A Case Study On Uterine Myoma
A Case Study On Uterine Myoma
A Case Study On Uterine Myoma
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
In Partial Fulfillment of
the Requirements in NCM 107
A Case Study on
I. Introduction 1
II. History and Assessment
A. Patient’s Profile 8
B. Medical Health history
i. Past Medical History 9
ii. Present Medical History 9
iii. Obstetric History 9
C. Family Genogram 11
D. Physical Assessment 12
III. Anatomy and Physiology 15
IV. Pathophysiology 19
V. Laboratory Tests and Diagnostic Test 21
VI. Drug Study 26
VII. Nursing Care Plan 30
VIII. Updates 33
IX. References 35
X. Photo Documentation 36
Uterine fibroids or uterine myomas, are benign tumors of the uterine smooth
muscle and extracellular matrix and are extremely common in women of reproductive
age. They are noncancerous tumors that grow within or along the walls of the uterus.
They are primarily made up of smooth muscle cells and range dramatically in size. The
cause of uterine fibroids is not known. However, research suggests each tumor develops
from an abnormal muscle cell in the uterus and multiplies rapidly when encountering the
estrogen hormone, which promotes the tumor's growth. Studies also suggest genetics and
prolonged exposure to estrogen may increase the risk of developing fibroids. (Ferri, F.,
Intramural uterine fibroids are the most common type of uterine fibroid and
are found within the muscular wall of the uterus.
Subserosal uterine fibroids are a type of fibroids that is found outside the
Submucosal uterine fibroids are not as common as the other types of uterine
fibroids. This type grows just beneath the surface of the uterus lining and
protrude outward.
Several factors may affect a woman’s risk for having uterine fibroids, including
the following:
Age (older women are at higher risk than younger women) - Although it can develop
fibroids at any reproductive age, they're most likely when a woman is in her 40s to
Ethnic origin - African-American women are more likely to develop fibroids
compared to other ethnicities.
Obesity - Women who are overweight are at higher risk for fibroids. For very heavy
women, the risk is two to three times greater than average.
Family history of uterine fibroids - Having a family member with fibroids increases
a woman’s risk. If a woman's mother had fibroids, her risk of having them is about
three times higher than average.
No history of pregnancy – Never having given birth to a child or nulliparity is a risk
factor. Increasing parity, on the other hand) is protective against fibroids.
Eating habits - Eating a lot of red meat (e.g., beef) and ham is linked with a higher
risk of fibroids. Eating plenty of green vegetables seems to protect women from
developing fibroids.
The following are factors that may lower the risk of fibroids:
Although they are noncancerous and extremely common, not all fibroids cause
symptoms. Many women who have fibroids don't have any symptoms. In those that do,
symptoms can be influenced by the location, size and number of fibroids.
In women who have symptoms, the most common signs and symptoms of uterine
fibroids include:
difficulty emptying the bladder - an enlarged uterus can put pressure on the
area where the bladder is connected to the urethra. This can lead to difficulty
fully emptying the bladder.
Constipation - The uterus lies directly in front of the distal end (last section) of
the colon which controls bowel movements. Fibroids that develop in the back
of the uterus can press on the colon from the outside, which can lead to
significant constipation.
backache - Rarely, fibroids press against the muscles and nerves of the lower
back and cause back pain.
Leg pain - This can happen when fibroids become so large that they begin to
press on nerves and blood vessels that extend to the legs, causing immense
pain and discomfort in the legs.
The decision to perform surgery for uterine leiomyomata is complex and varies
from patient to patient based on their medical comorbidities, surgical history, clinical
scenario and patient preference. In general, consideration for a hysterectomy is performed
in patients with:
Leiomyomata that are palpable abdominally
Uterine fibroids are generally harmless and often go away on their own. When
symptoms occur, however, untreated fibroids can interfere with a person’s quality of life
and may lead to complications such as anemia. Anemia is a condition when the body
doesn’t have enough healthy red blood cells to function properly. This can happen when
uterine fibroids cause heavy bleeding.
Some uterine fibroids may also interfere with the probability of becoming
pregnant, and may increase the chance of miscarriage, but more research is needed here.
In these cases, treatment can help people become and stay pregnant.
Rarely, uterine fibroids can become very large, twisted, or infected. These
situations can create symptoms that are intense, and may require immediate medical
Myomas affect, with some variability, all ethnic groups and approximately 50%
of all women during their lifetime. While some remain asymptomatic, myomas can cause
significant and sometimes life-threatening uterine bleeding, pain, infertility, and, in
extreme cases, ureteral obstruction and death.
A study conducted in 2016 by Chibber, S. et. Al., suggests that there are
significant ethnic differences in fibroid prevalence and related uterine anatomy even in
asymptomatic women. The research found that when compared to other groups, fibroid
prevalence and size remained the highest among African American women. Rates in East
Asian women and South Asian women were similar to those found in Caucasian women.
Rates and sizes were lowest among Hispanic women, which could indicate later age of
onset and/or a different pathophysiology. Comparisons of uterine anatomy also showed
that African American women had significantly larger ovarian volumes and thicker
endometrium. Collectively, these results warrant an exploration of ethnic-specific
consideration when developing treatment options for patients with fibroids.
discrepancy between disease burden and patient-reported outcomes that may reflect
ethnocultural differences in disease experience.
It’s extremely rare for a fibroid to go through changes that transform it into a
cancerous or a malignant tumor. In fact, one out of 350 people with fibroids will develop
malignancy. There’s no test that’s 100% predictive in detecting rare fibroid-related
cancers. However, people who have rapid growth of uterine fibroids, or fibroids that
grow during menopause, should be evaluated immediately.
Medications for uterine fibroids target hormones that regulate your menstrual cycle,
treating symptoms such as heavy menstrual bleeding and pelvic pressure. They don't
eliminate fibroids, but may shrink them.
There are three types of hysterectomy, depending on which structures or organs are
hysterectomy. Removal of the ovaries eliminates the main source of the hormone
estrogen, so menopause occurs immediately.
Although the death rate from a hysterectomy is low (less than 1 percent) surgical
complications are very real and can result in any of the following: infection, hemorrhage
during or following surgery and/or damage to internal organs such as the urinary tract or
bowel. Hysterectomy is the most common major gynecological surgical procedure
performed in women, and 33.5% of these are done for myomas.
i. Past Medical History
Patient stated that she had experienced mumps, measles, common coughs,
colds and flu when she was a kid, and was treated without the supervision of a
physician. Patient also stated that she experienced frequent dizziness during her
childhood, whereas no medical check-ups were conducted about this concern. With
regards to any allergies, she has none when it comes to food and medication.
In her adulthood, she was only hospitalized twice during the delivery of her
second and third child. All of her three children underwent Normal Spontaneous
On the 8th day of November 2022, she went to their local RHU in Bucay,
Abra for check-ups regarding her issues: the rate of occurrence and strength of
dizziness grew as she experienced heavy bleeding, and for having two periods a
month for two months. She was referred to Abra Provincial Hospital, the same day.
After a routine assessment, her admitting doctor, Dr. Barbie, ordered a Complete
Blood Count (CBC) Test. She underwent an initial diagnosis of uterine bleeding,
severe anemia. Later on, the doctor ordered an ultrasound scan which revealed a
submucous myoma. Which disclosed her final diagnosis as submucous myoma,
severe anemia.
GTPALM scoring
G– 3, T – 3, P – 0, A – 0, L – 3
Menstrual History
a. Past Menstrual Cycle
o Regularity
- Patient stated she had a regular menstruation since her first period
o Duration of the cycle
- Every 17th of the month
o Amount of bleeding
Number of days
- The patient reported of having three to four days of
menstrual bleeding per 28 days of menstrual cycle.
- The patient reported having a normal flow, and consuming
at least 7-8 pads per menstrual period.
o Associated pain.
- The patient reported of not having pain during menstruation.
Conscious and coherent
Warm to touch
Responsive to all questions asked
Extremely weak appearance
Temperature: 35.1°C
Weight: 57kg
No excessive sweating
Pale skin
Colored brown, evenly distributed
Normocephalic and proportionate to body size
No evidence of bulging/masses or injuries
Same level with each other
No discharges noted
Proportionate with head and face
No visible lumps and lesions
No diminished hearing acuity
Unimpaired sense of smell
No discharges noted
No deformities nor deviations noted
Lips closed symmetrically, no lumps
(-) Swelling of Gums
Tongue is centrally positioned, pink and moist
Uvula is pink, smooth and upwardly movable
Buccal mucosa is pink, smooth, and moist
Complete teeth with no loose, missing chipped or broken teeth.
(-) Jugular distention
Normal ROM
Respiratory rate: 27 cpm, not too deep nor shallow
Normal breath sounds
No rashes
(-) Abdominal distention
Incision site is approximately 7 inches located at the lower abdomen
No signs of infection on site
IFC intact
The corpus is
further divided into
the lower uterine
segment and the
fundus. The cervix is
a narrow cylindrical
passage which
connects at its lower
end with the vagina.
At its upper end, the
cervix widens to form the lower uterine segment (isthmus); the lower uterine segment in
turn widens into the uterine fundus.
The corpus is the body of the uterus which grows during pregnancy to carry a
Extending from the top of the uterus on either side are the fallopian tubes
(oviducts); these tubes are continuous with the uterine cavity and allow the passage of an
ova (egg) from the ovaries to the uterus where the egg may implant if fertilized.
Throughout the menstrual cycle, the endometrium grows progressively thicker
with a rich blood supply to prepare the uterus for potential implantation of an embryo. In
the absence of implantation, a portion of this layer is shed during menstruation.
The myometrium is the middle and thickest layer of the uterus and is composed of
smooth (involuntary) muscle. The myometrium contracts during menstruation to help
expel the sloughed endometrial lining and during childbirth to propel the fetus out of the
uterus. The outermost layer, or serosa, is a thin fibrous layer contiguous with extrauterine
connective tissue structures such as ligaments that give mechanical support to the uterus
within the pelvic cavity. Non-pregnant uterine size varies with age and number of
pregnancies, but is approximately three and a half inches long and weighs about one sixth
of a pound.
Leiomyomas are the most common solid pelvic tumor in women, causing
symptoms in approximately 25% of reproductive age women. However, with careful
pathologic inspection of the uterus, the overall prevalence of leiomyomas increases to
over 70%, because leiomyomas can be present but not symptomatic in many women. The
average affected uterus has six to seven fibroids.
Leiomyomas are usually detected in women in their 30's and 40's and will shrink
after menopause in the absence of post-menopausal estrogen replacement therapy. They
are two to five times more prevalent in black women than white women. Risk for
developing leiomyomas is also higher in women who are heavy for their height and is
lower in women who are smokers and in women who have given birth. Although the high
estrogen levels in oral contraceptive pills have led some clinicians to advise women with
leiomyomas to avoid using them, there is good epidemiologic evidence to suggest that
oral contraceptive use decreases the risk of leiomyomas.
growing fibroids. Therefore, surgical intervention may be undertaken in women with
these types of tumors to rule out leiomyosarcoma, a rare but medically important lesion.
Benign proliferation of
monoclonal myometrial cells
into discrete masses
Frequent Urination
Uterine Bleeding
Severe Anemia
Difficulty emptying
Low PLT: 415 x MCHC: bladder
Hemoglobin: 10^3/uL 28.8 g/dL
6.7 g/dl
Pelvic pressure or
Low RBC: pain
3.24 μ
↑Chance of
For women at the reproductive age, there is increased estrogen production.
Estrogen stimulates proliferation of uterine smooth muscles. Factors like abnormal
weight (overweight), increased adipose tissue, and the conversion of androgens into
estrogen can cause benign proliferation of monoclonal myometrial cells into discrete
masses called myomas.
Submucosal myomas put pressure on the uterine lining causing an increase in the
endometrial surface area which can cause abnormal bleeding.
Fibroids can also stimulate the growth of blood vessels which contribute to heavy
menstrual bleeding and spotting between periods. Anemia can be caused by uterine
bleeding and is one of the complications of untreated fibroids.
Fibroids putting pressure on the uterine lining can also affect surrounding organs
like the bladder and the colon which lead to frequent urination, difficulty voiding the
bladder and constipation.
Myomas can also press against nerves and blood vessels of the lower back which
can cause back pain and leg pain.
Date: 11-9-22
Low level of HGB indicates excessive blood loss due to uterine bleeding that
causes anemia
Low levels of RBC indicate excessive blood loss due to uterine bleeding that
causes anemia
Low levels of HCT indicates low level of RBC due to excessive blood loss due to
uterine bleeding that causes anemia
Low levels of MCH indicates smaller RBC size, and low levels of HGB due to
uterine bleeding that causes anemia
low levels of MCHC indicates smaller RBC size, and low levels og HGB due to
uterine bleeding that causes anemia
Low levels of MCV indicates a smaller size of RBC due to low HGB due to
excessive blood loss due to uterine bleeding that causes anemia
High levels of RDW-CV indicate: most of the RBC are different in size.
High PLT indicates presence of uterine bleeding that causes anemia
Date: 11-10-22
Low level of HGB indicates excessive blood loss due to uterine bleeding that
causes anemia
Low levels of RBC indicate excessive blood loss due to uterine bleeding that
causes anemia
Low levels of HCT indicates low level of RBC due to excessive blood loss due to
uterine bleeding that causes anemia
Low levels of MCH indicates smaller RBC size, and low levels of HGB due to
uterine bleeding that causes anemia
low levels of MCHC indicates smaller RBC size, and low levels og HGB due to
uterine bleeding that causes anemia
Low levels of MCV indicates a smaller size of RBC due to low HGB due to
excessive blood loss due to uterine bleeding that causes anemia
High levels of RDW-CV indicate: most of the RBC are different in size.
High PLT indicates presence of uterine bleeding that causes anemia
Date: 11-15-22
Low level of HGB indicates excessive blood loss due to uterine bleeding that
causes anemia
Low levels of RBC indicate excessive blood loss due to uterine bleeding that
causes anemia
Low levels of HCT indicates low level of RBC due to excessive blood loss due to
uterine bleeding that causes anemia
Low levels of MCH indicates smaller RBC size, and low levels of HGB due to
uterine bleeding that causes anemia
low levels of MCHC indicates smaller RBC size, and low levels og HGB due to
uterine bleeding that causes anemia
Low levels of MCV indicates a smaller size of RBC due to low HGB due to
excessive blood loss due to uterine bleeding that causes anemia
High levels of RDW-CV indicate: most of the RBC are different in size.
High levels of RDW-SD indicate: most of the RBC are different in shape.
High PLT indicates presence of uterine bleeding that causes anemia
Date: 11-10-22
The high level of HDL indicates the large volume of uterine fibroids
Date: 11-10-22
A. MYOMA Nodular hyperechoic mass 5.78 x 4.92 cc
suggestive of Intramural with submucous
Right Ovary
LOCATED Lateral Postero-Lateral Posterior Dominant
to Uterus Follicle cm
Left Ovary
LOCATED Lateral Postero-Lateral Posterior to Dominant
Uterus Follicle cm
Abnormalities Noted:
Mechanism of
Generic Name Indication Nursing Implications Rationale
Tramadol Tramadol modulates Tramadol is used to 1. Check the medication ordered. To ensure that the
the descending pain relieve moderate to medication was
pathways within the moderately severe 2. Read the medication ordered.
Brand Name information.
central nervous pain. Tramadol To have adequate knowledge
system through the extended-release about the drug.
binding of parent and tablets and capsules 3. Assess for hypersensitivity
Classification M1 metabolite to μ- are only used by to the drug. To decrease the incidence
Opiate opioid receptors and people who are 4. Check the dose, time, and of untoward reactions.
(narcotic)analgesic the weak inhibition of expected to need route. To ensure the desired
the reuptake of medication to relieve dose, frequency, and right
norepinephrine and pain around-the-clock. 5. Perform hand hygiene. route.
D.R.F.F.T To prevent
6. Prepare medications for one contamination/spread of
Dosage:100mg patient at a time. microorganisms.
Route: IV To prevents errors in
Frequency: q8 7. Identify the patient. medication administration.
Form: Vial To ensures the right patient
Timing: 9:00 am, 5:00 pm, 1:00 am 8. Perform necessary receives the medications and
Precautions Contraindications assessment prior to helps prevent errors.
Use cautiously with the following Contraindicated with the medication administration. To establish specific
conditions: following conditions: 9. Explain the purpose and parameters prior to
This medicine may cause adrenal Tramadol is contraindicated action of medication to the administration.
gland problems. Check with your in patients who have had a patient. To reduce anxiety, to gain
doctor right away if you have hypersensitivity reaction to any compliance, and to know
darkening of the skin, diarrhea, opioid. 10. Assist the patient to an what to expect.
dizziness, fainting, loss of appetite, upright position. (Note: To protects the patient
mental depression, nausea, skin depending on the route of from aspiration
rash, unusual tiredness or administration).
11. Store the medicine at room To preserve the medicine.
weakness, or vomiting.
temperature away from
moisture and heat.
12. Document the administration Timely documentation helps
of the medication immediately to ensure patient safety.
after administration.
Side Effects Adverse Reactions
. shallow (Note: depending on the route of
Headaches breathing, administration).
Feeling sleepy difficulty or
Feeling or being sick noisy breathing,
Dry mouth confusion,
Sweating more than usual
Low energy sleepiness
Generic Name Mechanism of Indication Nursing Implications Rationale
Tranexamic Acid The binding of Decrease heavy 1. Check the medication ordered. To ensure that the
plasminogen to fibrin menstrual bleeding and medication was ordered.
induces fibrinolysis - by cause necrosis of the 2. Read the medication To have adequate knowledge
Brand Name occupying the necessary fibroids. information. about the drug.
Cyklokapron binding sites tranexamic
acid prevents this 3. Assess for hypersensitivity to To decrease the incidence of
dissolution of fibrin,
Classification the drug. untoward reactions.
thereby stabilizing the clot To ensure the desired dose,
Antifibrinolytics 4. Check the dose, time, and
and preventing frequency, and right route.
hemorrhage. route.
D.R.F.F.T 5. Perform hand hygiene.
To prevent
Dosage:1gram contamination/spread of
Route: IV 6. Prepare medications for one
To prevents errors in
Frequency: q 8 patient at a time. medication administration.
Form: Ampule To ensures the right patient
7. Identify the patient.
Timing: 7am, 3pm, 11pm receives the medications and
Precautions Contraindications
helps prevent errors.
Before taking tranexamic acid, tell Tranexamic acid can cause 8. Perform necessary assessment To establish specific
your doctor or pharmacist if you are fibroid necrosis and prior to medication parameters prior to
allergic to it; or if you have any infarction, resulting in pain administration.
other allergies. This product nay and providing a site for To reduce anxiety, to gain
9. Explain the purpose and action
contain inactive ingredients, which infection. Tranexamic acid compliance, and to know
of medication to the patient. what to expect.
can cause allergic reactions or other has been associated with
problems. deep vein thrombosis and 10.Assist the patient to an upright
To protects the patient from
is therefore contraindicated aspiration
position. (Note: depending on
in women who have or are
the route of administration).
at risk of developing
thromboembolic disease. 11.Administer the medications: To facilitate swallowing of
a. Offer water. solid drugs.
To encourage the patient’s
b. Ask the patient preference participation in taking the
Side Effects Adverse Reactions
diarrhea seizures, in taking the medications
by hand or in a cup.
dizziness pulmonary embolism,
c. Remain with the patient
nausea and vomiting, deep vein thrombosis, until each medication is
muscle pain. anaphylaxis, swallowed.
headaches, 12.Store the medicine at room
temperature away from
moisture and heat.
abdominal pain, 13.Document the administration
nausea, of the medication
after administration.
diarrhea, (Note: depending on the route of
fatigue, administration).
Mechanism of
Generic Name Indication Nursing Implications Rationale
Cefuroxime Binds to bacterial cell Serious lower 13. Check the medication ordered. To ensure that the
membranes inhibits cell respiratory tract medication was
wall Synthesis. infection, UTI, skin 14. Read the medication ordered.
Brand Name information.
Therapeutic Effect: structure infection, To have adequate kno
Bactericidal septicemia, meningitis about the drug.
and gonorrhea. 15. Assess for hypersensitivity
Classification to the drug. To decrease the incid
Antibiotics 16. Check the dose, time, and of untoward reactions
route. To ensure the desired
dose, frequency, and
D.R.F.F.T 17. Perform hand hygiene. route.
Dosage: 750 mg
Route: IV To prevent
18. Prepare medications for one contamination/spread
Frequency: q 8 patient at a time. microorganisms.
Form: Vial To prevents errors in
19. Identify the patient. medication administra
Timing: 9:00 am, 5:00 pm, 1:00 am
Precautions Contraindications To ensures the right p
Use cautiously with the following Contraindicated with the 20. Perform necessary receives the medicatio
conditions: following conditions: assessment prior to helps prevent errors.
Cefuroxime may cause Patient with medication administration. To establish specific
diarrhea, and some cephalosporin 21. Explain the purpose and parameters prior to
cases it can be severe. hypersensitivit action of medication to the administration.
Do not take any y or patient. To reduce anxiety, to
medicine or give cephamycin compliance, and to kn
medicine to your child hypersensitivit 22. Assist the patient to an what to expect.
to treat diarrhea y. upright position. (Note: To protects the patien
without first checking depending on the route of from aspiration
with your doctor. administration).
23. Store the medicine at room To preserve the medic
temperature away from
moisture and heat.
Side Effects Adverse Reactions 24. Document the administration Timely documentatio
Nausea CV: Phlebitis, of the medication immediately to ensure patient safet
Vomiting thrombophlebitis after administration.
Diarrhea GI: pseudomembraniouscolitis, (Note: depending on the route of
Strange taste in the mouth amorexia ematologic, hemolytic administration).
Stomach pain may occur anemia, thrombocytopenia,
transient neutropenia,
Mechanism of
Generic Name Indication Nursing Implications Rationale
Ketorolac Anti-inflammatory Short-term 1. Check the medication ordered. To ensure that the
and analgesic management of medication was
2. Read the medication ordered.
Brand Name activity; inhibits moderating severe information. To have adequate kno
Toradol prostaglandins and acute pain for about the drug.
leukotriene single dose 3. Assess for hypersensitivity
Classification synthesis treatment to the drug. To decrease the incid
4. Check the dose, time, and of untoward reactions
Anti-pyretic route. To ensure the desired
NSAID dose, frequency, and
D.R.F.F.T 5. Perform hand hygiene. route.
Dosage: 30 mg (3 dose)
To prevent
Route: IV 6. Prepare medications for one contamination/spread
Frequency: q6 patient at a time. microorganisms.
Form: Ampule To prevents errors in
7. Identify the patient. medication administra
Timing: 9 am, 3 am
Precautions Contraindications To ensures the right p
Use cautiously with the following Contraindicated with the 8. Perform necessary receives the medicatio
conditions: following conditions: assessment prior to helps prevent errors.
Be aware that patient may Contraindicated medication administration. To establish specific
9. Explain the purpose and parameters prior to
be at risk for CV events, GI with significant action of medication to the administration.
bleeding, renal toxicity, renal impairment, patient. To reduce anxiety, to
monitor accordingly. aspirin allergy, compliance, and to kn
recent GI bleed or 10. Assist the patient to an what to expect.
upright position. (Note: To protects the patien
perforation Use from aspiration
depending on the route of
cautiously with administration).
impaired hearing; 11. Store the medicine at room To preserve the medic
allergies; hepatic temperature away from
conditions. moisture and heat.
12. Document the administration Timely documentatio
Side Effects Adverse Reactions of the medication immediately to ensure patient safet
Headache CV: edema after administration.
Dizziness (Note: depending on the route of
EENT: tinnitus administration).
Diarrhea GI: dyspepsia, GI
Sweating pain, peptic
Somnolence ulceration,
Constipation stomatitis, GI
GU: renal
Other: pain at
injection site
Subjective Data:
Objective Data:
-VS taken as follows: - Grimacing
Temperaure – 35.1 °C - Pain Scale: 8/10
BP – 150/80 mmHg - Guarding behavior
PR – 59 bpm
RR – 27 BPM
SpO2 – 98 %
Nursing Diagnosis
Acute pain related to postoperative surgical incisions as evidenced by subjective and objective cues
After 4 hours of nursing intervention, patient will be able report pain is relieved/controlled.
Subjective Data:
“Hanpy unay naimbagan sugat ko”, as verbalized by the patient
Objective Data:
VS at home. - with surgical incision at the lower abdominal area
T- 36.4 C - with dry intact dressing at the surgical site
BP- 100/70 mmHg
PR- 55 bpm
RR- 18 BPM
SpO2- 97%
Nursing Diagnosis
Within 2 hours of nursing intervention, the patient will be able to manifest dry and intact wound dressing.
After 2 hours of nursing intervention, the patient has able to manifest dry and intact wound dressing.
Anxiety with regards to the duration of healing of incision.
Objective Data:
-VS at home. - Grimacing
Temperaure – 36.4 °C - (+) surgical incision intact dressing
BP – 100/70 mmHg
PR – 55 bpm
RR – 18 BPM
SpO2 – 97 %
Nursing Diagnosis
Risk for infection related to post-operative surgical incision.
After 1 hour of nursing interventions, patient will have knowledge in identifying the risk factors
of infection, and be free from any signs and symptoms of related to infection.
Nursing Interventions Rationale
Assessed for presence of host-specific factors
that affect immunity:
1. Extremes of age Elderly and newborn are more susceptible to disease and
infection than the general population
2. Presence of underlying disease The client may have a disease that directly impacts the
immune system or may be weakened by prolonged
diseases conditions
3. Lifestyle Personal habits or living situations such as persons
sharing close quarters and/or equipment
4. Nutritional status Malnutrition weakens the immune system; elevated
serum glucose levels provide growth media for
5. Trauma Loss of skin and tissue integrity, invasive diagnostic
procedure or surgery, premature rupture of amniotic
membrane, urinary catheterizations, sharps, and
needlesticks are common paths of pathogen entry
That could be signs of developing localized infection
Changes in skin color and warmth at insertion
That could be signs of developing systemic infection
sites of invasive lines, sutures, surgical incisions,
and wounds To help the patient identify the present risk factors that
may add up to the infections.
Changes in mental status, skin warmth and color,
heart, and respiratory rate To help the client modify/changed avoid some of the
environmental factors present which could reduce the
Note risk factors for occurrence of infection in
incidence of infection.
Antibiotics will help kill and stop the proliferation and
Shared health teachings especially in
growth of the bacteria which could cause infection.
identification of environmental risk factors that
could add up on infection.
Taking antibiotics such as Cloxacillin, as ordered
by the physician.
After 1 hours of nursing intervention, patient was able to gain knowledge and was able to identify the risk factor of
infection, and freed from any signs and symptoms of related to infection.
The results from the trial, which was published in the new England journal of
medicine, showed that myomectomy, a surgical procedure performed to remove uterine
fibroids, resulted in a small but significantly higher quality of life compared with uterine
artery embolization (UAE). UAE is a minimally invasive procedure which shrinks the
fibroids by placing tiny beads into the blood vessels which supply them.
Fibroids may also be associated with infertility and problems during pregnancy,
including miscarriage and preterm birth. As more women are having children at a later
age, fibroids are becoming more of an issue for them and safe and effective fertility
sparing treatments are needed.
Two hundred and fifty-four eligible women, wishing to reduce fibroid symptoms
were recruited from over 29 UK hospitals to participate in the trial. Researchers
compared the two fertility preserving treatments for uterine fibroids on two patient
groups. The first patient group consisted of women with an intention to conceive whilst
the second group was made up of black women (who have a particularly high incidence
of uterine fibroids).
new evidence for our understanding of the best treatment for women with fibroids who
wish to avoid a hysterectomy.
“It is worth noting that the myomectomy group reported only marginally higher
quality of life score than the uterine artery embolization group, although on average
women in both groups saw improvements. Interestingly, the perceived drawback
associated with embolization, that it might affect the working of the ovaries, was not
supported by the evidence in this trial.”