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Dux Brit Q - A

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Dux Britanniarum Questions & Answers

(Answers from designer on TFL Yahoo! Group--msg #144314 & 144589 dated June 3rd
and 5th, 2013)

Fate Cards
1. A True Aim and Fleet of Foot cards only apply to Missile Troops--not Skirmishers or
Light Cavalry?
Yes, only Missile Troops.

2. Does the Shieldwall Braced card’s effect last for a single round or for an entire turn?
Single close combat round only.

3. Does the Disengage card allow a Shieldwall Formation to move backwards while
maintaining its facing towards the group or formation it was in close combat with?

4. Is the Disengage card used between the 1st and 2nd rounds of a close combat? Can
it be used at other times?
Yes. It can be used any time you like. But why would you?

5. Does the Carpe Diem card itself grant a +1D6 in a close combat?
Is the Carpe Diem card of your suit? If so yes, if not no.

6. When a Shieldwall (or any group/mass formation for that matter) moves backwards
on an Evade card does it also change facing to match the direction of movement?
I honestly can't recall. I don't ave the rules with me at present, but that was
the intention.

7. How about on the Disengage card--does the Shieldwall (or any

group/formation) also change facing to match the direction of movement?
No, that just breaks contact.

Command Initiatives
1. Does an attached Noble move with the group or formation he is attached to when it is
activated (assuming the attached Noble has not already moved this turn) or must a
Noble always be activated/moved separately (possible exceptions being a rout or
follow up move as result of close combat)?
Yes, attached Noble can move with group as long as not moving more than
once in a turn.

2. Can a higher status Noble (e.g. Lord) activate a lower status Noble for movement?
NOOOOO! Never. Blasphemer!
3. Can a Lord (Status III) Noble, or another Noble for that matter, activate a Champion
(or is the “accompany the Lord” description very literal--the Champion must stay near/
adjacent to the Lord unless severely wounded during a pre-game duel?)
No, the champion just tags along. I like the literal.

Un-commanded Groups
1. Is a group within the command range of a Noble, but not activated that turn using a
Noble’s card, considered un-commanded at the end of the turn?
Yes, precisely that. It is any Group that has not been activated.

1. While there are no march column formations (pg 36) can two or more groups line up
one behind the other, effectively forming one group wide “column”, and be considered
a Massed Formation?
No. That is merely a wheeze to get around the column rule.

2. Can a Shieldwall formation move backwards?

Yes, but the distance is still limited.

3. When a Shieldwall moves backwards, does it also change facing (i.e. about
face/face in the direction of movement) at the end of the move activation?
As per the rules, you end your move facing the direction in which you have
travelled, unless you spend one dice of movement to turn round.

4. If it does change facing can a Shieldwall, with Elite or Warrior groups in the front rank,
opt to roll one less die (1D6 vs 2D6) to change facing back to its original front?

5. Does the Evade or Disengage cards allow a Shieldwall formation to move


1. Can Nobles interpenetrate and be interpenetrated freely by friendly troops?
Yes, these are mobs and single figures move through easily and vice versa
(exception: Shieldwalls).

2. Can Nobles interpenetrate Shieldwall formations?

I am easy on this. Whatever you prefer. But my thoughts are no. They should
go round it.
1. Do buildings provide light cover in close combat and heavy cover versus missile
troops and skirmishers? (Rulebook seems clear this is the case but the
play aid sheet is less clear!)
Take the rule book as gospel.

Close Combat
1. Does an Elite Foot Group get the +1D6 in close combat when fighting a
formation of Elite and Warrior groups and in contact with both?

Close Combat with Cavalry Troops

1. What is the troop quality of Saxon Light Cavalry?

2. What is the troop quality of British Light Cavalry?


3. What is the troop quality of British Shock Cavalry?


1. Are the number of dice a Skirmisher group rolls also reduced when they have 2+
shock points (similar to groups in close combat and Missile Troops)?
Yes, same as everyone else.

Force Morale
1. Does the death of a Champion result in a roll on the Force Morale table? (Broader
question I guess: Is the Champion considered a Noble, a Troop Type, or something
altogether different and distinct?)
No he is not noble, therefore no. He is there to die.

Missile and Skirmisher hit allocation versus formations

1. Since harassing troops can target formations, are hits allocated across groups
similarly to close combat with your opponent assigning odd hits and you assigning
odd hits on your Shieldwalls? (Assuming the firing figures are in range of all groups in
a formation!)
Yes, all hits are allocated in that fashion.

2. How about when a Noble is attached to a group that is hit by Missile troops (only
Harassing Troop type that can generate a kill result), should the Noble roll a die
based on the number of kill results to see if he pulls a Harold Godwinson?
Yup, that occurs with all hits, however they are come by.

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