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Volume I, Number 02, December 2015



Sophia Azhar
School of Education, UIN Alauddin Makassar

ABSTRACT: This article tries to answer some of the following

questions : Why is it that some individuals are more successful than
others in mastery of a second language? Why does one person seem to
learn faster than another even if both are in the same situation? Or why
does a person become more proficient in some parts of the language
system (i.e., oral production and aural comprehension) than in other
parts (i.e., written production and reading comprehension)? These are
questions that linguists and language teachers have been asking for years.
Recently several models of the second language acquisition process have
been developed in an attempt to explain the interaction of variables
which affect second language acquisition and the cognitive strategies that
determine the form and course of acquisition. Because second language
(L2) acquisition is a very complex process, no one model yet captures all
of its facets. The purpose of this paper is to survey some of the current
research and to review several models of L2 acquisition. The emphasis
will be on the role of the learner rather than that of the teacher.

KEY WORDS: Acquisition, Second, Model


his article begins with the term "L2 learner" which will be used to refer to
the person who is in the process of adding a second language. L2
acquisition is taken to mean adding a second language (L2) once a learner
has a fairly good notion of his first language (L1). Linguists today generally believe
that L1 and L2 acquisition are similar processes-learners in both go through a series
of stage in which they formulate linguistic rules, try them out for themselves, and
produce a language system that approximates but does not match the adult or native
model. By forming and testing hypotheses, the learner plays an active role in the
creation of his own language system.

1. Krashen's Monitor Model

Krashen (1981) distinguishes between two independent, but interrelated,
systems for internalizing rules of second language: acquisition, which is

Sophia Azhar, Second Language Acquisition In Teahing English as a Second Language …

subconscious, and learning, which is conscious. Adults may use both systems, but
children generally acquire L2 just as they do L1. Acquirers use their intuitive, implicit
knowledge of the language, whereas learners use their formal, explicit knowledge.
Acquisition occurs in a natural environment; for example, an immigrant picks up
English while living and working in the United States. Learning usually occurs in a
formal environment: a high school student learns French while studying one hour a
day in a classroom. Just as acquisition can occur without formal learning, so learning
does not always become acquisition: for example, an L2 learner may know the rule
for third person singular but still omit the –s when he speaks or writes. According to
Krashen, the acquired system initiates an utterance for meaningful communicative
purposes, while the learned system monitors the output, if there is time to focus on
form over communication, and the learner know the rule. Thus, acquisition-learning
distinction is central to Krashen‟s Monitor Model.
(the monitor)


Fig. 1 The Monitor Model

There is a great deal of individual variation in use of the Monitor. Monitor

over-users are so rule-conscious that they are hesitant in speaking. Under-users make
flagrant errors and seem immune to error correction, but they get their message
across. Optimal users monitor when they know the rule, have time to apply it, and
are concerned with form. Even native speakers monitor such things as "I" vs. "me"
or "lie" vs. "lay."

2. Evidence for the Monitor Model

McLaughlin (1978) reviews the evidence on which the Monitor Model is
based. Morpheme studies have shown a natural sequence of acquisition of
grammatical morphemes for L2 very similar to that for L1 (Dulay and Burt, 1978;
Bailey, Madden, and Krashen, 1978). There is a question as to whether the natural
order is disrupted by learning because most of the L2 studies in the United States
look at a mixed type of learner, who is receiving formal instruction while living in a
naturalistic English-speaking environment. However, a recent study by Felix suggests

Volume I, Number 02, December 2015

that the natural order is followed regardless of learning situation. She found that
German high school students in a first-year English class using a traditional audio-
lingual approach "seem to pass through much the same sequence of developmental
stages as Ll learners and they produce-with few exceptions-types of structures very
similar to those observable in first language acquisition” (Felix, 1981: 92). Despite
differences in learning situation and methodology, L2 learners use similar learning
processes and approaches. In fact, it may not be possible to control the students'
verbal behavior in the classroom. L2 learners, even in a behavioristic classroom, rely
not on habit formation processes but on a creative construction process.
Further evidence for the Monitor comes from studies of child-adult
differences in L2 acquisition. There is evidence that older learners acquire a second
language faster than younger ones, but people who begin a second language during
childhood ultimately attain a higher level of proficiency. Snow and "Hoefnagel-Hȍhle
(1982) studied English-speaking subject living in Holland and acquiring Dutch with
little or no formal Instruction. The 12 to 15 years old showed the most rapid
acquisition for all the skills tested, and the 3 to 5-year,-olds the slowest. Asher and
Price (1982) found that adults learning listening comprehension of Russian were
superior to children. Fathman (1982) found that children aged 11-15 years were
more successful in learning morphology and syntax while children aged 6-10 years
more successful in learning phonology. Biological, cognitive and affective differences
have all been posited sources for these age-related differences.
Lenneberg‟s critical period theory (1967) stated that children are biological
tuned to acquiring L1. For the child, language acquisition is implicit; it is a product of
maturation. Because of chemical changes and lateralization of the brain of puberty,
after puberty language must be learned explicitly, through memorization and
conscious rule learning. This notion of a critical period has been challenged in recent
years. Krashen (1981) believes that cerebral dominance is already established at age 5
and may even be present at birth; thus it does not account for difficulties in L2
acquisition after puberty.
The cognitive explanation attributes the general increase in language learning
ability as children get older to the development of the formal operational stage
around age 12. Adolescents are more able to use abstract rules to solve problems.
Krashen (1982) asserts that formal operations allow the development of conscious
grammar, a meta-awareness of language. Adults are faster learners because they can
profit from grammatical explanations and think deductively. The Monitor model

Sophia Azhar, Second Language Acquisition In Teahing English as a Second Language …

predicts that this rate advantage is only temporary because children outperform
adults in L2 over the long run.
There are also affective consequences of formal operations, but these
negatively affect acquisition for the older learner. Krashen suggests that
pronunciation may be harder to acquire after puberty because it is deeper in the
center of one's personality than any other aspect of language. Increased self-
consciousness and lowered self-image at adolescence may strengthen the affective
filter and thus reduce the amount of input the acquirer receives.
Aptitude and attitude studies are also cited as evidence supporting the
Monitor Model. Aptitude tests of grammatical sensitivity, inductive ability, and verbal
intelligence seem to relate directly to conscious language learning. Attitudinal factors
such as motivation and personality relate directly to acquisition and only indirectly to
learning (e.g. attitude toward classroom learning or toward the teacher). The
motivated learner, who wants to integrate into the target culture or to achieve
proficiency or some utilitarian purpose, will encourage intake. Likewise, the self-
confident or emphatic person will be receptive to intake because he has a "low
affective filter” (Krashen 1981).

3. The Bialystok Model

Bialystok (1978) is interested in the cognitive processes that describe how
people learn a second language. She uses many of Krashen‟s ideas in her model of
second language acquisitions. The model is organized on three levels -input,
knowledge, and output (Fig. 2). Language exposure (input) may occur through
books, in a classroom, or by immersion in the target culture. This information is
stored in some form, (knowledge). Most of the input gained in a formal classroom
such as grammar rules, pronunciation rules, or new vocabulary is stored first as
explicit knowledge and later transferred to implicit linguistic knowledge, but some
remains there indefinitely and has to be consciously recalled. Input gained in a
natural setting, along with that transferred from the explicit knowledge, is stored
in the implicit linguistic knowledge and can be used for most spontaneous compre-
hension and production task (output). These two knowledge systems are similar to
Krashen's learned and acquired systems.

Volume I, Number 02, December 2015

Fig. 2 The Bialystok Model

But Bialystok's model also includes other knowledge, such as one's native
language, information about the target culture, general experiences of the world, etc.
It is this component, which helps to explain individual differences in L2 success.
In this model there are four strategies by which the L2 learner uses input to
generate output: formal practice - studying a grammar book or using language drills
and exercises; functional practice - increasing exposure to the language through
movies, talking or reading; monitoring - using conscious knowledge to modify or
correct output; and inferencing - using information from several sources to arrive at
some explicit knowledge. The more strategies the L2 learner can choose from, the
more successful he will be.

4. Societal and Affective Considerations

Schumann has written extensively about the relationship of the affective
domain to L2 acquisition. His model (Fig.3) shows his interest in the concepts of
acculturation, motivation, and empathy (1976). He looks at societal factors such as
dominance, life style, enclosure, cohesiveness, congruence, attitudes, and length of
residence in the target culture - all of which interact to produce good or bad learning

Sophia Azhar, Second Language Acquisition In Teahing English as a Second Language …


Initiating Cognitive Processes Linguistic
Factors 1. Generalization Product
1. Acculturation 2. Imitation 1. Morphemes
2. Attitude 3. Inference 2. Questions
and Motivation 4. Analogy 3. Negatives
3. Ego-permeability 5. Rote Memory 4. Auxiliaries
etc. etc. etc.

Fig. 3 Schumann‟s Model

An example of a bad L2 learning situation is an American, who is considered

dominant, living temporarily in Saudi Arabia, where the culture is very different and
there is high enclosure; as a result, little L2 acquisition occurs. An example of a good
situation is an American Jewish immigrant to Israel, where the cultures are
considered equal and there is cohesiveness and congruence; as a result, L2 acquisition
is likely to be successful.
For Schumann (1975) empathy is essential to learning L2. He quotes Guia,
"to learn a second language is to take on a new identity". The L2 learner needs "ego
permeability" to enable him to partially give up his separateness of identity from the
target language group. The problem is that just as he most needs ego flexibility in
order to learn L2, the L2 learner is most likely to be experiencing culture shock.
Adults especially may feel disoriented, anxious, and ashamed of their insufficiency in
the target language and culture. These affective factors are more likely to inhibit
cognitive processes in adults than in children. However, children can be influenced
by unfavorable parental attitudes toward the target language or its speakers.
Gardner and Lambert's research with attitudes and motivation (1972) is
widely quoted. It is Gardner's model which Schumann (1975) presents (Fig. 4). This
model has four components: social milieu, individual differences, second-language
acquisition contexts, and linguistic outcomes.

Volume I, Number 02, December 2015

Fig. 4 Gardner’s Model

The social milieu, as described above, influences the way one positively or
negatively values the target culture. Negative attitudes toward, or from, the target
culture adversely affect the L2 acquisition process. Individual differences include
intelligence and language aptitude (which are fixed characteristics that are most
influential on classroom learning) and integrative and instrumental motivation (which
can be increased and which contribute to both formal and informal learning). The L2
acquisition contexts can be formal language formal training or informal language
experience (seem to be similar to Krashen's two kinds of input). The linguistic
outcome of these factors is varying degrees of second-language competence.

5. Individual Styles
Filmore (1982) engaged in a longitudinal study of individual differences
among Spanish-speaking and Chinese-speaking children learning English in
immersion and bilingual programs in California. She looked at the relationship,
between learner characteristics (social and cognitive) and situational characteristics
(setting-opportunity to hear and learn English). Results indicated, first that there was
no single characteristic of good learners. Generally, good learners seem to be
outgoing, verbal, analytical, and curious. But some are quiet, studious, and attentive.
More of the poor are bad guessers, lack social skills to interact with peers or adults,
and are not engaged linguistically or academically. Second, there was not a simple
relationship between situational and learning variables and speed of learning. The
Chinese children in her study, who more of ten turn to adults for guidance and
support, seem to learn faster in a highly structured English-immersion or bilingual

Sophia Azhar, Second Language Acquisition In Teahing English as a Second Language …

class, but not in an open-classroom. The Spanish children in her study, who tend to
turn to peers for ideas and direction, seem to learn less English in a bilingual class,
which does not have good models to follow, and to learn more in an open
classroom, which provides interaction with native speakers.
Many researchers today are asking learners to report on their own linguistic
behavior. Stevick (1981) comments that everyone thinks the way he learns is natural
and wonders, why others do not follow the same approach. From interviews with
four gifted adult language learners, he concludes that differences among learners are
qualitative, not quantitative. The first L2 learner learns aurally. By listening totally
and-blocking out competing sounds, he takes in a great deal of data and then
consciously synthesizes it. The second L2 learner associates with native speakers and
has had no formal language learning. He does no conscious processing of language
and, does not try to memorize. The third L2 learner does not relate very well with the
L2 community. He learns by listening and repeating, beginning with simple
sentences, with constant correction by the teacher. The fourth l2 learner first tries, to
get an intellectual understanding of the structure of the language, then talks to a
native and reads in the target language.
In the work of Azhar Arsyad1 who interviews several L2 learners who have
been living in the United States for five or more years, I found similar variations.
Majid, from Iran, is like Stevik‟s second learner. He associates with native speakers
and is only now beginning to study English in the classroom. He lacks the explicit
knowledge of linguistic rules needed to monitor. Although his speaking and listening
skills are excellent, he is very weak in reading and writing. Kazuko, from Japan, is like
Stevik‟s fourth learner. She has a good accent, is fluent, and monitors effectively. She
is now a graduate student, teaching speech communication to American college
students. When Kazuko cannot find a rule to explain some linguistics phenomenon,
she creates her own rule. To illustrate, gerunds or infinitives are obligatory in certain
contexts. The native speaker chooses „I admit taking it‟ or „I promise to see you‟
without hesitation. Even Kazuko‟s 12-year old son can produce these structures
correctly and spontaneously. But Kazuko has used inferencing strategies to devise
her own rule that verbs referring to past acts take gerunds while those referring to
the future take infinitives. Trinh, from Vietnam, also does not know a rule for

Azhar Arsyad, Interviews made in the USA when he studied there in1993 and I
accomponied him for three months

Volume I, Number 02, December 2015

gerunds and infinitives, so he avoids the situation. Instead of "I promise to see you,"
he says, "I promise I will see you." In other instances he transfers from Vietnamese if
he does not know the correct word or structure in English. Because he works and
socializes with Americans and read English newspapers and magazines, he receives a
great deal of input. He is fluent and has a good accent. Ngoc, who came Vietnam
seven years ago at age 12, is also fluent, gets good grades in college work, but has
poor pronunciation ability. On a recent language proficiency test she confused an -
ing verb and an –ed verb because to her they sound the same. She did not use
explicit knowledge to determine whether active or passive voice was obligatory in
that context. She made no attempt to use conscious language rules, but rather
guessed randomly on any test item that was not in her implicit linguistic knowledge.2
Although these four L2 learners come from different cultural backgrounds,
they share some characteristics. Each learned English in a natural setting, and each is
outgoing and verbal and thus open to input. Seliger (1977) would classify them as
high input generators – learners who practice by initiating interactions. In contrast,
low input generators do little to initiate situations which cause input to be directed to
them. In the classroom high input generators are actively involved by calling out,
working out answers to questions directed to others, or talking to themselves
during language drills. At the same time, low input generators are sitting quietly,
participating only when specifically called on. Seliger concludes that whereas a child
acquires L1 automatically from exposure, an adult has the option of retreating from
language interaction. An adult must do something active that involves him
cognitively in the process.

6. Creative Construction Process

Studies of second language errors also provide evidence of strategies used in
language acquisition. Contrastive analysis, which looked at errors as evidence of
interference from L1, was popular several years ago. More recent studies consider
errors not as transfer from L1 but as evidence of overgeneralization and rule
simplification, strategies also used by L1 learners. A study by Dulay and Burt (1974)
shows that most errors made by children learning English as a second language can
be explained by the creative construction process. This is "a process in which
children gradually reconstruct rules for the speech they hear, guided by universal
innate mechanisms which cause them to use certain strategies to organize that


Sophia Azhar, Second Language Acquisition In Teahing English as a Second Language …

linguistic input, until the mismatch between the language system they are exposed to
and what they produce is resolved" (p.255).
Selinker (1975) has called this developing language "inter-language". As the
L2 learner becomes more proficient, he moves through Interlanguage 1, IL2, IL3,
etc., each more closely approximating the target language. Even the final
interlanguage will remain different in some respects from native speakers' speech
because of the persistence of some errors which have become "fossilized".
Dulay and Burt's model (Fig.5) reflects their conclusion that the L2 learner,
especially a child, gradually reconstructs the L2 system using cognitive strategies. The
characteristics of this active, creative process can be inferred from descriptions of the
L2 learner's developing language (interlanguage) and of the input which shapes the
interlanguage. In this model the source of language input can be peers, teachers,
parents, etc. It can be natural speech, pattern drills, etc. The frequency and length of
exposure also affect the input. The creative construction, process involves both
universal strategies and variations in learning style. Data revealing inter-language
includes error analysis, acquisition sequences, and frequency of structure types
produced without error.
Language Input Creative Construction Process Interlanguage

Fig. 5 Dulay and Burt’s model


Certain themes run through all of the literature reviewed in this paper.
Although some researchers may use the terms learning and acquisition
synonymously, they recognize a distinction between explicit knowledge, which is
consciously learned in a formal setting, and implicit knowledge which is
unconsciously acquire in a natural setting. Different researchers focus on different
variables which affect the L2 acquisition experience. The context for acquisition is an
important variable because it provides input. The process of acquisition, whether by
conscious or unconscious strategies, is another important variable. Learner variables
including age, aptitude, cognitive style, attitude, motivation, and previous language
experience all affect acquisition. These sets of variables interact in a number of ways
and account for the infinite diversity in each person's L2 acquisition experience.
While this is true, it also seems true that we may be prewired to acquire
language in one way regardless of variables; perhaps everyone uses similar strategies

Volume I, Number 02, December 2015

at similar stages as he creatively constructs his version of the new language. There is
need for continuing research to discover what linguistic or psychological factors all
L2 learners share in common.


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Sophia Azhar, Second Language Acquisition In Teahing English as a Second Language …


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