Iprimary English Year 3
Iprimary English Year 3
Iprimary English Year 3
Reference Objective Guidance
The student is able to follow instructions such as ‘Put your book in your bag, put your bag
SL3.1A Follow 3-step instructions, when these are given slowly and clearly.
on your peg and then sit down.’
Follow information during three to five minutes of listening to teacher-talk The student is able to follow and understand, for example, simple descriptions related to
supported by pictures. a curriculum topic, using prior knowledge to assist with comprehension.
Reference Objective Guidance
The student is able to say, for example, ‘It is big and grey and it has a long nose. It is
SL3.2A Give brief descriptions using two or more linked sentences.
an elephant.’
SL3.2B Ask for repetition and clarification when a word is not understood. The student is able to interject by saying, for example, ‘Excuse me. I don’t know that word.’
The student is able to listen to the teacher and other children discussing, for example,
SL3.2C Participate in discussions when invited to do so by the teacher.
animals, and to add appropriately to a description of an animal when prompted.
With some guidance, take on the role of a character, from a play or other text, The student is able to respond appropriately when the teacher says, for example, ‘Imagine
using some knowledge of conventions. you are Cinderella. How do you feel about your step-sisters?’
When asked by the teacher to explain an answer, the student is able to present his or her
SL3.2E Present information to the class when prompted.
thoughts clearly and audibly to the class.
Reference Objective Guidance
Use a range of adjectives (around 20, in addition to colour and size) to add The student is able to use appropriate adjectives to create, for example, a detailed noun
description. phrase such as ‘He had a fast, new bike.’
Reference Objective Guidance
The student is able to write a sequence of sentences such as ‘I have a cat. His name is
W3.3A Compose and write a sequence of three or more simple or compound sentences.
Sam. We take Sam to play in the garden.’
The student is able to sequence, for example, images of the ragged Cinderella, Cinderella
Sequence three pictures and write two or three sentences about each one to tell a being transformed and Cinderella with the prince and write two or three sentences that
story. describe each one, giving details such as ‘She is very sad. She has been given lots of jobs
and cannot go to the ball.’
W3.3C Select pictures and write simple report texts of up to 100 words. The student is able to write a report detailing, for example, facts about monkeys.
The student is able to reread a sequence of sentences he or she has just written, checking
W3.3D Reread own writing, improving it at sentence level. punctuation at the end of sentences and improving meaning by, for example, adding an
adjective to a simple sentence.
Reference Objective Guidance
With support, use upper-case letters and end punctuation correctly when The student is able to write, from exaggerated and explained dictation, for example,
writing dictated sentences. ‘Oh no! How can we go out if it is raining?’
W3.6B Use apostrophes in common contractions. The student is able to write, for example, ‘I’m hot’ and ‘I can’t see’.
W3.6C Put inverted commas around spoken words. The student is able to add the inverted commas to, for example, ‘Ashan said ‘‘Yes’’ ’.
The student is able to write, for example, ‘Dad grew beans, cabbages, carrots and
W3.6D Use commas to separate items in lists of nouns.