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November 10

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L e c tor s a n d Co mme n ta to r s Tr i p to Na mi I s l a nd


N O V EM B E R 2 0 1 0
and some friends left the bus terminal at exactly 9:00 a.m. and arrived t was on a chilly morning of 24th at Gapyeung wharf at almost 11:00 of October 2010, when the group a.m. of Lectors headed for Nami Island. The group decided to pursue their In order to get to the island we long overdue plan and agreed to have to ride a ferry boat that takes meet at Sangbong Bus Terminal at about 5 minutes. But due to the long around 8:30 a.m. to take the bus line of people waiting for the ferry, it going to the island. The Lector group took us another half an hour before composed of thirteen (13) members finally setting our foot on the island. By: Lyn C. Laurito

Before exploring the island we decided to eat first our lunch prepared by our co-members Nita and Gil Vergara, since it was almost noon. The half moon shaped Namiseom (seom means island) lies between the river Buk-Han and Cheong-Pyeong Dam, looks like a floating leaf on the
(Continued on page 3)

24 Recipients for the GBK PARTICIPANTS AT RESOM SPA CASTLE 2010 Presidential Awards for Filipino Individuals and Organizations Overseas

even Filipino organizations, one foreign group, three foreigners and 13 Filipinos are the recipients of the 2010 Presidential Awards for Filipino Individuals and Organizations Overseas. They came from United States, Hong Kong, South Korea, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, By: Ma. Teresa Solis Saudi Arabia, UAE, Australia, Gerhe contestants and other particimany and Canada. pants on the Ginoo at BinibinThe Awards is a biennial awards ing Kalinangang Filipino (GBK) system which was institutionalized 2010 with Fr. Alvin Parantar had a chance to enjoy the water in autumn. through Executive Order 498 signed Last Saturday, November 6, 2010, by former President Corazon C. the group went to Yesan-gun, north Aquino in 1991. The Awards recog- Chungcheong Province, a 3 hour nizes the achievements and signifi- drive from Seoul and stayed overcant contributions of Filipino indi- night at Resom Spa Castle. viduals and organizations overseas to GBK contestants stayed in VIP rooms that were reserved for them. (Continued on page 3) The rest stayed in condo units. Each

Volume 15 Issue 21

room has queen size bed with TV and computer and extra beddings. There is also a living room, kitchen, and bathroom. Everyone enjoyed the night by playing, chatting, eating and drinking. Others were busy preparing foods for the following day. A good way to start the day is to have a good breakfast. Breakfast was provided by the hotel, it was in a buffet style that served Western and Korean foods. After breakfast, the
(Continued on page 4)

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One community living up the Gospel through the service of the Lord and our fellow men

Volume 15 Issue 21

(Lectors Trip Continued from page 1)


river. The island was named after General Nami, a famous Korean General. In 1965 Mr. Minn, Pyong-Do started to plant trees on a sandy and empty island. The island has sheltered different kinds of animals, beautiful flowers and the long pile of trees welcome every visitors with pride. The island also hosts different festivals, exhibits and helps children from all over the world through UNICEF. As a major sponsor of the world renowned Hans Christian Andersen Award, Nami is committed in the care and preservation of nature together with other environmental organizations. Served as the location site of the famous Korean drama Winter Sonata, it became even more popular and attracts less than 2 millions Koreans and foreign visitors a year.

surrounds the island, and by the beautiful flowers. This rare chance also gave us the opportunity for bonding moments and to bring out the little child in us. We had a great day with endless taking of photos, posing here and there, playing around as if the day would never end. There are also a lot of shops where you can buy souvenirs, food and coffee shops as well. The group never had a dull moment while on the island. Sometimes we have to set aside all our worries and forget everything that bothers us and enjoy the beauty of life and nature. Here in Nami you can experience both peace of mind and communion with nature. That is why everyone wishes to come again to this island of fantasy as the Korean people call it.

Emely Dicolen-Abagat

nstead of the usual Editorial, I would like to share with you, our avid readers, my insights, based on my experiences over the past few weeks when my very basic Christian, Catholic principles of Authentic Christian Humanism was put to test. It pained me so much when I offered my help and home to someone in need but turned down, not by the person in need himself, but by other people due to some laws and policies. Offer a home to a homeless. This is a very basic Christian tenet that has been ingrained in my heart. But at that time, my hands were tied. I was so helpless. The helplessness I felt at that time vanished because I read the book One Heart Full of Love by Mother Theresa. I was comforted at the same time challenged to continue being a prophet as what my friend said, and stand for what I know is true and Christian. I would like to share with you some excerpts from the book. It says: Some time ago a Hindu gentleman was asked, What is a Christian? He gave an answer that was both simple and surprising. A Christian is someone who gives of himself. From the very start we perceive that indeed, to be a Christian is nothing other than to give of oneself for the sake of Christ. God so loved the world that He gave us His Son. That was the first act of self giving. His Son was given to us because he wanted to be one with us, like us in everything except sin. The Sons coming is ushered in by new act of self-giving. Christ is given into the care of a woman, the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Virgin Immaculate. Because of her deep humility and total openness to God, the first thing that occurs to Mary is to share her Son with others. When I read this, it broke my heart. How come a Hindu is more Christian than many of us who claim to be baptized, religious, educated, Catholics? In this season of advent, we pause and reflect on: In what way have I been a Christian to others? In what ways have I loved others?

And as the saying goes, everything must come to an end. It was past five in the afternoon The thousands of trees provide shades during till we finally aboard on the Korail train headsummer and as we walked around the island, ing for our destination going home. It was such we cant help but be fascinated by the different a lovely, tireless day for all of us. colors of the autumn leaves, by the river that 4. Salpeter, Simha - Israel communities here and abroad. It is also a part of Banaag Award the activities in celebration of the Month of Overseas Filipinos and International Migrants 1. Abagat, Dr. Emely D. South Korea Day this December. 2. Computer Society of Filipinos International From 2003 to 2008, there were 314 individu(COMSOFIL) Kingdom of Saudi Arabia als and organizations from 42 countries and 3. Congress of Visayan Organizations (COVO) territories who were conferred the award. United States of America This year, the Commission on Filipinos 4. Federation of Filipino Communities in Israel Overseas, being the Awards Secretariat, has (FFCI) - Israel received 110 nominations from 23 countries. The nominees underwent screening of three 5. Gange, George G. United States of Amerdifferent committees with representatives from ica government agencies, media, academe, reli6. Kasimieh, Marilyn R. United Arab Emirgious and business sectors. ates The awardees will be honored by His Excel7. Kinding Sindaw United States of America lency President Benigno S. Aquino III at the Malacanang Palace tentatively on 14 December 8. Olalia, Sr. Lucia C. South Korea 2010. 9. Ybo, Evangeline V. Jordan List of Awardees: Pamana ng Pilipino Award Lingkod sa Kapwa Pilipino Award 1. Caa, Lilac L. - Canada 1. Alarcon, Teresita R. United States of 2. David, Angelito D. United States of AmerAmerica ica 2. Martinez, Ruth C. - Australia 3. De Asis, Fred S. United States of America 3. North Central Virginia Association of Philip4. Gener, Bernard Randy G. United States of pine Physicians (NCVAPP) United States America of America 5. Navarro, Lilibeth E. United States of Amer4. Philippine American Association of Conica necticut (PAAC) United States of America 6. Totengco, Rafe United States of America 5. Philippine German Community Oberberg e.V. - Germany For more information, please contact the CFO Awards Secretariat at (02) 561-8160, 561Kaanib ng Bayan Award 8291 or 561-8321 local 600-604. 1. Caritas Lebanon Migrants Center (CLMC) http://www.cfo.gov.ph/index.php? Lebanon option=com_content&view=article&id=388:24(24 Recipients Continued from page 1)

2. Lam Bik Che, Phoebe Hong Kong 3. Lam Kai Chor, Sunny Hong Kong


Volume 15 Issue 21

One community living up the Gospel through the service of the Lord and our fellow men

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H ol y we e n - R e c l a i m t he C e le br a t i o n of A ll Sa i nt s
By Fr. Vincent Serpa, O.P. hat bad dude from subterranean levels changed the saints from All Saints Eve to goblins, spooks, and devils?" So asked one of cartoonist Johnny Harts characters in his "B.C." strip about eight years ago. At the time, I was master of novices for the Dominican friars in Oakland, California, and decided that I would break with tradition and not have the novices put on the annual Halloween party. The Church celebrates all its holy ones with the rank of "solemnity" and rightfully so. These after all, are the heroes and heroines of humanity, the people who knew what humanity is aboutthat we are more about God than about us, and that we owe him the worship and love of our lives. When one begins to investigate the lives of these remarkable men and women who are the saints, it is impossible to ignore the extent of their diversity. While the categories of martyrs, confessors, virgins, and holy men and women have their liturgical uses, they become irrelevant in the light of personal histories that are so spiritually exalted and at the same time so humanly identifiable. "We were overwhelmed with grief, but she held her gaze steadily upon us and spoke further: Here you shall bury your mother. I remained silent as I held back my tears. However, my brother haltingly expressed his hope that she might not die in a strange country but in her own land" (from the Liturgy of the Hours for August 27, Memorial of St. Monica.) Would you have expected such tender words from the great doctor of the Church, Augustine? "At this I rubbed my eyes, thinking I was seeing things, and I put my hands into the fold of my dress where my rosary was. I wanted to make the sign of the cross, but for the life of me I couldnt manage it, and my hand just fell down. Then the lady made the sign of the cross herself and at the second attempt I managed to do the same, though my hands were trembling" (from the Liturgy of the Hours for February 11, Memorial of Our Lady of Lourdes.) Who of us would not have had the same difficulty, as did Marie Bernadette Soubirous at the sight of the Mother of God? "Do not become upset or feel guilty because you interrupted your prayer to serve the poor. God is not neglected if you leave him for such service. One of Gods works is merely interrupted so that another can be carried out." It may sound like Mother Teresa, but these are the words of Vincent de Paul (from the Liturgy of the Hours for September 27, Memorial of St. Vincent de Paul). Mother Teresa, though not yet canonized, is known for her holiness and love for the poor. But she was rather adamant about the necessity of not missing prayer time. Even the holy ones who ministered to the poor are not carbon copies of each otherhow delightful to encounter such holy diversity! "I will not mistrust Him, Meg, though I shall feel myself weakening and on the verge of being overcome with fear. I shall remember how Saint Peter at a blast of wind began to sink because of his lack of faith, and I shall do as he did: call upon Christ and pray to him for help. And then I trust he shall place his holy hand on me and in the stormy seas hold me up from drowning" (from the Liturgy of the Hours for June 22, Memorial of St. Thomas More). Here we have one saint, Thomas More, looking to the example of another, Peter. What is so gratifying here is that we begin to recognize our affinity with them. They are a part of us, and we are a part of them. Reading the actual words of the saints brings their personalities alive for us, and their stories become our own. When we begin to appreciate the rich heritage we have in the communion of saints, the idea of reducing our yearly celebration of them to a matter of black-and-orange candy and spooks and goblins is intolerable. This is why I said no to the Halloween party for


the novices who had been in the novitiate for only two months. The novitiate year provides a unique opportunity, not only for investigating the vows and ways or religious life but also for delving into the spiritual riches that comprise our heritage as Catholics. It wasnt that I wanted to do away with the Halloween traditionsI only wanted to appreciate the saints. After some experimentation, we decided on a vigil service of light. We put the Paschal candle next to the ambo or lectern and began with an evening hymn ("O Radiant Light") as I dropped incense onto live charcoal. With the completion of our singing, the lights were dimmed except for a reading light. The first of three readers stepped forward to the ambo and began to read. By withholding the name of the saints until the end, those listening could try to identify the saints by their words. Each reading ended with, "The words of Saint (name)." We sat in silence for a whole minute, and then I would say, "Pray for us, Saint (name)." All would respond, "That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ." After the words of three or four saints, we brought the lights up, knelt down, and chanted a litany of favorite saints, composed by the community the week before, as more incense wafted up and around the Paschal candle. We then dimmed the lights again for three more readings. For the conclusion, we all stood as the lights late came on again. I then offered the collect of All Saints (the opening prayer for the Mass of All Saints), and we all sang the "Te Deum." Refreshments followed in the novitiate community room. This kind of celebration can be adapted for the parish church, the classroom, the auditorium, the conference room, or the living room. If a family or a group of families chooses to celebrate in this way at home, perhaps the actual evening of All Saints would be better to (allow for trick-or-treaters the night before). We found it preferable to orchestrate the readings so that each reading contrasted with the one preceding for variety and interest, alternating men and women, martyrs and mystics, and so forth. The week before, we posted a litany sign-up sheet for favorite saints and blesseds. We called it our "Do-It-Yourself Litany." Each year the litany reflected the changes in community membership. This of course would not be possible to do with a large number of people. We chanted the litany, but it could easily be recited. Each person in a family celebration could take turns announcing a saint while the rest answered, "Pray for us." It is not difficult to find many options for including the children and keeping them interested. For the readings, we used the second lessons from the various saints days in the Office of
(GBK Participants Continued from page 1)

Readings from the Liturgy of the Hours. The following are some of the ones I found most appropriate: Saints Anthony of Lisbon-Padua; Augustine (on his feast and also on the feast of his mother, Saint Monica); Catherine of Siena; Elizabeth Ann Seton; Ignatius of Loyola; Jane Francis de Chantel; John Neuman; Louis, King of France; Marie Bernadette Soubirous; Paul Miki; Peter Claver; Thomas Aquinas; Vincent de Paul; and Vincent Ferrer. All of these readings consist of the actual words of the saints, with the exception of the martyrs, where we have to rely on firsthand accounts. One may find other suitable readings in other places. (Some recently published books on the saints may offer some additional choices.) Unfortunately, some of our favorite saints left no writings. For instance, I would love to read what Joseph might have had to say. We almost always concluded with Augustine: "Late have I loved you, O Beauty ever ancient, ever new, late have I loved you." Although we alternated the various readings each year, I could never leave him out. We closed with the "Te Deum," the Churchs traditional solemn canticle of praise, but "Holy God We Praise Thy Name" would also be appropriate and much easier to sing. Ending with benediction of the Blessed Sacrament might be possible and appropriate in church celebrations. Time, of course, is always an important factor determined by each situation. How fortunate we are to have these holy lives as examples of what human existence can be. But they are not only exemplars to be imitated, they are fellow Christians who desire our holiness as well. Through divine grace, their prayers and our effort, we pray that one day we join them in their eternal vigil as the words of the Book of Revelation express: "Then I looked, and I heard around the throne and the living creatures and the elders the voice of many angels, numbering myriads of myriads and thousands of thousands, saying with a loud voice, Worthy is the Lamb who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and might and honor and glory and blessing! "And I heard every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and in the sea, and all therein, saying, To him who sits upon the throne and to the Lamb be blessing and honor and glory and might for ever and ever! "And the four living creatures said, Amen! and the elders fell down and worshiped" (Rev. 5:1114). This Rock Volume 12, Number 8 October/November/December 2001 http://www.catholic.com/ thisrock/2001/0110fea4.asp Resom Spa Castle was one of the sponsors in the GBK 2010. According to their website, Resom Spa Castle is a family brand of Resom Ocean Castle and it is the first spa theme resort in Korea. The 66,116 sq. meter resort boasts 407 rooms and offers facilities such as a vitaltherapy center and a water spa theme park called ChunChunHyang. It covers an area of over 19,834 sq. meters, and features widely known hot spring water called 'Deoksan' that creates a Korean-style spa facility, European massages, and other international spas which meet Korean tastes. The outdoor area has a nicer ambience in the evening. The amenities and facilities are clean. Hours: 9am ~ 9pm. Direction: Express bus leaves three times daily from Nambu Bus Terminal. Entrance Fee is 30,000 ~ 48,000 won, discounted rates after 5 pm. Contact Information: resom.co.kr/spa 041330-8000. Address: 341 Sadong-ri Deoksanmyeon Yesan-gun Chungcheongbuk-do.

group made their way to the Sauna Spa Waterpark and spent almost half of the day. Some relaxed on a massive pool with different massage stations where water shoots out toward different parts of the body. Others enjoyed several themed spas including a spa with ginseng, a couples tub, gayageum (Korean stringed instrument) music tub, and a spa bar that serves nonalcoholic cocktails. Fr. Alvin led the group to the big water slide, called Master blaster. It was an exciting ride but it costs extra. They also tried the roaring rapids of Torrent River. The group went back to the hotel to have lunch prepared by some HFCC volunteers. Sinigang Pork, Shrimp, and Fried Pork were served for lunch. The group decided to go home early because of traffic. They celebrated the Holy Mass at the Philippine Center with Fr. Arvin Mosqueda, MSP.

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One community living up the Gospel through the service of the Lord and our fellow men

Volume 15 Issue 21

Its Mindoro versus Aguman Brothers in the Finals

he Championship title for the 2010 HFCC Basketball Conference will be a battle between the Mindoro and the Aguman Brothers teams. The championship games will be held on 28 November 2010 from 3 oclock in the afternoon until 7 oclock in the evening at the Chang-dong gymnasium Both teams earned the privilege of slugging it out in the championship game when they beat the two other teams in their respective groups. Mindoro team beat the Rosarians and Pangasinan Hunks teams. Aguman Brothers team, on the other hand, beat the Ilonggo Volts and Tambayan teams. Fighting for the second and third runners-up will be the Ilonggo volts and Rosarians teams.

shootout competition and awarding ceremonies. Everyone is invited to watch the champion- For details on how to go to the gymnasium ship games which will also highlight a 3-point please see vicinity map at the right.

HF C C Vo l unt e e r s L e a g ue F i na l Ga me
Fr. Alvin being one of the players on the latter team. HFCC yellow team won the game versus he heat was on in the winter season and HFCC blue team with a score of 27-19. They final game of HFCC Volunteers League were the champion on this league winning all 3 that was held last Sunday, November 14, 2010 games. at the same venue in Sangwangshimni. The second game was Prayer Partners team The game started with an opening prayer led versus Daerim team. Both teams played well to by Fr. Alvin Parantar, MSP, HFCCs chaplain. achieve the second place. The game was excitThis is to give a good start on the championship ing and it was extended because it was a tie game. It was supposed to be a four season game between two teams when the bell rang on the but it ended up on a 3game series to catch up in second half of the game. Both teams continued the awarding ceremony to be held in December playing for 5 minutes running time. Daerim during the HFCC Christmas party. team players scored more to finish the game First game was a match between two HFCC with their cheerers motivating them. teams, the yellow team and the blue team with By: Matet Solis

Third game was Volleyball for girls. Two teams competed, the Prayer Partner team and Daerim team. Prayer Partner team player consists of Carmen, Rose, Joie, Alice, Analiza and Jocelyn. While Daerim team player consists of Janeth, Eun Joo, Mae, Mercy, Gemma, Meldy, Immy, Lize, Bona and Ycar. Prayer Partner team won the 2sets of volleyball game. Everyone went home tired but happy and contented. Awarding ceremony will be held next month. Another game series will be planned for next year and will encourage more volunteers to join.

Volume 15 Issue 21

One community living up the Gospel through the service of the Lord and our fellow men

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Johnny Maliglig Sadyang tayoy isinilang dito sa mundong ibabaw Kakambal agad natin, kung ano ang katangian Makikita natin agad, lalo na sa mga kabataan Ang kanya-kanyang ugali, pati ang mga paggalaw. Tulad ng kaibigan ko, bago ko siya nakilala Masasabi kung gumalaw ay Pilipinang-pilipina Bagaman at noong bata, siya'y hindi ko nakita Ngunit sadyang ang galaw nya, masasabing naiiba. Di mawala sa isip ko, nang una kang masilayan Napansin ko agad noon, ang hinhin ng iyong galaw Kung baga sa bulaklak ay nakawiwiling pagmasdan Katulad ng sampaguita sa hardin ng kabukiran. Ms. DHECK isa kang bulaklak, nakalulan pa sa tangkay Na bahagyang umuugoy, pagnahipan ni amihan Ganon kita ihahambing, sa yumi ng iyong galaw Pinung-pinong matatawag, talagang pinay na pinay. Kaya sa araw ng linggo, kapag ikaw ay nakita Lalo pang nararagdagan, kasiyahang nadarama Kasiyahang walang halo, na ika nga ay pagsinta Paghanga sa iyong hinhin, kaya ina-idol kita. Ms. DHECK sa totoo lamang, noong ako'y binata pa Ganyan ang hinahanap ko, tipo ng isang dalaga Di ko naman hinahangad, yaong masyadong maganda Sapat na ang simple lamang, kaysa magandat suplada. Kaya ang masasabi ko, pagdumating yaong araw At ikaw ay nakapili nang magiging kapalaran Sa ugaling nakita ko at taglay mong katangian Napaka- suwerteng binata ang iyong pakakasalan.

Marl Joshua @ Dale Jeremy G. Tavarro Ano itong nadarama, damdamin ay sumisigla Kinikiliti ang puso dulot mo ay kakaibang saya Ang kalungkutan at pagdalamhaty iyong binura Nais moy palagi akong makita at makasama. Ano nga bang mayroon, namamayani ang pantasya Binabalot ng hiwaga, mga mata ay namamangha Gumagaan ang pakiramdam, paligid ay gumaganda Kapag napapakinggan ang tinig, di matumbasang tuwa. Tutubing karayom, baka hindi sadyang sayoy mahulog Sapagkat kapag kasama ka, tibok ay kumakalabog Animoy giyera ng isip at puso, bawat isay nabubulabog Kapag hindi ka nakakausap para namang magdadabog. Angkin mong bango kahit diwata sayoy mahihiya Sa kaparangan ang tulad moy tila isang diyosa Namumukadkad na bulaklak, lutang ang mukha Paru-parong dadapo sa halimuyak walang kawala. Tutubing karayom, paanong tatakas sa iyong sayaw Ginagapos mo ng lambing, katawan ay hindi na maigalaw Ito ba ay isang laro sa balintataw o likha lamang sa halaw Biro ng kapalaran, udyok ng kahibangan sanay mapukaw.

Pamilyang Pinangarap
Amie Sison-Genova Minsan sa mga dasal na ating ipinapanalangin Ang iba doon ay hindi Niya diniringgin Kahit gaano man tayo ay manalangin Alam Niya ang tunay na kailangan natin. Mahigit isang taon ko nang ipinagdarasal Ang makasama ko ang aking minamahal Gayunpaman napakaraming naging sagabal Mga proseso ay sadyang kay bagal. Halos wala ng oras na natitira para sa amin Nalilito na ang bawat isipan namin Kung ang pangarap ba ay makakamit din Kung kailan, ang laging tanong namin. Mula sa panalangin ng mga malapit kaibigan Nakakaintindi sa aming pinagdaraanan Ang isang pagmamahal na tanging sandigan At ang isang anghel na dapat panagutan. Mahaba man ang aming naging paglalakbay Nakatulong ang lahat ng ito at naging aming gabay Para sa isang simula ng aming buhay Lahat ng pagmamahal aking ibibigay.

Thoughts of Friendship
(Unknown) from http://www.luaquotes.com/quotes/loveasfriends.html My friend, I hate to do this But our friendship just can't last The time we shared together Has all faded in the past I told you this would happen Our friendship was bound to end Although I know you care I can't consider you a friend Please don't try to argue But try to understand That time can change two people Like the tide can change the sand Our friendship has been lovely But you see it just wouldn't do For now I see you in a different way I've fallen in love with you.

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One community living up the Gospel through the service of the Lord and our fellow men

Volume 15 Issue 21

Once upon an Autumn

By: Sis. Mel

ne autumn morning, I prepared myself for work. The chirping birds, the cold breeze, and the smiling shining sun welcomed me as I walked outside my house. Autumn indeed is my favorite season of the year. The mood of this season is so relaxing and I am just so mesmerized by the beauty of nature. Savoring the autumn breeze and listening to the sonata inside my head, I missed the bus and it means that I need to wait for another 10 to 15 minutes.

I was late and it was my fault, so I stood still. Meanwhile, I started to smell something nasty Firstly, the gingko fruits which some people and some bystanders were covering their nose. describe as similar with the smell of the unI looked around, there I saw the famous stinky washed feet, whose importance is unknown to healthy gingko fruits scattered all over the side-

walk. Some were picking them up for its medicinal purposes. And on the other hand, some have pretty awful faces because of its own unique smell. Then came along the garbage truck with less smell but loaded with garbage. But what caught my attention was an old man whose body seems to be so weak but was painstakingly lifting a large amount of trash to be thrown inside the truck. The first time he tried, the trash dropped to the ground and the second try, he did it with all his might. The once messy part of the street was now clear. Standing still, it pinched my heart.

many people because of its capability to cure some illness. They can be similar with our trials, problems, storms that we meet along our journey, through which we became strong, earn wisdom and know Him more in our life. Secondly, the old man in the garbage truck. I cant imagine how God saved us from our loads of trash. Its not His fault that weve gone astraybut He died and rose again to cleanse us and save us from bondage of sins. The more than 10 minutes scenario was a blessing in disguise, indeed. I was late because once again, He wanted me to realize that Hes always there whatever season it could be. That everything will pass but His love and word will remain.

Ta k i n g
By Katherine Andes

B a c k

O u r

" H o l y "

H a l l o w e e n
She replied with a big grin, "Well, not yet." On the giving-out-treats part of the evening, I hand out candy along with stickers, purchased from a Christian supply store, with messages such as "Jesus loves you." One year, as we were returning from trick or treating, we were behind a little boy whose mother was berating him with foul language. The boy ran ahead to our house where a friend was giving out treats. When the child returned, he was elated literally jumping for joy as he showed his sticker to his now docile mother. "Look, Jesus loves me!" he said. My children, who had been stunned by the earlier bad language, quietly observed everything, and I know it made an impression upon them. This year we plan to design holy cards explaining the Christian custom of Halloween, which is the eve of two feast days: All Saints and All Souls. These can be passed out by youngsters and treat givers alike. Packets of similar holy cards could be made available in parishes for parishioners to use with room on the back of the cards for the pastors name and number. Our Halloweens have truly become joyful and holy events with the month of November dedicated to special prayer, not just for our own loved ones, but also for the souls of all our neighbors and their dearly departed. The Church has always evangelized, in part, through the celebration of feasts. By taking back Halloween we can introduce our children to evangelization and begin to respond to our Holy Fathers call to re-evangelize the West.


athy, why dont you and the kids come to our churchs Harvest Festival?" asked my Evangelical friend. "There will be a bon fire, hay rides and candy for the kids." It sounded great, and, since my husband had recently died, I didnt relish trick or treating by myself with my little ones. "Do the kids wear costumes?" I inquired. "No, we definitely discourage that," she said.

Now it was clear. What he really wanted to do was brandish a sword! I suggested he could be St. Michael the Archangel and still carry a sword, and he happily complied. (To those who ask whats wrong with being a pirate, how would you feel if your child said he wanted to be a hijacker or terrorist?) Although our family has high standards for costumes, I insist the children not make derogatory remarks about the choices of their friends. Last year, a child came over to trick or treat with us dressed as Count Dracula. It was strange taking a picture of a vampire and a nun, in full habit, together. At one point, the boy took off his vampire mask because it was hot.

I knew that wasnt for my family. My children adore dressing up and roaming the streets extorting candy from the good neighbors. Besides, I knew that a number of people in my My daughter suddenly squealed in admirafriends fellowship saw Catholics and Halloween and Satanism as being all of the same cloth. tion, "You look like Bach!" To the extent that Halloween has become a My son chimed in, "You do. You look like a celebration of death and ghoulishness, I can see composer." Indeed the boy, sans mask and now their point. dressed in a simple tuxedo, did look like a comIf some Protestants think that Halloween is poser. That evening, by Gods grace, our group satanic, then I understand their retreat to church included a nun, an astronaut, a lion king and . . . parties. However, many Catholics are also be- Johann Sebastian Bach. ginning to retreat from Halloween. Like ProtesI was further inspired by the medieval All tants, some have church parties. Others simply Souls Day custom of beggars knocking on close their blinds and watch videos in a back doors for "soul cakes" in exchange for prayers room come All Hallows Eve. Because of for the households deceased. We created our whats going on in the streets, I dont entirely own version. On my computer, I made up little blame them. Yet, if Christmas Eve had somestrips that said: "Thank you for the treat. My how become a celebration of death, would family and I will be praying for you and the Christians retreat to a back room and watch souls of your dearly departed loved ones during videos? I hope not. the month of November. Happy All Saints Day So why should we, good Catholics, flee from and happy All Souls Day!" I varied the message this day? We should not. We should take back slightly for the second child. The children had fun the day of Halloween cutting up their mesour "holy" Halloween. sages, rolling them into tiny scrolls, and tying One of the first things I did was to encourage them with pretty satin ribbons. clean and, when possible, holy costumes. One Although I wanted my children to say year, my then five-year-old son was determined to be a pirate. I suggested numerous alterna- "Prayer for a treat," I didnt push it, and they tives to being a pirate but he wouldnt hear of happily chanted "Trick or treat" like ordinary any. In e.asperation he said, "But mom, firemen kids. People were surprised and delighted with the scrolls. One man said to my "nun" daughter, dont carry swords." "Why, thank you, sister."

This Rock Volume 9, Number 9 September 1998 http://www.catholic.com/ thisrock/1998/9809fea2.asp

Volume 15 Issue 21

One community living up the Gospel through the service of the Lord and our fellow men

Page 7

Praying to the Saints

by Catholic Answers

he historic Christian practice of asking our departed brothers and sisters in Christthe saintsfor their intercession has come under attack in the last few hundred years. Though the practice dates to the earliest days of Christianity and is shared by Catholics, Eastern Orthodox, the other Eastern Christians, and even some Anglicansmeaning that all-told it is shared by more than three quarters of the Christians on earthit still comes under heavy attack from many within the Protestant movement that "No Contact with the dead" started in the sixteenth century. Sometimes Fundamentalists object to asking Can They Hear Us? our fellow Christians in heaven to pray for us One charge made against it is that the saints by declaring that God has forbidden contact in heaven cannot even hear our prayers, making with the dead in passages such as Deuteronomy it useless to ask for their intercession. However, 18:1011. In fact, he has not, because he at this is not true. As Scripture indicates, those in times has given itfor example, when he had heaven are aware of the prayers of those on Moses and Elijah appear with Christ to the earth. This can be seen, for example, in Revela- disciples on the Mount of Transfiguration tion 5:8, where John depicts the saints in (Matt. 17:3). What God has forbidden is necroheaven offering our prayers to God under the mantic practice of conjuring up spirits. "There form of "golden bowls full of incense, which shall not be found among you any one who are the prayers of the saints." But if the saints in burns his son or his daughter as an offering, any heaven are offering our prayers to God, then one who practices divination, a soothsayer, or they must be aware of our prayers. They are an augur, or a sorcerer, or a charmer, or a meaware of our petitions and present them to God dium, or a wizard, or a necromancer. . . . For by interceding for us. these nations, which you are about to disposSome might try to argue that in this passage sess, give heed to soothsayers and to diviners; the prayers being offered were not addressed to but as for you, the Lord your God has not althe saints in heaven, but directly to God. Yet lowed you so to do. The Lord your God will this argument would only strengthen the fact raise up for you a prophet like me from among that those in heaven can hear our prayers, for you, from your brethrenhim you shall then the saints would be aware of our prayers heed" (Deut. 18:1015). even when they are not directed to them! God thus indicates that one is not to conjure In any event, it is clear from Revelation 5:8 the dead for purposes of gaining information; that the saints in heaven do actively intercede one is to look to Gods prophets instead. Thus for us. We are explicitly told by John that the one is not to hold a seance. But anyone with an incense they offer to God are the prayers of the ounce of common sense can discern the vast saints. Prayers are not physical things and can- qualitative difference between holding a seance not be physically offered to God. Thus the to have the dead speak through you and a son saints in heaven are offering our prayers to God humbly saying at his mothers grave, "Mom, mentally. In other words, they are interceding. please pray to Jesus for me; Im having a real problem right now." The difference between the One Mediator two is the difference between night and day. Another charge commonly levelled against One is an occult practice bent on getting secret asking the saints for their intercession is that information; the other is a humble request for a this violates the sole mediatorship of Christ, loved one to pray to God on ones behalf. which Paul discusses: "For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and Overlooking the Obvious Some objections to the concept of prayer to men, the man Christ Jesus" (1 Tim. 2:5). But asking one person to pray for you in no the saints betray restricted notions of heaven. way violates Christs mediatorship, as can be One comes from anti-Catholic Loraine Boettseen from considering the way in which Christ ner: is a mediator. First, Christ is a unique mediator "How, then, can a human being such as Mary between man and God because he is the only hear the prayers of millions of Roman Cathoperson who is both God and man. He is the lics, in many different countries, praying in only bridge between the two, the only God- many different languages, all at the same time? man. But that role as mediator is not compro"Let any priest or layman try to converse mised in the least by the fact that others inter- with only three people at the same time and see cede for us. Furthermore, Christ is a unique how impossible that is for a human being. . . . mediator between God and man because he is The objections against prayers to Mary apply the Mediator of the New Covenant (Heb. 9:15, equally against prayers to the saints. For they 12:24), just as Moses was the mediator (Greek too are only creatures, infinitely less than God, mesitas) of the Old Covenant (Gal. 3:1920). able to be at only one place at a time and to do The intercession of fellow Christianswhich only one thing at a time. is what the saints in heaven arealso clearly "How, then, can they listen to and answer does not interfere with Christs unique media- thousands upon thousands of petitions made torship because in the four verses immediately simultaneously in many different lands and in preceding 1 Timothy 2:5, Paul says that Chris- many different languages? Many such petitions

tians should interceed: "First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all men, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life, godly and respectful in every way. This is good, and pleasing to God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth" (1 Tim. 2:14). Clearly, then, intercessory prayers offered by Christians on behalf of others is something "good and pleasing to God," not something infringing on Christs role as mediator.

are expressed, not orally, but only mentally, silently. How can Mary and the saints, without being like God, be present everywhere and know the secrets of all hearts?" (Roman Catholicism, 142-143). If being in heaven were like being in the next room, then of course these objections would be valid. A mortal, unglorified person in the next room would indeed suffer the restrictions imposed by the way space and time work in our universe. But the saints are not in the next room, and they are not subject to the time/space limitations of this life. This does not imply that the saints in heaven therefore must be omniscient, as God is, for it is only through Gods willing it that they can communicate with others in heaven or with us. And Boettners argument about petitions arriving in different languages is even further off the mark. Does anyone really think that in heaven the saints are restricted to the Kings English? After all, it is God himself who gives the gift of tongues and the interpretation of tongues. Surely those saints in Revelation understand the prayers they are shown to be offering to God. The problem here is one of what might be called a primitive or even childish view of heaven. It is certainly not one on which enough intellectual rigor has been exercised. A good introduction to the real implications of the afterlife may be found in Frank Sheeds book Theology and Sanity, which argues that sanity depends on an accurate appreciation of reality, and that includes an accurate appreciation of what heaven is really like. And once that is known, the place of prayer to the saints follows. "Directly to Jesus" Some may grant that the previous objections to asking the saints for their intercession do not work and may even grant that the practice is permissible in theory, yet they may question it on other grounds, asking why one would want to ask the saints to pray for one. "Why not pray directly to Jesus?" they ask. The answer is: "Of course one should pray directly to Jesus!" But that does not mean it is not also a good thing to ask others to pray for one as well. Ultimately, the "go-directly-toJesus" objection boomerangs back on the one who makes it: Why should we ask any Christian, in heaven or on earth, to pray for us when we can ask Jesus directly? If the mere fact that we can go straight to Jesus proved that we should ask no Christian in heaven to pray for us then it would also prove that we should ask no Christian on earth to pray for us. Praying for each other is simply part of what Christians do. As we saw, in 1 Timothy 2:14, Paul strongly encouraged Christians to intercede for many different things, and that passage is by no means unique in his writings. Elsewhere Paul directly asks others to pray for him (Rom. 15:3032, Eph. 6:1820, Col. 4:3, 1 Thess. 5:25, 2 Thess. 3:1), and he assured them that he was praying for them as well (2 Thess. 1:11). Most fundamentally, Jesus himself required us to pray for others, and not only for those who asked us to do so (Matt. 5:44).
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One community living up the Gospel through the service of the Lord and our fellow men

Volume 15 Issue 21

Dedicated to a Friend: Just Some Thoughts on the Church and Human Dignity
By: Regina Pato

he Catholic Church is sometimes misconstrued to be an entity that is unable to accommodate people who do not conform to its 'rules,' whatever people may view these rules to be. Some people might even use the Catholic Church as a reason to exclude other people. While the Catholic Church surely has teachings that set it apart from other religions (other religions have these teachings, too, quite obviously), its teachings on persons are not exclusive or discriminatory, and should definitely not be viewed as such. One of the most basic teachings of the Church quite simply states how the Church views any person -- whether they be boys, girls, between-boys-or-girls, the old, the young, the newly conceived (yes, they're persons, too.), the alive, or even the dead. I know it is basic, because I've been memorizing this bit of catechism since I was seven. This basic bit of Church teaching is this: we are all "created in
(Praying to the Saints Continued from page 8)

the image and likeness of God" (Catechism of means that even with our differences, we are the Catholic Church, 41). basically equal. Even our differences reflect God's perfection. Now, being created in the image and likeness of God doesn't just mean that God created us to Thirdly, stemming from that dignity and look like Him. Firstly, it means that we all have equality, it means that we should treat everyone dignity, the kind of dignity that we don't need with respect. The Church does not accept abuse to earn because we've been born with it. We or discrimination of any form on any person. In don't need to have a good education, a notable the same way that the Church seeks to protect reputation, or a lot of money to be treated as the dignity of the unborn, the Church also seeks dignified people. God gave us dignity as soon to protect the dignity of everyone, even (or as we were conceived. I actually believe that especially) those considered as different. When we've been bestowed that dignity the very mo- you think of it, the Catholic Church is more ment God even thought of creating us. Well, if accommodating than people perceive it to be. God willingly gave us the dignity, then no one In fact, the Church is not one to use a lot of can question that. labels. Quite plainly, it just views people of all shapes, colors, ages, genders, nationalities, and Secondly, it means that we are all basically whatever-grouping-you-may-think-of as under equal. Of course, people were born with differone overarching category: as children of God. ences. Some are more gifted in terms of talent, looks, intelligence, height, weight.. You name I know I am no expert on Church teachings. it. Some people have some things, and others However, I know this much: the Catholic plainly don't. However, we were all created Church teaches that God wants us to love and totally in God's image and likeness. No person respect one another. And thats that. was created only 'partly' in God's image. So this Having others praying for us thus is a good thing, not something to be despised or set aside. Of course, we should pray directly to Christ with every pressing need we have (cf. John 14:1314). Thats something the Catholic Church strongly encourages. In fact, the prayers of the Mass, the central act of Catholic worship, are directed to God and Jesus, not the saints. But this does not mean that we should not also ask our fellow Christians, including those in heaven, to pray with us. In addition to our prayers directly to God and Jesus (which are absolutely essential to the Christian life), there are abundant reasons to ask our fellow Christians in heaven to pray for us. The Bible indicates that they are aware of our prayers, that they intercede for us, and that their prayers are effective (else they would not be offered). It is only narrow-mindedness that suggests we should refrain from asking our fellow Christians in heaven to do what we already know them to be anxious and capable of doing. In Heaven and On Earth The Bible directs us to invoke those in heaven and ask them to pray with us. Thus in Psalms 103, we pray, "Bless the Lord, O you his angels, you mighty ones who do his word, hearkening to the voice of his word! Bless the Lord, all his hosts, his ministers that do his will!" (Ps. 103:20-21). And in Psalms 148 we
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Since the practice of asking others to pray for us is so highly recommended in Scripture, it cannot be regarded as superfluous on the grounds that one can go directly to Jesus. The New Testament would not recommend it if there were not benefits coming from it. One such benefit is that the faith and devotion of the saints can support our own weaknesses and supply what is lacking in our own faith and devotion. Jesus regularly supplied for one person based on another persons faith (e.g., Matt. 8:13, 15:28, 17:1518, Mark 9:1729, Luke 8:4955). And it goes without saying that those in heaven, being free of the body and the distractions of this life, have even greater confidence and devotion to God than anyone on earth. Also, God answers in particular the prayers of the righteous. James declares: "The prayer of a righteous man has great power in its effects. Elijah was a man of like nature with ourselves and he prayed fervently that it might not rain, and for three years and six months it did not rain on the earth. Then he prayed again and the heaven gave rain, and the earth brought forth its fruit" (Jas. 5:1618). Yet those Christians in heaven are more righteous, since they have been made perfect to stand in Gods presence (Heb. 12:22-23), than anyone on earth, meaning their prayers would be even more efficacious.

pray, "Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord from the heavens, praise him in the heights! Praise him, all his angels, praise him, all his host!" (Ps. 148:1-2). Not only do those in heaven pray with us, they also pray for us. In the book of Revelation, we read: "[An] angel came and stood at the altar [in heaven] with a golden censer; and he was given much incense to mingle with the prayers of all the saints upon the golden altar before the throne; and the smoke of the incense rose with the prayers of the saints from the hand of the angel before God" (Rev. 8:3-4). And those in heaven who offer to God our prayers arent just angels, but humans as well. John sees that "the twenty-four elders [the leaders of the people of God in heaven] fell down before the Lamb, each holding a harp, and with golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints" (Rev. 5:8). The simple fact is, as this passage shows: The saints in heaven offer to God the prayers of the saints on earth.
NIHIL OBSTAT: I have concluded that the materials presented in this work are free of doctrinal or moral errors. Bernadeane Carr, STL, Censor Librorum, August 10, 2004 IMPRIMATUR: In accord with 1983 CIC 827 permission to publish this work is hereby granted. +Robert H. Brom, Bishop of San Diego, August 10, 2004
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Volume 15 Issue 21

One community living up the Gospel through the service of the Lord and our fellow men

Page 9

Advent: History, Mystery and Meaning

Deacon Keith Fournier Third Millennium, LLC Catholic Online

e recently celebrated the end of the liturgical Church year in the Western Church with the Feast of Christ the King. It is a triumphant Feast of expectation wherein the faithful are invited to examine our lives in light of the coming return of Jesus Christ. The Catholic Church proclaims to the entire world the truth that Jesus Christ, the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end, the One through whom the world was created, and in whom the world is being re-created, will come again in Glory!

the Resurrection. This kind of profound experience of, and belief in, the Resurrection, was at the heart of the early Churchs life, witness and worship. It must also be the hallmark of our own participation in the Liturgical year. Maranatha was the heart cry of the early Christians. It must also become our own. Today Advent begins. In a western culture where the influences of Christian traditions are waning, many ask why? It is helpful to know our Liturgical history in order to explain what we do to those who may inquire. But even more importantly, it can help us to enter more fully into the seasonal participation. The very word Advent is derived from the Latin words, advenio or adventus, which both signify a coming. This liturgical season in the Church has birthed many customs in Catholic practice and life. These customs, if understood and properly embraced, can help to form a framework for our daily life that can help to bring faith to life.

and within the Church which is His Body. We receive an extended invitation, through the cycle of readings, prayers, and our own participation in them, to choose to rid our lives of the of the clutter of daily idolatry and renounce the self love that can so easily squeeze Gods grace out of our lives Every year, Catholic Christians repeat toge t h e r -e x p e r i e n t i a l l y- t h r ou gh ou r "liturgy" (which means the "work" of worship), the pattern of the Christian life. We walk through the great events of Christian history, corporate and individual, and can inculcate the "mystery" that is the Christian faith more deeply within our nitty-gritty lives in the real world. We thereby build a "way" -a pattern- of daily Christian living with customs, practices, and celebrations intended to enrich the encounter with the Risen Lord that is Christianity. During Advent, the Church, as a mother, calls us all to get ready, to clean the house, to set special times aside, so that we will be ready for all of His comings! The Sacred Scriptural texts that we will hear at "Mass" (the Divine Liturgy) will be filled with the great figures, such as John the Baptizer, who embody the call to repentance and "preparing the way" for all who live between the first and the final coming of Jesus.These Old and New Testament passages will be beautifully juxtaposed in every liturgy and in our formal prayer ("The Liturgy of the Hours") in order to point to and expound upon- all the "comings" that St Bernard so insightfully wrote about. The faithful will be invited to experience the extraordinary graces found in this full smorgasbord of sacramental and liturgical services. However, ultimately, it will come down to each person, and each family, accepting the invitation to prepare for the coming of the Lord. God invites, will we respond? I remember reading a newspaper article in an airport many years ago in which a priest wrote that Catholicism was "religion for the long haul." I see the truth of that assertion more as the years seem to fly by. I know that some other Christians see such practices as Advent as "empty ritual"; and perhaps for some, that is what they have become. But for me, celebrating Advent, indeed all the seasons of the Church year, are continual calls back to faith, repentance, relationship with the Lordto the things that really matter. The ritual of Catholic life provides a form into which the freshness of the Spirit can be poured again and again. I remember an old Pentecostal minister once telling me when I was twenty one years old Son, we get filled with the Spirit, but then we leak. So we do. The familiar patterns and practices of Catholic faith, life and worship present an opportunity for shaping family life, developing customs and practicing piety, all of which can help us to assimilate the beauty and truth revealed in the coming of the Lord. They invite us to break
(Continued on page 11)

Now, with the First Sunday of Advent, we begin, as a Church, to walk through the liturgical year again. The cycle is a constant reminder to us that every end is a beginning. In and through our liturgical seasons we mark our journey with the great events that constitute the Christian Mystery. As Christians, we know that all time is a gift, given by God. There is no profane time for a Christian because time has been transformed by the Paschal mystery; the Incarnation, Birth, Life, Death, Resurrection, Ascension and Coming Return of Jesus Christ. The celebration of Advent has become a The eternal entered into history and it, and we, significant part of the pattern of faith, culture are forever changed through His coming. He and worship that is Catholic Christianity. It is has come, He comes and He will come! also practiced within many of the Communities, confessions and churches that sprung from the Beginning the liturgical year on the first Sun- Protestant Reformation. Interestingly, it is now day of Advent has not always been the custom. being re-embraced in some of the communities Human history reveals an inability to even that had once rejected it. Over the next four agree on the beginning of a civil year. As for a weeks preceding the great celebration of the liturgical year, it is the product of an evolution Nativity of the Lord Jesus, ("Christ-Mass"), that has undergone many reforms.In fact, the Christians (Catholics and others) are invited to entire notion of seasons and a liturgical year prepare, to "get ready", to make a place for the was not a part of the nascent Churchs lived Lord in our lives and in our homes and to anexperience. In the very early Church, the Resur- ticipate His coming. rection of Jesus Christ was the hermeneutic, the lens, through which Christians viewed not only The "liturgical air" will soon be filled with the entire year, but their entire lives. It was only the beautiful "O Antiphons", which are taken as the Church began to spread - and the immi- from the Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures, in nent return of the Lord Jesus began to be under- the Prophetic and Wisdom Books. They will be stood in a different way that liturgical seasons sung as a part of the formal "Liturgy of the of participation in the unified Mystery that is Hours" beginning seven days before the Vigil the Christian faith began to evolve. Even then, of Christmas. These short prayers in the there was a wide variance based upon local Liturgy of the Hours, or Breviary, which all customs. clergy, most religious orders, and an increasing numbers of lay men and women use as the By the second half of the fourth century we structure for daily prayer throughout the westfind the earliest record of a protracted and spe- ern Catholic world, are a part of the treasury cific period of a liturgical preparation for that is Catholic life and piety. This liturgy Christmas. Its length, emphasis and the prac- forms a foundation for our faith together and tices related to its observance still underwent places us in the heart of a Church that stretches development. Indeed, they continue to undergo back two thousand years and forward to the development in our own day as the Church final coming of the Risen Lord. exhorts and guides the faithful to live out the full implications of the Christian Mystery in As a Deacon of the Church, I will join with their personal lives and to carry forward in time priests and Bishops in wearing lavender vestthe ongoing redemptive mission of Jesus Christ, ments when I serve at the altar. Lavender is a the Head, as His Body on earth. color that connotes both repentance, and expectation. These two experiences, a call to repenJesus Christ is not dead. He is alive! He has tance and an invitation to joyful expectation, been raised! He is seated at the right hand of reveal the "spirit" of this Liturgical season. the Father in His Resurrected Body and we Advent is a time to "get ready" and to build up participate in the eternal now that is the fullness the hope within our hearts for the promised of the resurrection. Jesus is not a memory to the coming of Jesus Christ! We do this by repentChristian or to the Christian Church. The litur- ing of our sin, renouncing our wrong choices, gical life of His Body on earth must always and emptying ourselves of ourselves so that He proclaim, in both word and deed, the truth of can come and take up His Residence within us -

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One community living up the Gospel through the service of the Lord and our fellow men

Volume 15 Issue 21

(Advent Continued from page 10)

from the monotony of daily life in order to participate in something bigger than ourselves. They connect us to the One who always comes to those who are prepared. They are, as we used to say more often in Catholic circles, occasions of grace. However, they must be chosen in faith and practiced in love. They must spring from the reservoir of a true belief in the Risen Lord Jesus Christ. We need to hear this clarion call to "prepare the way for the Lord." The liturgical seasons can become holy seasons if they put us more deeply in touch with the One who is the source of all holiness, Jesus Christ. Human beings are going to mark time. We will mark it either with the ordinary stuff of ordinary life or we will mark it as well with the extraordinary things of an extraordinary God, who became one of us so that we could fully participate in the eternal embrace of His Trinitarian communion. When we accept His invitation He comes, sanctifies and transforms our ordinary into the extraordinary.

So when asked why we celebrate Advent, or, for that matter, any special season of the Church year, I answer quite simply. Of course God has no need of our special seasons, but we do. Advent, like the entire Liturgical year, unfolds as a road, a way, a path for the Christian life and vocation. Jesus Christ has been raised and we are called to live in the light of that truth and illumine the world so that others can find their way home. We are to become like the candles we will light over these few weeks. We live in an intermediate time between the first and the second comings of Jesus Christ. We are changed through the Paschal Mystery. Through the waters of the second birth of baptism, we have been enlisted and empowered to prepare ourselves - and the world- for His coming.

"We know that there are three comings of the Lord. The third lies between the other two. It is invisible while the other two are visible. In the first coming He was seen on earth, dwelling among men; in the final coming "all flesh will see the salvation of our God and they will look upon Him whom they have pierced". The intermediate coming is a hidden one; in it only the elect see the Lord within their own selves, and they are saved. In His first coming our Lord came in our flesh and our weakness; in this middle coming He comes in Spirit and in power; in the final coming he will be seen in glory and in majesty.

Because this coming lies between the other two, it is like a road on which we travel from One of my favorite readings in the Liturgy of the first coming to the last." the Hours during this Advent Season is taken from an Advent homily given by a Franciscan Let us travel that road together. friar in the early part of the second millennium named Bernard of Clairvaux. I conclude this reflection with his inspiring words:

Significance of Advent Wreath

Explained by Rector of Pontifical Liturgical Institute The Advent wreath is one of the Christian symbols used to call to mind the coming of the Messiah. In this interview with us, Father Juan Javier Flores Arcas, rector of the Pontifical Liturgical Institute of St. Anselm in Rome, speaks about the significance of the Advent wreath. Q: What do the four candles of the Advent wreath signify? Father Flores: Each liturgical time has its own signs. Advent also has them. The Advent wreath come from northern Europe, specifically from Scandinavia, and in the last years has entered strongly in our Christian communities. It consists of a circular support of green branches, without flowers, on which four candles are placed. The color purple is the most appropriate. These candles symbolize the four weeks of the time of Advent and are progressively lit on each of the Sundays. The wreath must be placed in a "Christ truly acts in the sacraments as the supreme priest of his Church, visible place in the presbytery -- very near the altar, very near the pulpit which he liberates through his saving action and leads to life," said Odo Casel. -- on a small table, or the trunk of a tree or hung from the ceiling. Q: Besides this special place in the church, could it be the centerpiece The time of Advent leads the Church to the threshold of her existence, which is why the great characteristic of Advent of the year 2005 should in a private home, for example? be hope. Father Flores: It is also a custom in German-speaking countries to take these candles home and to place them in prominent places to signify the Q: What liturgical particularity would you highlight of this time of awaiting of the Messiah; in this way, the liturgical celebration enters Advent? daily living, family life, domestic customs and imbues the Christian's whole life with Christian meaning and messianic flavor. Father Flores: Advent is a live and actual time. While we hear the still unfulfilled prophecies, we see the world pass before our eyes and long Q: How can one make the coming of Jesus Christ, year after year, for the world to come, which we already begin to live and prepare for in the present. understood as a novelty? Father Flores: The coming of Christ is old and new. It is a past event that While we await the morrow, joyful and desired, we work in the present, actual and hopeful, and we look at the past -- Christ's coming in mortal is actualized in the liturgical celebration. flesh -- and we are thrilled to have had him among us and are strengthThe Church is above all the bride of Christ, the only supreme priest. In ened in our flesh which was his own and, therefore, is full of the salvific this connection, she is the receiver of the sacraments but not the pro- strength that he infused in it. ducer or creator. The Church re-creates the sacraments as collaborator of the groom from whom she receives life and everything to be able to act. Advent is a live and present time that, on delving into the messianic past, launches us toward the prophetic future. The Holy Trinity is in the For this reason, the meaning and end of the liturgical celebration is pre- whole process: The Father creates, the Son comes to this world to recisely to make all generations participate actively in Christ's work of create it, and the Holy Spirit sanctifies it and unites it in love. salvation. http://www.catholic.org/featured/headline.php?ID=2798 One community living up the Gospel through the service of the Lord and our fellow men

Volume 15 Issue 21

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Doty Hospital - 42-5 Eung-am-dong, Unpyeong-gu, Seoul 122-906, tel. no. (02)3851477 1. Period of application: Jan. 1 ~ Dec. 31, 2010 Joseph Clinic - 423 Yeungdongpo-dong, Ye- 2. Minimum wage ung dongpo-gu, Seoul 150-030, Mon.-Fri. 1pm- Hourly wage rate : 4,110 won, daily wage 9pm, Tel. No.(02)2634-1760 rate (on a 8-hour basis): 32,880 won Raphael Clinic - inside Tong Song High In the case of 40 hours per week (209 hours per month) the monthly wage will amount School, every Sun. , 2-6 pm. 858,990 won. National Medical Center Dongdaemun Tel. In the case of 44 hours per week (226 hours No. 2260-7062 to 7063 per month) the monthly wage will amount Seoul Medical Center Gangnam Tel. No. 928,990 won. 3430-0200 3. Target of application : every business or workplace employing workers MIRIAM COUNSELING Workers whose minimum wage can be reCENTER For Migrant Women duced 50-17 Dongsoong Dong Chongrogu Seoul Apprentices: his/her minimum wage may be 110-809 near Maronnier Park. Tel #(02) 747reduced as much as 10% up to 3 months 2086 E-mail: kcwc21@jinbo.net (KCWC) (hourly wage rate : 3,699 won) Office hours: Mon-Fri. 11 am-5 pm Sat. day Surveillance or intermittent workers (when off Sun. 3 pm-6 pm Activities: Emotional/ approved by Minister of Labor): Minimum spiritual counseling Womans rights and wage can be reduced as much as 20% labor issues Korean language/culture study (hourly pay: 3,288 won). (men and women are welcome). Workers who are not applied the minimum wage A person who has remarkably low abilities MIGRANT CENTERS to work due to a mental or physical handicap (when approved by the Minister of LaGuri Pastoral Center 031-566-1141 bor). Ansan Galilea Center 031-494-8411 Suwon Emmaus Center 031-257-8501 An employee who works for the workplace Friends Without Borders Counseling Office which employ only relatives living together 032-345-6734/5 or domestic workers. Gasan, Song-uri International Community A sailor who is subject to the seamen law or 031-543-5296 an owner of ship employing sailor. Uijungbu, Nokyangdong Migrant Center 4. Liability of the employer 031-878-6926 Liable to pay above the minimum wage to Masok Chonmasan Migrant Center the employee. 031-593-6542 Bomun, Seoul Foreign Workers Labor Coun- An employer shall pay the workers at least seling Office 02-928-2049/924-2706 the minimum wage rate or more. And no employer may lower the previous wage MGA IMPORTANTENG level on the ground of the minimum wage. PAALAALA If a labor contract provides for a wage that Mga kailangang dokumento sa paga-asikaso ng is less than the minimum wage rate, it shall mga reklamo tungkol sa sahod: be considered to stipulate that the same wage as the minimum wage rate shall be 1. Pay Slip or any other proof of payment of paid. salary Obligation of notice of the minimum wage to 2. Daily Time Record (DTR) if available, or the worker self-made record of daily work attendance specifying Regular Working hours, Over- An employer shall inform the workers of time, and Night Differential. minimum wage rate, wages not included in 3. Labor Contract the minimum wage, effective date, and 4. Bank Book/ Passbook workers being excluded from the minimum 5. Alien Card and Passport wage Act. 5. In the cases of the following, a contractor shall take responsibility for violating MiniPaanyaya: Ang lahat ay inaanyayahang mum Wage Act jointly with the subcontracibahagi ang kanilang mga talent sa tor.


1. Birth certificate ng batang bibinyagan 2. 2X2 ID pictures (2 pcs) 3. Application form (kumuha sa center) Kailangan ipasa ng mag-asawang magpapabinyag ng anak ang application form at sumailalim sa interview sa Catholic Center isang linggo bago dumating ang takdang araw ng binyag. Ang mga magulang, ninong at ninang ay bibigyan ng katekismo sa binyag na ginaganap tuwing ika-10 ng umaga, araw ng linggo (mismong araw ng binyag). Tanging ang mga pangalan ng mga nakadalo ng katekismo ang mailalagay sa Baptismal Certificate. Ang bilang ng mga ninong at ninang ay hindi dapat lalabis sa dalawampu. Ang lahat ay pinakikiusapang isaisip ang angkop na pananamit para sa okasyon.


Tinatawagan ang pansin ng lahat ng mga di pa nakakakuha ng Baptismal Certificates ng kanilang mga anak. Maaari ninyong kunin ang mga ito sa Catholic Center tuwing linggo sa ganap na alas 9:00 ng umaga hanggang ika 12:00 ng tanghali, at sa ganap na ika 4:00 hanggang ika 5:00 ng hapon. Maliban po lamang sa tuwing ikadalawang lingo ng bawat buwan. Makipag-ugnayan po kay Rebeck Beltran (010-8671-2761) o kay Edison Pinlac: (010-2906-3109) o sa kahit na sinong Lay Minister.

1. Birth Certificate ng mga ikakasal 2. Status of singleness from Census (notarized) 3. Parents consent as proof of singleness (notarized) 4. Baptismal Certificate for marriage purposes 5. Confirmation Certificate for marriage purposes 6. Passport (xerox copy) 7. Pre-Cana seminar na gaganapin bago ang takdang araw ng kasal. Makipag-ugnayan po lamang sa Catholic Center para sa schedule.


pagsusulat ng mga kuwento, sanaysay, karanasan at pagninilay upang ilathala sa babasahing ito. Ipadala lamang ito sa email address na ito: sambayananedboard@yahoogroups.com o sa emelyabagat@yahoo.com.

Para Po sa lahat na may E-9 VISA, may tatlo pong tanging dahilan upang payagan kayong As for determining the unit labor cost lower makalipat ng kumpanya. Ito po ay; than the minimum wage at the time of the 1. Kayo ay dalawang buwang hindi pinasasasigning of the contract; hod As for lowering the unit labor cost to below 2. Kayo ay pisikal at verbal na sinasaktan, o the minimum wage in the middle of the condi kayay tract period. 3. Bankrupt o lugi ang kumpanya

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One community living up the Gospel through the service of the Lord and our fellow men

Volume 15 Issue 21

Guidelines on Dual Citizenship

Recently, South Korea passed the dual citi- 10.Fee of US $ 50.00 and US$ 25.00 for each zenship laws and will take effect in January dependent. (Payment can be made in Ko2011. Former Filipinos who have become naturean Won) ralized citizens of South Korea are advised to 11.The Petition together with the supporting prepare the necessary documents so they can documents plus a copy of the Oath of Alleapply for retentions and reacquisition of Philipgiance is forwarded to the Commissioner of pine citizenship when the law takes effect. the Bureau of Immigration; Dual Citizenship FAQ 12.The Embassy shall issue an Order of ApThe Philippine Embassy in Seoul wishes proval, Copy of the Oath of Allegiance and to inform that Petitions for Retention and ReIdentification Certificate (IC) acquisition of Philippine Citizenship may be filed at the Embassy pursuant to Republic Act What are the requirements if minor children No. 9225 otherwise known as the "Citizenship are included in the Petition? Retention and Reacquisition Act of 2003" and The petitioner may include in the application Memorandum Circular No. AFF-04-01, "Rules children of minor age (i.e., less than 18 years Governing Philippine Citizenship Under Re- old) as dependents. The petitioner must include public Act (R.A.) No. 9225 and Administrative the following: Order (A.O.) No. 91, Series of 2004" issued by Original and two photocopies each of the the Bureau of Immigration. following documents. The original docuWho are eligible? ments must be shown to the Embassy for verification All natural born Filipinos who have lost their Philippine citizenship due to naturalization as a citizen of another country may file a Petition for Retention and Reacquisition of Philippine Citizenship on their behalf and that of their unmarried minor children below 18 years of age. What are the requirements for retaining or reacquiring Philippine citizenship? Requirements to become eligible 1. The applicant must be a former natural born Filipino; 2. Loss of one's Philippine citizenship must be due to naturalization in a foreign country;

How to Apply for ePassport

Schedule an Appointment starting 15 July 2010. Only fifty (50) ePassport applications will be entertained per day. Call the APPOINTMENT HOTLINE NUMBER 010-9385-0535 ( from 9:00am to 5:30pm M-F) OR you can send an email to epassport@philembassy-seoul.com and give your full name including middle name, date and place of birth, your old passport number and mobile number in Korea. Requirements: Old Philippine Passport and a photocopy of the passport data page, last page showing the name and signature of the signing officer, and the page with the date of last entry to Korea

Passport application form Remember your Appointment Reference Number ePassport fee US$ 60.00 payable in cash only.

Birth certificate of each dependent. If the Procedure on Date of Appointment: dependent was born outside of the Philippines, the Report of Birth issued by the Phil- Step 1: ippine Embassy or Philippine Consulate in Check your name on the list of applicants the country where the child was born. with appointment Old Philippine passport of each dependent Certificate of Korean Citizenship of each dependent Korean passport of each dependent Four (4) passport-sized colored photographs of each dependent. The photograph must be recent (taken within the last three months) and have a royal blue background. The photographs should not show applicant in sleeveless or revealing attire and eyeglasses should be removed.

Complete all information on the passport application form Wait for your name and number to be called at Window 4 Submit the application form and present your old Passport and photocopies OPTIONAL : If you wish to avail of the courier service, get a courier form and write your name and complete return address. Get a copy of the courier form. Payment will be made upon delivery of your ePassport. Have your old passport canceled by the consular officer. Go to cashier and pay the exact amount of US$ 60.00 in cash. No check may be accepted Keep your receipt and show it when you claim your ePassport in person after 6 weeks. Go to the encoder for encoding of data, picture taking, taking of thumb marks and digital signature. Applicant should be in decent attire. Both ears should be shown Keep your receipt of payment and bring your old passport for cancellation to claim your ePassport. You can also authorize a representative to claim your passport by giving authority at the back of y o u r claim receipt.

The dependent/s of the principal who are retaining or reacquiring their Philippine citizenship must be a) minor, and b) unmarried and below 18 years of age Processing Time : Procedural Requirements

The Philippine Embassy will accept all requirements and submit application for evalua1. Complete the Petition for Retention and Retion by the consular officer. Once approved, acquisition of Philippine Citizenship; the Oath of Allegiance and will be scheduled 2. The Petition must be made under oath; within 5 working days. 3. The Petition must contain the applicant's latest address;

Step 2:

HFCC Volunteer Invitation

Step 3:

4. Four (4) recent 2" x 2" photographs of the Inaanyayahan po ang lahat ng interesadong applicant/s (front view over royal blue back- maging volunteer sa mga sumusunod na grupo. ground); CHOIR - nangangailangan po ng miyembro sa 5. Philippine issued Birth Certificate, for those Alto, Soprano, at Tenor. Makipagugnayan laborn in the Philippines, or; original copy of mang po kay Ate Ely Torres 010-8061-9143. the Report of Birth (filed with the appropriate ALTAR BOYS - Makipagugnayan lamang po Foreign Service Post) and copy of the foreign issued Birth Certificate, for applicants born kay Bro. Rebeck Beltran 010-8671-2761. abroad; IT Committee - Makipagugnayan lamang po kay Matet Solis o kaninuman sa IT Committee 6. Marriage Certificate for married women; email at sambayanan7. Certificate of Naturalization in a foreign itboard@yahoogroups.com country; SAMBAYANAN Newsletter - nangangailangan po ng manunulat sa News, Feature, at Re8. Foreign issued passport; flections. Pati na rin po sa photojournalist at 9. The taking of an Oath of Allegiance (in pre- layout. Makipagugnayan lamang po kay Doc scribed form) before the Consul General. Ems 010-5160-2928.

NOTE: It takes about six (6) weeks to process the ePassport as the approved applications are sent to a central processing facility in the Philippines.

Volume 15 Issue 21

One community living up the Gospel through the service of the Lord and our fellow men

Page 13

Phil.Embassy (Labor Office) (Consular Office) (Hotline) Philippine Airlines Fr. Alvin Parantar, MSP Sr. Miguela Santiago Edison Pinlac (Pres/JPC) Bro. Jimmy Villaflor (VP) El Shaddai (Bro.Henry/Avel) Masok (Gil Maranan) Taerim Community (Dan) Worship Ministry (Ely) Recreation Ministry (Mike) 3785-3634/3785-3624 796-7387 to 89 ext. 103 011-273-3657 774-35-81 010-4922-0870 016-706-0870 010-2906-3109 010-2572-8515 794-23-38 010-5822-9194 (031) 593-6542 010-8684-7897 010-8061-9143 010-2762-9906

Education (Emely) Youth Ministry (Weng) IT Committee

N O S .
010-5160-2928 010-5821-7799 010-4220-1422 010-8671-2761


Lay Eucharistic Ministry (Rebeck) FMAA (Norma) LRC (Mhar) CWI 010-2408-1554 010-8683-3826 010-6871-0870

is prepared and published monthly by the Archdiocesan Pastoral Center for Filipino Migrants which is being administered by the Mission Society of the Philippines under the auspices of Seoul Archdiocese.

Mokdong Immigration Processing (Detention) Center 02-2650-6247 Hwaseong, Suwon Immigration Processing (Detention) Center 031-355-2011/2 Chungju Immigration Processing (Detention) Center 043-290-7512/3 Yang Seung Geol Han Suk Gyu 011-226-9237 010-5348-9515


115-9 Songbuk-gu, Songbuk 1dong, Seoul, South Korea 136-020 Telephone Number: (070) 8161-0870 or (070) 8161-0873/74 e-Mail Addresses: alvin_parantar@yahoo.com emelyabagat@yahoo.com sambayanan-edboard@yahoogroups.com

Sunday: Cycle C/A

2010 November-December

Weekday: Year 2/1

Editor-in-Chief : Emely DicolenAbagat, Ph. D. News Editor : Ma. Teresa Solis Literary Editor : Bro. Allan Rodriguez Bro. Joel Tavarro Catholic Faith Editor / Lay-out Artist : Roberto Catanghal Webmaster : Engr. Rogelio Domingo Contributors : Amie Sison Michael Balba Johnny Maliglig Ervie Glory Felipe Lagunda Lyn Laurito Pete Rahon Circulation Manager : Fr. Arvin Mosqueda, MSP


Eucharistic Lectors & Commentators FMAA Choir Sports & Recreation IT Youth Prayer Partners LRC and CWI : Rebeck Beltran : Jovito Gonzales Jr. : Tess dela Cruz : Elisea Torres : Mike Panlilio : Ma. Teresa Solis : Weng Santos : Sis. Melody Palana : Mhar Gonzales

N o v e m b e r
01 Renz Frances D. Abagat 27 - Rolando O. Solis

2 0 1 0

Fr. Alvin B. Parantar, MSP Adviser/Chaplain

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One community living up the Gospel through the service of the Lord and our fellow men

Volume 15 Issue 21

Volume 15 Issue 21

One community living up the Gospel through the service of the Lord and our fellow men

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Lectors Trip to Nami Island GBK Participants at Resom SPA Castle

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One community living up the Gospel through the service of the Lord and our fellow men

Volume 15 Issue 21

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