Osborne 2015
Osborne 2015
Osborne 2015
Recommended Citation
Osborne, Jason W. (2015) "What is Rotating in Exploratory Factor Analysis?," Practical Assessment,
Research, and Evaluation: Vol. 20 , Article 2.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.7275/hb2g-m060
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Osborne: What is Rotating in Exploratory Factor Analysis?
Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) is one of the most commonly-reported quantitative methodology
in the social sciences, yet much of the detail regarding what happens during an EFA remains
unclear. The goal of this brief technical note is to explore what “rotation” is, what exactly is
rotating, and why we use rotation when performing EFAs. Some commentary about the relative
utility and desirability of different rotation methods concludes the narrative.
Those of us who regularly use exploratory factor Spearman’s seminal work in this area, few statistical
analysis (EFA), one of the most commonly-used techniques have been so widely used and, often, subject
statistical techniques reported in the social sciences to misperceptions (see, for example, Costello &
literature (e.g., Fabrigar, Wegener, MacCallum, & Osborne, 2005; Osborne, Costello, & Kellow, 2008).
Strahan, 1999; Osborne, Costello, & Kellow, 2008), Principal components analysis (PCA) is a
know that rotation happens, that there are different computationally simplified version of the general class
types of rotation, and hopefully that the goal of all of dimension reduction analyses. PCA computes the
rotation methods is to clarify results. But what exactly analysis without regard to the underlying latent
is rotating during an EFA? The goal of this article is to structure of the variables, using all the variance in the
answer that simple question. manifest variables. PCA was developed decades ago
Let us look “under the hood” at the mysterious when analyses were mostly computed by hand and thus
inner workings of EFA.1 shortcuts that did not substantially diminish the
outcome were valuable. Now with popular statistical
Basics of exploratory factor analysis
software packages and the readily available processing
Exploratory factor analysis is a statistical tool used power in even the cheapest laptop computers, PCA is
for many purposes. It was originally developed in the probably not necessary. It is also not considered a true
early 1900s to attempt to establish intelligence as a method of factor analysis and there is disagreement
unitary or multidimensional construct (Spearman, among statisticians about when it should be used, if at
1904), and is a general-purpose dimension reduction all. There are some situations where PCA might be an
tool with many applications. In the modern social appropriate option, but more often than not,
sciences, it is perhaps most frequently used to explore researchers use PCA when EFA would be appropriate
the psychometric properties of an instrument or scale. and preferable (for example, see Ford, MacCallum, &
Exploratory factor analysis examines all the pairwise Tait, 1986; Gorusch, 1983; Widaman, 1993). It is still
relationships between individual variables (e.g., items the default dimension reduction procedure in many
on a scale) and seeks to extract latent factors from the statistical analysis software packages despite it usually
measured variables. During the 110 years since not being the desirable choice. We will not discuss
PCA further, as the goal of the paper is to focus on
1 EFA and rotation.
In this article the discussion is limited to exploratory factor
analysis as there is no rotation analogue in confirmatory factor
Published by ScholarWorks@UMass Amherst, 2015 1
Practical Assessment, Research, and Evaluation, Vol. 20 [2015], Art. 2
Practical Assessment, Research & Evaluation, Vol 20, No 2 Page 2
Osborne, Rotation in EFA
Exploratory factor analysis. The second method of 5. Assessing and passing judgment on a possible
dimension reduction is common factor analysis or or planned solution to the problem
exploratory factor analysis. Common factor analysis 6. Comparing and contrasting two solutions to
recognizes that model variance contains both shared the problem on a particular dimension such
and unique variance across variables. EFA examines as cost
only the shared variance from the model each time a 7. Selecting one idea or solution to the problem
factor is created, while allowing the unique variance from among those considered
and error variance to remain in the model. 8. Communicating elements of the solution in
sketches, diagrams, lists, and written or oral
The general process for conducting exploratory
factor analysis is briefly outlined in Table 1. Many of
these steps are discussed in depth elsewhere (Osborne
Interest in engineering:3
et al., 2008; Osborne & Fitzpatrick, 2012; Thompson,
1. I find many topics in engineering to be
2004). Because this is intended to be a brief technical
note, let us focus on step #4, rotation.
2. Solving engineering problems is interesting to
Table 1. Steps To Follow When Conducting 3. Engineering fascinates me
EFA 4. I am interested in solving engineering
1. Data cleaning problems
2. Deciding on extraction method to use 5. Learning new topics in engineering is
3. Deciding how many factors to retain interesting to me
4. Deciding on a method of rotation (if 6. I find engineering intellectually stimulating
5. Interpretation of results (return to #3 if In this example I will use principal axis factoring
solution is not ideal) extraction, specifying two factors to be extracted, and
6. Replication will request a factor loading plot.4 In this example, the
analysis produces two strong factors (extracted
A pedagogical example eigenvalues of 7.42 and 3.28, which accounts for
76.42% of the variance). The extracted (un-rotated)
To illustrate the points in this paper, I will use data factor matrix is presented in Table 2, below. I also
from a study on engineering majors conducted several present the scree plot from this analysis showing that
years ago. For this example, we will examine two scales the two-factor solution is strongly supported.
that should be minimally correlated: Engineering
problem solving and interest in engineering. The items As you can see in Table 2, although we expect two
from the relevant subscales are listed below: very clear factors, the factor loadings are not
immediately identifiable as two separate factors prior to
Engineering problem solving items:2 rotation. To be sure, looking only at Factor 1 loadings,
all fourteen items seem to be similar. It is only in
How well did you feel prepared for: combination with the loadings on Factor 2 where the
1. Defining what the problem really is two factors separate. If one plots each item in two-
2. Searching for and collecting information dimensional space (Factor 1 on the X axis, and Factor 2
needed to solve the problem on the Y axis), we see clearly the separation, as
3. Thinking up potential solutions to the presented in Figure 1, below:
4. Detailing how to implement the solution to
the problem Assessed on a seven point Likert type scale anchored by
“strongly disagree” and “strongly agree”
In many analyses of these data, no other eigenvalue rose
above 0.50 in value and thus for the purposes of this
Assessed on a seven point Likert type scale anchored by “did increasingly inaccurately labeled brief technical note is
not prepare me at all” to “prepared me a lot” discounted as a legitimate possibility.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.7275/hb2g-m060 2
Osborne: What is Rotating in Exploratory Factor Analysis?
Practical Assessment, Research & Evaluation, Vol 20, No 2 Page 3
Osborne, Rotation in EFA
DOI: https://doi.org/10.7275/hb2g-m060 4
Osborne: What is Rotating in Exploratory Factor Analysis?
Practical Assessment, Research & Evaluation, Vol 20, No 2 Page 5
Osborne, Rotation in EFA
There does not seem to be a compelling reason for The mathematical algorithms for each rotation are
modern researchers to default to orthogonal rotations. different, and beyond the scope of this brief technical
In the social sciences (and many other sciences, such as note. Note that for all rotations, the goal is the same:
biomedical sciences) we generally expect some simplicity and clarity of factor loadings. For details on
correlation among factors, since behavior is rarely how they achieve these goals, you should refer to the
partitioned into neatly packaged units that function manual for your statistical software (e.g., IBM SPSS
independently of one another. Therefore using base statistics manual p. 97,8 or Gorusch, 1983; for a
orthogonal rotation potentially results in a less useful good overview of the technical details of different
solution where factors are correlated. Remembering versions of varimax rotation, see Forina, Armanino,
that EFA is an exploratory technique (not a Lanteri, & Leardi, 1989).
confirmatory technique), we should be looking for the Do orthogonal and oblique rotations produce
clearest solution possible. Further, there does not noticeable differences?
appear to be a drawback to using oblique rotation even
if the factors are truly uncorrelated. Oblique rotations Orthogonal and oblique rotations will produce
do not force factors to be correlated, and so in that virtually identical solutions in the unlikely case where
instance, the factors would be allowed to assume a factors are perfectly uncorrelated. As the correlation
correlation of zero, and the solution would be the same between latent variables diverges from r = 0.00, then
as that of an orthogonal rotation. the oblique solution will produce increasingly clearer
results. Looking at the same data after orthogonal
Oblique rotation output is only slightly more (Varimax) rotation (Figure 3 and Table 5, below), one
complex than orthogonal rotation output, but should
yield either identical or superior results to that of
orthogonal rotations. In SPSS output the rotated factor
matrix is interpreted after orthogonal rotation; the
rotated factor matrix represents both the loadings and
the correlations between the variables and factors. In
contrast, when using oblique rotation the pattern matrix
is examined for factor/item loadings and the factor
correlation matrix reveals any correlation between the
factors. The pattern matrix holds the loadings (which
are of most interest), and each row of the pattern
matrix can be thought of as a regression equation
where the standardized observed variable is expressed
as a function of the factors, with loadings as the
regression coefficients. The structure matrix holds the
correlations between the variables and the factors,
which are generally of less interest in exploratory
applications (e.g., Gorusch, 1983). Figure 3: Same data using orthogonal rotation
There are a variety of choices in each category.
Varimax rotation is by far the most orthogonal
rotation, likely because it is the default in many can see that this outcome still provides a similar
software packages, but also because it was developed as conclusion, but with a slightly less clear solution. This
an incremental improvement upon prior algorithms is because these factors are modestly correlated, but the
quartimax, and equamax. There is no widely preferred mandate to maintain a 90o angle between axes means
method of oblique rotation; all tend to produce similar
results (Fabrigar et al., 1999), and it seems generally fine
to use the default settings in software packages. Retrieved from
Common oblique rotations you will see include: direct ftp://public.dhe.ibm.com/software/analytics/spss/documentati
oblimin, quartimin, and promax. on/statistics/22.0/en/client/Manuals/IBM_SPSS_Statistics_Bas
that the centroids of the clusters cannot move closer to was to reduce groups of variables to conceptually
the axis lines. In this case, the difference is not great, important latent variables. Given this, the overriding
but noticeable in Table 5, where again loadings less goal of EFA must be to make sense of data. A clear,
than 0.10 were suppressed. You can see that only one easily- interpreted structure to the EFA is the goal,
loading in Table 5 is less than the suppression cutoff of therefore.
0.10, leaving a less clear result than the oblique rotation Many authors have written on guidelines for
from Table 4. This is a small but clear example of the extraction and rotation of factors, focusing on
higher efficacy of oblique rotations to create clear eigenvalues, scree plots, parallel analysis, replication,
patterns of results in EFA where the factors are indeed and so on. It is my belief that the over-arching value
correlated. has to be theoretical framework and an easily-
Table 5. Rotated Factor Matrix with loadings < interpretable factor structure. Absent this, which we
0.10 suppressed use to make sense of data, none of the technical details
seem important.
1 2 In this brief technical note I used two-dimensional
plots as an example. If an instrument is uni-
EngProbSolv1 .830 .153
dimensional no rotation is possible. If an instrument is
EngProbSolv2 .809
three- (or more) dimensional, then items are plotted in
EngProbSolv3 .861 .157 multidimensional space, and three (or more) axes are
EngProbSolv4 .888 .146 rotated within this multidimensional space with the
EngProbSolv5 .879 .185 same goals.
EngProbSolv6 .861 .181
EngProbSolv7 .862 .189 I also suggest that in the modern era of high-
EngProbSolv8 .791 .218
power computing, orthogonal rotations are probably
not a best practice, as oblique rotations can accurately
INTERESTeng1 .194 .793
model uncorrelated and correlated factors, whereas
INTERESTeng2 .149 .901
orthogonal rotations cannot handle correlated factors
INTERESTeng3 .158 .906
as effectively. Thus, there is little cost to using oblique
INTERESTeng4 .164 .897 rotations regardless of the underlying relatedness of the
INTERESTeng5 .165 .868 factors.
INTERESTeng6 .172 .849
Extraction Method: Maximum Likelihood. REFERENCES
Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization. Carroll, J. B. (1953). An analytical solution for
approximating simple structure in factor analysis.
Summary Psychometrika, 18(1), 23-38.
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Analysis: Four recommendations for getting the most
exploratory factor analysis is a complex class of from your analysis. Practical Assessment, Research, and
procedures with many options. Many of us, even those Evaluation, 10(7), 1-9.
with decades of experience using EFA, remain unclear
Fabrigar, L. R., Wegener, D. T., MacCallum, R. C., &
on some of the nuances and details of what exactly is Strahan, E. J. (1999). Evaluating the use of exploratory
happening “under the hood” when we perform this factor analysis in psychological research. Psychological
analysis. Rotation is literally a rotation of X- and Y- Methods, 4(3), 272.
axes in order to align clusters of variables plotted in Ford, J. K., MacCallum, R. C., & Tait, M. (1986). The
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the effect of clarifying the loading patterns in tables psychology: A critical review and analysis. Personnel
(making larger numbers larger, and smaller numbers Psychology, 39, 291-314.
closer to zero).9 Recall that the original goal of EFA Forina, M., Armanino, C., Lanteri, S., & Leardi, R. (1989).
Methods of varimax rotation in factor analysis with
Or, if you prefer, rotation of the clusters of items to more applications in clinical and food chemistry. Journal of
closely align with the axis lines.
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Readers interested in receiving a free PDF of the author’s new book (Best Practices in Exploratory Factor
Analysis) can email the author with PAREonline in the subject to request a copy.
Osborne, Jason W. (2015). What is Rotating in Exploratory Factor Analysis? Practical Assessment, Research &
Evaluation, 20(2). Available online: http://pareonline.net/getvn.asp?v=20&n=2
Jason W. Osborne
Educational and Counseling Psychology, Counseling, and College Student Personnel
College of Education and Human Development
University of Louisville
Louisville, KY, USA
jason.osborne [at] louisville.edu