General Guidelines For Implementation of HACCP in A Poultry Processing Plant
General Guidelines For Implementation of HACCP in A Poultry Processing Plant
General Guidelines For Implementation of HACCP in A Poultry Processing Plant
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2 authors, including:
Julie K Northcutt
Clemson University
All content following this page was uploaded by Julie K Northcutt on 31 December 2015.
controlled using a well designed HACCP plan, Principle 6: Recordkeeping. Documenta-
but elimination requires additional measures. tion of a formal HACCP plan for all products is
required by USDA-FSIS. Detailed records must
Principle 3: Establish critical limits. Once be kept of data recorded at CCP’s. Effective
the CCP’s have been determined, a critical limit record keeping includes:
or the amount of acceptable deviation has to be ∙ List of HACCP team members and their
established for each CCP. Critical limits are set responsibilities.
for product safety and not product quality. For ∙ Date all records. Identify all products and
example, the critical limit for frozen raw poultry their intended use.
storage and shipping would require the product ∙ HACCP flow diagrams with all CCP’s.
be held below 41 degrees F, which does not ∙ List of all critical limits and preventive mea-
constitute frozen but prevents bacterial growth. sures.
In a cooked product, an example of a critical ∙ Monitoring and verification plans.
limit would be that an internal temperature of ∙ Course of action when a critical limit devia-
the product reach at least 160 degrees F. tion occurs, and person(s) responsible for
corrective actions.
Principle 4: Monitoring critical limits. All ∙ Procedures for product handling when de-
CCP’s must be monitored to insure that the pro- viation from critical limit occurs.
cess remains within critical limits. The HACCP ∙ Appropriate product packaging information
team needs to establish methods not only for and expected product shelf-life.
monitoring each CCP, but also for determining ∙ HACCP check off sheets for each shift that
the frequency of CCP evaluation. Monitoring must be signed upon completion of a step.
methods should be appropriate for online use ∙ HACCP plan reviews, date of reviews, and
and should provide a simple but rapid assess- reviewer’s initials.
ment. Visual observations, aroma, and measure- ∙ Records of all deviations.
ments of temperature, pH, moisture, fat, etc. are
commonly used to monitor poultry processing Principle 7: HACCP Verification. Once es-
CCP’s. Traditionally, microbiological testing tablished, each HACCP plan will change as the
has not been used to monitor CCP’s because company adds new products, updates old prod-
procedures are time consuming; however, with ucts, installs new equipment, or changes product
the advent of new rapid methods, microbiologi- handling procedures. It is important to periodi-
cal testing could provide valuable information cally verify that the HACCP plan is working.
within minutes. Verification procedures may include:
∙ Routine check of all HACCP plans and
Principle 5: Corrective action. In addi- records.
tion to monitoring CCP’s, procedures should be ∙ Routine check of monitoring procedures and
developed to describe what steps will be taken equipment.
if the process goes out of control. The corrective ∙ Random microbiological sampling of all
action plan must include: 1) who is responsible product contact surfaces, as well as a portion
for regaining control of the process, 2) how to of the product.
regain control, 3) what to do with the product ∙ Official evaluation of product.
that was produced during the loss of control, ∙ Review of all critical limit deviations and
and 4) how to handle a product recall. product handling.
Conclusion References
HACCP was designed to prevent hazardous National Food Processors Association’s Microbiol-
products from leaving the manufacturing or pro- ogy and Food Safety Committee, 1993. Imple-
cessing facility. The key to the success of HACCP mentation of HACCP in a food processing plant.
is employee training, behavior and attitude. Some J. Food Prot. 56:548-554.
companies are under the misconception that they Stevenson, K. E., and D. T. Bernard (ed.), 1995.
already have a HACCP plan because they are HACCP - Establishing Hazard Analysis Critical
adequately controlling all areas where safety could Control Point Programs. The Food Processors
be compromised. The difference is that, rather than Institute, Washington, D.C.
monitoring isolated processing steps, an HACCP Tompkin, R. B., 1990. The use of HACCP in the
approach controls the entire production process as production of meat and poultry products. J.
an integrated system. Food Prot. 53:795-803.
Table 1. Principles of HACCP as Defined by the National Advisory Committee on Microbiological
Criteria for Foods
Principle HACCP Steps
1 Conduct an analysis of the hazards in your plant. Make a list of all processing steps
where a hazard might occur.
2 Identify all critical control points (CCP’s) in the process. CCP’s are critical to the safety
of the product.
3 Establish a critical limit for each of the identified CCP’s.
4 Establish CCP monitoring requirements.
5 Establish corrective action to be taken if the CCP deviates from the critical limit.
6 Establish effective record-keeping procedures to document the HACCP program.
7 Establish a procedure to verify that your HACCP program is working.
Table 2. An Example of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (CCP) Assessment
Product Identity: Chicken Nugget
Process Step CCP Type of Hazard Critical Limits
1. Receiving raw products Yes Physical (quality) Receive product only if <45 degrees F,
Biological (contamination) no abnormal appearance or smell
2. Cooking Yes Physical (quality) Must be cooked to internal
Biological (contamination) temperature >160 degrees F
3. Freezing Yes Physical (quality) *Must be cooled to a temperature
Biological (contamination) <41 degrees F
*Note: Although 41 degrees F does not adequately freeze product, it is the limit for restricting micro-
biological growth.
Figure 1. Example of Poultry Processing HACCP Flow Diagram.
Figure 2. CCP Decision Tree (Stevenson and Bernard, 1995)
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