The boiling point of a substance is the temperature at which the vapor pressure of the liquid
equals the pressure surrounding the liquid and the liquid changes into a vapor.
The melting point of a solid is the temperature at which it changes state from solid to liquid at
atmospheric pressure.
N-Butane Izobutane
Butane, either of two colourless, odourless, gaseous
hydrocarbons (compounds of carbon and hydrogen), members of
the series of paraffinic hydrocarbons. Their chemical formula is
C4H10. The compound in which the carbon atoms are linked in a
straight chain is denoted normal butane, or n-butane; the
branched-chain form is isobutane. Both compounds occur in
natural gas and in crude oil and are formed in large quantities in
the refining of petroleum to produce gasoline.
The butanes present in natural gas can be separated from the
large quantities of lower-boiling gaseous constituents, such
as methane and ethane, by absorption in a light oil. The butanes
thus obtained can be stripped from the absorbent along
with propane and marketed as liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), or
they can be separated from the propane and then from each
other by fractional distillation: n-butane boils at -0.5° C (31.1° F);
isobutane boils at -11.7° C (10.9° F).
The OOIP which initially saturates the porous space of the rock
reservoir is difficult to determine exactly in the beginning (the
exploration phase), when minimal information is available.
Knowledge of the amount of original oil in place is improved by
volumetric or material balance calculations at the start of
development and during the exploitation of the oil reservoir. However,
cumulative oil production obtained and measured at surface
conditions can be accurately determined.
If N is the amount of original oil in place (barrels, bbl, of oil) and Pcum
is the cumulative oil produced (bbl) at a given time, the ratio ER =
Pcum x 100/N % is the oil recovery factor at that time or the actual oil
recovery factor.
The petroleum engineer is mainly interested in knowing from the
beginning the ultimate oil recovery from a reservoir, in other words,
the product N X ERfinal, where ERfinal is the ultimate recovery factor.
During the early stages when few data are available, but when
important decisions regarding the development of the reservoir must
be made, and during the life of a reservoir the term "recoverable
reserves“ should be estimated with more and more accuracy.
The oil reserves obtained as a result of EOR methods in addition to
the primary or conventional (secondary) reserves may be expressed
as the percentage of original oil in place (OOIP). To estimate how
much EOR methods can add to oil reserves, the recovery potential of
the reservoir has to be known. This is defined by the reservoir's
characteristics and prior recovery mechanism.
For instance, the ultimate oil recovery factor of individual reservoirs
under primary and/or conventional recovery methods may range from
5 % of OOIP for the poorest reservoir characteristics or for viscous
oil, to as high as 55 or 60 % of OOIP for the best reservoir
characteristics or for light oil.
To achieve this requirement the oil reservoirs are classified by
several models according to the average of the ultimate oil recovery
ERfinal expressed as a percentage of OOIP, possibly attained by the
respective recovery mechanism, as follows:
• 5-10% Tight oil reservoirs, slightly fractured or heavy oil reservoirs
• 10-25% Oil reservoirs produced mainly by solution gas drive
• 25-40% Oil reservoirs producing under partial water drive, gas
injection, or gravity drainage
• 40-55% Oil reservoirs produced by conventional waterflood
A possible estimation (Carcoana and Aldea, ) of the additional oil
reserves, percentage of OOIP, that could be recovered as the result
of EOR processes is shown in the table.
These values can be safely used for a quick evaluation of the
improved oil reserves and for the selection of methods that should be
However, the selection of a certain process aimed at enhancing oil
recovery must be made only after detailed investigations of the
relevant oil reservoir data (especially residual oil saturation),
laboratory tests, and field pilots.
Microscopic and macroscopic displacement efficiency.
The ultimate goal of EOR processes is to increase the overall oil
displacement efficiency, which is a function of microscopic and
macroscopic displacement efficiency.
Microscopic efficiency refers to the displacement or mobilization of oil
at the pore scale and measures the effectiveness of the displacing
fluid in moving the oil at those places in the rock where the displacing
fluid contacts the oil.
For instance, microscopic efficiency can be increased by reducing
capillary forces or interfacial tension between the displacing fluid and
oil or by decreasing the oil viscosity.
Macroscopic or volumetric displacement efficiency refers to the
effectiveness of the displacing fluid(s) in contacting the reservoir in a
volumetric sense. Volumetric displacement efficiency also known as
conformance indicates the effectiveness of the displacing fluid in
sweeping out the volume of a reservoir, both areally and vertically, as
well as how effectively the displacing fluid moves the displaced oil
toward production wells.
Schematics of microscopic and macroscopic sweep efficiencies (Lyons & Plisga,
A universal technical measure of the success of an EOR
process is the amount of incremental oil recovered.
Figure below defines incremental oil. Imagine a field, reservoir,
or well whose oil rate is declining as from A to B. At B, an EOR
project is initiated and, if successful, the rate should show a
deviation from the projected decline at some time after B.
Incremental oil is the difference between what was actually
recovered, B to D, and what would have been recovered had the
process not been initiated, B to C. This is the shaded region.