Internet Dilemma - Draft Sheet
Internet Dilemma - Draft Sheet
Internet Dilemma - Draft Sheet
Core Question
When and how should internet service providers be allowed to treat some kinds of
internet traffic different from others?
Impacted Groups
Fill in the table below with your Impacted Groups. You may optionally add new groups or split one of the
ones assigned into smaller subgroups if it will help better explain who’s involved in the dilemma.
`Internet Service Providers (net neutrality made all) ISPs had to treat all traffic
the same on their network.
provides services for accessing, using, managing, or
participating on/in the Internet. can't block or slow down data from certain sites or
apps. They can't make special deals to move certain
Digi, BTL, T-Mobile, Spectrum, Version, AT&T. data faster than everybody else's data.
Internet Content Provider Internet content providers love Net neutrality because
it means that even if some of their products take up a
website or organization that handles the lot more bandwidth than others, ISPs can't charge
distribution of online content such as blogs, videos, them extra for getting all the date to phones and
music, or files.
Facebook, Google, Netflix, Instagram, YouTube. With net neutrality gone, ISPs can prioritize their
own services, while hurting ICPs.
Everyday Internet Users Net neutrality is part of the reason why we aren't
stuck with certain "old" apps/tools (like MySpace).
Individuals accessing the internet.
regulations kept phone companies from charging
Yourself. customers extra.
Recommended Policy: In at most two sentences summarize the solution / action your candidate should support