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IO4 Education-Business Agreements Eng

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Erasmus+ Program. Ref.: 2017-1-ES01-KA203-038254

Innovating a crucial profession in building
and construction sector in Europe

Intellectual Output O4: Education-

Business Agreements

Education-Business Agreements
for the
Building Diagnosis Expert

Erasmus+ Program. Ref.: 2017-1-ES01-KA203-038254

Education-Business Agreements
for the Building Diagnosis Expert

Asociación RehabiMed
Xavier Casanovas & Montserrat Casado
Dr. Marañon 50
08028 Barcelona. Spain
Tel: +34 689311758; E-mail: xavier.casanovas.b@gmail.com

Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Joan Ramon Rosell & Montserrat Bosch
Calle Jordi Girona 31
08034 Barcelona. Spain
Tel: +34 934017126; E-mail: joan.ramon.rosell@upc.edu

Università degli Studi di Ferrara

Marcello Balzani & Fabiana Raco
Via Ariosto 35
44121 Ferrara. Italy
Tel: + 39 0532293204; E-mail: fabiana.raco@unife.it

Warsaw University of Technology. Civil Engineering Faculty

Pawel Nowak & Jerzy Rosłon
Armii Ludowej, 16
00-637 Warsaw. Poland
Tel: +48 222346515; E-mail: diagnosis@il.pw.edu.pl

Association of European Experts in Buildings and Construction

Martin Russell-Croucher & Toni Floriach
198 High Street
TN91BE Tonbridge. United Kingdom
Tel: +44 2073343734; E-mail: aeebcorg@gmail.com

Polish Association of Building Managers

Andrzej Minasowicz & Jacek Zawistowski
Emilii Plater 18,
00-688 Warsaw. Poland
Tel: +48 223260003; E-mail: psmb@psmb.pl

Chiara Pancaldi & Alberto Gulinelli
Via Nino Bixio 13
44042 Cento (Ferrara). Italy
Tel: +39 0516830470; E-mail: chiara.pancaldi@centoform.it

Erasmus+ Program. Ref.: 2017-1-ES01-KA203-038254


Published by RehabiMed as Diagnosis Consortium.
Av. Dr. Marañón, 50 - 08028 Barcelona
diagnosis@rehabimed.net - http://www.erasmus-diagnosis.eu
October 2019
Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. This publication reflects the
views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which
may be made of the information contained therein.

0 Summary

1. The meaning of the Agreements for Diagnosis Project 5

2. How do we involve stakeholders in this project activity 7

3. List of the involved stakeholders 10

Annex. Model of Business-Education agreement 17

1. The meaning of the Agreements for Diagnosis Project
DIAGNOSIS project general aim is to deepen European knowledge about innovative
technologies for building and construction sector as a skills' development training
subject for employability goals, upgrading existing training programs and professional
qualifications, creating business-education agreements to promote work-based
learning with special attention to apprenticeship and labour mobility.

The project strengthen the links between education, research and business to promote
excellence and regional development: it helps to attune curricula to current and
emerging labour market needs, and equip young people with transversal skills, by
developing transdisciplinary approaches and active cooperation between higher
education institutions, VET and businesses. All of it in order to implement the new
professional profile "Building Diagnosis Expert" in construction sector.

This project, in fact, has an activity specifically dedicated to business-education

partnership: the consortium partners have developed a number of agreements among
educational organizations and businesses about the possibility of work-based learning
(WBL) experiences for new professional profiles specialized in innovative technologies
and methodologies for building diagnosis. The Project has the aim of strengthening the
relations among partners, outside stakeholders and create a "mixed" sectoral group,
transversal to the field of education and the field of work. This approach intends to
shorten the distance between theoretical education and real work experience. This will
reduce the distance between skills acquired in the university and companies' real
demand, fostering an easier access to work for students and professionals and helping
re-training processes of adult workers expelled by the EU job market.

Employers involvement is crucial for Diagnosis project purposes, because it increases

the possibilities for practical experience for trainees, reinforces their profession-specific
skills and increases their chances of being permanently recruited by a company and
acquiring a European labour mobility. It shall be the basis for creating exchange
opportunities for students/staff, fostering apprentice-hosting projects, work-based
learning projects and future mobility on KA1. On-the-job training is effective because it
gives specific occupational skills and provides experiences close to working life. Also
from the point of view of employers, on-the-job training gives a number of advantages,
first of all the opportunity of knowing specialized and skilled future workers and thus
increase in-company competitiveness.

The added value of the EU dimension stands in the complementarity of countries and
partners involved, representatives of the whole chain of innovation of training:
Innovation approaches and tools (universities), applied training (VET centre),
employing companies and a EU sectoral wide network (RehabiMed and AEEBC).

In order to achieve the Education-Business Agreements for the Building Diagnosis

Expert, we managed some main tasks:

 Map of all potential partners, locally and internationally in order to build a
communication and dissemination strategy as close as possible to direct
stakeholders who potentially were interested inactivating WBL education-
business agreements on the new professional profile of "Building Diagnosis
 Prepare a strategy for new partners involvement: target groups and related
objectives, tasks for each project partner;
 Prepare an user-friendly dissemination materials about the new professional
profile including in particular what is the meaning of this new profession, why
and where is needed, which skills and competences are deepened in the
training of Building Diagnosis Expert;
 Prepare a short descriptions of the different existing opportunities (or upcoming
in the near future) for the participation to work-based learning projects in the
project Countries and at European level;

As result of these tasks, at the end of the Project, 105 institutions, organisations,
companies and experts from Italy, Spain, Poland, UK and other European countries
have been involved in this action and it remains open for new adhesions to the
initiative. The 105 agreements are organised in five different profiles:

 3 as Public Administration
 8 as Universities and research
 13 as Professional associations
 28 as Construction companies
 53 as Professional experts

2. How do we involve stakeholders in this Project activity
Stakeholders have been contacted through the existing network of each partner and
through Resonance Group Meetings participants, especially companies'
representatives, professionals experts, public authorities and university professors, with
the aim of strengthening the relations among partners, outside stakeholders and create
a sectoral group, transversal to the field of education and work.

The approach of the different partners of the Project was adapted to the local reality in
order to make the agreements as much practical as possible for the crucial project
purposes. I hope that with it we will increases the possibilities for practical experience
for trainees, reinforce their profession-specific skills and increases their chances to be
integrated on the real labour European construction marked.

Now, we are presenting the approach of the partners in the different countries:


The selection of the stakeholders to be involved through business-education

agreements in Spain has been carried out jointly between the Polytechnic
University of Catalonia and the RehabiMed association. To our knowledge, these
agreements are one of the best guarantees for the consistency and durability of
the results of the Project as a whole, as they strengthen the commitment of the
sector involved in the projection of the Building Diagnosis Expert. Therefore, we
have sought complicity with those responsible for education, public
administrations, professionals, builders, etc. Some of them already
knowledgeable and interested in the Project, given their participation in the
periodic meetings of the Resonance group and others that we have involved
once the Project results have achieved. However, once the project finished, we
will continue to look for new complicities and agreements with stakeholders of the

With this objective, we focused on a variety of actors that respond and can
contribute their capacities and experience to the training and implementation of
the new professional profile of Building Diagnosis Expert. For this, as it can be
seen in the attached list, we established agreements with public administrations,
universities, professional associations, construction companies experts in
rehabilitation works, and especially with professionals specialized in the different
areas that the Project has identified as specialties required by the future Expert in
Building Diagnosis. These professionals are experts on: structural, thermal or
material diagnosis; history and archaeology; survey and BIM modelling; building
assessment; comfort and health; traditional techniques, etc. With all of them, we
will continue working ended the Project, collaborating in practical training in
companies and in promoting the new professional profile of Building Diagnosis


Stakeholders were chosen by UNIFE and CENTOFORM in order to assure the

representativeness of the sectors involved in the processes of intervention and
regeneration of the existing buildings in Italy. Definitely, among of the 28
signatories to the agreements, the following are identified: national research
centre in the field of construction materials and materials technology; both
architecture and engineering firms; education companies; diagnosis companies,
ICT companies; start-up companies in the field of rehabilitation; association of

In order to strength the partnership between University and Rete Politecnica, of

which higher education centres such as Centoform are member was strategic the
relationship with the Clust-ER BUILD Association, which has more than one
hundred members working in the regional construction sector and beyond. Clust-
ER BUILD is the direct consequence of the Regional Smart Specialisation
Strategy (S3) through which the Emilia-Romagna Region implements its policy
for the innovation of research, enterprises and people ecosystem. The
DIGNOSIS project has been adopted as a strategic path in order to update S3 in

UK. European approach AEEBC

AEEBC has member associations and delegates from across a number of
European Member States all of whom are associated with the syllabuses, which
relate in various modes to the syllabuses for the Diagnosis course. In some
states members of the AEEBC associations are legally required to be part of the
rehabilitation process while in others there is a more loose requirement relying on
the quality of their academic and practical experience to prove their competence.

For all these construction industry actors the business-education agreements

assists members to cement the essential knowledge and experience required to
become a Diagnosis expert through the adoption and adaption of the syllabuses
which can be used to develop the Building Diagnosis Expert profession through
continuing professional development, training and project dissemination.

Stakeholders were chosen by WUT, to assure variety of different construction
branches, related to the syllabuses for "Diagnosis course" created in the project.
Among 14 signed agreements WUT can present: consulting company in the soft
skills / construction, designers and contractors, building expert, diagnostics
company, construction company in the area of development, general contractor
in construction, lawyers and advisors in construction, project management in
construction, industrial projects contractor, professional association in
construction, BIM leader and developer specialised in rehabilitation of old
Agreements signed strengthen the co-operation between Faculty and Industry,
facilitate better future use of qualifications list and professional skills as well as
course program for Building Diagnosis Expert developed by Diagnosis project.
WUT and companies/organisations find the agreements useful for the possible
WBL training of students and graduates on the base of future specific
agreements between parties - when funds are available. Agreement is also
important for possible training for future experts and dissemination of the project

Stakeholders chosen by PSMB were selected from the biggest and most
influential construction companies and organizations operating on local and EU
construction market. This ensures the best possible outcome in valorisation of the
project’s results and future use of the materials developed during the project.
Agreements strengthen the co-operation between Association and Industry,
facilitate better future use of qualifications list and professional skills as well as
course program for Building Diagnosis Expert developed by Diagnosis project.
PSMB also sees an opportunity in accreditation of future courses based on
materials developed in the project and certification of the participants. Such
accreditation and certification will draw more participants to such courses and
raise awareness of the significance of expert in diagnosis profession. Agreement
is also important for possible training for future experts and dissemination of the
project results.

3. List of the involved stakeholders

Id. Name of the Country Type of organization

Public Administrations

1 Generalitat de Catalunya Spain Housing Department

2 Barcelona Municipality Spain Housing rehabilitation Department


3 Municipality of Cento Italy Local Public Body

Universities, research and training

4 Associazione FOR.RI.S Italy Tertiary level VET Provider,

Research and development

5 ESG Portugal Architecture School

6 UdL Spain Building engineering school

7 ECIPAR Ferrara Soc. coop. r.l. Italy Tertiary level VET Provider,
Research and development

8 FORM ART SOC. CONS. ART Italy Tertiary level VET Provider,
Research and development

9 ITS Foundation Territory, Energy, Italy Public-Private Foundation


10 Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologia dei Italy National research centre

Materiali Ceramici – ISTEC CNR

11 Services Innovation Clust-ER Italy Public-Private association for

innovation in ICT services, building
and construction sector

Professional associations

12 ACE Spain Association of structural experts

13 CGATE Spain Spanish Association of Technical


14 COAC Spain Catalan association of Architects

15 CNA Ferrara Italy Business support organisation in

Arts & Crafts sectors

16 CONFARTIGIANATO Ferrara Italy Business support organisation in

Arts & Crafts sectors

17 Edili Reggio Emilia COOP. SOCI. Italy Association in building and

ARL construction sector

18 Consorzio FORMEDIL Emilia Italy Association in building and

Romagna construction sector

19 Consorzio WUNDEKAMMER Italy Business support organisation for


20 CONFINDUSTRIA Brindisi Italy Business support organisation for

industrial sectors

21 GREMI CONSTRUCTORS Spain Catalan association of Building


22 KONSTRUKTOR FORENINGEN Denmark Danish Technical Architects

23 PZITB Poland Polish Chamber of Engineers and

Technicians in Construction

24 PZPB Poland Polish Association of Construction


Construction companies

25 ACSoftware srl Italy ICT company

26 AIRIS SRL Italy Specialists in building, construction

and sustainability projects

27 ARCHLIVING srl Italy Architecture and engineering firm

28 BPK POZNAN Poland Large designer and contractor

29 BUILTI srl Italy Start-up specialized in integrated

ICT technologies for structural
analysis and buildings rehabilitation

30 Centro Ceramico Italy Research centre of the E-R ceramic
industrial district

31 CertiMaC soc. Cons. A r.l. Italy Company experts in quality

assurance & certification for the
construction sector

32 CONTRACTA Spain Construction company experts on

rehabilitation works

33 ECOMILAN Poland Construction company, developer

34 ELJAKO-AL Sp. z o.o. Poland Construction elements producer

35 ERBUD S.A. Poland Construction company, developer

36 FBI TASBUD Poland General contractor in construction

37 Giancarlo Maselli Diagnostica & Italy Company experts in diagnosis


38 HBREAVIS Poland International construction company

39 Hydrostop-3 Sp. z o.o. Poland Construction company

40 Monitor the Planet Italy Company experts integrated 3D

survey for buildings rehabilitation

41 Nafibud SA. Poland Construction company

42 Nemezia Ltd. Sp. z o.o. Poland Construction elements producer

43 OMEGA-KBM Wschód Sp. z o.o. Poland Construction company, developer

44 PBM Południe S.A. Poland Construction company, developer

45 POLIMEX INFRASTRUCTURE Poland Construction company, industrial


46 POLIMEX Poland Construction company, general

contractor, designer, project

47 PROCHEM S.A. Poland Construction company, industrial


48 PRO-EN Sp. z o.o. Poland Construction company, energy


49 SKANSKA Poland Large international designer,

contractor, project management,
BIM leader in Poland

50 UNIBEP Poland Construction company, developer,

rehabilitation of old buildings

51 URCOTEX Spain Construction company experts on

rehabilitation works

52 Wiksud Sp. z o.o. Poland General contractor

Professional experts

53 ALAN CRIPPS UK Consulting Chartered Building


54 APROPOS Poland Consulting company, soft skills /


55 Aprovis Grzegorz Elert Poland Consulting company, soft skills /


56 AQABA Spain Consulting on history and


57 AQUIDOS Spain Consulting on rehabilitation and

urban regeneration

58 ARI AUTIO Finland Master Engineer

59 ARDEVOL Spain Consulting on building rehabilitation

60 BANGOLO Spain Consulting on construction traditional


61 BIOMETRIC Spain Consulting on BIM modelling

62 BO SORENSON Denmark Technical Architect

63 BRIAN BEADLE UK Construction Consultant

64 CAMILLA WERME Sweden Building Consultant

65 CRAIG ROSS UK Chartered Building Surveyor

66 DAVID SHARP UK Building Expert

67 Diverserighestudio Italy Architecture firm

68 ERIC DE KHEGEL Belgium Property surveyor

69 ESTUDI M103 Spain Consulting on wood structures

70 ETRES Spain Consulting on rehabilitation and

energy efficiency

71 FAVA Italy Experts in Diagnosis and building


72 GERT JOHANSEN Denmark Building Constructor

73 GIUSEPPE MARCHI Italy Professional

74 GOMEZ VAL Spain Consulting on building rehabilitation
and restoration

75 GRAHAM CHALKY UK Architectural Technologist

76 HANNU JARVELAINEN Finland Master Engineer

77 HUGH JOHNSON UK Building Surveyor

78 JAMES EVAN UK Architectural Technologist

79 JETTE DJAELUND Denmark Building Constructor

80 JOHN YADOO UK Chartered Builder

81 Kancelaria D&B Poland Lawyers and advisors in construction

82 KIRSTEN NIELSEN Denmark Architectural Technologist

83 LBLA + partners Italy Architecture firm

84 LEIVA Spain Consulting on Diagnosis and


85 LINN BESSNER Sweden Building consultant

86 MANZANO Spain Consulting on urban regeneration

87 MARK KENNETT UK Chartered Technical Architect

88 MARTIN HOMANN Germany Construction expert

89 MARTIN LENTING Germany Construction expert

90 MASALA Spain Engineering consultancy

91 MEME Architetti srl Italy Association of professionals

92 MULTICONSULT Poland Consultant and project manager in


93 NOVALTRA Spain Consultancy in structures


94 PM Group Poland Project management in construction

95 RATIJA CHITNAVIS UK Building Services


97 SOREN NISSEN Denmark Building Constructor

98 STAN BARKER-MCGUIRE UK Building Engineer

99 STEEN LARSEN Denmark Building Constructor

100 STRUCTIVA Consultancy Spain Building diagnosis & rehabilitation

101 STUDIO TECNICO EDI Italy Experts in Diagnosis and building
MASSARENTI construction

102 T9sA Spain Consultancy on restoration and


103 VENTURI INGEGNERIA Italy Experts in Diagnosis and building


104 ZAZURCA Spain Consulting on building restoration

105 ZSOLT TOTH Belgium Consultant Property advisor

Annex. Model of Business-Education agreement


City and date.

Agreement between:

Representative of Diagnosis project Consortium (names, addresses, TVA

number, etc.)


Representative of the partner (names, addresses, TVA number, etc.)

This agreement sets for the terms and understanding between the DIAGNOSIS
partner and the (ORGANISATION) to develop Work Based Learning (WBL) and
training activities on the base of Erasmus+ Diagnosis project results
CONSTRUCTION SECTOR, project No: 2017-1-ES01-KA203-038254).

One important need of the construction sector is related to the lack of a specific
professional profile: a DIAGNOSYS EXPERT. An expert who can dialogue with
owners of existing buildings or their representatives and at the same time with
building and construction professionals. This expert can use up-to-date
technologies to analyse the building, detect and explain the needed
interventions in order to correct de existing damages and to improve the
behaviour of the building in different aspects (energy, structure, comfort etc).
Diagnosis expert could -with specific socio-psychological and technical
competences- inform and guide owners and building managers.

This agreement will create possibilities to put into practice such qualifications
list and professional skills as well as course program for Building Diagnosis
Expert developed by Diagnosis project. The above goals will be accomplished
by undertaking the possible WBL training on the base of future specific
agreements between parties. The main collaboration tasks will be:
 Provide training for future experts
 Receive future experts in training, to carry out practical activities in
 Open opportunities, in the market, by the new experts, once formed.
 Make dissemination of project and experts among the associates

This agreement is not a commitment of any funds from both parties.

This agreement shall become effective upon signature by the authorized
officials and will remain in effect until modified or terminated by any one of the
partners by mutual consent with one-month notice. It may be modified by
mutual consent of authorized officials from both parties, in written.

Legal Aspects
Both parts agree on solving possible conflicts with both parts accordance for
solving conflicts on the interpretation and execution of this Memorandum

In prove of conformity, the both partners sign this agreement, in the place and
data referred in first page.

Diagnosis member Organisation partner

Representative of the Organisation, Representative of the Organisation,

name and position name and position


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