Psychic Incursions: Mission Briefs
Psychic Incursions: Mission Briefs
Psychic Incursions: Mission Briefs
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§ Suggested Era of Play: The Star Trek time period in which the mission is recommended to be set (Enterprise era,
original series era, The Next Generation era, etc.).
§ Suggested Spotlight Role: The suggested focus player character role. This can be used to help you and your
players plan milestones and character arcs.
§ Synopsis: High-level summary, detailing key points such as location, antagonists, the plot, etc. The synopsis
generally explains how the story might relate to the player characters and provides the essential details needed to
start developing the story.
§ Opening Log Entry: A captain’s log or a personal log, usually written with the suggested spotlight role in mind.
§ Major Beats: Key scenes or encounters to include, leaving room for you to bridge them as needed with material
unique to your cast of player characters and campaign events.
§ Minor Beats: Secondary plot elements or suggested subplots that you could weave into the mission as a side
scene or subplot.
§ Key Non-Player Characters: Brief descriptions of key NPCs, including the main antagonist(s). This element may
also suggest specific NPCs from the core rulebook to use or adapt. Note that any page references listed in this
document refer to the Starfleet-oriented Star Trek Adventures core rulebook.
§ Conclusion: The intended ending of the mission, with suggestions on how to adjust the conclusion if the players
move the story in unanticipated directions.
§ Adding This Mission to Your Campaign: Advice on how you might fit the mission into your ongoing campaign.
The crew find four life-signs aboard the shuttle. Hails go For the Gorthar, use Sehlat stats on page 340 and add the
unanswered and further scans show the Vulcans are asleep following ability: Consume Consciousness – If the Gorthar
with increased heart rates. Telepathic and empathic species inflicts Stress on a character, the target also loses the ability
on the players’ ship feel light-headed the closer they get to to use one focus at random until the Gorthar is killed.
the shuttle.
OPENING LOG ENTRY values could provide interesting character moments. Also
consider a juxtaposition of focuses where someone assumes
We have been sent to recover mineral samples a skill at which they don’t normally excel.
from a nearby planetary ring. This is just the sort of
mission that can bind a crew together in common
work. I hope they come away with a renewed KEY NON-PLAYER CHARACTERS
sense of camaraderie.
MAJOR BEATS One of One, Singular Matrix Exception: Use the Borg Medical
Drone statistics (page 323).
The affected crew members meet a welcoming party who
are concerned for them. The captain will insist on scanning
the crew before they are allowed to go to their quarters.
During this time, the characters interact as normal with the
crew. Eventually one of the crew members should get injured The characters must convince the Borg drone to swap the
and sent to sickbay, where scans reveal they are a synthetic crew’s consciousnesses back to their bodies. If the drone is
android. Doctors discover all other members of the away destroyed in combat, then they must figure out how to use
team are synthetics as well. the device and make the swap. How they deal with the other
bodies on board will differ from ship to ship.
The away team has no memory of becoming synthetics or of
what happened to the shuttle. The crew might scan space for
the lost crew’s bio-signatures or check the shuttle’s flight log Before running this mission, discuss with your group about how they
to find it altered and uncover where it really went. When the feel about having their characters’ bodies transformed against their
ship arrives at the indicated location, the player characters will. Don’t force a player character to be affected if it is something
find part of a destroyed Borg scoutship. A single Borg life- that they don’t want. This mission can highlight Federation values
sign is detected along with a hundred more life-signs. All and spark ethical discussions of what it means to be alive.
hails go unanswered.
SYNOPSIS a few crew members should try to interact with the creature
through lucid dreaming. The engineers on the ship must
construct a lucid dreaming device for a team to use that, if
Crew members start having bizarre nightmares that they feel successful, will let player characters enter their dreams and
were about their lives, but report having difficulty recalling control them.
the actual memory that the nightmares took place in after
they wake up. After several days of widespread insomnia, WITHIN
people start reporting eerily similar descriptions of a creature While using the device, the crew members interact with a
with long fangs and claws appearing in their dreams. The myriad of changing dreamscapes, searching for the creature.
entity is consuming memories from within their dreams. The Some dreamscapes may be games, others might be visions,
engineers must create a lucid dreaming device that allows and several could be combat encounters that culminate with a
player characters to enter their dreams and investigate what final battle with the creature. During the lucid dream, the entity
is terrorizing them. will reveal that it needs to eat memories before its mating
season to ensure its offspring lives.
For the Dream Beast, use the Mugato stats (page 341) but
NIGHTMARES remove the Inject Venom special rule and increase both
Several crew members start having vivid nightmares about Stress and Resistance by 2.
past experiences. When they awaken, the memories fade,
but the dread remains. The crew may also try to process this
in many ways such as seeking sleep aids or trying to find
ways to boost their morale. People commiserate and consult
sickbay, but as insomnia and emotional stress set in across
the ship, it affects the crew’s quality of work. Allow the effects The crew must decide how to stop the creature. If it is
of this strain to come to fruition in a defining event such as an killed, the memories it stole come flooding back, and the
explosion at a party or a shuttle crashing into the shuttlebay. nightmares stop. The creature may also respond to attempts
to negotiate by offering to leave in exchange for memories
IN THE CORNER the crew doesn’t want. If this happens, it will return the
After several days of nightmares, crew members start memories the crew wishes to keep.
remembering a creature in their dreams. All interviewed
persons report a similar vision of claws, horns, and fangs. With
sickbay treatments having no effect, engineers and scientists
begin experimenting. Perhaps the doctor can introduce This mission works well when drawn out over time. This mission also
the concept of lucid dreaming and then the scientists and introduces the concept of a dream dimension that could open into
engineers can run with ideas. It should then be decided that many additional stories now that the crew has a lucid dreaming device.
SYNOPSIS but initial scans only show an infection in their frontal lobes.
Crew members are being disciplined for their behaviors, but
so many become infected that this process becomes nearly
The ship is asked to survey the dust cloud of a recent impossible to enforce.
planetary super collision. After gathering data, several crew
members begin to act impulsively. After a few hours, nearly the TAG ALONG
whole ship is affected. After a raucous party, the transporters The parties and destructiveness continue to escalate as
and communications are damaged. The crew must work unaffected crew members try to find the source of the
together to control their impulses and discover what is causing disruptions. Realizing the issue is taking place in the frontal
them to act as if they’re under the influence of alcohol. lobes of the crew, the crew moves to extreme measures
to find the issue. The doctors eventually discover neuron-
The ship arrives at a recent planetary super collision to record
data and collect samples of the impact on the planet’s unique
mineral content. While exploring, the ship is enveloped by a
dust storm made up of dozens of heavy minerals, including
frozen latinum. Once the latinum touches the hull or shields Once the doctors figure out what is wrong, the crew can
of a ship, it melts momentarily and then refreezes into larger, reprogram the transporter filters to get rid of the neuro-
flat chunks. This causes sensors to give false readings. parasites. Surgical removal is not an option but directed
The crew is able to clear away the latinum from the ship’s electrical pulses can kill the parasites, but might also impact
immediate vicinity. During this time, unnoticed by the crew, the surrounding neurons.
microscopic parasites that were frozen in the latinum crystals
work their way into the ship’s ventilation system. ADDING THIS MISSION TO YOUR CAMPAIGN
ALL FUN AND GAMES Make sure your players are comfortable having their characters act
As the ship continues its mission, crew members start acting “drunk” and being surrounded by others doing the same. This story
overly emotional and even defiant. Some of them seem to works well as a breather between long story arcs. Let the characters
lose their fear responses and judgment capabilities. This have fun and be ridiculous, though some may have mixed feelings
comes to a head as the night shift takes control of the bridge about their behavior afterward. You may also wish to use the parasites
and throws a raging party. Crew members accidentally as a biological attack on the ship by another unknown species.
damage the ship’s transporter room and communication
systems. The doctors recognize the crew is acting inebriated
OPENING LOG ENTRY A character may wish to keep their telekinetic powers. If
they do, their abilities dwindle as the kironide is metabolized.
Traveling at warp speed is fascinating but usually Consider also having the abilities only affect certain species
uneventful. Hearing that our next mission will on board.
take us into an asteroid field was rather exciting. I
haven’t done this type of piloting in a while. It will
be a great refresher and break from the monotony. KEY NON-PLAYER CHARACTERS
CAPTAIN’S LOG Celestial Serpent: Use stats for Berengarian Dragon on
page 342. The celestial serpent is a peaceful creature from
MAJOR BEATS this region. While non-sentient, celestial serpents are able to
use telepathy to move objects are and can even bestow this
ability onto others.
As the ship arrives at the outskirts of the asteroid field, crew
members start to gain the ability to move things with their
minds. Medical scans reveal the affected crew members have
a large amount of kironide in their muscular system. Kironide is
the mineral exploding out of the anomaly in the asteroid field. The net emitters can belong to any enemy your campaign
desires. Another option is to have them belong to a friendly
ASTEROID ATTACK people who are trying to find food. The cosmozoan is freed
The ship flies at impulse toward the anomaly and is when the net emitters are deactivated. This can happen
immediately assaulted by asteroids. Sensors have difficulty from afar and cause damage to the creature or can be done
determining what is happening, but it appears these while physically on the emitters doing a spacewalk without
asteroids are being hurtled at the ship purposefully. The crew injuring the creature. When freed, the creature flies away and
must skillfully dodge the attacks before finding the anomaly stops emitting kironide. In the future, consider revealing who
at the center of the asteroid field. or what is responsible for these traps. Maybe the ship will
encounter more or become trapped in one as well.
When in range, the crew sees the anomaly is actually a
colossal serpentine cosmozoan of which there is no record
of in their database. The creature is trapped within an energy This mission is an emotional one-shot. Another use is to make an
web caused by interconnected, shuttle-sized devices. Each evil species or group in your campaign behind the traps: maybe this
device emits a plasma strand to three others creating a net enemy has laid out more of these nets in the asteroid field to catch
that has enveloped and tightened around the creature. The more creatures or even ships.
flailing creature telekinetically buffets the ship to and fro as
The away team discovers a ship that crashed on the moon’s
surface. The crew finds a large family who has turned
While investigating a planet whose moons are tethered to the warp core of their ship into a device that channels
it by electron beams, the ship is caught in an energy storm. the memory beams from the moons into it. Interactions
When the energy subsides, the crew finds that they have with the family reveal that they have amnesia in regard
each forgotten several years of their lives while instantly to things that happened before the crash and are trying
remembering the first four years all at once. With random to get their memories back with the device. When the
chunks of everyone’s memories gone, the crew must device overloads, the ensuing storms return some of the
piece together what happened and find a way to get their memories. This overload happens on a semi-regular basis as
memories back. it absorbs the memory beams the moons generate. Further
investigation of the moons reveals a geological phenomenon
OPENING LOG ENTRY within their cores that releases memory beams instead of
electromagnetic waves.
We have located a Class-K planet that emits
vast amounts of electrons in the form of lightning
directed at its four moons. The question is, has MINOR BEATS
an unknown intelligent species created this, or is
this the result of some geochemical phenomenon
When remembering their early lives, some crew may
never before seen?
experience happiness but some will suffer sadness. Choose
CAPTAIN’S LOG which few years you want your characters to forget ahead of
time and adjust their focuses and values accordingly.
The ship begins a survey of the Class-K planet and its For the family, select a species that fits your campaign.
moons. Contorting beams of electricity connect each of the
four moons to the planet. The electrical interference throws
sensors and transporters for a loop and the connection
points require closer inspection. As the crew prepares
an away team, an abrupt energy storm shoots up from
the planet and envelops the closest moon and the ship. The crew must find a way to get their memories back using
Moments later, everyone on board remembers the first four the device and figure out what to do with the family and their
years of their life instantaneously. crashed ship. Perhaps the crew could magnify or accelerate
the memory beam creation process within the moons or
MEMORY GAP maybe they can modify the warp device to create bigger
Once they crew reacts to their early memories, they start to memory storms.
realize that they have gaps elsewhere in their memory. Some
forget the last few years while others forget their years at
the Academy. Many may lose focuses or values because
of this. Scientific analysis of the energy storm shows it was Instead of a family, the crash site could be a missing ship in your
created on the planet’s surface. The crew can take a shuttle campaign. The early memories can also be used to plant plot seeds
to investigate further. for ongoing character arcs.
Once the security officer is captured or subdued, the crew
discovers the possessing entity is an alien warlord who thinks
The ship comes across a derelict vessel leaking the crew attacked their ship and killed everyone on board.
radiation. Upon inspection, an away team member The alien will stop at nothing to ensure the death of everyone
is accosted by seemingly intelligent technology. The on board this ship as it believes the crew are responsible for
attack downloads the consciousness of an alien the death of everyone on board their vessel.
warlord into the crew member. Together the crew must
stop the long-dead alien from scuttling their ship.
We have come across a derelict vessel. The ship Consider giving the possessed character a few new focuses
doesn’t appear in any of our databases and is to play with as they try to sabotage the ship. Scientists may
pouring omicron radiation into the region. We be interested in the source of omicron radiation on the ship.
must determine who the ship belongs to and
contain the potentially lethal radiation.
For the alien, Grand Captain R’orarr, use the statistics of the
After a power surge, several crew members are found in For Bint the Ferengi, use the Borg Technical Drone statistics
catatonic states on the floor of the holodeck where they had on page 323 but add 2 Stress and 1 Resistance.
been playing a survival game. With their consciousnesses
uploaded into the program, the crew must battle through the
game and keep themselves alive while the rest of the crew
works to keep their bodies safe and try to find a way to save
them. Even with the game deactivated on the holodeck, the
affected characters continue to play through the program. The medical and engineering teams must heal the characters,
reverse the neuro-energy flow, and identify the code for each
HEALTH PACK individual. This can be done by creating devices, writing
In sickbay, the doctors work to stabilize the bodies. As the computer programs, or any other reasonable way the crew
characters in the game get injured, so do their bodies on the devises. Doing so allows them to download each crew
tables. The doctors determine that the brains are somehow member’s consciousness back into their own brains.
communicating with the holodeck. By investigating the
holodeck subroutines, the engineering team figures out the
brains are communicating with the program via a subspace
network that allows a one-way flow of neural energy This mission can be used as a fun aside before starting a new story
transformed into code. This connection continues even when arc. It also works well to introduce a new Ferengi character, or you
the game is deactivated. might replace the Ferengi with an established character.
The crew finds a path that seems to open up for them. They
find a ship buried in the ground, covered with vegetation. The
While an away team investigates a forested planet of giant team has a final vision of a shadowed alien walking out of a
ferns, they experience visions of horror and pain. After ship with a glass cylinder. The alien turns the glass cylinder
determining a species of plant is the culprit, they track the upside down and hundreds of spores blow out across the
plant to its source. Only there can the away team determine field. The vision ends with the blowing spores stopping in
what the visions mean and learn how to make them stop. midair and then shooting up into space.
MAJOR BEATS The stationary ferns range from 3 to 5 meters tall and are
deep blue in coloration.
While exploring the planet’s surface, each away team
member has visions of the inside of an unknown starship
which ignites in flames. The away team pieces together that
they are each seeing the same vision. After taking scans or The sentient ferns are not from this planet and they wish
examining biological samples, the away team figures out that to return to the stars. While they don’t know where they
their visions are happening when fern spores are inhaled. originated, the ferns know their presence here upset an
ecosystem. They can also communicate that their spores
THE MESSAGE would survive exposed in space but their mature plant form
The team finds trace evidence of six different kinds of spores. would not. The crew can decide to assist in relocating the
They have another vision of the same starship but this time ferns or offer assistance in mitigating the upset ecosystem,
it is raining in the laboratory. The next scan reveals the as appropriate.
team inhaled a second type of spore to produce this vision.
They are given another vision with the laboratory giving way
to sunshine beaming down into a forest. The team then
pieces together the vision showed a nearby location on You could use this mission as the beginning of a larger arc where the
this planet. The characters deduce that these spores are a crew must relocate an entire population of ferns to a place where
communication device from the ferns, which are sentient. they won’t impact the ecosystem. Also consider using a specific alien
species that fits with your campaign.
The Star Trek Adventures Starter Set contains everything you need to begin
your journey to the final frontier:
A Starter rules booklet: Gives you an overview of the 2d20 game system from
Modiphius Entertainment adapted for Star Trek Adventures , also used in
Dune, Mutant Chronicles, Conan: Adventures in an Age Undreamed Of, John
Carter of Mars, and the Infinity RPG.
A A three-mission campaign booklet: Guides you through the rules as you
play, so you can begin exploring the Galaxy straight out of the box.
A Character sheets: Provides 5 player characters and the crew»s starship for
the campaign, with rules references on the back.
A Dice: 2 twenty-sided dice (d20s) and 4 custom six-sided dice (d6s).
A Tokens for Momentum, Threat, and characters.
A Two poster maps of encounter locations for the campaign.
TM & © 2022 CBS Studios Inc. © 2022 Paramount
Pictures Corp. STAR TREK and related marks and logos
are trademarks of CBS Studios Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Starfleet Edition core rulebook These Are The Voyages: Missions Vol.1
The Klingon Empire core rulebook Strange New Worlds: Missions Vol. 2
Starter Set Shackleton Expanse Campaign Guide
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Operations Division Supplement Command, Operations & Sciences Dice Sets
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Alpha Quadrant Sourcebook Range of Miniatures Sets
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