Evaluation of Factors That Contribute To Low Utilization of Methods For Family Planning Among Adolescents at Adjumani Hospital, Adjumani District
Evaluation of Factors That Contribute To Low Utilization of Methods For Family Planning Among Adolescents at Adjumani Hospital, Adjumani District
Evaluation of Factors That Contribute To Low Utilization of Methods For Family Planning Among Adolescents at Adjumani Hospital, Adjumani District
org Kiden
International Digital Organization for Scientific Research ISSN: 2550-794X
Globally, approximately 80 million unintended pregnancies worldwide are accounted for low
utilization of family planning (FP) methods during adolescent and postpartum period. Young
people’s sexual and reproductive health affects their lives and the health of the global
community. The purpose of this study was to find out factors that contribute to low
utilization of Family Planning Methods among adolescents attending family planning clinic
at Adjumani Hospital, Adjumani District. A cross-sectional and descriptive study which
employed quantitative method of data collection was used for a period of four weeks and the
study was conducted at Family Planning clinic in Adjumani Hospital. A purposive sampling
method was used. Only 45 adolescent aged 12 to 20 years old attending Family Planning
clinic freely assented/consented to participate in the study. The results showed 25 (56%) of
the adolescent were of age range 18-20 years and 5 (11%) who were 12-14 years. 31 (69%)
respondents agreed that their culture allowed the use of FP method. Only 14 (31%)
participants said that their culture does not allow the use of family planning method and
revealed that FP affects their fertility. They also said that the culture considered it as a crime
in the community. Nearly 38 (84%) have ever visited family planning clinic while very few 7
(16%) have not visited, most 27 (71%) were attended by Nurse while only few 3 (8%) were
attended by Doctor. The results from this study shows that respondents’ family planning use
conflict with their cultural/religious belief and majority claimed that family planning
encourages cheating in relationship.
Keywords: Adolescents, Family Planning, fertility, condoms
Family planning (FP) is the right of all transitional period from childhood to
couples or individual to decide freely and adulthood characterized by significant
responsibly the number and spacing of physiological, psychological and social.
their children and to have the information High-risk behaviors such as rape, poverty
and means to do so [1-4]. Family planning and unsafe sex in exchange for monetary
permits individuals to influence the timing incentives put adolescents at risk of
and the number of births which is likely to unintended pregnancy and STI like HIV
save lives of children by reducing which affect their reproductive health [8].
unwanted pregnancies, injury, illness and Globally, approximately 80 million
deaths associated with child birth, unintended pregnancies worldwide are
abortions and sexually transmitted accounted for low utilization of family
infections (STI) including Human planning methods during adolescent and
Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired postpartum period [9]. It is also estimated
Immunodeficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS), that 350 million couples worldwide lack
syphilis [5-7]. access to the full range of modern FP
According to World Health Organization methods [10-13]. In India, 55 million
(2014), defines the adolescents as the unintended pregnancies occur every year
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to women not using FP method; another 25 In Africa, according to UNFPA reported that
million occur due to incorrect or young people may hesitate to visit FP
inconsistent use of FP method and method clinics due to lack of usual consent,
failure [14]. inconvenience locations and hours,
According to Population Reference Bureau limited FP supplies and negative provider
report, over the past decade use of family attitudes [4, 23]. Laws and policies also
planning among married women in West may restrict youth’s access to information
Africa has increased from 6.3% to 13.9% and services, by limiting FP services to
[15]. Kenisha [16], found in Ghana that 96% married people and those over 16 years, or
of respondents heard of FP, most named; by requiring parental consent [24].
injectable, oral contraceptive pills as FP In East Africa over the past decade use of
method used and 48% used FP method in family planning among married women
the past 1 year. Low FP methods utilization was 26% (PRB, 2008). Though FP in Uganda
in Ghana were concerns about the side was found to be a major concern of
effects, religious/cultural reasons, and community adults and adolescents; yet, at
partner opposition [16]. the same time, the community has low
acceptance and limited range of options
The Demographic and Health Survey (DHS)
available. The unmet need for FP services
of Uganda found that the overall
in Uganda is currently 41% [9].
Contraceptives prevalence rate in the
Despite this needs, in Adjumani district,
country was 24%, with 18% Contraceptives
still exist a gap in the FP method
prevalence rate for modern methods [9].
utilizations [30-43]. Even the FP use data in
Studies conducted at the refugee
Adjumani Hospital, lacks proper
settlements in northern Uganda to expand
information on adolescence utilization.
these programmes to the region have
This inspired the researcher to come up
shown that male refugees were
with the study to find out factors
vehemently opposed to the use of FP, and
contributing to low utilization of Family
many women adolescence used methods
Planning Methods amongst adolescents
clandestinely [17].
attending family planning clinic at
The majority of sexually active
Adjumani Hospital, Adjumani District.
adolescents are not using contraception in
Aim of the Study
Adjumani [18]. This predisposes
The purpose of this study was to find out
adolescents to a wide range of
factors contributing to low utilization of
reproductive health problems which
Family Planning Methods amongst
include STI including HIV/AIDS, teenage
adolescents attending family planning
pregnancy, unsafe abortion practices and
clinic at Adjumani Hospital, Adjumani
school dropouts among others [19-30].
This study therefore looks to find out
Specific Objectives of the Study
factors contributing to low utilization of
To determine the demographic
Family Planning Methods amongst
factors contributing to low utilization
adolescents attending family planning
of Family Planning Methods amongst
clinic at Adjumani Hospital, Adjumani
adolescents attending family
planning clinic at Adjumani Hospital,
Problem statement
Adjumani District.
Young people’s sexual and reproductive
health affects their lives and the health of To explore the cultural factors
the global community worldwide [20-22]. contributing to low utilization of
Every year about 14 million young women Family Planning Methods amongst
give birth, among the adolescent and adolescents attending family
young girls living in the developing world; planning clinic at Adjumani Hospital,
there are 2.7 million unintended Adjumani District.
pregnancies in South Central and To access health related factors
Southeast Asia and 1.2 million in Latin contributing to low utilization of
America because of low FP use [22]. Family Planning Methods amongst
adolescents attending family
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planning clinic at Adjumani Hospital, Justification of the Study
Adjumani District. Adolescent low utilization of family
Research Questions planning is still a global concern with
What are the demographic factors unintended pregnancy being the risk for
contributing to low utilization of complications of pregnancy delivery than
Family Planning Methods amongst other women. Infants born to adolescent
adolescents attending family mother are also at risk. This study would
planning clinic at Adjumani help the Uganda MoH, Adjumani District
Hospital, Adjumani District? Heath Team, staff of Adjumani Hospital
What are the cultural factors and other stake holders to identify gaps
contributing to low utilization of priorities and develop best measures that
Family Planning Methods amongst will improve the quality of care given to
adolescents attending family the adolescence which will reduce the risk
planning clinic at Adjumani of low utilization of family planning
Hospital, Adjumani District? methods in the country.
What are the health related factors The study will also create awareness
contributing to low utilization of among the health care providers on the
Family Planning Methods amongst dangers of providing effective methods of
adolescents attending family family planning to adolescent who are
planning clinic at Adjumani sexually active. The findings from the
Hospital, Adjumani District? study can be used as a reference by other
researchers who would like to carry out
research on the similar topics.
Study Design and Rationale radiology, reproductive health, other
The study was across-sectional and special departmental unit offering
descriptive study which employed different services which run in 24 hours
quantitative method of data collection for and other diagnostic services including
a period of two weeks. This study was Human Immune Virus/Acquired
considered because data collection was Immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS)
done at one point in time and the counseling services. The hospital has
researcher would explain the factors maternal and child health clinic where
contributing to low utilization of Family Family planning services are offered and it
Planning methods amongst adolescents. includes family planning methods
Study Setting and Rationale provided by a qualified 3 nurses, 2 medical
The study was conducted at Family clinical officers and a Doctor on daily basis
Planning clinic in Adjumani Hospital, from 8:00am to 5:00pm. The factors
Adjumani District. Adjumani Hospital is contributing to low utilization of Family
public hospital located in Adjumani Planning Methods amongst adolescents in
District; the district is located in the West- this area, therefore was estimated to be
Northern region of Uganda approximately, 50% = 0.5, implying that, my p =0.5
650km from Kampala the capital city of Sample Size
Uganda. The district is surrounded by Where, N=Total number of adolescent aged
neighboring districts of Moyo in the North, 12 to 19 years old attending Family
Gulu in the South, Aura in the West and Planning clinic at Adjumani Hospital,
Amuru in the Eastern part. Adjumani Adjumani District.
Hospital is a centre of the referral in the According to the Adjumani Hospital
district for 13 health centers with several (2016), November report on family
villages and this location is chosen for planning register reported an average of
convenience and accessibility. 51 adolescent attended family planning
The Adjumani Hospital has numbers of clinic that month. Implying
department/wards in its public wing that 45respondents
is surgical, medical, theatres, maternal and Nf is sample size for study population <
child health, psychiatric, laboratory, 10,000. This means sample size for the
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target population would be at 45 close ended questions were used to collect
respondents (adolescent aged 12 to 19 data on factors contributing to low
years old attending Family Planning clinic utilization of Family Planning Methods
at Adjumani Hospital, Adjumani District). amongst adolescents.
Sampling Procedure Data Collection Procedures
The researcher used purposive sampling Data were collected using a self-
method. This sampling technique was administered and by interviewer
chosen because of its applicability in the administered questionnaire developed
situation where the subjects with required under supervision. Data would be
features happen to be in few numbers. collected in morning from 8:30am till mid-
Eligibility Criteria day. Interviewer administered
Inclusion Criteria questionnaire were used to collect from
The study considered only adolescent the respondent who did not understand
aged 12 to 19 years old attending Family English with the help of Researcher.
Planning clinic at Adjumani Hospital, Data Management
Adjumani District and those who would All data collected from the questionnaires
assent/consent voluntarily to participate were kept confidential to avoid any
in study during the time of interviews to reached by any unauthorized personnel
make easy access of information within except the principal researcher. This
time range. included data coding, data cleaning and
Exclusion Criteria data entry where the data would be divided
The study did not consider any adolescent into meaningful segments and assigned
aged below 12 to 19 years old attending codes to ease the work during the analysis.
Family Planning clinic at Adjumani Data Analysis and Presentation
Hospital, Adjumani District and those who The quantitative data from the filled
would not assent/consent voluntarily to questionnaires would be compiled to
participate in study during the time of check for the consistencies and coded by
interviews for ethical issues. using Microsoft excel/word and analyzed
Study Variables using Statistical Package for Social
Dependent Variable Sciences (SPSS) version 18.0. They were
Low utilization of Family Planning presented on pie charts, graphs, frequency
Methods amongst adolescents attending distribution tables, and simple narrations
family planning clinic at Adjumani for interpretation, discussion,
Hospital, Adjumani District recommendation and conclusion
Independent Variables Ethical Considerations
Demographic factors contributing to low Before the researcher went to collect the
utilization of Family Planning Methods data, a proposal was submitted to the
amongst adolescents attending family school for approval by Research
planning clinic at Adjumani Hospital, committee of KIU- Western Campus, School
Adjumani District. of Nursing Science and a letter of
Cultural factors contributing to low introduction was obtained from the School
utilization of Family Planning Methods administration. This letter was presented
amongst adolescents attending family to the Medical Superintendent of Adjumani
planning clinic at Adjumani Hospital, Hospital who gave permission for the
Adjumani District. research to be conducted. The study
Health related factors contributing to low number, not names of respondents were
utilization of Family Planning Methods used during data collection to conceal the
amongst adolescents attending family identity of the respondents and the
planning clinic at Adjumani Hospital, information got from them were kept
Adjumani District. confidential.
Research Instruments
The semi-structured questionnaires
written in English consisting of open and
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A total of 45 respondents/adolescent aged assent/consented to participate in this
12 to 19 years old attending Family study, their responses were collected and
Planning clinic at Adjumani Hospital, presented as seen below.
Adjumani District voluntarily
Table 1 results show that out of 45 Results above show that, the highest
participants, a large proportion 25 (56%) proportion 20 (44%) of the participants
were of age range 18-19 years compared to were Married compared to lowest 4 (9%)
few 5 (11%) who were of age group 12-14 who were Cohabiting and 4 (9%) were other
years. kind of marital status like separated
A majority 26 (58%) of the participants respectively.
were female while minority 19 (42%) were Majority 22 (49%) of the participants had
male respondents. On the same table 1 attained primary education while the
above findings indicates that, majority 24 minority 2 (4%) had never gone to school.
(53%) of the participants were Catholics Majority 43 (96%) of the participants were
while minority 3 (7%) were other religion unemployed while the least 2 (4%) said that
like Born again. they were employed
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Figure 1: showing whether participant’s culture allow the use of family planning method.
The findings on figure 1 show that out of Note: of only 14 (31%) participants whose
45 participants, a large proportion 31 culture does not allow use of family
(69%) participants their culture allow use planning method revealed that family
of family planning method compared to planning affects their fertility and said the
only 14 (31%) whose culture does not allow culture considered it as a crime in the
use of family planning method. community.
Table 2: Showing whether participants have discussed about family planning use in
adolescent stage and whom they discussed with. n=45
Description Variable response Frequency (n) Percentage
Participants have ever Yes 34 76%
discussed about the use of No 11 24%
family planning Total 45 100%
Whom have participant Mother 7 21%
discussed about the use of Friends 14 41%
family planning in Health worker 10 29%
adolescent stage Other (husband, sister) 3 9%
Total 34 100%
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the participants 14 (41%) had discussed meanwhile very few 3 (9%) had discussed
about the use of family planning in with other people like the husband and or
adolescent stage with the friends sister.
Table 3: Showing whether family planning use conflict with respondents
cultural/religion belief and the reasons why it is so. n=45
Description Variable response Frequency (n) Percentage
Whether the family Yes 30 67%
planning use conflict with No 15 33%
respondents cultural/ Total 45 100%
religious belief
Reasons why the use of Encourage cheating in 10 33.3%
family planning conflict relationship
with cultural/ religious Want more children 10 33.3%
belief Interferes with sexual 8 26.7%
Other (sin) 2 6.7%
Total 30 100%
50% 47%
35% Key
25% Series 1
20% Series 2
7% Series 3
Series 4
Fear of side Husbands Chsen type of FP More than one
effects objection to use resean
Reseans why some women do not use Family planning
Figure 2: A graph showing general reasons why some women do not use family planning.
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Figure 2 above, out of 45 participant’s while few3 (7%) said chosen type to use is
majority 21 (47%) do not use family rear.
planning because of fear of side effects
30% Key
25% Series 1
20% Series 2
15% Series 3
10% Series 4
Others(self) Friends Parents Husband
Persons who influence decision on family planning
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A large proportion who have ever visited planning services were good 36 (95%) while
family planning clinic said that attitudes of very few 2 (5%) respondents said were bad.
the health worker on providing family
29% 31%
13% 13%
Series 1
7% 7% Series 2
Series 3
0% 00% 0 0 0 0 0
Series 4
Series 5
Series 6
Figure 4: showing type of family planning the participants have heard about among
adolescent. n=45.
adolescents while minority 3 (7%) of the
On figure 4 above results revealed that a
respondents heard of oral contraceptive
large proportion 14 (31%) of the
pill and others like withdrawal, lactation
respondents heard about injectable as type
amenorrhea method (LAM) respectively.
of family planning amongst the
100% 89%
60% Key
Series 1
0% 2% Series 2
Heralth facility Series 3
worker Others like
Place where participants get family planning from.
Figure 5: Show place where participants get family planning method. n=45
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Results on the table 4 above, a majority 40 (89%) get their family planning method
from health facilityandminority1 (2 %) get it from other place like pharmacy
11% 20% Fertility related reseans
Method related reseans
36% 20%
Mistrust of service provider
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one’s ability to process the surrounding participants which further compromise
world and possibly influence change. negotiation to youth and contradictions
Majority 43 (96%) of the participants were mainly from male adolescents, parents,
unemployed while the least 2 (4%) said that society-church, schools and health units
they were employed. This could support that have taken conflicting positions and
the Higgins et al. [28], finding that three- in favor and against FP use resulting into
quarters of students (77%) lived with both different messages on FP methods.
parents, which is quite high compared to Of the 34 participants who have ever
this study (13.8%) due inadequate financial discussed about the use of family planning
support. in adolescent stage, a large proportion of
Cultural factors contributing to low the participants 14 (41%) had discussed
utilization of family planning methods: about the use of family planning in
The findings from the study show that out adolescent stage with the friends
of 45 participants, a large proportion 31 meanwhile very few 3 (9%) had discussed
(69%) participants their culture allow use with other people like the husband and or
of family planning method compared to sister. This finding agree with Nalwadda et
only 14 (31%) whose culture does not allow al. [33], who found Ugandan youth
use of family planning method. This revealed the prevalent belief that the final
finding was in agreement with Patricia [29] decision to use a condom is up to the man,
and Dunkle & Decker [30], findings that as is the final decision to use
unequal power in a relationship can also be contraceptives to prevent pregnancy.
manifested in the form of intimate partner Furthermore, most 30 (67%)revealed that
violence (IPV), which may affect family planning use conflict with their
contraceptive use through multiple cultural/ religious belief meanwhile
pathways related to women’s decreased minority 15 (33%) revealed that family
ability to influence the timing and planning use does not conflict with their
circumstances of sex. cultural/ religious belief. Individuals tend
Is addition, only 14 (31%) participants to favor large family sizes in agreement
whose culture does not allow use of family with Bankole & Audam [34], results and
planning method revealed that family with cultural status often tied to family
planning affects their fertility and said the size for both men and women [35], of the
culture considered it as a crime in the 30 respondents who 30 (67%)who revealed
community. This was supported by that family planning use conflict with their
Ankomah et al. [31], myths and cultural/ religious belief, majority 10
misinformation negatively related to (33.3%) claimed that family planning
contraceptive use included the belief that encourage cheating in relationship
contraception makes adolescent become concurs with Nalwadda et al. [33], study
promiscuous, contraception causes report that contraceptives could be
cancer, and contraception is expensive. cheating in their relationship and people
Similarly, in agreement with Williamson et want more children respectively
al. [32], report that contraceptives are meanwhile very few 2 (6.7%) were others
prevalent throughout sub-Saharan Africa who believes it is a sin. This concur with
and elsewhere, usually related to side Kiene et al. [35], found out that Ugandan
effects, safety, and long-term effects on women cite the need to have many
fertility. children as a way to keep their husband
According to the results, a majority 34 satisfied and to avoid abandonment and
(76%) have ever discussed about the use of social stigma [35].
family planning in adolescent stage (Yes) According Kiene et al. [35], found patients
meanwhile few participants 11 (24%) have commonly believes that hormonal pills
never discussed about the use of family accumulate in the body, lead to “deformed
planning in adolescent stage (No). The children,” and cause cancer. The study
result was in agreement with Nalwadda results revealed that majority 21 (47%) do
[33], who found that there is negative peer not use family planning because of fear of
and rumors especially among adolescent side effects while few 3 (7%) said chosen
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type to use is rear. Similarly, in agreement which showed that good provider attitude,
with Williamson et al. [32], study findings accessibility and affordability has been
that contraceptives are prevalent extensively showed elsewhere in Sikkim,
throughout sub-Saharan Africa and India. And disagree with Kiene et al. [35],
elsewhere, usually related to side effects, study results that in Uganda reports
safety, and long-term effects on fertility mistrust of service providers as a major
scare people. barrier to accessing sexual health services
Nearly, majority 19 (42%) of the makes adolescent feel discouraged about
adolescents’ decision to use family coming for family planning services.
planning are influence by friends while The study results revealed that a large
very few 2 (4%) decisions are influence by proportion 14 (31%) of the respondents
their parent. This study was in line with heard about injectable as type of family
Nalwadda [33], found out that Adolescent’s planning amongst the adolescents while
lack of power in relation to adults and lack minority 3 (7%) of the respondents heard
of decision-making power is a major of oral contraceptive pill and others like
obstacle to Family Planning use. withdrawal, lactation amenorrhea method
Health related factors contributing to (LAM) respectively. According to results
low utilization of family planning show majority 40 (89%) gets their family
methods: planning method from health facility and
According to the study findings, nearly minority 1 (2%) get it from other place like
majority 38 (84%) have ever visited family pharmacy. This concurs with Njoroge [38],
planning clinic while very few 7 (16%) have that contraceptive service health care
not visited. Slightly in support to Sileo provider positive attitude (52%),
[36], report that although family planning contraceptive affordability (21.6%),
has preventative health benefits, it is accessibility/safety (17.4%) and use of
typically treated as a woman or couple’s contraceptive to prevent pregnancy and
personal choice, and is similarly HIV/STIs (15.1%) were strongly associated
recommended to all women presenting to with contraceptive uptake.
care. Finally, a majority 16 (36%) of the
Furthermore, a large proportion who have respondents said that lack of access to
ever visited family planning clinic said services as a barrier of family planning
that attitudes of the health worker on practices it is reasonable to state therefore
providing family planning services were that positive attitude about contraceptives
good 36 (95%) while very few 2 (5%) and good knowledge about their use are
respondents said were bad. This result was key motivators for actual use [39].
in agreement with Renjhen [37] findings
The demographic factors which were Most respondent who visited family
relevant to the study and contributing to planning clinic were attended by Nurses,
low utilization of Family Planning Methods respondents heard about injectable as type
amongst adolescents include; sex, level of of family planning amongst the
education, occupation and religion. The adolescents compare to many other family
study subjects were adolescent aged 12 to planning methods, lack of access of
19 years and more than half of the services as a barrier of family planning
participants were female and unemployed practices and other barrier like religious
respectively. The majority of the belief.
adolescents were Catholics. Recommendations
The study results found that respondents’ Education contributes significantly to the
family planning use conflict with their quality of adolescent’s lives. Improving
cultural/ religious belief and majority adolescent’s access to education and
claimed that family planning encourage encouraging continuous and constant
cheating in relationship. Adolescents do exposure would significantly increase use
not use family planning because of fear of of family planning and reduce unmet need.
side effects.
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Community-based family planning the needy, especially to the unreached and
services need to be expanded and underserved populations.
strengthened in rural Adjumani so as to Continuous health education programs
disseminate information, and counseling should be maintained after accessing the
on family planning and provide services to family planning practices belief on the
methods particularly adolescents.
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