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IT1100 - Internet and Web Technologies

Lecture 02
Web based Systems development


Distributed systems and their architectures

Main concepts of web

E-commerce systems and forms

Distributed systems and
their architectures
Distributed systems and their Architectures

Computer based systems can be mainly divided into 2

types, according to the distribution of the components

▪ Standalone systems (or commonly referred as desktop


▪ Distributed systems

Distributed Systems vs Standalone Systems
Standalone Computer Distributed system
▪ All the components are ▪ The components are
executed within a single distributed and executed in
device multiple devices
▪ Do not need a network ▪ Need a network

▪ Usually one or tightly ▪ Multiple and loosely coupled

coupled set of technologies set of technologies are used to
are used to develop (JAVA, develop (HTML+CSS+JS + PHP)
Distributed systems

– There are multiple, slightly different definitions and arguments

about the terms distributed systems and distributed computing

– We are here focusing on the systems, whose components are

distributed among multiple devices and using a network for the
communication between these components.

Client-server architecture (2-tier)
• The basic architecture of the distributed systems is called
the client-server (or two-tier) architecture
• Usually the client (user) sends a request asking the server
for some service and the server responses with the

Client-server architecture (2-tier)
• There can be multiple clients, accessing the same server.
• These clients may use different types of devices

Client-server architecture (3-tier)
• 3-tier architecture is used, when there is a need for data persistence and
also to separate the application logic from the data
• This can be seen as an extension of 2-tier architecture

Client-server architecture (n-tier)
• When there is a need for further separation and distribution of the
components, more tiers can be added and extend the 2-tier or 3-tier
architecture into an n-tier architecture

Main concepts of Web
Web server

• Web server is a server software, which responses to

the HTTP requests.
• Web server means
– The server software
– the hardware
– other software infrastructures
• which provide a platform to the server software to work and
perform well.

Domain name
• The server computer has an IP address, which is used
to access and communicate with the server.
– Ex:
• An IP address is not human friendly, therefore more
human friendly name is given for humans to identify the
server, which is called the domain name
– ex: www.google.com

Domain name
There is a hierarchy for the domain names


Domain Name System (DNS)
• DNS is a network, which consists of Domain
Name Servers
• DNS helps to map the domain name to the IP
– This process is called the address resolution
(DNS resolution )

Domain Name System (DNS)

Unified Resource Identifier (URI)
• URI is a string of characters designed for unambiguous identification
of resources.

• URI is extensible via the URI scheme

Unified Resource Identifier (URN)

• Unified Resource Name(URN) is a persistent,

location-independent identifier



ISBN 1-446-2776877-40
Unified Resource Identifier (URL)
Unified Resource Locator (URL) can be seen as a web address,
which is a reference to a web resource that specifies its location
on a computer network.

– www.google.com/search?q=examples

– https://www.w3schools.com/html/default.asp

– https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/URL

URI, URL and URN example


• Website can be seen as a collection of web pages with

static content
• Early websites were entirely developed only using HTML
– Nowadays, some server-side application components
and databases are used to dynamically generate the
– However, still the content is not user tailored

Web Applications

• Web application is a single page or a collection of web

pages, with interactive components to dynamically
generate the content

• Users can enter data., process them, and get

information as the result using a web application

Websites Vs. Web Applications

• The processing is done by the application components in

– Client-side (in browser) [JS is used to develop]
– Server-side (in web server) [PHP, Java can be used]
– Both the client and the server sides

• These application components may allow the user to interact

with the web application by entering data, selecting content,
clicking, dragging and dropping, etc…
E-commerce systems
and forms
E-commerce systems and forms
Nowadays, the web technologies are used to develop
many types of applications, including
– Email (Gmail, yahoo mail, outlook)
– Office tools (Google docs, google sheets, etc..)
– Games (Poki, Miniclips)
– Multimedia (YouTube)
– Social media and networking (Facebook, Tweeter)
– E-commerce (Amazon, e-bay)
– And many more……..

E-commerce systems
E-commerce is a large domain, which covers many
related concepts like
– Internet marketing
– Electronic fund transfer
– Online transaction processing
– And many more…..

E-commerce systems
E-commerce systems provide online buying and
selling over the internet.
There is a large variety of types of e-
commerce systems
– Online goods/soft items(software, e-books, videos)
– Retail services (travel, food, cloths)
– Marketing services (advertising, auctions)
– Customer services (help centers, online banking)
– Many more…..
E-commerce systems
• E-commerce systems can also be categorized according
to the stakeholder engagement

– Business-to-Business (B2B) – between companies

– Business-to-Consumer (B2C) – traditional operations
– Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C) – via an online platform

Advantages of e-commerce

• To customers
– No queues
– Reduced price
– Global transactions
– Available 24/7
– Wide collection for easy selection

Disadvantages of e-commerce

• To customers
– Cannot examine the product
– Lacks the shopping experience
– Needs internet access
– Can be addicted

Advantages of e-commerce
• To businesses
– After the capital cost, maintenance cost is low
– Global customers
– Increased market share

Disadvantages of e-commerce
• To businesses
– For physical items, storing and distributing is
– Need to update the system frequently
– Depends on the power and the internet

Web Forms
• E-commerce systems use web forms to capture the customers’ data
and send to the server for processing

Web Forms
• Forms use variety of fields (elements) or structures not only to
capture the users’ data, but also to display data and information

• Input fields
– Text boxes, dropdown lists, option buttons, radio buttons, selectable
items, drag and drop items, file selectors, etc..

• Data/information display structures

– Lists, tables, charts, images, files, etc..

Web Forms Development
• When developing HTML web forms, all the form elements are
wrapped by the parent element named “form”, which has 2 main

<form method=“get” action=“controller.php”>

The form is developed

inside the form element


Form method
• Used to specify the type of the intended action the form
submission is needed
Ex: available form methods in HTML

• When submitting data, the form method specifies the

way the data should be submitted
1. GET

Form method – get
• Default form method to submit data
• Data is visible on the address bar
• www.myDomain.com/controller.php?name=Saman&age=35
• Appends form-data into the URL in name/value pairs (Query string)
• The length of a URL is limited (about 3000 characters)
• Never use GET to send sensitive data! (will be visible in the URL)
• – GET is better for non-secure data
• Useful for form submissions where a user want to bookmark the result

Form method – post

• Use POST method to send sensitive or

personal information.
– The POST method does not display the submitted
form data in the page address field.

• POST has no size limitations, and can be used to

send large amounts of data.

• Form submissions with POST cannot be bookmarked

Form action

• Specifies the address (URL) to submit the form

– Usually, a script file or aprogram

• This address points to a component in the server

• When the form is filled and submitted, this component will

receive the form values then process and responds with
the necessary output

Form submission

• There should be a submit button to submit the form to the

action end, using the specified form method

<input type="submit" value="Submit">

Form elements

• Many form fields are developed using the input

<input type="text"> Defines a one-line text input field

<input type="radio"> Defines a radio button (for selecting one of many


<input type="submit"> Defines a submit button (for submitting the form)

• You will learn more possible form elements and

their use in the practical session
Form validation

• It is very important to validate the data values entered

into a form, before processing them

• Form validation can be done

– Using HTML5 in client-side (before submitting the form)
– Using JS in client-side (before submitting the form)
– Using a server-side component (usually the component pointed by
the form action) in the server (After submitting the form)

Form validation
Form validation – using HTML
<input type="text" name=“name" required>
<input type="text" name="name" value=“Sam" readonly>
<input type="text" name="name" value=“Sam“ disabled >
<input type="text" name="name" value=“Sam“ size=“20” >
<input type="text" name="name" value=“Sam“ maxlength=“50” >

• You will learn the use of JS and PHP to validate form

data, when you learn JS and PHP


• Distributed systems and their architectures

• Main concepts of web

• E-commerce systems and forms


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