MGT Micro-Project
MGT Micro-Project
MGT Micro-Project
Micro-Project Report on
“Medium Scale Industry”
1). Pathare Sandesh. [2014660159]
2). Pimparkar Harshal. [2014660121]
3). Kalamkar Onkar. [2114660143]
Guided by
This is to Certify that the Project work Entitled
Submitted By
1) Pathare Sandesh [2014660159]
2) Pimparkar Harshal. [2014660121]
3) Kalamkar Onkar. [2114660143]
In the partial fulfillment of diploma in Computer Engineering Has been Satisfactory carried out Under
may guidance as per the requirement of Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education, Mumbai
During The Academic Year 2022-2023
Date :-
(Prof. Bachakar.R.R) (Prof.Chaure.S.M) (Prof.Kulkarni.D.A)
Small scale industries are important because it helps in increasing Employment and
economic development of India. It improves the growth of the Country by increasing urban and rural
growth. Role of Small and medium scale Enterprises are to help the government in increasing
infrastructures and Manufacturing industries, reducing issues like pollution, slums. Poverty, and
many Development acts. Small scale manufacturing industries and cottage industries play a Very
important role in the economic development of India. If any amount of capital is Invested in small
scale industries it will help in reducing unemployment in India and Increasing self-employment. The
industry is a sector in which the production of Goods is a segment of the economy. Let us learn more
about the importance of Small Scale industries and how SSI helps in developing the country.
1. Partner in nation building: Education, good health, etc. Are most important for a Country to
flourish exponentially. As SSIS provide numerous job opportunities to Various classes of
people, they are not only paying them their salaries but also Enabling them to improve their
lifestyle, sending their children to schools to gain Education who will become partners in the
nation building in time to come and Providing them with good and hygienic food.
2. Customized Products: Instead of generic products already present in the Market, you want
to provide some sort of customized products to your Customers, then small players can
come to your rescues.
3. Employment to local people: MNCs and big corporates usually recruit highly Effective and
skilled manpower from all over the world as they want to achieve Greater numbers.
However, SSIS recruit more and more local people as they want To build relations instead of
just generating numbers.
4. Creation of jobs: In the modern era where larger corporates and MNCs are Moving more
and more towards automation and mechanization, SSIs which still Cannot afford such high-
end technologies, seek to recruit more and more people Into their labour intensive
5.Discipline into the industry:
Some big players have even setup an altogether different department Just for the
customer care. Even conglomerates are aware that if they start Ignoring customers and merely focus
on maximising profits, then those Customers will ultimately shift to smaller players present in the
industry. Detail of activity Start Date Finish Date Name of team member
Micro-Project Report
“Medium Scale Industry”
1.0Brief Description:
Small scale industries (SSIs) also known as MSMEs are defined & categorized by the Micro,
Small & Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006. The act categorizes different scale of
Industries on the basis of investment in plant & machinery in case of manufacturing
Industries and on the basis of investment in equipment in case of service sector industries.
Many Small Scale Industries face the problem of scarcity of funds. They are not
able to Access the domestic capital market to raise resources. They are also not able to tap
foreign Markets by issuing ADR’s (American Depository Receipts) GDR’s (Global Depository
Receipts) etc because of their small capital base. Banks and financial institutions require
Various procedures and formalities to be completed.
7.Problems in Export
They lack knowledge about the export procedures, demand patterns, product
preferences, International currency rates and foreign buyer behavior. Small Scale Industries
are not able To Penetrate foreign markets because of their poor quality and lack of cost
competitiveness. In Countries like Taiwan, Japan etc. Products produced by Small Scale
Industries are exported To many foreign countries.
Advantages of Small Scale Production:-
1.Close Supervision:
The small producer can himself supervise the minutest details of the business. Nobody is
Allowed to spoil machinery or waste materials. The master’s eye is everywhere. There can
Be no fraud or idleness. He will exercise utmost economy to achieve the aim of maximum
2.Nature of Demand:
The small producer has an advantage over the large producer, when the demand is either
Small or is constantly changing. He has thus a sphere of his own where he has an advantage
Over the large scale producer.
3.More Employment:
In the face of large scale unemployment existing in the country, the development of cottage
And small scale industries is of great help to create more employment opportunities. Small
Scale production is more labour-intensive.
1.To aid, counsel, assist, finance, protect and promote the interests of theSmall
ScaleIndustries in the State.
2.To undertake and provide Marketing facilities to Small Scale Industrial Units In the State.
3.To undertake procurement and sale of various raw materials whether Imported or
Indigenous for supply to the Small Scale Industrial Units.
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