Technology Transfer Training Programme: 27th, 28th September/2011 L'Hospitalet de Llobregat (Barcelona)
Technology Transfer Training Programme: 27th, 28th September/2011 L'Hospitalet de Llobregat (Barcelona)
Technology Transfer Training Programme: 27th, 28th September/2011 L'Hospitalet de Llobregat (Barcelona)
The Fundacin Barri with ISIS Innovation initiated a training programme in technology transfer that was initiated in 2010 which consisted of a series of three different courses and a secondment at ISIS Innovation in Oxford. With the common interest in promoting technology transfer and entrepreneurship as a way to foster the economy, BiopolH and Fundacin Barri have achieved an agreement to organize, under the leadership of ISIS Innovation, the third edition of the Introduction to Technology Transfer course in Barcelona, building on the experience of the two previous editions held in A Corua. BiopolH considers this training course as a first step, and intends in a near future, to cover the different aspects of tech transfer, including the topics of licensing and creating a spinout. BiopolH is a biomedical cluster of health care facilities, knowledge-generating institutions, and research centers from the life sciences and health sectors, in a physical environment. The cluster includes, among others, the University Hospital of Bellvitge, the Catalan Institute of Oncology (ICO) - Hospital Duran i Reynals, the Bellvitge Institute for Biomedical Research (IDIBELL), the Health Sciences Campus of Bellvitge of the University of Barcelona, and the future Biopol Health Science Park. BiopolH, which is based within the municipality of LHospitalet de Llobregat, aims to attract new companies, and create spinouts by offering quality in health research and a comprehensive network of services. The Foundation Barri is a private foundation devoted to promoting the development of Galicia. The foundation is active in the areas of education, research, culture and social work.
Training 1
Introduction to Technology Transfer 27th, 28th September/2011
Professionals dedicated to technology transfer, business developers, and SME just being engaged into innovation and/or collaborative projects with public research and technological centers whose activity is chiefly related to health services or products.
Training 1
Internal marketing Ownership Evaluaction
Patenting Patent strategy Protection
Proof of concept Development Design
PEST ID customer Promotion
Valuation Negotation Legalise
Planning Fundraising The team
Tuesday 27th
Identify how to attract and evaluate the best invention disclosures Internal marketing a formal programme to increase awareness amongst researchers Ownershipthe process for establishing ownership of intellectual property rights Evaluatemechanisms for assessing the market potential of a new discovery Protect how to protect the discoveries Patentingthe practice of securing patent protection for an invention Patent strategybuilding and managing a portfolio of patent families Other protection working with non patent intellectual property including software copyright
Translate how to develop inventions into innovations Proof of concept managing a seed fund to develop inventions into commercial projects Development the stages in development of different technologies Designusing design to improve technology transfer performance
License how to value, negotiate and formalise a licence agreement Valuationmethods for valuing new innovations Negotiationstages and tactics in negotiating with licensees Legalise reducing a commercial agreement into a legal agreement Spinout how to plan a spinout company Planning phases in the development of a business and financial plan for a new company Fundraisingtypes of investors and the fundraising process The teambuilding a team to take forward a new business idea
Wednesday 28th
Market how to identify, attract and approach potential licensees PESTdeveloping an understanding of a market ID customermechanisms for identifying and evaluating licensing partners Promotion procedures for approaching potential licensees
The training programme will be eminently practical, based on a methodology of active learning and participating, always seeking an interchange of experiences between participants and trainers.
The programme will use tools, case studies and activities to supplement formal seminar materials, such as: Food Tag: a warm up exercise designed to stimulate discussion, Technology Transfer Triage, the Oxford YASA motors Story, Pre-natal Screening Licensing Example, The Sophos Story.
Bioincubadora I de BiopolH. C/ Feixa Llarga s/n, 08907 LHospitalet de Llobregat Spain
(underground: south end of Line 1, Hospital de Bellvitge station).
PARTICIPANTS FROM CATALONIA 300 This activity is sponsorized by the Servei dOcupaci de Catalunya and cofunded by the European Social Fund that subsidize 62,5 % (500 ) of the enrolment fee. PARTICIPANTS FROM OTHER REGIONS 800 The fee includes documentation, lunch and refreshments, and a certificate of attendance. Send the Application Form below and an updated C.V. By e-mail: By fax: +34 932 607 090
Bank Office:
This edition of the course is intended to boost technological transfer in the area of health and health sciences so that profesionals in this sector will be prioritized.
Surname and family name I.D. Firm / Institution C.I.F. Position Address
Send the Application Form below and an updated C.V. by e-mail:, by fax: +34 932 607 090
Postal Code
According to Law 15/1999 (December 13th) on protection of personal data, you are informed that the requested personal data in our application forms o sent to us through mailing will be incorporated to our personal data files whose holder and responsible body is Consorci Biopol de LHospitalet de Llobregat. These data will be treated as of the highest confidentiality, according to the rules that comply with the above mentioned law. You are entitled to have access to, correct or cancel them just getting in contact with us ( All data made available to us will not be disclosed to a third party without your express consent. De acuerdo con la ley 15/1999, de 13 de diciembre, de proteccin de datos de carcter personal, se informa que los datos personales que se solicitan en nuestros formularios o nos puedan ser facilitados a travs de nuestras direcciones de correo electrnico se incorporarn a nuestros archivos de datos personales cuyo responsable es el Consorci Biopol de lHospitalet de Llobregat. Asimismo, informamos que todos los datos sern tratados con la mxima confidencialidad, de acuerdo con la normativa vigente en materia de proteccin de datos personales, y que tiene el derecho de acceder a esta informacin, a rectificarla o cancelarla ponindose en contacto con nosotros ( Estos datos sern compartidos con Fundacin Pedro Barri y con ISIS Innovation, en su calidad de coorganizadores del presente curso, pero no sern facilitados ni cedidos a otros sin su expreso consentimiento.
Aquest projecte est subvencionat pel programa de Projectes Innovadors dacord amb lOrdres TRE/337/2008 i est patrocinat pel Servei dOcupaci de Catalunya i cofinanat pel Fons Social Europeu Este proyecto est subvencionado por el programa de Proyectos Innovadores de acuerdo con la Orden TRE/337/2008 y est patrocinado por el Servei dOcupaci de Catalunya y cofinanciado por el Fondo Social Europeo
Generalitat de Catalunya
Consorci Biopol de LHospitalet de Llobregat: Gran Va de LHospitalet 199-203 (Hospital Duran i Reynals) 08908 LHospitalet de Llobregat Tel. 932 607 136 Fax. 932 607 090
Fundacin Barri: Sede A Corua Cantn Grande, 9. 15003. A Corua Tel. 981 221 525. Fax 981 224 448 Sede Vigo Policarpo Sanz, 31. 36202. Vigo Tel. 986 110 220. Fax 986 110 225
D. L. C 1859-2011