Reg811s - Regional Economic Governance - 2ND Opp - July 2022
Reg811s - Regional Economic Governance - 2ND Opp - July 2022
Reg811s - Regional Economic Governance - 2ND Opp - July 2022
1. This is an OPEN BOOK exam.
2. Answer ALL the questions, related to the compulsory question.
3. Write clearly and neatly.
4. Number the answers clearly.
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According to the SACU agreement of 2002, Namibia has the right to levy additional
duties on imported goods for a temporary period to enable infant industries to cope
with competition. This has been put in place inter alia to support the dairy industry
to grow its long-life milk production, and develop the Namibian pasta and poultry
industry, and whilst IIP and other government measures such as subsidies, rebates
etc. have been highly successful in stimulating industrialisation of many world
powers, critics have cried foul for their belief that such measures counter
competitiveness and limit consumer choice while driving up prices. Similar •
arguments are raised when arguing against monopolistic situations.
a) Why should and/or should Namibia not apply infant industry protection?
b) What strategies need to be implemented to increase regional and global
competitiveness of Namibian products and services?
Total (100)
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