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Second Language Acquisition in Teaching English as a Second Language
This article begins with the term "L2 learner" which will be used to refer to the
person who is in the process of adding a second language. L2 acquisition is taken
to mean adding a second language (L2) once a learner has a fairly good notion of
his first language (L1). Linguists today generally believe that L1 and L2
acquisition are similar processes-learners in both go through a series of stage in
which they formulate linguistic rules, try them out for themselves, and produce a
language system that approximates but does not match the adult or native model.
The model like us :
1. Krashen's Monitor Model
2. Evidence for the Monitor Model
3. The Bialystok Model
4. Societal and Affective Considerations
5. Individual Styles
6. Creative Construction Process
1. Why is it that some individuals are more successful than others in mastery of a
second language?
2. Why does one person seem to learn faster than another even if both are in the
same situation?
3. why does a person become more proficient in some parts of the language
system (i.e., oral production and aural comprehension) than in other parts (i.e.,
written production and reading comprehension)?
Solution we can learn second language acquisition with the some of model learner
to make easy and good second language. In this journal explain about some of
model to make enjoy the learner in the process leraning SLA. Because second
language (L2) acquisition is a very complex process, no one model yet captures
of its facets. The purpose of this paper is to survey some of the current
research and to review several models of L2 acquisition. The emphasis
will be on the role of the learner rather than that of the teacher.

Cognitive psychologists sought to discover underlying motivations and deeper
structures of human behavior by using a rational approach. They employed the
tools of logic, reason, extrapolation, and inference in order to derive explanations
for human behavior. They asserted that meaning, understanding, and knowing
were significant data for psychological study. Language acquisition is innately
determined, that we are born with aCognitive psychologists sought to discover
underlying motivations and deeper structures of human behavior by using a
rational approach. They employed the tools of logic, reason, extrapolation, and
inference in order to derive explanations for human behavior. They asserted that
meaning, understanding, and knowing were significant data for psychological
study. Language acquisition is innately determined, that we are born with abuilt-
in device that predisposes us to language acquisition (LAD: language acquisition
device). Chomsky believes that natural languages are governed by highly abstract
and complex rules that not immediately evident in actual utterances (surface
structure). If the child were totally reliant on the data available in the input, he
would not be able to acquire these rules. Therefore, the child must possess a set of
innate principles which guide language processing. These principles comprise
Universal Grammar --- the linguistic features and processes which are common to
all natural languages and all language learners. The child’s linguistic development
is not a process of developing fewer
and fewer incorrect structures. Rather, the child’s language at any stage is
systematic in that child is constantly forming hypotheses on the basis of the input
received and then testing those hypotheses. As the child’s language develops,
those hypotheses get continually revised, reshaped, or sometimes abandoned.
Followed in the 1980s and 1990s, new links have emerged with cognitive science
(the role of consciousness), with neuropsychology (modularity of the brain, the
left hemisphere is associated with logical, analytical thought, with mathematical
and liner processing of information. The right hemisphere perceives and
remembers visual, tactile, and auditory images), and with sociocultural
frameworks which have greatly enriched our perception of the many facets of
second language acquisition.

Certain themes run through all of the literature reviewed in this paper.
Although some researchers may use the terms learning and acquisition
synonymously, they recognize a distinction between explicit knowledge,
which is consciously learned in a formal setting, and implicit knowledge
which is unconsciously acquire in a natural setting. Different researchers
focus on different variables which affect the L2 acquisition experience. The
context for acquisition is an important variable because it provides input. The
process of acquisition, whether by conscious or unconscious strategies, is another
important variable. Learner variables including age, aptitude, cognitive style,
attitude, motivation, and previous language experience all affect acquisition.
These sets of variables interact in a number of ways and account for the infinite
diversity in each person's L2 acquisition experience.While this is true, it also
seems true that we may be prewired to acquire language in one wa regardless
of variables; perhaps everyone uses similar strategies at similar stages as he
creatively constructs his version of the new language. There is need for
continuing research to discover what linguistic or psychological factors all
L2 learners share in common.
The context for the acquisition is an important variable because it provides input.
The acquisition process, whether by conscious or unconscious strategy, is another
important variable. Learner variables including age, aptitude, cognitive style,
attitude, motivation, and previous language experience all influence acquisition.

This set of variables interacts in several ways and explains the infinite diversity in
each person's L2 acquisition experience. with suggestions we can learn second
language acquisition with multiple learner models to make an easy and good
second language. Since acquiring a second language is a very complex process,
no single model has yet captured all of its aspects. The aim of this paper is to
survey some of the current research and to review some of the L2 acquisition

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