The Respiratory System
The Respiratory System
The Respiratory System
Respiration is defined as the process of releasing energy from the breaking down of food
substances in the cells. Respiration is made up of two types known as external
respiration and internal respiration. External respiration (breathing) involves the
exchange of gases and this takes place in the lungs. Internal respiration involves the
breaking down of food substances in the cells of the body to release energy
Parts of the Human Respiratory System
iii. Windpipe (trachea): The windpipe is made up of rings of cartilage. These rings
keep the air passages open. The inner lining of the windpipe has two types of cells. They
are mucus-secreting cells and ciliated epithelial cells. Dust particles and bacteria are
trapped in the mucus. The trachea branches into two bronchi (singular-bronchus)
iv. LUNGS: Inside the lungs, the bronchi branch into long, narrow, tiny tubes called
bronchioles. The bronchioles branch again into many air sacs called alveoli (singular
alveolus). The alveoli Increase surface area for gaseous diffusion.
The covering of the lung is called the Pleural membrane or pleura. The function of the
pleura is to allow optimal expansion and contraction of the lungs during
Breathing and Respiration
Breathing and Respiration are not the same.
Breathing: - is described as an exchange of gases in which oxygen is breathed in which
is known as inspiration or inhalation and carbon dioxide is breathed out in a process
known as expiration or exhalation. On the other hand, respiration is the process by
which oxygen breathed in from the atmosphere is used for breaking down food
substances in our body cells to release needed energy with Carbon (IV) oxide and water
as the waste products. This is known as cell respiration. There are two types of cell
respiration which are (a) aerobic respiration (b) anaerobic respiration
a. Aerobic respiration:- is the breaking down of food substance i.e. glucose in the
presence of oxygen. This can be represented as a word equation: Glucose + oxygen
→carbon dioxide + water + large amount of energy. This can be written in a
chemical equation:
C6 H12 O6 +6O2 → 6CO2 + 6H2O + Energy
b. Anaerobic respiration:- This process occurs when the body cannot get enough
oxygen for aerobic respiration to take place. For example, when you sprint you cannot
breathe fast enough to get the energy you need to release energy for your muscles. The
body responds by releasing the energy In a process called anaerobic respiration i.e. the
breaking down of food substances i.e. glucose in the absence of oxygen. Represented by
the word equation: Glucose →Lactic acid + Energy (small amount of energy).
Lactic acid is a poison. When it builds up in the muscles we need extra oxygen to break
it down. This is called an oxygen debt and we breathe heavily to produce the oxygen
needed to repay that debt.
Breathing Movements
Breathing movement Inspiration Expiration
External intercostal muscles Contract Relax
Rib action Move up Move down
Diaphragm muscles Contract Relax
Change in chest volume Increases Decreases
Note: The diaphragm is the partition between the thoracic (chest) region and
abdominal cavities.
How Gaseous Exchange Takes Place in the Lungs
In the lungs, oxygen and carbon dioxide (a waste product of body processes) are
exchanged in the tiny air sacs (alveoli) at the end of the bronchial tubes. The alveoli are
surrounded by capillaries. When a person inhales, oxygen moves from the alveoli to the
surrounding capillaries and into the bloodstream. At the same time, carbon dioxide
moves from the bloodstream to the capillaries and into the alveoli. The carbon dioxide is
removed from the lungs when a person exhales.
The amount of air that moves in and out of the lungs, with each normal inspiration and
expiration is called Tidal volume. The greatest quantity of air that can be expired after
a maximum inspiratory effort is its Vital capacity.
The respiratory system helps in the regulation of blood pH, and also contain receptors of
smell, produces vocal sound and filter inspired air.
1. Asthma: is caused due to spasms in bronchial muscles causing wheezing and
shortness of breath. Allergy to a certain type of protein in food or in dust, infections, or
pollution can trigger asthma symptoms.
2. Pneumonia: An infection of the alveoli, usually by bacteria.
3. Tuberculosis: A slowly progressive pneumonia caused by the bacteria Mycobacterium
4. Cold and catarrh: This is caused by a microorganism called a virus. It makes
process difficult
because of the accumulation of watery mucus in the nostril.
5. Emphysema: results from damage to the fragile connections between alveoli.
Smoking is the usual cause.
(Emphysema also limits airflow, affecting the airways as well.)
1. In which part of the respiratory system, gaseous exchange takes place?
A. Alveoli B. Larynx C. Pharynx D. Trachea
2. _____is located between two pleural sacs and is the central compartment of the thoracic cavity.
A. Hilum B. Pleura C. Mediastinum D. Thoracic cage
3. Which of the following statements is true about involuntary breathing?
A. It is controlled by the bronchioles
B. It is controlled by the pulmonary arterioles
C. It is controlled by the alveolar-capillary network
D. It is controlled by the neurons, located in the medulla and pons
4. Which of the following gas is released during the process of respiration?
A. Oxygen B. Hydrogen D. Carbon dioxide E. None of the above
5. The tiny air sacs present in the lungs are called________.
A. Alveoli B. Bronchus C. Bronchioles D. All of the above
6. Which of the following functions is by filtering and keeping the mucus and dirt away from our lungs?
A. Cilia B. Bronchioles C. Hairs in the lungs D. All of the above
7. The exchange of gases between the external environment and the lungs
A. Respiration B. External respiration
C. Cellular respiration D. None of the above
8. Which one of the following statements is false about the trachea?
A. Has C-shaped rings B. It is covered by epiglottis
C. It splits into the right and left lungs D. None of the above
9. The maximum volume of air contained in the lung by a full forced inhalation is called
A. Tidal volume B. Vital capacity D. Ventilation rate D. Total lung capacity
10. Which one of the following is correct regarding the larynx?
A. It houses the vocal cords
B. It prevents the invading pathogens into the trachea
C. It is an organ made of cartilage and connects the pharynx to the trachea
D. All of the above