
c) decrease a) Oxidation occurs at anode
d) increase or decrease depending on the b) Reduction occurs at cathode
strength of the current c) The electrode at which electrons are
7. Given: 𝐸𝑀𝑛 +7 /𝑀𝑛+2 = 1.5 V and gained is called cathode
𝑜 𝑜 d) The electrode at which electrons are lost
𝐸𝑀𝑛 +4 /𝑀𝑛 +2 = 1.2 V, then 𝐸𝑀𝑛+7 /𝑀𝑛+4 is
a) Can be recharged
b) Can be recharged by passing current
through it in the same direction
c) Can be recharged by passing current
through it in the opposite direction.
d) Cannot be recharged
15. The amount if current in faraday required
for the reduction of 1 mol of Cr2𝑂72− ions
to Cr3+ is (2016)
a) 1 F b) 2 F
c) 6 F d) 4 F
16. How many coulombs of electricity are
required for the oxidation of one mol of
water to dioxygen? (2015)
4 4
a) 1.93 × 10 C b) 19.3 × 10 C
c) 9.65 × 10 C d) 1.93 × 104C
17. While charging the lead storage battery
a) PbSO4 on cathode is reduced to Pb
b) PbSO4 on anode is oxidized to PbO2
c) PbSO4 on anode is reduced to Pb
d) PbSO4 on cathode is oxidized to Pb
18. In H2 – O2 fuel cell the reaction occurring
at cathode is (2015)
- -
a) O2(g) + 2H2O + 4e → 4OH (aq)
b) H+(aq) + OH-(aq) → H2O(l)
c) 2H2(g) + O2(g) → 2H2O(l)
d) H+ + e- → ½ H2