Railway Recruitment Recruitment Cell, Central Railway Railway
Railway Recruitment Recruitment Cell, Central Railway Railway
Railway Recruitment Recruitment Cell, Central Railway Railway
1. Provisional part panel of 1531 (One Thousand Five Hundred Thirty One )
candidates for recruitment in posts in Level-1of 7th Central Pay Commission (CPC)
Pay Matrix against Centralised Employment Notice No. 01/20190 on Central Railway is
attached herewith in ascending order of Roll numbers. This part panel is purely provisional
and does not give any right to any candidate for job in Railways. If any malpractice is
detected at any stage, their candidature will be terminated and the individual will be liable
for criminal prosecution.
2. The Computer Based Test (CBT) was conducted during the period 17/0 17/08/2022 to
11/10/2022 by Railway Recruitment Boards (RRBs). Physical Efficiency Test (PET) was
conducted from 16/01 1/2023 to 21/01/2023 at Nagpur and Solapur.. The Document
Verification was conducted from 08/02/2023 to 14/02/2023 and for absent candidates on
11/03/2023. Candidates were sent for medical examination at Byculla / Kalyan / Bhusawal
/ Nagpur / Pune / Solapur Railway hospitals after the Document Verification.
3. The part panel is prepared on the basis of overall rank in Computer Based Test
(CBT), post opted as per the application and fitness in medial categories for recruitment in
posts in Level-1of 7th Central Pay Commission (CPC) Pay Matrix. The seniority of the
candidates selected will be decided later as per the merit position in the Panel which will be
declared at a later stage.
4. This is a provisional part panel and Roll numbers and names of some candidates
have not been declared due to non-qualifying the medical examination in requisite medical
standards (Aye-2, Aye--3, B-1, B-2 and C-1) and whose case files are being referred to Finger
Print Examiners / Govt. Examiners of Questioned Documents for expert opinion, and shall
be declared later if found fit/authentic and fulfilment of all laid down requirements and
other reasons.
5. Allotment of posts and divisions shall be done in due course subject to merit, given
options of posts, medical fitness and availability of vacancies.
6. While due care has been taken in preparing the result, RRC/Central Railway
reserves the right to make amendments to the provisionally declared panel at any subsequent
stage. If any discrepancies or malpractices are noticed or brought to the notice of RRC/CR at
any stage, RRC/CR reserves the right to rectify any inadvertent error or
typographical/Printing mistakes and declare any candidate unsuccessful or delete the name
of candidate from the notified panel at any stage. The decision of Chairman, RRC in the
matter shall be final and binding on the candidate.
7. The offer of appointment shall be sent separately by the resp ective units/divisions
where the candidates are allotted. The offer of appointment should be issued after verification
as per extent rules.