Neurophysiological Mechanisms Involved in Language Learning in Adults
Neurophysiological Mechanisms Involved in Language Learning in Adults
Neurophysiological Mechanisms Involved in Language Learning in Adults
of word learning (at the structural and functional brain this view remain important at the level of cognitive pro-
levels) will drastically aid in filling in the missing pieces cesses, in the sense that, whatever the learning
of information about LL mechanisms in infants and mechanisms we are genetically endowed with, we are
adults (Spelke 2002). able to accomplish this complex enterprise when
The present paper is divided into four parts. First, faced with the appropriate triggering inputs. The spe-
we introduce the relevant factors that have been high- cification at the biological level of the genetic
lighted in the two fields in an attempt to show how regulatory, expressive and epigenetic mechanisms
they are interrelated. Second, we review the different that allow humans to accomplish this task might be
studies of adults and infants devoted to early segmen- one of the main fields of research in the future.2 An
tation and word recognition processes along with the unresolved issue is to what extent infants are able to
mechanisms involved in the extraction of rules learn a language because they are equipped with a
embedded in those words. In the third section, we very powerful general-purpose learning mechanism
present the problem of inferring the meaning of a or because they are equipped with a language-specific
new word from a verbal context. In the fourth section, acquisition device (Elman et al. 1996; Bates et al.
we present an integrative proposal of the main neuro- 1998; Hauser & Bever 2008).
physiological mechanisms involved in LL and the Some researchers have already provided alternative
interface of LL with different cognitive processes. hypotheses to the existence of specific LL mechanisms
(Golinkoff et al. 2000). For example, it has been pro-
posed that general principles of associative learning
2. RELEVANT FACTORS IN FIRST AND SECOND can explain many of the LL characteristics (Ellis
LANGUAGE ACQUISITION 2008). In the same vein, a general purpose statistical
(a) First language acquisition learning mechanism has been proposed to underlie a
The last 20 years have witnessed an enormous amount great deal of the LL phenomena (Smith 2000).
of research on LL and cognitive development, mostly Other authors have considered a broader view of the
coming from behavioural infant studies (Saffran et al. infant word-learning process, which might require
2006; Kuhl & Rivera-Gaxiola 2008). Although our the interaction of more general capacities, including
knowledge of how infants are able to master a new conceptual and theory of mind capacities and gram-
language is rapidly increasing, the problem is so com- matical knowledge (Bloom 2000). Similarly, an
plex and multifaceted that the current state of the art is influential current view emphasizes the unavoidable
still far from providing a clear picture of the exact fact that infants are social agents and that LL might
learning mechanisms involved in this rich period of be considered fundamentally a social activity
our life (see Gaskell & Ellis, this issue). When consid- (Tomasello 2003). This theoretical position downplays
ering this ‘complex problem’, we need to consider at the validity of the Quinean dilemma (Quine 1960),
least three important aspects: (i) the input of the learn- which points out the inherent ambiguity of the mean-
ing process, (ii) the cognitive mechanisms involved in ing conveyed between two persons in a learning
learning, and (iii) their developmental time course. context (multiple meanings could always be mapped
When considering the input level, several authors onto a new word). Because a social interaction could
underscore the distinction between learning words disambiguate the referent intentions of the speaker,
(lexical knowledge) and rules or constraints (gramma- infants do not require the specific internal language
tical knowledge). The capacity to develop grammatical constraints that have been postulated to learn the
abilities appears even in circumstances of impover- meaning of a new word (Markman 1989).
ished input or impaired intellectual abilities (e.g. in In fact, the existence and availability of multiple per-
Williams syndrome). However, Martens et al. (2008), ceptual, linguistic and social cues in the learning
in a recent review, contradicted this idea and suggested environment of infants lead some researchers to consider
that individuals with Williams syndrome presented in that a simple blind association mechanism might not be
some cases both typical (but delayed) and atypical enough and attention is required for focusing, selecting
grammatical abilities. In particular, the atypical abil- and integrating the incoming speech and the multiple
ities were encountered in tasks measuring complex cues provided by the environment. Several convergent
skills, such as morphosyntactic and semantic inte- ideas on the importance of attention to social cues (eye
gration. In any case, the general agreement between gaze, pointing behaviour and joint attention) highlight
the independency of grammar evolution with respect the importance of considering social interaction as a
to other cognitive abilities have led generative linguists key aspect when learning a language (Baldwin 1991).
to postulate the existence of a very powerful innate Notice that these new social-learning perspectives
LL device for accomplishing this highly demanding emphasize the richness of the initial infant-learning
task (Chomsky 2002). Thus, from the same input, environment and the necessity that powerful cognitive
the cognitive system is able to extract two different capacities aid the processing and integration of this infor-
types of information for language development, mation. For example, some important concepts in this
namely words and rules. From the generative point social pragmatic perspective, like social understanding
of view, this is accomplished using a predefined or theory of mind, might require the involvement of
innate LL device whereas input-based traditions sus- high-level cognitive processes.
tain that learning is accomplished by exploiting the In a similar vein, Gentner & Namy (2004) have
internal characteristics of the input (Ellis 2008). proposed another domain-general mechanism, the
Thus, although this generative grammar account comparison process, involved in early word learning.
has received several criticisms, some core ideas in This mechanism, based on research in analogy and
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similarity, allows storage and comparison of multiple development, it is also true that most adults learn
similar experiences highlighting their commonalities more than one language in their lifetime. Besides the
and inherent abstract relations (even when exposures emotional circumstances that will inevitably affect
are separated in time). Thus, this process might be this learning process (Klein 1996), the crucial ques-
useful in infants to infer and discover the meaning of tion is whether the large infants’ learning plasticity
newly encountered words. The observed commonal- reflected while learning their native language during
ities between two different experiences (e.g. imagine the first 2 years of life is maintained at all throughout
a child or an adult hearing the same label applied to the lifespan. The idea that brain plasticity is largely
different entities, as for example would be the case reduced in adolescents and adults led some authors
for the word ‘animal’) might trigger the comparison to propose the existence of critical periods or sensitive
process, bypassing surface commonalities (the label time windows for acquiring native-like competence in
‘animal’) and extracting deeper abstract or conceptual a second language, especially with regard to phonolo-
relations (the concept of animal applies to different gical and morphosyntactic aspects (see for a review,
entities). Analogical reasoning might underlie these Birdsong 2006).3 In fact, this early idea about the
comparison processes. To what degree this comparison limits on adult brain plasticity might explain the separ-
process would be responsible for the acquisition of ation of the infant and adult learning research
grammatical rules is still an open question (Gomez & traditions. First, language acquisition has always
Maye 2005). been considered a kind of singular implicit process.
Finally, at the development level, it is very important to Its development is circumscribed to a very narrow
observe the changes in the language acquisition mech- time window (the first 2– 4 years) and characterized
anisms across the lifespan. One of the tenets of the by a large amount of brain plasticity that allows infants
emergentist coalition model (ECM) (Hollich et al. to master one or multiple languages in a relatively
2000) is that infants might use a coalition of available short period of time. In contrast, second language
learning cues in the environment (perceptual, social acquisition in adulthood has always been characterized
and linguistic) in order to learn a language. The inter- as a non-automatic, explicit and effortful process,
esting aspect proposed by this account is that the clearly modulated by motivational and emotional
weighting of these cues and their involvement in the factors, and comprising a rather crystallized cognitive
word-learning journey might change over time (devel- system with no conceptual changes required.
opmental perspective). For example, infants at the Surprisingly, some studies of ultimate attainment
early stages of learning might depend more on percep- have shown that an important number of second
tual and salient attributes in the environment and less language learners acquire a near-native performance
on linguistic properties. With maturation and after the even in phonology and syntax (Flege 1987; White &
completion of the first word-learning milestone, infant’s Genesee 1996; Bongaerts 1999; Hyltenstam &
attention might turn more to linguistic aspects in order Abrahamsson 2000; Birdsong 2006). Birdsong (1999)
to boost their learning resources. Similarly, some devel- has estimated that between 5 and 15 per cent of
opmental theories of lexical recognition and literacy learners attain near-native performance. Montrul &
(Fowler 1991; Walley 1993) have proposed that pho- Slabakova (2003) and White & Genesee (1996)
neme representations undergo fairly gradual showed larger estimates ranging from 20–30%.
substantial changes during childhood language devel- Interestingly, Coppieters (1987) suggested, in view of
opment. This position is interesting, because it the results from extensive interviews, that native and
emphasizes how the representations that sustain phono- near-native speakers of French appeared to be compar-
logical and lexical information interact between them able in terms of language use and proficiency, although
and are transformed during language development. the two groups clearly diverged in their interpretation
During this process, the initial phonological represen- of sentences involving basic grammatical contrasts.
tation might consist of an implicit perceptual unit All these data cast some doubts about a rigid interpret-
used for basic speech representation, and afterwards, ation of the sensitive time window hypothesis (see for a
it is transformed into an explicit cognitive represen- critical view of the critical period hypothesis in
tation that can be used for reading tasks. More language, Seidenberg & Zevin 2006). In a similar
specifically, the initial lexical representations in early vein, during the last decade, the concepts of neural
childhood might be holistic (most probably based on plasticity, neurogeneration and brain repair have been
larger units than the phonemic segments, such as sylla- carefully redefined and the emergent picture of the
bles or overall acoustic shape) and as the lexicon is adult learning brain is more dynamic, open and
accrued by the child, these representations might encouraging than the previous views (Buonomano &
become more refined and based on phonological seg- Merzenich 1998; Bruer 2003; De Felipe 2006). How-
ments in this model (Walley 1993; Metsala & Walley ever, it is important to bear in mind that similar
1998). This transformation might be partially driven performance levels (e.g. when comparing near-native
by infant vocabulary growth, and therefore, by the second language learners and native speakers or even
infants’ increasing need to distinguish target words in infant and adult learning rates) do not directly inform
the lexicon in a faster way (Metsala & Walley 1998). about the implication of the same cognitive resources
or processes. The relationship between performance
and cognitive processes is always complex, and it is at
(b) Second language acquisition this point that the use of complementary information
Although an important subset of language studies have from functional brain imaging and connectivity would
focused their investigation on infants’ language be particularly helpful.
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Complementary, and at the level of cognitive pro- a language is to identify (segment) the units (words)
cessing, second language research has also been that compose the speech signal (the segmentation
focused on the identification of individual differences problem). The difficulty in segmenting the speech
in cognitive abilities related to second LL. For signal into words is accentuated by the lack of clearly
instance, four main abilities have been pointed out marked word boundaries. It is not until a certain
by several authors: (i) phonemic encoding ability, (ii) degree of familiarity with the language is gained that
grammatical sensitivity, (iii) inductive LL ability, and learners begin to recognize possible words from the
(iv) associative memory (Carroll 1993). Another speech input. Eventually, parsing the speech stream
aspect that has also been highlighted by other authors is possible by exploiting different sources of infor-
is cognitive control, a central aspect in bilingualism mation. Once these units are identified, they should
(Rodriguez-Fornells et al. 2006). In particular, be mapped onto conceptual representations (the word-
Bialystok & Sharwood-Smith (1985) introduced the to-world mapping problem). The present section is
difference between knowledge and control, which devoted to understand the first process: how language
refers to the speed in acquiring control over a second learners are able to segment a new language.
language. This distinction is analogous to the Behavioural studies have pointed out the impor-
explicit –implicit difference in the sense that the slow, tance of a variety of different types of cues exploited
effortful-attention demanding, error-prone and by infants during speech segmentation tasks ( Jusczyk
feedback-dependent initial process should progressively 1999; Kuhl 2004). For example, it has been shown
be replaced by a non-conscious, easier, automatic, fast, that, among other cues embedded in the speech
errorless, non-feedback-dependent performance signal, both infants (as early as 8 months) and adults
(DeKeyser 1997). This skilled learning process are sensitive to the distribution of phonological and
resembles the procedural learning observed in acoustic regularities and can exploit this type of infor-
other domains (e.g. motor learning). In addition, indi- mation to segment the continuous speech signal into
vidual differences in working memory have also been word-like units (Saffran et al. 1996). This important
explored carefully in relation to non-word repetition learning mechanism has been coined as statistical learn-
and further vocabulary learning (Baddeley et al. 1998). ing. In more detail, learners are sensitive to the fact
Finally, and after this general overview, one may that low transitional probabilities are found at word
return to the question of the degree of overlap in the boundaries (low likelihood of one syllable following
learning mechanisms involved in infant and adult another), whereas high transitional probabilities are
LL. In this sense, one can conceive the application found within words. Statistical learning is considered
of a similar research programme to the one instigated a domain-general learning mechanism implicated not
by the ECM (Hollich et al. 2000) with the aim of con- only in speech segmentation (Saffran et al. 1996) but
trasting the interaction of multiple available cues and also in diverse sequential learning situations such as
learning mechanisms over different stages of acqui- artificial grammars, tone sequences or visual patterns
sition in infants and adults. In this respect, the (see Saffran et al. 2006).
human simulation paradigm (Gillette et al. 1999; Noteworthy, the majority of studies dealing with
Snedeker & Gleitman 2004) provides an interesting statistical learning and speech segmentation have not
framework to interrelate infant and adult learning. addressed the important question regarding the
These experiments are conceived as ‘simulations’ in nature of the output of the speech segmentation
which an adult learner is exposed to information of process. Concerning this issue, Saffran (2001) pro-
the kind naturally received by the infant learner posed that the ‘representations emerging from
being simulated. The underlying objective is to statistical learning may serve as candidate lexical
observe how well the adult simulation emulates the items for infants, available for integration into the
real child learning. Parallel findings in infants and native language’ (p. 9). In this study, the authors
adult second language learners would dismiss the demonstrated that infants processed the newly seg-
possibility that the effects observed are due to limit- mented words differently as compared to the words
ations of immature cognitive mechanisms during the that have not been segmented (non-words) when
period of life in which infants are evaluated (Gillette they were presented at the end of meaningful sen-
et al. 1999). From this perspective, only a clear tences. Furthermore, Graf et al. (2007) evidenced
description of the cognitive resources of infants and that 17-month-olds showed an advantage in mapping
adults, complemented with a developmental viewpoint segmented words to new meanings compared to
and the input circumstances that trigger them, will non-words. Overall, these two studies argued in
allow determination of the exact learning mechanisms favour of the existence of a special proto-lexical
involved in the mastery of language. With this aim, we status attained by the newly segmented words.
have adopted a similar approach in the experiments Conceptual information can then be linked to
reviewed here. the proto-lexical traces already stored making the
mapping-to-meaning process easier.
electrophysiological responses related to word learning given the power and usefulness of statistical learning,
from those associated with the extraction of rules. the same computations applied to the speech input can
During the course of learning, adult volunteers exhib- allow learners to segment and also to extract the rules
ited a progressive positive deflection peaking around governing grammatical relations (Pacton & Perruchet
200 ms after word onset (P2 modulation) that 2008; Ellis 2008). These proposals agree on the relevant
positively correlated with the listener’s ability to gener- role of attention to focus on the relevant units (words,
alize the rules embedded in a language. Comparing clauses, phrases, grammatical categories) where calcu-
the variations of the ERP components through the lations have to be applied. However, the difference here
learning process, we could observe that this P2 effect might not reside in the distinction between words and
was clearly dissociated from the N400 modulation rules but rather in the use of multiple cues to be inte-
that appeared earlier in the learning phase (figure 2b). grated versus the use of only one type of information,
The present results in relation to the P2 component which is in agreement with the ideas underlying the
were interpreted considering the effect of attention in Hybrid model of Hollich et al. (2000).
biasing LL processes. This attentional bias was initially
proposed by Gleitman & Warner (1982) and Echols &
Newport (1992), who considered that infants might 4. INFERRING THE MEANING OF NEW WORDS
utilize certain perceptual or attentional processes that USING CONTEXTUAL LEARNING
allow them to extract salient elements from the (a) Contextual learning in second
stream of language, leaving some elements unattended language research
and reducing the scope of the segmentation word- In a second series of studies, we aimed to simulate the
learning problem. In adults, Ellis (2008) has proposed mapping of existing meanings to new words using
that in second LL and particularly for the acquisition information from verbal contexts. This type of learning
of grammatical relations, attention is tuned to enhance via guessing is a powerful mechanism that permits the
the perception of the relevant information. While simi- discovery of the meaning of new words throughout the
lar structural patterns may help transfer from L1 to lifespan. This is the case for first and second LL, if
L2, interference will be observed when the new learners experience the appropriate conditions
language requires a differential allocation of attention (Nation 2001). Indeed, contextual learning could be
to structural relations. In support of the relation considered an example of how a general learning
between the attentional bias and the P2 modulation, mechanism, inductive reasoning, is required for the
several studies have showed enhancement of this com- purpose of LL.
ponent for salient stimuli that cued the selection of It has been estimated that students in the middle
relevant information (Luck & Hillyard 1994). In the grades encounter between 16 000 and 24 000 new
same vein, the P2 modulation was also observed words (Nagy et al. 1987; Nation 2001). Although the
when multiple cues (stress and statistical information) estimation of the number of words learned per day dif-
were used and integrated for word segmentation in the fers across authors, a typical child (e.g. 8– 10 years of
same artificial languages described in the previous age) might have to learn about six to 12 new words
section (Cunillera et al. 2006, 2008; figure 2c). per day. Although it is supposed that many of these
This point is crucial if we consider that a number of words would be learned using contextual information
studies have evidenced that successful extraction of the during reading (Durkin 1979), some studies have
underlying structural relations requires the presence of shown that this ability to derive the meanings of new
cues that could capture learners’ attention. Attention words from contexts might be more difficult to attain
might help to select the relevant information that has than initially thought (Carnine et al. 2008; see for criti-
to be clustered. These cues include, for example, the cal revisions Carver & Leibert 1995; Landauer &
presentation of clearly segmented words (Gomez & Dumais 1997; Laufer 2003). In order to extract the
Maye 2005) and the salience of the syllables carrying correct meaning, learners should selectively focus
the critical rule information either by their boundary their attention on the relevant conceptual information
position (Endress et al. 2005) or by increasing the varia- of the context to correctly guess the meaning of the
bility of the irrelevant information (Onnis et al. 2008). new word. This ability may depend on individual
Similarly, in our studies, prosodic information (word- differences in verbal reasoning and working memory,
stress for segmentation and pauses for rule-learning) which might help to ‘pick up’ those relevant aspects
could act as task-relevant salient information that helps of the contexts that could provide the clues to the
to capture attentional resources. As proposed by Mueller meaning of the new word (Sternberg 1987; van
et al. (2008b), prosody may guide learning by helping to Daalen-Kapteijns et al. 2001). Interestingly, Chaffin
focus on the relevant units. This is consistent with our et al. (2001) studied the inference of meaning from
data from neurodegenerative patients (Huntington’s context using eye-movement recording. These authors
disease (HD)) showing a correlation with performance found that the amount of reading time observed for
on different neuropsychological tests of executive func- informative regions of the context was larger than in
tion for rule-learning performance but not for word neutral or non-informative ones. This result implies
learning when the words presented are pre-segmented that participants were able to quickly adapt their
(De Diego-Balaguer et al. 2008a,b). reading strategy depending on the relevance of the
In summary, taking the different studies together, information for contextual word learning.
attention seems to play a crucial role in the segmentation Some authors have proposed that the way in which
and rule-learning process (Toro et al. 2005; Pacton & the different studies on child language evaluated the
Perruchet 2008). Several accounts have proposed that degree of learning of new words may not be
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appropriate and that children accrue only partial Table 1. Meaning inference task (Mestres-Missé et al. 2007).
semantic knowledge for the new words that will Participants are required to discover the meaning of a new
be filled and completed with additional exposures word at the end of each of three successively presented
(Landauer & Dumais 1997; McGregor et al. 2002). sentences (eight-word sentences). In the meaningful
This ‘slow mapping’ process is thought to occur in condition, the meaning of the new word was readily apparent,
whereas in the meaningless condition, no meaning could be
children between several new words and their corre-
mapped to the novel word, as the three sentences were
sponding referents and meanings. Although this idea referring to a different concept. To control for the repetition
contrasts with the well-known fast mapping process effects across sentences, real words were used at the end of
(Carey & Barlett 1978), slow mapping may be triggered the sentences in the real word condition. Upon completion of
subsequently to the fast mapping process. Initially, a the third sentence participants were required to provide the
fragile new word representation might be created in meaning of the new word if possible (sentences were
the lexicon and the child could begin to hypothesize translated from Spanish keeping the word order).
about its meaning, updating this semantic represen-
tation until it perfectly maps the relationship between new word meaningful
the word, the referent and its related concepts. Mario always forgets where he leaves the lankey
From this perspective, word learning is considered to It was expensive the repair of the lankey
be an incremental process in which word represen- I punctured again the wheel of the lankey
new word meaningless
tations are progressively developed and refined over I have bought the tickets for the garty
time through multiple exposures (Bloom 2000; On the construction-site you must wear a garty
McGregor et al. 2002). Interestingly, this incremental Everyday I buy two loaves of fresh garty
learning process should be susceptible to learning and real word condition
forgetting of various semantic attributes, in the sense She likes people with nice and clean teeth
that further encounters with a new word might reject In a fight Mary had broken two teeth
some of the false conceptual attributes initially guessed After a meal you should brush your teeth
or attach new ones (Wener & Kaplan 1952; McKeown
1985). This initial grasp of the meaning of a novel
word might aid its placement in semantic space by indi-
cating its similarity to already existing and established experiments, we observed a very similar pattern of gra-
lexical entries. Then, readers might selectively allocate dual acquisition of the meaning of the new word (see
their processing resources to each region of the sentence figure 3a,b). While clear differences were observed in
depending on the semantic hypothesis generated the first sentence for new word conditions against a con-
and the relevance of the amount of pertinent infor- trol real word condition, this difference gradually
mation available in that region (see Morris & Williams disappeared across the next two sentences between the
2003). new word meaning condition and the real words. New
words in coherent contexts developed a gradual increase
of the N400 that was not observed for new words
(b) Time-course analysis of embedded in incoherent contexts. Interestingly, at the
contextual learning end of the second sentence, a significant difference
Contextual learning tasks provide a good measure of was already present at the N400 range between new
the ability to extract particular components of a words in coherent and incoherent contexts (figure 3b).
word’s meaning as well as the ability to differentially This pattern of reading times is also in consonance
select the right set of semantic components from the with other studies where readers tend not to spend
vast amount of potential relational information across more time on a particular noun when it is referred to a
the sentences. Using a beautiful figurative analogy previously, but not explicitly, mentioned concept in
introduced in Nagy and Gentner’s contextual learning the sentence (O’Brien et al. 1988). In this regard, the
study (second experiment): ‘This experiment might be lack of differences between the new word meaning
likened to dipping a magnet into a mixture of iron filings and real-word condition, at the end of the third sen-
and sand: the iron fillings should stick and the sand should tence, is in agreement with the idea that the concept
fall off’ (Nagy & Gentner 1990, p. 188). Similarly, the was already inferred at that position.
appropriate semantic features of the context have to be In summary, these experiments could be inter-
attached to the magnet, which might largely depend preted in accordance with the incremental learning
on the grammatical class of the new word. idea that the semantic attributes of the new word are
To study how word meaning is online determined gradually built into the semantic space.4 In the same
from reading information, we devised a word-learning line, Borovsky et al. (2008) studied ERP responses to
task that mirrored a reading situation in which three- subsequent plausible and implausible usages of a
sentence contexts constrained or did not constrain the new word that had been previously presented in a
meaning of a new word (Mestres-Missé et al. 2007) one-sentence exposition (weakly or strongly con-
(see table 1). In constrained coherent contexts (new strained). A reduction of the N400 was observed
word meaning condition), we created a learning context when the new word was introduced in a new plausible
in which the three sentences referred to the same sentence compared with the implausible one, but only
meaning, while in the other condition (new word when the pre-exposition was in a strongly constrained
no-meaning), the sentences referred to different sentence. These results show that a single exposure to
concepts and participants could not infer the meaning a novel word and its context might be enough to influ-
of the new word. In the self-paced reading and ERPs ence the ability to judge a word’s appropriate usage in
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(a) 2500
(i) first sentence (ii) second sentence (iii) third sentence
(b) (i) first sentence (ii) second sentence (iii) third sentence
0 400 800 ms
–6 µV
Pz –6 µV +
–3 µV
0 400 800 ms
Figure 3. Meaning inference experiment (adapted from Mestres-Missé et al. 2007). (a) Pattern of reading times across eight-
word sentences in each of the three sentence expositions (table 1). (b) ERP results showing the differences in the three
conditions for a parietal electrode. Notice that while no differences were observed between new words in meaningful and
non-meaningful contexts at the first sentence, the pattern diverged completely at the end of the third sentence, when the
meaning of the new word was discovered for meaningful contexts (b) Black, real word; green, new word meaning; red, new
word no meaning. (c) Results of the semantic priming experiment in which the new word was paired with its corresponding
word meaning (dashed, related; solid line, unrelated). A similar N400 semantic priming effect is observed but with a different
topographical distribution (as shown in the difference waveforms in (iii) dashed line, new words; solid line, real word;
maximum and minimum values in the left isovoltage map, þ0.46/22.92 mV; right map, þ0.33/22.36 mV).
subsequent contexts, but only if the first context where of language processing (Hickok & Poeppel 2000), (ii)
the novel word was encountered is highly informative. the role of the medial temporal lobe (MTL) structures
In agreement with this idea, we further observed in initial storage of information and further consolida-
that the association of the new word with its meaning tion (Nadel & Moscovitch 1997), and (iii) the
showed N400 semantic priming effects (see figure 3c; recruitment of several brain regions involved in
see similar N400 priming findings in Perfetti et al. cognitive control processes during second LL (Krashen
2005). Interestingly, the latency of this priming effect 1982). The model is partially based on previous neuroi-
was delayed (about 150 ms) compared with the prim- maging data gathered using the LL paradigms exposed
ing effect in real words and the distribution of the in the previous sections (mostly speech segmentation
N400 effects was more frontocentral than the effect and contextual word learning). Other parts of the
observed for real words (figure 3c, right). One of the model and specially the neuroanatomical inter-
explanations for these differences could be that the connectivity of the different regions involved in LL are
new conceptual relations attached to the newly learned based on previous studies in which these issues have
word are still weak and, therefore, an increase in been addressed (mostly from neuroanatomy, neuro-
cognitive control might be required to guide physiology, diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) and
semantic knowledge retrieval and selection (Krashen intraoperative electric stimulation studies in humans
1982; Bialystok & Sharwood-Smith 1985; Kroll & and other species). In this regard, parts of the model
Steward 1994; Bialystok 2001; Rodriguez-Fornells remain speculative and have to be considered as heuris-
et al. 2006). tics that can stimulate and guide future research on LL
and its functional and structural connectivity.
As depicted in figure 4, a learning context is con-
5. A FUNCTIONAL NEUROANATOMIC MODEL sidered as an experience in which a learner is
OF LL: AN INTEGRATIVE ACCOUNT exposed to one or more unknown items (including
The present section proposes an integrative brain func- multiple linguistic and extra-linguistic cues). This
tional anatomic account of (figure 4) word learning information or parts of it could be repeatedly exposed.
based on three main ideas: (i) the dual-stream model From this context, multiple and parallel processing
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phonological store
and rehearsal learning linguistic
vPmc SMG context cues
exposure 1
pIFG pSTG exposure 2
exposure 3
attentional &
social cues
word-form MTL
L1 time NW information
n° encounters +
MFG context
trace reward/
reasoning motivation
meaning search
semantic MTG pITG & integration
retrieval conceptual/semantic
striatum L. thalamus
Figure 4. The main interconnectivity between the three LL streams proposed in the text. The dorsal route (green) begins from
the phonological representation of the new word (NW) processed in the STG and pSTG, which is channelled to the dorsal
rehearsal and processing route. The ventral meaning inference interface (yellow) starts from contextual information from the
learning context (linguistic and extralinguistic) and it recruits neural regions involved in storing and retrieving conceptual
information (black dots representing conceptual nodes) via the inferior, medial and anterior temporal regions richly intercon-
nected via the uncinate fasciculus with the ventral IFG (inferior frontal gyrus). Finally, the NW and its corresponding context
might trigger MTL-dependent storage processes (episodic-lexical interface). With repeated exposures to the NW, and after its
meaning is attached (via direct association or inference from the ventral route), this new episodic-NW representation might be
stored in the mental lexicon (word-form level), independent from MTL-rehearsal mechanisms. Several regions involved in
cognitive control, inductive reasoning and motivation (feedback related) might be selectively triggered depending on the
demands of the LL situation (e.g. MFG, striatum-thalamic loop). NW, new word; L1, lexical trace; MTL, medial temporal
lobe; aITG, anterior inferior temporal gyrus; MTG, posterior medial temporal gyrus; aTP, anterior temporal pole; vIFG, ven-
tral inferior frontal gyrus; MFG, middle frontal gyrus; vPMC, ventral premotor cortex; pIFG, posterior IFG; SMG,
supramarginal gyrus; pSTG, posterior superior temporal gyrus. Thicker lines represent principal connections between the
different LL streams. Green box, dorsal audio-motor interface; pink, episodic-lexical interface; yellow, ventral meaning
inference interface; unfilled, shared cognitive mechanisms.
streams might be triggered for (i) encoding the phono- 2000, 2004, 2007; Scott et al. 2000; Wise et al. 2001;
logical representation of the new item, (ii) shortly Scott & Wise 2004). It engages the left posterior tem-
retaining this representation and manipulating it in poral regions and the parieto-temporal boundary, as
short term memory, (iii) long-term consolidation of well as the frontal regions sustaining motor speech rep-
this representation, and (iv) attaching conceptual rep- resentations (figure 4). In relation to LL, Hickok &
resentations to this form or inferring the meaning Poeppel (2007) have recently put forward the hypoth-
conveyed in the learning context. esis that this interface might be involved in the
We briefly outline in the following sections the acquisition of new vocabulary. This process might
importance of the three streams in LL: (i) the dorsal involve generating a new sensory representation of the
audio-motor interface, (ii) the ventral meaning integration novel word and keeping this auditory representation in
interface, and (iii) the episodic-lexical interface in LL an active state (i.e. phonological short-term memory,
processes. We also discuss the involvement of other Buchsbaum et al. 2005). At the same time, this newly
cognitive functions (e.g. attention, maintenance and created trace might guide the production of motor
manipulation of information, and inductive reasoning) articulatory sequences. This proposal converges with
that can aid to the previous processing streams in the motor theory of speech perception (Liberman &
several LL processes. Mattingly 1985). Several recent studies have evidenced
the implication of several areas of this dorsal interface in
(a) Dorsal audio-motor interface learning new phonological contrasts (Golestani &
This pathway is involved in mapping sounds into Zatorre 2004; Golestani et al. 2007; Wong et al. 2007;
articulatory-based representations (Hickok & Poeppel Mei et al. 2008).
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The first evidence in favour of the involvement of Using similar ideas as in feed-forward motor control
this dorsal interface while segmenting speech was pub- models (Desmurget & Grafton 2000), this interface
lished by McNealy et al. (2006). The authors showed could allow the creation of an internal efference copy
that a left frontotemporal network is activated during of the possible representation of the articulated word,
the online speech segmentation process (see which might be very useful to the language processing
figure 5a,b). In particular, while listening to the system for prediction purposes. This feed-forward pre-
language streams, the activation of the superior tem- diction mechanism could be triggered when learning
poral gyrus (STG) was found to increase over time new words, with the PMC acting as a fine-tuning
along with the recruitment of the premotor cortex ‘top-down’ mechanism that regulates the template-
(PMC) and other regions of the dorsal pathway. In matching process engaged in the posterior STG.
order to gain more insight into the involvement of Because of the implication of the premotor and the
the audio-motor interface, we recently investigated inferior frontal cortex in action selection, the existence
the specific role of the PMC in speech segmentation. of this type of predictive representations is very plaus-
Using the same type of language and random streams ible as a monitoring device that checks the output
as in the ERP experiments (figure 1a), we observed before sending it out to the articulators. Similar propo-
activation in the PMC in the language conditions sals have also been raised in language production
during speech segmentation (see figure 5c). Besides, models (Dell & Reich 1981; Dell 1986) or in implicit
we showed that the performance in the word- motor skill learning (Poldrack & Willingham 2006).
segmentation task correlated with the activation in Notice that tracking of the predictability of upcoming
the left PMC only during the first 2 min of learning attended stimuli might also be very important in
(Cunillera et al. 2009) (see figure 5d ). This result is speech segmentation. In fact, it has been shown that
in convergence with the selective involvement of the PMC responds to the prediction of auditory events
PMC at the early stages of implicit motor sequence in a structured sequence (Gelfand & Bookheimer
learning (Doyon et al. 2002) and the implication of 2003; Schubotz et al. 2003).
the premotor and motor cortex in passive speech per- It is worth considering in which degree this
ception (Fadiga et al. 2002; Wilson et al. 2004; Meister auditory-motor learning network could also be
et al. 2007). involved in language acquisition in infants (Doupe &
As stated by Warren et al. (2005), a possible mech- Kuhl 1999; Warren et al. 2005). Indeed, this audi-
anism for explaining these results would be that a tory-motor interface is postulated to be very
template-matching algorithm in the posterior STG important in speech development, because speaking
allows for the detection of coincidences between the inherently requires fine-tuned motor learning.
stored auditory memory representations or ‘phonolo- Language perception and production in the develop-
gical templates’ derived from previous exposures and ing infant brain require a specific tuning to the
the new incoming stimuli. Then, the output of this language sounds encountered during the first year of
process should be an ordered sequence of auditory life. First words imitated by a child are guided by the
representations that could be forwarded to the PMC. ‘gestural’ features of the sound, i.e. by the actions of
Based on previous studies using DTI (Catani et al. the mouth rather than by a sound’s acoustic features
2005; Saur et al. 2008) and intraoperative direct stimu- (Studdert-Kennedy 1987). Importantly, the outlined
lation (Duffau 2008), the better candidate to support auditory-motor pathway must also be related to the
this communication between the posterior STG and brain network subserving imitation of simple move-
the PMC might be the superior longitudinal fascicu- ments (Iacoboni et al. 1999). In fact, the ability to
lus, most probably its lateral part, which runs parallel mimic sounds seems essential for language develop-
to the arcuate fasciculus and passes through the supra- ment. This idea has been revitalized by the discovery
marginal gyrus (Catani et al. 2005; Duffau 2008).5 In of mirror neurons, recorded in macaques in the hom-
the premotor areas, the encoded sequence of sounds ologue of the ventral PMC region (including the
might be mapped into a sequence of articulatory ges- superior part of Broca’s region) and in humans
tures, which would keep the segmented words active (Rizzolatti & Arbib 1998). These specific audiovisual
through a rehearsal mechanism. The importance of mirror neurons discharge not only when performing
the rehearsal component of verbal working memory and observing a specific action, but also when hearing
is also evident when participants are asked to learn a specific sound representative of the observed action
the same type of artificial language streams while per- (Kohler et al. 2002). Mirror neurons also provide a
forming an articulatory suppression task. In this mechanism for integrating perception and action at
condition, which impedes the use of rehearsal, seg- the neuronal level, which, at the same time, might
mentation is blocked when compared to a simple contribute to various developmental processes
auditory interference condition (Lopez-Barroso et al. such as the imitative behaviour of infants (and the
2009). This rehearsal mechanism might be crucial in necessity to integrate perceived and performed actions;
the first stages of learning unfamiliar new words Meltzoff & Decety 2003) and communicative acts
(Baddeley et al. 1998), reflecting the involvement of (Rizzolatti & Arbib 1998).
the rehearsal component of the phonological working
memory when segmenting possible words. Indeed,
Scott & Wise (2004) explicitly suggested that this (b) Ventral meaning integration interface
dorsal stream might be very important in language The involvement of the meaning interface in LL has a
acquisition, highlighting the important role of broader scope when compared to the previous inter-
rehearsal during new words learning. face, in the sense that it might be triggered even in
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(b) 8
0 t
4 4
–60 –56 –52
t t
Figure 5. (a) Activation in temporal, frontal and parietal cortices when participants listened to random artificial streams (a)
and language streams (b), and compared to a resting baseline (adapted from McNealy et al. 2006; with permission from
the authors). (c) Sagittal activation maps of a similar experiment (n ¼ 13 participants) in which language (red) and random
(blue) streams were compared against off-periods during the first 2 min of exposition to the streams. The composition of
the language and random streams followed the same structure as shown in figure 1a. Language and random streams were
presented in eight 30 s task blocks (on periods) interleaved with off periods. An increase of activation was noticeable in the
posterior superior temporal region, middle frontal gyrus and ventral premotor area (BA 6) in the language condition (language
and random conditions against off periods) (adapted from Cunillera et al. 2009). (d) Haemodynamic responses for a selected
premotor region of interest PMC (BA 6, centre 256, 0, 44). A significant increase of activation is noticeable during the first
2 min of exposition (L1) when compared to the next 2 min block (L2) or random blocks (R1, R2). At the right side is depicted
the correlation between the percentage of words recognized at the end of the exposition and the activation increase in the
ventral PMC (first block of language).
contexts in which there are no specific new word might require the participation of multiple cognitive
tokens to be learned. Let us imagine that in the exper- processes related to semantic and conceptual analysis
iment we performed when inferring meaning of the information conveyed in the learning context. A
(Mestres-Missé et al. 2007; see table 1), instead of a similar mechanism might be required in ambiguous
new word at the end of a sentence we had presented communication environments where full syntactic par-
an abstract figure. Participants would have engaged sing is not possible (Ferreira 2003) or when processing
the process of meaning inference independently of sentences that contain semantically ambiguous words
the nature of the item presented. (Rodd et al. 2005).6
We believe that this interface is an endowed mechan- The existence of this interface is in agreement
ism set up to infer meaning by exploiting internal and with the proposal of the ventral language stream by
external sources of information. This mechanism Hickok & Poeppel (2007). This stream would be selec-
might be triggered when a specific demand is present tively activated in meaningful learning contexts and
to infer the meaning of a situation, new word, discourse, might involve non-traditional perisylvian regions, com-
etc. or when conflicting conceptual information exists prising the medial, inferior and anterior temporal
that requires a specific solution. As a self-triggered cortex (i.e. STG and sulcus, angular gyrus, the pos-
learning mechanism, internal reinforcement might terior inferior and middle temporal gyrus (MTG),
depend on the capacity to reduce conflict and uncer- anterior temporal pole) and the ventral inferior frontal
tainty through the correct inference of the meaning of gyrus (vIFG, triangular region—BA45) and more
a specific learning context (Berlyne 1960). Notice that orbital, medial and ventrolateral aspects of the
this approach is similar to the ideas previously presented prefrontal cortex. The interconnectivity within this
in infant learning in relation to the utilization of multiple network and other brain regions might be mediated
extralinguistic and pragmatic cues in order to disambig- by the inferior longitudinal, the inferior fronto-
uate LL (Bloom 2000; Hollich et al. 2000; Tomasello occipital (occipito-temporal, sub-insular of frontal
2003). Thus, the intrinsic drive to meaning integration branch) and the uncinate fasciculus, which connects
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meaning acquisition
processes), which have been maintained and accrued 100 100
in the working memory system (at more posterior pre- 80 80
frontal regions, see Chein et al. 2003). Indeed, 60 60
inductive reasoning shows larger activation in dorsolat- –14
40 40
eral regions when compared to deductive reasoning –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 –1 0 1 2
(Goel & Dolan 2004). Corroborating this idea, in a 3 4 5 beta values
recent study on meaning inference of verbs and nouns
(Mestres-Missé et al. in press), we observed that those Figure 7. (a) Brain areas differently activated in ‘good’ versus
participants who inferred more meanings from the con- ‘bad’ learners in an inference meaning paradigm (adapted
text showed larger activation in these left anterior from Mestres-Missé et al. in press). Eight participants were
prefrontal regions (BA10/46) (figure 7a). assigned to the ‘good’ learners group (85.9 + 8.3%),
achieving better meaning recognition percentages than the
eight participants assigned to the ‘bad’ learners group
(60 + 3.7%). Notice the increase in activation observed at
(c) Episodic-lexical interface
the anterior medial prefrontal cortex (BA 10) and more pos-
One important aspect of word leaning is that the meaning terior sites (BA 46) in good learners (also at the left putamen
of a new word can be guessed or mapped with very few and right thalamus). (b) From the same experiment, and
presentations (Carey & Barlett 1978). This fast mapping directly comparing second versus first presentation of the
process has also been observed for learning facts and is new-nouns, scatterplots of the correlation between the per-
present in infants and adults (Markson & Bloom centage of meaning recognition rate for this condition and
1997), which speaks in favour of a clear preservation of the beta values of this contrast at the left hippocampus
these mechanisms across the lifespan. In opposition to (220, 220, 216; r ¼ 0.63; p , 0.002) and right hippo-
classic associative learning mechanisms that require mul- campus (32, 212, 220; r ¼ 0.70; p , 0.0001) (n ¼ 21
tiple expositions, this type of fast (single-trial) learning participants).
has been traditionally assigned to declarative memory
which relies on the MTL region, including the hippo- created and remembered for considerable periods
campus, the parahippocampal, the entorhinal and the (Goldinger 1998). Besides, the famous patient H.M.,
perirhinal cortex. Owing to the rich connections existing characterized with anterograde amnesia following bilat-
in non-human primates between the superior temporal eral removal of the hippocampus together with the
regions and the polysensory MTL (Lavenex et al. entorhinal and part of the perirhinal cortices, was
2002) (see figure 4), the possible participation of these impaired in the acquisition of new lexical information
structures in the initial fast-mapping of new words and after the lesion (e.g. the word ‘xerox’, Gabrieli et al.
their meanings could be very plausible. The involvement 1988), but not in general lexical and grammatical pro-
of the MTL region in the acquisition of new lexical cessing tasks (Kensinger et al. 2001). Based on this
knowledge has also been proposed in the declarative/ study and similar ones, it has been proposed that the
procedural model by Ullman (2001). Furthermore, the MTL region is involved in the acquisition of new
implication of the MTL structures and, in particular, semantic information (Bayley & Squire 2005).
the hippocampus in processing novelty, specifically and However, this interpretation is in conflict with the
novel verbal stimuli, is well known (Saykin et al. 1999; study reported by Vargha-Khadem et al. (1997) and
Strange et al. 1999). more recent studies in which it was observed that
These structures have been traditionally considered indeed H.M. acquired new factual information (e.g.
to be implicated in the storage of episodic memories, names of people who became famous after the onset
although the mechanisms involved in he long-term con- of his amnesia) (O’Kane et al. 2004). In the study of
solidation of these memory traces have been under Vargha-Khadem, three young amnesic patients with
dispute (McClelland et al. 1995; Nadel & Moscovitch selective hippocampal damage early in life were exam-
1997; Squire et al. 2004). An interesting aspect to con- ined and, despite their episodic memory deficits, these
sider is to what degree new words, which will become in patients showed nearly intact language competence,
the long run integrated and represented in the mental literacy and general factual knowledge. The authors
lexicon (L1 or L2) with the corresponding links to con- proposed that the hippocampus plays a selective role
ceptual representations, will require the same type of in the creation of episodic memories, whereas
learning processes as for other type of episodic traces the surrounding cortical areas (entorhinal, perirhinal
(e.g. autobiographical events). For example, it has and parahippocampal gyrus) could support the
been proposed that during speech perception, detailed acquisition of new lexical and semantic information,
episodic traces of spoken words and non-words are even in the absence of the hippocampal area
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(see also Bayley & Squire 2005; De Haan et al. 2006). perirhinal and parahipaccampal MTL regions. This
In favour of his differential participation of the MTL time-dependent recruitment of the regions encom-
structures in semantic and episodic memory, Davies passing the MTL system would support the
et al. (2004) showed that a group of patients with hypothesis of the trade-off in the MTL system between
semantic memory impairments (Semantic Dementia) context rehearsal and conceptual rehearsal when stor-
had less volume in the left anterior temporal pole, ing new words and their meanings. Furthermore, this
perirhinal cortex and anterior entorhinal cortex, idea is also in congruence with the somehow preserved
while patients with Alzeihmer’s disease showed ability to store new factual information in amnesic
marked reductions in the hippocampus and the patients, at least when sufficient exposure and rep-
posterior enthorhinal cortex. etitions to this information is available (as it might
In the model presented in figure 4, we adopt the be the case for famous people or events) (O’Kane
idea presented by other authors that the initial binding et al. 2004). As suggested by several authors, the sto-
of new word representations into a memory trace rage of this new semantic information might depend
should be MTL dependent (Ullman 2001; Squire on preserved parahipocampal and perirhinal cortex
et al. 2004; Gaskell & Davis this issue). However, con- (Varga-Khadem et al. 1997) which might allow a
sidering Nadel & Moscovitch (1997), we propose that more gradual and slow storage of context free infor-
the long-term consolidation process would be different mation. Indeed, discovering the meaning of a new
for episodic (context dependent) or linguistic traces word might depend on the selection of the common
(context free). In the case of episodic events, the conceptual attributes present in different contexts
additional rehearsal of a specific trace (which could (learning experiences), and therefore, these spared
be exclusively achieved through pure neocortical regions in the MTL region (parahipocampal and peri-
traces or by relying on MTL-neocortical synaptic con- rhinal cortices) might be responsible for this type of
nections) will enhance the spatio-temporal context of slow and more gradual learning process. Interestingly,
the event or trace. In contrast, further encounters when damage to the MTL region extends to the peri-
with the newly acquired words and its rehearsal will rhinal and partially to the parahipocampal cortices, no
gradually decrease the spatio-temporal context trace evidences of learning of new semantic information
in which the new word was presented and will enhance have been shown in a densely amnesic patient
its associations to conceptual information (becoming a (Bayley & Squire 2002, 2005).8
context-free trace). The differences in both the rehear- Several studies related to word learning have already
sal and the long-term consolidation processes will be provided compelling evidence for the involvement of
due to the specific requirements of the linguistic the MTL (hippocampus and parahippocampus)
traces. While the efficiency of a consolidation process regions in word learning (Breitenstein et al. 2005;
in episodic autobiographical memory depends on the Mestres-Missé et al. 2008; Davis et al. 2009). In our
capacity to correctly frame a trace as accurately as previous study on incremental word learning through
possible into a specific context, for a new word trace, contextual information, we observed larger activation
the emphasis will be on the association of the new in the anterior portion of the parahippocampal gyrus
word with its meaning or the conceptual features when compared to the incoherent condition. The
that define it. involvement of this region in this type of more incre-
This trade-off in the MTL system between context mental and semantic-based word learning is in
rehearsal and conceptual rehearsal might explain in agreement with the ideas previously exposed (Varga-
the long run the apparent division of declarative Khadem et al. 1997; O’Kane et al. 2004; Bayley &
memory into episodic and semantic memory in Squire 2005). Besides, larger activation was encoun-
humans. It is worth mentioning that a similar idea tered in the incoherent condition (where no meaning
on how memory representations might change with could be derived for the new word) in the left posterior
the passage of time, becoming more semantic/fact parahippocampal gyrus (Mestres-Missé et al. 2008; see
like (context free) and less episodic (context depen- figure 6b). We interpreted this dissociation between
dent), has been proposed by Bayley et al. (2003). anterior and posterior parahippocampus with the pro-
The authors proposed this idea in order to explain posal that anterior regions within the medial-temporal
how autobiographical memories become independent lobe are predominantly involved in encoding, whereas
of MTL structures and also some observations in the posterior regions subserve retrieval (Lepage et al.
amnesic patients in which autobiographical memories 1998; Saykin et al. 1999). Furthermore, in a more
became integrated in a type of semantic-like represen- recent study and using a larger sample, we observed
tation and totally disconnected from their original a clear correlation between successful meaning extrac-
spatio-temporal context (see also Cermak 1984). tion of new words and the hippocampal activation
Considering this proposal and previous neuroana- (Mestres-Missé et al. in press) (figure 7b). Participants
tomic differences in semantic and episodic memory with larger word-discovery rate showed larger acti-
(Vargha-Khadem et al. 1997; Kensinger et al. 2001; vations in the right and left hippocampal regions.
Davies et al. 2004; O’Kane et al. 2004; Bayley & These data and previous studies (Breitenstein et al.
Squire 2005; De Haan et al. 2006), a prediction 2005; Davis et al. 2009) confirm the implication of
from our LL model would be that the hippocampus the hippocampus in the initial stages of learning a
and the entorhinal cortex (posterior sides) might be new word. Interestingly, further studies might be
more involved in the initial stages of word learning, required in order to understand in which degree
while further exposures and consolidation processes these individual differences observed in word learning
would recruit more anterior entorhinal sides, are also dependent on the underlying white-matter
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pathways that interconnect these MTL regions. A last point when discussing the participation of the
For example, in a recent behavioural-DTI study, MTL structures is the rich interconnectivity that exists
Fuentemilla et al. (2009) showed that individual differ- with medial diencephalic, ventral striatum and mid-
ences in the amount of recognition and recall of brain reward processing circuits in the brain. This
previously presented words were associated with the interconnectivity between the MTL and this
microstructure of the inferior longitudinal fascicle, emotion – motivational network could be acting as a
the major white-matter connectivity pathway of the feedback rewarding mechanism and might explain the
MTL, extending from the ventral and lateral temporal role of emotion and motivation in LL. This is a very
regions to the posterior parahippocampal gyrus interesting venue of future research, especially for con-
(Schmahmann et al. 2007). trasting feedback-extrinsic learning in adults versus
less feedback-dependent learning in infants (Tricomi
et al. 2006).
(d) Interaction between the three
LL streams of processing
It is interesting to understand to what degree the three (e) The integrative role of the basal ganglia
interfaces might interact among them and what learn- Aside from the direct connections between the three
ing circumstances might trigger their cooperation. For streams, basal ganglia structures occupy a privileged
example, an open question (see §3) is what might position to hold an integrative function between the
happen in the case that a new word is learned (e.g. different LL streams. The striatum (caudate and
as an output of speech segmentation), but it has not putamen) acts as a funnel receiving inputs from differ-
been associated to any meaning. The status of this ent neocortical areas responsible for distinct cognitive
trace will depend on the internal connections between functions and sending its outputs back to the cortex
the posterior STG, the phonological-articulatory trace through the thalamus forming different functional
(PMC) and the MTL. In fact, lexical representations loops (Middleton & Strick 2000). There is evidence
might be stored in the brain separately from the indicating that different substructures of the basal
MTL structures, and the new word might interact ganglia, including the thalamus, are implicated in
with the existing representations (phonological executive functions, attention (Couette et al. 2008)
similarities, etc.) (Clay et al. 2007). and storing and rehearsal in verbal working memory
The interrelation between the meaning interface (Chang et al. 2007). These functions are important
system and the episodic-lexical interface deserve also in the course of learning and the role of these subcor-
some attention. For example, it is possible that the tical structures particularly in the acquisition of
engagement of inference reasoning at anterior prefron- sequences and categorization is well documented
tal regions might be inversely related to the activation (Seger 2006). Because language is sequential by
of MTL regions. The process of inference does not nature, a preponderant subcortical role has been
require intact storage of the elements presented proposed for the acquisition of the different
because it privileges the similarities, not the unique- information from language (Lieberman 2000).
ness, of the items encoded. For example, Goel & Concerning the different LL streams introduced in
Dolan (2000) showed that inductive rule-learning pro- this section, areas of the dorsal audio-motor stream
cessing showed an inverse correlation between medial (SMG, vPMC and vIFG), the ventral meaning stream
frontal activation and hippocampal activation when (middle and inferior temporal gyri, and vIFG) and the
encoding new-animal tokens. The balance between episodic-lexical interface project to the caudate nucleus
the MTL and MFG regions could explain the trade- and anterior putamen. The PMC, involved also in the
off between processing similarities and inferring rules audio-motor stream, projects to the medial putamen
versus encoding specific tokens or words. Indeed, LL (Leh et al. 2007). Recent evidence indicate that circuits
individual differences could depend on the weigh of involving the striatum show a great deal of interaction
the learner to process information with one stream (Yin & Knowlton 2006) reinforcing the idea that this
or the other. structure may have a key position to integrate inputs
In this regard, sentence comprehension processes from different streams. Because of that, several authors
create a type of gist semantic representation that is have proposed that the basal ganglia (and thalamus) are
independent of the specific verbatim lexical represen- engaged in modulating, gating and controlling infor-
tations (Bransford & Franks 1971; Brewer 1977; mation flow leading to the selection of appropriate
Graesser et al. 1994). Models of discourse processing items or behaviours (Haber & Calzavara 2009). For
assume that we understand language using not only example, in the lexical-semantic interface, they might
local word-level information but also attending to the be responsible for the selection of adequate semantic-
wider meaning of the sentential context (Singer lexical items as well as for the inhibition of other candi-
1994). This idea is further supported by memory dates (Crosson et al. 2003). In our word-learning study
models that provide evidence for the creation of verba- with contextual information (figures 6 and 8), the direct
tim and gist-type representations, which might further comparison between meaningful and meaningless
influence true and false memory recall processes words yielded differences in the left thalamus. More-
(Brainerd & Reyna 2002). In this regard, the meaning over, a strong correlation was encountered between
interface is an ideal system to create these gist- this region and the percentage of correct meanings
semantic representations, which might be integrated reported (see figure 8). The critical role of subcortical
and used in anterior frontal regions to infer common structures for the extraction of meaning from context
relationships and abstract ideas. has also been confirmed by the impairment of HD
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left thalamus and contextual learning multiple internal and external cues, and (iii) the epi-
sodic-lexical interface, which is in charge of fast-
mapping of new words onto specific contexts and
long-term consolidation of this new trace into the lex-
6 icon(s). The interaction between these systems is
4 modulated by common cognitive control and high-
meaning acquisition
2 100
0 80 level functions, such as the middle prefrontal cortex
involved in inductive reasoning, the striatum– thala-
mus subcortical circuits involved in the coordination
–0.2 0 0.2 0.4
of the different streams and the reward/motivation
beta values and feedback processing system. The specific study
of these neural circuits and their connectivity, as
well as their developmental milestones, might help
Figure 8. BOLD activation in the left thalamus when directly
to understand the sensitive time-windows of each of
comparing meaningful and meaningless contexts (adapted
from Mestres-Missé et al. 2008). Tridimensional view of these LL streams. This information will clarify to
the thalamus in which the original t-value map of the con- what degree adults are able to use these mechanisms
trast is surface projected to the thalamus-derived template for learning new languages. These streams of LL are
(radiological convention; left hemisphere thalamus is pro- not proposed to be specific for LL as they might also
jected onto the right side of the brain). At the right, scatter subserve learning in many other domains, such as
plot of the beta values at the left thalamus (MNI coordinates: music learning.
8, 28, 8) with the efficiency of meaning extraction for mean- One important caveat to consider is that a reliable
ingful contexts (r ¼ 0.799; p , 0.002; n ¼ 12). cognitive neuroscience account of adult and infant LL
should not be directed exclusively to delineate the
neural networks that support these processes. The cru-
patients with early striatal degeneration (Nogueira
cial combination of online techniques (e.g. EEG,
Teixeira et al. 2008).
oscillatory activity, MEG) provide more subtle
In word segmentation and rule extraction, basal
measures that allow researchers to understand the
ganglia might be important to maintain the attentional
dynamics of these networks and the covert cognitive
bias to the relevant information as mentioned in §3c.
processes involved in learning. The combination of
The general cognitive control role fits also well with
these tools will allow researchers to test empirical ques-
the results from the extraction of other types of infor-
tions derived from new integrative models and accounts
mation from speech. HD patients also showed LL
of the ‘complex learning language-problem’. Besides,
difficulties particularly for the acquisition of the rules
LL simulation experiments might also help to under-
embedded in the speech stream (De Diego-Balaguer
stand language processing in general; in fact, one can
et al. 2008b). This is consistent also with the idea that
envision them as stimulation devices or windows into
these cortico-subcortical circuits are necessary when-
the inner structure of language (see Gaskell & Dumay
ever control is required, as for example during
2003; Clay et al. 2007; Mestres-Missé et al. 2009).
learning or when ambiguity or violations are present
At the end of the word-learning journey, we will be
in language (Friederici & Kotz 2003; Wahl et al.
more prepared to predict which would be the success
2008). However, more research is needed to clearly
of an infant and an adult when faced with an unknown
disentangle the role of the different structures (striatum
language. The study of the neural networks and func-
versus thalamus) within the basal ganglia function.
tional connectivity might have clear implications for
clinical language neurorehabilitation of infant and
adult language disorders (Cornelissen et al. 2003).
6. CONCLUDING REMARKS Several studies have evaluated the effect of language
The present word-learning simulations were designed training using different neuroimaging tools in anomic
to zoom into the LL processes that are difficult to patients (Cornelissen et al. 2003; Grönholm et al.
observe under natural or more ecological learning 2007).
conditions. With that purpose we concentrated on Finally, brain plasticity in the adult brain is a new
two problems, the isolation of words and rules in challenge for cognitive neuroscience. Although we
continuous speech (speech segmentation) and the have learned during the last century that brain plas-
mapping of new words onto existing meanings ticity was largely reduced in adults, it is also true
(inferring meaning from verbal contexts). Both that new discoveries about neurogenesis and epige-
problems were evaluated using complementary behav- netics in adults might open the possibility that some
ioural and neuroimaging techniques. We further claims about LL will be slowly changing. An intriguing
developed an integrative functional connectivity question is the relationship between LL, brain plas-
model of three neurophysiological streams of ticity and bilingualism. As LL can be considered one
processing in LL experiences. of the most demanding cognitive tasks humans can
We proposed the existence of (i) an audio-premotor face in a short period of time, it might be interesting
interface, which is conceived as an internal audio- to know the impact of LL in brain plasticity and neu-
motor simulator that could be very important in rogenesis in the adult brain, as well as the long-term
initial learning of new word phonological forms, (ii) effects in terms of neuroprotective mechanisms
the meaning integration interface, which is envisioned (Bialystok et al. 2007). What might remain true for
as a mechanism involved in inferring meaning using the next years is that research on brain plasticity and
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