Question Bank Unit 2 - Updated
Question Bank Unit 2 - Updated
Question Bank Unit 2 - Updated
1. Explain the elements of requirements analysis used for creating design model
2. What is Class based modelling ? Explain the different elements of a class-based model.
(Answer Hint : - Different elements - classes and objects, attributes, operations, CRC models,
collaboration diagrams and packages)
3. What is flow-based modeling ? How Data flow diagrams are used in that modeling?
4. What are the characteristics of a good software design ?
5. Explain the features of a structural model that is developed during the software design
6. What is object-oriented design model? Explain its features.
7. What are the activities involved in system analysis ?
8. Why is it important to have an architectural design developed before the implementation ?
9. Explain in detail about different architectural Styles.
10. Explain in detail about data flow architecture
11. What is call and return architecture ? Explain
12. Explain in detail about layered architecture
13. What is architectural context diagram. Develop an architectural context diagram for the
surveillance function of ‘safe home’ application using which house owners can remotely
monitor the specific area of house through thumbnail view and recordings of cameras.
14. How component-based design is developed and evolved during the design phase ? Explain.
15. Explain how architectural complexity is assessed.
16. Explain how partitioning is done while developing the architectural design of the software.
17. Explain the top-down approach in software design and the bottom-up approach in
software design.
18. What is refactoring? Explain how it is achieved.
19. What are object oriented components and conventional components in component design ?
20. List down the various design principles and explain.
21. Explain the different levels of cohesion
22. Explain the different levels of collision
23. Explain in detail about the steps involved in developing a component-based design.
24. What is program design language ? How is it used?
25. What is component-based software engineering ? Explain the steps involved in this process.
26. How a UI design is developed ? What are the guidelines to be followed? Explain the process.
27. Explain in detail about the steps involved in UI design process?
28. What are the different design principles to be followed while creating interface design?
29. Explain the design evaluation cycle involved in the user interface design.
30. What is pattern-oriented design ? Explain.
31. What are the steps involved in creating a web application design ? Explain.
32. What is design life cycle management ? Explain