Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
around the world. In 2012, the world’s cities have generated a billion tons of
solid waste per year, which means that a kilogram of solid waste is being
produced per person per day. And with the rapid growth of population and
years to come. Solid waste management (SWM) has always been a rising
concern in line with the rapid growth of population. A fast growing population
means a fast growing problem on proper solid waste disposal. Solid waste
opportunity to adjust the solid waste system before population and the
handling into a business is also essential, since it can reduce the amount of
traditional Solid Waste Management (e.g. landfill) with sustainable Solid Waste
is based on diverting waste from disposal, which helps conserve landfill space
waste generation in the first place. The residents or the community are made
In relation with Solid Waste Management, Trondillo et., al. (2018) stated
that the Philippines on the other hand have increased waste generation
Section 16, the state shall protect and advance the right of the people to a
balance and healthful ecology in accordance with the rhythm and harmony of
local government units (LGUs) for the creation of their respective Solid Waste
increasing significantly all over the world and has greater impact on
and improved living standard lead to the gradual increase in the volume of
household waste. The rapidly growing cities of the developing countries are
major contributor to generate it. Furthermore Basiru et., al. (2017) added that,
well as their participation on waste collection services were the factors that
Both the drivers of attitudes and perceived behavioral control can be used by
considerable success in solid waste management. But the rest of the world is
solid waste continues to impact public health of entire communities and cities;
pollute local water, air and land resources; contribute to climate change and
needs global attention to arrive at solutions which span across such a wide
range of issues.
Waste Management in Rebe, Lala, Lanao del Norte. Significantly, the study
management, that is, to recycle. Furthermore, the study will also aim to
introduce what Solid Waste Management is and its benefits to the community
the program not just by conducting seminars but also through implementing
sustainable practices inside and outside the household, led by local policy-
The study will be conducted during the second semester of the year
2018-2019 in Rebe, Lala, Lanao del Norte during weekends or any day that
the chosen respondents are free and willing to participate in the study. Since
waste disposal is a problem widely faced globally but fails to receive the
accurate long lasting solution, the researchers finely believe that it is their part
their local community to make them realize the seriousness of the presented
environmental issues and give solutions that are achievable and doable both
inside and outside the household. As stated above the result of the study will
of what the outcome of the study will, educating the community about the
problem is a purpose to conduct the study in the first place, in coordination with
Theoretical Framework
energy, such as solar, hydro, or wind energy; and reduction in fossil fuel
educates people about the environment without asking them to make changes
influence behavior more strongly than short programs, and that practical field
components (Bogner, 1998; Daniels and Marion 2005; Metzger & McEwen,
1999; Zelezny, 1999, Zint, Kraemer, Northway, & Lim 2002.) Finally, Hines,
Hungerford, & Tomera (1986) proposed a model of ERB that addresses both
cognitive and affective variables. The key components of the Hines model
accomplishing this research study is the Planned Behavior Theory that grew
strong premise of the theory is that, at the conceptual level, links among
influences on behavior and their effects are captured through one of the
found that the intention to recycle had an impact on attitudes and norms of
The application of this model to this study is that, the model provides
are a function of beliefs”; since in this context, beliefs refer to knowledge about
account of the domain and contains conceptual analyses of waste, the activity
upon waste, and a holistic view of the goals of waste management. Waste
is to prevent waste causing harm to human health and the environment. The
existing waste. Definitions emerging from this condition may, however, conflict
with the goals of waste prevention, because something that already exists
inherent philosophical implication of such definitions is that they are not able
dynamic definitions for waste and waste management must be sought, which
can explain why waste is created and can offer an intrinsic solution for the
Likewise, as with any new theory, Pongracz’ et., al. (2004) Waste
options is generally pre-specified. It is expected that the insight that the theory
protection. The practical values of Waste Management Theory thus are: giving
how and when to select and integrate waste management options, predicting
the outcomes of the use of waste management actions, and aiding legislation
Conceptual Framework
the improper waste disposal under RA 9003 of 2001. Under this program, local
between the independent and dependent variable and the output of the study.
First the independent variable shows the level of awareness, the subjects self-
New Ecological Paradigm and dominance over other species which pertains
attitude towards recycling, the subjects attitude towards the introduced waste
shows the state of solid waste management in the locale of the study. Lastly,
towards recycling and their perception on the state of solid waste management
in their area, and the output that centers to the implications based on the result
of the study.
Independent Dependent
Variables Variable
Solid Waste
Educational attainment;
Number of household
members; and
Monthly family income
1.1 age;
1.2 gender;
1.4 occupation;
waste management?
waste management?
towards recycling, and solid waste management among the adolescents and
from 13 to 19 years old for the adolescent respondents and 20 and above for
the adult counterpart all residing in Rebe, Lala, Lanao del Norte. The maximum
number of participants in this study is 50, since the location of the study has a
meaning, those who are able to read or write and comprehend the
about the problem on waste disposal the whole world is facing. Another
significant impact of this study is to increase the reader’s knowledge about the
continually support and improve the law on proper waste disposal, specifically
the RA 9003 of 2000. Also to encourage them to not just address the law but
also lead the implementation of it, especially by the local government units
where they can easily reach out the citizens to raise awareness and educate
classroom. Through your teachings children will know the importance of solid
Parents, through this study may you lead the awareness and practice of
waste management in your household, for the reason that parents are the first
teachers to their children’s sight and that cleanliness starts within the
household. And with your guidance the children in the household might follow
Community, through this study they will have a better and deeper
contributes to health and environmental risks, not just for the existing
generation but on the future generation as well if this same problem is not taken
care of.
Students, with this study, they may sustainably practice the proper
management of waste and not just rely on the awareness that they gained
education that just educates people about the environment without asking
them to make changes in their own lives is not environmental education – it’s
natural science”.
Definition of Terms
To understand the study more, the following terms are defined as used
Dominant Social Paradigm. The view that humans are superior to all
other species, the Earth provides unlimited resources for humans, and that
measure of the respondent’s denial when asked about the problem on waste
study, environmental impact is used to measure the impact that the solid waste
New Ecological Paradigm. The view that humans represent only one
among many species on Earth, where human activities are determined by the
environment as well as by social and cultural factors, and that humans are
strongly dependent upon the environment and its resources. In this study, new
of solid waste materials in a way that best addresses the range of public health,
a way to ensure that the quality of the environment and the supply of the