Pte Labs: Course Guide
Pte Labs: Course Guide
Pte Labs: Course Guide
The magical PTE study center
IELTS or PTE ? Are you struggling to
Are you struggling
find flexible time slots
to secure 8 BAND
for your training due
in IELTS ?
to busy schedule
front of a IELTS
Summarize written text Select missing word
Essay (20 mins) Widely accepted by universities, colleges,
Highlight incorrect words
skills assessing authorities and
Write from dictation government departments all around the
04 Schedule tests up to 24 hours in advance,
365 days a year
Who are we ?
FUTURE LABS GROUPS (Pvt) Limited, is the No 1, PTE academic training center which pro-
vides an exam simulation platform empowered with artificial intelligence, real exam
environments in our labs in the premises, professional training staff who have achieved
90 marks for the exam and has the history of producing dozens of students with desired
score cards.
100% Online Platform 100% Real Exam Questions
to Practice. and Answers.
100% Online Platform to practice We provide complete real exam
AUSTRALIA YES YES real exam questions under real database for all 20 components in
exam conditions with exam timing PTE ACADEMIC. First in Sri Lanka.
What we offer
A fixed template for any essay topic, you just
need to replace some sentences.
A fixed template for summarizing written text,
Get 90/90 for your Speaking Component within will take less than 2 minutes.
two weeks
Single fixed structure for Describe Image and
Retell Lecture.
100% real exam questions and answers for the
exam. You only get questions from our database
100% Real Questions & Answers for Answer Short in the real exam. Hit Rate % 100.
Questions - Hit Rate % 100.
Chill out areas and luxury study areas to High quality training environment with cutting
maximize your learning output. edge technology.
Intensive training
The tool is updated in real
time with Real Questions
appeared in PTE Real
Describe image
Single Fixed Structures for Describe image
Describing an image is a frequently occurring event in
day to day life but, delivering an accurate answer for
The candidate must know how to perform these mandatory skills to achieve 90 out of
this component in the exam is a completely different
90 for Speaking. Your score for speaking is completely dependent on the performance
task. The picture you need to describe could be any
of your oral fluency. Being able to access the complete database is not enough to
random pie chart, bar graph, combination chart,
improve your performance in this component. You must know all the technical aspects
process life cycle, geographical map or simply an
about the task and need to practically achieve above mentioned skills.
image with no much information. That means, it’s
completely a challenge as you may not be able to
gather what information to speak and from where to
start. Further you need to demonstrate your oral fluency
Our trained teachers promptly provide you with necessary advice and phase matching in order to secure full marks in this
to assure you are on the right track in real time using the tool. section.
Spoken Text
Solution Single Fixed Structure for Summarized
Our teachers will train the technical aspect of the task, because Spoken Text
you need to be able to speak with necessary sound qualities to secure Problem
your marks for both Speaking and Listening modules. To hear part of an academic lecture about
any random topic which is totally beyond a
You will get the 100% real exam questions bank from the real exam.
familiar subject and to be able to organize
You will be able to access text files through this platform to train yourself to write a summary of it instantly is
a quite hard task.
your speaking difficulties in the Repeat Sentence component
Our intensive training platform provides you with a single fixed structure that you
can memorize and speak for the Summarized Spoken Text and all you need to do is
to collect a few words from the lecture as you hear it. This practice does not rely on
your English language writing skills.
Grammar Vocabulary Written discourse However, in the intensive training platform with the single fixed two-minute structure
Use advanced grammatical Demonstrate a broad range Must use accurate written you would be able to provide your answer confidently. In this practice we eliminate all
structures and do not do of vocabulary and do not discourse
grammatical mistakes make spelling mistakes the possible errors that you may commit from your side and we do not rely on your
language competency at all.
Fill-in-the blanks
100% Real Word List for Listening Fill-in
Timing Relevance the blanks
Need to write a complete essay Need to understand the essay topic and
including the introduction, 1st and construct a good structure using Problem
2nd body paragraphs and the expressions , arguments and examples
conclusion within 20 minutes according to the essay type. You need to fill-out the missing words as you
hear a recording to accomplish this task. The
difficulty is, as you are writing one recognized
Solution missing word you may miss out from hearing
the sections related to the next blan8
However, in the intensive training platform with the single fixed essay structure
for any essay topic you will achieve all the above skills only along with the essay
structure within 13 minutes. Then you will be trained to technically complete the Solution
rest of the essay within four minutes. At the end you will be confident to technically However, our intensive training platform provides you all the possible questions to get
achieve this task regardless of the essay topic. This practice does not rely on your yourself familiarized with these questionnaires. So that you will be able to quickly
language competency at all. recognize and write the answers timely as required.
We only need average fluency in English and your
However, our intensive training platform provides you Top Secret 200 Write from dedication.
Dictations to get yourself familiarized with these questions. The questions that you
will be given at the exam comes out of these predicted content. It is possible to Our training program, fixed structures/templates and the tool
get three or four questions of this type in your exam with a 50% occurrence with real exam questions will support you to achieve the score
possibility for each scenario. If you get three questions then we guarantee that all of 79+ and we don’t depend on your English proficiency.
three questions will come out of our top secret 200 write from dictation and if you
get four questions then only one of the questions will come not from the top secret We provide both online and in-class teaching sessions
but from our complete questions bank.
Well-structured three stage teaching program
We will explain the competitive advantages of the PTE compared to IELTS, including all the
technical aspects you should know about PTE, and demonstrate real exam questions and answers
to give you with a better understanding of how this exam works. We will also reveal 40% of the
exam secrets by demonstrating a real exam during this session. Furthermore, we will precisely
elaborate on how our fixed structures and techniques contribute to achieving the best scores. At
S1 W1 R1 L1 the end of the session, you will have a thorough know-how of the technical aspects of the exam
along with an understanding of the right approach to achieve your desired outcome. Join our
completely free live introductory session and start your PTE journey with us.
3 to 4 WEEKS
S2 W2 R2 L2 Speaking
Speaking 1 (S1):
Components to cover: Read Aloud
01) 100% Real exam questions practice in PTE LABS TOOLS with AI Scoring
Achieve your
desired scores
03) Describe Image – Practice a SINGLE FIXED structure for all image types in W3
PTE LABS TOOLS with AI scoring Writing 3 (CFS):
Components to cover: Review Essay & SWT fixed structures in PTE LABS TOOLS
with AI scoring.
01) Retell Lectures – Practice a SINGLE FIXED structure for all Retell Lecture topics in
PTE LABS TOOLS using 100% Real Exam questions database Reading
02) Answer Short Questions - 100% Real exam questions practice in Required study period: 2 weeks
PTE LABS TOOLS with AI Scoring
01) Provide 100% Real exam questions & Answers in PTE LABS TOOLS (STAGE 1)
Writing 02) Discuss the training mechanism using the PTE LABS TOOLS
Writing 1 (W1):
Components to cover: Essay Structure & Summaries written text stage 1
Reading 2 (R2):
01) Essay Structure – Practice a SINGLE FIXED structure for any essay topics in
Components to cover: Reading & Writing fill in the blanks, Reading Fill in the
the exam.
blanks (drag and drop) Stage 1
02) Summaries written text – Practice SINGLE 2 MINUTES FIXED structure for any
SWT in the exam. 01) Review R1 components in PTE LABS TOOLS with AI Scoring
03) Discuss the training mechanism using the PTE LABS TOOLS 02) Provide 100% Real exam questions & Answers in PTE LABS TOOLS (STAGE 2)
Listening 1 (L1):
L1 Learning pathway
Components to cover: Introduction to all 8 modules
PTE LABS offers a complementary program to assure you
01) Provide 2 MINUTES SINGLE FIXED STRUCTURE for any summarize spoken text in gain the required level of competency to secure your
the exam
desired score in PTE. Our training program consists of
02) Provide TOP SECRET 200 WRITE FROM DICTATIONS and training platform. three stages and you will walk past certain millstones until
03) Provide 100 Real Exam questions for single answers, multiple answers, select you achieve your target. All the teachings and tutoring are
missing words, highlight correct summery.
done by qualified staff and the course is integrated with
04) Provide INTENSIVE TRAINING PLATFORM access for all components. all the necessary tools and technology to support you.
05) Provide 100% Real exam questions & Answers in PTE LABS TOOLS (STAGE 1)
06) Discuss the training mechanism using the PTE LABS TOOLS
Listening 2 (L2):
L2 01 The entry level
Components to cover: Review Summarize spoken text, Write from Dictation
& Listening fill in the blanks
01) Apply fixed structure for REAL EXAM questions.
02) Provide 100% Real exam questions & Answers in PTE LABS TOOLS (STAGE 2) Competency Level
Listening 3 (CFS):
Components to cover: Review
03 Competency Level
01) Provide 100% Real exam questions & Answers in PTE LABS TOOLS (STAGE 3)
02) Discuss last minute exam tips & tricks
Competency Level
You will be provided with real exam questions and your performance
will be monitored. Your work will be reviewed and promptly advised
you were to improve. Once you meet the competency of
intermediate level then you are allowed to take stage two classes.
Recognized Convenient
5 extra points for your Schedule tests online.
immigration point system
CCL Test
Hassle free environment out from the
Colombo CBD.
Community Housing
Employment Legal What we offer CCL Real Repeated Questions for all 12
components & Real exam audio files.
Financial Social services for CCL
These dialogues are designed with a view to examine a candidate’s ability to serve as
a medium of communication between two persons who speak different languages.
03 Completely free introduction session with a
duration of 2 hrs. We will cover 40% exam
logic with a real exam during this session.
With PTE LABS- CCL online coaching, all the classes are LIVE. You will get Classes are conducted in both Sinhalese
the feel of a physical classroom, even though you are taking an online and English languages.
course. You can get your doubts resolved with the tutor. Expect lots of
Both online and on-premises classes.
in-class practice, both online and offline. You can download tons of free
materials, and tests, and assess your progress. On top of that, there will
be regular mock tests. These tests will help you and the tutor identify the
areas where you need more guidance.
PTE LABS, Level 2, No. 387, PTE LABS, Unit 7 19, Clyde Street,
Athurugiriya Road, Hokandara North Glen Iris, VIC 3146