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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education



Directions: For each question, select the best answer from the four options provided. Mark your answer on the
answer sheet by shading the circle that corresponds to your choice.

1. Tourism industry brings economic advantages to a destination location, either local or international. It has had
visible impacts on the sociocultural and socio-economic environment. Which is the best benefit that a
destination locality might get in pursuing tourism development?

A. Little or almost no benefit from community in pursuing tourism as it will destroy our natural resources.
B. Developed destination can make it popular to many foregin tourist as well as in demoestic.
C. Tourism development can provide a range of benefits to localities, such as increased economic activity,
job creation, and improved infrastructure. As more tourists visit the area, they spend money on local
businesses, which helps to generate revenue and create new job opportunities.
D. Tourism development can create jobs, improve infrastructure, and increase revenue for local

2. A local tourist asks about the topographic information of a New Zealand as well as the state of safety and
security in the country. What kind of source of information are you going to use to provide appropriate and
accurate information for the tourist?

B. The Internet
C. Newspaper and Magazines
D. Brochure and Flyers

3. Department of Tourism (DOT), Philippine Travel Agencies Association (PTAA), and Women in travel
Philippines (WTP) are some of organizations that collect and compile up-to-date tourism data and make it
readily available to their members and other industry professionals. Why is it important for tourism businesses
to have these kinds of organizations?

A. It plays a crucial role in promoting sustainable tourism practices in the country, which benefits not only
tourism businesses but also the environment, local communities, and the country’s economy..
B. These tourism organizations exist to benefit tourism businesses.
C. Provides a platform for tourism businesses to network and collaborate, access market insights, and
receive training and support for sustainable tourism practices.
D. These organization collects money to tourism business for them to use it in infrastructure and
development of natural resources.

4. The main purpose of tourism promotion is to sell products and services. Tourism sectors devise ways to
introduce their products to the market. Tourism products and services have characteristics that differentiate them
from commercial products. What is the best way to describe tourism products?
A. A tourism product can be a tangible item like a souvenir, an intangible service like a guided tour, or a
combination of both.
B. Any product that can be consume by the customer.
C. tourism products are an essential part of a destination's offerings, and can enhance a visitor's experience
by providing unique and memorable opportunities.
D. Tourism product is a service or item that is sold to tourists.

5. Tourism policy is a set of discourses, decisions, and practices driven by governments, sometimes in
collaboration with private or social actors, with the intention to achieve diverse objectives related to tourism.
Why is it important for our Local Government Agency (LGU) to formulate tourism policies in their community?

A. Policies can help ensure the safety and security of both tourists and local residents, by addressing issues
such as crime, natural disasters, and public health risks.
B. Tourism can be a significant driver of economic growth in communities. Tourism policies can help
create jobs, generate revenue, and promote the development of local businesses.
C. Tourism can have positive impacts on the social and cultural fabric of a destination.
D. Tourism policy can be developed at the local, regional, national, or international level, and involves
collaboration among a range of stakeholders, including government agencies, tourism industry
organizations, local communities, and visitors.

6. Urban tourism refers to tourism activities that take place in cities, and it has some unique characteristics that
distinguish it from other types of tourism. Which of the following best characterizes urban tourism?

A. Urban tourism is characterized by cultural and historical attractions, diverse experiences, accessibility
and connectivity, innovation and creativity, and sustainable development
B. It can be nature based that deals with natural and man-made resources that is very beneficial to both
tourist and local community.
C. Urban tourism is tourism in cities
D. Urban tourism is characterized by its focus on cities, which offer a wide range of cultural and historical
attractions that appeal to visitors. Cities are also known for their diversity and dynamism, with a wide
range of experiences and activities available to tourists.

7. Public Relations (PR) is the process of creating a positive image and it can be done using various activities to
promote one’s tourism business. How important is public relations to promote tourism destinations, products,
and services?

A. Public relations is essential to promote tourism destinations, products, and services because it enables
destinations to build trust, credibility, and positive relationships with their target audiences. Through
effective public relations, destinations can create awareness and interest in their offerings, address
concerns and feedback from visitors, and differentiate themselves from competitors.
B. Public relations is important to promote tourism destinations, products, and services because it involves
building relationships with the public, creating awareness, and shaping public opinion.
C. A kind of strategy that is very important to business like tourism industry.
D. Public relations is a way of communicating with the public. It is also a device use to persuade people to
buy the product that they are offering.

8. A brochure is like a magazine but with pictures of the product or the service which the brand is promoting.
What is the importance of marketing brochures in tourism promotion?

A. A marketing brochure is a printed piece of marketing material.

B. It is important as one of major category in tourism, it serve as the driving force for tourist to buy the
product and services offered in the market.
C. Marketing brochures play a critical role in tourism promotion by serving as a tangible, branded
representation of a destination, product, or service. They can convey a wide range of information,
including details about attractions, accommodations, activities, and amenities.
D. Marketing brochures are important in tourism promotion because they provide information about
destinations, products, and services in a concise and visually appealing format. They can also be
distributed to a wide range of audiences, including potential visitors, travel agents, and tour operators.

9. Lyanna, a successful tourism agency operator, quarterly evaluates research data and tracking of media
messages for media planning in her business. What conclusion can we draw from this situation?

A. Urban tourism is characterized by cultural and historical attractions, diverse experiences, accessibility
and connectivity, innovation and creativity, and sustainable development
B. Lyanna's success as a tourism agency operator can be attributed in part to her strategic use of research
data and media tracking in media planning. By regularly reviewing research data and media messages,
she is able to stay up-to-date on the latest tourism trends and preferences, as well as monitor the
effectiveness of her marketing campaigns.
C. Lyanna evaluates research data and tracks media messages for media planning.
D. Evaluating research data and tracking media messages are important components of media planning in
tourism promotion. By analyzing research data, such as visitor demographics and trends, Lyanna can
better understand her target audience and tailor her marketing efforts accordingly.

10. Safety and security measures are now standard practices in the most-tourism-related establishments as
tourists are now more mindful of ensuring that they are safe and secure while they seek out a good time. What is
the importance of safety and security measures as standard practices for tourism destinations?

A. Safety and security measures are important in tourism destinations because they help to keep tourists
B. Safety and security measures are crucial in tourism destinations because they are interconnected with
several other factors, such as the destination's reputation, tourist confidence, and sustainable tourism
practices. Effective safety and security measures can help to enhance a destination's reputation, boost
tourist confidence, reduce liability and financial risks, and promote sustainability in tourism.
C. There is no possible direct importance of safety and security measures in tourism destination as it
hinder the tourist from exploring the majority of attraction in a particular destination.
D. Safety and security measures are essential in tourism destinations for several reasons, including
preventing crime and terrorism, reducing accidents and injuries, and protecting tourists from natural

11. Legal issues can sometimes arise when customers, guests, clients, or passengers are displeased with the
services they have received. Why is it important for the members of tourism industry to know legal issues in

A. Members of the tourism industry need to know legal issues in tourism for several reasons, such as
avoiding legal penalties and protecting the rights of tourists. Understanding legal issues can also help
industry professionals to create safer and more ethical tourism experiences for visitor.
B. Knowing legal issues in tourism is essential for members of the tourism industry because it is
interconnected with several other factors, such as maintaining the industry's reputation, protecting the
environment, and promoting sustainable tourism practices. Industry professionals who are aware of
legal issues can develop strategies to prevent legal disputes, minimize liability and financial risks, and
contribute to the long-term sustainability of the industry.
C. It's important for members of the tourism industry to know legal issues in tourism because they need to
comply with the law.
D. Knowledge in legal issue of tourism can only be important if the owner of particular attraction is
irresponsible. Nevertheless it is not a high priority for members of tourism.

12. Lisa is a young public-school teacher who decided to take a vacation. Looking for a destination that she can
relax, she religiously searches for information from various sources before making a purchase decision,
considering travel is an expensive one. What conclusion can you draw from this situation?
A. Lisa's approach to travel underscores the need for travel companies to prioritize customer needs and
expectations by offering reliable and comprehensive information that can assist them in making well-
informed decisions.
B. Lisa values the importance of careful planning and research when making a travel purchase decision.
C. Lisa researched information from various sources before making a purchase decision, indicating that
she is willing to put in the effort to find a destination that meets her expectations.
D. No conclusion can be drawn as there is not enough information about Lisa's research process or
decision-making criteria.

13. A good communicator identifies who they are talking to before crafting the message and deciding on the
best way to transmit it. The type of receiver will determine the following: “how you say it”, “when you say it”,
“which medium will you use”. Why is it important for tourism agents to have good communication skill?

A. Effective communication allows tourism agents to understand the needs and preferences of customers,
enabling them to offer tailored travel solutions that meet their expectations.
B. Effective communication is crucial for tourism agents to build trust and credibility with customers,
ultimately leading to repeat business and positive word-of-mouth referrals.
C. Communication skill can only be effective if we use our own language to engage in different situation
in tourism engangement.
D. Tourism agents need good communication skills to effectively convey information to customers and
address their questions and concerns.

14. Lester is a newly hired tour guide and is leading a tour for foreign travelers with different nationalities.
Despite not properly preparing for the tour, Lester tries his best to communicate with the tourists but many of
them end up being disappointed because they are unable to understand him. What conclusions can be drawn
from this situation?

A. The tourists were disappointed because they couldn't understand the tour guide.
B. The tourist will be glad to the tour guide because of the help he have given despite the fact of lack of
C. The tour guide needed to learn more about the tourists' languages and cultures, and should have
prepared more before the tour.
D. Proper preparation and effective communication are essential for providing a positive experience for
tourists, especially in a diverse group. Without them, tourists can feel excluded, frustrated, and
disappointed, which can lead to negative reviews and damage to the tourism industry's reputation.

15. This includes local and national newspapers, magazines, DVD’s, television programs e.g. documentaries,
news, and TV travel programs.

A. Media
B. Tourism Industry and organization
C. Libraries and Bookshops
D. Automated Information system.

16. Which of the following organization/agency responsible in formulating tourism policies that will be the
standard practices in different tourism sectors here in the Philippines.

A. Department of Environment and Natural Resources

B. Department of Interior and Local Government
C. Department of Tourism
D. Department of Transportation and Communications

17. This category in tourism has converted into a determinant factor affecting destination choice, an important
component of the overall travel experience and, in some cases the prime travel motivation.
A. Urban Tourism
B. Shopping Tourism
C. Sports Tourism
D. Medical Tourism

18. As a professional, amateur or leisure activity – involves a considerable amount of traveling to play and
compete in different destinations and countries.

A. Urban tourism
B. Shopping tourism
C. Sports tourism
D. Medical tourism

19. A vacation package that includes air transportation and a rental car. Many international tourists (FITs) prefer
to buy these types of packages to explore a destination.

A. Fly Drive
B. Foreign Independent traveler
C. Assets

20. The price for a hotel room without the commission of the third-party distributor.

A. Rack Rate
B. Promo Rate
C. Gross Rate
D. Net Rate

21. This rate is typically public, printed on hotel brochures and listed on websites.

A. Rack rate
B. Promo Rate
C. Gross Rate
D. Net Rate

22. A person who puts together vacation packages for groups. They sell these packages as products to
consumers. They also fit into the category of Buyers.

A. Inboud Operator
B. Group tour Operator
C. Partner
D. Frontline Staff

23. It is the tourism involving travel to places historically associated with death and tragedy.

A. Cultural tourism
B. Ghost Tourism
C. Dark Tourism
D. Hiking Tourism

24. The maximum number of people that may visit a tourist destination at the same time, without causing
destruction of the physical, economic, socio-cultural environment, and an unacceptable decrease in the quality
of visitors' satisfaction.

A. Tourism Rules and Restrictions

B. Tourism Policies and Procedures
C. Tourism Overbooking
D. Tourism Carrying Capacity

25. Physical injuries such as fractures or broken bones to customers who slip in the facilities provides in the
premises is one of the legal claims against this sector.

A. Intermediaries
B. Accommodation
C. Transportation
D. Attractions and Destinations

26. Accidents and the various traumatic experiences possibly resulting from these such a high blood pressure
attacks, cardiac arrests, physical injuries, and the like.

A. Intermediaries
B. Accommodation
C. Transportation
D. Attractions and Destinations

27. Part and parcel of the Accommodation sector. These establishments provide the food needs not only of the
tourists but the locals as well.

A. Food and Beverage Services

B. Fast-food restaurant
C. Attractions and Destination
D. Tour Operators

28. A middle agent that links tourism suppliers and potential customers. It provides information, promotions,
contact matching, negotiation, physical distribution, financing, and risk-taking.

A. Intermediaries
B. Accommodation
C. Transportation
D. Attractions and Destinations

29. Is offered as an alternative for hassle-free travel with details already arranged by a travel adviser. One of the
products the intermediaries

A. Tour Incentives
B. Gratitude Tour
C. Tour Package
D. Tour Suite

30. A man courting a lovely woman wanted tom compliment her while they were looking at the moon. The man
says, “Ang ganda ng buwan, kamukha mo.” “The moon is beautiful; it looks like you.” If we are going to think
about it, who wants to look like a moon? He could have said it better by saying, “Ang ganda ng buwan, parang
ikaw.” “The moon is beautiful, just like you.”

A. Language Barrier
B. Mistranslation
C. Faulty word choices
D. Cultural Differences

31. The popular beso-beso for Filipinos is expressed differently in some countries. Some European countries
express a warm greeting through a peck on each cheek and not just on one as Filipinos are accustomed to. A pat
on the head for Filipinos is an act of endearment while it is rude to do the same to a Thai.

A. Language Barrier
B. Mistranslation
C. Faulty word choices
D. Cultural Differences

32. Since the tourism industry is a global industry, communication may become difficult due to differences in
language. One of the reasons why tourists choose to go to the Philippines is because English is widely spoken.

A. Language Barrier
B. Mistranslation
C. Faulty word choices
D. Cultural Differences

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Prepared by:

Subject Teacher

Checked by

Head Teacher III – TLE

Noted by


School Principal IV

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