Sentences Below
Sentences Below
Sentences Below
1) Use the missing words/expressions from the box to complete the 1. You should stop being so _______ and clean your room.
sentences below.
A. sloppy B. dull C. boring
Dimples Embroidered A.
Drought Duty M 2. He is extremely _______ and is always lying to everyone.
Baggy Spiky
Shoulder-length Crops A. deceitful B. impolite C. truthful
Wrinkles Thatched
Gather Beautician 3. That shirt _______ your complexion, you look great!
Code of behaviour Tactless A. suits B. fits C. matches
Learn by heart Sister-in-law
Leather Tight 4. My best friend is a very _______ person who has always
Fringe Enroll got a smile on her face.
Afford Livestock
Nosey Aim A. cheerful B. moody C. sympathetic
Outlook Thriving
5. It is a wedding, wear something _______, please!
y ______________ in life is to become a doctor.
B. It is our ______________ to save the planet! A. formal B. casual C. sporty
C.That shirt must have been made by hand; it is beautifully
6. They _______ the bear as they couldn’t get too close.
______________. Look at those details!
D. She has the cutest ______________ on her cheeks. A. trapped B. grabbed C. grasped
E.The roof of my home is ______________ and made of straw.
7. She was wearing a _______ dress as she doesn’t like
F.The ______________ of the wedding was majestic; it even had flowers or lots of lines.
a ______________ river
G. I used to have hair down to my hips, then I cut it to A. polka dot B. striped C. floral
_________________. Then I cut my bangs to make a 8. They forgot to buy their tickets, so they had to sit in
______________. Now it is extremely short, so I put gel on it economy _______ .
to make it ________________ and in style.
H. Actors need to ________ their lines ___________ or they A. class B. society C. group
will never succeed. 9. I woke up to see a man _______ at me in the window.
I. I can’t ______________ college as it is too expensive.
Therefore, I will work and ______________ next year. A. peering B. glancing C. gazing
J. He is aging so well, he has no ______________. However, 10. The ocean in the Bermuda Triangle is _______, lots of
he has lost all his hair and is _____________. people have died there.
K.Farming is difficult this year as there was no rain, or in
A. harsh B. inhospitable C. evil
other words, we had a ______________. At least this
year we do not have to collect all the veggie and fruit 3) Complete the sentences with the phrasal verbs from the box.
____________. Thank goodness for the ____________
Look down on Look after
though, as we can sell them to make money.
Looking forward to Caught up with
L. A ____________ uses makeup to improve people’s looks. Look it up Draw upon
M. She always wants to know everything, she is very Look up to Gather round
______________. 1.I saw my friend Angela yesterday. I ______________ her as
N. Sarah is ______________ and often offends people. we were drinking a cup of coffee.
O. Every school has a ______________ that you need to 2.Unfortunately, many people ______________ those who
follow or you will be expelled. don’t go to university as if they are less than others.
P. Every Friday we ______________ at Tom’s house. 3.I am ______________ meeting you tomorrow.
Q. Her dress is way too ______________, it is so big! She 4.When there is candy, kids ______________ the seller like
needs a ______________ belt to make her look slimmer. bees.
R. Alice married my brother and is my ______________. 5.I must ______________ my talents to pass this art exam.
S.My boss only gave me 2 days to hand in the report, that is a 6.I don’t know what a “sibling” is, let me ______________.
______________ deadline! 7.I truly ______________ my mother, she is my hero.
T.Her ______________ on life is extremely optimistic. 8.When his parents died, he had to ______________ his
U. The flower is truly ______________, it is huge! younger brother.