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Love of Wisdom

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Love of wisdom
Running Head: LOVE OF WISDOM


Based on my understanding, wisdom is an important aspect of human existence. I believe

wisdom involves thinking ability and acting by utilizing one’s knowledge, experience, common

sense, and understanding. The love of wisdom involves knowledge of nature, existence, and

reality. The love of wisdom in simple language refers to philosophy. And in the study of

wisdom, there are questions asked such as “what is the meaning of knowledge?”. Regularly

individuals when asked such a question, the response will include that being knowledgeable is

being smart but from the deep understanding of a philosopher, knowledge (wisdom) means

knowing we don’t know anything. Therefore, wisdom entails the creation of metaphysics

answers, epistemology answers, and answers to logic questions. The love of wisdom or rather

philosophy also involves looking for inspirations and influences from past answers of individuals

on such types of questions.

I have tried to understand the relationship between the love of wisdom and philosophy

and identified the following; from the definition of philosophy itself, it is a Greek word

“philosophia” where Philo means “love” and Sophia means “wisdom”. Thus, implying that love

of wisdom is philosophy. I consider the love of wisdom as a reflection process involved in

critical thinking and making reasonable dimensions relating to significant life questions. The

love of wisdom involves searching for answers to questions characterized as being never-ending

questions such as; what is the origin of everything in the world? what is life's purpose? where did

religion begin?
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The role of wisdom is to increase our admiration sense. Through wisdom, an individual

can acquire self-understanding and can overpower the limits due to existing beliefs and

preconceptions. Love of wisdom or philosophical reflection is beneficial to individuals'

intellectuals, self-awareness, and self-consciousness and for expanding how our minds are fed

with information. Wisdom or rather a philosophy is regarded as the foundation of sciences

including mathematics, and history among others.

I have come to understand that love of wisdom has value embedded in its uncertainty as

identified by the philosophy of Bertrand Russell, this is because with philosophy or wisdom,

there is no guarantee that I can obtain exact answers but I am enabled to think and reason. For

example, the philosophy of Bertrand Russell can be considered as the need of the mind which is

studied not to establish answers to questions but rather to identify questions for answers.

Wisdom is a major affair that is based on judgments and values, and it is associated with a bright

nurturing of human affairs and the different ways of experiences interpretation, for instance,

based on the words of Socrates that “I am justified in trying to escape without the consent of the

Athenians, and if I am right in escaping, then I will attempt; but if not, I will abstain.” Based on

this word, I can say that the words significantly bring out the meaning of philosophy as the love

of wisdom.

The love of wisdom has taken people to different places globally throughout human

history. The great philosophers have different ideas just they are different. But what is common,

although we exist in a world preceded by different philosophers, they had similar interests. The

love of wisdom has provided an opportunity to establish the truth about common questions such

as why human beings exist. Through wisdom, the truth is established independently, and that is
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why philosophers like Socrates loved the love of wisdom. It is through the love of wisdom that

Socrates provided the elimination of false answers to questions that individuals believed were


What I have learned concerning the love of wisdom is that if someone is wise, he or is

categorized as reaching the deepest state of awareness of life, the reality of nature, and the

existing reality. The state of being wise is reached by reflecting deeply on extended periods.

Individuals are interested in learning about philosophy to get answers to deep and disturbing

questions. Therefore, the love of wisdom is an exercise that is extended toward gaining answers

related to the prevalence of some things.

The love of wisdom, I, therefore, submit that it resides in an individual ability to ask

questions, understand questions, and seek the answers to the questions effectively. The love of

wisdom, I believe considers a substantial measure and pursuit of reasonable autonomy, which if

not established among the answers, then can be identified as an individual goes on seeking

answers. This is the reason; I can maintain that philosophers like Plato and Aristotle had a love

for wisdom and were wise even if I may not accept their answers on different issues. But their

wisdom is evident as seen in how they were able to approach different questions by employing

their powers of reasoning. Therefore, approach to wisdom based on the ability to ask questions,

understand, and seek required answers provides ways of handling what could be loved, thus

raising “what love is?” as a question in philosophy. The love of wisdom cannot be compared to

the love of certain ways of life but it is love for answers, awareness, and lack of required
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answers. The love of wisdom, I can say is a way of life encouraging individuals to have

reasoning powers, reflection powers, evaluation, and decision-making powers. The love of

wisdom, I believe is the love of personal nature actively as compared to having possessive love

which doesn’t encourage creativity.

I can conclude that the love of wisdom is seen as a discipline that is not unified but

entails different schools or branches, and it is not simple to talk about the love of wisdom once.

But to understand the love of wisdom, it is important to base it on a single approach allowing

great analysis of ideas and themes related to the love of wisdom. The love of wisdom does not

primarily concern knowledge and it is not related to knowledge at all costs but it entails the

thinking ability to navigate through issues. the love of wisdom does not concern ingesting a body

of thoughts and proceeding for defense against others but it involves the development of critical

opinions and having individual courage to think. The main purpose of the love of wisdom is to

establish a link between thoughts, thinkers, and a broad subject indicating the significance of the

love of wisdom.

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