Unit 2
Unit 2
Unit 2
2.0 Objectives
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Importance of Information
2.3 Areas of Information Generation
2.4 Sources of Information – I
2.5 Sources of Information – II
2.5.1 Travel Agency and Tour Operators
2.5.2 Hotel Indus try
2.6 Sources of Information: Media
2.6.1 Newspapers, Magazines and Advertisements
2.6.2 Specialised Publications
2.6.3 Non-Print Media
2.7 Case Study : USA Eco-Tourism Statistical Fact-Sheet
2.8 Let Us Sum Up
2.9 Clues to Answer
After reading this Unit you will be able to know the:
• importance of information on tourism for a professional,
• roles of the main government and non-governmental agencies which provide tourism related
• role of private agencies and associations as sources of tourism information, and
• sources for such information at appropriate places in the print media and internet.
Word of mouth or oral communication has been the most common source of information. When a
tourist comes back or a first time traveller pose a variety of questions like where can you stay? Which
airlines to fly with? What makes it better than the others? etc. But here one must remember that the
answers coming back are that of an individual’s experiences. It is possible that this individual was not
aware of the options available or in other words had access to only limited information. Yet oral
communication remains the initial information-seeking channel. However, tourism services and
operations involve specialised skills. It is, therefore, imperative for a professional working in the
tourism industry to acquire up-to-date knowledge and information in as many diverse forms as is
possible. It is no doubt a sure ingredient of success in tourism industry.
This Unit, therefore, is intended to serve as guidelines for both the beginner as well as a more
experienced hand in tourism industry as to the possible sources of information generation pertaining
to tourism markets. The learner, with a little bit of practice, will surely be able to grasp the technique
of culling similar information from a score of other sources.
Specialised information is generated by individual participant in the industry. For instance, World
Tourism Organisation, World Travel and Tourism Council, Hotels and Restaurants Associations, Tour
Operation Associations, Airline Operation groups, Tourism Marketing Associations, players of ICE
segment (information technology, communication and entertainment) as well as MICE segments
(Meeting, Incentives, Conferences and Exhibitions), etc. all generate and seek information. This Unit
is, therefore, designed to communicate to you generation sources of such specialised information
required for market planning and market research by these various components of tourism industry.
There may be ample illustrations to suggest that collecting and possessing information is vital for a
successful career in tourism. However, some of the priority areas can be listed as:
1) Planning
Planning is the backbone of tourism services and operations. Even when you have to repeat the
operations year after year, there has to be fresh input of planning each year. In fact a four-pronged
strategy for planning in tourism services seems to work well. The elements of this strategy are:
• retrospective analysis,
• current perceptions,
• introspective analysis, and
• futuristic vision.
In each case a sufficient information base becomes inevitability. Because, if we plan well, we act
well; if we act well we get the desired results. It cannot be refuted that scientific and technological
developments have made it essential for the tourism organisations to act on the basis of a
scientific and intelligent plan and this calls for not only a thorough overhaul of information
collected at periodic intervals but also for a specific consideration to information collection from
as varied sources as you can actually tap.
2) Managing
Managing to satisfy the customer is the life of tourism industry. It is at this level that a tour can
make or break. “Admirable management” is the most common accolades for making a tour
memorable experience. Besides training, therefore, it is the different kind of information input
that tourism professionals require in managing his/her tour as an important component.
Some major areas under which information is generally needed while managing tours are:
• tourist profiles,
• kinds of tour packages available,
• different modes of travel that can be arranged,
• types of accommodation,
• knowledge of the destination area, and
• kinds of ancillary services that can be procured.
3) Promotion
Promotion is what facilitates the selling of tours. The central objective of all promotional efforts is
to inform , generate interest and involve . Here again, interest and involvement may be generated
by providing the tourist with interesting, attractive and useful information as much as to convert
need in to a purchase.
Some of the more common and often repeated methods of promotion are:
• Presentation – introductory in nature and essentially aimed at providing information.
• Publicity – a more vigorous promotion and exercise, with the help of detailed information,
• Advertising – is a tool providing specialised information with promotional mix.
4) Future Orientation
By knowing your past you can predict the developments in future. With the help of scientifically
and technically generated information your organisation finds it easy to adopt even an over
ambitious plan. The promotional efforts may be innovated, product mix can be restructured, the
tourist guides and hotel personnel can be properly trained; provided that the requirements are
known that too well in advance, i.e., through information generation.
5) Image Projection
The magnitude of image problem influences the intensity of success. It is difficult for any
organisation to exist if the image problem continues. The projection of a fair image thus becomes
the integral part of our marketing strategy. Since in tourism purchasing decision of buyer works
on impulses, i.e., if anything wrong with the image of the destination comes to the knowledge of
the buyer this negative image will gain ground as fast as fire spreads in the forest. Information
generated, with the support of graphic presentation of dev elopment trends, makes it is easy to
convince the target users of services about the standard and quality of facilities and services at the
destination. Besides, as a result of quality of information generated communicative abilities are
improved which sim plifies the task of advertiser in composing the sensitive organs to produce a
positive image. Since this is the process of influencing the impulse using the tourist services
which become easier when we succeed in persuading them. You also need information about the
methods used by your competitors in tourism markets for image projection.
You would notice that all aforesaid facts testify the significance of information generation in making
sensitive marketing decisions. It is against this background that alm ost all organisations either
producing goods or generating services attempt to institute and develop sources of information
generation. As you know that the entire drama of marketing is promoted by potential users of goods
or services, information generated pave the way for their transformation in to the actual users. The
tourist organisations are also required to manage the marketing information since the image problem
in tourism has been questioning their existence. Hence, information generation shall be seen as an
integral part of modern marketing management. In subsequent sections of this Unit you will learn
various areas for which specialised sources of information exist and which supplies information
related to statistics, plans, rules, regulation and laws covering different segments of tourism business.
Table 1
On Tourists The information regarding options and attitudes and travel behaviour and
motivations. The important information covers image of destinations, products,
competitor’s offering, prices, quality and services, promotional and selling
activities, channel and experience of tour operators. Regarding travel behaviour
and motivation, the information one related to motivation for travel, location
accommodation, mode of transport, frequency of visits, services at hotels, actual
relations to prices, destination and products.
On Markets Regarding characteristics and trends, size, major segments, locations, details of
demography, market-share and developments. Trends by market segments, type of
product, methods of distribution, role of tour operators, travel agents, national
transport organisation and tourist information centres. Effects of centralised and
computerised reservation systems, effects of direct selling or selling via clubs,
universities, etc. Counters in departmental stores and supermarkets, effects of sales
of holiday homes, apartments, hotels, etc.
On Products National resources (Scenery, climate, flora and fauna, sporting events, e.g.,
skiing, golf, etc., protection of environment, anti-pollution needs or regulations.
Infrastructure – roads, rails, telecommunications, electricity, gas, water banks,
hospitals, food stores, police, courts, garages, book shops, etc.
Superstructure – hotels and other forms of acc ommodations, restaurants, travel
agents, car rental facilities, information offices.
Cultural heritage – historical monuments, handicraft centres, museums, art
galleries, ruins and other relics of past civilisations or cultures, local life styles and
customs, etc.
Access and transport facilities – airports, railway system, rivers, lakes, etc.
iv) Procedural formalities for international tourists, permits for entry in restricted areas, etc.
v) Specially developed tourism products like heritage properties,
vi) Tourist profiles and other related data, etc.
Department of Tourism provides this information free of cost. This enables you to select and pick up
information material of your interest and use the relevant information. In fact, for most of the
countries such information is available on their websites.
Besides, Department of Tourism at Centre, State Tourism Development Corporations have started
collecting and disseminating information on areas of tourist interest, available facilities and services,
government plans for the development of tourism in these areas, etc. For instance, state departments
of Kerala, Rajasthan, West Bengal, Orissa and U.P. have geared up to generate and use information
scientifically and technically. Information generated by these states on areas mentioned in Table 2, is
useful for the industry.
The tourism industry is a multi-segment industry in which different categories of users come to the
attraction. If the information is well generated and managed the marketing activities can be managed
well. Spotting the opportunity, however, is a difficult task but sources of information generation is
instituted properly, removes complexities and the marketer can succeed in reaching to the right target
Industry Airlines, tour operators, travel agents, hotels and other accommodation units,
tourist transporters, etc. at home and overseas.
Trade Association At home and overseas and travel trade and t hose of hotels, carriers, etc.
Publications Trade and Government specialists media: Travel magazines for leisure and
business travellers.
United States
The U.S. ranked second among most visited destinations in 1997 (TIA) with 48.9 million arrivals. The
Travel Industry Association also found in 1998, 1.305 billion one-person trips 100 miles or more
away from home were made by U.S. residents and that U.S. resident and international travellers to the
U.S. spent more than $495 billion in 1998 on travel-related expenses within the U.S., up 2.8% over
1997. During 1998, spending by U.S. resident and international travellers in the U.S. averaged $1.36
billion a day, $56.6 million an hour, $941,971 a minute, and $15,700 a second (TIA).
Table 3: National Incidence Levels of Nature-Based Activities on the Last Vacation
(Nation-wide mainland survey by Bruskin Goldring for Visit Florida, August 1998)
Response Option National Incidence
(“Heavy Users ”) The trip was planned so that nature-based activities, like hiking,
biking, animal watching, canoeing and going to parks, would account for the majority 14.5%
of the time on vacation
(“Moderate Users ”) The trip was planned so that nature-based activities, would
account for some of the time on vacation.
(“Spontaneous Users”) Some nature-based activities, were enjoyed on the vacation,
although they were not planned before the trip. 17.8%
The same survey found that visiting parks and hiking were the most common nature-based vacation
Table 4: Type of Nature-Based Activities Vacationers Participated in During Last Nature -Based Vacation
(Nation-wide mainland survey by Bruskin Goldring for Visit Florida, August 1998)
(List was read; “other” was an option)
Activity Vacationed Anywhere Incidence Rank
Visiting Parks* 55.8 1
Hiking* 55.0 2
Explored a Preserved Area* 47.8 3
Wildlife Viewing (non-birds)* 45.8 4
Biking* 18.7 9
Freshwater Fishing* 17.9 10
Snorkelling or Scuba Diving* 14.7 11
Sightseeing 01.2 21
Walking 01.2 22
* Appeared on List Read to Respondents
No * means was volunteered by respondents after hearing prompt – “Anything else?”
Eco-tourist Profile
Based on data collected by a survey completed by HLA and ARA consulting firms of North America
travel consumers, TES has constructed the following eco-tourist market profile.
Age: 35-54 years old, although age varied with activity and other factors such as cost.
Gender: 50% female and 50% male, although clear differences by activity were found.
Education: 82% were college graduates, a shift in interest in eco-tourism from those who have high
levels of education to those with less education was also found, indicating an expansion into
mainstream markets.
Household Composition: No major differences were found between general tourists and experienced
**Party Composition: A majority (60%) of experienced eco-tourism respondents stated they prefer
to travel as a couple, with only 15% stating they preferred to travel with their families, and 13%
preferring to travel alone.
Trip Duration: The largest group of experienced eco-tourists (50%) preferred trips lasting 8-14 days.
Expenditure: Experienced eco-tourists were willing to spend more than general tourists, the largest
group (26%) stating they were prepared to spend $1,001 - $1,500 per trip.
Important Elements of Trip: Experienced eco-tourists top three responses were:
• Wilderness setting,
• Wildlife viewing
• Hiking/trekking
Motivations for Taking Next Trip: Experienced eco-tourists top two responses were:
• Enjoy scenery/nature,
• New experiences/places
**Experienced Eco-tourists: Tourists that had been on at least one “eco-tourism” oriented trip. Eco-
tourism was defined in this study as nature/adventure/culture oriented travel.
The Travel Industry Association of America (1997) states that 83% of U.S. travellers are inclined to
support “green” travel companies and are willing to spend on average 6.2% more for travel services
and products provided by environmentally responsible travel suppliers. Clients have appreciated the
green policies developed by the Boston Plaza, in Boston Massachusetts. For example, an additional $2
million in new business and a higher occupancy rate was achieved (Rocky Mountain Institute, 1997)
after the hotel implemented environmentally conscious initiatives, energy efficient lighting, water
efficient showerheads, comprehensive re-cycling programme, installation of thermopane windows and
a filtration system allowing the hotel to recycle 2/3 of its wash water and retain most of its heat.
Recreation Activity
The Recreation Roundtable’s Fifth Annual National Survey (1998) based on 2009 in -person
interviews with Americans 18 and older reported that nearly six in ten Americans participate in
outdoor recreation at least monthly. Their motivations for participation vary, but the top objectives are
fun, relaxation, stress relief, experiencing nature and exercise. Mid-westerns remain th e most active in
recreation with 60% taking part in outdoor recreation. North-easterners 59%, West 56%, and the
South up 6% from 1997 at 51%.
The National Survey of Fishing, Hunting and Wildlife-Associated Recreation (1996) found 62.9
million U.S. residents representing, 31% of the U.S. population 16 years and older, enjoyed a variety
of wildlife-watching activities. People who took a primary interest in wildlife around their homes
numbered 60.8 million, while those who took trips away from their homes for the primary purpose of
participation in wildlife-watching recreation numbered 23.7 million people. Wildlife-watching
participants spent $9.4 billion on trips to pursue their activities. An example includes the expansion of
bird watching tourism in South Nebraska associated with the migration of the Sandhill Crane. It
currently brings up to 60 million dollars to the area every year during the spring (Walle, 1997).
Adventure Travel
According to Adventure Travel Society (ATS) adventure travel is a $200 billion business in the
United States (including transportation, meals, lodging and equipment), representing half of the
nations $400 billion tourism industry. In the U.S. there are 10,000 adventure travel companies and
147 million people have experienced some form of adventure travel (ATS).