The Gnostic Mysteries of The Pistis Sophia 4099
The Gnostic Mysteries of The Pistis Sophia 4099
The Gnostic Mysteries of The Pistis Sophia 4099
Introduction 7
Preface 9
The Pistis Sophia speaks about two rivers, referring to two electro-
magnetic waves.One stream is called the stream of knowledge, the
Pistis; the other is called the stream of wisdom, the Sophia. One
stream is wholly associated with human knowledge relative to
every juncture in time, so that humanity can always discover this
emanation and can react to it, yes, must react to it. The other
stream keeps totally aloof from this world, yet radiates into this
world, so that the individual, the God-seeking human being, final-
ly fleeing the Pistis of nature, might be able to ultimately find the
Sophia, the wisdom, yes, might become the Sophia itself.
hunger, more or less consciously looking for liberation. They are
seeking to perhaps discover and approach the source of their feel-
ings and the aim of their longing. In this era, the true meaning of
the often-obscure words of the Pistis Sophia can be recognised in
the gnostic light of the explanations given by Jan van Rijckenborgh.
Thus we see that the two emanations, the Pistis and the Sophia,
originate from the nature of the spirit. The Pistis awakens and
drives the emotions of the masses in the broadest sense of the
word, and, to this end, interacts very strongly with the human in-
tellect. The Sophia, the second emanation, addresses the chosen
ones in order to save them from the nature of death and to raise
them into the regions of the Divine Pleroma, of which Paul,
amongst others, speaks in his letter to the Ephesians (3:19), the in-
habitants of the border at that time.
The translations of the texts used in this book, which precede each
chapter, are by G R S Mead (Pistis Sophia, a Gnostic Miscellany,
London, 1955). The translations of the texts quoted by J van Rijck-
enborgh in his commentaries in the various chapters sometimes
deviate from Mead’s translations. The reason for this is the fact
that for the Dutch edition, the author also consulted other English
translations: by George Horner (Pistis Sophia, London, 1924), and
by Violet MacDermot, published in the context of the Nag Ham-
madi publications as part of The Coptic Gnostic Library, Nag Ham-
madi Studies IX, Leiden, 1978, as well as the German translation by
Carl Schmidt, edited by Walter Till (Koptisch-Gnostische Schriften, I,
Die Pistis Sophia, Berlin, 1962). The translation from Dutch into Eng-
lish has tried to do justice to this.
Rozekruis Pers
In his book, the author explains how, just like the Pistis Sophia, a
human being is enabled to penetrate the veil of the Thirteenth
Aeon. He presents a complete exposition of the new light-power,
which is like a call, a new assignment in life, a new task. This task
must, however, be fulfilled, so that not death, but the one true life,
will be gained.
How does a human being live a life that leads towards this Thir-
teenth Aeon? The candidate in the gnostic mysteries is confronted
with thirteen soul reversals, which he must struggle through in
order to be able to accomplish true soul rebirth. These soul rever-
sals take shape in the thirteen songs of repentance of the Pistis
1. In the first song, the Pistis Sophia discovers dialectics and hu-
manity’s judgement. She sings the Song of Humanity.
3. On this basis, she sings the Song of Humility with regard to the
one true Light.
10. Next, the Pistis Sophia sings the Song of the Answered Prayer.
She sees the Light of Lights for the first time.
12. In the twelfth place, she experiences the great tribulation that
may be compared with the temptation in the desert. She
sings the Song of the greatTribulation.
In this way, on this basis, the reader can, to a certain extent, reflect
on the divine Wisdom and on the divine Power, which must find
acceptance in prepared human beings. Wisdom and Power are the
first requirements for being truly able to walk the path of soul lib-
eration and bring it to a good end.
Dear reader, the fact that you may use the Universal Teachings,
which have been preserved through the ages, to this end, should
prove to you that you will never be left to your own devices in this
endeavour. The Chain of the Universal Brotherhood of the Christ
always accompanies you to help you, whenever it is useful and
Right through all the spheres of the aeons
goes the Pistis Sophia,
after she has purified the sanctuary
of her body on Golgotha.
It came to pass, when Jesus had risen from the dead, that he passed
eleven years discoursing with his disciples, and instructing them
only up to the regions of the First Commandment and up to the
regions of the First Mystery, that within the Veil, within the First
Commandment, which is the four-and-twentieth mystery without
and belowçthose [four-and-twenty] which are in the second space
of the First Mystery which is before all mysteries,çthe Father in the
form of a dove.
And Jesus said to his disciples: ‘‘I am come forth out of that First
Mystery, which is the last mystery, that is the four-and-twentieth
mystery.’’ And his disciples have not known nor understood that
anything existeth within that mystery; but they thought of that
mystery, that it is the head of the universe and the head of all exis-
tence; and they thought it is the completion of all completions,
because Jesus had said to them concerning that mystery, that it sur-
roundeth the First Commandment and the five Impressions and the
great Light and the five Helpers and the whole Treasury of the
And moreover Jesus had not told his disciples the total expansion
of all the regions of the great Invisible and of the three triple-
powers and of the four-and-twenty invisibles, and all their regions
and their aeons and their orders, how they are extended ç those
which are the emanations of the great Invisibleçand their ungen-
erated and their self-generated and their generated and their light-
givers and their unpaired and their rulers and their authorities and
their lords and their archangels and their angels and their decans
and their servitors and all the houses of their spheres and all the
orders of every one of them.
And Jesus had not told his disciples the total expansion of the ema-
nations of the Treasury, nor their orders, how they are extended; nor
had he told them their saviours, according to the order of every one,
how they are; nor had he told them what guard is at every [gate] of
the Treasury of the Light; nor had he told them the region of the
Twin-saviour, who is the, Child of the Child; nor had he told them
the regions of the three Amens, in what regions they are expanded;
nor had he told them into what region the five Trees are expanded;
nor as to the seven Amens, that is the seven Voices, what is their
region, how they are expanded.
And Jesus had not told his disciples of what type are the five
Helpers, nor into what region they are brought; nor had he told
them how the great Light hath expanded itself, nor into what
region it hath been brought; nor had he told them of the five Im-
pressions, nor as to the First Commandment, into what region
they have been brought. But he had discoursed with them generally,
teaching that they exist, but he had not told them their expansion
and the order of their regions, how they are. For this cause they have
not known that there were also other regions within that mystery.
And he had not told his disciples: ‘‘I have gone forth out of such
and such regions until I entered into that mystery, and until I went
forth out of it’’; but, in teaching them, he said to them: ‘‘I am come
forth from that mystery.’’ For this cause then they thought of that
mystery, that it is the completion of completions, and that it is the
head of the universe and that it is the total Fulness. For Jesus had
said to his disciples: ‘‘That mystery surroundeth that universe of
which I have spoken unto you from the day when I met with you
even unto this day.’’ For this cause then the disciples thought there
is nothing within that mystery.
It came to pass, when Jesus had risen from the dead, that he passed
eleven years discoursing with his disciples, and instructing them
only up to the regions of the First Commandment and up to the
regions of the First Mystery, that within the Veil, within the First
Commandment, which is the four-and-twentieth mystery without
and belowçthose [four-and-twenty] which are in the second space
of the First Mystery which is before all mysteries,çthe Father in the
form of a dove.
The unknown mysteries
And Jesus said to his disciples: ‘‘I am come forth out of that First
Mystery, which is the last mystery, that is the four-and-twentieth
mystery.’’ And his disciples have not known nor understood that
anything existeth within that mystery; but they thought of that
mystery, that it is the head of the universe and the head of all exis-
tence; and they thought it is the completion of all completions....
Chapter 1
this really clearly, the Pistis Sophia repeats that Jesus spoke about the
first commandment, which is the twenty-fourth mystery from
within outwards, at the point where the dialectical field of nature
ends and a new field of life begins. It is a field lying outside of the
reflection sphere.
If you have ever thought that the modern philosophy of the
Rosycross is a figment of the brain of a modern human being,
you are being corrected here by the language of 2,000 years ago,
which was the synthesis of the wisdom of the 100,000 years before
that. There, at the borders of finite striving, the primitive human
being imagines his supreme God, because he has populated
every domain of his attainable world with his idols, which he ex-
ploits. But to the God behind the border he pays stupid meaning-
less reverence.
Jesus, however, instructs his pupils in the unknowable mys-
teries, because these unknowable mysteries form the one reality:
liberation. I am come forth out of that First Mystery [within the veil], he
says. The domain of Christ is also a field with twenty-four aspects,
twelve positive magnetic regions with their twelve reflections.
From the reflection of one of these regions, the Father radiates
in the form of a dove. In the Gnosis, the dove is one of the great
symbols of the Holy Seven-Spirit, of the sevenfold microcosm, of
the sevenfold universe, like the seven Amens or the seven thunder-
claps. The Pistis Sophia often mentions the seven vowels, which to-
gether form the name of the one God.
When the nature-born human being stands at the limits of his
own ability, at the border of the first commandment, before the
truly unknowable, then from out of the unknowable radiates the
Holy Seven-Spirit. It is the calling of the holy name of God by this
name itself. And so further on in the Pistis Sophia (Chapter 143) it
The unknown mysteries
See, from the borders of our field of existence come seven rays and
they establish foci here. In a new moment of crisis in world history,
once again the voice resounds, the secret of the seven vowels and
their forty-nine powers.
On numerous occasions we have informed you in great detail
about the sevenfold World Brotherhood with its forty-nine, seven
times seven, aspects*. You, who want to go the Path of the Rose,
exert yourselves; surrender yourselves to the Holy Work. Re-
newed souls must be led to the Light of Lights!
* See for example: Dei Gloria Intacta, Chapter I, Orientation, part VII; and Chapter VIII,
The Saturn Initiation of the First Sevencircle, part IV; Rozekruis Pers, Haarlem,The Nether-
lands 1962.
Chapter 1
It came to pass then, when the disciples were sitting together on the
Mount of Olives, speaking of these words and rejoicing in great joy,
and exulting exceedingly and saying one to another: ‘‘Blessed are
we before all men who are on the earth, because the Saviour hath
revealed this unto us, and we have received the Fulness and the
total completion’’, çthey said this to one another, while Jesus sat a
little removed from them.
And it came to pass then, on the fifteenth day of the moon in the
month Tybi, which is the day on which the moon is full, on that
day then, when the sun had come forth in his going, that there
came forth behind him a great light-power shining most exceed-
ingly, and there was no measure to the light conjoined with it. For
it came out of the Light of lights, and it came out of the last mystery,
which is the four-and-twentieth mystery, from within without, ç
those which are in the orders of the second space of the First
Mystery. And that light-power came down over Jesus and sur-
rounded him entirely, while he was seated removed from his disci-
ples, and he had shone most exceedingly, and there was no measure
for the light which was on him.
And the disciples had not seen Jesus because of the great light in
which he was, or which was about him; for their eyes were
darkened because of the great light in which he was. But they saw
only the light, which shot forth many light-rays. And the light-rays
were not like one another, but the light was of divers kind, and it
The unknown mysteries
was of divers type, from below upwards, one [ray] more excellent
than the other ..., in one great immeasurable glory of light; it
stretched from under the earth right up to heaven. ç And when
the disciples saw that light, they fell into great fear and great agita-
It came to pass then, when that light-power had come down over
Jesus, that it gradually surrounded him entirely. Then Jesus
ascended or soared into the height, shining most exceedingly in
an immeasurable light. And the disciples gazed after him and
none of them spake, until he had reached unto heaven; but they all
kept in deep silence. This then came to pass on the fifteenth day of
the moon, on the day on which it is full in the month Tybi.
It came to pass then, when Jesus had reached the heaven, after three
hours, that all the powers of the heaven fell into agitation, and all
were set in motion one against the other, they and all their aeons
and all their regions and all their orders, and the whole earth was
agitated and all they who dwell thereon. And all men who are in
the world fell into agitation, and also the disciples, and all
thought: Peradventure the world will be rolled up.
Chapter 1
And all the powers in the heavens ceased not from their agitation,
they and the whole world, and all were moved one against the other,
from the third hour of the fifteenth day of the moon of Tybi until the
ninth hour of the morrow. And all the angels and their archangels
and all the powers of the height, all sang praises to the interiors of
the interiors, so that the whole world heard their voices, without
their ceasing till the ninth hour of the morrow.
Five psychological processes
Chapter 2
parody of reality therein, what sense has it for Jesus to testify of the
divine reality itself and to explain the Father to us?
What else would the sense of it be than that nature-born man
having put aside his delusions after the regeneration of his micro-
cosm, crosses the threshold of the Unknowable on his way to-
wards his true Fatherland, to the Immovable Kingdom, to the King-
dom not of this world ? For that reason, Jesus the Lord has come.
For that reason, the Brotherhood of Christ descends to us.
The gospels as you know them contain only the very first be-
ginning of the Christ manifestation. Where your gospels end, the
Pistis Sophia begins to tell and to explain, to those who are open for
it, about Christ and his mission. For this reason it commences after
the resurrection. We are placed before Jesus speaking to his disci-
ples. He says to them:
‘When I was with you, in the ordinary life before my resurrec-
tion, I never spoke to you about the twenty-four mysteries of
nature, because I have come forth from that which, to all nature-
born men, is truly the first divine Mystery. I have come forth out
of the First Mystery which lies on the boundary of the twenty-
fourth mystery of nature. In my first revelation I have spoken
about the original life only in general terms.’
When we go on reading the Pistis Sophia, we see underneath
the veiled images, several tremendous psychological processes,
which are recognized by pupils who are up to that stage.
The first process is the following: it relates to an aspect of the
modern Spiritual School which should be very familiar and well-
known to you. In the name of the Universal Brotherhood, which is
of the Other Kingdom, we speak to you of the two nature orders:
the Divine Order and the dialectical nature order. That is the first
work Jesus did.
He has appeared amongst us as one who appeals, in a very ele-
mentary way, to our spirit spark atom with a new, hardly notice-
able magnetic radiation. He gives us suggestions of the original
life; he places these before us philosophically, without going into
detail. There is no other possibility, for one can know the original
Five psychological processes
Chapter 2
But when a pupil has arrived at that stage, the School of the Christ
Hierophants does not stop its work; it goes on. A fourth process is
revealed. The School says to you: ‘Now the glory and the majesty
of the new life will be revealed to you. In future we will not speak
to you about it in abstract terms, but in a very concrete way. You
will be confronted with it in a very positive way for you must start
a journey. It is time!’ And your first reaction is one of happiness
and joy:
It came to pass then, when the disciples were sitting together on the
Mount of Olives, speaking of these words and rejoicing in great joy,
and exulting exceedingly and saying one to another: ‘‘Blessed are
we before all men who are on earth, because the Saviour hath
revealed this unto us, and we have received the Fulness [the
Pleroma] and the total completion.’’
We have observed this joy many times in pupils, and you will
probably know it yourself.
This fourth process of gratitude and joy is followed by a fifth,
which is seemingly in such complete contradiction to the fourth
that the candidate in the disillusionment of it thinks all is lost,
that all is permanently taken from him. Bitterness and fear gnaw
at his being.
It will be clear to you that if the candidate is to be lifted up from
the certainty of his faith to be led to a first-hand observation, all
Five psychological processes
And it came to pass then, on the fifteenth day of the moon in the
month Tybi, which is the day on which the moon is full, on that
day then, when the sun had come forth in his going, that there
came forth behind him a great light-power shining most exceed-
ingly, and there was no measure to the light conjoined with it. For
it came out of the Light of lights, and it came out of the last mystery,
which is the four-and-twentieth mystery, from within without, ç
those which are in the orders of the second space of the First
Mystery. And that light-power came down over Jesus and sur-
rounded him entirely, while he was seated removed from his disci-
ples. ...
And the disciples had not seen Jesus because of the great light in
which he was, or which was about him; for their eyes were
darkened because of the great light in which he was. But they saw
only the light, which shot forth many light-rays. And the light-rays
were not like one another, but the light was of divers kind, and it
was of divers type, from below upwards, one [ray] more excellent
than the other ..., in one great immeasurable glory of light; it
stretched from under the earth right up to heaven. ç And when
the disciples saw that light, they fell into great fear and great agita-
It came to pass then, when that light-power had come down over
Jesus, that it gradually surrounded him entirely. Then Jesus
ascended or soared into the height, shining most exceedingly in
an immeasurable light. ...
It came to pass then, when Jesus had reached the heaven, after three
hours, that all the powers of the heaven fell into agitation, ... they
and all their aeons and all their regions and all their orders, and
the whole earth was agitated and all they who dwell thereon. And
all men who are in the world fell into agitation, and also the disci-
ples, and all thought: Peradventure the world will be rolled up.
Chapter 2
... and all were moved one against the other, from the third hour of
the fifteenth day of the moon of Tybi until the ninth hour of the
When the time is ripe for the candidate, that is to say, when his
love for the true life, as a result of the fire of faith and hope, is
truly great enough and his estrangement of dialectical nature
makes such an impact possible, in short, when the fifteenth day
of the moon in the month of Tybi has come, the microcosm is
touched and completely surrounded by a great electromagnetic
This touch is so intense, so strange, so totally extraordinary
that in the first instance great confusion or despair arises. The ra-
diation field of the sevenfold World Brotherhood, when it first
reaches us with its impact, causes confusion and agitation, and
great fear and anxiety take hold of us. We feel ourselves closer to
destruction than to liberation.
Is it not understandable that the light is experienced as dark-
ness at first? Do not all accounts testify of the same experience?
This experience arises from the fact that the ego of nature is
paralysed as it were, put out of action, by the violence of the new
magnetic touch, while a new consciousness, a new I, is not yet
And from this experience of the defeated soul, from the joy of
this annunciation, out of this fifth psychological experience, the
further process of the actual renewing liberation develops.
The fundamental disquiet
In our previous chapter we wrote about the way in which the Uni-
versal Brotherhood works with the pupil. Your attention was not
directed to a pupil who had already attained some progress on
the path of genesis, in other words, some kind of exceptional
person. It appeared that none of us has any reason for pessimism,
for feelings of inferiority or delusions of unworthiness, motivating
us to say, ‘These things do not apply to me.’ No, each and every
one of us can grasp the hand that is being held out by the Brother-
hood. Nobody needs to feel excluded from this. The help of the
Brotherhood is meant for all.
You need only reflect upon the image of Christian Rosycross in
the pit of the nature of death, when the cord of salvation is lowered
down into that pit. That cord is not directed personally; it is not
meant for any particular individual, with the exception of others.
All who grasp that cord and hang onto it are pulled out of the pit.
All who are gathered in the forecourt of the Spiritual School of
the modern Rosycross and are willing to make the effort to visit a
focus of the School are able to know fully, as long as they are will-
ing to reflect intelligently, how the path must be walked by them-
selves from the first step until liberation. If you examine yourself
in the scheme of this process, you will be able to know completely
at which point you have arrived or where your development is
stagnating at present.
The first phase of the path concerns the very elementary mag-
netic radiation force and influence, which is sent from the Univer-
sal Brotherhood to every person. Everyone who possesses an
Chapter 3
original atom not only has the ability to reactçhe is forced to react.
It is the cord which is let down into the pit and which can be ex-
perienced. This cord is also referred to as a Call.
We, the Spiritual School, do not call you; we only talk to you
about the call. We try to explain to you what the call is. The call
which comes to you is a force that rages through the world, a
power that appeals to our spirit spark atom. In and through that
power, suggestions of the original life are given to us; a wondrous
philosophy is brought to us.
Everyone who possesses a spirit spark atom will thus experi-
ence a very exceptional emotion. If you are locked up in the dark-
ness and you still have memory of the light, when you still carry
with you a rudimentary light principle and you hear a call that
speaks to you about the light and about the Kingdom of Light,
would you then not react? Wouldn’t you then feel a gripping inter-
est? Then you would pay heed, not so much to what is said about
the light, but you would know only that the light is being dis-
cussed. Even the word, the sound ‘light,’ takes you off your dialec-
tical balance.
This spontaneous reaction naturally brings with it a danger,
and many of us have stagnated seriously in the course of our life
through the development of that danger.
In order to place this clearly before you, let us take an overall
view of the situation. There is a magnetic radiation from the Uni-
versal Brotherhood. This radiation is nameless and soundless. It
has the task to disquiet you by means of the affected original
atom, so that you cannot accept the nature of death, and you
begin to seek.
Now the voices of your fellow human beings are raised; they
speak and testify of light and you are immediately inclined to
join them, even though they might speak the greatest nonsense.
The fact that they speak from the same stirrings of the heart as
you experience causes you to accept them as brothers and sisters.
It is obvious that in this way a very significant retardation can
occur, for many clever servants of this nature know only too well
The fundamental disquiet
that as long as one talks a great deal about the light to light seekers,
blinds them with organisations, churches and sects, and surrounds
them with a legion of speculations and important-sounding
words, countless numbers of unsuspecting seekers will remain
caught in that refined net.
There is no mortal being in heaven or earth who can pull the
original atom, the rose of roses, out of your heart sanctuary. But
what is possible is to play on the reaction of the rosebud, which,
by means of its natural state of being, longs to return to the eternal
sunlight, and then to sidetrack it into illusion. Just as flowers can
grow in greenhouses by means of artificial sunlight, so we can sur-
round the rosebud with the falsely gilded light of metaphysical
speculations. In this way it is possible to give false gratification to
millions of rosebud carriers for many incarnations.
On this side of the veil, it is done by creating sidetracks to
yonder side, where heaven and Christ the Lord are supposed to
be. Once taken in by this delusion and having arrived on yonder
side, reincarnation is absolutely certain, because it is a biological
process of the microcosm. For this reason the whole refined
magic, the entire age-old magic culture of dialectics, pounces on
every child of the rose that seeks the Universal Light for its tender
And this nature-magic makes use of everyone and everything
for the attainment of its goals. It can do that; it can also make use of
this School and of transfiguristic words of Jesus the Lord and the
other great ones. You can be captured by this nature-magic at the
same moment as you reflect on the one reality.
When the modern Spiritual School of the Rosycross has
brought to you contentment, an inner tranquillity, the state in
which you find yourself at the moment, then your rose tree has
arrived in the greenhouse of nature-magic’s nursery. For it is out
of the question that a spirit-spark entity can find rest and peace in
the nature of death. If that is the case, then something is definitely
wrong. How can a child of the light possess rest and peace when it
has not come home to the light?
Chapter 3
The fundamental disquiet
Chapter 4
The pupil at the crossroad
Chapter 4
In what way does the longing for the new life, the desire for salva-
tion, arise?
1. You are affected by the elementary radiations of the seven-
fold World Brotherhood. This is the hand extended to you
by the Brotherhood.
2. If you possess a spirit spark atom and the course of your life
gives rise to it, the holy disquiet will come over you.
3. The workers of the Brotherhood give direction and purpose
to that unrest, so that you begin to understand your state of
being in dialectics, your state of alienship. You begin to un-
derstand that there was an original life and that your present
microcosmic manifestation is a caricature compared to the
original. When you begin to realize this clearly, the course
of your life will determine whether longing arises in you as
a result of this inner experience. A certain amount of insight
develops, and an indestructible longing for the new life
should follow.
The pupil at the crossroad
Let us now study how rejection of the path and neutralization de-
velop, and how the person, having arrived at the crossroad, goes
the other way.
In this examination we follow the same method. A person is
Chapter 4
The pupil at the crossroad
Chapter 5
The revelation-consciousness
By means of the Pistis Sophia we have initiated you into the mys-
tery of the new human genesis, and together we have studied the
first phases of the path from different angles. It has been firmly
fixed on our consciousness that the elementary basis for the new
human genesis is the possession of a spirit spark atom or rosebud.
This principle is situated at the top of the right heart ventricle.
Every person who possesses this principle, still possesses it, be-
comes aware of this through an elementary state of beingça state
of being which characterizes the entire personality, all the beha-
viour of such a person, almost right from early youth. This state
we call ‘disquiet.’ We speak of a holy disquiet, i.e. this state should
bring salvation, healing.
This state can be explained from an impressionability for a cer-
tain group of electromagnetic influences which cannot be ex-
plained from nature and which are taken in by the spirit spark
atom and diffused throughout the entire system. These electro-
magnetic radiations are sent out by the Universal Brotherhood,
which consciously maintains such a magnetic radiation field.
It is a certainty that every spirit-spark entity will and must react
to it and is disquieted by it. This is the sober reality in regard to
God’s call, which is supposed to go out to everyone according to
mystical-poetic opinion. This is also the sober reality in regard to
the personal reaction of God to the individual behaviour of every
The childish mystic says, ‘God sees and hears everything.’
There is a certain truth in that, for every magnetic field closely
The revelation-consciousness
Chapter 5
is entering the candidate via the original atom, an entirely new sit-
uation arises. The radiance, the glory, and the majesty of the new
life are now being revealed to the candidate, and they fill him with
immense gratitude, gladness, and boundless enthusiasm.
You should understand, though, that we are referring to revela-
tion and not to fulfilment or attainment. This is merely a higher stage
of the knowledge arising from faith, and this higher stage is called
‘revelation.’ This revelation endows a personal knowledge in
regard to the true nature of the Gnosis.
The revelation-consciousness
Chapter 5
inal man. He, the candidate, is not that new man yet, not by a long
shot! But he is shown to him, very personally. Can you see the dif-
ference between revelation and knowledge now?
You should observe, however, that such a revelation is not one
single event, but this process provides an unceasing series of such
revelations. It can happen that suddenly something so mighty, so
glorious begins to unfold before you that you stammer, ‘What a
revelation!’ And then you are speechless with gratitude. And like
the disciples on the Mount of Olives in the Pistis Sophia, you feel
yourself to be blessed beyond all men.
Indeed, this revelation-consciousness is the Jupiter-conscious-
ness, which some mention as being ours in a far distant future. But
you can attain it in the present, if only you will go the Path as de-
scribed to you!
For this reason, if we were all to possess this consciousness, this
revelation consciousness, we would speak, see, and experience si-
multaneously. Mystically expressed, we would stand at the eternal
Father heart-of all things.
And this revelation consciousness is still only one phase, one
end-phase on the way of the Johannine man, and so is still a purely
dialectical state. This consciousness of unfolding is now to
become the basis for the last and all-decisive choice.
The magnetic storm
The aim of the School of the Rosycross is to lead its pupils into the
mystery of the new human genesis, and we have shown you this
mystery as an actual happening in the living present, a happening
in which all of you, without exception, can take part if you so
There are people who want to approach this mystery as a doc-
trinal problem; they want to make a ‘study’ of it. They want to ex-
amine its aspects, in about the same manner as someone standing
before a shop window, drawn by the artistry of a skilled window
But the Gnosis does not allow itself to be displayed! It unveils
itself only to those who approach it from out of a living psychic
need. The Gnosis will never become a science that can be taught
at some university or other. It is for people with a burning heart. It
is for pupils of a Spiritual School, for those who approach the aims
of the Great Work out of a true desire for salvation. Only in that
state will they be accepted as pupils.
You will know that the elementary basis of the new human
genesis is the possession of a spirit spark atom or rosebud, situated
at the top of the right heart ventricle.
You will become aware of the presence of this principle by a
state of being we could typify as ‘disquiet’. This state can be ex-
plained from a susceptibility to a certain group of electromagnetic
influences, which are transmitted by what we call ‘the Universal
Brotherhood.’ These influences come from a magnetic field
which cannot be explained from this dialectical nature. They
Chapter 6
The magnetic storm
can be passed over, for this is a radiation fulness that glides over
the world and that must reach every atom-entity, even if he lives
in the jungle or in a back room on the third floor, lost in a metro-
This radiation fulness does not generate the fire of crisis. It is
just a never ceasing, silent calling. It works according to magnetic
laws, to which the primal atomic crystal must answer. In this way a
human soul is prepared towards a certain ripeness.
And then, at a given hour, such a person will find the Spiritual
School, where the workers speak about the nature of this seeking,
the cause of it, and about the source of the new magnetic radia-
tions. Then recognition comes, and there is great joy. The seeker
has found something.
But it is only a milestone on the path, and the workers now try
to impel the stranger to a very intimate, harmonious, and private
relationship with the magnetic field of tension. Reacting by itself
can give rise to a very caricatural behaviour, but reacting after a
submergence in understanding we call faith. Faith in the new life
is starting to love that life. Thus the candidate is filled with an
almost endless longing.
This state is wonderful and measurelessly beautiful. For try to
see this: when the Gnosis calls us and we leave everything behind
in a mighty longing to find it, there is not only an approach by the
Gnosis towards us, but also a rushing forth by us towards it. And,
oh Divine Glory! That must lead to a meeting, a bodily meeting, a
clear and unmistakable finding.
Now do not imagine some venerable master or adept. This
meeting takes place in the form of an outpouring of power. This
is a Pentecost of divine fire, a further milestone on the path, and
in our terminology this meeting is called a ‘revelation’.
This firsthhand link brings to the candidate a very personal
knowledge in regard to the true nature of the Gnosis. In this reve-
lation-consciousness he possesses a means of control. He is, as the
Pistis Sophia says, ‘Blessed before all men on the earth.’
Revelation is knowing without intellectual preparation. Reve-
Chapter 6
And it came to pass then, on the fifteenth day of the moon in the
month Tybi, which is the day on which the moon is full, on that
day then, when the sun had come forth in his going, that there
came forth behind him a great light-power shining most exceed-
ingly, and there was no measure to the light conjoined with it. For
it came out of the Light of lights, and it came out of the last mystery,
which is the four-and-twentieth mystery, from within without, ç
those which are in the orders of the second space of the First
Mystery. And that light-power came down over Jesus and sur-
rounded Him entirely, while he was seated removed from his disci-
ples. ...
And the disciples had not seen Jesus because of the great light in
which he was, or which was about him; for their eyes were
darkened because of the great light in which he was. But they saw
only the light, which shot forth many light-rays. And the light-rays
were not like one another, but the light was of divers kind, and it
was of divers type, from below upwards, one [ray] more excellent
than the other, ..., in one great immeasurable glory of light; it
stretched from under the earth right up to heaven. ç And when
the disciples saw that light, they fell into great fear and great agita-
It came to pass then, when that light-power had come down over
Jesus, that it gradually surrounded him entirely. Then Jesus
ascended or soared into the height, shining most exceedingly in
an immeasurable light. ...
It came to pass then, when Jesus had reached the heaven, after three
The magnetic storm
hours, that all the powers of the heaven fell into agitation, ... they
and all their aeons and all their regions and all their orders, and
the whole earth was agitated and all they who dwell thereon. And
all men who are in the world fell into agitation, and also the disci-
ples, and all thought: Peradventure the world will be rolled up.
... and all were moved one against the other, from the third hour of
the fifteeenth day of the moon of Tybi until the ninth hour of the
When the candidate can enter into the phase of revelation as just
discussed, and so when there is a personal knowledge, a personal
tasting, when bowing down before authority and dogma has
been replaced by first hand comprehension, and the call has there-
fore been understood, and a personal responsibility for making a
choice can be accepted, a magnetic storm is induced in the entire
microcosmic system of the pupil.
That magnetic storm is the one described in the above extract
from the Pistis Sophia. You can also read about it in the Book of
Revelations, inThe Alchemical Wedding of Christian Rosycross, in the
Gospels in the story about the ship on the sea of Tiberias, in Chris-
tianopolis by JohannValentin Andreae, and in many other writings.
This magnetic storm is so overwhelming, so intense, so
strange, and so totally extraordinary that a great upheaval, a hope-
lessness, arises in the first instance. The pupil thinks himself to be
closer to destruction than redemption.
It is out of this consternation that the ensuing process of actual
renovating liberation developsçprovided the candidate is willing
to accept the requirements of this magnetic storm. The experience
of death, of which all who must struggle through it testify, is
brought about by the fact that the I of nature is, as it were, para-
lysed, thrown out of action by the violence of the new magnetic
contact, while the new consciousness-centre has not yet become
active. In other words, this experience proves that the candidate, in
his approach to the focal point of the new magnetic field, has now
reached a crisis. He has come to a wall, as it were.
Chapter 6
The magnetic storm
But if, standing before the gate of life, you wish to go the way of
self-dissolution, you will be able to continue your path to life.
Then calmness will follow the storm: the calmness of the people
of God.
Chapter 7
A new heaven and a new earth
Chapter 7
A new heaven and a new earth
Chapter 7
Contact with the Spiritual School
We have tried to make you familiar with the idea of more than one
universe being enclosed in one spatial image. It is not correct to
suppose therefore that some other universe might perhaps be so
far removed from us that we could not detect it even with the
strongest astronomical telescopes. More than one universe exists
in the same space, if we were to describe it three-dimensionally.
As dialectical people we have a world image and we belong to a
universe. All that our strongest telescopes can discern and all that
lies beyond their reach, the entire unfathomable space, belongs to
the universe of death. That is to say, it belongs to a state in which
the laws of dialectics, which we know, control everything. That is a
state of rising, shining, and fading; a state characterized by life and
death, by incessant change with all the accompanying causes and
The universe to which we belong is maintained by a certain
electromagnetic law and by the operation of a differentiated grav-
itational law that operates within a certain group of possibilities.
By these laws, the whole of it is held together; all the things in it
belong together, are dependent on each other, and influence each
The earth is thus influenced by the solar system and by the
zodiac. Itself a unit, it is incorporated into increasingly larger
units, until we can view the whole universe as one unit.
And this universal unit is based on one idea. The whole of it is
the activity of that idea. An idea is and generates a vibration that
moves root substance and demonstrates an activity and a manifes-
Chapter 8
Contact with the Spiritual School
Chapter 8
Contact with the Spiritual School
At this moment this person has become ripe for the second
field of radiation of the Gnosis, seen from the outside inwards.
And in that second field the pupil for the first time comes into con-
tact with the Spiritual School.
The person concerned has probably already known the Spirit-
ual School in his first period, and may have entered it, but then he
knew it simply as he would know any other given movement or
society. Only in the second period will he know it from within
and in a totally different way. Then he will love and serve it so ar-
dently and incessantly that he will never let go of it. The pupil then
already experiences the foretaste of the ‘Homecoming.’
We hope profoundly that you can already speak of this experi-
Chapter 8
But the disciples sat together in fear and were in exceedingly great
agitation and were afraid because of the great earthquake which
took place, and they wept together, saying: ‘‘What will then be? Per-
adventure the Saviour will destroy all regions?’’ Thus saying, they
wept together.
While they then said this and wept together, then, on the ninth hour
of the morrow, the heavens opened, and they saw Jesus descend,
shining most exceedingly, and there was no measure for his light
in which he was. For he shone more [radiantly] than at the hour
when he had ascended to the heavens, so that men in the world
cannot describe the light which was on him; and it shot forth
light-rays in great abundance, and there was no measure for its rays,
and its light was not alike together, but it was of divers kind and of
divers type, some [rays] being more excellent than others ...; and the
whole light consisted together. It was of threefold kind, and the one
[kind] was more excellent than the other ... The second, that in the
midst, was more excellent than the first which was below, and the
third, which was above them all, was more excellent than the two
which were below. And the first glory, which was placed below them
all, was like to the light which had come over Jesus before he had
ascended into the heavens, and was like only itself in its light. And
the three light-modes were of divers light-kinds, and they were of
divers type, one being more excellent than the other. ...
The fiery triangle
[The light] was of threefold kind, and the one [kind] was more excel-
lent {splendid} than the other ... The second, that in the midst, was
more excellent than the first which was below, and the third, which
was above them all, was more excellent {unsurpassed} than the
two which were below.
Chapter 9
The fiery triangle
Chapter 9
must perish in Jesus the Lord: In Jesu morimur. And you must be
reborn through the Holy Spirit: Per Spiritum Sanctum Reviviscimus.
There you have the trigonum igneum, the fiery triangle. Posses-
sing this fiery triangle must be your first and primary deed. This is
what is involved in true pupilship.
How do we weave the golden wedding garment? Being
kindled by the spirit of God refers to the opening up and flower-
ing of the rose in the heart sanctuary. The unfolding of the rose
enables us to recognise our fallen state, our state of suffering and
grief; and to behold the path and its liberating aspects. And the
Spiritual School is there to assist us in this completely. The full
wealth of the knowledge of salvation is poured out over us.
If you know, hear, and experience all this, when all this is con-
tinually repeated for you, then it is clear that you are being invited,
after the assimilation, to begin a process. You are being invited to
bring that process into practice yourself ç note well, yourself.
Whoever does not do so merely remains bogged down in
dogma, in philosophy, and sees this as the main aim. For such a
person the rose will begin to fade, lose its beauty and its fragrance,
for what matters is not what you know, but what you do.
The School of the Rosycross stands wholly in the sign of draw-
ing the first side of the fiery triangle. And it attains its goal in a
pupil only when he is prepared to begin the process. This is draw-
ing the second side of the triangle. When the pupil does so in
earnest, the School is ready to help the pupil in this also.
The second side of the triangle is drawn by perishing in Jesus
the Lord, by living in the powers which touch the rose, by working
with them, by breaking up, and by fulfilling them conscientiously.
If the candidate continues in this work, he thus goes the way of the
cross with his rose, and attaches it to the cross in deed and in truth;
and if, beside the positive pole, he also erects the negative pole of
the new field of life, of the new electromagnetic faculties, and if the
way of the Rosycross is thus completed, then it is clear that the
Comforter will começthe Holy Spirit who proves the realisation,
the descent.
The fiery triangle
Then comes the day of Pentecost, the third side of the fiery tri-
angle. Then, after the crucifixion, the candidate enters the realisa-
tion. Then a light is kindled for which the old light must make way.
And there also the Spiritual School will accompany the candidate
with the higher aspects of the Living Body. Then the wedding gar-
ment is woven. Then there is a new consciousness, a new thinking-
willing-desiring. Then the personality in its form aspects can be
further transfigured on the basis of a new square.
But, you will say, the triangle and the square must surely be en-
closed by a circle, by a higher self.
We can make this clear to you by means of the Pistis Sophia.
When one has heard this subject discussed often, there is always
the danger of stopping short at the words or testimony and of
enveloping and covering oneself with a lot of dogma, without an
inner breakthrough taking place. It is therefore a good idea to let
you see the breakthrough in a different way and to show you the
complete uselessness of a dogma if it is not related to a break-
through of light.
Every atom has a nucleus with a ninefold aspect, which can be
divided into three groups of three aspects. The first triplicity is the
positively charged particle of the nucleus. The second triplicity is
the negative, and the third is the so called neutral particle.
When an atom is split, i.e. broken up by means of great energy,
great energy is released, as we know. Nuclear scientists have prac-
tised this splitting of atoms in a fairly clumsy way so far, for only a
part of the atomic energy is released because the atom is not split
in a completely ninefold way, as the energy applied is not ade-
If they succeed in breaking up the atom into its nine compo-
nents, the days of mankind will be numbered. An unimaginable
catastrophe will take place, for the ninefold vivification of the
atom will cause a chain reaction; it will start up an enormous fire
in the entire cosmos, with all the consequences thereof.
That great light, of which the Pistis Sophia speaks, refers to such
a ninefold, three times threefold, atomic unleashing, but in this
Chapter 9
case it is the rosebud, the original atom and the aural being.
When a person goes the Johannine way of self-sacrifice, in the
absolute sense, he invokes great energy, the energy-source of the
Gnosis. At a given moment this energy will ignite the original
atom to a chain reaction. That is to say, this chain reaction will
bring all the atoms of the personality into conformity with the
nature of the original atom. When a person has achieved that un-
leashing, he has attached the rose to the cross, i.e. a flowering, red,
fiery rose. Only then is he a Rosicrucian.
You will now understand how much a Rosicrucian differs from
an ordinary dialectical person. The atomic differences are incom-
parable. Only the Rosicrucian can be the true bearer of the soul
The fiery triangle
And it came to pass then, when the disciples saw this, that they
feared exceedingly, and were in agitation. Then Jesus, the compas-
sionate and tender-hearted, when he saw his disciples, that they
were in great agitation, spake with them, saying: ‘‘Take courage. It
is I, be not afraid.’’
It came to pass then, when the disciples had heard this word, that
they said: ‘‘Lord, if it be thou, withdraw thy light-glory into
thyself that we may be able to stand; otherwise our eyes are
darkened, and we are agitated, and the whole world also is in agita-
tion because of the great light which is about thee.’’
Then Jesus drew to himself the glory of his light; and when this was
done, all the disciples took courage, stepped forward to Jesus, fell
down all together, adored him, rejoicing in great joy, and said unto
him: ‘‘Rabbi, whither hast thou gone, or what was thy ministry on
which thou hast gone, or wherefor rather were all these confusions
and all the earth-quakings which have taken place?’’
Then Jesus, the compassionate, said unto them: ‘‘Rejoice and exult
from this hour on, for I have gone to the regions out of which I had
come forth. From this day on then will I discourse with you in
openness, from the beginning of the Truth unto its completion;
and I will discourse with you face to face without similitude. From
this hour on will I not hide anything from you of the [mystery] of the
height and of that of the region of Truth. For authority hath been
Chapter 9
given me through the Ineffable and through the First Mystery of all
mysteries to speak with you, from the Beginning right up to the
Fulness, both from within without and from without within.
Hearken, therefore, that I may tell you all things.
‘‘It came to pass, when I sat a little removed from you on the Mount
of Olives, that I thought on the order of the ministry for the sake of
which I was sent, that it was completed, and that the last mystery,
that is the four-and-twentieth mystery from within without, ç
those which are in the second space of the First Mystery, in the
orders of that space,çhad not yet sent me my Vesture. It came to
pass then, when I had known that the order of the ministry for the
sake of which I had come, was completed, and that that mystery
had not yet sent me my Vesture, which I had left behind in it, until
its time was completed,çthinking then this, I sat on the Mount of
Olives a little removed from you.
‘‘It came to pass, when the sun rose in the east, thereafter then
through the First Mystery, which existed from the beginning, on
account of which the universe hath arisen, out of which also I am
myself now come, not in the time before my crucifixion, but now,ç
it came to pass, through the command of that mystery, that there
should be sent me my Light-vesture, which it had given me from the
beginning, and which I had left behind in the last mystery, that is the
four-and-twentieth mystery from within without,çthose which are
in the orders of the second space of the First Mystery. That Vesture
The fiery triangle
then I left behind in the last mystery, until the time should be com-
pleted to put it on, and I should begin to discourse with the race of
men and reveal unto them all from the beginning of the Truth to its
completion, and discourse with them from the interiors of the inte-
riors to the exteriors of the exteriors and from the exteriors of the
exteriors to the interiors of the interiors. Rejoice then and exult and
rejoice more and more greatly, for to you it is given that I speak first
with you from the beginning of the Truth to its completion.
For this cause have I chosen you verily from the beginning through
the First Mystery. Rejoice then and exult, for when I set out for the
world, I brought from the beginning with me twelve powers, as I
have told you from the beginning, which I have taken from the
twelve saviours of the Treasury of the Light, according to the
command of the First Mystery. These then I cast into the womb of
your mothers, when I came into the world, that is those which are in
your bodies today. For these powers have been given unto you
before the whole world, because ye are they who will save the
whole world, and that ye may be able to endure the threat of the
rulers of the world and the pains of the world and its dangers and
all its persecutions, which the rulers of the height will bring upon
you. For many times have I said unto you that I have brought the
power in you out of the twelve saviours who are in the Treasury of
the Light. For which cause I have said unto you indeed from the be-
ginning that ye are not of the world. I also am not of it. For all men
who are in the world have gotten their souls out of [the power of] the
Chapter 9
rulers of the aeons. But the power which is in you is from me; your
souls belong to the height. I have brought twelve powers of the
twelve saviours of the Treasury of the Light, taking them out of
the portion of my power which I did first receive. And when I had
set forth for the world, I came into the midst of the rulers of the
sphere and had the form of Gabriel the angel of the aeons; and the
rulers of the aeons did not know me, but they thought that I was the
angel Gabriel.
‘‘It came to pass then, when I had come into the midst of the rulers
of the aeons, that I looked down on the world of mankind, by
command of the First Mystery. I found Elizabeth, the mother of
John the Baptizer, before she had conceived him, and I sowed into
her a power which I had received from the little Iao“, the Good, who
is in the Midst, that he might be able to make proclamation before
me and make ready my way, and baptize with the water of the for-
giveness of sins. That power then is in the body of John.
The fiery triangle
unto you: ‘John said: I am not the Christ,’ and ye said unto me: ‘It
standeth written in the scripture: When the Christ shall come, Elias
cometh before him and maketh ready his way.’ But when ye said
this unto me, I said unto you: ‘Elias verily is come and hath made
ready all things, as it standeth written, and they have done unto him
as they would.’And when I knew that ye had not understood that I
had discoursed with you concerning the soul of Elias which is
bound into John the Baptizer, I answered you in the discourse in
openness face to face: ‘If ye like to accept John the Baptizer: he is
Elias, of whom I have said that he will come.’ ’’
Chapter 10
The Master of the Stone
Chapter 10
The Master of the Stone
‘‘Rejoice then and exult, for when I set out for the world, I brought
from the beginning with me twelve powers, as I have told you from
the beginning, which I have taken from the twelve saviours of the
Treasury of the Light, according to the command of the First
Whoever is a Master of the Stone in this way can serve others with
it also. If someone has money, he can share it. If someone has
bread, he can feed others. If someone has love, he can radiate it. If
the circle in which the twelve saviours radiate and sparkle encloses
the fiery triangle together with the holy square, this twelvefold
power can also be shared with others.
This means that although your lipika does not yet possess
these lights, they are nevertheless present in the living body. You
can and may commence your work of construction with it. Who-
ever among you diligently perseveres with his building, so that
Chapter 10
finally a nobility for the liberating life becomes possible, will re-
ceive as a gift of mercy from the Brotherhood the twelve saviours
in his own auric firmament. And from that moment on such a
pupil, in the total microcosmic sense, ‘is no longer of this world.’
The archons of the aeons
‘‘For all men who are in the world have gotten their souls out of [the
power of] the rulers {archons} of the aeons. But the power which is
in you is from me; your souls belong to the height.’’
Who are they, the archons of the aeons? They are the ruling and
leading powers in the universe of death. This is not just all that
dwells in the reflection sphere, but think especially of the great
powers that control the solar system, the zodiacal systems and
even greater formations in the universe of death.
After the Fall, when Adamic humanity was driven from the
original universe, a completely new ç a dialectical ç universe
was created for its benefit, a universe that would have had to
adapt itself completely, as far as the nature-laws and nature-forces
are concerned, to the totally changed nature of Adamic humanity.
This humanity was separated into innumerable groups and for-
Chapter 11
The archons of the aeons
The Lord here is not ‘the Absolute’, but the god of the covenant of
Israel: Jehovah. It is clear that all these Semites, under such super-
human leadership, occupied themselves with testimonies of grati-
For I [Moses] will proclaim the name of the Lord. Ascribe greatness
to our God ! (Deut. 32:3).
The Lord alone guided him [Jacob], no foreign god was with him
(Deut. 32:12).
Chapter 11
You know that the Semitic root race was divided into twelve
tribes. This is his ‘allotted share,’ the lot of Jacob. What has been
done on account of this ‘allotted share’ we all know. When the no-
madic tribes of the old Semites invaded Canaan, they massacred
all the peoples living there and took their possessions. By the com-
mandment of their god, no one was to survive. If there were a few
humanists among the Semites who let some people live, this was
scored against them very heavily by their god.
And later, when the Semitic people arrived in their stolen land,
where they had destroyed a beautiful and sublime culture (the
Egyptian), they went on with their orgies of murder. The worst of
these was the tribe of Dan, which was not satisfied with its bound-
aries and occupied an adjoining state, massacred its people, and
took possession of it in the name of Jehovah (see Judges 18:27).*
‘Dan’ means judge or justice; well, the dialectical nature of this jus-
tice will not escape our attention.
There is no need to object to this, for all people in this world
have received their souls from the power of the aeons. And right
up to this hour you will find proof that the leading figures of this
* The Danites having taken what Micah had made, and the priest who belonged to him,
came to Laish, to a people quiet and unsuspecting, put them to the sword, and burned
down the city.
The archons of the aeons
planet are the most humble and faithful servants of the aeons. ‘An
eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth’çthe ancient Mosaic law,
received from the hand of his god, is also today still the leading
motive of the masses and of the individual, even though Jehovah
is no longer mentioned and Christ is on their lips. Even a child can
understand that this Christ is a false Christ.
All of us who are the descendants of the old root races and in
whom all the suggestions of the grey past stir and boil out of the
subconscious and out of the direct radiation of our lipika of the
archons, all of us must understand that there is only one solution
for us: throwing ourselves into the process of liberation, so that
one day it can be said of us also: The power which is in you is from
me, Jesus the Lord, and your souls belong to the Absolute Kingdom.
Chapter 12
‘‘It came to pass then, when I had come into the midst of the rulers
of the aeons, that I looked down on the world of mankind, by
command of the First Mystery. I found Elizabeth, the mother of
John the Baptizer, before she had conceived him, and I sowed into
her a power which I had received from the little Iao“, the Good, who
is from the Midst, that he might be able to make proclamation
before me and make ready my way, and baptize with the water of
the forgiveness of sins. That power then is in the body of John.
In this way the author of the Pistis Sophia tries to explain to the
pupils of the Spiritual School a few more or less incomprehensible
* The Greek word Paralemptor, which stands here in the Coptic text of the Pistis Sophia,
literally means ‘‘receiver.’’ Thereby are indicated the ‘‘guardians at the gates,’’ those
beings who receive the saved souls at their admission into the Pleroma and who accom-
pany them into the domain of eternal life.
The birth of John
Chapter 12
We give you this outline for the sake of completeness, but the point
of direct, primary importance for us is whether we have indeed
entered the process of that first birthçthe Johannine birth. And
we repeat: this concerns a miraculous birth. One cannot decide
to be a John today. One can decide to enter the way, and on this
way, provided the conditions are fulfilled, the factors to this birth
must be granted to us. This is why it is a miraculous birth. This
birth must appear out of a state of being, out of a very concrete
mode of life in which selflessness takes the central place.
In order to make this first miraculous birth radiate clearly
before your consciousness and hence to place the Johannine type
before you in clear definition, it is necessary to begin with some
repetition: the repetition of matters and problems that should be
very familiar to you from reading and listening. We begin with the
question: ‘Who is to be regarded as a successful pupil of the Spirit-
ual School ?’And we mean successful in the liberating sense.
The answer is: ‘A pupil who has come to the discovery through
experience, out of suffering and sorrow, that our nature-order
cannot possibly be the divine order.’
Consequently such a pupil will regard every attempt at the im-
provement of the world on the horizontal plane as superfluous
and absolutely useless. He therefore does not just accept this
world, but begins to seek from within for the Other. At least he
constantly wants to do this seeking from a disquiet that has conse-
quently entered his blood.
If such a pupil were to have knowledge of the why and where-
fore of things, he would also be prepared to accept and apply
sweeping consequences for the sake of his higher objectives. In
The birth of John
‘‘I found Elizabeth, the mother of John the Baptizer, before she had
conceived him...’’
Chapter 12
to receive, I found the soul of the prophet Elias in the aeons of the
By the soul of the prophet Elias, the Pistis Sophia means the blood
inheritance that has been gathered by all those liberated in the
light and that is present in the nature of death. All who have
gone the path and have freed themselves from dialectics have left
the blood inheritance of their victory behind in the nature of
death. All those who go the path and develop themselves into the
type described above receive this inheritance at a certain moment.
They gain participation in it, at the same time as they receive the
power that is in the midst.
Every person receives a blood inheritance whether he wants it
or not. If he has a strong tie to family or nation or race, and he does
not radically disconnect himself from these, he will be forced
willy-nilly to accept the inheritance of that whole group, which is
of course karmically very heavily charged. Then he does not live,
but is being lived, out of and by the blood.
But when he advances in the type as described, and by his state
of being feels himself linked with the heart to the power that is in
our midst, he simultaneously receives a blood inheritance in ac-
cordance with it; he receives a blood treasure, the blood treasure
of the victors, the powers of the living fellowship of brothers and
sisters who have preceded us on the path.
This inheritance becomes greater from century to century; it
has become an immeasurable possession. This blood treasure
was cast into the womb of Elizabeth. And thus the power of the
little Iao“, who is in the midst, and the soul of the prophet Elias
were both bound into the body of John the Baptist, so that John
would be able to be the harbinger, to prepare the way and to bap-
tize with the water of the forgiveness of sins, free of karma by
means of a different soul structure.
This is how the first miraculous birth comes into being. As we saw,
it has three factors:
The birth of John
Chapter 12
And Jesus continued again in the discourse and said: ‘‘It came to
pass then thereafter, that at the command of the First Mystery I
looked down on the world of mankind and found Mary, who is
called ‘my mother’ according to the body of matter. I spake with
her in the type of Gabriel, and when she had turned herself to the
height towards me, I cast thence into her the first power which I had
received from Barbeloçthat is the body which I have borne in the
height. And instead of the soul I cast into her the power which I
have received from the great Sabao-th, the Good, who is in the
region of the Right.
The birth of John
last Helper took a portion of that which it received, and cast it into
the Mixture. And [this portion] is in all who are in the Mixture, as I
have just said unto you.’’
This then Jesus said to his disciples on the Mount of Olives. Jesus
continued again in the discourse with his disciples [and said]:
‘‘Rejoice and exult and add joy to your joy, for the times are com-
pleted for me to put on my Vesture, which hath been prepared for
me from the beginning, which I left behind in the last mystery until
the time of its completion. Now the time of its completion is the
time when I shall be commanded through the First Mystery to dis-
course with you from the beginning of the Truth to the completion
thereof, and from the interiors of the interiors [to the exteriors of the
exteriors], for the world will be saved through you. Rejoice then and
exult, for ye are blessed before all men who are on the earth. It is ye
who will save the whole world.’’
Chapter 13
The power of the little Iao“, the Good
Chapter 13
The power of the little Iao“, the Good
Chapter 13
We ask you: ‘Do you have perfect insight? Is your blood fac-
ulty complete? Is your ability to work in the liberating sense
You will surely answer with a wholehearted, ‘No!’ Then ob-
viously there is a gap in the course of development. This would
cause you to become stranded in the desert.
And this is what the third ray, the ray of Barbelo, provides for. It
crushes and breaks up methodically and completely everything
you might possibly not want, everything in which your reason
falls hopelessly short, everything you cannot accomplish with
your own energy.
This radiation power seizes you with the will of the Father, and
so a situation can arise, where a pupil, with whom everything
went so well in the beginning, now finds himself in a hopeless
mess. For there can be an intense resistance when the pupil is con-
fronted with the drive for self-maintenance, and an immeasurable
fear. Where we do not break as brave, determined heroes with up-
lifted heads, we are broken.
As devoted pupils of the Johannine phase, we naturally want
to prepare our dear Paschal lamb, and full of devotion and concen-
tration, we sit in our little house. But then, as with Christian Rosy-
cross, the storm of the third ray, the ray of Barbelo, strikes, and it
buffets our whole house to pieces.
And now the important thing is that we cease our spontaneous
natural resistance and say, like Mary, ‘Let it be to me according to
Your word.’ We should behave ourselves in such a way that in and
by our mode of life we pray: ‘Not my will, but your will be done.’
Then we receive in our soul the power of the great Sabaoth, the
Good, who is on the right side.
This is the regulating, balancing, fourth ray of the Gnosis,
which enables us to go the path of severance with joy, i.e. a way
that according to nature we cannot want to go, that we cannot
see, cannot understand, but that we now go without resistance,
as a death in order to be born eternally living!
The power of the great Sabaoth
Chapter 14
The power of the great Sabaoth
Chapter 14
The power of the great Sabaoth
Chapter 15
‘‘A nd when your time was completed, ye were born in the world
without souls of the rulers in you. And ye have received your
portion out of the power which the last Helper hath breathed into
the Mixture, that [power] which is blended with all the invisibles
and all rulers and all aeons,çin a word, which is blended with the
world of destruction which is the Mixture. This [power], which
from the beginning I brought out of myself, I have cast into the
First Commandment, and the First Commandment cast a portion
thereof into the great Light, and the great Light cast a portion of
that which it had received, into the five Helpers, and the last
Helper took a portion of that which it received, and cast it into the
Mixture. And [this portion] is in all who are in the Mixture, as I have
just said unto you.’’
This then Jesus said to his disciples on the Mount of Olives. Jesus
continued again in the discourse with his disciples [and said]:
‘‘Rejoice and exult and add joy to your joy, for the times are com-
pleted. ...’’
The five helpers
Chapter 15
The five helpers
Chapter 15
that the rose reveals itself and its fragrance is perceived, this refers
to this microcosmic fission of the original atom.
And the Pistis Sophia calls the five atoms within the light-ves-
ture the five helpers, for the five helpers of the two other rose
petals, the light-vesture and its nucleus in the heart, which give
forth a positive and a negative radiation, increasingly control the
whole dialectical system. These five helpers carry out the process
of transfiguration.
When such a stellar system stops above a pupil, its light is seen
from afar, and the wise men and the forces of the Brotherhood
hasten there to pay homage to what has been newly born and to
sacrifice to it gold, frankincense, and myrrh: the gold of the spirit,
the frankincense of the gnostic link, and the myrrh of purification.
Such a human being has become a true Rosicrucian. And it may
rightly be said to such a human being: ‘Rejoice and exult for your
times are completed.’
The mystery of the flowering rose has now been set before you.
Devoid of the superfluous frills, this mystery tells us that the orig-
inal atom in its dialectical state of captivity is only a seven-petalled
rose in the bud, and if unopened, incapable of any liberating work.
It is a principle that could enable the fallen god-man to walk the
path of liberation. It is a potential power of Christ. To this type of
human being, it could be said: ‘I say unto you, you are gods.’ But
this god must free himself.
If we are such types of human beings, it could not be said of us,
‘You are gods in a nascent state.’ That would be an intense lie, a
great, tremendous deception. We are not incipient gods. That
would indicate a slow development, an evolution, a slow climb up-
wards. The Spiritual School denies that. Throughout the ages
fallen humanity has been deceived and held captive by this be-
trayal. Essentially, this is what distinguishes the Spiritual School
from the modern theosophical way of thinking.
There is no evolution of the true human being without a revo-
lution of the old human being. The old human being has to dis-
The five helpers
solve; the true human being must be born. He lies captive within
the rosebud, and this can break open only by means of the intense
fire of the gnostic sun. The old nature must clear the way for him
by self-neutralisation, in order that the rays of the new sun may
reach the rosebud. The rosebud will increase if you decrease. This
is the secret of the liberating fire.
You can rejoice because you possess a rosebud, for this is the
basis of the Great Work. But you could make the mistake of stop-
ping there and saying, ‘I am a spirit-spark entity. I am a child of
God. I am a Rosicrucian.’ And relying on that, begin a journey of
pretence, conceitedly and complacently.
You are rightfully a Rosicrucian, a son of God, and you will
truly possess a rose garden, only when the great light is ignited
by the great fire and the five helpers may be seen to be shining
from you. Then you will have been taken up entirely into the
rose, and you will again have become the winged being of
former days. Then you will possess the wings and the power of
the sons of God.
Then one will have become seven,
seven will have become two,
two will have become five,
and five will have become one again.
May those who are capable understand this!
Chapter 16
The School of the Rosycross has been speaking about the spirit
spark atom for a long time, and as you have probably realized,
speaking continually about the same subject has a danger,
namely the danger of making the subject seem banal, superficial.
This danger is present particularly when it concerns subjects of
such a tremendous depth and such eminent significance that a dia-
lectical person can observe only some external aspects. And an
external aspect is soon familiar; it quickly makes us lose interest
and often takes from us the energy for closer examination.
But the person who keeps his attention fixed on the spirit spark
atom with undying fervour and with all of his seeking soul makes
wondrous discoveries, so wondrous and so boundless in results
that a deep gratitude rises up in him that the Rosycross makes
use of every opportunity to draw his attention to the original
atom situated at the top of the right heart ventricle. The unchang-
ing message that the Spiritual School directs to its pupils is, ‘Broth-
er, sister, in all things and before all things, pay attention to your
original atom. For that atom is the key to your true existence. It is
the mystery of all mysteries, the beginning and the ending of all
new geneses.’
The wonder of the original atom
Chapter 16
The wonder of the original atom
Chapter 16
to me as eyes that stare at me. I see that the rosebud has seven
petals. I see that the wonder atom consists of seven atoms and
that this sevenfold constellation will open up like an expanding
universe upon the mighty word: ‘Let there be Light.’ I see that
this sevenfold, stilled manifestation is surrounded in a wide circle
by an equally latent zodiacça magnetic, fiery circle.
And I hear the Holy Scriptures call this sleeping, as yet dark
zodiac, the Throne, the divine Throne. I hear the sevenfold atom,
the seven-petalled rose, being called the seven Lords before the
Throne, and I see that this divine microcosm, which is enclosed
within me and surrounds me on all sides, has seven fields of activ-
ity. I see that there are seven rays and that seven potentialities and
seven labours of rebirth have to be completed. I see how candle-
stick after candlestick is lit and begins to glow with an ineffably
glorious light.
And now I understand the beginning of the Apocalypse for the
first time. It is the invocation of the person who goes to awaken his
Belovedçthe invocation of the person who begins his enduristic
work and thus speaks mantramistically:
John to the seven churches that are in Asia: Grace to you and peace
from him who is and who was and who is to come, and from the
seven spirits who are before his throne, and from Jesus Christ the
faithful witness, the first-born of the dead.
Blood, fire, and smoke
Thereafter his disciples said unto him: ‘‘Rabbi, reveal unto us the
mystery of the Light of thy father, since we heard thee say: ‘There
is still a fire-baptism and there is still a baptism of the holy spirit of
the Light ...’’’
These words are in keeping with those of John the Baptist who
says: ‘I baptize you with water, but he who is coming after me
will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire.’
This principle of dual baptism was present at all times and
can be found in all Holy Scriptures. Suppose we see in the dis-
tance a pillar of smoke curling up into the air. We would then
know that a fire is burning there, for there is no smoke without
a fire. The smoke is proof of the fire, but it is not the fire itself.
And it is clear that he who approaches the smoke will also be
able to find the fire. Approaching the smoke, seeing and experi-
encing it, constitutes the baptism of water. Water is the symbol
of each and every physical manifestation, and the baptism of
smoke points to the manifestation of the Gnosis in the world of
What we can taste and understand and digest of the holy fire of
the spirit in the world of time is only the shadow of the fire: the
smoke. The fire itself, however, stays hidden to all material experi-
ence. Witnessing the fire itself becomes possible only when a
Chapter 17
person has broken through all material experience and its delu-
sion. For that reason what we are at best permitted to apprehend
of the holy fire is the baptism of smoke, the shadow of the fire. But
this apprehension is so glorious, so divine, that it can make us
speechless with gratitude, because the baptism of smoke is the
one way to salvation.
That is precisely the meaning of the prelude of the Gospel of
John. John precedes Jesus. Therefore whoever follows John
through the desert of life and makes straight his paths right up to
the Jordan will meet Jesus.You must not only understand this; you
must prove this by your living deeds. And without this proof there
can be no question of the baptism of fire.
Having stated all this as an introduction, we need to under-
stand that there are many misconceptions concerning this dual
baptism. These misconceptions are of a religious or occult nature.
We need to examine these misconceptions thoroughly to their
deepest depths, because they have been prevalent for so many
hundreds of centuries among humanity that every human entity
in the dialectical plane has undergone and absorbed their influ-
ences. There is not a single human being who can say that he or
she is free of misconceptions. A person could of course say this,
but he could not maintain this upon closer examination. We have
all been drinking from this poisoned cup, and consequently we are
heavily damaged.
You must see the request of the disciples in the Pistis Sophia in
this light. It is a cry from the heart: ‘Lord, unveil the mysteries of
the light to us!’
What is the unveiling of mysteries? Can we do that for you?
No, you must do this for yourself!
And here we enter the area of the misconceptions where the
best people in the world have often tripped up. For example,
people say: ‘The baptism of water relates to the material side of
things, to earthly mysteries and initiations, and knowledge of the
There are many who possess great knowledge of the mysteries.
Blood, fire, and smoke
Chapter 17
Blood, fire, and smoke
Chapter 18
It is you who will save the whole world
Chapter 18
‘‘Rejoice and exult and add joy to your joy, for the times are com-
pleted for me to put on my Vesture, which hath been prepared for
me from the beginning, which I left behind in the last mystery until
the time of its completion. Now the time of its completion is the
time when I shall be commanded through the First Mystery to dis-
course with you from the beginning of the Truth to the completion
thereof, and from the interiors of the interiors [to the exteriors of the
exteriors], for the world will be saved through you. Rejoice then and
exult, for ye are blessed before all men who are on the earth. It is ye
who will save the whole world.’’
It is you who will save the whole world
Chapter 18
‘‘Rejoice then and exult, for ye are blessed before all [fallen] men
who are on the earth. It is ye who will save the whole world.’’
It is you who will save the whole world
pents, who turns to the light. For this reason the Pistis Sophia de-
scribes in the next chapters the candidate’s path of joy through the
reflection sphere of the cosmos, where the powers of hell are de-
Chapter 18
It came to pass then, when Jesus had finished saying these words to
his disciples, that he continued again in the discourse, and said unto
them: ‘‘Lo, I have then put on my Vesture, and all authority hath
been given me through the First Mystery. Yet a little while and I
will tell you the mystery of the universe and the fulness of the
universe; and I will hide nothing from you from this hour on, but
in fulness will I perfect you in all fulness and in all perfection and
in all mysteries, which are the perfection of all perfections and the
fulness of all fulnesses and the gnosis of all gnoses,çthose which
are in my Vesture. I will tell you all mysteries from the exteriors of
the exteriors to the interiors of the interiors. But hearken that I may
tell you all things which have befallen me.
‘‘It came to pass then, when the sun had risen in the east, that a great
light-power came down, in which was my Vesture, which I had left
behind in the four-and-twentieth mystery, as I have said unto you.
And I found a mystery in my Vesture, written in five words of those
from the height: zama zama o‹ zza rachama o‹ dzai,çwhose solution is
It is you who will save the whole world
‘‘ ‘Come unto us, for we all draw nigh to thee to clothe thee with the
First Mystery and all his glory, by commandment of himself, in that
the First Mystery hath given us it, consisting of two vestures, to
clothe thee therewith, besides the one which we have sent thee, for
thou art worthy of them, since thou art prior to us, and existeth
before us. For this cause, therefore, bath the First Mystery sent thee
through us the mystery of all his glory, consisting of two vestures.
‘‘ ‘In the first is the whole glory of all the names of all mysteries and
all emanations of the orders of the spaces of the Ineffable.
Chapter 18
It is you who will save the whole world
‘‘ ‘Lo, therefore, we have sent thee this vesture, which no one knew
from the First Commandment downwards, for the glory of its light
was hidden in it, and the spheres and all regions from the First Com-
mandment downwards [have not known it]. Haste thee, therefore,
clothe thyself with this vesture and come unto us. For we draw
nigh unto thee, to clothe thee by command of the First Mystery
with thy two ventures [other] which existed for thee from the begin-
ning with the First Mystery until the time appointed by the Ineffa-
ble is completed. Come, therefore, to us quickly, that we may put
them on thee, until thou hast fulfilled the total ministry of the per-
fection of the First Mystery which is appointed by the Ineffable.
Come, therefore, to us quickly, in order that we may clothe thee with
them, according to the command of the First Mystery. For yet a little
while, a very little while, and thou shalt come unto us and leave the
world. Come, therefore, quickly, that thou mayest receive thy whole
glory, that is the glory of the First Mystery.’
‘‘It came to pass then, when I saw the mystery of all these words in
the vesture which was sent me, that straightway I clothed myself
therewith, and I shone most exceedingly and soared into the height.
‘‘I came before the [first] gate of the firmament, shining most ex-
ceedingly, and there was no measure for the light which was about
me, and the gates of the firmament were shaken one over against
another and all opened at once.
Chapter 18
‘‘A nd all rulers and all authorities and all angels therein were
thrown all together into agitation because of the great light which
was on me. And they gazed at the radiant vesture of light with
which I was clad, and they saw the mystery which contains their
names, I and they feared most exceedingly. And all their bonds
with which they were bound, were unloosed and every one left
his order, and they all fell down before me, adored and said: ‘How
hath the lord of the universe passed through us without our
knowing?’ And they all sang praises together to the interiors of
the interiors; but me they saw not, but they saw only the light.
And they were in great fear and were exceedingly agitated and
sang praises to the interiors of the interiors.’’
The Lord knows us all by name
Chapter 19
The Lord knows us all by name
really breaking through matter. The fact that you can imagine this
mystical practice is proof that all this is possible in ordinary nature.
It is a practice in which the ordinary higher self remains lord and
master, as a consequence of which the mystical results are radiated
electromagnetically into ordinary nature, thereby strengthening
and maintaining the ordinary nature.
Hence if the self-freemason wants to reach the fifth degree, he
must neutralize the higher self. Whoever decides to do this will
experience that the negative struggle changes into a very positive
one. Then it is no longer a matter of cooperation, of regulation:
The candidate is placed before his most natural enemy, the
enemy of the beginning. He must free himself from the garment
of electromagnetic forces of ordinary nature. These forces have
kept him prisoner from the beginning.
This enemy is not a devil or reflection sphere entity, but an
ordinary auric magnetic firmament in which the karma of all the
ages lies hidden and with which, of course, various entities can
link up, but purely as incidental circumstances. For whoever can
be clothed in the new light-vesture cannot be reached by any
entity of the reflection sphere. In this way the pupil of the fourth
degree must go the path of liberation, the path which is for exam-
ple called ‘the temptation in the wilderness.’
History shows how such a pupil of the fourth degree breaks
through his own reflection sphere and how this reflection sphere
is dissolved. And therefore it will be clear to you that when some-
one travels in this way through his own auric being of ordinary
nature, his eyes fixed on the goal and clothed ever more in the
new light-vesture of the rose of the heart, he travels through the
cosmic reflection sphere at the same time. For whoever dissolves
his own ordinary microcosmic firmament also frees himself from
the cosmic and macrocosmic firmament of ordinary nature.
The nature of death in its entirety can no longer hold on to
such a pupil. Such a pupil is in the world but no longer of the
world. To these pupils of the fourth degree, the Pistis Sophia says:
Chapter 19
‘‘Rejoice then and exult, for ye are blessed before all men who are on
the earth. It is ye who will save the whole world.’’
‘‘It came to pass then, when I saw the mystery of all these words in
the vesture which was sent me, that straightway I clothed myself
therewith, and I shone most exceedingly and soared into the height.
‘‘I came before the[first] gate of the firmament, shining most exceed-
ingly, and there was no measure for the light which was about me,
The Lord knows us all by name
and the gates of the firmament were shaken one over against
another and all opened at once.
‘‘A nd all rulers and all authorities and all angels therein were
thrown all together into agitation because of the great light which
was on me. And they gazed at the radiant vesture of light with
which I was clad, and they saw the mystery which contains their
names, and they feared most exceedingly. And all their bonds with
which they were bound, were unloosed and every one left his
order, and they all fell down before me, adored and said: ‘How
hath the lord of the universe passed through us without our
knowing?’ And they all sang praises together to the interiors of
the interiors; but me they saw not, but they saw only the light.
And they were in great fear and were exceedingly agitated and
sang praises to the interiors of the interiors.’’
We are told that the brother or sister of the fourth degree who has
received the vesture of the rose and is beginning to walk the path
of the fifth degree effects the collapse of the dialectical firmament
with its values and order. The whole magnetic system is broken
down, and its cohesion and system are totally lost. This alludes to
the release from the pull of dialectical gravitation. All the bonds
fall away, and every dialectical magnetic force leaves its order.
‘Seeing the mystery with one’s own name’ is a known concept
in the Universal Teachings. A name in its original sense is an indi-
cation of one’s true state of being. We all have a name, a state of
being, and for this reason the Bible says: ‘The Lord knows us all by
name,’ which is clear.
When we have a name, a state of being of a lower nature than
the divine mystery, we can see the mystery, the unfathomable, for
example as a manifestation of light, but we do not perceive the
reality. And so we will understand that whoever begins the jour-
ney to heaven in the vesture of the rose, as a brother or sister of the
Rosycross, can no longer be hindered by earthly powers and forces
of the reflection sphere, nor can he or she even be seen.
Chapter 19
‘‘... but me they saw not,but they saw only the light. And they were in
great fear and were exceedingly agitated. ...’’
‘How hath the lord of the universe passed through us without our
How? This is clear. What is hidden from the wise and learned of
this world is revealed to the children of God.
May you make this revelation into an absolute reality for your-
selves and so help others to approach this one reality.
The east and the west window
Chapter 20
‘‘Rejoice then and exult, for ye are blessed before all men who are on
the earth. It is ye who will save the whole world.’’
‘‘It came to pass then, when the sun had risen in the east, that a great
light-power came down, in which was my Vesture, which I had left
behind in the four-and-twentieth mystery, as I have said unto you.
And I found a mystery in my Vesture, written in five words of those
from the height: zama zama o‹ zza rachama o‹ zai,çwhose solution is
The east and the west window
‘‘‘O Mystery, which is without in the world, for whose sake the
universe hath arisen, ç this is the total outgoing and the total
ascent, which hath emanated all emanations and all that is therein
and for whose sake all mysteries and all their regions have arisen,
çcome hither unto us, for we are thy fellow members. We are all
with thyself; we are one and the same. Thou art the First Mystery,
which existed from the beginning in the Ineffable before it came
forth; and the name thereof are we all. Now, therefore, are we all
come to meet thee at the last limit, which also is the last mystery
from within; itself is a portion of us.’ ’’
The rising of the sun in the east indicates, as you will understand,
the third degree. As long as we are still of the first or second
degree, we stand in the aurora, the rising aurora; we stand in the
dawning light of the approaching day. But when the sun rises in
the east, the great light-power comes to us and awakens the rose
from its sleep of aeons.
In the Universal Teachings the east is always the beginning of
things just like the west window is the finish of things. It is through
the west window that things leave us and that the past tries to
cling on to us. And when the gnostic sun then rises in the east,
we are confronted with the secret of the manifestation of God,
which actually is also ‘the past.’ For when the gnostic light-
power comes down to strike our heart sanctuary, we discover
that our light-vesture that we once left behind is in it. This is very
profound, and you should consider this for a while, so that you
will be able to understand the depth of this part of the Pistis
Sophia clearly.
Every microcosm has an east and a west window. At the one
window we see the sun rising; at the other one we see the sun set-
ting. And at a certain stage of pupilship, it happens that in the mi-
crocosm there is an outgoing magnetic stream through which all
forces and values, with which the pupil has finished, are removed
and destroyed. When we go the path of nature dissolution and say
farewell to dialectical things, everything leaves us by way of the
Chapter 20
The east and the west window
I rise before dawn and cry for help; I hope in thy words. My eyes are
awake before the watches of the night, that I may meditate upon thy
The New Man is in all eternity. He descends with the new light-
vesture into our microcosm, because something of him is kept im-
prisoned by us in our microcosm. And transfiguration is actually
nothing other than the fading away of a phantom of the night in
Chapter 20
the light of the dawn. When the rose begins to radiate, the whole
microcosm of the nature of death systematically collapses. And
everything that was and is truly living goes onward in Him who
was and is in all eternity. For this reason we see the apocalyptic
new man appear at the same time as the light-vesture does. And
he says:
‘Fear not, I am the first and the last, and the living one; I died, and
behold I am alive for evermore.’
The light-vesture of renewal
All who walk the way of the rose and the cross long to be clothed
with the light-vesture of renewal. They are poor in spirit and long
for the spirit. To those who belong to a living group of candidates,
the mystery is revealed: the mystery that the light-vesture of re-
newal consists not only of light and power, of electromagnetic
force, but that this vesture is a manifestation of pure spiritual po-
tency which will surround and encompass the dialectical micro-
cosm. In the fields of the divine Gnosis, every manifestation is in-
destructible and lives on in eternity. The system of manifestation
to which the divine selfçenclosed in the heartçonce belonged
lives in all eternity and is unshakeable. The rose of the heart is a
spark of an incessantly burning fire. The spark has been dispersed
and extinguished, but because of its origin, can immediately be
kindled again into a fiery glow.
And that is what is happening when a person seeks for ‘the
light-vesture that his rose-bud would receive.’ For that reason the
Brotherhood, with its foreshadowing radiation, has first of all
tended and protected you, as a grower looks after the flower
buds in his greenhouses. You have experienced the consolation
of the powerfield. You have been nourished, so that you might be
delivered from your isolation. And to every brother and sister of
the fourth degree, the voice speaks:
We all approach you at the last limit, that is: at the last mystery,
which itself is a part of us. We are completely one with you; we are
one and the same.
Chapter 21
At this stage you have accepted the light-vesture sent to you, and
the journey home through all the spheres of dialectics could be
fulfilled by you. We would like to speak to you about this light-
vesture, this mystery of original existence, guided by the tenth
chapter of the Pistis Sophia.
In this chapter we are told wondrous things about it. We dis-
cover namely that there are another three vestures beside the wed-
ding-vesture known to us. The light-vesture that has been sent to
the brother or sister is the vesture that belonged to him from the
beginning and that he had left behind at the last limit, that is, at the
last mystery from within. The vesture that he wore last is therefore
given back to him first with the message:
‘‘‘Come unto us, for we all draw nigh to thee to clothe thee with the
First Mystery and all his glory, by commandment of himself, in that
the First Mystery hath given us it, consisting of two vestures, to
clothe thee therewith, besides the one which we have sent thee, for
thou art worthy of them. ...
‘‘‘In the first is the whole glory of all the names of all mysteries and
all emanations of the orders of the spaces of the Ineffable.
‘‘‘A nd in the second vesture is the whole glory of the name of all
mysteries and all emanations which are in the orders of the two
spaces of the First Mystery.
‘‘‘A nd in this [third] vesture, which we have just sent thee, is the
glory of the name of the mystery of the Revealer, which is the First
Commandment, and of the mystery of the five Impressions, and of
the mystery of the great Envoy of the Ineffable, who is the great
Light, and of the mystery of the five Leaders, who are the five
Helpers. There is further in this vesture the glory of the name of
the mystery of all orders of the emanations of the Treasury of the
The light-vesture of renewal
‘‘‘Lo, therefore, we have sent thee this vesture, which no one knew
from the First Commandment downwards, for the glory of its light
was hidden in it, and the spheres and all regions from the First Com-
mandment downwards [have not known it]. Haste thee, therefore,
clothe thyself with this vesture and come unto us. For we draw
nigh unto thee, to clothe thee by command of the First Mystery
with thy two vestures [other] which existed for thee from the begin-
ning with the First Mystery until the time appointed by the Ineffa-
ble is completed. Come, therefore, to us quickly, that we may put
them on thee, until thou has fulfilled the total ministry of the per-
fection of the First Mystery which is appointed by the Ineffable. ...
For yet a little while, a very little while, and thou shalt come unto us
and leave the world. Come, therefore, quickly, that thou mayest
receive thy whole glory, that is the glory of the First Mystery.’ ’’
When we hear, consider, and study all this, the whole Universal
Doctrine is revealed to us concisely, in a nutshell as it were.
When the Wholly Glorious One reveals himself to the brother or
sister of the fourth degree and the third light-vesture, the vesture of
Pymander, the vesture of the manifesting spirit, is sent to him or
her, this manifestation signifies the glory and the majesty of the
perfect Gnosis and of all power in heaven and on earth.
The great journey upwards to the Fatherland leads through all the
regions of the nature of death in a process, not only through our
field of life, but also through all the regions of the whole universe
of dialectics.
In this universe there are countless systems from the most gross
to the most refined. There are myriads of beings and life-waves
Chapter 21
The light-vesture of renewal
Chapter 21
Conquer the law of gravitation
Chapter 22
Conquer the law of gravitation
Chapter 22
Conquer the law of gravitation
the voice that speaks to us: ‘See, I will send you the Comforter who
will testify of me’? For we too are being given the opportunity of
rising from the grave.
As proof of our victory the Pentecostal fire will ignite. The
Comforter, the Holy Spirit, is the radiant power of the Universal
Brotherhood, the magnetic radiation of the New Covenant.
Understand this mystery of the magnetic transformation: the
alchemical wedding of Christian Rosycross.
Chapter 23
‘‘It came to pass then, when I saw the mystery of all these words in
the vesture which was sent me, that straightway I clothed myself
therewith, and I shone most exceedingly and soared into the height.
‘‘I came before the [first] gate of the firmament, shining most ex-
ceedingly, and there was no measure for the light which was about
me, and the gates of the firmament were shaken one over against
another and all opened at once.
‘‘A nd all rulers and all authorities and all angels therein were
thrown all together into agitation because of the great light which
was on me. And they gazed at the radiant vesture of light with
which I was clad, and they saw the mystery which contains their
names, and they feared most exceedingly. And all their bonds
with which they were bound, were unloosed and every one left
his order, and they all fell down before me, adored and said: ‘How
hath the lord of the universe passed through us without our
knowing?’ And they all sang praises together to the interiors of
the interiors; but me they saw not, but they saw only the light.
And they were in great fear and were exceedingly agitated and
they sang praises to the interiors of the interiors.’’
The archons, authorities, and angels fear most exceedingly
Chapter 23
of the cosmic lipika is also broken. Then the gates of the firmament
all begin to move and open at the same time. And all the archons
and all the authorities and all the angels therein become agitated
through the great light.
The candidate also reads the message in the mystery of his new
‘‘Rejoice and exult for it is you who will save the whole world.’’
You will now understand how this salvation takes place. It is not
that you as a personality escape through a breach in your own nat-
ural lipika like a chick leaving its egg. Opening the gate of heaven
means that one attacks the fundamental basis of one’s own natural
lipika and hence also the lipika of the world. Attacking in this way
means destroying.
This is the liberating aspect of this work, the aspect liberating
the world and mankind. If we destroy the grip of the dialectical
aeons on our own system, it is perhaps difficult to understand
that this is a step towards the liberation of humanity. But when
we see that this self-freemasonry at the same time means an
attack on the dialectical world system, we can understand the
effect fully.
Therefore in deepest essence we cannot do anything for others
in a really liberating sense, if we are not at the same time working
on self-liberation. For this reason any help and comfort within
nature given to others is never liberating. This does not mean
such help must stop, but all your work should be directed primar-
ily towards self-liberation. For he who is free can free others and in
a very personal way.
The candidate, who commences his homeward journey and so
possesses a light-vesture of the Holy Spirit, emits a powerful light.
He has created a new radiation field. This light causes agitation in
all the powers and forces in the natural lipika in a very natural way:
‘‘A nd they gazed at the radiant vesture of light with which I was
The archons, authorities, and angels fear most exceedingly
clad, and they saw the mystery which contains their names, and
they feared most exceedingly.’’
‘‘A nd all their bonds with which they were bound, were unloosed
and every one left his order.’’
Chapter 23
netic points are also disconnected from their bases in the cosmic
magnetic field.
At this moment not a single dialectical influence including not
a single reflection sphere power can influence him to the slightest
degree any longer. For it is clear that all dialectical influences from
this or yonder side rely on the archons, the authorities, and the
angels of the magnetic field of the nature of death. If the candidate
were to reach this point of his homeward journey and all the dia-
lectical forces were to conspire together to influence him in one
mighty concentration, he would hardly notice this influence.
Only in this way can the candidate be liberated from the reflection
sphere. As long as this is not the case, he has to be on his guard.
All the magnetic points in the auric system are grouped ac-
cording to their siderial order. All the astronomical values and cur-
rents within the zodiacal macrocosm play a role in it. All these
sidereal orders possess their archons, their authorities, and their
angels. All the inhabitants of the physical plane and the reflection
sphere, from the most exalted to the most degenerate, are divided
in groups in accordance with these sidereal orders. The candidate
who ascends to the gate of heaven, as described above, breaks all
the sidereal chains, structurally and fundamentally.
‘‘...and they all fell down before me, adored and said: ‘How hath the
lord of the universe passed through us without our knowing?’ ’’
The archons, authorities, and angels fear most exceedingly
‘‘A nd they were in great fear and were exceedingly agitated and
sang praises to the interiors of the interiors.’’
‘‘A nd they were in great fear and were exceedingly agitated and
sang praises to the interiors of the interiors.’’
When all who populate the universe of death right to the utmost
ends of dialectical space break out in these songs of praise, we see
that the process of gnostic liberation:
firstly breaks down the grip of one’s own natural lipika,
secondly annihilates the influences of the whole universe of
Chapter 23
The archons, authorities, and angels fear most exceedingly
‘‘A nd I left that region behind me and ascended to the first sphere,
shining most exceedingly, forty-and-nine-times more brightly than
I had shone in the firmament. It came to pass then, when I had
reached the gate of the first sphere, that its gates were shaken and
opened of themselves at once.
‘‘I entered into the houses of the sphere, shining most exceedingly,
and there was no measure to the light that was about me. And all
the rulers and all those who are in that sphere, fell into agitation one
against another. And they saw the great light that was about me,
and they gazed upon my vesture and saw thereon the mystery of
their name. And they fell into still greater agitation, and were in
great fear, saying: ‘How hath the lord of the universe passed
through us without our knowing?’ And all their bonds were
unloosed and their regions and their orders; and every one left his
order, and they fell down all together, adored before, me, or before
my vesture, and all sang praises together to the interiors of the inte-
riors, being in great fear and great agitation.
‘‘A nd I left that region behind me and came to the gate of the
second sphere, which is the Fate. Then were all its gates thrown
into agitation and opened of themselves. And I entered into the
houses of the Fate, shining most exceedingly, and there was no
measure for the light that was about me, for I shone in the Fate
forty-and-nine times more than in the [first] sphere.
Chapter 23
‘‘A nd all the rulers and all those who are in the Fate, were thrown
into agitation and fell on one another and were in exceeding great
fear on seeing the great light that was about me. And they gazed on
my vesture of light and saw the mystery of their name on my
vesture and fell into still greater agitation; and they were in great
fear, saying: ‘How hath the lord of the universe passed through us
without our knowing?’ And all the bonds of their regions and of
their orders and of their houses were unloosed; they all came at
once, fell down, adored before me and sang praises all together to
the interiors of the interiors, being in great fear and great agitation.
‘‘A nd I left that region behind me and ascended to the great aeons
of the rulers and came before their veils and their gates, shining
most exceedingly, and there was no measure for the light which
was about me. It came to pass then, when I arrived at the twelve
aeons, that their veils and their gates were shaken one over against
the other. Their veils drew themselves apart of their own accord,
and their gates opened one over against the other. And I entered
into the aeons, shining most exceedingly, and there was no
measure for the light that was about me, forty-and-nine times
more than the light with which I shone in the houses of the Fate.
‘‘A nd all the angels of the aeons and their archangels and their
rulers and their gods and their lords and their authorities and their
tyrants and their powers and their light-sparks and their light-
givers and their unpaired and their invisibles and their forefathers
The archons, authorities, and angels fear most exceedingly
‘‘It came to pass then, when all those who are in the twelve aeons
saw the great light which was about me, that they were all thrown
into agitation one over against the other, and ran hither and thither
in the aeons. And all aeons and all heavens and their whole
ordering were agitated one over against the other on account of
the great fear which was on them, for they knew not the mystery
Chapter 23
which had taken place. And Adamas, the great Tyrant, and all the
tyrants in all the aeons began to fight in vain against the light, and
they knew not against whom they fought, because they saw
nothing, but the overmastering light.
‘‘It came to pass then, when they fought against the light, that they
were weakened all together one with another, were dashed down in
the aeons and became as the inhabitants of the earth, dead and
without breath of life.
‘‘A nd I took from all a third of their power, that they should no more
be active in their evil doings, and that, if the men who are in the
world, invoke them in their mysteries ç those which the angels
who transgressed have brought down, that is their sorceries,çin
order that, therefore, if they invoke them in their evil doings, they
may not be able to accomplish them.
‘‘A nd the Fate and the sphere over which they rule, I have changed
and brought it to pass that they spend six months turned to the left
and accomplish their influences, and that six months they face to
the right and accomplish their influences. For by command of the
First Commandment and by command of the First Mystery Iao“,
the Overseer of the Light, had set them facing the left at every
time and accomplishing their influences and their deeds.
The zodiac ç a twelvefold prison
Chapter 24
‘‘A nd I left that region behind me and ascended to the first sphere,
shining most exceedingly, forty-and-nine-times more brightly than
I had shone in the firmament. It came to pass then, when I had
reached the gate of the first sphere, that its gates were shaken and
opened of themselves at once.
‘‘I entered into the houses of the sphere ... And all the rulers and all
those who are in that sphere, fell into agitation...’’
This refers to the solar field. The Pistis Sophia calls this field the
‘first sphere.’ It is the field of the solar system of which the earth
is a part. In order to be able to rise beyond this field, the light of the
third light-vesture must have become forty-nine times more
powerful than during the journey through the reflection sphere.
And we see that matters develop in the same way here. Again
the amazement and the exclamation: ‘How hath the lord of the uni-
verse passed through us without our knowing?’
This again is very understandable, for from the point of view of
the inhabitants of the first sphere, one can expect mightier powers
from the zodiac, but not from a body subordinate to the solar
macrocosm. Just as we in our world can determine on a scientific
basis the properties of atoms and elements and measure the forces
operating in our field of nature, so a well-trained scientist would
certainly be most surprised and bewildered to find a mortal
person whose physical fragility, weaknesses, and strengths have
The zodiac ç a twelvefold prison
‘‘... they fell down all together, adored before me, or before my
vesture, and all sang praises together to the interiors of the inte-
riors, being in great fear and great agitation.’’
‘‘A nd I left that region behind me and came to the gate of the
second sphere, which is the Fate. Then were all its gates thrown
into agitation and opened of themselves. And I entered into the
Chapter 24
The fact that here again the number 49 returns is connected with
the sevenfold structure of the divine universe, as a result of which
the candidate unleashes more and more seven times sevenfold
gnostic power as the process continues.
In the second sphere we see the same story again. All the ar-
chons become very agitated and fall over each other in fear and
say: ‘How hath the lord of the universe passed through us without our
knowing?’And all the bonds are unloosed.
As soon as the candidate can leave this region behind, it is the
turn of the twelve aeons. Once again the light-vesture of the broth-
er travelling on his journey through these foreign realms is forty-
nine times more majestic. The Pistis Sophia says about this in the
fourteenth chapter:
‘‘A nd I left that region behind me and ascended to the great aeons
of the rulers and came before their veils and their gates ... and there
was no measure for the light that was about me, forty-and-nine
times more than the light with which I shone in the houses of the
‘‘A nd all the angels of the aeons and their archangels and their
rulers and their gods and their lords and their authorities and their
tyrants and their powers and their light-sparks and their light-
givers and their unpaired and their invisibles and their forefathers
and their triple-powers ... were thrown into agitation the one over
against the other and great fear fell upon them, when they saw the
great light that was about me. ... And because of the great fear of
their agitation, the great Forefather, he and the three triple-powers,
kept on running hither and thither in his region, and they could not
close all their regions because of the great fear in which they were ...
the great light which was about meçnot of the former quality that
The zodiac ç a twelvefold prison
it was about me when I was on the earth of mankind, ... for the world
could not bear the light such as it was in its truth, else would the
world at once be destroyed and all upon it,çbut the light which
was about me in the twelve aeons was eight-thousand-and-seven-
hundred-myriad times greater than that which was about me in the
world among you.’’
We will notice that the situation now changes somewhat. In all the
lower regions of the nature of death, there was amazement and
fear on account of the fact that the development took place from
below upwards, but finally the mystery ends up in the so-called
higher regions. When you think of nature-religious contempla-
tion, you will understand that all suffering, sorrow, and misery
are submitted to what people call God. ‘The Lord will heal and
fix everything,’ so it is said.
But according to the image that the Pistis Sophia outlines for us,
there is now no higher authority. Now the higher gods themselves
are bewildered and lose control of the situation. Finally they come
with their last argument: they become angry.
‘‘A nd Adamas, the great Tyrant, and all the tyrants in all the aeons
began to fight in vain against the light. ...’’
You will understand that this last dialectical argument is and must
be the end. During the soul journey to the Father, the arrival at the
so-called Twelfth Aeon proves to be the last and most deciding
phase of the ascent out of dialectics.
In order to fathom this, we need to have some understanding
of the significance of the zodiac. The twelve macrocosmic powers
of the zodiac, which rule our dialectical universe in a more direct
sense, enclose our part of the dialectical universe. They rule it.
They form the highest dialectical authorities from which our
twelvefold personality results. They form:
firstly: the dialectical I-consciousness,
secondly: the dialectical instinct of possession,
Chapter 24
This whole twelvefold chain forms the great prison in the nature
of death. These are the twelve gods from whom emanate: twelve
ideas, twelve delusions, twelve attempts.
The Pistis Sophia calls this chain, in its unity, the great Fore-
father, with his three great triple powers. This system namely has
a fundamental force, a controlling force, and a continuously acti-
vating force: the trinity of the nature of delusion. It is clear that
every candidate who wants to fulfil his homeward journey has to
shake off the chain of delusion right up to the twelfth hour.
Twelve gods rule everything that exists and lives within the
zodiac. These twelve gods have their reflections in our lipika and
hence in our magnetic system and in our personality. It is logical
that it is not enough for any pupil on the path merely to break up
his own zodiac in his auric being. He has to rise beyond the whole
universe of death, so that the Garden of the Gods will no longer be
able to victimize him.
For this reason the Rosycross places you before another Fore-
father with his three triple powers. For a fundamental force ema-
nates from the Gnosis, and he who stands on this stands as if on a
rock. There is a gnostic controlling force, and he who walks his path
The zodiac ç a twelvefold prison
Chapter 25
It becomes clear that there are four phases of ascent beyond dialec-
tics when a pupil really wants to go the path.
The dethronement of the four Lords of Fate
The first phase is the most important and decisive. The first
Lord of Fate has a twelvefold grip on our brain, and this deter-
mines the nature, the state, and the existence of the I. The human
being is ‘siderially born,’ that is to say, his life is determined by the
twelvefold principle, the twelve groups of magnetic lines of force
of our more immediate macrocosm.
Perhaps you have heard of the second sidereal birth, which we
also call the mystical rebirth. This mystical rebirth relates to this
first phase of the ascent beyond dialectics. It dethrones the first
Lord of Fate and breaks the twelvefold magnetic hold on our
brain. It brings a new twelvefold structure of lines of force in its
However before this is achieved, a lot has to happen in a per-
son’s life. When we discuss the progress of a candidate in this fun-
damental process with our pupils and the public, there is the great
danger that our audience will stop at intellectual consideration. It
may begin to think it possesses something that in reality is noth-
For this reason we want to focus our attention again on the be-
ginning of the process of salvation in the Gospel. The seeking
person is first outlined as the double-figure of Zechariah-Elizabeth
old and tired of life and without any worthwhile achievements.
However this seeking stage is a gift of grace of the Holy Spirit. It
proves the activity of the rose of the heart, the original atom.
It is possible that the first Lord of Fate has such a grip on the
human being that he lives his ordinary dialectical life and treats
seeking as a pastime. You will understand that in this way life re-
mains without any liberating result. Zechariah-Elizabeth had al-
ready passed beyond this stage. Their seeking and yearning was
a cry from the heart, a desire for salvation, an immense longing
for a new, different life.
When the candidate knows this state, the second evangelical
process begins: the birth of John. John is to make straight the
paths for his God. Whoever does this and goes this path immedi-
ately comes into conflict with his brain-god and its vassal, the I-
Chapter 25
The dethronement of the four Lords of Fate
fixed in the brain. For this reason it is said that Jesus the Lord
chooses twelve disciples, whom he teaches and helps and impels
to perfection. And this whole process in the personality is named
‘the way of the cross.’ This means that participating in the new
race, merging into it, and coming to fulness in it is a way from
Bethlehem to Golgotha.
When the ‘consummatum est’ can resound, the new child of
the new race has matured, has become ripe to act, has become
ripe for brotherhood. Then death has been conquered, and trans-
figuration has commenced to an important extent. For this reason
it is said that, after Golgotha, Jesus the Lord departed and preceded
the disciples to another stage in the process of ascent.
Now you can understand that when the brain-god in the can-
didate is dethroned and the twelvefold magnetic spell of the
nature-aeons is broken in the head-sanctuary, a fundamental con-
flict breaks out simultaneously with the three other Lords of Fate,
namely: the Lord of Fate in the auric being, the Lord of Fate in our
field of life, and the Lord of Fate of the solar system, in other words,
with the microcosm, the cosmos, and the macrocosm. The ascent
beyond the microcosm, the cosmos, and the macrocosm also be-
comes necessary. This fourfold ascent is outlined in the Pistis
Chapter 15 of the Pistis Sophia sketches some very remarkable
facts about this fourfold journey. For he who has undergone the
second sidereal birth, the mystical rebirth, and so has dethroned
the first Lord of Fate, the brain-god, does not have to worry in
the least about the other three dialectical powers.
When the new light has been kindled, Adamas and all the ty-
rants will begin to fight against the light, but they will no longer
be able reach the personality. The power, as far as it is directed at
the personality, is destroyed.
For the magnetic powers of the auric being, the cosmos, and
the macrocosm are thrust out of their orbits. And the fate and the
sphere that they ruled before, namely the brain-god and the per-
sonality, can no longer be affected by these magnetic lines of
Chapter 25
force. They are periodically turned to the left and to the right; they
show directions deviating entirely from the personality. And the
released energies are absorbed by everything that is akin to
them. For this reason it is said that their glance is always turned
to the left. All this is at the command of the Lord of the divine
light, Jeu.
The counsel of God, the Gnosis, wrenches the personality, in
which the precious jewel, the original atom, lies hidden, out of
the old microcosm. And clothed in the third vesture, the light-ves-
ture, a new microcosm is built. He who has ears to hear, let him
The dethronement of the four Lords of Fate
‘‘It came to pass then, when I came into their region, that they
mutinied and fought against the light. And I took the third of their
power, in order that they should not be able to accomplish their evil
deeds. And the Fate and the sphere, over which they rule, I have
changed, and set them facing the left six months and accomplish-
ing their influences, and I have set them turned another six months
to the right and accomplishing their influences.’’
When then he had said this to his disciples, he said unto them:
‘‘Who hath ears to hear, let him hear.’’
It came to pass then, when Mary had heard the Saviour say these
words, that she gazed fixedly into the air for the space of an hour.
She said: ‘‘My Lord, give commandment unto me to speak in
Then said Mary to the Saviour: ‘‘My Lord, the word which thou
hast spoken unto us: ‘Who hath ears to hear, let him hear,’ thou
sayest in order that we may understand the word which thou hast
spoken. Hearken, therefore, my Lord, that I may discourse in
Chapter 25
‘‘The word which thou hast spoken: ‘I have taken a third from the
power of the rulers of all the aeons, and changed their Fate and their
sphere over which they rule, in order that, if the race of men invoke
them in the mysteriesçthose which the angels who transgressed
have taught them for the accomplishing of their evil and lawless
deeds in the mystery of their sorcery,’ ç in order then that they
may no more from this hour accomplish their lawless deeds,
because thou hast taken their power from them and from their
horoscope-casters and their consulters and from those who
declare to the men in the world all things which shall come to pass,
in order that they should no more from this hour know how to
declare unto them any thing at all which will come to pass (for
thou hast changed their spheres, and hast made them spend six
months turned to the left and accomplishing their influences, and
another six months facing the right and accomplishing their influ-
ences),çconcerning this word then, my Lord, the power which was
in the prophet Isaiah, hath spoken thus and proclaimed aforetime in
a spiritual similitude, discoursing on the ‘Vision about Egypt’:
‘Where then, O Egypt, where are thy consulters and horoscope-
casters and those who cry out of the earth and those who cry out
of their belly? Let them then declare unto thee from now on the
deeds which the lord Sabaoth will do!’
The dethronement of the four Lords of Fate
Fate, in order that they might know nothing from now on. For this
cause it hath said also: ‘Ye shall then know not of what the lord
Sabaoth will do ’; that is, none of the rulers will know what thou
wilt do from now on, ç for they are ‘Egypt,’ because they are
matter. The power then which was in Isaiah, prophesied concerning
thee aforetime, saying: ‘From now on ye shall then know not what
the lord Sabaoth will do.’ Because of the light-power which thou
didst receive from Sabaoth, the Good, who is in the region of the
Right, and which is in thy material body to-day, for this cause
then, my Lord Jesus, thou hast said unto us: ‘Who hath ears to
hear, let him hear,’ ç in order that thou mightest know whose
heart is ardently raised to the kingdom of heaven.’’
Chapter 26
You will have been able to determine from our previous commen-
tary that the twelve zodiacal aeons exercise a threefold power:
in the first place on our planet,
secondly on every microcosm by way of the auric being’s mag-
netic firmament,
thirdly on the twelve magnetic points in the brain of the per-
When a candidate has freed himself from the grip of the aeons,
when he has dethroned the twelvefold brain-god and has realized
a new twelvefold magnetic circle in the head-sanctuary, then the
twelve aeons are in fact deprived of a third of their power in rela-
tion to that one individual who has gone the path. Not a single
dialectical force is able to exercise power any longer over that one
individual who has gone the path. Hence being ‘liberated in
Christ,’ ‘being born in God,’ and more of such mystical sayings in
the Bible obtain a very profound and exceptional meaning.
Whoever is able to fulfil this first phase of the path, the phase of
self-dissolution in the grace of the rose, and is able to break up the
magnetic system of ordinary nature to which he is bound is imme-
diately liberated. And although existentially still completely a
nature being and so still in the world and within the system of
the twelve aeons, such a person will no longer find any hindrance
on account of this second sidereal birth. He has become a child of
God. He has been freed of all ties forever.
Some outsiders call the philosophy of the modern Spiritual
School a sombre, black, and melancholic doctrine; but we ask
The joyful message of the modern Spiritual School
you, can you think of even one message that is more joyful than
the one of the Spiritual School ?
Of course one can understand such an opinion of outsiders,
because it must sound sombre and hopeless when the modern
Spiritual School says: ‘Expect nothing from this nature! Dissoci-
ate yourself from it! Spend absolutely no energy on it!’ To people
who still expect everything from the I and this world-order, it must
sound depressing when we teach radical self-dissolution.
But for those who see the escape and the ascension from this
vale of tears and who have fixed their hearts on the original Father-
land, it is an immense joy to be able to establish that the path
begins with a radical, absolute liberation. It is absolutely out of
the question that such liberation could be expected only at the
end of the interminable course of development in the Gnosis. We
would like to permeate you with this joy and pour it into you.
We base ourselves on the certainty that whoever acquires the
second sidereal birth in the Gnosis by the grace of the rose and
through the dissolution of the I liquidates for himself the magnetic
system of the aeons to which he was attached. He has taken a third
part of the power of the aeons, precisely that part by which he was
You need to have ears to hear why the Pistis Sophia speaks to us
about these things. When you as an individual go the path, you
deprive the aeons of a third part of their power that they have
over you personally. We know this now. As an individual you are
then liberated, and that would be the end of the matter.
But the tyranny of the aeons rages on over all your fellow
human beings, and all the archons of the aeons, their angels and
powers of all the spheres continue their activities according to the
system of dialectical nature. What influence could you as an indi-
vidual have over these powers? You are at most as one calling in
the wilderness.
But when we go that path of liberation together and when we
bring all those who are liberated together as a world community
and when we serve all seekers and help them to join us, then, as
Chapter 26
‘‘‘I have taken a third from the power of the rulers of all the aeons,
and changed their Fate and their sphere over which they rule, in
order that, if the race of men invoke them in the mysteriesçthose
which the angels who transgressed have taught them for the accom-
plishing of their evil and lawless deeds in the mystery of their
sorcery,’çin order then that they may no more from this hour ac-
complish their lawless deeds, because thou hast taken their power
from them and from their horoscope-casters and their consulters
and from those who declare to the men in the world all things
which shall come to pass, in order that they should no more from
this hour know how to declare unto them any thing at all which
will come to pass (for thou hast changed their spheres ...).’’
The magnetic field of the collective of the new race, when it has
become sufficiently strong, will pull the magnetic radiations of
the ordinary field of nature out of their paths. It will change them
to the left and to the right: six months to the left and six months to
the right. The magnetic vibrations from ordinary dialectical
sources are no longer able to reach their objects directly through
the influence of the new magnetic field, and a deflection develops
either to the left or to the right. This deflection causes the influence
to return to its source without the object being reached. At the
moment of return, a discharge occurs, and the same influence
that first followed the deflection to the left is now reflected back
and follows a deflection to the right, etc.
Imagine that through occult-scientific training someone has
developed certain I-central extrasensory cultural abilities. Then it
is clear that such training has made his endocrine system sensitive
to certain electromagnetic lines of force that emanate from the ar-
The joyful message of the modern Spiritual School
Chapter 26
Christ Hierophants? These are the forces of love that want to touch
you in and through the rose of the heart!
For this reason it also says: ‘Ye shall then know not of what the
lord Sabaoth will do.’
The time is coming and is partly with us already when none of
the participants in the earthly mysteries are able to know and un-
derstand what the modern Spiritual School is developing. The dia-
lectical faculty of being able to understand is increasingly being
closed up by a scientific process, and so, and that is the remarkable
glory, the great adversary and his cohorts, through the lack of the
faculty of recognition, will no longer be able to fight against the
Lord of Hosts. And a great silence will come: the peace of the
people of God.
Therefore, whoever has ears to hear, let him hear, and with us
enter the hosts of the new race. You will all see and experienceçif
your heart looks out yearningly for the Kingdom of Heaven.
The joyful message of the modern Spiritual School
It came to pass then, when Mary had finished saying these words,
that he said: ‘‘Well said, Mary, for thou art blessed before all women
on the earth, because thou shalt he the fulness of all fulnesses and
the perfection of all perfections.’’
Now when Mary had heard the Saviour speak these words, she
exulted greatly, and she came before Jesus, fell down before him,
adored his feet and said unto him: ‘‘My Lord, hearken unto me,
that I may question thee on this word, before that thou discoursest
with us about the regions whither thou didst go.’’
She said: ‘‘My Lord, will all the men who know the mystery of the
magic of all the rulers of all the aeons of the Fate and of those of the
sphere, in the way in which the angels who transgressed have
taught them, if they invoke them in their mysteries, that is in their
evil magic, to the hindering of good deeds,çwill they accomplish
them henceforth from now on or not?’’.
Jesus answered and said unto Mary: ‘‘They will not accomplish
them as they accomplished them from the beginning, because I
have taken away a third of their power; but they will raise a loan
from those who know the mysteries of the magic of the thirteenth
Chapter 26
aeon. And if they invoke the mysteries of the magic of those who
are in the thirteenth aeon, they will accomplish them well and
surely, because I have not taken away power from that region, ac-
cording to the command of the First Mystery.’’
The mysteries of the Thirteenth Aeon
Chapter 27
[Mary] said: ‘‘My Lord, will all the men who know the mystery of
the magic of all the rulers of all the aeons of the Fate and of those of
the sphere, in the way in which the angels who transgressed have
taught them, if they invoke them in their mysteries, that is in their
evil magic, to the hindering of good deeds,çwill they accomplish
them henceforth from now on or not?’’
Jesus answered and said unto Mary: ‘‘They will not accomplish
them as they accomplished them from the beginning, because I
have taken away a third of their power; but they will raise a loan
from those who know the mysteries of the magic of the thirteenth
aeon. And if they invoke the mysteries of the magic of those who
are in the thirteenth aeon, they will accomplish them well and
surely, because I have not taken away power from that region, ac-
cording to the command of the First Mystery.’’
The mysteries of the Thirteenth Aeon
* These indications are based on the political situation in the 1960 ’s when this book was
written (note by the publisher).
Chapter 27
part of the power is taken away from all these large and small in-
visible archons with the one and only consequence: a gradual and
total collapse of the whole present-day social order in all its mani-
festations. No matter what attempts are made, it will no longer be
possible to inject new life into this disintegrating state of affairs.
And when the inspiring influences no longer have access, the
struggle, the violent conflict, the continual exertions will cease. A
general despondency, a stunned silence will develop. Lethargy
will come over mankind. And even the demonic forces with their
orgies will cease, because the black forces will be bound.
And so, humanity, like survivors thrown on a beach after a
shipwreck, will stare at the wreckage of life and society. And in
the silence of amazement and horror, a silence quieter than a
grave, the development of the Sons of God will manifest itself
very clearly to everyone. All those who have truly searched for
Christ and his kingdom but were misled, to which blood and
birth had driven them, will then borrow power from the mysteries
of the Thirteenth Aeon and none of the old powers will be able to
prevent them.
What are the mysteries of the Thirteenth Aeon? The mysteries
of the Thirteenth Aeon are the mysteries of the Universal Brother-
hood, which are situated in the heart of the nature of death, or as
Jacob Boehme says: ‘It is Christ who has seized the heart of fallen
nature.’ The Thirteenth Aeon is the universal power-field that
always remains present in the fifth basic element of root-substance.
Now we will also fully discover what an unheard-of and unusual
development the holy work will take in this rapidly approaching
hour of world history.
The Spiritual School invokes these mysteries of the Thirteenth
Aeon with a deep inner longing, but the fulfilment of these mys-
teries progresses in a very slow and halting manner. As long as the
second sidereal birth has not yet been fulfilled, all who look out
longingly are impeded by all the other mysteries. For this reason
the mysteries of fulfilment are still only a weak glow in this nature.
When the impeding factors cease to exist through the develop-
The mysteries of the Thirteenth Aeon
ment outlined to you, the divine mysteries will begin to shine with
extraordinary power. Countless numbers of people will be able to
actualise and fulfil rapidly those things at which they could pre-
viously only aim their heart. In the great silence of the collapse of
dialectics, this glory will encourage an enormous number of
misled people to further contact. And in humility and without hin-
drance, they also will be able to go with us on the path of the new
mysteries. Then the words will be fulfilled that the strong have re-
ceived mercy for the weak.
Everything must still be done to strengthen the new magnetic
field sufficiently, so that all those who yearn because they are poor
in spirit will be able to receive a fair chance at liberation. For this
reason people are sought, who will give themselves fully in order
to celebrate their own breakthrough to the second sidereal birth.
Work as long as it is day in order to prepare the possibilities for
the weak and misled, so that their time will also come soon. And
let us lift up our spirits on these well-known words: ‘‘Rejoice then
and exult, for it is you who will save the world.’’
Throughout the whole universe of death in all the regions of
dialectical manifestation, the mysteries of the Thirteenth Aeon
are established and active. The whole new field of life and the
new race exist by the grace of these exceptional mysteries. We in-
clude in this what we call the vacuum of Shamballa. This is a great
and divinely glorious system of help to everyone who is inside or
outside of the body and who turns to the Universal Brotherhood.
The seven mysteries revealed to us will, in the right connec-
tion, be able to promote the Great Work in its fulfilment; that is
to say, we possess a sevenfold key to the Thirteenth Aeon. It is
out of the question that we would need to wait for more gifts and
help from the Holy Spirit. Everything we need has been given to
us. And the most important of the activities to be accomplished is
taking away the third part of the power of the aeons of nature.
This development will weaken the grip of the nature aeons on
all seekers so much that, with infinitely less effort than now, those
longing for liberation will be able to be saved from the sea of life.
Chapter 28
The creation of the Thirteenth Aeon
Chapter 28
The creation of the Thirteenth Aeon
Chapter 28
The creation of the Thirteenth Aeon
Chapter 28
nature is in vain. He has discovered that all that is to come has al-
ready been in ages past. He has thoroughly and fully experienced
and determined the true nature of dialectics.
Now he suspects, rightfully, that all this surely cannot be the
purpose of human existence. He thinks there must be a fault at
the foundation of the universe he knows. He begins to devise a
plan. He forms a mental conception of the liberation from this ob-
vious nature of death. It is a plan that takes into account that in
order to fulfil the plan, there must be the preparedness to make
every possible sacrifice, including the sacrifice of one’s own self.
What does this person do? He makes an archon! This is not an
archon for maintaining nature but one for escaping nature, for
rising above nature.
Then he discovers that there are people who are just like him.
They also seek for the meaning of life. And so he invites them to
become participants in his plan of liberation. They enter into his
plan; they make his archon bigger.
It is inevitable that at a given moment all such archon-forma-
tions, wherever in the world they are developing, join together to
form one aeon. The Thirteenth Aeon bas been created, although
still of a very awkward and earthly nature.
What happens now? There is of course a physical interaction
between the new aeon and all the members of its fellowship. The
magnetic forces transmuted by the plan drive the participants to
culture, to actions, and hence to results.
But these results are not satisfactory yet. What is the reason for
this? The reason is that the transmuted electromagnetic forces
have been extracted from the ordinary dialectical field of nature
and cannot lead to results other than those that are characteristic
of the dialectical field of nature.
However the fellowship of the plan of liberation does not lose
courage but goes on. Without altering the basic tenets of its philo-
sophy, it makes certain corrections to its thinking, and from out of
its experience, it deepens its philosophy. Inevitably there will come
a time that the fellowship discovers that if it is to have any success,
The creation of the Thirteenth Aeon
Chapter 28
aeons and archons are deprived of a third of their power, the Thir-
teenth Aeon has nothing of which it can be deprived, because it
does not transmute any dialectical magnetic forces. It does not
violate ordinary nature in any way. And so it is left totally undis-
turbed, as are all those who belong to its sphere. And so, when in
the ordinary course of natural events, a culture starts its descend-
ing curve, the cultural path of those who belong to the Thirteenth
Aeon will continue upwards from power to power and from glory
to glory.
For the rest of humanity, the wheel turns downwards back to
the beginning, and when a new day of manifestation dawns and
humanity again struggles towards its cultural development, the
situation in the world manifestation has become slightly different.
For in the previous day of manifestation, there was a large group
belonging to the Thirteenth Aeon, a group of liberated ones, a
group of those redeemed from the earth. This group does not for-
sake humanity, for it does not aim at its own salvation. They have
already reached that! There is no self-maintenance there. This
group is directed to those who are still of and in the nature of
death. It sends to them messengers and prophets and enlightened
ones to call them. When those who are called turn, through their
experience, to the Johannine path, they need only link their fellow-
ship with the universal fellowship as a new link to a chain.
Thus the universal fellowship of the Thirteenth Aeon becomes
ever more radiant and glorious, ever more powerful and magnifi-
cent, and the ascent of the sanctified is made ever easier. This is
why the Pistis Sophia can say:
‘‘A nd if they invoke the mysteries of the magic of those who are in
the thirteenth aeon, they will accomplish them well and surely,
because I have not taken away power from that region. ...’’
The creation of the Thirteenth Aeon
And it came to pass, when Jesus had finished saying these words,
that Mary continued again and said: ‘‘My Lord, will not then the
horoscope-casters and consulters from now on declare unto men
what will come to pass for them?’’
And Jesus answered and said unto Mary: ‘‘If the horoscope-casters
find the Fate and the sphere turned towards the left, according to
their first extension, their words will come to pass, and they will
say what is to take place. But if they chance on the Fate or the
sphere turned to the right, they are bound to say nothing true, for
I have changed their influences and their squares and their triangles
and their octagons; seeing that their influences from the beginning
onwards were continuously turned to the left and their squares and
their triangles and their octagons. But now I have made them
spend six months turned to the left and six months turned to
the right. He who then shall find their reckoning from the time
when I changed them, setting them so as to spend six months
facing towards their left and six months facing their right paths,
çhe who then shall observe them in this wise, will know their in-
fluences surely and will declare all things which they will do. In like
manner also the consulters, if they invoke the names of the rulers
and chance on them facing the left, will tell [men] with accuracy all
things concerning which they shall ask their decans. On the con-
trary, if the consulters invoke their names when they face to the
right, they will not give ear unto them, because they are facing in
another form compared with their former position in which Iao“
Chapter 28
had established them; seeing that other are their names when they
are turned to the left and other their names when they are turned to
the right. And if they invoke them when they are turned to the
right, they will not tell them the truth, but they will confound
them with confusion and threaten them with threatening. Those
then who do not know their path, when they are turned to the
right, and their triangles and their squares and all their figures,
will find nothing true, but will be confounded in great confusion
and will find themselves in great delusion, because I have now
changed the works which they effected aforetime in their squares,
when turned to the left, and in their triangles and in their
octagons, in which they were busied continuously turned to the
left; and I have made them spend six months forming all their con-
figurations turned to the right, in order that they may be con-
founded in confusion in their whole range. And moreover I have
made them spend six months turned to the left and accomplishing
the works of their influences and all their configurations, in order
that the rulers who are in the aeons and in their spheres and in
their heavens and in all their regions, may be confounded in confu-
sion and deluded in delusion, so that they may not understand
their own paths.’’
The end of horoscopes
Humanity is the creator of the archons and aeons, and it also con-
tinuously maintains them. As a result the archons and aeons
achieve such monstrous proportions and increase in might to
such an extent that the ordinary natural dialectical electromag-
netic relationships in the universe are disturbed.
When this disturbance reaches a crisis point, the tensions are
broken at the point where the heat is the fiercest. We could say
that the magnetic network short-circuits at the most vital point,
the point where the human being is connected with his archons
and aeons. The magnetic system in the brain is torn loose, as it
were, from all the rest.
This place corresponds to the pineal fire-circle, which, as you
know, could be called the crown of the consciousness. As a result
the human being is immediately disconnected from the cultural
achievements that have been built up individually and collectively
and that have been vivified in and by the archons and aeons. Sys-
tematically a degenerative process will commence that will lead to
a nadir. This process is the most typical of all dialectical phenom-
ena: rising, shining, and fading.
You know that the Pistis Sophia outlines for us the beginning of
this breaking-up, and so we can understand the question that is
asked of Jesus in the twenty-first chapter:
‘‘My Lord, will not then the horoscope-casters and consulters from
now on declare unto men what will come to pass for them ?’’
Chapter 29
‘‘If the horoscope-casters find the Fate and the sphere turned
towards the left, according to their first extension, their words will
come to pass, and they will say what is to take place. But if they
chance on the Fate or the sphere turned to the right, they are
bound to say nothing true, for I have changed their influences and
their squares and their triangles and their octagons; seeing that
their influences from the beginning onwards were continuously
turned to the left and their squares and their triangles and their
octagons. But now I have made them spend six months turned to
the left and six months turned to the right.’’
Try to imagine the situation. In the normal dialectical state, the in-
tercosmic archons and aeons, which primarily emanate from the
twenty-four invisibles, are firstly connected to the cosmos, sec-
ondly to the auric being of the microcosm, and thirdly to the mag-
netic system in the brain.
But now the disconnection starts as soon as a person begins to
walk the liberating path and the archons and aeons are deprived of
a third of their power. Their influence is no longer compelling as
far as the personality is concerned. The pupil is disconnected, the
ties with his creations are broken, and consequently he has entered
a highly remarkable situation. As long as they retain any vitality,
the archontal influences are still circulating in the cosmos and in
the auric being, but they can no longer sweep him along, if this is
absolutely against his wishes. He has entered a state of neutrality. It
is no longer possible to forecast what will happen, and whatever
he decides is now entirely his own choice.
Obviously this has enormous advantages for every human
being, for this shows how great a possibility for salvation is situ-
ated in this revolution for the whole of mankind. The only ques-
tion remaining for everyone is: ‘Where will I turn my gaze: to the
left or the right?’
This state of neutrality will therefore create a certain amount of
The end of horoscopes
freedom of action for every human being. For those who have al-
ready made the first steps on the path of liberation and who are
connected to the Thirteenth Aeon, this will mean that far less re-
sistance needs to be overcome, and so much faster progress can be
made on the path. For the seeker this will mean the possibility for
clearer insight and quicker and more positive contact with the
helpers. However, for those who are already unbalanced rationally,
morally, and socially, all normal restraints will have been removed,
and they will lapse into bestiality more dynamically and on a
greater scale than ever before. Hence in that time, of which our
time is just a foretaste, the shadows will be very deep; light and
dark will be contrasting very sharply.
As you perhaps know, the constellation of the magnetic system
in the brain can be photographed, as it were; it can be calculated.
The ordinary forces of nature and the influences of the aeons and
archons come to us by means of ordinary magnetic lines of force.
And so when we calculate the state of being of the brain-system,
we can actually determine the present relationships of the lines of
force and their angles of incidence. We can see and determine the
squares, the triangles, the octagons, and other aspects, and from
these we can draw our conclusions. As stargazer and soothsayer
we can more or less read into the future.
However, when the connection between the magnetic system
in the brain and the rest is broken, the ordinary horoscope be-
comes negative. It is no longer determinable. Should we come
across someone who is facing left, this means that without com-
pulsion he is co-operating with the ordinary influences, and
everything can be foreseen at the phase where co-operation
occurs. However if this person is facing right, i.e. to the liberating
life, this is the end of every type of compulsive or impelling horo-
scopic influence.
However there is still another possibility, which makes the sit-
uation somewhat more complicated. When the magnetic system
in the brain is disconnected from the archons and aeons, this does
not mean that this magnetic system has disappeared. On the con-
Chapter 29
trary it still exists and must do so, because its disappearance or its
withering away would cause physical death. However it exists
only in so far as is strictly necessary for the ordinary requirements
of life. On this basis weak suggestions can still enter of course, and
we can react to the left or the right, or reject them, as said pre-
We need to take note of the presence of another activity. The
changes in the brain to which we referred, i.e. the changes in the
pineal fire-circle, cause a structural change in the magnetic
system in the brain. This change or reversal, however, is not static
but alters periodically. We could compare it to the periodic switch-
ing on and off of a light.
By this we mean that in this new situation of the pineal fire-
circle, there is a period of susceptibility to archontal influences in
the ordinary way as before, albeit negatively. During this time the
person concerned will have complete autonomy. There will also be
a period of complete reversal of the magnetic system in which as-
cendant becomes descendant and bottom becomes top. This is
why the Pistis Sophia says:
‘‘He who then shall find their reckoning from the time when I
changed them, setting them so as to spend six months facing
towards their left and six months facing their right paths, ç he
who then shall observe them in this wise, will know their influ-
ences surely and will declare all things which they will do.’’
‘‘In like manner also the consulters, if they invoke the names of the
rulers and chance on them facing the left, will tell [men] with
The end of horoscopes
accuracy all things concerning which they shall ask their decans.
On the contrary, if the consulters invoke their names when they
face to the right, they will not give ear unto them, because they are
facing in another form compared with their former position in
which Iao“ had established them; seeing that other are their names
when they are turned to the left and other their names when they
are turned to the right. And if they invoke them when they are
turned to the right, they will not tell them the truth, but will
confound them with confusion and threaten them with threatening
... And moreover I have made them spend six months turned to the
left ..., in order that the rulers who are in the aeons and in their
spheres and in their heavens and in all their regions, may be con-
founded in confusion and deluded in delusion, so that they may
not understand their own paths.’’
But the group connected to the Thirteenth Aeon will continue its
peaceful way, and their numbers will grow rapidly, because many
seekers, freed from their resistances, will find the one path and
close ranks with God’s people on earth.
Chapter 29
It came to pass then, when Jesus had finished saying these words,
while Philip sat and wrote all the words that Jesus spake,çthereafter
then it came to pass that Philip came forward, fell down and adored
the feet of Jesus, saying ‘‘My Lord and Saviour, grant me authority
to discourse before thee and to question thee on this word, before
thou discoursest with us concerning the regions whither thou didst
go because of thy ministry.’’
And Philip answered and said unto Jesus: ‘‘My Lord, on account of
what mystery hast thou changed the binding of the rulers and their
aeons and their Fate and their sphere and all their regions, and made
them confounded in confusion on their path and deluded in their
course? Hast thou then done this unto them for the salvation of the
world or hast thou not?’’
And Jesus answered and said unto Philip and to all the disciples
together: ‘‘I have changed their path for the salvation of all souls.
Amen, amen, I say unto you: If I had not changed their path, a
host of souls would have been destroyed, and they would have
spent a long time, if the rulers of the aeons and the rulers of the
Fate and of the sphere and of all their regions and all their heavens
and all their aeons had not been brought to naught; and the souls
The end of horoscopes
would have continued a long time here outside, and the completion
of the number of perfect souls would have been delayed, which
[souls] shall be counted in the Inheritance of the Height through
the mysteries and shall be in the Treasury of the Light. For this
cause then I have changed their path, that they might be deluded
and fall into agitation and yield up the power which is in the
matter of their world and which they fashion into souls, in order
that those who shall be saved, might be quickly purified and
raised on high, they and the whole power, and that those who
shall not be saved, might be quickly destroyed.’’
Chapter 30
‘‘I have changed their path for the salvation of all souls. Amen,
amen, I say unto you: If I had not changed their path, a host of
souls would have been destroyed, and they would have spent a
long time, if the rulers of the aeons and the rulers of the Fate and
of the sphere and of all their regions and all their heavens and all
their aeons had not been brought to naught; and the souls would
Ensoulment for death ç ensoulment for life
have continued a long time here outside, and the completion of the
number of perfect souls would have been delayed, which [souls]
shall be counted in the Inheritance of the Height through the mys-
teries and shall be in the Treasury of the Light. For this cause then I
have changed their path, that they might be deluded and fall into
agitation and yield up the power which is in the matter of their
world and which they fashion into souls, in order that those who
shall be saved, might be quickly purified and raised on high, they
and the whole power, and that those who shall not be saved, might
be quickly destroyed.’’
You know that the magnetic fields of the archons and their aeons
are formed by the thoughts of mankind and that once they are
charged up by the fulness of radiations, they will compel human-
ity to lead a certain mode of life. At a given moment they will
come into fundamental conflict with the intercosmic electromag-
netic radiations of the dialectical order.
This conflict causes a disturbance of the archons and the aeons.
Their paths are reversed, and humanity is wrested from their grip.
Numerous events occur, which during the past years we have con-
sidered under the expression ‘the cosmic and atmospheric revolu-
Highly interesting and instructive problems come to the fore
when we view the development of these phenomena in the order
of the nature of death. For example we discover that the nature of
death is in essence dialectical and therefore encloses within itself a
circular course of all aspects of life, but that humanity, by virtue of
its origin, instinctively and fundamentally puts up resistance
against this course of events and tries to nullify dialectics by
means of culture and to convert it into eternity.
As we know, the archons and aeons are the cultural and the
mental creations of humanity. These creations are therefore imme-
diately in conflict with the inherent magnetic fields of dialectics
and totally different from them.
We should take careful note of the fact that the great majority
Chapter 30
Ensoulment for death ç ensoulment for life
the Pistis Sophia saying in regard to the aeons: ‘‘I have changed their
path for the salvation of all souls.’’
Just imagine that the cultural striving of the aeons would con-
tinue indefinitely, no matter how good and noble the intentions
may be. It would mean the doom of the time-spatial order.
What would this doom be like? It would mean a continuously
greater petrifaction and a continuously increasing crystallization
of all living phenomena. The manifested fallen human entities
would destroy absolutely their own possibilities of manifestation.
The celestial bodies would be extinguished, the suns would
become dark, and only a partial life would be possible temporarily
in the reflection sphere. But at the extinguishing of the last glim-
mer of fire in the solar systems, the microcosms of humanity
would no longer be able to maintain themselves in the reflection
sphere, and would sink down into an order situated below the
time-spatial one.
It is a natural law of our order that as soon as we try to make
anything lasting in this order, crystallization and petrifaction will
result. For this reason the mineral kingdom as we know it is not the
beginning of life but a symptom of the end of life.
We can imagine what an unimaginably long period of time
would be wasted and what a multitude of souls would be lost, if
such a disaster of continued culture were to occur. What a delay
would occur in the process of salvation of the Universal Brother-
For is not every fallen entity a prodigal son who is called back ?
Is not everyone an heir to the True Life? And is not everyone who
has fallen, but possesses the Kingdom within, an inhabitant of the
Treasury of the Light?
Therefore it is glorious, it is more than blissful that the paths of
the aeons are changed when the time comes! This reversal does
not achieve the return but restores the free possibility of the
return. It returns the lustre to the well-known words from the pro-
logue of the Gospel of John: ‘But to all who received him, ... he
gave power to become children of God.’
Chapter 30
‘‘For this cause then I have changed their path, that they might be
deluded and fall into agitation and yield up the power which is in
the matter of their world and which they fashion into souls. ...’’
Ensoulment for death ç ensoulment for life
your power after you have been freed from the grip of the aeons.
Chapter 30
It came to pass then, when Jesus had finished saying these words
unto his disciples, that Mary, the fair in her discourse and the
blessed one, came forward, fell at the feet of Jesus and said: ‘‘My
Lord, suffer me that I speak before thee, and be not wroth with me,
if oft I give thee trouble questioning thee.’’
Mary answered and said unto Jesus: ‘‘My Lord, in what way will
the souls have delayed themselves here outside, and in what type
will they be quickly purified ?’’
And Jesus answered and said unto Mary: ‘‘Well said, Mary; thou
questionest finely with thy excellent question, and thou throwest
light on all things with surety and precision. Now, therefore, from
now on will I hide nothing from you, but I will reveal unto you all
things with surety and openness. Hearken then, Mary, and give ear,
all ye disciples: Before I made proclamation to all the rulers of the
aeons and to all the rulers of the Fate and of the sphere, they were all
bound in their bonds and in their spheres and in their seals, as Iao“ ,
the Overseer of the Light, had bound them from the beginning; and
every one of them remained in his order, and every one journeyed
according to his course, as Iao“, the Overseer of the Light, had estab-
lished them. And when the time of the number of Melchisedec, the
Ensoulment for death ç ensoulment for life
great Receiver of the Light, came, he was wont to come into the
midst of the aeons and of all the rulers who are bound in the
sphere and in the Fate, and he carried away the purification of the
light from all the rulers of the aeons and from all the rulers of the
Fate and from those of the sphereçfor he carried away then that
which brings them into agitation ç and he set in motion the
hastener who is over them, and made them turn their circles
swiftly, and he [sc. the hastener] carried away their power which
was in them and the breath of their mouth and the tears [lit. waters]
of their eyes and the sweat of their bodies.
Chapter 30
birds, according to the circle of the rulers of that sphere and accord-
ing to all the configurations of its revolution, and they cast them
into this world of mankind, and they become souls in this region,
as I have just said unto you.
‘‘It came to pass then, when they had perceived this at the time, and
when the number of the cipher of Melchisedec, the Receiver [of the
Light], happened, then had he to come out again and enter into the
midst of the rulers of all the aeons and into the midst of all the rulers
of the Fate and of those of the sphere; and he threw them into agita-
tion, and made them quickly abandon their circles. And forthwith
they were constrained, and cast forth the power out of themselves,
out of the breath of their mouth and the tears of their eyes and the
sweat of their bodies.
Ensoulment for death ç ensoulment for life
those of the sphere turn to the matter of their refuse; they devour it
and do not let it go and become souls in the world. They devour
then their matter, so that they may not become powerless and ex-
hausted and their power cease in them and their kingdom become
destroyed, but in order that they may delay and linger a long time
until the completion of the number of the perfect souls who shall be
in the Treasury of the Light.
‘‘It came to pass then, when the rulers of the aeons and those of the
Fate and those of the sphere continued to carry out this type, ç
turning on themselves, devouring the refuse of their matter, and
not allowing souls to be born into the world of mankind, in order
that they might delay in being rulers, and that the powers which are
in their powers, that is the souls, might spend a long time here
outside,çthey then persisted doing this continually for two circles.
‘‘It came to pass then, when I wished to ascend for the ministry for
the sake of which I was called by command of the First Mystery, that
I came up into the midst of the tyrants of the rulers of the twelve
aeons, with my light-vesture about me, shining most exceedingly,
and there was no measure for the light which was about me.
‘‘It came to pass then, when those tyrants saw the great light which
was about me, that the great Adamas, the Tyrant, and all the tyrants
of the twelve aeons, all together began to fight against the light of
my vesture, desiring to hold it fast among them, in order to delay in
Chapter 30
their rulership. This then they did, not knowing against whom they
‘‘When then they mutinied and fought against the light, thereon by
command of the First Mystery I changed the paths and the courses
of their aeons and the paths of their Fate and of their sphere. I made
them face six months towards the triangles on the left and towards
the squares and towards those in their aspect and towards their
octagons, just as they had formerly been. But their manner of
turning, or facing, I changed. to another order, and made them
other six months face towards the works of their influences in the
squares on the right and in their triangles and in those in their
aspect and in their octagons. And I made them to be confounded
in great confusion and deluded in great delusion ç the rulers of
the aeons and all the rulers of the Fate and those of the sphere; and
I set them in great agitation, and thence on they were no longer able
to turn towards the refuse of their matter to devour it, in order that
their regions may continue to delay and they [themselves] may
spend a long time as rulers.
‘‘But when I had taken away a third of their power, I changed their
spheres, so that they spend a time facing to the left and another time
facing to the right. I have changed their whole path and their whole
course, and I have made the path of their course to hurry, so that
they may be quickly purified and raised up quickly. And I have
shortened their circles, and made their path more speedy, and it
Ensoulment for death ç ensoulment for life
‘‘It came to pass then, when Jesus had finished speaking these
words unto his disciples, that they fell down all together, adored
him and said to him: ‘‘Blessed are we before all men, for unto us
thou hast revealed these great exploits.’’
Chapter 30
And Jesus continued again in his discourse and said unto his disci-
ples: ‘‘Hearken concerning the things which befell me among the
rulers of the twelve aeons and all their rulers and their lords and
their authorities and their angels and their archangels. When then
they had seen the vesture of light which was about me, they and
their unpaired, then every one of them saw the mystery of his
name, that it was on my vesture of light, which was about me.
They fell down all together, adored the vesture of light which was
about me, and cried out all together, saying: ‘How hath the lord of
the universe passed through us without our knowing it?’And they
all sang praises together to the interiors of the interiors. And all
their triple-powers and their great forefathers and their ungener-
ated and their self-generated and their generated and their gods
and their light-sparks and their light-bearers ç in one word all
their great onesçsaw the tyrants of their region, that their power
was diminished in them. And they were in weakness and them-
selves fell into great and immeasurable fear. And they gazed on
the mystery of their name on my vesture, and they had set out to
come and adore the mystery of their name which was on my
vesture, and they could not because of the great light which was
about me; but they adored a little removed from me, and they
adored the light of my vesture and all cried out together, singing
praises to the interiors of the interiors.
Ensoulment for death ç ensoulment for life
‘‘It came to pass then, when this befell among the tyrants who are
below these rulers, that they all lost power and fell down to the
ground in their aeons and became as the dead world-dwellers
with no breath in them, as they became in the hour when I took
from them their power.
‘‘It came to pass then thereafter, when I left those aeons, that every
one of all those who were in the twelve aeons, was bound to their
order all together, and they accomplished their works as I have es-
tablished them, so that they spend six months turned to the left and
accomplishing their works in their squares and their triangles and
in those which are in their aspect, and that further they spend
another six months facing to the right and towards their triangles
and their squares and those which are in their aspect. Thus then will
those who are in the Fate and in the sphere travel.’’
Chapter 31
A new sun and a new moon
Chapter 31
A new sun and a new moon
‘‘A nd further the receivers of the sun and the receivers of the moon,
if they look above and see the configurations of the paths of the
aeons and the configurations of the Fate and those of the sphere,
then they take from them the light-power; and the receivers of the
sun get it ready and deposit it, until they hand it over to the receivers
of Melchisedek, the Light-purifier. And their material refuse they
bring to the sphere which is below the aeons, and fashion it into the
[souls of] men ... according to the circle of the rulers of that sphere. ...’’
You may have discovered, and science has explained, that the sun
and the moon are great, intense purifiers and vivifiers in the ordi-
nary field of nature. The sun is the great principle of life in our
field of nature. In many senses we would not be able to live and
our microcosms would not be able to maintain themselves, if
there were no solar power.
You know that the School of the Golden Rosycross often
speaks about electromagnetic radiations. The radiations that are
more electric by nature come from the sun, and they support and
vivify the rest of the general magnetic radiations. The electric
solar power radiations make the other radiations of the aeons
palpable and active, and in this process the moon is in a certain
sense a precision instrument.
The sun is the more fundamental force, and the moon is the
regulating force, which gives the final result. There is not a single
zodiacal or galactic influence that must not first be vivified by the
moon to be able to be positively active. This dual activity of the
sun and the moon, as the vivifier and manifester, explains why in
Chapter 31
antiquity the sun was seen as male and the moon as female and
why there was a sun god and a moon goddess.
As it is in the nature of death, so it is in the nature of life. As
there are a sun and a moon in the nature of death totally active in
all the processes of nature, so there are a sun and a moon in the
nature of life, acting as two foci. Many holy scriptures, myths,
and legends mention a sun behind the sun (Vulcanus) and a
moon behind the moon. They speak of an invisible sun and
moon, active in an unknown universe invisible to dialectical eyes.
As there is a Universal Brotherhood in the nature of death, a
Brotherhood that cannot be explained from the nature of death, a
Brotherhood that works to liberate fallen microcosms, so there is
necessarily a sun behind the sun and a moon behind the moon at
the service of this Brotherhood. And so there are active in our
solar system a field of solar power and one of lunar power,
which cannot be associated with the sun and moon known to us
and of which the positions, phases, and activities cannot be calcu-
lated in the ordinary way. It is to these force fields that the Pistis
Sophia is referring. As soon as the pupil begins the great and glor-
ious work of rebirth, according to the methods and principles of
the fivefold universal Gnosis, he comes into contact with the invi-
sible field of solar power and that of lunar power. This sun be-
comes a vivifier to him, and this moon brings the new life gradu-
ally to manifestation.
When this sun rises for the candidate on the path, it will never
set. And when this moon shines for him, he will be led through all
resistances and limitations, because of the manifesting activities of
this force.
In the nature of death, the human being is under the control of
the sun and moon of this nature; this is a scientific fact. When the
process of cornerstone freemasonry causes a new light-force to
become manifest in the microcosm, the Paralemptors, the receivers
of the sun and the moon of the mysteries, will attract this micro-
cosm into their system. The light-force will then be taken away
from the nature of death and transferred to the guardians of Mel-
A new sun and a new moon
Chapter 31
‘‘It came to pass then thereafter that I ascended to the veils of the
thirteenth aeon. It came to pass then, when I had arrived at their
veils, that they drew apart of their own accord and opened them-
selves for me. I entered in into the thirteenth aeon and found Pistis
Sophia below the thirteenth aeon all alone and no one of them with
her. And she sat in that region grieving and mourning, because she
had not been admitted into the thirteenth aeon, her higher region.
And she was moreover grieving because of the torments which
Self-willed, who is one of the three triple-powers, had inflicted on
her. But this,çwhen I shall come to speak with you respecting their
expansion, I will tell you the mystery, how this befell her.
‘‘It came to pass then, when Pistis Sophia saw me shining most ex-
ceedingly and with no measure for the light which was about me,
that she was in great agitation and gazed at the light of my vesture.
She saw the mystery of her name on my vesture and the whole
glory of its mystery, for formerly she was in the region of the
height, in the thirteenth aeon,çbut she was wont to sing praises
to the higher light, which she had seen in the veil of the Treasury
of the Light.
A new sun and a new moon
‘‘It came to pass then, when she persisted in singing praises to the
higher light, that all the rulers who are with the two great triple-
powers, and her invisible who is paired with her, and the other
two-and-twenty invisible emanations gazed [at the light],çin as
much as Pistis Sophia and her pair, they and the other two-and-
twenty emanations make up four-and-twenty emanations, which
the great invisible Forefather and the two great triple-powers have
Chapter 32
The sadness of Pistis Sophia
Chapter 32
seeking and struggling soul says to this world. When the experi-
ence of life has broken you up, when you have beaten your head
against a brick wall, and when you have been ground down by
the incessant turning of the cycle of life, then your will, mind,
and desires will send out magnetic impulses, and so you and
others like you will create a neutral cosmic field that is not of this
world, but nor is it of a new world. This field could be compared to
a gate through which light is streaming and from which a powerful
magnetic attraction is issuing. Behind this gate is the nature of life.
If you approach this gate, and the veils are pulled aside so you
can see the light and experience the magnetic attraction, you are
like Pistis Sophia at this stage:
‘‘A nd she sat in that region grieving and mourning, because she
had not been admitted into the thirteenth aeon, her higher region.’’
She could not yet enter because of the suffering that Authades,*
one of the three triple-powers, had caused her. The cause of her
suffering and her stagnation was within herself.
Authades is the human will, the threefold will of the mortal
soul. The will is the magical instrument of the soul, and hence
the results, the consequences of the will, are always extremely
binding. A person can desire things and think about them, but as
soon as he uses his will to get them, his desires and thoughts
become concrete physical phenomena that bind him to the world
in which they are created.
Pistis Sophia, who has continued her pilgrimage up to the
gates of the Thirteenth Aeon, experiences the binding force
caused by Authades. For the three triple-powers are fed, by virtue
of their birth, continuously by the magnetic systems of the auric
being and the brain. Hence Pistis Sophia is sitting, grieving, and
mourning by the gates of the Thirteenth Aeon, and no one is
with her.
The sadness of Pistis Sophia
Chapter 32
and maintains the form, so the nerve fluid gives the form content,
meaning, and purpose.
If our life has become bogged down in the form, the blood
must be attacked first so that the crystallisation can be broken up
and the liberated life given new content.
The Spiritual School of the Golden Rosycross goes a path with
its pupils that attacks the blood and renews their lives so that every
candidate will one day possess twenty-four new creations.
The sadness of Pistis Sophia
It came to pass then, when Jesus had said this unto his disciples, that
Mary came forward and said: ‘‘My Lord, I have heard thee say
aforetime: ‘Pistis Sophia is herself one of the four-and-twenty ema-
nations,çhow then is she not in their region ? But thou hast said: ‘I
found her below the thirteenth aeon.’ ’’
‘‘It came to pass then, when she sang praises to the region of the
height, that all the rulers in the twelve aeons, who are below, hated
her, because she had ceased from their mysteries, and because she
had desired to go into the height and be above them all. For this
cause then they were enraged against her and hated her, [as did]
the great triple-powered Self-willed, that is the third triple-power,
who is in the thirteenth aeon, he who had become disobedient, in
as much as he had not emanated the whole purification of his
Chapter 32
power in him, and had not given the purification of his light at the
time when the rulers gave their purification, in that he desired to
rule over the whole thirteenth aeon and those who are below it.
‘‘It came to pass then, when the rulers of the twelve aeons were
enraged against Pistis Sophia, who is above them, and hated her
exceedingly, that the great triple-powered Self-willed, of whom I
have just now told you, joined himself to the rulers of the twelve
aeons, and also was enraged against Pistis Sophia and hated her ex-
ceedingly, because she had thought to go to the light which is
higher than her. And he emanated out of himself a great lion-faced
power, and out of his matter in him he emanated a host of other
very violent material emanations, and sent them into the regions
below, to the parts of the chaos, in order that they might there lie
in wait for Pistis Sophia and take away her power out of her,
because she thought to go to the height which is above them all,
and moreover she had ceased to perform their mystery, and
lamented continuously and sought after the light which she had
seen. And the rulers who abide, or persist, in performing the
mystery, hated her, and all the guards who are at the gates of the
aeons, hated her also.
The sadness of Pistis Sophia
‘‘It came to pass then thereafter that she looked below and saw his
light-power in the parts below; and she knew not that it is that of
the triple-powered Self-willed, but she thought that it came out of
the light which she had seen from the beginning in the height,
which came out of the veil of the Treasury of the Light. And she
thought to herself: I will go into that region without my pair and
take the light and thereout fashion for myself light-aeons, so that I
may go to the Light of lights, which is in the Height of heights.
‘‘This then thinking, she went forth from her own region, the thir-
teenth aeon, and went down to the twelve aeons. The rulers of the
aeons pursued her and were enraged .against her, because she had
thought of grandeur. And she went forth also from the twelve
aeons, and came into the regions of the chaos and drew nigh to
that lion-faced light-power to devour it. But all the material emana-
tions of Self-willed surrounded her, and the great lion-faced light-
power devoured all the light-powers in Sophia and cleaned out her
light and devoured it, and her matter was thrust into the chaos; it
became a lion-faced ruler in the chaos, of which one half is fire and
Chapter 32
The influence of Authades
Pistis Sophia is the person, the candidate, the pupil, who is striving
for the new, liberating life. We see Pistis Sophia facing the gates of
the Thirteenth Aeon. She has already passed through the veils of
this gate and so is already connected with the new stream of life.
‘‘I entered in into the thirteenth aeon and found Pistis Sophia below
the thirteenth aeon all alone and no one of them with her. And she
sat in that region grieving and mourning, because she had not
been admitted into the thirteenth aeon, her higher region. And
she was moreover grieving because of the torments which Self-
willed, who is one of the three triple-powers, had inflicted on her.
But this,çwhen I shall come to speak with you respecting their ex-
pansion, I will tell you the mystery, how this befell her.’’
‘‘My Lord, I have heard thee say aforetime: ‘Pistis Sophia is herself
one of the four-and-twenty emanations,’çhow then is she not in
their region? But thou hast said: ‘I found her below the thirteenth
Chapter 33
The influence of Authades
‘‘It came to pass, when Pistis Sophia was in the thirteenth aeon, in
the region of all her brethren the invisibles, that is the four-and-
twenty emanations of the great Invisible, ç it came to pass then
by command of the First Mystery that Pistis Sophia gazed into the
height. She saw the light of the veil of the Treasury of the Light. ...’’
Chapter 33
The magnetic conflict
Chapter 34
The magnetic conflict
Chapter 34
The magnetic conflict
‘‘It came to pass then, when she [Pistis Sophia] sang praises to the
region of the height, that all the rulers in the twelve aeons, who
are below, hated her, because she had ceased from their mysteries,
Chapter 34
and because she had desired to go into the height and be above
them all.’’
The lion-faced power
Chapter 35
The lion-faced power
lower realms, the realms of Chaos, to attack her there and deprive
her of her power. The soul, driven by the I, thus tries to restore bal-
ance and to console itself with the images of the will.
If you do not want to go the path and yet you mourn longingly
for the path, although you fail to accomplish the mystery of the
pathçthen, in this impossible situation, you will be thrown into
the hard facts of reality, just like Pistis Sophia. This is nothing other
than the primary law of necessity, which is being applied to her
and which Pistis Sophia herself has invoked.
And the Pistis Sophia goes on to say:
Does this mean that in the situation into which Pistis Sophia had
brought herself, there was anything left to deprive her of? What
light-power is meant here?
Anybody who has had contact with the Gnosis and has been
irradiated by the light of the Sun of the Spirit retains some of this.
His blood and his being take some of this with him, even when he
is rejected. And it is exactly this situation, this state and power that
are alien to nature, that incites the aeons to animosity. And so there
has to be a reconciliation either with the Gnosis, according to the
law of the fivefold Universal Gnosis, or with the nature of death, in
which case the last spark of gnostic light disappears from the
human being and his blood is sealed.
The vacuum into which the Thirteenth Aeon brings Pistis
Sophia, this loneliness, has the purpose in fact of giving her the in-
sight that self-surrender is the only key to the path of liberation.
Authades, with his powers and authorities, holds up the false
light to her, so that she might surrender herself to them in hurt
Chapter 35
Who is her pair? Who is the companion linked to her? This com-
panion in you is the rose of the heart, which is spreading its fra-
grance within you day-by-day and hour-by-hour. The Gnosis
speaks to you by means of this rose, and in this way the Gnosis
accompanies you on all your ways.
In your vacuum there is a companion with you, even after the
Thirteenth Aeon has called a halt. In your loneliness and on your
downward course, your companion is with you and stands above
your downcast form, prepared at any moment to be of service to
you. Pistis Sophia knows this companion, she knows him and she
knows Authades. She has to choose between the two. And she
chooses the descent into that region without her companion.
There are indeed regions where your pair cannot go with you.
There are borders that your companion cannot cross. The rosebud
shuts all its petals, and a great silence ensues.
Whoever has drunk from the grail, like Pistis Sophia, very con-
The lion-faced power
sciously turns his back on his companion if he goes the way de-
scribed here. Let us hope and pray that you will not carry out
this deliberate desertion.
The gnostic gospel of the Pistis Sophia has been given to us so that
every seeker can learn from it. The way of Pistis Sophia is a natural
course. But this course need not necessarily be a definite and cer-
tain course for you. You can at any moment turn to the true light
and be given entrance, if you fulfill the conditions.
Unfortunately we have to observe here that the way described
to us here by the Pistis Sophia corresponds to our everyday reality
so completely that it almost seems as if this ancient manuscript
were written today.
People come to the School of the Golden Rosycross full of am-
bition and true longing. And everything would be fine if the
School would only adapt itself to their egocentric aims. But the
human being needs to adapt himself to the holy law and fulfill it.
If he does not do so, conflict breaks out, and the result is that he
will wrap himself in the false light. These people are deprived of
all the true light-power that was still in them, and their companion
shrivels back to a rudiment. They have been broken by their own
will power and their self-assured egocentricity.
If you recognise within you some of Pistis Sophia in her down-
ward course, then realise this and throw off your pride. Throw off
the robe of the false light and enter the sacred halls of the Holy
Spirit in deep humility. Then the songs of victory will resound
and there will be laughter full of gratitude for all who have van-
quished themselves.
Chapter 36
‘‘It came to pass then thereafter that she looked below and saw his
light-power in the parts below; and she knew not that it is that of
the triple-powered Self-willed, but she thought that it came out of
the light which she had seen from the beginning in the height,
which came out of the veil of the Treasury of the Light. And she
thought to herself: I will go into that region without my pair and
take the light and thereout fashion for myself light-aeons, so that I
may go to the Light of lights, which is in the Height of heights.
‘‘This then thinking, she went forth from her own region, the thir-
teenth aeon, and went down to the twelve aeons. The rulers of the
aeons pursued her and were enraged against her, because she had
thought of grandeur. And she went forth also from the twelve
aeons, and came into the regions of the chaos and drew nigh to
that lion-faced light-power to devour it. But all the material emana-
tions of Self-willed surrounded her, and the great lion-faced light-
power devoured all the light-powers in Sophia and cleaned out her
light and devoured it, and her matter was thrust into the chaos; it
became a lion-faced ruler in the chaos, of which one half is fire and
the other darkness, ç that is Yaldabaoth, of whom I have spoken
unto you many times. When then this befell, Sophia became very
greatly exhausted, and that lion-faced light-power set to work to
take away from Sophia all her light-powers, and all the material
powers of Self-willed surrounded Sophia at the same time and
pressed her sore.’’
Yaldabaoth : fire and darkness
This chapter allows you to see the reflection of your whole state of
life, and so it will allow you to purify or enlighten your state of
consciousness. In the name Pistis Sophia, the word Sophia can
stand for divine wisdom, and Pistis for intellect or human
wisdom. The divine wisdom, the Sophia, is the pure, divine, and
original star-force. This star-force or astral force must be distin-
guished clearly from the astral force of the dialectical universe,
for the divine astral force is twofold: spiritual and material. The
astral force of this universe is chaotic and material. In the universe
of death everything is built up out of matter; everything manifests
itself by means of root-substance unleashed in a chaotic way.
The material of the universe can be reduced to the smallest in-
divisible particles, and we call this root-substance. The universe is
moved by chaos. In the root-substantial forces we see continuous
movement, continuous change: a division of forces and a combi-
nation of forces, as a result of which forms arise, only to be de-
stroyed again. Hence we can say that chaos is the cause of the dia-
lectics of death.
These dialectics have their origin in the properties of root-sub-
stance, and the property of this root-substance is the duality of
good and evil, of light and darkness. Hence, whatever comes
forth from this substance can and will never be divine. In addition,
everything that arises from the root-substance of death is always
bound to limits and to time. For this reason the dialectical universe
is a time-spatial universe in which everything rises and then, once
again, dissipates, a universe in which things always revert to their
Death is a universal principle in a time-spatial universe. Who-
ever enters the time-spatial universe enters death. The time-spatial
universe contains forces, and the first we would like to mention are
the twelve aeons.
These twelve forces manifest themselves firstly as a trinity and
secondly as a quarternity: three times four and four times three.
This contains the number or principle of seven, and so conse-
quently we can say that the forces that manifest themselves in the
Chapter 36
Yaldabaoth : fire and darkness
tion has commenced. It is for this purpose that Pistis Sophia had
come to the Thirteenth Aeon. This is why she was allowed to go
behind the veil of the Great Mystery: the Pistis touched her on the
basis of the rose.
But she also took Authades into the Thirteenth Aeon,
Authades being her earthly will. There was no choice here, be-
cause she did not yet have a new will. Consequently she had to
be left alone; she had to remain in loneliness, so that the passions
of the old will could subside.
Such a process can take a long time, because the will is a great
magical force. The human being conjures up and creates every-
thing with the imagination of the will. Pistis Sophiaçthe human
being who has seen the new light, has eaten the bread of the new
life, and has drunk from the Grailçtries in such a situation to im-
agine the new life by means of the old will. Such a human being
plays the role of one who has ‘arrived.’ He is not being hypocriti-
cal; he is just deluded, for Yaldabaoth is still playing along in the
game of life by means of a number of aspects in the seven-armed
That which Pistis Sophia wants to grasp with her old will, the
Thirteenth Aeon is keeping out of reach, and so Authades begins
to imagine the unattainable in a region where he belongs.
Hence it comes to pass that Pistis Sophia looks below in the
region of Authades and does not look up into the Thirteenth
Aeon. She has now become only Sophia; she has lost the Pistis.
With the ordinary, purely intellectual reasoning, which is far
removed from Pistis and led by Authades, she sees a plentiful
supply of light-powers in her own region and so her delusion
is: ‘I do not need the Thirteenth Aeon. That which is wrongfully
withheld from me is given to me here in abundance. I have been
treated wrongly. My grandeur is not being recognised here.’ She
does not see through the play that Authades is performing for
... ‘‘she thought that it came out of the light which she had seen from
Chapter 36
the beginning in the height, which came out of the veil of the
Treasury of the Light.’’
And so she goes down into the region of delusion. This means
that she leaves the Thirteenth Aeon. She leaves her pair, the rose
of the heart, behind. She wishes to take the light that is being so
freely offered to her. ‘I will fashion light-aeons for myself and so
enter the new field of life in my own triumphal chariot.’
This Sophia does not want to go back to the world. She aims at
the Gnosis and wants to enter liberation, but she does not wish to
give up her old will. Her self-surrender is culture of the personality.
The lights of Authades surround her.
Thus Pistis Sophia leaves the field of grace and, as Sophia, des-
cends into destruction. She returns into the ordinary field of life,
which is obviously very hostile to her. She no longer belongs there
She then descends down even further into the forces of chaos.
Authades beckons her to go ever lower until the psychological
moment when Pistis has totally deviated and the gnostic field of
grace has left her. She has returned to her own pathetic self:
At this moment she is surrounded by the material emanations
of Yaldabaoth, for the earthly magical will is capable of making
only creatures of the nature of Yaldabaoth, and so all the light-
power of liberation in her is devoured. All the light of renewal ra-
diating in the seven-armed candlestick has left. And her matter
has been thrust into the chaos. Nothing is left to her but Yalda-
baoth, the son of darkness, the lower astral force, the child of the
chaos. Anthropos is further removed from her than ever, and
Sophia is very weak.
However, she does possess one certainty: Pistis has died, but
also delusion. For the first time she has come to know well her
own Authades. She has become as nothing. She is sitting on the
ruins like Job. Nothing is left to her, but for the first time something
glimmers: insight like an open gate.
Yaldabaoth : fire and darkness
Through this gate she sees the veils of the Thirteenth Aeon far
in the distance, and she sees the descent, the fatal leap, she has
made. At this moment a new phase of life begins in the story of
Sophia, and this phase begins with that famous song of repent-
ance: ‘‘And Pistis Sophia cried out most exceedingly ...: ‘Oh Light of
Lights ...’ ’’
This remorse, this about-face on the basis of insight, immedi-
ately turns Sophia back into Pistis Sophia and her pair, her com-
panion, rushes towards her.
Chapter 37
You may know that there are seven star-force systems and that the
star-force system of ordinary nature is the seventh aspect of these.
The personality of the human being has been formed and is main-
tained by the star-force system of dialectics. His intellect, his
Sophia, as well as his will are completely in accordance with this.
The nerve fluid, the serpent fire, the hormones, and the blood are
also based on the same.
Every cell in the body contains the star-force principle of ordi-
nary nature. This star-force comes to humanity in twelve currents.
These are called the twelve aeons in the Pistis Sophia, and there are
numerous subdivisions of the aeons. These are called archons. The
twelve currents are introduced into the head-sanctuary via the
magnetic brain system and are absorbed in the head by seven
foci, the seven-armed candlestick. The leading force in this candle-
stick isYaldabaoth. This seven-armed candlestick is the nucleus of
the consciousness. It is the ‘I,’ the intelligence. Twelve pairs of cra-
nial nerves emanate from this nucleus in the head-sanctuary.
These control the entire system for the nucleus of the intelligence,
If a person does not feel at home in this world, he will turn to a
Spiritual School. He longs for the unknown purpose of human ex-
istence. A person who thinks along those lines catches in the heart
something of the radiations of the Gnosis. These influences enter
by means of the rose of the heart. They affect the blood and push
this person gently into the direction of a Spiritual School. What he
sees and experiences there corresponds to the suggestions that
The thirteenfold repentance
wander through his blood. This makes him feel grateful, and he
praises the light.
However, this does not change the fact that this person is ex-
actly the same person as before, except for his link to the Spiritual
School. The Pistis and the Sophia still belong completely to the
world of dialectics. Therefore, if this new link is to become a suc-
cess, both the Pistis and the Sophia in the human being will have to
be replaced by the star-force of the Gnosis, which is equivalent to a
new Pistis and a new Sophia.
In this way a new candlestick begins to burn, and a new nerve-
fluid is produced by means of the twelve pairs of nerve channels.
A totally new, fivefold soul power begins to flow, and the great
change, the transfiguration, is only a question of time.
It is expected of a human being who enters a Spiritual School
that he surrender to this necessary process of rebirth. However, the
old nature is very strong and resists this. For this reason the begin-
ner often encounters a time full of suffering and anguish, because
he first tries to use his ordinary Sophia nature. He uses his
Authades to achieve his goals, to assimilate the teachings, to do
the work, and to react.
However, unification with the Gnosis is not possible in this
way. The consequence is that there is alienation. Pistis Sophia is
left alone by the Gnosis. However, the dialectical Sophia under-
stands that a new light-force had been poured out over her. Now
that she is being left alone, she tries to imitate this light-power. She
tries to imagine what is present in the Thirteenth Aeon. The magi-
cal faculty of the will projects this imitation around her.
The human being not only knows the Gnosis and believes in
the Gnosis; he is also an artist. He creates for himself what he de-
sires, and so it becomes light around him. He does not understand
that this is the false light of Authades. He fully indulges himself as
an artist, a magician. He is a real sorcerer’s apprentice. The light
whirls around him. He has entered transfiguration, or so he thinks.
Pistis Sophia now looks below and no longer upwards, but she
Chapter 37
does not yet know the way. The rose-heart has closed again, and
without this companion the human being descends into disaster.
This is the disaster of the imprisonment in whatever the human
being has created for himself. He will remain a prisoner, until he
realises that he has made a mistake. However, this realisation is ac-
companied by the discovery of being right in the middle of great
trouble. This discovery gives the human being a new experience,
but he is farther removed than ever from the House of the Father.
Every human being has to go this way of bitter experience, but
the gnostic gospel of the Pistis Sophia wants to warn him. A human
being could be at the beginning of such an experience or in the
middle or right at the end, and only intense remorse remains to
all those who know this experience and so realise they are far
away from the Father’s House. This means there is an absolute
and real insight into what has really happened, so that on the
basis of this insight, new liberating actions can arise. The great
work of re-creation cannot be done on the basis of the dialectical
Sophia, because a new foundation has to be laid after the purifica-
tion and after the imperative grip of Authades, in other words,
after the grip of illusion.
A tremendous process lies between the first and the second
fundamental entry into the light of the Thirteenth Aeon. It is the
process of making the pupil ready, and this process can be ex-
tremely dramatic. It can take place within the Spiritual School or
outside of it, but always the key to the second entry is remorse.
Remorse is an action. It means working through sadness, doing
something with it, carrying out something with it, creating some-
thing with it. This is the deep meaning of remorse. Remorse is an
action arising out of a state of the blood. It is not an egocentric
striving. Remorse is the inexorable self-discovery about an irre-
vocable fact. Sadness can paralyse a human being. Sadness can
cause all the five soul fluids to lapse into a certain state. The
human being stands eye to eye with an inexorable situation that
confronts him. The naked truth stands before him and is within
him, and now the human being will have to act on the basis of
The thirteenfold repentance
this truth. He must gird himself with this truth. This is remorse.
Remorse is turning the whole being towards the Gnosis from
out of the very depths of the blood; it means possessing the
blood-certainty of self-knowledge. A process of thirteen stages
develops on the basis of this remorse, as it is described to us in
great detail in the Pistis Sophia.
For Pistis Sophia now begins to sing her thirteen songs of
repentance. She sings six songs without any success, or at least
this is how it appears to her consciousness. Only after the seventh
song does she experience any inner enlightenment. The gospel
says she is then brought to a more spacious region. The eighth
song brings no change, but after the ninth song, her prayer is
heard. The Gnosis responds to her remorse and sends Jesus to
her, although she is still in the dialectical region. This new link is
therefore not indestructible, not immune to the attacks of the
nature archons.
But then after singing the thirteenth song, she is raised up into
the Thirteenth Aeon. The second entry is celebrated. There is an
aureole of light around her head. Her time is completed. The thir-
teen songs of remorse have completely transmuted the whole
magnetic brain system, the whole seven-armed candlestick, and
the twelve pairs of nerve streams.
For the first time the star-force of the Gnosis can enter the head-
sanctuary directly. Now the human being has truly been born of
God and has become a true Pistis Sophia.
The way that a pupil is following on the path of the Rosycross is
the same as the one Pistis Sophia is following. May the way of the
pupil soon show that the times are complete by means of the pro-
cess of the thirteen phases of remorse.
Chapter 37
‘‘A nd Pistis Sophia cried out most exceedingly, she cried to the Light
of lights which she had seen from the beginning, in which she had
had faith, and uttered this repentance, saying thus:
‘‘1. ‘O Light of lights, in whom I have had faith from the beginning,
hearken now then, O Light, unto my repentance. Save me, O Light,
for evil thoughts have entered into me.
‘‘2. ‘I gazed, O Light, into the lower parts and saw there a light,
thinking: I will go to that region, in order that I may take that light.
And I went and found myself in the darkness which is in the chaos
below, and I could no more speed thence and go to my region, for I
was sore pressed by all the emanations of Self-willed, and the lion-
faced power took away my light in me.
‘‘3. ‘A nd I cried for help, but my voice hath not reached out of the
darkness. And I looked unto the height, that the Light, in which I
had had faith, might help me.
‘‘4. ‘A nd when I looked unto the height, I saw all the rulers of the
aeons, how in their numbers they looked down on me and rejoiced
over me, though I had done them no ill; but they hated me without a
cause. And when the emanations of Self-willed saw the rulers of the
aeons rejoicing over me, they knew that the rulers of the aeons
would not come to my aid; and those emanations which sore
pressed me with violence, took courage, and the light which I had
The thirteenfold repentance
‘‘6. ‘Suffer me no more to lack, O Lord, for I have had faith in thy
light from the beginning; O Lord, O Light of the powers, suffer me
no more to lack my light.
‘‘7. ‘For because of thy inducement and for the sake of thy light am
I fallen into this oppression, and shame hath covered me.
‘‘9. ‘This hath befallen me, O Light, because I have been zealous for
thy abodeçand the wrath of Self-willed is come upon meçof him
who had not hearkened unto thy command to emanate from the
emanation of his powerçbecause I was in his aeon without per-
forming his mystery.
Chapter 37
‘‘11. ‘A nd I was in that region, mourning and seeking after the light
which I had seen in the height.
‘‘12. ‘A nd the guards of the gates of the aeons searched for me, and
all who remain in their mystery mocked me.
‘‘13. ‘But I looked up unto the height towards thee and had faith in
thee. Now, therefore, O Light of lights, I am sore pressed in the
darkness of chaos. If now thou wilt come to save me,çgreat is thy
mercy,çthen hear me in truth and save me.
‘‘14. ‘Save me out of the matter of this darkness, that I may not be
submerged therein, that I may be saved from the emanations of
god Self-willed which press me sore, and from their evil doings.
‘‘15. ‘Let not this darkness submerge me, and let not this lion-faced
power entirely devour the whole of my power, and let not this
chaos shroud my power.
‘‘16. ‘Hear me, O Light, for thy grace is precious, and look down
upon me according to the great mercy of thy Light.
‘‘17. ‘Turn not thy face from me, for I am exceedingly tormented.
The thirteenfold repentance
‘‘19. ‘Save me because of the rulers who hate me, for thou knowest
my sore oppression and my torment and the torment of my power
which they have taken from me. They who have set me in all this
evil are before thee; deal with them according to thy good pleasure.
‘‘20. ‘My power looked forth from the midst of the chaos and from
the midst of the darkness, and I waited for my pair, that he should
come and fight for me, and he came not, and I looked that he should
come and lend me power, and I found him not.
‘‘21. ‘A nd when I sought the light, they gave me darkness; and when
I sought my power, they gave me matter.
‘‘22. ‘Now, therefore, O Light of lights, may the darkness and the
matter which the emanations of Self-willed have brought upon
me, be unto them for a snare, and may they be ensnared therein,
and recompense them and may they be made to stumble and not
come into the region of their Self-willed.
‘‘23. ‘May they remain in the darkness and not behold the light;
may they behold the chaos for ever, and let them not look unto the
‘‘24. ‘Bring upon them their revenge, and may thy judgment lay
hold upon them.
Chapter 37
‘‘25. ‘Let them not henceforth come into their region to their god
Self-willed, and let not his emanations henceforth come into their
regions; for their god is impious and self-willed, and he thought
that he had done this evil of himself, not knowing that, had I not
been brought low according to thy command, he would not have
had any authority over me.
‘‘26. ‘But when thou hadst by thy command brought me low, they
pursued me the more, and their emanations added pain to my
‘‘28. ‘But let them not be reckoned in the lot of those who purify them-
selves and the light, and let them not be reckoned with those who will
quickly repent, that they may quickly receive mysteries in the Light.
‘‘29. ‘For they have taken my light from me, and my power hath
begun to cease in me and I am destitute of my light.
‘‘30. ‘Now, therefore, O Light, which is in thee and is with me, I sing
praises to thy name, O Light, in glory.
The thirteenfold repentance
‘‘32. ‘Now, therefore, let all matters rejoice; seek ye all the Light, that
the power of the stars which is in you, may live.
‘‘33. ‘For the Light hath heard the matters, nor will it leave any
without having purified them.
‘‘34. ‘Let the souls and the matters praise the Lord of all aeons, and
[let] the matters and all that is in them [praise him].
‘‘35. ‘For God shall save their soul from all matters, and a city shall
be prepared in the Light, and all the souls who are saved, will dwell
in that city and will inherit it.
‘‘36. ‘A nd the soul of them who shall receive mysteries will abide in
that region, and they who have received mysteries in its name will
abide therein.’ ’’
It came to pass then, when Jesus had spoken these words unto his
disciples, that he said unto them: ‘‘This is the song of praise which
Pistis Sophia uttered in her first repentance, repenting of her sin,
and reciting all which had befallen her. Now, therefore: ‘Who hath
ears to hear, let him hear.’ ’’
Chapter 37
Mary again came forward and said: ‘‘My Lord, my indweller of light
hath ears, and I hear with my light-power, and thy spirit which is with
me, hath sobered me. Hearken then that I may speak concerning the
repentance which Pistis Sophia hath uttered, speaking of her sin and
all that befell her. Thy light-power hath prophesied thereof aforetime
through the prophet David in the sixty-eighth Psalm:
‘‘1. ‘Save me, O God, for the waters are come in even unto my soul.
‘‘4. ‘They who hate me without a cause are more than the hairs of
my head; mighty are my foes, who violently pursued me. They
required of me that which I took not from them.
‘‘5. ‘God, thou hast known my foolishness, and my faults are not
hid from thee.
‘‘6. ‘Let not them that wait on thee, O Lord, Lord of powers, be
ashamed for my sake; let not those who seek thee be ashamed for
my sake, O Lord, God of Israel, God of powers.
The thirteenfold repentance
‘‘7. ‘For for thy sake have I endured shame; shame hath covered my
‘‘9. ‘For the zeal of thy house hath consumed me; the revilings of
them that revile thee have fallen upon me.
‘‘12. ‘They who sit at the gates, chattered at me; and they who drink
wine, harped about me.
‘‘13. ‘But I prayed with my soul unto thee, O Lord; the time of thy
well-liking is [now], O God. In the fulness of thy grace give ear unto
my salvation in truth.
‘‘14. ‘Save me out of this slime, that I sink not therein; let me be
saved from them that hate me, and from the deep of waters.
‘‘15. ‘Let not a water-flood submerge me, let not the deep swallow
me, let not a well close its mouth above me.
Chapter 37
‘‘16. ‘Hear me, O Lord, for thy grace is good; according to the
fulness of thy compassion look down upon me.
‘‘17. ‘Turn not thy face away from thy servant, for I am oppressed.
‘‘20. ‘My heart awaiteth disgrace and misery; I waited for him who
should sorrow with me, but I could not come at him, and for him
who should comfort me, and I found him not.
‘‘21. ‘They gave me gall for my meat; and in my thirst they gave me
vinegar to drink.
‘‘22. ‘Let their table be unto them for a trap and for a snare and for a
retribution and for a stumbling-block.
‘‘24. ‘Pour out thy anger upon them, and let the wrath of thy anger
lay hold upon them.
The thirteenfold repentance
‘‘26. ‘For they persecuted him whom thou hast smitten, and added
to the smart of their woundings.
‘‘27. ‘They added iniquity to their iniquities; let them not come into
thy righteousness.
‘‘28. ‘Let them be wiped out of the book of the living, and let them
not be written in among the righteous.
‘‘30. ‘I will praise the name of God in the ode, and exalt it in the
song of thanksgiving.
‘‘31. ‘This shall please God better than a young bull which putteth
forth horns and hoofs.
‘‘32. ‘May the wretched see and make merry; seek ye God, that
your souls may live.
‘‘33. ‘For God hath heard the wretched and despiseth not the pris-
Chapter 37
‘‘34. ‘Let heaven and earth praise the Lord, the sea and all that is
‘‘35. ‘For God will save Zion, and the cities of Judaea will be built up,
and they will dwell there and inherit it.
‘‘36. ‘The seed of his servants shall possess it, and they who love his
name shall dwell therein.’ ’’
It came to pass then, when Mary had finished speaking these words
unto Jesus in the midst of the disciples, that she said unto him: ‘‘My
Lord, this is the solution of the mystery of the repentance of Pistis
It came to pass then, when Jesus had heard Mary speak these words,
that he said unto her: ‘‘Well said, Mary, blessed one, the fulness, or
all-blessed fulness, thou who shalt be sung of as blessed in all gen-
First repentance : the Song of Humanity
Chapter 38
First repentance : the Song of Humanity
Chapter 38
First repentance : the Song of Humanity
Chapter 38
‘‘1. ‘Light of lights, in whom I have had faith, leave me not in the
darkness until the end of my time.
‘‘2. ‘Help me and save me through thy mysteries; incline thine ear
unto me and save me.
‘‘3. ‘May the power of thy light save me and carry me to the higher
aeons; for thou wilt save me and lead me into the height of thy
‘‘4. ‘Save me, O Light, from the hand of this lion-faced power and
from the hands of the emanations of god Self-willed.
‘‘5. ‘For it is thou, O Light, in whose light I have had faith and in
whose light I have trusted from the beginning.
‘‘6. ‘A nd I have had faith in it from the time when it emanated me,
and thou thyself didst make me to emanate; and I have had faith in
thy light from the beginning.
First repentance : the Song of Humanity
‘‘7. ‘A nd when I had faith in thee, the rulers of the aeons mocked at
me, saying: She hath ceased in her mystery. Thou art my saviour
and thou art my deliverer and thou art my mystery, O Light.
‘‘8. ‘My mouth was filled with glorifying, that I may tell of the
mystery of thy grandeur at all times.
‘‘9. ‘Now, therefore, O Light, leave me not in the chaos for the com-
pletion of my whole time; forsake me not, O Light.
‘‘11. ‘Saying one to another together: The Light hath forsaken her,
let us seize her and take away the whole light in her.
‘‘12. ‘Therefore then, O Light, cease not from me; turn thee, O Light,
and save me from the hands of the merciless.
‘‘13. ‘May they who would take away my power, fall down and
become powerless. May they who would take away my light-
power from me, be enwrapped in darkness and sink into powerless-
Chapter 38
It came to pass then, when Jesus had finished speaking these words
unto his disciples, that he said unto them: ‘‘Do ye understand in
what manner I discourse with you ?’’
And Peter started forward and said unto Jesus: ‘‘My Lord, we will
not endure this woman, for she taketh the opportunity from us and
hath let none of us speak, but she discourseth many times.’’
And Jesus answered and said unto his disciples: ‘‘Let him in whom
the power of his spirit shall seethe, so that he understandeth what I
say, come forward and speak. But now, Peter, I see thy power in thee,
that it understandeth the solution of the mystery of the repentance
which Pistis Sophia hath uttered. Now, therefore, Peter, speak the
thought of her repentance in the midst of thy brethren.’’
And Peter answered and said unto Jesus: ‘‘‘O Lord, give ear that I
may speak the thought of her repentance, of which aforetime thy
power prophesied through the prophet David, uttering her repent-
ance in the seventieth Psalm:
First repentance : the Song of Humanity
‘‘2. ‘Save me in thy righteousness and set me free; incline thine ear
unto me and save me.
‘‘3. ‘Be unto me a strong God and a firm place to save me; for thou
art my strength and my refuge.
‘‘4. ‘My God, save me from the hand of the sinner and from the
hand of the transgressor and from the impious [one].
‘‘5. ‘For thou art my endurance, O Lord, thou art my hope from my
youth up.
‘‘7. ‘I have become as the crazy for many; thou art my help and my
strength, thou art my deliverer, O Lord.
‘‘8. ‘My mouth was filled with glorifying, that I may praise the
glory of thy splendour the whole day long.
‘‘9. ‘Cast me not away in the time of age; if my soul fades, forsake
me not.
Chapter 38
‘‘10. ‘For mine enemies have spoken evil against me and they who
lay in wait for my soul, have taken counsel against my soul,
‘‘11. ‘Saying together: God hath forsaken him; pursue and seize
him, for there is no saviour.
Second repentance: the Song of Consciousness
Chapter 39
Second repentance: the Song of Consciousness
Chapter 39
Second repentance: the Song of Consciousness
This is not a cry of fear, as in the first song, but a testimony of the
hope of life. This Song of Consciousness proves that the candidate
who can sing this song, from within, has delivered to the Gnosis
his whole twelvefold nervous system, which has its source in the
May we all soon gratefully sing this Song of Consciousness,
the song of the breakthrough, this second repentance.
Chapter 39
The Saviour answered and said unto Peter: ‘‘Finely, Peter; this is the
solution of her repentance. Blessed are ye before all men on the
earth, because I have revealed unto you these mysteries. Amen,
amen, I say unto you: I will perfect you in all fulness from the mys-
teries of the interior to the mysteries of the exterior and fill you with
the spirit, so that ye shall be called ‘spiritual, perfected in all
fulness.’ And, amen, amen, I say unto you: I will give unto you all
the mysteries of all the regions of my Father and of all the regions of
the First Mystery, so that he whom ye shall admit on earth, shall be
admitted into the Light of the height; and he whom ye shall expel
on earth, shall be expelled from the kingdom of my Father in the
heaven. But hearken, therefore, and give ear attentively to all the re-
pentances which Pistis Sophia hath uttered. She continued again
and uttered the third repentance, saying:
‘‘2. ‘May they who would take away my light, lack and be in the
darkness. May they who would take away my power, turn into
chaos and be put to shame.
‘‘3. ‘May they turn quickly to darkness, who press me sore and
say: We have become lords over her.
Second repentance: the Song of Consciousness
‘‘4. ‘May rather all those who seek the Light, rejoice and exult, and
they who desire thy mystery, say ever: May the mystery be exalted.
‘‘5. ‘Save me then now, O Light, for I lacked my light, which they
have taken away, and I needed my power, which they have taken
from me. Thou then, O Light, thou art my saviour, and thou art
my deliverer, O Light. Save me quickly out of this chaos.’ ’’
And it came to pass, when Jesus had finished speaking these words
unto his disciples, saying: ‘‘This is the third repentance of Pistis
Sophia,’’ that he said unto them: ‘‘Let him in whom a sensitive
spirit hath arisen, come forward and speak the thought of the
repentance which Pistis Sophia hath uttered.’’
And Jesus gave his hand unto Martha and said unto her: ‘‘Blessed is
every one who humbleth himself, for on him they shall have mercy.
Now, therefore, Martha, art thou blessed. But proclaim then the
solution of the thought of the repentance of Pistis Sophia.’’
Chapter 39
And Martha answered and said unto Jesus in the midst of the disci-
ples: ‘‘Concerning the repentance which Pistis Sophia hath uttered,
O my Lord Jesus, of it thy light-power in David prophesied afore-
time in the sixty-ninth Psalm, saying:
‘‘2. ‘Let them be put to shame and confounded who seek after my
‘‘3. ‘May they turn straightway and be put to shame, who say unto
me: Ha, ha.
‘‘4. ‘May all who seek thee, be joyful and exult because of thee, and
they who love thy salvation, say ever: May God be exalted.
Third repentance: the Song of Humility
Chapter 40
finite and fragile dialectical human vitality, the short life span, and
the constant series of hostilities and attacks, geared to turn every-
thing against the Gnosis.
This is why Pistis Sophia utters this one all-embracing prayer:
‘Oh Gnosis, wondrous grace, be not far from me. Shame those
who threaten me. Save me for your name’s sake.’
The awareness of self-knowledge vibrates through the candi-
date, and so he places the entire seven-armed candlestick of his con-
sciousness into the merciful field of the Gnosis.There is forgetfulness
of self and surrender to the rose of the heart; there is the giving of
service, and at the same time there is the just suspicion that the task
that has been accepted will not be fully accomplished because of op-
position. Hence there is a great realisation of impotence.
We might think that the nadir of the soul pilgrimage has now
been reached, but this is far from the truth. The process of soul
purification has hardly begun.
And so Pistis Sophia sings her third repentance, the Song of Hu-
mility. Humility refers to a state of wisdom, to a certain state of the
cerebrospinal nervous system, in particular the mental state and its
When a person is humble, he can also be long-suffering and
mild. In the second repentance there was a breakthrough of the
consciousness, and so after that, the positive centre of the con-
sciousness is attacked by the Gnosis. This centre of consciousness
is connected with the cerebrospinal nervous system, which can be
totally governed by the mentality and the will.
The first evidence of such a breakthrough is always humility. To
be able to penetrate to the significance of this state, we need to
turn our attention to the activity of the magnetic brain system by
means of which the human being is under the control of the
twelve aeons of the ordinary state of nature. For it is in this mag-
netic brain system, that we find the main organs of the cerebro-
spinal nervous system, the abode of the will and the mind. It is
here that Authades is seated on his throne.
It is possible for the candidate to be gnostically sensitive with
Third repentance: the Song of Humility
the rest of his soul organs, and he may be very interested in the
things of the Spiritual School and, on this basis, enter a gnostic
Spiritual School; but no matter how important this basis is, if the
breakthrough of the consciousness has not been achieved, the can-
didate is in an extremely painful state of dividedness.
He is serving two masters, God and Mammon, not in the sense
of hypocrisy, because this is not what the Sermon on the Mount is
referring to, but because of the fact that the greatest part and the
most important part of the consciousness belongs entirely to dia-
lectical nature and is ruled by it.
For this reason, the candidate, having been linked to the Gnosis
via the rose of the heart and hence via the magnetic system of the
heart, needs to force himself to go the path. He has no alternative
but to place his ‘I’ behind this. However, in order not to lapse into
personality culture, the candidate must sing his Song of Humanity
in such a way that he can forget his own suffering and his own
state in the service of humanity. Only in the service of humanity
can the candidate forget his own suffering.
In the powerfield of a gnostic Spiritual School, the candidate is
placed entirely before his own responsibility, and he must observe
his own inner desperation and experience it like a consuming fire.
The first medicine for this state of being is service to humanity in
complete self-sacrifice.
Whoever can achieve this self-sacrifice with complete self-for-
getfulness will come to the consciousness breakthrough. Then for
the first time, the gnostic radiation enters the magnetic brain
system and the cerebrospinal nervous system is attacked. For the
first time, the gnostic fire can touch the positive pole of the ner-
vous system. The consciousness breakthrough has been achieved.
The Gnosis attacks the mentality and the will in their deepest es-
sence, and for the first time in his life, the candidate sees his own
inner state and everything connected to it in an entirely different
way. He has been enabled to do this by the gnostic light that has
penetrated the cerebrospinal nervous system. Only then has the
second repentance been sung.
Chapter 40
First of all the candidate vibrates with a prayer for liberation from
such a bitter reality;
in the second aspect he discovers the cause and the intention of the
hostility towards God;
Third repentance: the Song of Humility
in the third aspect there is the awareness that all the evil of the
aeons must be neutralised;
in the fourth aspect the prayer rises up for all who suffer and seek
and in the fifth aspect the candidate confesses his own state of
being: I am wretched and spiritually destitute; come to me quickly.
Only you are my saviour and my deliverer.
We hope that this tribulation will soon come to you, so that hu-
mility will be yours.
Chapter 40
It came to pass then, when Jesus had heard Martha speak these
words, that he said unto her: ‘‘Well said, Martha, and finely.’’
And Jesus continued again in the discourse and said unto his disci-
ples: ‘‘Pistis Sophia again continued in the fourth repentance,
reciting it before she was oppressed a second time, in order that
the lion-faced power and all the material emanations with it,
which Self-willed had sent into the chaos, might not take away her
total light in her. She uttered then this repentance as follows:
‘‘2. ‘Turn not away thy light-image from me, but have heed unto
me, if they oppress me; and save me quickly at the time when I
shall cry unto thee.
‘‘4. ‘They have taken my light from me, and my power is dried up. I
have forgotten my mystery which heretofore I was wont to accom-
‘‘5. ‘Because of the voice of the fear and the power of Self-willed
my power is vanished.
Third repentance: the Song of Humility
‘‘9. ‘Instead of with light which was in her, they have filled her with
chaos. I have devoured the sweat of my own matter and the anguish
of the tears from the matter of my eyes, so that they who oppress me
may not take the rest.
‘‘10. ‘All this hath befallen me, O Light, by thy commandment and
thy command, and it is thy commandment that I am here.
‘‘12. ‘But thou, O Lord, art Light eternal, and dost visit them who
are for ever oppressed.
Chapter 40
‘‘13. ‘Now, therefore, O Light, arise and seek my power and the soul
in me. Thy commandment is accomplished, which thou didst
decree for me in my afflictions. My time is come, that thou
shouldst seek my power and my soul, and this is the time which
thou didst decree to seek me.
‘‘14. ‘For thy saviours have sought the power which is in my soul,
because the number is completed, and in order that also its matter
may be saved.
‘‘15. ‘A nd then at that time shall all the rulers of the material aeons
be in fear of thy light, and all the emanations of the thirteenth
material aeon shall be in fear of the mystery of thy light, so that
the others may put on the purification of their light.
‘‘16. ‘For the Lord will seek the power of your soul. He hath revealed
his mystery,
‘‘17. ‘So that he may regard the repentance of them who are in the
regions below; and he hath not disregarded their repentance.
‘‘18. ‘This is then that mystery which is become the type in respect
of the race which shall be born; and the race which shall be born
will sing praises to the height.
Third repentance: the Song of Humility
‘‘19. ‘For the Light hath looked down from the height of its light. It
will look down on the total matter,ç
‘‘20. ‘To hear the sighing of those in chains, to loose the power of the
souls whose power is bound.
‘‘21. ‘So that it may lay its name in the soul and its mystery in the
power.’ ’’
It came to pass while Jesus spake these words unto his disciples,
saying unto them: ‘‘This is the fourth repentance which Pistis
Sophia hath uttered; now, therefore, let him who understandeth, un-
derstand,’’ ç it came to pass then, when Jesus had spoken these
words, that John came forward, adored the breast of Jesus and said
unto him: ‘‘My Lord, give commandment to me also, and grant me
to speak the solution of the fourth repentance which Pistis Sophia
hath uttered.’’
Jesus said unto John: ‘‘I give thee commandment, and I grant thee
to speak the solution of the repentance which Pistis Sophia hath
John answered and said: ‘‘My Lord and Saviour, concerning this
repentance which Pistis Sophia hath uttered, thy light-power
which was in David, hath prophesied aforetime in the one
hundred-and-first Psalm:
Chapter 40
‘‘1. ‘Lord, give ear unto my supplication, and Iet my voice reach
unto thee.
‘‘2. ‘Turn not away thy face from me; incline thine ear unto me in
the day when I am oppressed; quickly give ear to me on the day
when I shall cry unto thee.
‘‘3. ‘For my days are vanished as smoke, and my bones are parched
as stone.
‘‘4. ‘I am scorched as the grass, and my heart is dried up; for I have
forgotten to eat my bread.
‘‘8. ‘My enemies have reviled me all the day long, and they who
honour me, have injured me.
‘‘9. ‘For I have eaten ashes instead of my bread and mixed my drink
with tears,
Third repentance: the Song of Humility
‘‘10. ‘Because of thy wrath and thy rage; for thou hast lifted me up
and cast me down.
‘‘12. ‘But thou, O Lord, thou endurest for ever, and thy remem-
brance unto the generation of generation[s].
‘‘13. ‘Arise and have mercy upon Zion, for the time is come to have
mercy upon her; the proper time is come.
‘‘14. ‘Thy servants have longed for her stones, and will take pity on
her land.
‘‘15. ‘A nd the nations will have fear of the name of the Lord, and the
kings of the earth have fear of thy sovereignty.
‘‘16. ‘For the Lord will build up Zion and reveal himself in his sover-
‘‘17. ‘He hath regarded the prayer of the humble and hath not
despised their supplication.
‘‘18. ‘This shall be recorded for another generation, and the people
who shall be created will praise the Lord.
Chapter 40
‘‘19. ‘Because he hath looked down on his holy height; the Lord
hath looked down from the heaven on the earth,
‘‘20. ‘To hear the sighing of those in chains, to loose the sons of
those who are slain,
‘‘21. ‘To proclaim the name of the Lord in Zion and his praise in
Fourth repentance : the Song of Demolition
Chapter 41
has to have such courage to travel through this darkness of the soul
is evidence that Authades still represents a great power in the
centre of his soul. This is why there are such tremendous ups and
downs, such alternations between optimism and pessimism, such
a sequence of opposite emotions, which are not caused by nega-
tive influences, but because of self-knowledge and experience.
However, if the soul wishes to break through to the light-birth,
to the total fulfilment by the Gnosis, and if the soul wishes to
become one with the Christ-radiation, then the total demolition
of the soul-state of nature with all its well-known and unknown
behaviour is strictly necessary. It is this state of demolition, this
nadir of the soul, that is described to us in the fourth repentance.
The soul must be led to the complete non-being of nature, and it
must demonstrate this non-being, not in theory, but in practice,
just as this gnostic gospel is about to show us.
The soul needs to lose everything in order to gain everything.
The important thing is: where does the candidate lay his emphasis,
what is he prepared to lose, and what does he wish to gain?
In the first three repentances the soul is struggling with its clea-
vage, and two opposing forces are motivating it. Now Pistis
Sophia is trying to allow the Gnosis to become the leading factor
in this state. And so she aims constantly at the path with leads to
victory. This victory surpasses the stage of grim-faced determina-
tion. Nevertheless the situation is not ideal.
Of course the fact that a victory has been attained is in itself
very good, but obviously the fact that there is something within
the self that has to be defeated is, in itself, very significant. This
victory shows the cleavage of the soul, and so we can say that
those who laugh the loudest and thus try to hide their difficulties
are those who are most seized by grief and are trying hopelessly to
fight this with the weapons of laughter. What is necessary to finish
this alternation of success and relapse is the total demolition of the
soul-force of nature. The soul of nature must be brought to its total
non-being, and this state must be clearly demonstrated.
In the fourth repentance Pistis Sophia shows that she has made
Fourth repentance : the Song of Demolition
Chapter 41
comes nature with joy and enthusiasm and makes herself subser-
vient to it. This would be impossible. As a seeker for divine
wisdom and detachment, Pistis Sophia has a divided soul. There
are two souls in her centre: one living from the fundamental
divine radiation and the other living from the dialectical magnetic
The soul that lives out of the fundamental radiation ceases its
fight against its companion of nature, but this companion still
goes on existing. Discovering that fighting just makes the nature-
soul stronger, the soul ceases its fight and even turns the other
cheek when it is struck on one cheek. And so, psychologically
and consciously, the soul enters the state of eminent impotence.
In this way the soul terminates the opposites and wins without a
It works amongst people as well. If one person wishes to start a
fight with another, but the latter does not wish to enter into it, then
such a psychological fortress can never be captured. The comba-
tant is disarmed, and the differences are resolved. All that remains
is the mutually unassailable psychological values. When the soul
applies the mode of life of the Sermon on the Mount, it becomes
unassailable. If the soul fights, it loses, because this is a dialectical
way of doing things.
How can the soul surmount the state of nature and awaken in
the Light of Lights? How can the nature-state perish without a
fight? Will the heart of the rose not be mutilated, and will the
soul fluids not be damaged and sullied, and does the soul have to
accept all these troubles?
The great secret lies in the termination of the opposites. Nature
strikes the soul because it fights against nature. If the candidate
can apply the principle of non-action completely spontaneously
from within, without trying to make a point to others, and dissoci-
ate himself mentally, he will terminate the contrast between nature
and the longing of the soul. Immediately rest and peace come, and
the candidate on the path becomes unassailable. If the candidate
will not allow himself to be tempted into combat and so con-
Fourth repentance : the Song of Demolition
Chapter 41
It came to pass then, when John had finished speaking these words
to Jesus in the midst of his disciples, that he said unto him: ‘‘Well
said, John, the Virgin, who shalt rule in the kingdom of the Light.’’
And Jesus continued again in the discourse and said unto his disci-
ples: ‘‘It came to pass again thus: The emanations of Self-willed
again oppressed Pistis Sophia in the chaos and desired to take
from her her whole light; and not yet was her commandment ac-
complished, to lead her out of the chaos, and not yet had the
command reached me through the First Mystery, to save her out of
the chaos. It came to pass then, when all the material emanations of
Self-willed oppressed her, that she cried out and uttered the fifth
repentance, saying:
‘‘2. ‘I sing praise unto thee in my hymn with which I sang praise in
the height and with which I sang praise unto thee when I was in the
chaos. Let it come into thy presence, and give heed, O Light, to my
Fourth repentance : the Song of Demolition
‘‘4. ‘I am myself become as the rulers of the chaos, who are gone
into the darknesses below; I am become as a material body, which
hath no one in the height who will save it.
‘‘5. ‘I am become also as matters from which their power hath been
taken, when they are cast down into the chaos, ç [matters] which
thou hast not saved, and they are condemned utterly by thy com-
‘‘6. ‘Now, therefore, have they put me into the darkness below,çin
darknesses and matters which are dead and in them [is] no power.
‘‘7. ‘Thou hast brought thy commandment upon me and all things
which thou hast decreed.
Chapter 41
‘‘10. ‘Now, therefore, O Light, wilt thou not accomplish thy com-
mandment in the chaos, and will not the deliverers, who come ac-
cording to thy commandment, arise in the darkness and come and
be disciples for thee?
‘‘11. ‘Will they not utter the mystery of thy name in the chaos?
‘‘12. ‘Or will they not rather utter thy name in a matter of the chaos,
in which thou wilt not [thyself] purify?
‘‘13. ‘But I have sung praises unto thee, O Light, and my repentance
will reach unto thee in the height.
‘‘15. ‘For they have taken my light, and I am in pain on account of the
Light from the time when I was emanated. And when I had looked
into the height to the Light, then I looked down below at the light-
power in the chaos; I rose up and went down.
‘‘16. ‘Thy commandment came upon me, and the terrors, which
thou didst decree for me, have brought me into delusion.
Fourth repentance : the Song of Demolition
‘‘This then is the fifth repentance which Pistis Sophia hath uttered in
the chaos, when all the material emanations of Self-willed had con-
tinued and oppressed her.’’
When then Jesus had spoken these words unto his disciples, he said
unto them: ‘‘Who hath ears to hear, Iet him hear; and let him whose
spirit seetheth up in him, come forward and speak the solution of
the thought of the fifth repentance of Pistis Sophia.’’
And when Jesus had finished saying these words, Philip started
forward, held up and laid down the book in his hand,çfor he is
the scribe of all the discourses which Jesus spake, and of all of that
which he did,çPhilip then came forward and said unto him: ‘‘My
Lord, surely then it is not on me alone that thou hast enjoined to
take care for the world and write down all the discourses which
we shall speak and [all we shall] do? And thou hast not suffered me
to come forward to speak the solution of the mysteries of the
repentance of Pistis Sophia. For my spirit hath ofttimes seethed in
me and been unloosed and constrained me to come forward and
speak the solution of the repentance of Pistis Sophia; and I could
not come forward because I am the scribe of all the discourses.’’
Chapter 41
It came to pass then, when Jesus had heard Philip, that he said unto
him: ‘‘Hearken, Philip, blessed one, that I may discourse with thee;
for it is thou and Thomas and Matthew on whom it is enjoined by
the First Mystery to write all the discourses which I shall speak and
[all which I shall] do, and all things which ye shall see. But as for thee,
the number of the discourses which thou hast to write, is so far not
yet completed. When it is then completed, thou art to come
forward and proclaim what pleaseth thee. Now, therefore, ye three
have to write down all the discourses which I shall speak and [all
things which I shall] do and which ye shall see, in order that ye
may bear witness to all things of the kingdom of heaven.’’
Fifth repentance: the Song of Resignation
Chapter 42
Fifth repentance: the Song of Resignation
then all theatricality and the whole surface layer of culture will col-
lapse, although even then there are individuals who can still hang
on to their role. Such people end up being swallowed by death.
Pistis Sophia enters a crisis during the fifth song of repentance:
her state of being has to be proven. This is why the Song of Demo-
lition has to be followed by the Song of Resignation. This is not a
song of heroism, because heroism, when driven into a corner, is a
state of being possessed. It is a state of unreality; it is an untrue
state. No, Pistis Sophia is resigned to her fate. Afflicted by her suf-
fering, she does not say, ‘I feel no pain’, like a heroine in a novel.
She is the pure figure of resignation in total reality.
This song comes out like the scream of a battered person. What
does she scream about? Her suffering and sorrow. What does she
profess? In the flood of bitter experience that washes over her, and
marked by the stigma of anguish that she has not tried to deny, she
gives testimony of her resignation with the overwhelmingly beau-
tiful words:
Chapter 42
But now the Pistis Sophia, before continuing the description of the
repentances, interrupts with an interlude in chapter 42. It describes
a so-called disagreement in the circle of disciples.
Jesus had said: ‘‘Who hath ears to hear, let him hear; and let him
whose spirit seetheth up in him, come forward and speak the solu-
tion of the thought of the fifth repentance of Pistis Sophia.’’
Philip is indignant about this and says that he cannot write and
speak at the same time, for he had been instructed to record all that
was said, and so he had no opportunity to speak. Jesus’ answer is:
Fifth repentance: the Song of Resignation
Pistis Sophia. For in this state she has given proof that, after the
fourth repentance, her I is not rising up once again in order to
maintain herself in some form. Although full of suffering, she re-
mains loyal to the path and its laws.
Chapter 42
When then Jesus had said this, he said unto his disciples: ‘‘Who
hath ears to hear, let him hear.’’
Mary started forward again, stepped into the midst, placed herself
by Philip and said unto Jesus: ‘‘My Lord, my in-dweller of light hath
ears, and I am ready to hear with my power, and I have understood
the word which thou hast spoken. Now, therefore, my Lord, hearken
that I may discourse in openness, thou who hast said unto us: ‘Who
bath ears to hear, let him hear.’
It came to pass then, when Jesus had heard this word, that he said:
‘‘Well said, Mary, this is the solution of the word. Now, therefore, do
thou, Philip, come forward and proclaim the solution of the fifth
repentance of Pistis Sophia, and thereafter take thy seat and write
all the discourses which I shall speak, until the number of thy
portion which thou hast to write of the words of the kingdom of
the Light is completed. Then shalt thou come forward and speak
Fifth repentance: the Song of Resignation
what thy spirit shall understand. But do thou then now proclaim the
solution of the fifth repentance of Pistis Sophia.’’
And Philip answered and said unto Jesus: ‘‘My Lord, hearken that I
may speak the solution of her repentance. For thy power hath
prophesied aforetime concerning it through David in the eighty-
seventh Psalm,* saying:
‘‘2. ‘Let my weeping come before thee; incline thine ear to my sup-
plication, O Lord.
‘‘3. ‘For my soul is full of evil, my life hath drawn nigh to the world
‘‘4. ‘I am counted among them who have gone down into the pit; I
am become as a man who bath no helper.
‘‘5. ‘The free among the dead are as the slain who are thrown away
and sleep in tombs, whom thou no more rememberest, and they are
destroyed through thy hands.
Chapter 42
‘‘7. ‘Thy wrath hath settled down upon me and all thy cares have
come upon me. (Selah.)
‘‘8. ‘Thou hast put away mine acquaintances far from me; they
have made me an abomination for them. They have abandoned
me, and I cannot go forth.
‘‘9. ‘My eye hath become dim in my misery; I have cried unto thee,
O Lord, the whole day and have stretched forth my hands unto thee.
‘‘10. ‘Wilt thou not surely work thy wonders on the dead ? Will not
surely the physicians arise and confess thee?
‘‘11. ‘Will they not surely proclaim thy name in the tombs,
‘‘13. ‘But I have cried unto thee, O Lord, and my prayer shall reach
thee early in the morning.
Fifth repentance: the Song of Resignation
‘‘16. ‘Thy angers are come upon me and thy terrors have brought
me into delusion.
‘‘18. ‘My fellows hast thou kept far from me and my acquaintances
from my misery.’
Chapter 43
The mystery of the fifth repentance
Chapter 43
The mystery of the fifth repentance
‘‘‘For my soul is full of evil, my life hath drawn nigh to the world
‘‘‘Thou hast put away mine acquaintances far from me; they have
made me an abomination for them. They have abandoned me, and
I cannot go forth. My eye hath become dim in my misery.’
Chapter 43
hurtful and repulsive to everyone. This causes his isolation, and all
his acquaintances withdraw from his presence.
The facts prove that it is very difficult for the candidate at this
stage of the path to achieve insight, and the Philip-intervention
provides this insight, because the new astral activity illuminates
the state of the imprisoned earthly soul in the pupil.
The fifth repentance teaches that, on the basis of insight, the
candidate has to achieve resignation, because resignation can
later on be followed by the sixth repentance, the Song of Trust.
As long as the insight into his own state is lacking in a person,
there can be no resignation, and his conduct will show this totally.
For example Pistis Sophia could think that, as she is longing so
fervently for the light and is totally directed to this, she is no longer
capable of making errors in the greater guidelines. For this reason
she is seeking a totally erroneous explanation for her fall. She
could think for example that it is the intention of the light to estab-
lish the kingdom in hell:
‘‘‘Wilt thou not surely work thy wonders on the dead ? Will not
surely the [shades] arise and [praise] thee? Will they not surely
proclaim thy name in the tombs, And thy righteousness in a land
which thou hast forgotten ?’
Here Philip has sketched the delusion to the last detail. Whoever
can break through this delusion and can see that it is exactly this
last remnant of self-maintenance, this last trace of selfishness,
which most hinders and isolates the pupil, has come to his nadir.
He can sing the Song of Resignation.
The mystery of the fifth repentance
The new astral activity, Philip in the pupil, must make this clear
to him. Then morning is near, at the moment when the night is
This is the meaning of the fifth repentance, which Pistis Sophia
sang when she was oppressed in Chaos.
Chapter 43
It came to pass then, when Jesus had heard Philip speak these words,
that he said: ‘‘Well said, Philip, well-beloved. Now, therefore, come,
take thy seat and write thy portion of all the discourses which I shall
speak, and [of all things which I shall] do, and of all that thou shalt
see.’’And forthwith Philip sat down and wrote.
‘‘1. ‘I have sung praises unto thee, O Light, in the darkness below.
‘‘2. ‘Hearken unto my repentance, and may thy light give heed to
the voice of my supplication.
‘‘4. ‘For thou, O Light, art my saviour; because of the light of thy
name I have had faith in thee, O Light.
The mystery of the fifth repentance
‘‘6. ‘Let all the powers in me trust in the Light when I am in the
darkness below, and may they again trust in the Light if they come
into the region of the height.
It came to pass then, when Jesus had finished speaking these words
unto his disciples, that he said unto them: ‘‘Understand ye in what
manner I discourse with you ?’’
‘‘2. ‘Hearken unto my voice; let thine ears give heed to the voice of
my supplication.
Chapter 43
‘‘4. ‘For pardon is in thy hands; for the sake of thy name have I
waited for thee, O Lord.
‘‘6. ‘My soul hath hoped in the Lord from the morning until the
evening. Let Israel hope in the Lord from the morning until the
‘‘7. ‘For grace standeth by the Lord and with him is great redemption.
Jesus said unto him: ‘‘Well said, Andrew, blessed one. This is the
solution of her repentance. Amen, amen, I say unto you: I will
perfect you in all mysteries of the Light and all gnoses from the in-
teriors of the interiors to the exteriors of the exteriors, from the In-
effable down to the darkness of darknesses, from the Light of lights
down to the ... of matter, from all the gods down to the demons,
from all the lords down to the decans, from all the authorities down
to the servitors, from the creation of men down to [that] of the wild-
beasts, of the cattle and of the reptiles, in order that ye may be called
perfect, perfected in all fulness. Amen, Amen, I say unto you: In the
The mystery of the fifth repentance
It came to pass then, when Jesus had finished speaking these words
unto his disciples, that he said unto them: ‘‘Understand ye in what
manner I speak with you?’’
Mary said: ‘‘Yea, Lord, I have understood the word which thou hast
spoken. Concerning then the word which thou hast said: At the dis-
solution of the whole Mixture thou shalt take . thy seat on a light-
power and thy disciples, that is ourselves, shall sit on the right of
thee, and thou shalt judge the tyrant gods, who have not given up
the purification of their light, and the wise fire will bite into them,
until theygive up the last light in them,çconcerning this word then
thy light-power prophesied aforetime through David, in the eighty-
first Psalm, saying:
‘‘‘God shall sit in the assemblyof the gods and try the gods.’ ’’
Chapter 44
Pistis Sophia has sung her fifth repentance, the Song of Resigna-
tion, and we learned that the candidate, represented by Pistis
Sophia, in the described psychological state in which she is
living, wants to expel from her being the last remnant of self-main-
tenance and egocentricity, as a result of which she resigns herself
to her state and for the first time enters a state of truly tranquil,
balanced, and joyful trust.
For this reason she sings the sixth repentance, the Song of Trust,
after the Song of Resignation. She has mounted six steps, and she
is standing on the sixth step as someone who trusts the saving
light completely.
Let us cast our minds back to the aspects already discussed.
Who is Pistis Sophia? You, candidate on the path of soul liberation,
are she, or at least you could be.
But let us have a close look at the process on the path. It began
with a storm of enthusiasm. As a seeker, after much experience,
the person had found the Rosycross. He had recognised the liber-
ating teachings, and with a giant leap he ran towards the Thir-
teenth Aeon of the mysteries of salvation. He hid behind the veils
of the forecourt and begged to be let in. However the Thirteenth
Aeon ignored him completely and left him alone.
In this state of isolation in a totally alien environment, Authades,
Self-willed, came to the candidate. Authades can be seen as the sum
total of all the forces of the I-being, and it is self-evident that this con-
centration of forces directs itself to the candidate as the I, in an ex-
travagance of enthusiasm, first aims at the Gnosis.
The sixth repentance : the Song of Trust
The Gnosis does not answer, so the ordinary I begins to act and
speak again. The candidate is a striving human being; he is a true
seeker for the light. And not receiving the light of the Gnosis, he
has to be satisfied with his own light, with the light of Authades,
which is false compared to the Gnosis. A reaction has been caused:
first the rapid run towards the Thirteenth Aeon of the gnostic mys-
teries and then a fall back into the old situation. The candidate is
thrown back into his old state of being. This is a most just situation.
The Gnosis has not ignored him, but the Gnosis could not yet
reveal itself because the candidate was not yet open for this, was
not yet eligible.
None of us may suppose that we could conquer the gnostic life
by means of some tactic or other. Dialectical people try this, be-
cause we are used to this in the struggle for existence, and we
have been successful in the past with tactics. Of course these suc-
cesses have been temporary, but this is a part of dialectical nature
that is bound to the rotation of time.
It is clear that Pistis Sophia, having been cast back to reality after
that first jump, does not feel happy at all. Instead of the gnostic light,
she finds the false glitter of the ordinary world and her own self.
And so the songs of repentance begin. These are lamentations
because the candidate understands completely how and why she
has arrived in the situation and she is aware of her own deficiency.
This is not always the case in candidates who begin the path of the
Rosycross. Their songs will often contain protests and criticism, a
sense of injury and resentment.
But let us suppose that a candidate has surmounted the first
difficulties and is beginning to sing his repentances. Then he
enters a process in which he is made ready for the eventual en-
trance behind the veils of the Sanctum Sanctorum. This process
will lead first of all to a zero point, to a state of non-being, so that
a new being can be built up on that basis.
This process commences with songs of repentance, with loud
lamentations, and continues through to resignation and trust,
after which the process soon begins to turn into songs of praise,
Chapter 44
The sixth repentance : the Song of Trust
Chapter 44
The mystery of the three light-powers
Chapter 45
Psychics are people of whom it can be said that they can only have
faith in the light. Just like all the faithful we know so well from the
Bible, they see the light of liberation only in the distance. The soul
window in these people is still tightly shut, and hence the manifes-
tation of the light and its activity has to be constantly explained to
them. The language of the heavens has to be translated for them so
that it becomes somewhat comprehensible. And then they believe
in it from within.
The mystery of the three light-powers
Hylics are people who are totally unsusceptible. They are real
nature-people, totally attuned to dialectical nature. They do not
live out of the light but out of the power that is released by the
chain reaction of the processes of life. If these people do possess
a rose-heart, then it is not active in them. The Gnosis never appears
to such people, and so we can leave them out of our discussion.
They are excluded from any kind of gnostic intervention, and in
any case, they would not want such intervention.
Chapter 45
lions of people, and the love and sacrifice for humanity continue
to this hour. There are many people of this type who aim towards
the Gnosis, and their willingness to sacrifice and their love in this
respect are great.
But in all this goodness and beauty, the dialectical nature-I re-
mains at the centre. The love is from God, from the Gnosis, but it
arouses and charges the ordinary dialectical human being. The
love of God, the touch from the divine order, breaks into this
person, seizes him, and impels him; in order words, it thrusts the
dialectical person into a multiplicity of experiences.
However the Kingdom of God cannot be realised within the
realm of nature, and so the love, when it is realised in the material
plane, undergoes a certain change. People do see this, but the long-
ing of the primordial atom drives people to perform acts on the
basis of this love, since they are sensitive to these radiations.
And so at a certain moment this type of human being is con-
fronted by an enormous conflict.On the one hand there is the flow
of love of humanity and its practical application. On the other
there is hard-boiled egocentricity.
God is love; God touches the human being in the heart and
God is light. This light is received and applied by the I through
the nature-state and in the nature-state.
This light is absorbed not only by humanity but also by the
nature aeons, by the nature forces and by the cosmic formations
of nature. The nature aeons adorn themselves with it just as the
human being does. The aeons of nature deprive humanity of this
light-power as they do Pistis Sophia.
All of them, in both spheres of dialectical life, wear their light-
vesture. Just like humanity, the whole universe is filled with the
polar light-powers of the Gnosis.
This continues until the highest heat-sphere vomits what can
no longer be digested. The nature aeons give back what they
cannot absorb. All the light-powers that a person has received
from the time of his birth and has tried to apply are stolen from
him by the nature aeons. And by means of their own radiations,
The mystery of the three light-powers
Chapter 45
enough, all the stolen light is given back to those who are saved,
and so the new kingdom, as a giant of light, will shoot up like a
flame of fire.
Truly God stands in the divine council. In the midst of the gods,
he holds judgement.
The mystery of the three light-powers
Jesus continued again in the discourse and said unto his disciples:
‘‘It came to pass, when Pistis Sophia had finished uttering the sixth
repentance for the forgiveness of her transgression, that she turned
again to the height, to see if her sins were forgiven her, and to see
whether they would lead her up out of the chaos. But by command-
ment of the First Mystery not yet was she hearkened to, so that her
sin should be forgiven and she should be led up out of the chaos.
When then she had turned to the height to see whether her repent-
ance were accepted from her, she saw all the rulers of the twelve
aeons mocking at her and rejoicing over her because her repent-
ance was not accepted from her. When then she saw that they
mocked at her, she grieved exceedingly and lifted up her voice to
the height in her seventh repentance, saying:
‘‘2. ‘On thee have I had faith. Let me not be scorned; let not the
rulers of the twelve aeons, who hate me, rejoice over me.
‘‘3. ‘For all who have faith in thee shall not be put to shame. Let
them who have taken away my power, remain in darkness; and let
them not get from it any profit, but let it be taken away from them.
‘‘4. ‘O Light, show me thy ways, and I shall be saved in them; and
show me thy paths, whereby I shall be saved out of the chaos.
Chapter 45
‘‘5. ‘A nd guide me in thy light, and let me know, O Light, that thou
art my saviour. On thee will I trust the whole of my time.
‘‘6. ‘Give heed that thou save me, O Light, for thy mercy endureth
for ever.
‘‘8. ‘For good and sincere is the Light. For this cause will it grant me
my way, to be saved out of my transgression;
‘‘10. ‘For all gnoses of the Light are saving means and are mysteries
for all who seek the regions of its Inheritance and its mysteries.
‘‘11. ‘For the sake of the mystery of thy name, O Light, forgive my
transgression, for it is great.
The mystery of the three light-powers
‘‘12. ‘To every one who trusteth in the Light it will give the mystery
which suiteth him;
‘‘13. ‘A nd his soul will abide in the regions of the Light and his
power will inherit the Treasury of the Light.
‘‘14. ‘The Light giveth power to them who have faith in it; and the
name of its mystery belongeth to those who trust in it. And it will
show them the region of the Inheritance, which is in the Treasury of
the Light.
‘‘15. ‘But I have ever had faith in the Light, for it will save my feet
from the bonds of the darkness.
‘‘16. ‘Give heed unto me, O Light, and save me, for they have taken
away my name from me in the chaos.
‘‘19. ‘Give heed to the rulers of the twelve aeons, who have hated me
through jealousy.
Chapter 45
‘‘20. ‘Watch over my power and save me, and let me not remain in
this darkness, for I have had faith in thee.
‘‘21. ‘A nd they have made of me a great fool for having had faith in
thee, O Light.
When then Jesus had spoken this unto his disciples,Thomas came
forward and said: ‘‘My Lord, I am sober, I am plentifully sober, and
my spirit is ready in me, and I rejoice exceedingly that thou hast
revealed these words unto us. But indeed I have borne with my
brethren until now, so that I should not anger them; nay rather I
have borne with every one that he should come before thee and
speak the solution of the repentance of Pistis Sophia. Now, there-
fore, my Lord, concerning the solution of the seventh repentance
of Pistis Sophia thy light-power hath prophesied through the
prophet David in the twenty-fourth Psalm, thus:
‘‘2. ‘I have abandoned myself unto thee; let me not be put to shame
and let not mine enemies mock at me.
The mystery of the three light-powers
‘‘3. ‘For all who wait upon thee shall not be put to shame; let them
be put to shame who do iniquity without a cause.
‘‘5. ‘Lead me in the way of thy truth and teach me, for thou art my
God and my saviour; on thee will I wait all the day long.
‘‘9. ‘He will guide the tender-hearted in the judgment and will
teach the tender-hearted his ways.
‘‘10. ‘All the ways of the Lord are grace and truth for them who seek
his righteousness and his testimonies.
‘‘11. ‘For thy name’s sake, O Lord, forgive me my sin, [for] it is ex-
ceedingly great.
Chapter 45
‘‘12. ‘Who is the man who feareth the Lord ? For him will he establish
laws in the way which he hath chosen.
‘‘13. ‘His soul will abide in good things and his seed will inherit the
‘‘14. ‘The Lord is the strength of them who fear him; and the name of
the Lord belongeth to them who fear him, to make known unto
them his covenant.
‘‘15. ‘Mine eyes are raised ever unto the Lord, for he will draw my
feet out of the snare.
‘‘19. ‘Look upon mine enemies, how they have increased them-
selves and hated me with unjust hatred.
The mystery of the three light-powers
‘‘20. ‘Preserve my soul and save me; let me not be put to shame, for I
have hoped on thee.
‘‘21. ‘The simple and sincere have joined themselves to me, for I
have waited on thee, O Lord.
And when Jesus had heard the words of Thomas, he said unto him:
‘‘Well said, Thomas, and finely. This is the solution of the seventh
repentance of Pistis Sophia. Amen, amen, I say unto you: All gen-
erations of the world shall bless you on earth, because I have
revealed this unto you and ye have received of my spirit and have
become understanding and spiritual, understanding what I say.
And hereafter will I fill you full with the whole light and the
whole power of the spirit, so that ye may understand from now on
all which shall be said unto you and which ye shall see. Yet a little
while and I will speak with you concerning the height without
within and within without.’’
Chapter 46
Seventh repentance : the Song of Decision
Chapter 46
Seventh repentance : the Song of Decision
Then the candidate has passed through the decision, and he can
begin a new cycle of genesis:
fleeing from the darkness,
destroying the darkness,
being reborn in the light, winning eternal life.
Many people approach the gnostic light with their potential for
goodness, and because this goodness is mixed and united with
evil, we achieve that very exhausting situation of wanting to do
good and carrying out evil.
In ordinary life this mixed situation always crops up. Whoever
realises the uselessness of approaching the Gnosis with the I-state
and the dual force of good and evil connected to this, and notices
Chapter 46
Seventh repentance : the Song of Decision
Jesus continued again in the discourse and said unto his disciples:
‘‘It came to pass then, when Pistis Sophia had uttered the seventh
repentance in the chaos, that the commandment through the First
Mystery had not come to me to save her and lead her up out of
the chaos. Nevertheless of myself out of compassion without com-
mandment I led her into a somewhat spacious region in the chaos.
And when the material emanations of Self-willed had noticed that
she had been led into a somewhat spacious region in the chaos,
they ceased a little to oppress her, for they thought that she would
be led up out of the chaos altogether. When this then took place,
Pistis Sophia did not know that I was her helper; nor did she know
me at all, but she continued and persisted withal singing praises to
the Light of .the Treasury, which she had seen aforetime and on
which she had had faith, and she thought that it [sc. the Light] also
was her helper and it was the same to which she had sung praises,
thinking it was the Light in truth. But as indeed she had had faith in
the Light which belongeth to the Treasury in truth, therefore will
she be led up out of the chaos and her repentance will be accepted
from her. But the commandment of the First Mystery was not yet
accomplished to accept her repentance from her. But hearken now
in order that I may tell you all things which befell Pistis Sophia.
‘‘It came to pass, when I had led her unto a somewhat spacious
region in the chaos, that the emanations of Self-willed ceased
entirely to oppress her, thinking that she would be led up out of
the chaos altogether. It came to pass then, when the emanations of
Chapter 46
Self-willed had noticed that Pistis Sophia had not been led up out
the chaos, that they turned about again all together, oppressing her
vehemently. Because of this then she uttered the eighth repentance,
because they had not ceased to oppress her, and had turned about
to oppress her to the utmost. She uttered this repentance, saying
‘‘1. ‘On thee, O Light, have I hoped ... Leave me not in the chaos;
deliver me and save me according to thy gnosis.
‘‘2. ‘Give heed unto me and save me. Be unto me a saviour, O Light,
and save me and lead me unto thy light.
‘‘3. ‘For thou art my saviour and wilt lead me unto thee. And
because of the mystery of thy name lead me and give me thy
‘‘4. ‘A nd thou wilt save me from this lion-faced power, which they
have laid as a snare for me, for thou art my saviour.
‘‘6. ‘Thou art become wroth with them who keep watch over me
and will not be able to lay hold of me utterly. But I have had faith
in the Light.
Seventh repentance : the Song of Decision
‘‘7. ‘I will rejoice and will sing praises that thou hast had mercy
upon me and hast heeded and saved me from the oppression in
which I was. And thou wilt set free my power out of the chaos.
‘‘8. ‘A nd thou hast not left me in the hand of the lion-faced power;
but thou hast led me into a region which is not oppressed.’ ’’
When then Jesus had said this unto his disciples, he answered again
and said unto them: ‘‘It came to pass then, when the lion-faced
power had noticed that Pistis Sophia had not been led up altogether
out of the chaos, that it came again with all the other material ema-
nations of Self-willed, and they oppressed Pistis Sophia again. It
came to pass then, when they oppressed her, that she cried out in
the same repentance, saying:
‘‘9. ‘Have mercy upon me, O Light, for they have oppressed me
again. Because of thy commandment, the light in me is distracted
and my power and my understanding.
Chapter 46
‘‘13. ‘A nd all who are in the aeons said: She hath become chaos. And
thereafter all the pitiless powers encompassed me together and
proposed to take away the whole light in me.
‘‘14. ‘But I have trusted in thee, O Light, and said: Thou art my
‘‘16. ‘Send thy light over me, for I am as naught before thee, and save
me according to thy compassion.
‘‘17. ‘Let me not be despised, for I have sung praises unto thee, O
Light. Let chaos cover the emanations of Self-willed, let them be
led down into the darkness.
Seventh repentance : the Song of Decision
‘‘18. ‘Let the mouth of them be shut up, who would devour me with
guile, who say: Let us take the whole light in her,çalthough I have
done them no ill.’ ’’
And when Jesus had spoken this, Matthew came forward and said:
‘‘My Lord, thy spirit hath stirred me and thy light hath made me
sober to proclaim this eighth repentance of Pistis Sophia. For thy
power hath prophesied thereof afore time through David in the thir-
tieth Psalm, saying:
‘‘1. ‘On thee, O Lord, have I hoped. Let me never be put to shame;
save me according to thy righteousness.
‘‘2. ‘Incline thine ear unto me, save me quickly. Be thou unto me a
protecting God and a house of refuge to save me.
‘‘3. ‘For thou art my support and my refuge; for thy name’s sake
thou wilt guide me and feed me.
‘‘4. ‘A nd thou wilt draw me out of this snare, which they have laid
privily for me; for thou art my protection.
‘‘5. ‘Into thy hands I will render my spirit; thou hast redeemed me,
O Lord, God of Truth.
Chapter 46
‘‘6. ‘Thou hast hated them who hold to vain emptiness; but I have
‘‘9. ‘Be gracious unto me, O Lord, for I am afflicted; my eye is dis-
tracted in the wrath and my soul and my body.
Seventh repentance : the Song of Decision
‘‘13. ‘For I have heard the scorn of many who encompass me round
about. Massing themselves together against me, they took counsel
to take away my soul from me.
‘‘14. ‘But I have trusted in thee, O Lord. I said: Thou art my God.
‘‘15. ‘My lots are in thy hands. Save me from the hand of my foes
and free me from my persecutors.
‘‘16. ‘Reveal thy face over thy slave, and free me according to thy
grace, O Lord.
‘‘17. ‘Let me not be put to shame, for I have cried unto thee. Let the
impious be put to shame and turn towards hell.
‘‘18. ‘Let the crafty lips be struck dumb, which allege iniquity
against the righteous in pride and scorn.’ ’’
Chapter 47
Eighth repentance : the Song of Oppression
Chapter 47
Mystery had not come to me to save her and lead her up out of the
chaos. Nevertheless of myself out of compassion without com-
mandment I led her into a somewhat spacious region in the chaos.
And when the material emanations of Self-willed [Authades] had
noticed that she had been led into a somewhat spacious region in
the chaos, they ceased a little to oppress her, for they thought that
she would be led up out of the chaos altogether. When this then
took place, Pistis Sophia did not know that I was her helper; nor
did she know me at all, but she continued and persisted withal
singing praises to the Light of the Treasury, which she had seen
aforetime and on which she had had faith, and she thought that it
[sc. the Light] also was her helper and it was the same to which she
had sung praises, thinking it was the Light in truth. But as indeed
she had had faith in the Light which belongeth to the Treasury in
truth, therefore will she be led up out of the chaos and her repent-
ance will be accepted from her.’’
Eighth repentance : the Song of Oppression
At most it can be said that she saw something of the true treas-
ure of light with her dialectical sensory faculties, as in a flash, and
so she can do nothing else than praise the Light of Heaven with her
non-consciousness. You can see how correctly the situation of the
candidate at this stage of the path is described in the Pistis Sophia.
And so it is easy to determine what happens next. The candi-
date is in a state of non-being and has entered fully into the pro-
cess, but he does not yet know his helper, because he does not yet
have a new consciousness. The old nature still has him in its grasp,
and so the inevitable moment comes when the nature aeons
resume their persecution.
In the beginning of the new phase, the emanations of Authades
stop their persecution of Pistis Sophia for a little while, and this
explains the situation of relief that she feels. But this freedom and
rest are very temporary because:
Chapter 47
and he becomes enthusiastic, but he does not yet know his helper
and he does not yet have the new faculties, and so he is really still
very awkward. In this state of gnostic awkwardness, in which the
seed has been sown but has not yet matured, the lion-faced power
comes to the pupil.
The lion is the symbol of the Christ, of the gnostic redeemer, but
the pupil does not yet know this Helper. Hence it is natural that the
great imitator, who imitates the Gnosis in dialectics as a grotesque
shadow of the light, once again turns to the pupil. The emanations
of Authades attack him, and then the great imitator speaks.
The Rosycross brings the message of great joy to the pupil and
links him to the wisdom teachings of Christ and lifts him up into
the Living Body for his redemption. When the pupil is so fully im-
mersed in difficulties and his troubles are innumerable, he may
perhaps remember this with some bitterness.
The lion-faced power immediately takes hold of this first
thought of the pupil and tries to disquiet him and to point out
the deception that the Gnosis is supposed to have perpetrated.
‘You have been promised joy, but you meet nothing but trouble.
Turn back to your old safe field of life,’ says the lion-faced power.
He latches on to every type of human being, to everyone’s past, to
everyone’s weaknesses, and he tries to drag the person back into
his old life. First the emanations of Authades attack the pupil, and
then the lion-faced power speaks its sweet, well-chosen words.
This is the oppression that the Bible mentions so many times.
Take for example the people of Israel who fled from Egypt, the land
of darkness, and were persecuted by the armies of the Pharaoh.
And think of Jesus and the temptations in the desert.
Many a pupil is victimised at this stage. The pupil constantly
starts this process again, and each time he is dragged back into
the old land. In this way the pupil becomes exhausted, and he
may become so weak that it becomes ever more difficult to cross
the threshold permanently.
And so, may every pupil heed this warning and recognise the
lion-faced power who will oppress everyone in this phase.
Eighth repentance : the Song of Oppression
And when Jesus had heard these words, he said: ‘‘Finely [said],
Matthew. Now, therefore, amen, I say unto you: When the perfect
number is completed and the universe is raised hence, I will take
my seat in the Treasury of the Light, and ye yourselves will sit on
twelve light-powers, until we have restored all the orders of the
twelve saviours to the region of the inheritances of every one of
Mary came forward and said: ‘‘O Lord, concerning this matter thou
hast said to us aforetime in similitude: ‘Ye have awaited with me in
the trials, and I will bequeath unto you a kingdom, as my Father hath
bequeathed it unto me, that ye may eat and drink at my table in my
kingdom; and ye shall sit on twelve thrones and judge the twelve
tribes of Israel.’ ’’
Jesus continued again and said unto his disciples: ‘‘It came to pass
then thereafter, when the emanations of Self-willed oppressed
Pistis Sophia in the chaos, that she uttered the ninth repentance,
Chapter 47
‘‘1. ‘O Light, smite down them who have taken away my power
from me, and take away the power from them who have taken
away mine from me.
‘‘2. ‘For I am thy power and thy light. Come and save me.
‘‘4. ‘Let all those who would take away my light from me utterly,
lack their power. Let them face about unto the chaos and become
powerless, who would take away my light from me utterly.
‘‘5. ‘Let their power be as dust, and let Iao“, thy angel, smite them.
‘‘6. ‘A nd if they would go into the height, let darkness seize upon
them and let them slip down and turn to the chaos. And let thy
angel Iao“ pursue them and cast them down into the darkness below.
‘‘7. ‘For they have set a lion-faced power as a trap for me, although I
have done them no ill, from which its light will be taken; and they
have oppressed the power in me, which they will not be able to take
Eighth repentance : the Song of Oppression
‘‘8. ‘Now, therefore, O Light, take away the purification from the
lion-faced power without its knowing it, ç the thought which
Self-willed hath thought, to take away my light; take away his own
and let the light be taken away from the lion-faced power, which set
the trap for me.
‘‘9. ‘But my power will exult in the Light and rejoice that he will
save it.
‘‘11. ‘For they have risen up against me, lying against me and saying
that I know the mystery of the Light which is in the height, [the
Light] in which I have had faith. And they have constrained me,
[saying:] Tell unto us the mystery of the Light in the height,çthat
which I know not.
‘‘12. ‘A nd they have requited me with all this ill because I have had
faith in the Light of the height; and they have made my power light-
Chapter 47
‘‘13. ‘But when they constrained me, I sat in the darkness, my soul
bowed down in mourning.
‘‘16. ‘They have returned again and made trial of me and they have
oppressed me in great oppression and ground their teeth against
me, desiring to take away my light from me utterly.
‘‘17. ‘How long, therefore, O Light, dost thou suffer them, that they
oppress me? Save my power from their evil thoughts and save me
from the hand of the lion-faced power; for I alone of the invisibles
am in this region.
‘‘18. ‘I will sing praises unto thee, O Light, in the midst of all who are
gathered together against me, and I will cry unto thee in the midst
of all who oppress me.
Eighth repentance : the Song of Oppression
‘‘19. ‘Now, therefore, O Light, let not them who hate me and desire
to take away my power from me, rejoice over meç who hate me
and flash their eyes against me, though I have not done anything
unto them.
‘‘20. ‘For indeed they have fawned upon me with sweet words,
asking me concerning the mysteries of the Light which I know
not, and have craftily spoken against me and been enraged
against me, because I have had faith in the Light in the height.
‘‘21. ‘They have opened their chops against me and said: Well
indeed, we will take from her her light.
‘‘22. ‘Now, therefore, O Light, thou hast known their guile; suffer
them not and let not thy help be far from me.
‘‘25. ‘A nd let them not say in their heart: Our power is glutted with
her light. And let them not say: We have consumed her power.
Chapter 47
‘‘26. ‘But rather let darkness come upon them, and let those who
long to take away my light from me, become powerless, and let
them be clothed with chaos and darkness, who say there: We will
take away her light and her power.
‘‘27. ‘Now, therefore, save me that I may rejoice, for I long for the
thirteenth aeon, the region of Righteousness, and I shall say ever-
more: May the light of thy angel Iao“ shine more and more.
Ninth repentance : the Song of the Breakthrough
During the period of the seventh repentance, Pistis Sophia has ar-
rived at the state of non-being, as a result of which the gnostic radia-
tions can begin the process of sanctification in her. She has entered
the way of the Rosycross. When a person has entered this process
through non-being or selflessness, he feels a great enlightenment.
However this beginning does not signify the possession of the
new soul-consciousness and its faculties. The beginning has been
realized, but the king’s chamber, the window of the soul, has not
yet been opened. Without this new consciousness in the absolute
sense of the word, the candidate is not yet able to perceive the
helping forces and the new field of life, the cosmos of the sixth
cosmic domain. He is still in the stage of faith and has had only
experiences of faith.
The Bible says of this stage, ‘Faith is the firm ground,’ but then
adds immediately, ‘of things hoped for and the proof of things not
seen.’ Faith is the best possible basis for a link with the unseen, and
this is not without dangers.
When the pupil has reached the stage of non-being and is in
the stage of faith, the stage of the first gnostic touch, many dialec-
tical forces can and will latch on to the pupil’s awkward state be-
cause of his inability to see, and because of his lack of new con-
sciousness. In this stage of faith, the pupil aims at a goal that he
cannot yet perceive and that he can experience at best in his
astral body as a link, as a firm ground, which means he is linked
to the gnostic-astral streams of power.
When the pupil is in this state, the lion-faced power, the great
Chapter 48
imitator, tries to lead the pupil away from the path. The result is a
new series of painful experiences, a new series of internal and ex-
ternal resistances and sometimes even bodily problems, because
the commencing gnostic processes have started changing the po-
larization of the atoms. This means that the repeated grip of the
nature forces causes disturbances.
All this means a total oppression. This is why the Pistis Sophia
says that when the forces of Authades discover that after the sev-
enth repentance Pistis Sophia is not completely led out of the
chaos, they begin to laugh at her and attack her once more. And
the lion-faced power begins to interfere.
In this difficult stage many pupils of spiritual schools of all
times have failed. Their faith is tested in the way described, and
often they cannot withstand this test because they make the error
of attributing their difficulties to the spiritual school, as suggested
by the lion-faced power.
The astral stream of the Gnosis, active in the blood via the
portal vein of the liver, meets the astral force of the lion-faced
power, resulting in a strong fermentation. Heat is created and a
flame shoots upwards from the top of the triangle.
At this moment a tremendous emotion rises up in the pupil. He
feels a hot jealousy, a wave of criticism, a mental incapacity, and a
dulling of sensory perception in regard to what faith has given
him. The fire begins to roar fiercely, and when it has burned itself
out, the ex-pupil is usually totally exhausted. Sometimes it takes
years before he can muster the strength to start again. Right into
his bones he feels regret mixed with hatred and all sorts of subcon-
scious feelings.
Every pupil has to pass through the gate of the seventh repent-
ance and its dangers, and so it is a good idea to point this out to
pupils. Everyone who goes this path can expect this oppression as
described, and what counts is whether, and how, he or she can
escape his or her oppressors. This is why the period of the seventh
and eighth repentances is one of the most important and signifi-
cant parts of the Gospel of the Pistis Sophia.
Ninth repentance : the Song of the Breakthrough
She asks that the part within her that was purified by the Gnosis be
saved, and we understand now that this purified part in Pistis
Sophia is saved because of her unwavering focus on the Gnosis.
She has unqualified faith while she is being oppressed.
‘A nd thou hast not left me in the hand of the lion-faced power; but
thou hast led me into a region which is not oppressed.’
This is what gnostic magic is! With all her longing for liberation
and with all her intelligence, Pistis Sophia projects her future lib-
eration onto the screen of things to come. gnostic magic has
stages of development, and the magic of faith is capable of bring-
ing to certainty things that are unseen.
Chapter 48
‘Have mercy upon me, O Light, for they have oppressed me again.
Because of thy commandment, the light in me is distracted and my
power and my understanding. My power hath begun to wane
whiles I am in these afflictions. ... My light is diminished, for they
have taken away my power from me. ... I am become powerless in
the presence of all the rulers of the aeons, who hate me ...’
‘[They] say: Let us take the whole light in her, ç although I have
done them no ill.’... ‘My lots are in thy hands, [O Lord].’
Ninth repentance : the Song of the Breakthrough
Chapter 49
The ninth repentance shows that Pistis Sophia perseveres in the way
as described previously, but that the tribulations and attacks are in-
creasing in strength and the darkness is intensifying around her.This
is what happens to all who with yearning and with all their heart long
for the morning light: the darkness becomes ever more oppressive.
However, because of the knowledge that the ‘goddess of dawn’
must appear, there is no question of a feeling of panic or collapsing
into melancholia. This would be very foolish! Who would expect
‘light’ from dialectics? If a person has been beaten by life, he cer-
tainly will not do so, for if he is focused properly, he will expect the
dawn from the Gnosis and in the realm of the Gnosis.
However this person cannot deny the darkness because he is
experiencing it only too well. He lives completely in the hope
that the dawn will reach him in time and that he won’t perish in
the darkness prematurely:
And so the theme of the ninth repentance is the hope that Pistis
Sophia may have enough strength to break through the last
shreds of darkness. While she is singing this song, the attacks in-
crease, for the last draughts from the cup are the most bitter, but her
focus on the path remains unshakable to the end.
The wall of the twelve aeons
O Light, in whom I have had faith from the beginning, for whose
sake I have endured these great pains, help me!
This is the cry of anguish from the totally exhausted pupil who has
walked his path of breakthrough to the last step. In that hour her
repentance is accepted. And then the light is sent to her in a differ-
ent way than before: ‘When I [Jesus] came into the chaos to help
her she saw me.’
At that moment the candidate can see. Day breaks on the horizon
of life of Pistis Sophia: the breakthrough has been accomplished!
We would now first of all like to cast some light on the thirteen
states, equivalent to the thirteen repentances of Pistis Sophia,
through which the nature-born human being has to struggle.
Just as a twelvefold zodiac surrounds our cosmos and repre-
sents itself in that cosmos, so does every microcosm have twelve
aspects. There are twelve states, twelve aspects, twelve organic de-
velopments in the nature-born human being. Hence there are
twelve obstacles, twelve fundamental psychic resistances to the
liberating life and the field of resurrection. Clearly every pupil
who wishes to enter the new-life state will have to destroy all
these obstacles consecutively.
The twelve aspects of the total dialectical state form twelve
forces with which every candidate has to reckon. In the Pistis
Sophia they are called the twelve aeons. They are the twelve
nature-forces that lie at the cause of man’s natural state and that
enable his existence and his life. These twelve forces naturally
form a wall, a lipika-wall. The human being lives in an enclosed
space; he lives between the walls of the twelve aeons.
People are all very individualised; they are very egocentric and
locked up inside their I-being. They all live a very separate exis-
tence, and so it is clear that the twelvefold wall surrounding them
is of the same kind.
Every aeonic wall has cohesion. It forms an entirety, and the
Chapter 49
The wall of the twelve aeons
a ring. Just like all his fellow human beings, this person has a hard
lot. He is forced to be a self-preserver because he is living in an
order of death, an order in which the struggle for existence is
necessary and in which everything has two sides. In short, it is a
world in which everything is dialectical.
Inevitably this person will become dissatisfied with his lot,
even if it has been kind to him for a certain length of time, and he
will begin to seek. He is looking for expansion, although he him-
self may not really know what he is seeking. Without wanting to,
this person will initiate his natural faculty of absorption. He de-
sires something his twelvefold aeonic wall cannot provide.
This person and his system form a perfect object for the light-
power that is not of this world but that is aimed at this world. And
now the same thing happens as to the stone: a new light shines on
this person; a new sun radiates heat to him. Energy is given to this
person, a heat that has not originated from his own nature. It is
outside the scope of his will, his consciousness, his aeonic wall.
Nevertheless this person, by virtue of his natural capacity of ab-
sorption, is charged with an alien light-power, gnostic light-
power, just as the stone absorbs heat from the sun’s rays.
The purpose of dialectics is to form an order in which human
beings naturally begin to seek and try to come to expansion be-
cause of their imperfection and that of the world around them.
Thus every human being is charged with alien light-power, and
this explains how Pistis Sophia can speak of a light-power that
she has received from God. This also explains why it is said that
the aeons appear to possess the light-power of the true light.
Through his seeking, the human being attracts magnetic gnos-
tic light-power into his microcosm, a light-power that does not ori-
ginate from his nature-born state.
Chapter 50
You can imagine how the continual threats from the lion-faced
power confront Pistis Sophia with terrifying moments. You can
understand the cause of the lion-faced power’s existence. A dialec-
tical microcosm that is charged with gnostic light-power will
retain that power for a long time and, just like a hot stone, will radi-
ate heat for quite a while. This heat has not originated from within
the microcosm but from the Gnosis, which has temporarily con-
centrated some of its light in the microcosm. According to natural
law the microcosm will lose all its gained energy and, unless a ra-
dical change takes place, will return to its previous state.
When a pupil of the Spiritual School regularly, from an inner
personal need, stays in the foci of the Brotherhood, both his per-
sonality and his aeonic walls are clearly charged with gnostic
light-power. Such a pupil possesses light-power, and his auric
being possesses the lion-faced power. This light-power stays in
this person because he keeps recharging, and so he can work and
live out of this power and testify of it.
But this is no solution because just as a stone that is constantly
being reheated remains the same stone, this person remains the
nature-born human being who is of and in the nature of death,
despite the fact that he stays in the gnostic light-power so often.
Nothing has really changed in this person. His experiences are
just the consequence of his natural capacity to absorb, activated
by his feelings of dissatisfaction.
Because of the law governing the loss of energy, a person has to
keep recharging. The fact that gnostic light-power keeps coming
The fundamental cause of sickness and death
Chapter 50
The radiation of Christ
Chapter 51
The author of the Pistis Sophia, after the custom of his day, per-
sonified the various light-forces and nature-forces and gave them
names and character. Even in our days many people still use lan-
guage in this ancient way of representation. This may sound very
romantic and mystical and satisfy many emotions, but at present
this is dangerous because the two planes of our nature-orderçthe
physical plane and the reflection sphereçare merging into one.
The veils are very thin. If representations of the light-powers of
the universe are made too vivid, they could easily connect people
with disembodied entities of the reflection sphere. This is why
representations have to be stripped more and more of personified
mysticism. In the present state of the human being, all personifica-
tions are linked to the human I and so direct themselves to the I. In
this way they maintain the I and hence the light-power of birth, and
the human being is thereby entangled in all kinds of delusions. He
thus builds a whole pantheon of shades and is inevitably victim-
It is better to think along the lines of the elements of the univer-
sal light-power system, of the cosmic radiation laws, and to famil-
iarise ourselves with the simple system of fundamental light-radia-
tions out of which every creature lives. It is not the creatures and
hence the personifications that come first but the light-powers.
Eternal creatures have universal light-powers behind them too.
Hence before all else the pupil must focus on the activities of the
light and base himself upon these, for then he will be safe and will
always live in accordance with his state of being. He will then natu-
rally come into contact with groups of beings that correspond, to
his own state of being.
The fight that has to be fought, the work that has to be done, is
not against ‘flesh and blood’ but against radiations that are dishar-
monious to the path. This is why Paul says, ‘We are not contending
against flesh and blood, but against the ... wickedness in the
heavenly places’ (Eph. 6:12). This enemy is always radiation and
hence formless, and definitely not personified. The evil lies in the
nature of the radiation that is contrary to the radiation plan of re-
The radiation of Christ
Chapter 51
The radiation of Christ
Chapter 51
It came to pass, when Jesus had finished saying these words unto
his disciples, that he said unto them: ‘‘Who is sober among you,
let him proclaim their solution.’’
James came forward, kissed the breast of Jesus and said: ‘‘My Lord,
thy spirit hath sobered me, and I am ready to proclaim their
solution. Concerning them indeed thy power hath prophesied
aforetime through David in the thirty-fourth Psalm, saying thus
concerning the ninth repentance of Pistis Sophia:
‘‘2. ‘Lay hand on weapon and shield and stand up to help me.
‘‘4. ‘Let them be put to shame and abashed who strive after my
soul; let them fall back and be put to shame who imagine evil
against me.
‘‘5. ‘Let them be as chaff before the wind, and let the angel of the
Lord pursue after them.
The radiation of Christ
‘‘6. ‘Let their way be darkness and slippery, and let the angel of the
Lord oppress them.
‘‘7. ‘For without cause have they hid a snare for me for their own
spoiling, and they have mocked at my soul in vain.
‘‘8. ‘Let a snare come upon them which they know not, and let the
net which they have hid for me, catch them, and let them fall into
this snare.
‘‘9. ‘But my soul will exult in the Lord and rejoice in its salvation.
‘‘10. ‘All my bones shall say: O Lord, who can be like unto thee?ç
thou who settest free the wretched from the hand of him who is
stronger than him; and thou savest a wretched and poor [one]
from the hands of them who spoil him.
‘‘11. ‘Unjust witnesses came forward and have asked me that which
I knew not.
‘‘12. ‘They have requited me evil for good and childlessness for my
Chapter 51
‘‘15. ‘They have rejoiced over me, and they are put to shame.
Scourges have gathered themselves together against me and I
knew not; they were cut off and were troubled.
‘‘17. ‘O Lord, when wilt thou look upon me? Restore again my soul
from their evil works and save my only one from the hands of the
‘‘18. ‘I will confess to thee, O Lord, in the great assembly, and I will
sing praises to thee in the midst of a countless people.
‘‘19. ‘Let not them who unjustly treat me as a foe, rejoice over me,
who hate me without a cause and wink with their eyes.
‘‘21. ‘They opened their chops wide against me and said: Well
indeed, our eyes have filled our sight with him.
The radiation of Christ
‘‘22. ‘Thou hast seen, O Lord. Keep not silence, O Lord, withdraw
not thyself from me.
‘‘24. ‘Judge me, O Lord, according to thy justice; let them not rejoice
over me, my God.
‘‘25. ‘A nd let them not say: Well done, our soul. Let them not say:
We have consumed him.
‘‘27. ‘Let them who desire my justification, exult and rejoice and let
them who desire the peace of his slave, say: May the Lord be great
and arise.
My tongue will exult over thy justification and over thy honour all
the day long.’ ’’
Chapter 52
James, the person who possesses Gnosis
Chapter 52
perience the call, the extended hand from this higher light-field.
Even before he is conscious of this yearning, the light will already
have called him.
However, being called by a higher light-field, because of the
fact that the person concerned attracted this light by his natural
capacity of absorption, does not mean he is already living in this
higher light-field. The human being has to go on a journey for this.
This journey consists of turning away from the old nature and
turning towards the new nature. It is a process of transmutation.
This transmutation is the primary manifestation and realisation of
the sanctifying, healing spirit, the resurrecting spirit of the new
light-field. Standing on this path is the absolute requirement. And
the fact that one is standing on this path must be evident and must
be proven again every day by a daily dying of the old nature and
being reborn daily in the new nature.
Whoever does not do this, whoever does not try, does not per-
severe, does not belong in a gnostic Spiritual School. Such a
person has ended up there by chance or because of his family.
Such a person does not yet know the yearning, the wail of the
soul, and so has not yet been called. The light has not marked
him, and he is not predestined.
Whoever seeks the light will find the light, and he must walk in
and with this light so that it will change him. Being focused on the
Gnosis, with all the consequences and experiences that follow,
turns the person concerned into a true Pistis Sophia, from whom
all egocentricity, every delusion, and every reflection sphere hal-
lucination are being burnt out. For the Gnosis, with its consistent
and strict focus on the light, desires exclusive obedience to and
ascent into the light and places every human being and every crea-
tion into the background.
The Gnosis does not desire worship and adoration of gods and
human beings. It does not wish to place a single entity between
the light and the individual seeking the light, even if many entities
undoubtedly deserve your adoration and gratitude. However, this
adoration and gratitude should be shown by going the path. The
James, the person who possesses Gnosis
light is here and you are here: No one places himself between you
and the light. And servants who are of the light and in the light do
not stand in the foreground nor do they demand anything from
the candidate. They simply radiate the light to the extent they
have been able to release this in themselves, and thus they can
serve their fellow human beings with the light, so that between
them and the light there could be nothing that would prevent
them going the path.
They explore the easy way for those who yearn. But none of
them would say to his fellow human beings: ‘Look at me!’ The
light shines for everyone in a strictly impersonal way. Whoever
seeks this light and responds to it, in deed and truth, releases it in
himself, and this means: a dying as to dialectics.
Based on this knowledge, let us turn to chapter 51 of the Pistis
Sophia. The beginning of this chapter speaks of James, who has
interpreted the meaning of the ninth repentance of Pistis Sophia.
In the gnostic sense, James is the person who understands every-
thing we have discussed, not in the intellectual sense, which
would mean mere philosophical comprehension, but in the gnos-
tic sense. He is the person who has changed his place; he is stand-
ing in a different place. He has chosen a different chance for life
and has stepped out of the light-field of dialectics as the basis for
life. He has said farewell to this basis for life and has taken up a new
one. The person who in this way understands all questions of life,
and who, in all circumstances, makes the one right choice between
the two light-fields that manifest themselves to him, and solves
them on the new basis, will experience the benefit, the healing
result, at every moment, right down into his physical body.
Therefore, stop your ordinary mystical or intellectual compre-
hension. This is pointless to the Gnosis! Become a James in this
respect. Then you will be the first to enter the Kingdom of
Heaven, before all invisibles and all gods and archons who are in
the Thirteenth Aeonçthis is the microcosmic gate of liberationç
and in the Twelfth Aeonçthis is the nadir of self-sacrifice of the
professing of the gnostic pupilship.
Chapter 52